HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_02_06 Town Board Minutes 269 Meeting of Town Board TOWN OF MAM RONE'CK held, Feb. 6th, 1924. The aeeting was called to order by Supervisor Bur ton at - 10 :30 P.M. PRi?.SF;NT: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins and Shafer , Town Clerk Sherman, Counsellor Gamble, Upon motion duly seconded, it was voted to dispense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. Mr. R. K. Allerton appeared before the Board in relation t;P the increase of water rates by the Nei York Inter-Urban Fatter Cu. and asked the question as to what is being done to oppose the increased rates . The Supervisor stated that the matter is being considered ,jointly by the communities affected and that statements for the guid- ance of the public :would be issued from time to time in the newspapers . Dr . Allen B.Ta.trous appeared before the Board and requested that a Building Inspector be appointed for the Torun of Mamaroneck for the purpose of inspecting new construction. He was informed that the Board has had the matter under advisement quite some time and that an Inspector would probably be appointed at the next meeting of the Boar d. Captain Nichols and officers of the Weaver Street Fire Company were present and stated that they had released the Auxiliary Fire House at Weaver Street to the Highway Department. A communication from the Board of appeals was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows : February 2, 1924, Mr . F. M. Sherman, Town Clerk, 8 Elm Street, Mamaroneck, New York, Dear Mr . Sherman: At a meeting of the Board of Appeals held on Thursday :morning. January 31, the following resolutions were adapted: Resolved, That the Board of Appeals recommend to the Town Board that the appeal of Henry B.Th'ompson to erect a one-family residence on the north side of Garden Road at the corner of Orchard Road within thirty feet of Orchard Road be a anted,and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part Of said building shall be built nearer than fifteen feet to the street line, Resolved, That the appeal of the Larchmont Gardens Company to erect a. One-family residence on the south side of Garden Road at the corner of Locust Road within thirty feet of the street line be laid over for one month, and a letter be written to the Building Commission re;ueiting that all fork on this build- ing be suspended until the required plot plan is filed. Feealved, That the Board of Appeals recommend to the Town Boa'.rd that the appeal of Frederick Pof°et to erect a one-family resi- dence on the north side of Locust Ave. , two hundred feet from the Boston Post Road within thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the decision of the h 3uildir�, Commission be reversed provided that no mart of said building", shw 11 be built nearer to the street line than the building, w - 0 ; a„.aining on she seat, 271 _2 v Resolved, That the Board of Appeals recommend to the Town Bogard that the appeal of Frederick Poffet to erect a one-family resi- dence on the north side of Locust Ave. , one hundred and fifty feet from the Boston Post Road within thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no part Of said building shall be ?wilt nearer to the street line than the building adjoining on the east. You= very truly, (Signed) Richard 7. Hill Secretary, Board of Appeals. whereupon the following resolutions were presented, and upon ROLL CALL unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Com- mission requested the Town Board that the appeal of Henry B. 'Thompson to erect a ones-family resi- dence on the north side of Garden Road at the corner of Orchard Road be granted and the decis- ion of the Building Commission be reversed, pro- vided that no part of said building shall be built nearer then fifteen feet to the street line, there- fore be it RESOWET, that the To=rtn Board pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Lair hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in rever. sing the decision of the Building Commission, TH REAS, the Board of appeals of the Zoning Com- mission requested the ?Own Board that the appeal of Frederic Poffet to erect a one-family resid ence on the north side of Locust Ave. , two hundred feet from the Boston Post Road within thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, provided that no Part of said building shall be built nearer to the street Pane than the Building adjoining on the east. RESOLVED, that the Town Board pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Town Lase hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Bo .rcd of Appeals in revery sing the decision of the Building Commission. "'H REAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Com- mission requested the Town Beard that the appeal of Frederic Poffet to erect a one-family residence on the north side of Locust Ave. , one hundred and fifty feet from the Boston Post Road 7ithin thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, bprovided, that ho dart Of said building shall be built nearer to the street line than the building adjoining on the east, RESOL"TFD, that the Town Board pursuant to .rtitle 5, Section 26 of the Town Law hereby, consents to and ''.. -- confirms the action of the Board. of Appeals in rever- zing the decision of the Building Commission. Mr . William F, ,Edwards of the Committee of Parks presented the following report which was ordered spread upon the minutes : January 30, 1924, Honorable Town Board, Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, N.Y. Gentlemen: The Committee which you appointed in June, 1943, immediately met , organized and went to work on the proposition Sl?hich you olutlined for them to work upon, namely, plans whereby a park might be obtained around the New York, New Haven and Hartford Pa.ilroad Station at Larchmont. The Committee has met frequently and has gone very thoroughly into the whole m,r+ter , and hereby respectfully offers the following suggestion for your consideration, namely, that an enabling act be ob.- twined from the State, giving authority for the creation of a Park District within the limits of the unincor- orated, section of any town, the town having an assessed valuation of 25,000,000.0o or more, in any county having '35o,000 population or more, -adjoining a. city of the first- class having a population of 1,000.000 or mtrxe, a3ainst which Park 7is® trict bonds may be issued, and also giving authority for the creation of a Park Commission by the Town Board, the said proposed Commission to consist of three property owners within the Park district, the ma.j® Ority of which Commission could, at any time, at duly called meetings , conduct any necessary business; these Commissioners to be appointed by the Town Board for a term of one, two or three years respectively, to be determined by the TOWn Board, when they are making appointments , or to be appointed by the Town Board at the pleasure of the BO rd.These said Commissioners to serve without pay, or as the Town Board may determine. The Powers vested in the Park Commission being to establish boundaries of the Pork ristricty to acquire by purchase, deed, bequest Or condemnation; construct, operate and. maintain park, parks, and park- ways , and to provide for the cost of said acquisition, construction, operatiOn Rand maintenance of the park, parks and parlmays; and to re- commend plans for the bond issue for financing this expense. Y e further suggest that the Enabling Act enable the Town Boar d to issue bonds for this financing, to run for a period not exceeding 50 years, and further enabling the Town Board to borrow in anticipation of any necessary bond issue, through Certificates of Indebtedness, -- amounts to cover necessary legal or engineering fees or other fees and expenses necessary to the amquiring and construction of the park, parks and parkways and maintain,ance thereof. We further suggest that, after the Enabling Act has been ob- tained from the State, that it be submitted to a vote of the taxpayers living within the territory of the unincorpOTated section of the Town, which is planned for the Pa-7k 7istri.ct , or that it go into effect through a petition signed by taxpayers within the srid district repre - senting property in excess of 50% of the assessed, valuation thereof. We attach herewith the drift of an act which we suggest for Your consideration. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Charles M. Baxter, Tenimore C. Goode, Tm. Tranklin EdIwards A. H. Stevens After discussing the report the following resolution was Offered and upon ROLL CALL unanimously adopted: RE90Lt'FD, that this Board approve the Act as presented by the Park Commission subst=vntially in form and the Supervisor was hereby authorized and empowered to present the same to the Legisla- tive 'Committee of the Board of Supervisors of 'Test- chester County urging them to use all honorable means to bring the same before the Legislature and have enacted into Law and it was further RESOLIrED, that this Board hereby expresses its appreciation to the members of the Park Commission for their faithful work in this matter. The Board then took up for discussion matters affecting the ;Thistle of the Fire Department and after a full consideration and report NLr. Charles 7ha,len was authorized and empowered to make an inspection 7 of the alarm system and motors and report back to this Board at a special meeting to be held February 14th next on the complete install- ation of sane, The.- Sewer .Co ission inforxaed the E?c.ard: thz�t� with the apNrov- a.l of the 'Town Board, it hsd entered into :r_ agreement with he City of 75, Rochelle for the reeiproca.l use of trun'b line sewers by New Rochelle and 5etwer istrist °1 of the Ton of Mamaroneck which Agree- ment head been executed by the City of New Rochelle, by the Seller Com- mission, and Mpproved by the "upervisor on behalf of the Town of 1,ftn_ oroneck. They presented the agreement, wrhich is as follows: �r ACP.E7MRIATT made this fon rth day of February, 1924, by and be- tween the City of Newr Rochelle, as Municipal Corporation in the 'Coa.,,nty . Of rTestchester , State of New York, party of the first.part, herein- after called 111?els Reacheller' , and the Board of Sewer Co uissicners of .e7.er �ietrict No, 1 of the 'Town o'f Mamar�, neok, in the Cosunty of Test- chester , St,-.te of New York, party of the second rart, hereinafter call- ad "Yamaxoneck. " e HF??'r,^,�, New Rochells ie ab+=Ut to e:'.tend itze Cewer System into that are-- or sub«-Alivis i In In New Rochelle iv'i'amm_ as the "TM`6.Po ds of 1' �1'_h ,cnt" , &atd a, e% being shown on a ma,p entitled Y Sketch Showing Area in New Rochelle to Sewer into Town of Mam .roneck" r„nnexe;i hereto and m eked "Exhibit ,`11 ; and hereinafter referred to as "section " , and IMF Mamaroneck. a.s abou.t to exter•d its Se,;er System to a certain area of the Town of Mamarcneck located north of the right- cf-way of the New York, New H.-,ven & Hartford Railro ad, and contiguous to both sides of Chats-",orth :^venue, being the section designated as "section B" and shown as such cn a certain rra.p entitled "Sketch Srij"deirg "re, in Town of Maz-.aroneuk 7o S;;wer into Tie., Rochellet' annexed hereto and "r::htbit n°f , and hereinz,,iter refer-red to as "p-60tior $" , and ��s''HF"i+„`, the t%lpo ar?�,hTT, contour and n<',tUS^.?. slo-ce ?nd drain- age of the gr Oun.a in said reap eCti?Te aiN"tr iCte i8 , in Sect ii9n A, to- aids M? mar:aneck and, in Section B. to-Tv rds New Rochelle, and `',H.ERF^.S, an agreement between.. the pasties hereto, 'and.er :which Section A could use the trunk line selraers of kf-,xclaroneck and Section B 'v il.ld us-, the tr-unk line sewers of News, i ochelle , l'!' 1_tld effect a con- sider<:cle saving, in cost and other`a; ise, to e° ch of the respective municipalities . THEREFORE '.TiTNESSE7H, Ih-,+ for and in considerati 3n of the an of One a17 ; s ((i'1.0o) t; each of the pirties hereto paid by the other party, and cf the mutual cvnvenar.ts, conditions end agreement herein contained, the parties hereto do mu.tucily coven-r,.a?t and agree as folio .rs 1. That Va ,ma.roneck will allow New Rochelle to coiLnect to nd use its trunk Pane sewers for the -1-rpose of obtaining an outlet or Out- lets for Section r, and to allow to fior through Said trunk line sevvere E severage and effluent, not including storm i"' t " , ;whicri I't'..,.rt ,--me from the afcresr�aid. section 2. That New Pochelie ,,,ill allowa Mamaroneck to connect to and use its trunk lane sewers for the aurpose of obtaining an outlet car Out- lets for Section B and to allow to flow throuEh said trunk lane setwere aRl sewerage and effluent, not inelu.ding storm water , which may dime froW, the afOreslid Section B. 3. 'This agreement covers trunk line and lateral ser.ers now ocn- structed and in ®per- tion, or hereinafter to be ''wilt; and operated bV either of se.id T'<rrru icip ,, jt , and each party ie';_"et3 shall have the right to bailc new sevrer lines, trunk or lateral, °.?ithin said respect- ive sections , from tine to time, in :v.ccordance 8s'ith the growth of the said Sections r: and B as may be necespt ry, it b"_in unc;.erstGofi,' that there is no limitation placed an either of the p=,rties hereto as to the sPourt of new sev?eraae canstraction work ,hich each can construct v:ith- in. its Own Municip lity. rt is agreed that Mamaroneck shall have the right to inspect and a prove all ne�a construction .work done by New Rochelle in Section -, and that Ne; Rochelle shale have the right to inspect, and approve prior oconstructicn 'S _ said new any constructork which Shall z�a'A other Mirnionstruction vor- work bei be dons in Seet have the r htloiYacenH3 rota d purPresented P nto n�ge fiati IIeat 4. co Section A or insPectionpg�CVed by the f once Th _Sec, ata uch poiate ildwood Road may be mad® b on B, as thep ass may Ions may be as are her Walnut RO Y New Roch be. ofY its trunkade; it beir'after s ed and Poplar Road for said Section ewer the trunk line®a�rerHaaguostood, howevaroneck, sohatherea.ftsr line S. That Neer were in Hfamar®xieck.s as avill anneet hsylo It' Roc , bet, sever now locat®chelle will with the levels s and rea Rochelle don Fifth Averomptly Proceed connections therconnected to bonecknus�eastward totthextud the t_ Y New Rookie rafter may by Mamar that the same bound ax Munk be line line Severe at such lave° underet000Y Mamarog August lst,� 19B4omplete It bejn� made. par �, That New RoeheZZeas will connect wsithoth°k illgl2yssare m et trunk ties hereto, tend agreemen is made fort a levels ®f the trunk collected sit Beer er�thehusenof its hereafter 11 be no c®s mutual benefit of it bei d effluent trunk 1 • Y either s bot being un thz. zne He ®f the xPense ch h in the ders.00 ozgh were part ar be a carrying Off e that the its dis..GQ l and the carries against or party iare"ge of its nthe Satre,at borne by e ht to Lo aft its the after to aspect- ® bligaton�`ge and afflue of the d sound: be carried. f the amount of eeweras work do other Parities Present NTTNESS age or efflue by the other unto affix t be sionNHERto, The Cit rnt now or here_ COiiasi®n d and attests Its May®rY of New Roc, ever unto first set Of re pectiQiet ictHC ®YdC2p sSe s®f said Rs our®d these written. ® hands end seals Town l f HeinBoard kofha to a a here- he day and Yea,eTe- Ittest; CITY OF NET ROCRELLE By Charles Harr Scott Lamina er -----,BOARD OF S•Eg MaYox, NS ER CO S ID T or If CT NO B Y R HAM AR ONECg Stevens L: S, o®ed Pebruar a BY T?1I'l1am T Chairman I'll Of Mamarons k `th, 19?4° Palmer By R. L.S, ° A� Mitchell > Barton L. S° SuPBrviaor t eri c� k g ,3 man Town Clerk, 375®B ®5® Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Uamaroneck hereby ratifies, confirms and approves the agreement dated rebrIvy 4th, 1954, between the City of New Rochelle and the Board of Sewer Uomrnissionera of Sewer District 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, and Approved by the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck which has been presented to this Board, for the joint and reciprocal use of trunk line sewers by said Parties. Upon motion the meeting adjourned, at 11:50 P.m. LJ�Aa. w� R,d AA A