HomeMy WebLinkAbout1924_01_23 Town Board Minutes Special Meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held, Jan. 23rd, 1924. _ 'The meeting wqs called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8:45 P.M, PRESENT: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins & Ludley., Town Clerk Sherman. The Supervisor stated that the Special Meeting had been called to receive and open bids in connection =with the sale of $1804000 Seger Zistrict Bands . On motion, duly seconded, it was i RESOLVEM, that the call of the meeting be approved. The Supervisor ,:asked if there were anyone present that had not submitted thtir bid. On motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVE, that the bids received for the sale of $180,000 Sewer District Bards of Seger TQ- trict $1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, pursuant to Notice of Sale thereof, dated January 8th, 1923, be now opened. The Clerk proceeded to open and read each of the several bids received, all of which were on the official form of proposal furnished by the 'Town, and accompanied by certified check or checks in the re- quired amount, and as follows : Jelke, Hood & Company - - - - - - - - - X182,831.40 Batchelder , Wach & Company - - - _ - - 1830258.00 Barr Bros . & Co. - - - - _ - - _ _ 18'x,840.40 Fa,rson Son & Company - - - - - - - - - 181,942.20 First Nataonal Bank - - - - - - - 184081.00 Sherwood & Merrifield - - ®- _ - _ _ _ - 182,124.00 Geo. B. Gibbons & Co. - _ - - - _ - - _ 1822921.00 On motion duly seconded, it was RE'SOL70p that the Board go into executive session to tabulate and consider the bids received. The Board then reconvened. The Supervisor stated that the Board had considered all bids that had been received, and was ready to make the award. 'The following resolution was offered by Justice Collins and seconded by Justice Boyd: RTSOL77D, that the bid of First National Bank of Mamaroneck, N,Y. , having bid the sum of $184,881.00 for $180,000.00 par value Sewer District Bonds of Sewer 11striet #1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, and accrued interest at the rate borne by the bands from the Mate thereof to the date of payment of the purchase price, pursuant to the resolution of this Board and to the Notice of Sale made in accordance with law, and the said bid being the highest and best bid received for said bonds, and, complying with the terms and conditions of said Notice of Sale, -2. the said bonds are hereby awarded to the said First Ha.tional Bank of M mar�neck, N.Y, , and the afores;yid bid is hereby accepted, and the Supervizor is directed to deliver the said bonds ixpon their executison and spon the receipt of pay- .ent being made therefor. The resolution was put to a vote, and was adopted as foll(zvs; Ayes - Supervisor Burton ;Tastier Boyd Justice Collins - Justice Dudley Town Clerk She;m,,in --- 'Hayes - -'None- The Supervisor thereupon de-cl,-•Aed, the reral,,tion adopted, Upon MOtiOn duly seconded, it was RESOLUTE }, that the Counsel be, and he hereby is authorized and empowered and directed to take any and all steps ,,which m-or be necess<3ry in the 1?remiises to consu=ate the sale of the aforesaid 41804000.00 seer TIstrict Bonds. Supervisor Burton reported having been served on Jan. 18, 1024 by Counsel of the `pillage of Larchmont with a summons and cozplaint relating to the boundary line of the City of New Rochelle and the Town of Mamaroneck. The same was refs-:red to the following committee.- Messrs. Burton, Stevens, Boyd, Collins and Gamble, Messrs . R. H. Stevens and H.R .Mitchell of the Beard of Sewer Cor=izsionsrs of Sewer Tititrict !'1 of the 7orrr_ of Msmaroneck appeared before the Bard. They informed the Board that the City of New Rochelle was about to extend its sewer system into that area in New Rochelle known as "'The ^'odds of L:rchmaont", and that the Sewer Commission is about to extend the Sewer System into that aze-a of the Town located north of the rimht-of-:way of the N,Y. N.H. & H.R.R. , and contiguous to both sides of Chatsworth Ave. , and the typography, contour and nrvtural slope and drain- age of the 0Hound in said respective districts is in the direction of the other munici-pality and that they believed they could make a mutual arrange- ment with the City of New Rochella by which the sewerage and effluent of these respective districts :would flow throLgh the trunk line servers of the other respective mzinicipalit;r, provided said arrangement was approved by the Town Bo ea.3. They stated that such an arrangement was for the mutual benefit of both municipalities and would affect considerable saving in cast and Otherwise, They stated that a preliminary agreement had been drafted, ;which had been approved by the proper officials of the City of Nesv Pochelle, which they presented and read to the Board. After discussion, upon notion duly seconded, it was REcOL TED that the TOxn Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby approves of the proposed a0reement to be made with the City of New Rochelle for the mutual ase of trunk line sewers of the r -'spe•ctive municipalities, and hereby :nuthoriz,es and empowers the Sewer Comp mission of Sewer Dist.-Jet q of the Town of itd meroneck to make such daft agreement, in form satisf story to C��a.•,_nsel, with said City of New Rochelle. Mr. Frederick P.Boehm acp.eF.rod before the Board in relation to his building permit which had been approved by the Boaard of Appeals , After a full discussion the matter was laid over for a future meeting. Upon motion the meeting ad;;ourned at 11045 P.11,