HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988_11_16 Town Board Minutes 262 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 16TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1988 IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 7:00 p.m. , at which time the Board recessed into Executive Session. The Executive Session was held in Conference Room A and was adjourned into a Budget Work Session, after which, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:20 p.m. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 8 :25 p.m. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Board: Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stephen C. Chapin Councilwoman Elaine Price Councilman John McGarr Also present were: Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Edward M. Lieberman, Town Counsel William McDermott, 1st Deputy Fire Chief CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. 26 November 16, 1988 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8 :29 p.m. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Stephen C. Chapin Commissioner Elaine Price Commissioner John McGarr 1 . Commissioner Price presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on her motion, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller' s Office: Albert, Jackie $157.00 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 141 .09 Portronix 247.90 Portronix 5.00 Proftech 5.02 Proftech 17.06 Proftech 27.80 Staples, Inc. 70.05 $670.92 2. Authorization to Accept Bid Proposals - Telephone System Following brief explanations on the need for this new system by First Deputy Fire Chief, McDermott and Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department is in need of purchasing telephone equipment because existing equipment has aged, is unserviceable and is in need of replacement; and, WHEREAS, the Fire Department is responsible for delivering a vital emergency service that is dependent upon reliable and efficient telephone communication; and WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck, after researching alternative telephone systems, has previously standardized telephone equipment for all other operating departments of the Town, 2 264 November 16, 1988 including the Police Department, and determined that the A.T.& T. Merlin Plus system was the best equipment to meet the Town' s needs; and WHEREAS, such standardization is in the best interests of the Town for the efficient administration of telephone system maintenance, billing and intercommunication with other Town Departments; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fire Department be and hereby is, authorized to establish bid specifications for the proposed purchase of A.T.& T. brand telephone equipment, model Merlin Plus, and that said contract be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder offering to supply such equipment. 3. Salary Authorizations - Firefighter The Administrator reported that for several months there has been a vacancy within the paid fire staff, that the Fire Council has interviewed candidates taken from the Westchester County Civil Service List for the position of Firefighter, and that they have recommended Mr. John Maxwell of Ardsley. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints John W. Maxwell of Ardsley to the position of Firefighter for the Town of Mamaroneck at an annual salary of $22 ,000 , effective immediately. There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Commissioner Chapin, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 8 :38 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Mechanical Amusement Device Law - Amendment to Garage Sale Ordinance - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - Rock Ridge Road On motion by Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously declared that the hearing on the Mechanical 3 265 November 16 , 1988 Amusement Device Law be adjourned and it was further unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets December 7, 1988 as the date for a Public Hearing on the proposed Mechanical Amusement Device Law; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish in The Daily Times, the notice of said hearing as required by law. At this time the Supervisor asked Town Counsel to update the changes made to the proposed Garage and Yard Sale ordinance, and then requested a motion to open the Public Hearing. On motion by Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared open. The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. The Supervisor asked if anyone wished to address the Board in favor or in opposition of the proposed amendment. No one addressed the Board and the Supervisor then asked for a motion to close, motion made by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr and unanimously declared. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on this date, at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing to consider the adoption of proposed Local Law No. 7-1988 and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board hereby adopts Local Law No. 7-1988 entitled Garage and Yard Sale Ordinance and orders that said Local Law as adopted and herewith inserted, be made a part of the Minutes of this meeting: 4 266 ' November 16, 1988 LOCAL LAW 7 - 1988 AN ACT to amend the Garage and, Yard.Sale Ordinance to regulate garage sale signs. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows: Chapter 29 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby amended as follows: §2. Sub-paragraph C of Section 29-3 of the Town Code is hereby repealed and replaced with a new Sub-paragraph C to read as follows: • C. No more than four (4) temporary signs of no more than one (1) square foot each in area may be placed off premises. Said signs shall be provided by the Town Clerk upon approval of the permit application, and shall contain the following information only: 1 (1) The name and address of the license holder; (2) A legend stating the type of sale being conducted; and, (3) The location and days of business of the sale. §3. Section 29-3 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following: D. One (1) sign not to exceed six (6) square feet in area may be displayed behind the street line at the premises at which the sale is to be conducted. E. No sign shall be displayed more than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the sale and must be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the conclusion of the sale. §4. Chapter 29 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section to be known as Section 29-6, to read as follows: §29-6 License Fee. Upon application for a license pursuant to Section 29-3 hereof, applicant shall pay a license fee in an amount established by the Town Board by Resolution. §5. Section 23-6 is hereby renumbered 23-7. §6. Section 23-7 is hereby renumbered 23-8. §7. This act shall take effect immediately. • • 5 267 November 16, 1988 Before opening the Public Hearing on the rezoning of Rock Ridge Road, Councilwoman Price asked for the floor, and went on to say that she had been on the original committee trying to implement a zoning change a few years ago. She added that she knew then that the CZM, which made the recommendations, did not recommend the inclusion of Rock Ridge Road and, having been part of the original committee and firmly believing that rezoning Rock Ridge Road to R-30 violated basic zoning principles, she worked with others to effectuate that change. In conclusion, Councilwoman Price stated that although the law before the Board tonight is more of a judgment law, since she resides on Rock Ridge Road she wished to remove herself from both the discussion and the decision. Supervisor Battalia then called upon Town Counsel to outline the amendment to the proposed law. Counsel Lieberman explained that the proposed legislation would rezone those properties that are part of Rock Ridge Road within the Town of Mamaroneck from R-30, which requires 30, 000 square feet per lot to R-7 .5 , which requires 7,500 square feet per lot with the proposed line running along the tax lot lines. Supervisor Battalia then asked for a motion to open the Hearing, and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared open. The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. The Supervisor then asked if anyone wished to address the Board in favor of the proposed changes. Jerry Glazer of Rock Ridge Road stated that he wished to give 'a brief history to refresh the memory of the those sitting two years ago on the Board and to advise those who were not here as to the climate at that time, how it came about, and why it needs to be addressed now. He went on to say that at the time there was a moratorium on building construction for a period of six months,. during which the Coastal Zone Management Committee was preparing a plan to use regarding a new zoning clause, which when complete and applied, would then allow builders to construct. He informed the Board that at the eleventh hour, July 16, 1986, which was the last meeting before the end of the moratorium, a proposal was put forth which included Rock Ridge Road in upzoning the area and this inclusion was made in error. He noted that Elaine Price, thinking their street was not involved, did not attend the meeting. He mentioned several other residents of Rock Ridge Road who failed to attend the meeting thinking that their street was not involved since they were already fully developed and their homes were already within the 7 .5 range. Mr. Glazer emphasized the fact that if their homes were to burn completely, they would be required to appeal to the Zoning Board for permission to rebuild exactly the same home they had before. He felt that since the Zoning Board meets occasionally, at times approving, at times not, sometimes postponing, these residents should not be subjected to such action. 6 268 November 16 , 1988 Mr. Glazer then went on to read a letter that had been written by Elaine Price and sent to Supervisor Battalia on October 6 , 1986 , which he felt sums up the argument in favor of returning the R-7.5 rezoning of Rock Ridge Road. A new resident of 22 Rock Ridge Road then spoke in favor of the rezoning and questioned why part of his lot, which is long in back, is still in the R-30. Mr. Glazer gave him an explanation and the resident reiterated his support of the rezoning amendment. At this time a great deal of discussion followed among residents, Town Board members, and Town Counsel relating to critical environmental areas, legal issues, subdivisions and future marketability of homes. Town Counsel noted that the remaining lots within the R-30 were not included in the Notice for tonight' s meeting and suggested that decision be deferred to the next meeting. A resident stated that she would like the proposal passed tonight and the remaining lots addressed in the future. She added that it has taken two years to reach this point and she preferred a half package right now and the other half later, rather than none at all. Councilman Chapin asked what the Building Inspector thought about this. Counsel explained that the Inspector expressed some concerns about splitting the zoning and Counsel again emphasized that not dealing with those excluded lots tonight, while dealing III with those included, may raise a real issue later and he felt it would be better to deal with the entire proposal at the next meeting. A resident explained that every single homeowner signed the petition, almost all have come tonight, and with the proposal before the Board he could see no benefit in postpoining this proposal and wished to have their grievances addressed now. Supervisor Battalia then asked if there were any more comments in favor or in opposition. She then made a motion to close, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the Public Hearing was unanimously declared closed. Councilwoman Silverstone made a motion in favor of rezoning of the included lots tonight, seconded by Supervisor Battalia, but with Councilman Chapin and Councilman McGarr voting nay, the vote was split. At this time, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets December 7 , 1988 as the date for the adjourned Public Hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance relating to Rock Ridge Road and surrounding lots; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish in The Daily Times, the notice of said hearing as required by law. 7 269 November 16, 1988 • AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - Coastal Zone Management Commission - Cable TV Board of Control Councilwoman Price gave a brief review of the proposed candidate, enthusiastically recommended him, and upon her motion, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Lucian J. Leone of Woodland Avenue, Village of Larchmont to the Coastal Zone Management Commission for a term expiring November 11, 1991 . Appointment to the Cable TV Board of Control was held over to the next meeting since Councilman Chapin did not yet have a nominee. 2 . Authorization - WJWW Capital Project A-1002-E. Brookside Dr. Following explanation by Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of $13, 000 of monies in the Town Water District budget to Westchester Joint Water Works Capital Project A-1002 for installation of 180 if water main on East Brookside Drive. 3. Authorization - Traffic Consultant-Parking Lot #1 The Administrator explained the scope of work to be performed by Allan Davis Associates, Inc. on the parking lot located at Myrtle Boulevard/Wood Street with the initial review indicating a possible gain of at least 40 spaces. Following discusssion, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Administrator to enter into agreement with Allan Davis Associates, Inc. of Norwalk Connecticut to provide parking consultancy, surveying and site engineering services to Myrtle Boulevard Parking Lot, between Vine Street and Cabot Road, with access from Wood Street. 8 270 November 16, 1988 and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes transfer of funds in the amount of $13 ,000 to the Parking Fund. 4. Discussion - Hommocks Ice Rink The Administrator updated the Board on the agreement entered into this past summer with the Firm of York/Hunter to review the plans for the Hommocks Ice Rink and the fact that bids received were well above the estimates. He then briefly reviewed the revised design concept done by York/Hunter in order to accomplish some savings. A great deal of discussion followed among the Board members with the Administrator fielding question from the Board and explaining the savings of each of the changes. Councilman Chapin noted that although original bids were over $3 million, the new feasibility study would be approximately $2.8 million, but with potential cost savings the amount could be as low as $1. 6 million. He suggested that York/Hunter begin their discussion with the architect and perhaps further cost savings could be arrived at since he felt that there was insufficient information to make any decision at this time. Dr. Alan Mason questioned whether insurance rates would be higher using the tension membrane system and also whether it may be more trouble to maintain and cause more expense in time to come. The Administrator remarked that they had viewed one in Baltimore and found it is impossible for anyone to climb and is very easily repaired should there be a tear. He noted that the insurance would not be higher since it is rated as a class A building because it is non-flammable and non-combustible. Mr. Ruggiero, an engineer, remarked that the problem at this point is that there should be a more detailed estimate, since it is one thing to state a cost as so much, and another to state what is going in to it and what is being used. He felt much more detail is needed to better evaluate and that at this point they should have been much further along with a detailed estimate. Councilman Chapin noted that the study here is only a preliminary one and the follow-up study will be significantly more detailed. Councilwoman Price asked what steps the entire plan follows and the Administrator responded that the construction manager and architect prepare a design concept incorporating the recommendations of the construction manager with more detail on interior finishes, quality of concrete, and other things basic to the final design with which to send 9 271 November 16, 1988 out biddings. He mentioned that for the new facility to open in November of 89, bids would go out in the middle of February, be opened by March, with acceptance no later than mid March so that work would begin at the end of the season. Both Councilman Chapin and the Administrator emphasized that at some point the Board must make a decision about the design, and if the design is not acceptable at this time and they wish to consider alternatives, they must be informed now in order to return to the construction manager with a request for another proposal for pre-fab or something other. The Supervisor remarked that perhaps a pre-fab should be looked into. She stated that her commitment is to a multi-purpose building and since there is a major increase in cost, maybe they should ask if the community wants this. She added that she would not be willing to cut back on the other facilities just to accomplish a rink, although she believes in the rink, in the pool and in the other recreational facilities and she is not willing to trade off. But, she added, if it can be accomplished with a particular amount of money it would be fine. Councilman Chapin stated that he felt they should look at a lower cost alternative and a different type of structure. Councilwoman Silverstone asked if they could secure the tax rate for a $2 million dollar expenditure. Following some further dialogue relative to the design of the Hommocks Ice Rink, the discussion ended with the general consensus being to go ahead with the design as it exists at this point, but with development in greater detail. 5 . Resolution Re: Recreation Commission Councilwoman Silverstone reported that the Recreation Commission has been doing increasing amounts of work within the last several years, has found they have more responsibility than previously realized, and has been discussing the possibility of increasing the number from five to seven members. She noted that she, as liaison, would like to bring into the commission persons who represent the interests of the older members of the community and she believes this can be done by resolution. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the expansion of the membership of the Recreation Commission from five to seven members, and that the length of the term of office be increased from five to seven years as each member is appointed. 10 27' November 16, 1988 • 6. Salary Authorizations - Police Department - Recreation The Administrator informed the Board that due to a retirement within the Police Department, a replacement is needed, and that the officer recommended is a transfer from the New Rochelle Police Department who prefers working in a smaller community, which would also effect a savings of a twelve-week training program. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Thomas G. Gisin to the position of Police Officer in the Town of Mamaroneck at an annual salary of $23,000. Pursuant to a memo from Superintendent of Recreation, William Zimmermann, on motion by Coucilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1988 Town Budget, authorization is hereby granted for payment of salaries to the following: Oliver Gill, Sr. Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $23/hour,effective 11/11/88. Alexander Fletcher, Sr. Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $23/hour, effective 11/11/88. Kim Eaton, Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $13/hour, effective 11/11/88. Michael Chiapparelli, Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $12/hour, effective 11/11/88. Mark Forzaglia, Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $12/hour, effective 11/11/88. David Doherty, Jr. , Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $12/hour, effective 11/11/88. Douglas Treasuer, Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $10/hour, effective 11/11/88. James Thompson, Recreation Leader, Youth Hockey, $9/hour, effective 11/11/88. James Isaccson, Recreation Assistant, Youth Hockey, $4.50/hour, effecitve 11/11/88,. Justin Brady, Recreation Assistant, Youth Hockey, $4.50/hour, effective 11/11/88. Marc Levitt, Recreation Assistant, Youth Hockey, $4.50/hour, effective 11/11/88. Elliott Rubenzahl, Recreation Assistant, Youth Hockey, $4.00/hour, effective 11/11/88. Andrew Hirschhorn, Recreation Assistant, Youth Hockey, $4.00/hour, effective 11/11/88. Stephen Savino, Senior Instructor, Figure Skating, $6,048/season TOTAL, effective 11/11/88, Julie Friedman, Ass't. Sr. Instructor, Figure Skating, $30/hour, effective 11/11/88. Tracy Savino, Recreation Leader, Figure Skating, $30/hour, effective 11/11/88. Penny Doyle, Recreation Leader, Figure Skating, $30/hour, effective 11/11/888. Julie Vozik, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. Melissa Deutsch, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. IIIStacy Richman, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. Ann Maire Neto, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. a Heidi Kaplan, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. Diana Moore, Recreation Assistant, Figure Skating, $22/hour, effective 11/11/88. Megan Kelleher, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommock Pool, $4/hour, effective 11/11/88. 11 - 271 November 16 , 1988 ---- --- — -- — A Bob Singletary; Sr. Recreation Leader, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $9/hour, effective 11/11/88. Rob Lunde, Sr. Recreation Leader, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $9/hour, effective 11/11/88. Tim Codispoti, Sr. Recreation Leader, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $9/hour, effective 11/11/88. Leland Rearigh, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Charles Deshensky, E.M.T. Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Bill McGuire, E.M.T. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Eric Flood, E.M.T. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Ken Harriott, E.M.T. , Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Bob Johnson, Recreation Leader, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88. Louis Costanzo, Recreation Leader, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $7/hour, effective 11/11/88 Holly Matturro, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $6/hour, effective 11/11/88. Melanie Becker, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $6/hour, effective 11/11/88. Jack Schroeder, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $4.50/hour, effective 11/11/88, Allen McClod, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $4.50/hour, effective 11/11/88. Albert Waller, Custodian, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $8/hour, effective 11/11/88. Jerimiah Riggans, Custodian, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $6.50/hour, effective 11/11/88. 7. Authorization - Subordination Agreement-Snyder General Corp. The Administrator reported that Snyder General Corp. is one of the third-floor tenants and is apparently borrowing monies from Citibank. He stated that as a condition of the loan, the lender wants all landlords to subordinate their rights to the lender by executing the attached agreement. Town Counsel then explained that it is fairly common for a lending institution to insist that prior liens identified be. subordinated to them. He further noted that the agreement, as originally proposed, would have the Town relinquish certain of its rights should the tenant default on the lease. He stated, however, that he has so modified the agreement to protect the Town by having the lender assume the responsiblities of the tenant should it be necessary. He went on to say that they were supposed to close on the loan yesterday and he had not heard from them, therefore he does not know whether Citibank, as the lender, has agreed to his changes. He concluded that he also did not know if Citibank had agreed to close the loan subject to the execution of the agreement by this Board, since he had advised them it could not be executed until tonight when the Town Board meets, and if in fact they closed yesterday, and they did not close subject to our execution of this agreement, it really would not be necessary to execute this agreement at all. He asked the Board to move authorization subject to the requirement of Citibank that the agreement actually be executed by the Town. 12 27 R November 16, 1988 • Following some discussion on this matter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Administrator to execute the subordination agreement between the Lender, Citicorp North Anerica, Inc. ; the Borrower, Snyder, General Corporation; and the Landlord, The Town of Mamaroneck, with those modifications as made by Town Counsel. TOWN CLERK Reports The Town Clerk presented the Monthly Reports for the month of October 1988, for both the Building Department and the Office of the Town Clerk. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Special Meeting of September 27, 1988 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, were unanimously approved. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 19 , 1988 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, were approved as corrected and amended. WRITTEN COMMUNCCATIONS There were no written communciations to come before the Board at this time. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Betsy Jacobson, President of the Larchmont League of Women Voters, read aloud the following: LARCHMONT LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS' POSITION ON BONNIE BRIAR DEVELOPMENT, NOVEMBER 15, 1988 The Larchmont League of Women Voters urges the Mamaroneck Town Council to make every attempt to preserve the Bonnie Briar Country Club land as an open space and a recreational facility , for use by its town residents. 13 275 1 November 16 , 1988 _ _ _ _ The unfortunate alternative would be residential development of its 147 acres. Under current zoning, it would be possible for a developer to build 125 homes on 30,000 square foot lots. The possibility of residential development is a real threat to this environmentally sensitive area. The Bonnie Briar acreage is conservationally important as open space for its streams and as a watershed for the Sheldrake River whose floods affect ar p is of Mamaroneck Town and Village. In addition, it serves as a critical - wildlife habitat. Moreover, residential development of this last and vast open space would have a direct impact on traffic, parking, schools, and town services. We would indeed be missing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if we did not move to preserve this land as open space. The League of Women Voters has had a position for many years on this very issue. We made statements in the 70's based on positions taken by the League of Women Voters on the Raymond & May Master Plan of 1966 and its update. To quote from one of these statements, "the largest areas of open land in the Town are presently owned by the country clubs and sports clubs (Bonnie Briar . . .Winged Foot. . .Hampshire. . .Badger. . . . ) . It is important for the Town to have a carefully conceived plan should any of this land come on the market One means of protecting open space [is] through a local government's acquisition of the rights of first refusal, " etc. Unfortunately, that option, with respect to Bonnie ,Briar, has been forfeited. Therefore, more creative options must now be explored. Two neighboring municipalities have successfully acquired open spaces for recreational purposes for their residents. In 1965, Rye purchased Rye Wood Country Club and its 127 acres. In 1979, the Town of Eastchester purchased Lake Isle Country Club's 116 acres. Each purchase was accomplished without cost to the taxpayer. A referendum authorized issuance of serial bonds to provide funds for the purchase, but estimated revenues from operation of those clubs was deemed sufficient to make them both self-sustaining as to their operation and self-liquidating as to their capital investment. Eastchester even projected an annual net profit which would compensate for the loss of tax revenues had the area been developed for housing. Both municipalities benefited by retention of green open space and solid recreational programs. In addition to the golf course at Bonnie Briar, the club offers tennis and swimming plus a clubhouse with a restaurant capable of accommodating people for dances and organizational and public meetings. (It had been recommended before the School Town Center was purchased by the Town that space be provided there for the use of local organizations for special events, meetings, etc. , since there is such a scarcity of such space in town. The recommendation was received, at that time, enthusiastically. ) The golf program at Bonnie Briar alone could ;accommodate tournaments, conventions, meetings and provide instruction And a school physical education program. The National Golf Foundation reports that most of the 765 municipal courses in the nation not only pay for themselves but also help pay for other recreational activities in the community. Today's increasing pace of development of decreasing amounts of open suburban space will eventually result in suburbs with less open space than cities. Acquisition by the Town of Mamaroneck is essential to the proper long-range development and welfare of suburban areas like our Town. We now have an opportunity to control the destiny of this valuable open space for the maximum benefit of its residents. Acquisition would preclude development which is not in the best interests of Town of Mamaroneck residents. We urge the town council to promptly explore • the possibility of acquiring the Bonnie Briar Country Club for use as a town recreational facility. 14 27. November 16, 1988 Betsy Jacobsen also mentioned that the League, incidentally, is using Bonnie Briar on this coming Sunday for a party at which Bobby Kennedy is to speak on the environment and that all are - III welcome to attend. The Supervisor then commented that she agreed wholeheartedly with the statement read and she believed all facts to be correct, with the exception of Rye and Eastchester. She explained that both were clubs having serious financial difficulties and were willing to be sold. She noted that not too long ago Eastchester had a major budget increase to carry through Lake Isle, which is now carrying itself sufficiently. She mentioned that the League' s idea is not unique, but in order to acquire property one must have a willing seller and that appears to be a missing part in their proposal. Councilwoman Price mentioned that whatever may happen down the road with Bonnie Briar property, the Town is trying to set the mechanisms in motion now to make sure that it is preserved as the environmentally and aesthetically pleasing area that it is. A resident of High Ridge Road commented that he had been a former member of the Planning Board and asked various questions concerning the traffic lights, parking lots and plans of the MTA, leaf pickup, and the Ice Rink, all of which were answered by the Supervisor and members of the Board. I ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Board, on motion by Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously declared adjourned at 11:00 p.m. I Town Clerk Patricia A. DiCioccio 15