HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988_10_05 Town Board Minutes 23' October 5, 1988 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 5TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1988 IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Acting Supervisor Silverstone at 7:00 p.m. in the Court Room, at which time the Board recessed into Executive Session. The Executive Session was held in Conference Room A to discuss matters of potential litigation after which, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:05 p.m. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Acting Supervisor Silverstone at 8:15 p.m. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Board: Acting Supervisor Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stephen C. Chapin Councilwoman Elaine Price Councilman John D. McGarr Supervisor Battalia was not present since she was in China. Also present were: Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Edward M. Lieberman, Town Counsel CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of exits as required by law for public gatherings. October 5 , 1988 BOARD OF FIRE -COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Silverstone at 8 :25 p.m. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Stephen C. Chapin Commissioner Elaine Price Commissioner John D. McGarr 1. Fire Claims Commissioner McGarr presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on his motion, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller' s Office: Albertson Communications, Inc. $45. 00 ESCO 25 .00 NYNEX 9. 00 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously declared that this meeting be adjourned at 8 :35 p.m. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1 . Appointments - Coastal Zone Management Commission - Recreation Commission - Town Prosecutor Acting Supervisor Silverstone called upon Councilwoman Price, who enthusiastically recommended and, on her motion, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Phylis Wittner of Pheasant Run, Town, as Chairperson of the Coastal Zone Management Commission, said term to expire November 1989 . Supervisor Silverstone mentioned that there would not be an appointment to the Conservation Advisory Commission tonight as 2 October 5 , 1988 234 listed on the agenda, however a few vacancies exist on that • Board and the Town Board would like to hear from anyone who is interested. Acting Supervisor Silverstone then recommended Virginia Gunther, a woman of extraordinary ability, to the Recreation Commission and noted that she had been co-manager of the Town's 325th anniversary celebration two years ago. On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Virginia Gunther of Orchard Road, as a member of the Recreation Commission, said term to expire May 1990 . At this time Supervisor Silverstone mentioned that the Town is seeking a new Town prosecutor, since by having three prosecutors there will be the assurance of having one present on every court night and, although there will be no appointment tonight, there is at least one vacancy for any local attorney who may be interested. 2 . Certioraris The Administrator reminded the Board that these two appeals were held over from the last meeting because of their locations within the Village of Larchmont, which had to meet with the assessor to review. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the terms recommended by the Assessor, this Board hereby authorizes the settlement of certiorari proceeding - Bank of New York, 124-126 Chatsworth Avenue, Village of Larchmont vs. Town of Mamaroneck - for assessment years 1983 through 1987; and be it further RESOLVED, that in accordance with the terms recommended by the Assessor, this Board hereby authorizes the settlement of certiorari proceeding - 1961 Palmer Associates, 1961 Palmer Avenue, Village of Larchmont vs. Town of Mamaroneck - for assessment years 1985 through 1987 . 3 e October 5, 1988 235 3. Discussion - Mamaroneck Harbor Study The Acting Supervisor called upon the Administrator who updated the Board concerning the Mamaroneck Sewer District Task Force and the meeting held on August 8th by Congressman DioGuardi. He stated that at the meeting the EPA presented a proposal for what is entitled the Long Island Study: An Action Plan, and this conceptual work plan would look at the issue of storm water runoff and non-point sources of pollution. He noted that the EPA has assumed that the issue of sanitary sewerage is being dealt with through the consent order now affecting the communities of the Mamaroneck Sewer District. He further commented that the plan proposes to establish guidelines for storm water runoff, prepare water quality assessments and control levels for storm water and water quality, at a cost of $635, 000. He added that the Federal government will provide $515,000. , with the balance provided by participating agencies, not necessarily in actual monies, but also through in-kind services. He concluded that the Town has compiled a great deal of information on water quality and it is recommended that this be turned over to the EPA for their use on the project and that it be considered our contribution, as stated in the proposed letter to the Director of the Water Mangement Division of the EPA. Councilwoman Price then went on to explain that Dr. Alan Mason had been appointed liaison to work with the EPA and has had meetings with them. She added that she has contacted George Stoppard from the Division of the State Coastal Resources and informed him of the EPA studies of which he was unaware, and she will again contact him to see what has been done. She noted also that she had sent a letter to the Village Board of Trustees and Beth Hofstetter was kind enough to address a public meeting regarding her letter. She mentioned that much concern remained with the overlay, the lack of coordination of non-governmental agencies in terms of what has been done, and the fact that our coastal zone committee has worked for six years on best management practices and their work has not been recognized before the idea was conceptualized and, in fact, they did not know that coastal zone management had existed in our local municipalities. She felt the letter should be signed with a few additional paragraphs underscoring our concern that some of the focus of the study may be misplaced and we are going to work very hard to rectify this and go on record as participating as actively as possible in this project since our community has a lot to offer. Councilman Chapin stated that involvement as far as providing the EPA with studies already done or insignificant additonal services from Town staff would be fine, but if it calls for significant hard dollars or time from Town personnel, he would like to review again. The Administrator assured him that the letter written clearly states as much. Supervisor Silverstone emphasized that the study will not go forward unless everyone in the Mamaroneck Sewer District 4 236 October 5, 1988 participates and that while shore front communities are very cognizant about the problems of runoff, etcetera, there is considerable question as to whether the upstream communities of Harrison, White Plains, Scarsdale and others are equally interested in best management practices, so it is important to get those communities involved because they do affect the condition of Long Island Sound. Councilwoman Price responded by stating that she was under the impression from the EPA that this project was going ahead whether or not the Town signed on. She clarified that there are some upstream communities that have not been privy to best management practices, certainly in terms of non-point pollution sources because they are not part of the LWRP. She cited the way the project is conceptualized is that most of the funding is for best management practices and a large segment of this structure is related to the shore communities because that is where the intensity runs off. She went on to say that with the LWRP, because we are contiguous to Scardaale and because Mamaroneck Village is close to Harrison, we are supposed to be coordinating and cooperating under the LWRP to ensure that our best management practices are going forward with these communities under the mandates of the coastal zone program. Therefore, she concluded, if Congressman Dio Guardi had understood what was going on under the coastal directives and had incorporated that, the focus would have changed and the money spent could have been spent on other studies that were so sorely needed and, she emphasized, she cannot stress enough this lack of planning. Supervisor Silverstone requested Councilwoman Price to add the paragraphs she spoke of to the letter. Councilman McGarr also had some suggestions as to changes and additions to the letter. Councilwoman Price moved to participate and send a letter as modified by her inclusions and those of Councilman McGarr. Motion was seconded by Councilman Chapin and unanimously declared. 4. Report of Bids - Road Resurfacing This item was deferred to the next meeting. 5. Authorization - Sale of Surplus Equipment Pursuant to explanation by the Administrator that having completed 1988 capital equipment purchases, it is time to dispose of equipment no longer necessary for Town services, motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Board hereby declares the following as surplus equipment; 5 237 October 5, 1988 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to initiate the sale of such equipment: #16 1979 Ford (car) 9H31F133142 #31 1982 Ford (car) 2FABP31F9C13159925 #32 1982 Ford (car) 2FABP31F6C13156741 #41 1985 Dodge (car) 1B3BG2646FX642489 #42 1974 Honda (motorcycle) CT901502456 #40 1985 Dodge (car) 1B3BGZ644FX642488 #39 1985 Dodge (car) 1B3BGZ642FY642487 #46 1986 Dodge (car) 1B3BGXZ6SIGY609125 #13 1978 Ford (4 wh. drive Bronco) UL5HLBE7879 #20 1977 GMC (Van) TGL3577514014 #155 1970 GMC (Dumptruck) HM70AZ149311 #167 1976 Ford (Pickup truck) F10BEBO1689 Drafting Table 6. Donation of Bus Shelter - Larchmont Lions Club The Administrator mentioned the questions raised at the last meeting about the proposed bus shelter and went on to describe. a design similar to that of the bus stop at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street at Redwood Nursery. Following some discusssion on this matter, it was deferred to the next meeting. 7 . Waiver of Building Permit Fee Pursuant to a memo from the Administrator explaining that the capital project involving construction of a protective building for refrigeration equipment at the Hommocks Ice Rink necessitates a building permit, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby waives application of a building permit and fees for Alps Mechanical for the construction of a building housing refrigeration equipment at Hommocks Ice Rink, which is a Town contract. 8. Salary Authorization - Recreation Pursuant to a memo from Superintendent of Recreation, William Zimmermann and on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by 6 October 5, 1988 238 Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1988 Town Budget, authorization is hereby granted for payment of salaries to the following: Matthew Gryzlo, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Mitchell Ross, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Leslie Hill, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.80 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Faith Lind Taylor, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.65 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Craig Kaufman, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 .per hour, effective 10/3/88. Donna Farrell, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.50 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Lewis Liebert, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.50 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Bryan Cartin, Alternate Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.50 per hour, effective 10/3/88 Cathy Romano, Alternate Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $3.50 per hour, effective 10/3/88 Emi Matsubara, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. David Scherer, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Kelly Reyelt, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $4.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Bob Singletary, Rink Installer, Hommocks Ice Rink, $8.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Bob Tenza, Rink Installer, Hommocks Ice Rink, $8.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Al Wallen, Rink Installer, Hommocks Ice Rink, $8.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Lee Realigh, Rink Installer, Hommocks Ice Rink, $7.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. Rob Lunde, Rink Installer, Hommocks Ice Rink, $9.00 per hour, effective 10/3/88. John Flint, Tennis Attendant, Memorial Park, $6.50 per hour, effective retroactive to 9/17/88. 9. Set Public Hearing - Amendment to Garage Sale Local Law Following a somewhat brief discussion on the above-mentioned topic relating to deposits and other changes, on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets October 19, 1988 as the date for a Public Hearing on a proposed amendment to Local Law #1-1973 entitled GARAGE AND YARD SALES; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish in The Daily Times, the notice of said hearing as required by law. 7 239 October 5, 1988 PROC-LAMATION --.-UnitecLN.ations Week WHEREAS, _ irhe prumutinn any prntectinn of Human Rights and the active participation of the Unitea States government ano peoples in the work of the Unita Nations are essential to fostering peace any Justice in cur wurla; and WHEREAS, All Americans are called upon bg the President of the United States of America to reflect upon and participate in programs ano activities celebrating the forty-third birthoag of the Unita Notions any the fortieth anniversarg of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; any WHEREAS, Ehe less publicizEA _but -equallg important work of the United Nations in promoting _economic and social nevelopment, the erabication of hunger and malnutrition, the implementa- tion of human rights, becent housing, a safe natural environment, universal health care ant stable population growth continues towards the goal of global security; and WHEREAS, signing of the irreatg on the Elimination of Intermediate Range ana_Shorter Range Nuclear Missiles (INF) bg the United States any the Soviet Union is a verg positive step towards the. goal of disarmament supported hg the jnitE1 Nations;. NOW EHEREF@RE BE IU; RESOLVED U;hat I, Dolores A. Dattalia, Supervisor of the Eton of Mamaroneck an herebg proclaim the week of (October 23 - 30 as UNIU;ED NAU;I(ONS WEEK IN 3UIENESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mg hanl any causes the Seal of the lawn of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 5th ''' ilag of (October, 1 88. Dolores A. Battalia, Supervisor town of Mamaroneck 8 it - October 5 , 1988 240 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no written or oral communications to come before the Board at this time. TOWN CLERK REPORTS The Town Clerk presented the Monthly Report of the Town Clerk' s Office for the month of September 1988, as well as the Building & Plumbing Report for the month of September 1988. REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL There were no reports to give at this time. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Town Board, on motion by councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman Korn, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 10 :30 p.m. . Town Clerk Patricia A. DiCioccio 9