HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_09_25 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held September 25th, 1923. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Burton at 9.20 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer, Town Clerk Sherman. The minutes of the meetings of August 15th, 20th, 27th, September 4th, 5th, 6th, and 10th were read and approved. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of August, 1923, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: September 1st, 1923. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the int- erest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of August, 1923. 1923 1922 1921 2920 All Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Arrears Total State & County 950.66 112.19 1062.85 Highway 78.84 68.02 146.86 Town 284.93 47.28 332.21 District 207.42 93.58 301.00 Sewer Tax Dist. 1 46.44 21.41 67.85 School Dist. 1 473.27 472.27 Arrears 245.92 48.34 158.15 452.41 Interest and Penalties 104.52 133.76 45.60 17.52 130.63 429.03 Deposited with the First National Bank of $3264.48 Mamaroneck Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Harry T. McGivney Receiver of Taxes The report of the Police Department for the month of August, 1933 was received and read, showing 47 arrests and fines in the amount of $775. Same was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. The reports of the Town Clerk of fees collected and per- mits issued during the months of July and August were received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: August 1st, 1923. Geo. W. Burton, Esq., Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. Dear Sir: I beg to submit herewith the report of fees collected in this office during the month of July, 1923, as follows: Dog licenses issued 378 $94.50 Hunting " " 3 .75 Marriage " " 9 9.00 Chattels mortgages filed 50 5.38 $109.63 $109.63 Building permits issued 8 46.00 Alteration " " 1 3.00 Occupancy applications 9 18.00 67.00 Total amount received, $176.63 Enclosed find check covering the above amount. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frederick M. Sherman, Town Clerk. September 1st, 1923. Geo. W. Burton, Esq., Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. Dear Sir: I beg to submit herewith the report of fees collected in this office during the month of August, 1923 as follows: Dog licenses issued 67 $16.75 Hunting " " 2 .50 Marriage " " 7 7.00 Chattel Mortgages filed 78 8.24 $32.49 Building permits issued 16 123.00 Occupancy applications 17 34.00 Blasting permits " 2 50.00 Sign permits " 1 1.00 208.00 Street opening permits " 2 45.00 45.00 Total amount received, $285.49 Enclosed find check covering the above amount. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk. A communication from Louis N. Ellrodt, Esq. County Clerk, was received and read in relation to the filing of the Town Clerk's bond in the County Clerk's office in accordance with Section 92A of the Town Law. The communication was ordered placed on file and the Clerk was directed to file his bond with the County Clerk. Upon motion of Justice Shafer, seconded by Justice Dudley, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that the additional claim of Richard C. Heather of $100.00 purporting to be the balance of his original claim for lighting fixtures and bulbs furnished for the new Weaver Street Fire House be and the same hereby is allowed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Sup®rvisor be and hereby Is authorized and empowered to pay the aforesaid claim of $100.00 upon the present- ation of a proper voucher therefor. Mr. Harry T. McGivney, Receiver of Taxes, reports that he has investivated the 1916 assessment affecting premises described as Lot No. 12 in Block B, as shown on Map of Flint Subdivision and that the item which is still open represents a double assessment. Upon the foregoing report, Justice Boyd moves the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Receiver of Taxes be and hereby is authorized and directed to mark off and cancel the double assess- ment made against premises described as Lot No. 12 Block B, as shown on Map of Flint Subdivision for the year 1916, and that he make a reference to this reso- lution wherever said assessment may appear. Upon a vote being taken the foregoing resolution was unan- imously adopted. The Clerk reports the receipt by Supervisor Burton of a letter from Mr. H. M. Williams, dated September 5, 1923, requesting the refund of certain taxes which he has been paying for some years last past levied against lots Nos. 20A and 21 A. Section 9, Block 58. Upon motion of Justice Dudley seconded by Justice Collins, the matter referred to in Mr. Williams' letter wax referred to counsel and the Board of Assessors for investigation and report. The Clerk reports the receipt of a communication from Mr. F. C. Birch, acting Captain of Weaver Street Fire Company, No. 1, in which he informs the Board that Engineer Matthew Ireland has been suspended from the service, having been charged with conduct un- becoming an employee, and that Frederick Kraft of 20 Hall Street, Mamaroneck, New York, was appointed on September 1, 1923 in place of Engineer Ireland. After the matter was fully considered and dis- cussed Justice Collins offered for adoption the following preamble and resolutions: WHEREAS, Matthew Ireland who was formerly in the employ of the Town of Mamaroneck, as special officer assigned to Weaver Street Fire Company No. 1, as engineer and driver, was heretofore and in or about the month of August charged with conduct unbecoming an employee; and WHEREAS, the Officers of said Company have reported that said Matthew Ireland from time to time in the past has been found to be lax in his duties as a fireman and engineer, which in the opinion of the Town Board is cal- culated to impair the discipline and efficiency of said Fire Department; and WHEREAS, by reason thereof the Officers of said Weaver Street Fire Company No. 1 have de- termined that it would be for the best interests of said Fire Company to discharge said Matthew Ireland from the service. NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the action of the officers of Weaver Street Fire Company No. 1 in dis charg- ing sd Matthew Ireland from the service as of August 31, 1923, be and the same hereby is in all respects approved; and be it further RESOLVED, that the appointment. of Frederick Kraft as special officer assigned to weaver Street Fire Company No. 1 as engineer and driver be and the same hereby is confirmed; and be it further RESOLVED, that the monthly salary of said Fred- erick Kraft as such engineer and driver be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of $125.00 from September 1, 1923 and that the same be paid in bi-monthly installments. A vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution the same was unanimously adopted. The Clerk reports that he has made definite arrangements as regards the polling places for registration and election and requests that the fallowing places be of ficially designated for that purposes: District No. 1 Headquarters of the Volunteer Hose Company, Mamaroneck, New York. District No. 2 Town Hall, Prospect Avenue, Mamaroneck, New York. District No. 3 #218 West Boston Post Road (northwest corner of Fenimore and West Boston Post Roads, formerly Fenimore Hotel), Mamaroneck, New York. District No. 4 Police Headquarters, Edgewood Road, near Weaver Street (unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck), Mamaroneck, New York. District No. 5 Larchmont Athletic Club, Boston Post Road, Larchmont, New York. District No. 6 Northerly side of Boston Post Road, between Mayhew and Beach Avenues, Larchmont, New York. Upon motion of Justice Shafer, seconded by Justice Boyd, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the places hereinbefore named be and they hereby, are fixed as the places for holding the registration ane election in the respective districts during the present year. The Clerk requested that he be authorized to have regis- tration and election notices published in the local papers in accord- ance with the Election Law. Upon motion of Justice Collins, seconded by Justice Dudley., it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Clark be and hereby is authorized and empowered to cause regis- tration and election notices to be published in the Mamaroneck Paragraph Larchmont Times and Richbell Press, pursuant to Section 75 of the Election Law, said newspapers being des- ignated to publish the same, and be it further RESOLVED, that the cost of publishing said notices be and the same hereby is made a Town charge. A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was re- ceived and read inviting the Town Board to attend the package party to be held on September 29th. The invitation was accepted and the Clerk was requested to ackowledge the receipt of same. The Clerk reported the receipt of claims from Julian Franck relating to furnishings supplied to the Weaver Street Fire House. The claims were referred to the Fire House Committee of this Board. The bid submitted by the Gamewell Fire Alarm Company for the installation of the Game well system in the Weaver Street Fire House, at a cost of $5,385, was submitted by the Officers of the Company to the Board and after due consideration, the matter was re- ferred to the Fire House Committee for their report and recommendation. The matter of having the gas installed at the new fire house was taken up and the matter was referred to the Clerk who was authorized to make application to the Westchester Lighting Company, to have the gas installed. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.20 P.M. Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk. i