HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020_11_23 Town Board Minutes
November 23, 2020
Article 7 of the Public Officers Law, to the extent necessary to permit any public body to meet
and take such actions authorized by the law without permitting in public in-person access to
meetings and authorizing such meetings to be held remotely by conference call or similar
service, provided that the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that
such meetings are recorded and later transcribed;
PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson
Councilwoman Abby Katz
Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney
Councilwoman Sabrina Fiddelman
Councilman Jeffery L. King
ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Connie Green O’Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
The Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at
6:00 p.m.
Additionally Present: Lindsey Luft Assistant to the Town Administrator
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the Work Session was
unanimously opened.
Review – Rock Removal law
Additionally Present: Rich Polcari Building Superintendent
Mr. Maker elaborated on the most recent revisions to the law and outlined in his memo to the Town Board
dated November 20, 2020.
The Town Board reviewed the Rock Removal law with Mr. Polcari, and was asked if there are many
requests for rock removal in the R6 Zone. Mr. Polcari responded that most requests come from the 7.5
square foot lots. Additionally, Mr. Polcari was asked what the ramifications could be with a total ban on
rock removal in the R6 Zone, Mr. Polcari responded that there could be instances where a small amount of
rock removal was needed for a driveway.
The Town Board Members reiterated why they were and were not in favor of a total ban in the R6 Zone.
Mr. Maker has stated this previously, that adding basements to the Floor Area Ration law could have a
(positive) effect on rock chipping in reducing request for those permits.
There were no further amendments made by the Town Board to the draft local law as currently written.
Use of Residential Garage for Remote Learning
The Town Board discussed an issue involving a home on Villa Road in which a “resident that has been
hosting, in her garage, a group of seven year olds that have been conducting remote learning together.” As
per the zoning code, this is not allowed. The Town has received several complaints. The Building Inspector
asked the resident to stop the activity. The resident then went before the Zoning Board requesting an
interpretation of the Building Inspector’s decision. The Zoning Board recommends the Town Board review
this matter as a possible suspension of law permitted by the State of Emergency for COVID. The Town
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Board prefers handling this through a suspension of law versus an opinion of the Zoning Board, which then
becomes finite. The resident must file for a building permit to make sure the space being utilized is
compliant with Town Code.
Website Redesign
Lindsey Luft Assistant to the Town Administrator and Shyam Pandya Director of IT presented a PowerPoint
on Civic Engage. This is a new tool offered by Civic Plus, the Town’s website developer.
Civic Engage is an umbrella software that would work with Civic Plus (website), Civic Clerk (Agenda) and
Civic Ready (engagement). Ms. Luft outlined the costs and the timeline for implementation. The Town
Board was encouraged that many of the features they are unhappy about with the Town’s website would
be corrected with this enhancement.
Discussion – 5G Network Services/Cellular Tower Law
The Town Board received the Town Code for Public Utility and Cellular Telephone Facility, as well as the
memo from the consultant to the Planning Board, the law firm Sive, Paget & Riesel P.C. Based on this
firm’s work with respect to the cell tower application at Bonnie Briar Country Club, they have
recommended that the Town review its current law, to add as much control to the Town as law allows. The
Town will take the next step in finding a consultant/attorney that would help draft new legislation.
Financially, Mr. Altieri will address this in the 2021 Budget.
Discussion – Land Use Items – Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
The Town Board will begin review of the FAR. The Board received the current definition of the FAR as it was
adopted in 2003. Mr. Maker recapped for the Town Board the intent of the 2003 law. Supervisor Seligson
asked the Town Board Members to revisit homes that caused issues among neighbors. Mr. Maker
suggested that if he were given the addresses he would review and translate how they were compliant
with the FAR law.
Supervisor Seligson noted that the Comprehensive Plan consultants from AKRF would be at the next
worksession to discuss the status of the Comprehensive Plan and prepare for the spring outreach.
Request for Zoning Change – 1370 Boston Post Road (Former Capital One Back)
The Town was contacted by Seville Real Estate Services, Inc., with a request for a zoning change for the
property of 1370 Boston Post Road. They would like to enter into a lease for use of the property by
Enterprise for the parking of their leasing fleet. Under Town Code this is not an allowable use. The Town
Board would like this to be addressed as part of the Comprehensive Plan, and continues to feel that any
zoning changes prior to that process will not be entertained.
Racial Equity Task Force
Councilman King gave an update on last weeks’ very productive Task Force meeting. The Town Board was
issued a recap of the last meeting, which detailed a time line. A survey will be issued on or about December
14, with the first public listening session to take place on December 17. Another meeting is scheduled for
December 21 at which stakeholder’s will be welcomed, to receive their input. Other details of the time
line were reviewed with the noted date of April 1, 2021, in which a final report is due to be sent, by the
Supervisor, to the Governor. Councilwoman Fiddelman reminded the Town Board, that Councilman King
initiated the Task Force before the Governor’s Executive Order, and the Board should not lose site of the
initial and longer term goals of the Task Force that Councilman King envisioned.
Sanitation Commission
The Town Board was issued and discussed a) information regarding the apportionment of the Commission
Budget and its impact upon the level of surplus within the Commission, b) the 2020 Budget Summary and
its comparison with 2019 c) budgetary details resulting from the Village of Larchmont having adopted their
2020/2021 Budget with appropriations to the Commission based upon an apportionment formula using
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property assessment rather than tonnage d) the shortfall created by the Villages’ budgeting including a
detail of the 2019 Commission Surplus. Mr. Altieri is still making efforts to speak with the State Comptroller
to receive advice on the effects of an extended District on the tax cap calculations. A meeting of the
Commission will be held next week to discuss what was reviewed with the Town Board this evening.
Set Date – December and January Meeting Schedule
It was suggested that the Town Board hold a short Worksession prior to the Regular Meetings to keep
momentum going on topics of priority.
On motion of Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilman King, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the Town Board Meeting Schedule
for December 2020 and January 2021 as follows:
December 2- Worksession 6:00-7:00 pm and Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
December 14 - Worksession 6:00 pm
December 16 – Regular Session 7:00 pm
January 6 – Worksession 5:30 – 8:00 pm and Regular Session 8:00 pm
January 19 – Worksession 6:00 pm
January 20 – Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman King, the Town Board unanimously
agreed to enter into an Executive Session to discuss the salary of a particular person.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the Executive Session
was unanimously closed.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the meeting was
unanimously adjourned.
Submitted by
Christina Battalia, Town Clerk