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1989_08_16 Town Board Regular Minutes
Q 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 16TH DAY , 2 It OF AUGUST 1989 IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 7:45 p.m., at which time the Board recessed into Executive Session. The Executive Session was held in Conference Room A to discuss matters of personnel, after which time, on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:25 p.m. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 8:30 p.m. in the Court Roam. Present were the following members of the Board: Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stephen C. Chapin Councilwoman Elaine Price Councilman John McGarr Also present were: Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Richard Tortorella, Fire Chief William McDermott, 1st Deputy Fire Chief Paulette Gabbriellini, Assistant to the Town Administrator CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. 056 August 16, 1989 At this time the order of the agenda was changed and a PROCITION in honor of Frank Cioffi was taken up. Supervisor Battelle asked Frank Cioffi to cane forward and to introduce the members of his family, after which she proceeded to read the following proclamation in his honor: PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, for aver seventeen Hears, FRANK J. CZOFFI, has unselfishly devoted his time, energy and efforts in the betterment of our community, its citizens and its environment; and WHEREAS, because of his care and concern for people he has served on the Volunteer Ambulance Corps as Lieutenant, Captain and President; and WHEREAS, his dedication to th ;,Uolunteer Ambulance Corps where he has professionally served this community with goad will anA4with na financial reward; and WHEREAS, working long and hare to„establish a more III efficient �Jolunateerr°Ambulance, Corps, FRANK continues to $serv`e with ,devotion and commitment, ,and ,,' ' . 3DH£R£AS, FRANK, was4and still is always available for. anyone whoneeds him and has never turned anyone away who sought his advice: ,, P Mt-y/ s NOW ZH£R£FOR£ BE It k RESOLVED , • that I Pz .ares A. Battalia, Supervisor of the town ofzMamaruneck join, with the residents and members of the town Board''to honor, recognize, and `thank FRANK J: JCIOFFI for his extraordinary-service to his community. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Down of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 16th day ar August 1989. OF ' r / / / ., �'..'a ,}' Dolores A. Battalia, i pervisor , ,,:i N� town of Mamaroneck '�I1:.. , 1■0 % ,) ,. ."10j. - 1,\1.4 ii, ,, , i.r� JLJ..�, 1 i ,t„ Q 7,31:K13.:,. �'a`. { At this time a service plaque was read and presented to Frank Cioffi by Andy Landau, President of the Volunteer Ambulance Corps. 2 057 August 16, 1989 BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8:45 p.m. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Stephen C. Chapin Commissioner Elaine Price Commissioner John McGarr 1. Commissioner Silverstone presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on her motion, seconded by Commissioner Chapin it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: AAA Emergency Supply Co. , Inc. $ 313.50 All Power Equipment Co. 14.40 All Power Equipment Co. 62.20 Baumblatt, Richard 175.00 R.G. Brewer 179.17 Claps, Frank 400.00 Condro, Nick P. 175.00 Consolidated Uniform Service 34.65 Consolidated Uniform Service �� �'. 34.65 ESCO 25.00 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, .Iic'. 232.60 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc �'�:` 3,207.81 Excelsior Garage & Machine,Wrks, Inc } 1,984.09 Excelsior Garage & Machine'-Works, Inc ;, Y.`_ 614.75 Fire Chiefs Emergency1 Plan off, West. County 125.00 Fire Protection Publication 7.00 Gall's, Inc. ` - 230.25 Grant's of Larchmontf `y', - - 155.00 Henry, John E. °�' � 65.00 Henry, John E. £s 363.08 Larchmont Auto Parts-Dist.,-` Inc. 14.06 Larchmont Auto Parts Dist., Inc. 5.18 LaRocco, Andrew H. 100.00 McBrayer, Diane B. 't 5.50 Mamaroneck Garage, Inc: � 17.00 Multiplier Industries Corp ` F 195.00 Multiplier Industries Corp. 55.00 Multiplier Industries Corp. 117.00 New England Uniform Co. 290.00 Newman, Henry 144.21 NYNEX 9.00 Portronix 247.90 Portronix 247.90 Portronix 12.00 Rad 314.98 Rickert Lock & Safe Co. State Insurance Fund 885.13 L^ Town of Mamaroneck Professional Fire Fighters Assoc. 165.06 • Tri-City Auto Parts 34.94 Tri-City Auto Parts -54.61 Tri-City Auto Parts 19.68 Village of Larchmont 296.46 Westchester Joint Water Works 12.;.412.50 Westchester Joint Water Works 196.30 $ 24,263.88 3 O August 16, 1989 2. Report of Bids - Mini-Attack Pumper Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri explained that only one bid was received, and he has requested Deputy Chief McDermott to try contacting other manufacturers to find out why other bids were not submitted and this will be reported at the August 16th meeting. He also reminded the Board that, although the State will award a $23,000 grant, the Town must expend the monies first, for which the Board must adopt a resolution authorizing the transfer of funds to the capital project fund. Following some discussion, on motion by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the transfer of a portion of the funds appropriated in the Capital Budget to the capital projects fund. On motion by Commissioner Silverstone, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby awards Contract TA-89-5 to the Saulsbury Fire Equipment Company of Tully, New York, as the only lowest responsible bidder to furnish and deliver one Mini- Attack Fire Pumper at a total cost of $88,612. On motion by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to execute the contract with the Saulsbury Fire Equipment Company of Tully, New York for a Mini- -Attack Fire Pumper. There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Commissioner Chapin, seconded by Commissioner McGarr, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 9:15 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment-Local SEQR Law Supervisor Battalia mentioned that this public hearing on the proposed amendment to the local Environmental Quality Review Law is being reopened from the July 12th meeting since several substitute changes were made and, therefore, the local law had to be re-noticed with these additional changes. She then called upon Eric Zaidins, Town Counsel, to introduce and explain the updated proposed amendment. 4 ®$S August 16, 1989 Following Town Counsel's brief explanation, the Supervisor called for a motion to reopen the Public Hearing, and on motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is declared open. The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. The Supervisor then asked if anyone wished to address the Board in favor or in opposition to this proposal. There being no comments, she asked if any Board member wished to speak. Councilwoman Price noted that Counsel's comments about not having to amend Town law every time the State revises its law is very well taken since the State is presently amending its SEQRA law. The Supervisor stated that she wished the Hearing minutes to reflect a thank you to Shirley Tolley and Phyllis Wittner of the Coastal Zone Management Commission for their close involvement in this. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, the Public Hearing was unanimously declared closed. At this time, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has held a Public Hearing on Wednesday, August 16, 1989 to consider the adoption of a proposed Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this law is to adopt the New York State SEQRA by reference to avoid amendment of Town law each time there is a revision of State law; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board hereby amends Chapter 23 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck by repealing Chapter 23 and enacting a new Chapter 23 entitled: ',Environmental Quality Review Law." (see following 25 pages) The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Dolores A. Battalia VOTING aye Caroline Silverstone VOTING aye Stephen C. Chapin VOTING aye Elaine Price VOTING aye John McGarr VOTING aye The resolution was thereupon duly adopted. 5 LOCAL LAW NO.4 -1989 '060 A LOCAL LAW amending Chapter 23 of the Town Code of the Town of Mamaroneck by repealing Chapter 23 and enacting a new Chapter 23 to be entitled "Environmental Quality Review Law. " . BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows: ' ARTICLE I §23.1 AUTHORITY, INTENT AND PURPOSE. (a) This local law shall be known as the Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Quality Review Law. (b) This local law is adopted pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Law, Article 8 (SEQRA) of the New York Environmental Conservation Law, (providing for environmental quality review of actions which may have significant effect on the environment) , and Part 617, the Rules and Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR 617. (c) The purpose of this local law is to implement SEQRA and Part 617 and to incorporate environmental factors in the existing planning and - decision making processes of the Town. This purpose is to be accomplished through provisions for identifying actions that may have a significant effect on the environment, and by requiring that any action found to have such an effect will be carried out in a manner that will minimize the possible harmful effect. (d) Except as otherwise expressly provided by this local law, the regulations contained in 6 NYCRR 617 et seq. and any amendments . thereto are hereby adopted as the procedures, rules and regulations relative to Town environmental quality reviews undertaken by any agency. . 1, §23.2 DEFINITIONS The definitions set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.2 shall be amended to add the following: (a) "Environmental Officer" means the Town Administrator or his designee who shall assist the lead agencies in the Town by processing the paperwork for this law and advising applicants for Town permits and approvals on compliance therewith. The Environmental Officer shall also: (1) receive a copy of all reports, statements, forms, and notices as may be required by this Chapter; (2) effect or cause to be effected the posting and publication and notification requirements of 6 NYCRR 617.8 and 617. 10, and this Chapter; (3) recommend to the Town such amendments to the local law consistent with 6 NYCRR 617 et seq. as may from time to time be necessary or advisable; (4) recommend to the Town such local regulations consistent with 6 NYCRR 617 et seq. as may from time to time be necessary or advisable; al (b) "SEQRA" means the State of New York Environmental Quality Review Act and regulations promulgated thereunder. (c) "Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat" means a state designated fish and wildlife habitat area as identified by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to 19 NYCRR, Part • 602.5. (d) "Town" means the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck. §'23.3 INDIVIDUAL AGENCY PROCEDURES TO IMPLEMENT SEQR 061 The procedures of 6 NYCRR 617.4 shall be amended in that the last sentence of NYCRR 617.4 (h) shall state: (a)Any Unlisted action located partly or wholly inside or substantially • contiguous to a CEA must be treated as a Type I action by an involved agency. §23.4 INITIAL REVIEW OF ACTIONS The requirements of 6 NYCRR 617.5 shall be amended to add the following • after 617.5 (d): • (a) -All agencies must also comply with the Town of Mamaroneck Local Consistency Law. §23.5 NOTICE AND FILING REQUIREMENTS The requirements of 6NYCRR 617.10 shall be amended in that the last paragraph of (c)(3) shall state: The notice of completion shall be filed as prescribed for negative declarations in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and shall be published in the official newspaper of the Town. A copy thereof shall be posted on a signboard and other appropriate means shall be utilized to provide notice to the public. The department shall publish all notices of its completion of all EIS's in the "ENB" . §23.6 CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING SIGNIFICANCE The criteria of 6 NYCRR 617.11 shall be amended to add the following: (a) 617.11 (a) (2) shall include impacts on a Significant Fish and - Wildlife Habitat or a Critical Environmental Area (CEA) ; (b) 617.11 (a) (4) shall include but not be limited to the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Local Waterfront revitalization Program or municipally adopted Master Plans. §23.7 TYPE I ACTIONS. The list of Type I Actions as set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.12(b) shall be adopted in whole hereby with the following modifications and amendments: The following actions are Type I if they are to be directly undertaken, funded, or approved by an agency: (1) The adoption of a municipality's land use plan, the adoption by any agency of a comprehensive resource management plan, or the adoption of a municipality's comprehensive zoning regulations. Also, the adoption of comprehensive building codes, comprehensive solid waste plans, -state and regional transportation plans, water resource basin plans, comprehensive water quality studies, area-wide water treatment plans, state and local environmental plans, local flood control plans, and the like. • (2) The adoption of changes in the allowable uses within any zoning district, affecting 25 or more acres. (3) The granting of a zoning change, at the request of an applicant, for an action that meets or exceeds one or more of the thresholds given 1110 - elsewhere on this list. (4) Acquisition, sale, lease, annexation, or other transfer by a public . agency of more than 5 contiguous acres of land. -2- • (5) Construction of new residential units which meet or exceed the 062 following thresholds: (i) 10 units not to be connected (at commencement of habitation) to existing community or public water and sewerage systems including sewage treatment works; (ii) 40 units to be connected (at the commencement of habitation) to • existing community or p-iblic water and sewerage systems including sewage treatment works. • (6) Activities, other-than the construction of residential facilities, • which meet or exceed any of the following thresholds; or the expansion of existing nonresidential facilities by more than 50 percent of any of the following thresholds: • - (i) a project or action which involves the physical alteration of 10 acres; (ii) a project or action which would use ground or surface water in excess of 5,000 gallons in any day; (iii)parking for 75 vehicles or more; (iv) a facility with more than 100,000 square feet of gross floor area; (v) incinerators operating at a refuse charging rate exceeding 75 tons of refuse per 24 hour day; (vi) storage facilities designed for or capable of storing 1,000 or more gallons of liquid natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, or other fuels; • (vii)independent combustion installation operating at a total heating input exceeding 10 million BTU per hour; (viii)process, exhaust, and/or ventilation systems emitting air contaminants assigned an environmental rating of A under 6 NYCRR Part 212 and•whose total emission rate of such A contaminant exceeds 1 pound per hour; (xi) process, exhaust, and/or ventilation systems which the total emission rate of all air contaminants exceeds 25 tons per day. -(x) an industrial facility which has a yearly average discharge flow, based on days of discharge, of greater than 25,000 gallons per day. • (7) Any structure exceeding 100 feet above original ground level in a locality without any 'zoning regulation pertaining to height. • (8) Any non-agricultural use occurring wholly or partially within an agricultural district (certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, article 25, section 303 and 304) which exceeds 25 percent of any threshold established in this section. (9) Any Unlisted action (unless the action is designed for the preservation of the facility or site) occurring wholly or partially within, or substantially contiguous to any historic building, structure, site or district, or prehistoric site listed on the National Register of Historic Places, or that has been proposed by the New York State Board of Historic Preservation for a recommendation by the State Historic Preservation Officer for nomination for inclusion in said National Register, or that is listed on the State Register of Historic Places. (The National Register of Historic Places is • established by 36 Code of Federal Regulation Parts 60 and 63, 1986 (see section 23.19 of this part) . ) (10) Any Unlisted action which exceeds 25 percent of any threshold in this section, occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to any publicly owned or operated parkland, recreation area or designated open space, including any site on the Register of National Natural Landmarks pursuant to 36 C.F.R. Part 62, 1986 (see section- 23 .19 of this Part) . -3- (11) Any Unlisted action which exceeds a Type I threshold established by an involved agency pursuant to section 23.4 of this Part. (12) Any Unlisted action which takes place wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to any Critical Environmental Area designated by a local or State agency pursuant to 6 NYCRR §617.4(h) and as defined in Article II of this chapter. (13) Construction of new, or expansion by more than fifty percent (50%) of existing size, square footage or usage of existing (or any funding, licensing, or planning activities in respect thereto) : (a) Heliports, including hovercraft and seaplanes. (b) Facilities or institutions, including, but not limited to, hospitals, schools, correction facilities, and office centers. (c) Sanitary landfills. (d) Chemical Pulp mills, portland cement plants, iron and steel plants, primary aluminum ore reduction plants, sulfuric acid plants, petroleum refineries, lime plants, sulfur recovery plants, fuel conversion plants, by-product coke manufacturing plants, and cogeneration plants. (14) Any Unlisted action which is to be located in one of the following critical areas: (a) Controlled areas as defined and mapped in the Town Freshwater Wetlands and Water Courses Law. (b) Flood areas as defined and mapped in the Town/Village Flood Damage Prevention Law. (c) Coastal Erosion Hazard Area as defined and mapped pursuant to Article 34 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. (d) Tidal Wetland and adjacent area as defined and mapped pursuant to Article 25 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. (e) Significant Fish and Wildlife Habitat as designated and mapped by the New York State Department of State. (15) Any Unlisted action which will result in permanent change to the channel or bed of lakes or streams with a water surface in excess of 1/4 acre. (16) Any 'Unlisted action which involves disturbance of soils covering more than 1/4 acre on an average slope of forty percent (40%) or greater that impacts on adjacent areas or downstream areas. (17) Any proposed publicly or privately owned sewage treatment works. (18) Clearcutting of one or more contiguous acres of forest. (19) Discharge of radioactive material into the air, water, or sanitary sewer (except as provided for in 6 NYCRR Part 380.5) , or burial of such materials. §23.8 TYPE II ACTIONS The list of Type II Actions as set forth in 6 NYCRR 617.13(d) shall be adopted in whole hereby and shall include the following actions: The following actions are Type II actions: (1) Replacement of a facility, in kind, on the same site unless such facility meets or exceeds any of the thresholds in section 23.12 of this Part. -4- (2) The granting of individual setback and lot line variances. 064 (3) Agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. (4) Repaving of existing highways not involving the addition of new travel lanes. (5) Street openings for the purpose of repair or maintenance of existing utility facilities. . (6) Installation of traffic control devices on existing streets, roads, and highways, other than multiple fixtures on long stretches. (7) Public or private forest management practices, other than the removal • of trees or the application of herbicides or pesticides. (8) Construction or placement of minor structures accessory or appurtenant to existing facilities, including garages, carports, patios, home swimming pools, fences, barns or other buildings not changing land use or density, including upgrading of buildings to meet building or fire codes. (9) Maintenance of existing landscaping or natural growth. (10) Mapping of existing roads, streets, highways, uses and ownership patterns. . (11) Inspections and licensing activities relating to the qualifications of individuals or businesses to engage in their business or profession. 1, (12) Purchase or_ sale of furnishings, equipment or supplies, including surplus government property, other than land, radioactive material, pesticides, herbicides, or other hazardous materials. (13) Collective bargaining activities. (14) Investments by or on behalf of agencies or pension or retirement systems, or refinancing existing debt. • (15) Routine or continuing agency administration and management, not including new programs or major reordering of priorities. • (16) License, lease and permit renewals, or transfers of ownership thereof, where there will be no material change in permit conditions or the scope of .permitted activities. (17) Routine activities of educational institutions not involving capital construction, including school closings, but not changes in use related to such closings. (18) Information collection including basic data collection and research, water quality and pollution studies, traffic counts, engineering studies, surveys, subsurfical investigations and soils studies that do not commit the agency to undertake, fund or approve any Type I or Unlisted action. (19) Minor temporary uses of land having negligible or no permanent effect on the environment. (20) The extension of utility distribution facilities to serve new or altered single or two-family residential structures or to render service in approved subdivisions. • • -5- (21) Promulgation of regulations, policies, procedures and legislative decisions in connection with any Type II action in this Part. (22) Construction of a single or two family residence, or alteration of a single or two family residence which increases the footprint of the residence by 20% or more, except if such construction or alteration: (a) is in conjuction with the construction or alteration of two or more such residences; (b) is to be located in any of the critical areas as described in 23.12 (12) , (14) and (16) ; (c) or is in a unsewered area. Alteration of a single or two family residence which increases the footprint by less than 20% shall be a Type II action wherever located. (23) Alteration of a store, office, or restaurant designed for an occupant load of 20 persons or less, except if such alteration: (a) , is in conjuction with the alteration or 2 or more stores, offices, or restaurants or (b) is to be located in any of the critical areas as described in 23.12 (12) , (14) and (16). (24) Operation; repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing • structures, land uses and equipment. (25) Restoration or reconstruction of a structure, in whole or in part, being increased or expanded by less than 20% of its existing size, square footage, or usage except if in a critical area as set forth in 23.12 (12) , (14) and (16) . (26) Regulatory activities not involving construction or changed land use relating to one (1) individual, business, institution, or facility such as inspections, testing, operating certification or licensing. ARTICLE II Designation of Critical Environmental Areas §23.9 Designation The Town of Mamaroneck hereby designates the following areas as "Critical Environmental Areas" (CEA) because of their exceptional or unique character pursuant to Section 617.4 of Title 6 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations: 1. Premium River - Pine Brook Wetlands Complex 2. Hommocks - East Creek Wetlands Complex • 3. Larchmont Reservoir-Sheldrake-Leatherstocking Freshwater Wetlands Complex These areas were previously adopted by the Town of Mamaroneck under Local Law #8 of 1986 and Local Law 04 of 1987. Each of these areas is more specifically set forth in a map and descriptions as attached. The Premium River - Pine Brook Wetland Complex is described under its former title of the Premium Salt Marsh Complex, the Hommocks - East Creek Wetlands Complex includes descriptions of the Hommocks Salt Marsh Complex and the East Creek Area, and the Larchmont Reservoir-Sheldrake-Leatherstocking Freshwater Wetlands Complex is described under same. In all places where the Sheldrake or Premium Rivers, or any stream, pond or tributary connecting thereto flow through or are located on private property, as shown on the Town of Mamaroneck Assessment Map, the Critical Environmental - area is the streambed of said .river, tributary, pond or stream and all land. within 10' feet of either side of the top of the streambanks.. -6- 056 §23.1© Description of a Critical Environmental Area In the Town of Mamaroneck Known as the Premium River-Pine Brook Wetlands Complex A. General Description This area, totaling some 40 acres, consists of major parts of the Premium River, Premium Marsh, and Premium Mill Pond, and associated lands and waters nearby. Together with the smaller Pine Brook - Premium Border, an adjacent Critical Environmental Area in the neighboring Village of Larchmont, and with similar marshlands and waters in the adjoining coastal section of New Rochelle, this Complex constitutes an important coastal fish and wildlife habitat area; offers major aesthetic and recreational values; and contributes to the mitigation of flooding through the capacity of the marsh to absorb storm water. Being located at the south of the Pine Brook - Premium watershed, which drains highly developed residential and commercial areas, this Complex requires protection against the adverse impact of flooding, siltation and pollution. B. Detailed Description All block and lot numbers, rivers, ponds, river banks, boundaries, etc. , referred to in this description are as shown on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town.of Mamaroneck. 1. In Block 504: A strip of land, owned by the Town of Mamaroneck and forming part of the Premium River Conservation Area dedicated by the Town, bounded on the west by Lots 580, 588 and 471 and on the east and southeast by Block 506; on the south by Dillon Road; and on the north by Block 505. 2. In Block 505 : All of Lots 229, 264 and 510, all of which are owned and dedicated by Town of Mamaroneck as parts of the Premium River Conservation Area. -7- 00 Also those parts of Lots 433 and 446 bounded by a line beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 446 and coinciding with the eastern boundaries of both lots, as far as the northeast corner of Lot 433; thence running west along the north boundary of Lot 433 for 78.64 feet; thence southerly on a line perpendicular to the preceding line, crossing both of the said lots to the south boundary of Lot 446; thence easterly along the said south boundary to the starting point. Also, the northeasterly portion of Lot 218 bounded on the north and east by the north and east boundaries of the said lot and on the southwest by two lines projected respectively approximately 80 feet from the northwest corner of the lot and approximately 90 feet from the southeast corner of the lot, both lines terminating and meeting at a point within the lot 22 feet distant from the nearest point on the north boundary of the said lot. 3. In Block 506: All of Lots 320, 325, 460 and 487, and so much of the stream bed of the Premium River within the said Block as lies within the Town of Mamaroneck: All of which lands and waters are part of the Premium River Conservation Area owned and dedicated by the Town of Mamaroneck. Also, so much of Lot 147 as lies north and east of a • line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south boundary of Lot 320, 30 feet from the extreme west end of the said boundary, thence southeasterly approximately 35 feet to the north end of the boundary line between Lot 147 ..and Lot 334; thence easterly and southerly along the boundary lines between Lot 147 on the one hand and Lots 334 and 324 and the first segment (78-.82 feet) of the boundary line between Lot 147 and Lot 314; thence southeasterly on a line ending at the southeasterly most point in Lot 147. • - 8- Also, so much of Lot 96 as lies to the north of a line described as follows: Beginning at the northwestern • extremity of Lot 304; thence to the northeastern extremity of Lot 304; thence easterly 85 feet on a line drawn between the northeastern extremity of Lot 304 and a point on the southeastern boundary line of Lot 96 distant 179 feet from the south end of the said boundary line; thence turning and running northeasterly approximately 110 feet on a line that meets the said boundary line at a point 250 feet from its south end. 4. In Block 507: So much of Lot 1 as lies north of a line described as follows: Beginning at the last point of meeting on the southeastern boundary line of Lot 96, Block 506, as described above, and continuing on the same bearing as that of the immediately preceding (approximately 110 foot) described line for a distance of 60 feet within Lot 1; thence turning and running due east approximately 45 ti feet to the northeastern lot boundary. Also, so much of the Premium River and its nearby banks as extends from the Village of Larchmont boundary on the easterly side to the nearest boundaries of Lots 1, 11, 22, 44, 66, 76 and 90 on the westerly side, and eastward and southward of the said lots from the Village of Larchmont boundary to the New Rochelle boundary downstream to, and including, the bridge over the Premium River at Pryer Manor Road; and all land not otherwise here described in Block 507 lying within 10 feet of the Premium River bank. 5. Premium Mill Pond: Adjoining Block 508, so much of the Premium Mill Pond (approximately 20 acres) as lies within the Town of Mamaroneck. Also, within Block 508, all land within 10 feet of the sea wall abutting the Premium Mill Pond. o6 6. Echo Bay: All Town of Mamaroneck waters in Echo Bay within or adjacent to Blocks 509 and 510 between the New Rochelle boundary. and the southeast (Premium Point) shore of Echo Bay, and all' land along the sea wall on the Echo Bay • shore of Premium Point in Blocks 509 and 510 lying within 10 feet of Echo Bay and northward of a line drawn across . the said bay from the western most extremity of Lot 50 in Block 510:westerly to the nearest point on the New Rochelle boundary, the said line being the southern (seaward) boundary of this Critical Environmental Area. • 1111 • - 10 - I . . . • • •'• .•• • •••r:!:::,41:li!1.I' . . • • . . . . • • • .• • . .. • ' • ..,1,,••.1•i • "••" '.''''''••••::'••-.•'''''fiit'.1• !?•..-''••,::I.-••2,•.. -• • •.,..„,..,. ... .... .-.- .. .. . ''. • "• ' :.-,'1",.Plii ':.'1':•-:':•; iiiiiimi . -. :, . . .• -... . • ..:..... .'... . .. , ... ..... . . •..... . •- • .070 • . . .. . , . . ,. 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Together with an adjacent Critical Environmental Area in the Village of Larchmont known as the Hommocks Border, and with a portion of the Hommocks Conservation Area lying across the boundary in the Village of Mamaroneck and similarly dedicated by that • Village, this Complex constitutes an important coastal fish and wildlife habitat area; offers major aesthetic and recreational values; and therefore merits special protection from adverse impact of future action in the highly developed residential and commercial areas immediately upstream. B. DETAILED DESCRIPTION All block and lot numbers, water bodies and other geographical features referred to below are as shown on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck. 1. Hampshire Area In Block 414, all of Lot 20, comprising that part of the Hampshire Country Club property (6.74 acres) lying within the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck. 2. Hommocks Marsh and Hommocks Peninsula Area In Blocks 415, 416 and 417 , connected lands and waters consisting of the Town of Mamaroneck portion (approximately 4 acres) of the Hommocks Conservation Area, and waters extending from it southwestward and southward around part of the Hammocks Peninsula into Larchmont Harbor; the whole being bounded as follows: -12'- 072 Beginning in Block 415 at a point on the southwest side of Hommocks Road 271.69 feet northwest of the ' intersection between the said southwest side of Hommocks Road and the boundary of the Village of Mamaroneck, and running thence southwesterly 70 feet on a line perpendicular to Hommocks Road; thence turning and running southerly approximately 415 feet to the eastward end of the retaining wall separating the Hommocks athletic field from the Hommocks Marsh; thence turning and running southwesterly 142.64 feet along the whole length of the retaining wall to the boundary of the Village of Larchmont; thence turning and running southerly along the said boundary to the point on the said boundary nearest to the southermost point of land in Block 417, Lot 41; thence turning 90 degrees eastward and running easterly to the said point of land in Block 417, Lot 41; thence turning and running irregularly northwest, _ . north and east along the shoreline of the Hommocks ItPeninsula, following the water grant line or, where none is shown, the high water mark, past Lots 41 and 1 in . Block 417 and Lots 1, 36, 75, 86, 112 and 136 in Block 416; thence turning and running northerly along the Village of Mamaroneck boundary to the intersection with the southwest side of Hommocks Road; thence along the - said southwest side of Hommocks road 271.69 feet to the point of beginning. 3. East Creek Area In Block 411, portions of Lots 249 and 280, so much of the open portion of East Creek (flowing easterly then northeasterly, from the Boston Post Road to the point of inflow into an undergound pipe near the Hommocks School parking area) as lies within the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck,. and III all land within the Town of Mamaroneck located within ten (10) horizontal feet of the bank of East Creek at mean high tide. -13 - • _ ..-, T �.W.N=-.=:OI` -_.Z:-I�1:A:��:AI�.O1\IECK ...---/ / _ • �. � = .; THE HOMM OCKS SALT MARSH COMPLEX .._.:,.,.:� ;:�'Gi• J L- ...... �,__— _-" _„_�_.-.-�.6._°mac.. .......•... ,.n-,.ti.....-.... .��..�.. -- .^.'C .. .v r.��--- IAw..O.GG. - GI ..,.w•V� .// , } - ?CONSERVATON i ��° � � _c 1�� _ ' �HOMMOCKS�,; .` 1• z IQ � I 1 C p I I (` I ti (1%,, / ." • •(.S) '•••11\ZIT' /..,'..''' ''' C• I �•• ``a . ,,oGKs oAO ._.._ • ATHLETIC . FIELD/, . � � - .1';%- 1 - - � • W f; FLINT PAP ;: \•••,4„.. ` �\, '�, I \ �.• r NORTHERN (LAND/PORTION OF HOMMOCKS ` • FISH ANVVILDLIFE HABITAT COMPLEY P�RDPOSED FOR D IC;NATION• '`•,t AS A CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREA /' 1 \ .. . . . a.+r .Jr i■ SY CLIFFORD.E.EMANUFLSON //VIII • • ASSESSMENT MAP MOSAIC CONSERVATION CON SLflJ T -14 - gg o to SOD reo' C.) • p > p t c______Ap Village of I Town of o Sca�e > ; y o '`'r ` e a. Lorc rnont , Mamaroneck ° ROAD .BOSTON fPosi I • cur 280 Loc 249 -- m ` ` Business • BL.o /G 4// ' Lor232 R t-ai . . s A • --))Lcseness _ -_ , 03 Nk.:.,.. -� > • `..}` y / . rt. ii ci-� LANE q _ CREEK ENTItt r - N _ UNDERGROUND• C , PIPE HERE•J � � :� s 5 or1 � .00f..._._________>_.. .---. , . . . / ( St0fl J r ,BAST CREEK F OCUST AVE. ' V. . - . Critical Environmental Area Is alik 075 §23.1 Description of a Critical Environmental Area • In the Town of Mamaroneck Known as the Larchmont Reservoir-Sheldrake-Leatherstocking Freshwater Wetlands 'Complex A. General Description of Component Parts and Their Value to the • Community This Complex consists of five areas of open space in the unincorporated area of the Town, together with connecting water bodies (streams, ponds and drainage ditches) and land margins immediately adjacent to such water bodies as provided herein. All these parts of the Complex are situated in the Sheldrake River watershed. Together they constitute an important fish and wildlife habitat complex (see Policy 7/7A of the Town of Mamaroneck - Village of Larchmont Local Waterfront Revitalization program) . The open spaces in the Complex provide water-retention capacity which contributes to the lessening of flooding and erosion in downstream parts of the watershed; they also provide visual relief and associated recreational values in this highly developed area. The wetlands and water bodies in the Complex, in view of their ecological, drainage, and related' educational and recreational values, require special protection from flooding, siltation, pollution, and other types of adverse impact. The total area of the Complex is approximately. 529 acres. B. Summary of Component Parts The component parts of the Complex can be summarized as follows: 1. The Winged Foot Holding Corporation property, chiefly a golf course: area 280.07 acres. 2. Open space in the Bonnie Briar }blding Corporation property, chiefly a golf course: area approximately 150 acres. 3. The Town. of Mamaroneck portion (12.76 acres) of the Larchmont Reservoir - James G. Johnson Jr. Conservancy, dedicated open space owned by Village of Larchmont. -16- O7I 4. The Sheldrake and Leatherstocking Conservation Area (dedicated parkland of the Town of Mamaroneck) : 55 acres. 5. The Badger Sports Club property: 7.53 acres. • . 6. All parts of the Sheldrake River located in the . unincorporated area of the Town outside the boundaries of the open space areas identified in Paragraphs 1 through 5, including the West Branch, East Branch, and main stem of the river and all open streams and ponds tributary thereto, together with all land within 10 feet of the nearest bank or edge of such tributary stream or pond; and all drainage easements or Town of Mamaroneck parklands, not otherwise identified herein, containing natural or manmade watercourses or drainage ditches flowing into the river or its tributaries; estimated total area approximately 24 acres. All open-space areas and all ponds, streams, drainage ditches and parklands in this Complex are described in Part C below on the basis of boundaries and locations shown on the ill7 Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck. C. Detailed Description 1. Winged Foot area, northeast of Fenimore Road All of Block 347, consisting entirely of the Winged Foot Holding Corporation property: 280.07 acres. In Block 344, the entire stream bed intersecting Lots 112, 99 and 86, and so much of the said lots as lies within 10 feet of either stream bank. In Block 346, all parts of a pond extending eastward from Block 347 into Lots 65 and 94, and all land in the said lots within 10 feet of the edge of the said pond; also, a pond intersected by the boundary between Lots 325 IIIand 94- and all land in the said lots within 10 feet of the edge of the said pond. In Block 315, two ponds and connecting streams flowing southeasterly through Lots 348, 235, 802, 144, 213-, and 171 into the Leatherstocking Conservation Area, and all land in the said. lots within 10 feet of the edge of either pond or either bank of the said streams. - 17- 077 In Block 312, two streams entering Lot 1 from Block 309 to the north and east, joining within Lot 1 and flowing thence southwesterly to Fenimore Road; and all • land in the said lot within 10 feet of either bank of • either of the said streams. . In Block 325, a pond intersected by the boundary lib between Lots 81 and 92, and all land in the said lots within 10 feet of the edge of the said pond. In Block 307, a drainage easement 25 feet wide running southerly through the east ends of Lots 88, 73, 63 and 51, then crossing Lot 51 in a southwesterly direction, then following the west ends of Lots 40, 26, 13, and 1, and ending at Kolbert Drive. In Block 308, a continuation of the drainage easement from Block 307, running parallel to Kolbert Drive across the west ends of Lots 146, 132, 118, 106, 93 and 89; and a stream flowing from the said drainage easement through a parcel owned by the Town of Mamaroneck known as Parcel "A" to the south boundary of the said Block; and all land within 10 feet of the said stream: All water courses described in this Block being part of the East Branch of the Sheldrake River. In Block 305, the stream bed of the Sheldrake River (East Branch) as it enters the Town from Scarsdale and flows southerly across Lot 903, crosses the northeast corner of Lot 922, and re-enters Lot 903, then crosses Lots 5, 1057, and 15. In Block 301, a pond, together with a stream draining the pond, in Lot 73, and another stream originating southwest of the said pond in the northeast 1111"-"' corner of Lot 1 which then crosses the southermost corner • of Lot 73; both streams then flowing into a tributary of the East Branch of the Sheldrake River in the adjoining Block 302; and all land within 10 feet of the edge of the said pond or the bank of either of the said streams. _ 18._ 078 In Block 302, several streams tributary to the East Branch of the Sheldrake River which enter Block 302 from ' Blocks 301 and 304 and flow generally southward in Lots 500, 54 and 1, or along or near the boundary between Lot . 54 on the east and Lots 500 and 1 on the west; and another stream flowing from Lot 70 into Lots 54 and 1; and all land within 10 feet of the banks of the said . streams. 2. Bonnie Briar area, southwest of Fenimore Road In Block 225, all of Lot 1, property of the Bonnie Briar Holding Corporation (141.4 acres) . In Block 201, all of Lot 19, property of the Bonnie Briar Holding Corporation (8.59 acres) . In Block 309, a stream, part of the East Branch of the Sheldrake River, flowing southwesterly through Lots 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 27, 28, and 29, and ponds and retention areas in or party in Lots 10, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, and 30; and all land within 10 feet of the said stream, ponds and retention areas. In Block 226, a tributary of the East Branch of the Sheldrake River as in flows southeasterly from Block 225, intersecting Lots 1 and 258, then flowing along or near their boundaries with Fenimore Road, then intersecting Lots 232, 55 and 98; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said stream. In Block 228, a drainage easement 25 feet wide intersecting Lots 360 and 375 east of York Road, such easement including the course of a portion of the East Branch of the Sheldrake River; the East Branch of the Sheldrake River as it flows through Lots 27, 46, and 75, and` all land within 10 feet of the river bank in the said lots; and all of Lots- 78 and 156, which lots are parkland owned by the Town of Mamaroneck, through which the East Branch- of the Sheldrake River flows southward into the Sheldrake- River Conservation area. L9 - 079 In Block 222, the West Branch of the Sheldrake River as it flows eastward out of Block 225 into Lot 627 where ' it changes course and flows south, then west, then southerly along or near the boundary between Lots 627, • 606 and 585 on the east bank and Lots 536 and 546 on the west bank, then flows under a bridge at Bonnie Briar Lane and continues southerly along or near the boundary between Lots 194 and 205 on the east bank and Lots 235 and 246 on the West bank, from which point it enters the Sheldrake River Conservation Area; and.all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said West Branch as it follows the course in Block 222 herein described. . . 3. Larchmont Reservoir area In Block 103, all of that portion (12.76 acres) of the Larchmont Reservoir - James G. Johnson Jr. Conservancy lying within the Town of Mamaroneck, being property of the village of Larchmont dedicated by it as permanent open space. 40 . . In Block 104, all portions of tributaries of the West Branch of the Sheldrake River in Lots 273 and 265 and on Bonnie Way parallel to the east boundary of Lot 288; also, a tributary of the West Branch of the Sheldrake River as it emerges on the surface and flows . east, then north, across Lots 44, 52, 68, 76, 84 and 92 then enters Lot 119 where it flows into the West Branch west of Weaver Street; and all land within 10 feet of the banks of the said tributaries. 4. Sheldrake and Leatherstocking Conservation Areas • The entirety of the Sheldrake and Leatherstocking Conservation Areas, comprising approximately 55 acres of : • parkland, the property of, and dedicated by, the Town of Mamaroneck, extending in an approximately east-west direction through Blocks. 105, 106, 222. and 224; thence between Blocks 229 and 228 on the north and 210 on the south; thence through Block 209, thence northeasterly -20` - 080. along the boundary between Blocks 204 and 208, thence northeasterly through Block 205 to Fenimore Road; thence east of Fenimore Road across Blocks 314, and 320 to the Village of Mamaroneck boundary at Old White Plains Road. Also in Block 105 but outside the Conservation Areas ill described in the preceding paragraph, tributaries of the Sheldrake River flowing southerly from Bonnie Way and passing through Lots 910, 511, 521 and 531; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of any of the said tributaries. 5. Lower Sheldrake River area south of Sheldrake - Leatherstocking Conservation Areas (a) West Branch: In Block 222, the West Branch of the Sheldrake River flowing through Lots 279 and 286 parallel to Brookside Place and thence under a bridge at Rockland Avenue; and . all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said West Branch. In Block 221, the West -Branch of the Sheldrake River 1 8 . flowing southeasterly along or near the boundaries between Lots 92, 86, 78, 72, 62, 54, 46, 41, 33, 28 and 13 on the east (Sheldrake Avenue) side and Lots 121, 127, 134, 141, 154, 159, 167, 177 and 7 on the west (Weaver Street) side, and flowing thence under a bridge at Forest Avenue; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said West Branch. In Block 220, the West Branch of the Sheldrake River flowing southeasterly along or near the boundaries between Lots 468, 481 and 487 on the west (Weaver Street) side and Lot 445 on the north (Forest Avenue) side; thence crossing the north end of Lot 487 and the west end of Lot 206 ; IIIIthence flowing easterly through Lot 212 and under a bridge at Briarcliff Road; all of Lot 212, being Town of Mamaroneck property; and all land in other lots named in this paragraph that is within 10 feet of the bank of the said West Branch. -21 - 08! In Block 219, the continuation of the West Branch of the Sheldrake River flowing easterly in, and near the north boundary of Lot 206, thence through Lot 227 and along the midline of Brookside Drive to the confluence with the East Branch-near the south end of Valley Stream illRoad; all of Lot 227 which is Town of Mamaroneck property; and all land in Block 219 within 10 feet of the bank of the said West Branch. (b) East Branch: In Block 210, the East Branch of the Sheldrake River as it flows southerly from Rockland Avenue along or near • the boundary dividing Lots 328 and 35 on the west from Lots 588 and 789 on the on the north; all of Lot 789, being open space property of the Badger Sports Club (7.53 acres) ; the East Branch of the Sheldrake River as it continues southeasterly through the northern parts of Lots 45, 87 and 240, enters the midline of Valley Stream Road, and flows irregularly southward to the confluence with the West Branch at Brookside Drive; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said East Branch. (c) Main Stem: In Blocks 219, 218 and 217, the Sheldrake River as it flows southeasterly between West Brookside Drive and East Brookside Drive to the bridge at Hickory Grove Drive; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said river. In Block 214, the Sheldrake River as it flows southeasterly into and through Lot 1, widening out in that lot and flowing thence under a bridge at Lakeside Drive; and all land within 10 feet of the bank of the said river. In Block 215, all of Lot 518, which is Town of Mamaroneck property including the entirety of Gardens Lake (formerly known and mapped as "Lake Sheldrake") ; the Sheldrake River as it flows northerly from Gardens Lake along or parallel to North Brook Road; and all land in the said Block 215 not otherwise included in this description, r 082 that lies within 10 feet of the bank of the said river. In Block 214, the Sheldrake River as it flows ' northerly along or parallel to North Brook Road; all land ' . • • within 10 .feet of the bank of the said river in that location;- a drainage easement in Lot 545 through which the • L1.11111 said river flows and from which it flows under Interstate IF , Route 95 (The New England Thruway) ; and all of Lot 483, which is-Town of Mamaroneck property southeast of Route 1-95 through which the said river flows across the boundary of the Village of Mamaroneck. ill • • -23 - • I . p or ■ •.' , i , I • . a . , I a . //I 1J 1. L.-UL(11 VVCII_Ciil (Jilt V . U . . •,.. . i.•:.! I-tevitalization Program - . r t.: il. I CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL - • • • . •: ., •••• , -. . AREAS. .,-" 1 ..• -.:.. - . t • . including • 40frA,0,....1r. :•1. -- • . .. •• 4,1w-,.,... . • : : • : - open space-wildlife halitatareas-6=ma.' '7 ' .,..7 vir A%40111• : I :0 4.11411/ • /. „N.v,....-4 . . . I • wetlands&watercourses extending-6 - e's,` -,.,e. 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ARTICLE III 4 Miscellaneous Provisions 084 §23.13 EFFECTIVE DATE. This Part, as revised, applies to actions for which a determination of significance has not been made prior to June 1, 1987. Actions for which a determination of significance has been made prior to June 1, 1987 shall comply with Part 617 of 6 NYCRR, adopted September 1, 1978. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State in- accordance with Section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law-. • §23.14 SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this local law are severable. If any article, section, subsection, or provision of this local law shall be invalid, such invalidity shall apply only to the article, section, subsection, or provisions adjudged invalid, and the rest of this local law shall remain valid and effective. §23.15 REPEAL OF OTHER LAWS This local law repeals Local Law No. 4 of 1985, Environmental Quality Review, and any amendments thereto. -25- 085" August 16, 1989 AFFAIRS OF THE 'DOWN 1. Appointments - Planning Board - Recreation On recommendation and motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Steven R. Goldstein of Leatherstocking Lane, Village of Mamaroneck, to the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board for a tern of office expiring August 1996. On recommendation and motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Rosemary Dufficy of Echo Lane, Town, to the Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission for a term of office expiring August 1996. 2. Report - Monroe Nursery School The Supervisor introduced Paulette Gabbriellini, Assistant to to the Administrator, who proceeded to give a brief report on the intended use of the Monroe School and property and the new opportunities it offers to serve the residents in the area of day care, pre-school, summer camp and recreation, with facility programming dependent upon changing needs of the community. She offered two alternative proposals and gave costs, methods of implementing and licensing, grant applications and the process of obtaining such for September of 1990. Both proposals, she noted, were offered by the Children's Corner which now runs early morning and after school programs for children in grades K-6, and propose to continue such operation with the addition of a nursery school program for 3-4 years olds at Monroe. The second proposal, she added, would be for the Children's Corner to run a day-care facility from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. for 3-5 year olds from September through June. A lengthy discussion ensued among the Board members Who expressed preference for day care) , representatives of the Children's Corner Who expressed preference for a nursery school) and some residents. The Supervisor appointed a Day Care Council to further research community needs. 3. Report - Taylor's Lane Composting Site The Administrator explained that the Town and Village of Mamaroneck have had a long-standing arrangement whereby they shared a 60% (Town)/40% (Village) cost for leaf composting at Taylor's Lane. He stated that when the Village considered utilizing the site for senior housing, in the course of 6 • 08 ; August 16, 1989 conducting environmental studies of the site, hazardous waste material was found and the DEC, on the basis of their findings, classified the site as a Class II hazardous waste site pursuant to the Conservation Law. He went on to say that, based upon their findings, the DEC has ordered the Village to develop and implement a site remediation program. He pointed out that the Village has awarded a contract to Malcolm Pirnie for development of the final remediation program estimated at $70,000 and has presumed that the Town would continue the 60/40 share of cost. He concluded that, although the Town may desire to continue, the consent order does no indicate whether the site will be available for composting after remediation and, following a meeting to be held on August 21st with the Village and representatives of Malcolm Pirnie, he would report to the Board at the next Town Board meeting. A somewhat lengthy discussion by the Board members and the Administrator followed, in which all agreed that the Town would only consider sharing costs if there is a guarantee of continued composting. 4. Authorization - Parking Lot #1 Following explanation by the Administrator that the Town's 1990 Capital Improvement Plan calls for establishing parking spaces for those residents that commute into New York City during non rush-hour periods, and the fact that there are eight parking meter spaces near Myrtle Boulevard which could be used during the interim for those commuters traveling later in the morning, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Town Board, by virtue of the authority granted to them does hereby establish the following parking regulation for Lot No. 1 which is situated at Myrtle Boulevard and Vine Street in the Town of Mamaroneck: Parking in each of the eight metered parking spaces located along and adjacent to Myrtle Boulevard in Parking Lot No. 1 shall be prohibited between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. 5. Report of Bids - Road Resurfacing Following the report of bids submitted, publicly opened and read on August 9th, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously 7 08? August 16, 1989 RESOLVED, that this Board hereby awards the Road Resurfacing Contract TA-89-7 to Yonkers Contracting company of Yonkers, New York, as the lowest, responsible bidder meeting specifications, in the amount of $311,550; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to execute an agreement with Yonkers Contracting Company for road resurfacing; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes a transfer of funds in the amount of $21,550 from the Highway Fund unreserved balance to be added to the reserve balance of $290,000 to cover the complete cost of $311,550 for Contract TA-89-7 Road Resurfacing. 6. Discussion - Code Enforcement The Administrator reported that during the month of May and the first weekend in June, the Assistant Building Inspector concentrated on a code enforcement plan directed toward cleaning up specific infractions and violations in zoning, sign laws and property maintenance, particularly within the Post Road corridor. He noted that the result was a very visible and beneficial improvement, and he suggested that it be carried out again, if necessary. An in-depth discussion of the subject followed among members of the Town Board, with the general consensus that the preference be for a follow up on each weekend, subject to the availability of staff in the Building Department. 7. Resolution - School Zone-Palmer Avenue The Administrator briefly clarified that a formal request was sent to the State DOT by the Town, both Villages, the School District and PTA to conduct a study of Boston Post Road for installation of additional signage designating school zones. He mentioned that there has been no response to date but that the Village of Mamaroneck adopted a resolution requesting the County DOT to establish a school zone on Palmer Avenue between Richbell Road and Fulton Road which is also necessary for the 8 088 August 16, 1989 Town to adopt. He recommended, in addition, that the Board further request the County DOT to establish a school zone on Palmer Avenue near Central School. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck respectfully request authorization from the Westchester County Department of Transportation in order to establish the following: a. Palmer Avenue from the intersection of Richbell Road to the Town/Village boundary be designated a "School Zoner" b. Palmer Avenue from the intersection of Nancy Lane to the intersection of Elkan Road be designated a ',School Zone;" c. in connection with the establishment of such "School Zones," that the speed be reduced from 30 miles per hour to 20 miles per hour during school hours. 8. Authorization - Tree Planting Program Councilwoman Silverstone explained that with only a modest membership fee required, it is possible to to receive 100 Liberty elm trees by becoming a member of the Elm Research Institute, a non-profit institute based in Harrisville, New Hampshire committed to giving away a million elm trees within the next ten years. She noted that the cost of membership is based on population; towns and villages of 5,000 to 50,000 pay $300 per year, and the trees come with a 10-year guarantee against Dutch Elm disease. Following some discussion, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes payment of a $300.00 membership fee for the Town of Mamaroneck to join the Elm Research illInstitute of Harrisville, New Hampshire. 9. Adoption - 1990 Budget Schedule The Administrator presented the 1990 Budget Calendar and on motion by Councilwoman Silvertone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously 9 • 089 August 16, 1989 RESOLVED, that this Board hereby formally adopts the following Budget Calendar for the 1990 Town Budget: PRELIMINARY BUDGET CALENDAR 1990 BUDGET August 17th Issue work papers to Department Heads September 27th Receive back work papers from Department Heads October 18th Presentation - Tentative Budget to Board by Budget Officer October 25th Public Work Session - Outside Agencies November 1st Public Work Session - Outside Agencies November 8th Public Work Session - Town Departments November 15th Public Work Session - Capital and Operating budget reviews December 6th Public Hearing on the Budget December 20th 1990 Budget Adoption 10. Update - Hammocks Ice Rink The Administrator pointed out that since the last update of July 7, 1989, the foundations for the rink building and new service building have been completed and all pile caps related to the building structure have been completed. He went on to say that the plumbing contractor has installed the vault for the sanitary sewage ejection pump and also a portion of the piping. He further noted that the prefab building is scheduled for delivery on August 14th and that the grade beam surrounding the ice surface is 75% complete. He concluded that all work is on schedule and the old roof has been removed and a portion of the interior demolition has been completed, with a total expenditute to July 21st at $423,643. 11. Authorization - Establish Debt Service Checking Account Following a brief explanation by the Administrator, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck deos hereby authorize the Comptroller to open a Town of Mamaroneck Debt Service Checking Account at Barclays Bank; and 10 090 August 16, 1989 be it further RESOLVED, that all withdrawals, checks and other orders relative to the Debt service Checking Account at Barclays Bank shall be authorized when signed by the Signatures of Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor and Comptroller or Deputy stroller/Receiver of Taxes. 12. Salary Authorizations - Recreation - Highway On motion by Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1989 Town Budget, authorization is hereby granted for the payment of salary to the following: Keith Fairey, Recreation Leader, Teen Center, $7.50/hour, retroactive to 7/1/89; Melanie Walsh, Junior Recreation Leader, Teen Center, $5.00/hour, retroactive to 7/1/89; Betsy Brakenhoff, Senior Recreation Leader, Teen Center, $10.00/hour, retroactive to 7/1/89; Gary Metz, Recreation Leader, Teen Center, $7.00/ hour, retroactive to 7/1/89; Christopher DeJesus, Counselor, Central Playground, $216-total Chatsworth $224-total; Brad Orben, Junior Tennis Instructor, $20,00/hour, retroactive to 7/1/89; Jennifer D'Ambrosio, Alternate Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $4.00/hour retroactive to 7/25/89; Tania Telesco, Counselor, Murray Avenue Pre School,. $240.00 total; and be it further RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1989 Town Budget, authorization is hereby granted for payment of salary to the following: Wesley Kendall, Summer Laborer, $7.00/hour retroactive to 7/31/89. 11 0914 August 16, 1989 13. Authorization - Town Administrator On motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the payment of $1,000 as appropriated in the 1989 Town Budget for the Town Adminisrator's attendance at the International City Managers Conference to be held in Des Moines, Iowa on September 24-28, 1989. 14. Ratification - Community Counseling Center Appointments On motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby ratifies the appointments to the positions of part-time clinical social worker and clinical psychologists at the Larchmont- Mamaroneck Community Counseling Center of Roberta Seidman, S.S.W.; Alan Dienstag, M.A., and Lee Futrovsky, M.S. 15. Authorization - Collect School Taxes On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, in accordance, with Section 550a of the Westchester County Tax Act, being Article 16 of the Westchester County Administrative Code as amended by Chapter 386 of the Laws of 1962, does hereby authorize the Comptroller of the Town of Mamaroneck to accept from any taxpayer two partial payments in equal installments for or on account of school taxes and apply such payments on account thereof, and that he shall accept payment of said school taxes in full at the discretion of the taxpayer, or as stated in two partial payments with the first installment being due and payable in the month of September, and the second being due and payable in the month of 12 August 16, 1989 January following, provided that no installment may be paid unless the first installment of current school taxes, including interest and penalty, shall have been paid or is paid at the same time. If the second partial payment is received during the month of January, no interest or penalty shall be charged against the second partial payment; and be it further RESOLVED, that as provided in said statute, unless the first partial payment is received during the month of September and the second partial payment is received during the month of January, the penalty provided for payment of school taxes as set forth in section 543 shall be applicable as follows: First Installment September No Penalty October 2% November 5% December & January 7% February & March 10% April & thereafter up to date of sale 12% Second Installment February & March 10% April to date of sale 12% and be it further RESOLVED, that the first installment shall be due and payable and become a lien on the taxable property of the school district on September 1st, 1989 and the second installment on January 1st, 1990; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk, the Comptroller and the Assessor shall prepare a suitable form of tax receipt to be presented at the expense of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, tht pursuant to Section 551 of Chapter 386 of the Laws of 1962, a statement concerning the tax information be printed, and the Comptroller shall mail with each receipt for taxes a printed copy of such statement; and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately. 13 093 August 16, 1989 16. Authorization - New York Statewide Police Information Network Following a brief explanation outlining the agreement with the State of New York Police to have our computer system connected to a statewide police information service called NYSPIN (New York Statewide Police Information Network) , on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to enter into an agreement with the Superintendent of the Division of State Police to implement a computer-to-computer interface with NYSPIN (New York Statewide Police Information Network) . WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no written or oral communications to come before the Board at this time. THE SUPERVISOR Supervisor Battalia commented that usually Doctor Alan Mason is a member of the audience, but again there have been terrible rains and he stayed up all night with the computer system and watched for flooding because of the valve in the reservoir. She stated that she wished to commend him as there are few citizens who would stay up all night with a computer and valve. REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL No Reports REPORTS OF THE TOWN CLERK The Town Clerk su]xnitted to the Board the Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of July 1989 as well as the Monthly Report of the Town Clerk's Office for the month of July 1989. 14 I 1 August16, 1989 ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned into Executive Session to discuss acquisition of property. at 10:20 p.m. Patricia A. DiCioccio Town Clerk 15