HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_03_04 Town Board Regular Minutes i
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor
Silverstone at 6:30 pm, at which time on motion duly made and seconded,
the meeting was declared adjourned into an Executive Session to discuss
I the Trustees fram the Village of Larchwnt contract negotiations for
the L/M Joint Sanitation Commission.
Both Boards then adjourned into a Work Session at 7:15 to discuss with the
Larclmont Library Board the Library budget.
Present were the following members of the Board:
Supervisor Caroline Silverstone
Councilwoman Elaine Price
Councilman John McGarr
Councilwoman Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Councilman Paul A. Ryan
Also present were:
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Town Counsel
Carmine DeLuca, Comptroller
I,archmont Board Members attending were:
Cheryl Lewy, Mayor
Judy O'Gorman, Trustee
Kenneth Bialo, Trustee
Marion White, Trustee
Also Present from Larchmont was:
James Staudt, Village Attorney
Members of the Library Board were also in attendance. Joan Faulkner
gave an overview of the proposed budget, informing the Board that
except for salaries and mandated items, there was no increase to the
The board then discussed the CD Rout system and its cost, Ms. Faulkner
estimating that it would cost $3,000 apiece with one being bought from
this budget.
Ms. Faulkner explained that circulation was up, which is cc mmon during
economic downturns. She said that readership had increase
tremendously, and that in general people were using the library more,
which puts more of a demand on our resources. There then was a lively
discussion on all aspects of the budget.
March 4, 1992
The Work Session on motion made by Councilwoman Price, seconded by
Councilwoman O'Flinn, was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:10 pm.
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor
Silverstone at 8:20 pm in the Court Rom.
Supervisor Silverstone pointed out to those assembled the locations of
exits as required by law for public gatherings.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Silverstone at 9:15 pm.
in the Court Rom.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Elaine Price
Commissioner John McGarr
Commissioner Kathleen Tracy O'Flirm
Commissioner Paul A. Ryan
1. Fire Claims
Commissioner Price presented fire claims for authorization of payment
and on her motion, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Canptroller's Office:
Brewers Hardware $ 12.04
Dri-Chen Extinguisher Co. 743.45
ESCO 31.50
Excelsior Garage 6,085.87
Forest Hills 900.00
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp 647.46
Motorola 98.00
Northville 312.37
Portronix Cammnications 3,911.60
Pronto Printer 116.00
Repp, Michael, Jr. 123.00
There being no further business to come before this Commission, on
motion by Commissioner McGarr, seconded by Commissioner O'Flinn, the
meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:35.pm.
March 4, 1992
L. Appointments: - Zoning Board of Appeals
- Board of Ethics
Councilwoman OrFlinn said she had received a resume from Thomas Rent
who had volunteered to serve on the Board of Ethics, therefore on
motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
appoint Thomas J. R. Kent, 731 Forest Avenue
as a member of the Board of Ethics for the
remaining term, said tern expiring December
Zoning Board of Appeals
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
reappoint Thomas Gunther, 9 Orchard Road as a
member of the Zoning Board of Appeals or a
tern of five years, said tern expiring
February 1997.
2. Set Date for Public Hearing - One Way on Rouken Glen
The Administrator said that the Traffic Committee at the behest of
local residents, had considered changing traffic patterns at the
entrance to Rouken Glen. He said that it was recommended by the
Traffic Committee that the northwest spur of East Drive at the
intersection with Murray Avenue be made a one way street, allowing
traffic to travel in a southwesterly direction and at its
intersection with Murray Avenue, this would allow traffic to travel
in a southeasterly direction.
On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set
April 1, 1992 as the date to hold the Public
Hearing on a proposed Local Law designating
East Drive as a one way street at the entrance
to Rouken Glen; and
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is authorized to
have the legal notice of Public Hearing
published in a official newspaper of the Town
and that the Notice also be posted on the
Clerk/s official Bulletin Board
March 4, 1992
3. Discussion - Murray Avenue Truck Study
Allan Davis, whose firm had prepared the Murray Avenue Truck Study,
presented the Board members with the highlights of the report. The
Board questioned him on certain aspects of it.
Mr. Silverberg suggested that the Board accept the document and then
open the floor to discussion. On motion made by Councilwoman Price,
seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
accept the Murray Avenue Truck Study as
prepared and presented by Allan Davis
Associates, Inc.
Ken McCartney, 163 Murray Avenue, said that he had counted 76 trucks
go past his house during a fairly short span of time, and that it was
becoming a real nuisance, in addition to being unsafe.
A resident said that the 25 mph speed limit was not being enforced,
and that the police should stop the trucks to see where they are
I oing, because he believed that Murray was being used as a cut
Michael Carr, 263 Murray, said that the street is in terrible
condition, paving has not been done, other than patching as long as
he could remember.
Jack Coughlin said that the street had not been paved for even longer
than that, as a long time resident, I cant remember the last time it
liad been paved.
A resident stated that the character of the road was being inundated,
where most residential district average 500 cars, we average 5000,
and wanted to know if a sign could be put up reminding drivers of the
speed limit, and that the area was not to be used as a shortcut.
Valerie O'Keefe said that the lines on Maple Hill Drive are all faded
and unclear and that there are many ruts that need filling,
especially at the intersection of Maple Hill and Murray.
Joseph Floyd, Murray Avenue, read a list of the trucks that he had
observed using Murray as a thoroughfare. He listed the trucks:
Eamon, Suburban, Collins, Premium Landscaping, Seagrams Liquors,
Grand Union, New car carriers, armored carrier trucks, as well trucks
with no printed names on them.
�. Levine said last night the noise from the traffic was appalling
and that the Board would have to take some action. The road needs to
be repaved.
Supervisor Silverstone said that since Murray Avenue was a County
road, they would have to be solicited to repave and she suggested
that a contingent be put together to pressure them to repave. She
also offered the services our new County Legislator, George Latimer,
who might be able to help.
There then followed a long discussion on the truck problem and the
study. It was decided by the Board to table this until the April 22,
1992 meeting.
March 4, 1992
4. Authorization - Ice Rink Trust Fund
Mr. Altieri said that the Town Recreation Commission had requested
the Town Board to adopt a resolution approving the establishment of
an Ice Rink Trust Fund which would be used exclusively for the Ice
Rink. He said that the Comptroller had recommended that the account
be opened with the Bank of New York.
On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
authorize the opening of an account to be
known as the "Ice Rink Trust Fund, the funds
to be used exclusively for the Ice Rink; and
RESOLVED, that on recommendation made by the
Town Comptroller the Ice Rink Trust Fund
account shall be opened at the Bank of
New York.
5. Authorization - Installation of Fire Hydrant - Vine Street
The Administrator said that he had received a communication from John
Hoch, Manager of WJWW, about the installation of a 611 water main on
Vine Street, and he said that WJWW was recommending the installation
of a fire hydrant on Vine Street to improve fire protection in the
area. He said that Mr. Hoch said that the installation cost is
already included in the previously approved Capital Improvement
Councilwoman Price asked where the exact placement would be of the
Hydrant and suggested that the placement not be at the end near the
park. After a brief deliberation, on motion of Councilwoman Price,
seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
approve the installation of a fire hydrant on
Vine Street with the understanding that there
be no expenditures of monies other than those
already approved for WW local capital
project; and
RESOLVED, that the fire hydrant not be placed
at the end of Vine Street close to the park.
6. Authorization - WJWW - Water Billing Surcharge
The Supervisor said that as she had previously reported, the City of
New York was levying a surcharge on water usage on a per capita
basis. She said that as outlined in the communication from John
Hoch, the rec4amnendation is that WJWW be authorized to apply an
excess per capita water usage surcharge to residential water bills,
which would help recoup the $15o,000 reduction in net earnings caused
by the New York City surcharge.
March 4, 1992
Supervisor Silverstone said that Mr. Hoch had recommended, and she
agreed, to a billing plan that would impose a surcharge to the
September quarterly bills, and to the July, August and September
monthly bills. She said summer is the high usage time, and it was
proposed that the surcharge amount be nineteen cents per hundred
cubic feet, which when calculated out with average usage, recovers
about $31,400, which will cover the Towns share of the City,s
surcharge. The Board held a brief discussion, questioning the amount
that a typical resident would have to pay for the surcharge The
Supervisor answered that it be about $3.80.
On motion of Councilwoman OIFlinn, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it
was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck authorizes Westchester Joint Water
Works to institute the recovery of excess per
capita usage charge of nineteen cents (19) per
hundred cubic feet of water effective as of
June 1992.
7. Resolution - Amend Town Fee Schedule
The Board decided to table this to the next meeting.
8. Resolution Re: Hoare Rule Request - Affordable Housing
Town of Mamaroneck
Mr. Silverberg said to set up the structure of the Affordable Housing
project it would be necessary to adopt a home rule request to appoint
a Housing Authority to take action on the various decisions to be
made and to be the authority to oversee the project.
After discussion on motion of Councilwoman Price, seconded by
Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
authorize Town Counsel to prepare the
necessary Hoare Rule Request for the
implementation of the Affordable Housing
Project, said document to be forwarded by him
to the State in as timely a fashion as
9. Salary Authorization - Police Department
Pursuant to the memo from Police Chief Munch, on motion of
Councilwoman OIFlinn, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was
RESOLVED, authorization is hereby granted by
the Town Board for payment of salary as
provided for in the 1992 Town Budget, to
Gerald C. McCarthy, who has been hired for the
position of Police Officer, at an annual rate
of $30,330, effective March 19, 1992.
March 4, 1992
Item not on agenda
10. Authorization - Retainer Agreement - Davids Island
Councilwoman Price said that with the proposed development of Davids
Island facing us, she had spoken with member of our Board, the Mayors
fram the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck about the joint hiring
of Counsel to help in the fight. She said that the Village of
Larchmont had camuitted to be part of the agreement to obtain
Counsel,, and that she had spoken with Steve Silverberg, who said that
he was interested in the issue, so she therefore was requesting that
the Board approve an agreement to retain Counsel at a capped amount
of $5,000. The Board talked about the development and which
cammunities had shown an interest in joining us in retaining Counsel.
On motion of Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it
was tu�animously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
authorize the expenditure of no more than
$5000 to retain Steven M. Silverberg, to serve
as Counsel on the Davids Island issue.
On motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned into
Executive Session to discuss possible litigation at 10:15 pen.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia DiCioccio
Town Clerk