HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999_06_02 Town Board Regular Minutes REVISED
REGULAR MEETING -Wednesday, June 2, 1999 -Town Center Court Room - 8:30 PM.
THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 6:30 PM into an Executive Session to discuss litigation,
personnel and certiorari.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
8:00 -8:30 PM - RECEPTION - Patrick Kelleher-Zoning Board of Appeals
1. Fire Claims
2. Other Business
UPDATE - George Latimer, Chairman -Westchester County Board of Legislators
1. Appointment - Deputy Supervisor
2. Set Public Hearing - No Parking Law Bryson Street
3. Authorization - Transfer of Funds - Capital Projects - 1) Purchase of Computers
2) Reconstruction of the Town Center
4. Authorization - Stipulation of Agreement- Police Department
5. Authorization - Retainer Agreement- Counsel to Planning and Zoning
6. Authorization - Certiorari Agreements
7. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
- Police Department
-Town Clerk's Office- Summer Intern
Next regularly scheduled meetings - June 16, 1999
- July Meeting (to be announced)
Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting
should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810.
Supervisor Paul A. Ryan
Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Councilman Barry Weprin
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilwoman Judith A. Myers
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Charlene Indelicato, Town Attorney
The Board convened into an Executive Session at 6:30 PM in Conference Room A of the
Town Center to discuss litigation, personnel and certiorari.
On motion duly made and seconded the Board adjourned at 8:30 PM to the Court Room.
The Regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Ryan at 8:35 PM,
who then pointed out the location of exits.
This item was postponed until the next meeting of the Board.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Ryan at 8:40 PM.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Barry Weprin
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Judith A. Myers
1. Fire Claims:
JUNE 2, 1999
Commissioner Myers presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on her
motion, seconded by Commissioner Witnner, it was unanimously:
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved
by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office:
AAA Emergency Supply Co. Inc. 594.35
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 2188.55
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 160.00
AT&T Wireless 9.28
Bell Atlantic 430.33
Carquest of Larchmont 323.14
Excelsior Garage& Machine Works, Inc. 2232.80
EMS/Associates 361.60
Giacomo Service Center, Inc. 35.00
J &J Barish 80.00
Lesco 12.00
Lucent Tec. 50.15
Multiplier 123.55
National Fire Protection Association 15.00
Nick Condro 600.00
Poland Spring 57.51
Redwood Nursery 30.00
Roberts 945.00
Sound Shore Pest Control 120.00
Staples 122.01
Town of Mamaroneck Professional 220.08
United Water 198.54
Westchester Elevator 70.00
AT&T Long Distance 52.20
Excelsior Garage& Machine Works 200.50
TOTAL $ 9,684.30
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner
O'Keeffe,seconded by Commissioner Myers,the Commission unanimously adjourned.
1. Appointment- Deputy Supervisor
Supervisor Ryan said that he had decided to appoint Councilwoman Wittner as his deputy.
He then showed and read parts of the Proclamation she had received from Actionville, noting
that they had planted a tree in her honor.
Councilwoman O'Keeffe said with no disrespect intended, she thought the most senior
person on the Board should received that appointment, which would be Councilman Weprin.
The Supervisor said that Councilman Weprin had been strongly considered, but given that
Councilwoman Wittner was able to be available for larger amounts of time, he had chosen
Out of Order- Discussion of New Policy for Garbage Pickup
Supervisor Ryan said since Monday had been a holiday, there was no scheduled pickup the
next day as used to happen. No pickups on holidays period. The calendar sent to residents
was clear on the schedule. On Tuesday morning numerous calls were received by his office
about missed pickups. He and the Administrator went out and surveyed approximately 400
to 500 homes that had not complied. He said that he had then requested special trucks be
sent out to pick it up, costing the Town $1400 in overtime, which he would not want to see
happen again. Every one of those homes would be receiving a letter reminding them of the
JUNE 2, 1999
new policy, and the new schedule will be included in the newsletter. He said that there were
three more Monday Holidays this year, so everyone has to try harder to remember to look at
and follow the schedule.
The Administrator added there was no need to put the garbage out at the curb, the collectors
will.pick it up wherever the cans are stored.
2. Set Public Hearing -No Parking -Bryson Street
Mr.Altieri explained that activities held at the Murray Ave.school result in cars parking on both sides
of Bryson Street. When cars are parked on both sides, it is not possible for emergency vehicles to
access the street. An incident did occur where one of our ambulances was forced to park on Murray
Ave in order to respond to a call on Bryson Street. Widening of the street as a means of avoiding a
complete parking prohibition was considered. An evaluation by our engineering department revealed
that the cost of widening the street would be high and would also be an intrusion onto resident's front
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the date for
public hearing on No Parking Law Bryson Street June
16,1999 at 8:15 PM; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be authorized to publish the
notice of said hearing in a newspaper appointed as an official
source, and that notice be so posted.
3. Authorization -Transfer of Funds Capital Projects
The Administrator said that authorization was being requested to transfer appropriated
budget funds to Capital Projects #94-01 - Purchase of Computers and #86-04 Reconstruction
of Town Center. The 1999 budget includes funding for continuation of both of these
projects. Capital Project#94-01 is for the Town's continued program of updating both
computer hardware and software for our governmental operations. In 1999, funding will
include the complete wiring of the Town Center for voice and data transmissions for the
development of our intra-net network. The cost of this project will be $24,000. In addition
funds will be used for upgrading various computers in our operating departments for Y2K
compatibility. Also, funding in this project will be applied for the development of the Town's
Web Site. At this time there is no specific budget for the project. He said that this project
was originally designated for the construction of the Town Center building, since that time
the project has been used for any major repairs or restorations to the building. In 1998 for
instance the funds were applied to the renovation of the new Recreation Department Office,
then in 1999, designated projects include the renovation of the new Town Clerk's office on
the first floor of the building and the expansion of the Town Supervisor/Town
Administrator's Office. Also, minor renovations will include the replacement of carpeting
and furniture in the Court Clerk's Office and Building Department.
The following is the schedule of fund transfers to be considered by the Town Board.
Fund Capital Project Capital Project
#94-01 #86-04
Computers Town Center
General Fund -General Town $28,000 $40,000
General Fund -Part Town $10,000 $25,000
Highway Fund $10,000 -0-
Sewer District $5,000 -0-
JUNE 2, 1999
On motion of Councilwoman Myers, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the
Comptroller to transfer$118,000 from General Fund. $53,000
to Capital Project Fund 94-01 for the purchase of Computers
and $65,000 to Capital Project Fund #86-04 for
reconstruction of Town Center.
4. Authorization -Stipulation of Agreement-Police Benevolent Association
Mr.Altieri explained that the collective bargaining agreement between the Town and the Police
Benevolent Association (PBA) expired on December 31, 1997. Since that time the Town and PBA have
been negotiating a successor agreement. The negotiating committee for both parties have reached a
stipulation of agreement that is subject to ratification by both the memberships of the PBA and the
Town Board. Attached is a copy of the stipulation for your review. It will be the subject of our
discussion during the pre-board meeting on May 19, 1999. Each contract negotiation carries specific
priorities for both parties. For the Town a primary concern was the level of overtime expended each
year. Overtime has been incurred to shore up short police tours due to sick leave,worker's
compensation leave, and the scheduling of vacations and other leaves. ,Overtime is also driven by
training programs that require officers to be paid at overtime rates,to effect changes in these areas,
there is a tentative agreement to amend the police department work schedule and to make other
changes that are intended to reduce overtime exposure.
He highlighted the changes in the proposed contract renewal:
Article 7 -Hours of Work-Currently police officers with the exception of Lieutenants, Detectives and
Patrolman on special assignment work a 248-day work year.The schedule provides for five days on
duty and 72 hours off duty. Under the proposed agreement, an officer would work 237 days a year.The
specifics of the schedule are outlined in the stipulation of agreement.The reduction in scheduled
workdays has been offset by a series of concessions by the PBA to reduce overtime. They are as
Article 20 Section 23 -Chart Days-Under the current contract, a patrolman must arrive at least 20
minutes before the start of a scheduled tour. Sergeants and Lieutenants must arrive at least 30
minutes before the start of their tour.
To reflect the additional work time supervising officers receive 8 chart days off per year and patrolman
receive 6 chart days off per year.
If approved the new contract would eliminate all chart days for patrolman and 4 of the 8 chart days for
supervising officers.All officers would still be required to report early for their scheduled work tours.
The change in the chart days eliminates the scheduling of 202 days off per year.
Article 8 Overtime and Premium time-Officers that are required to attend training programs currently
receive overtime pay for this time. This provision would be changed to provide that the first 40 hours
of training would be paid at straight time rather than overtime.The change in this section results in
savings of$119.30 per training day for an officer with the rank of patrolman. For firearms training
alone,the savings for the department will be approximately$10,000.
Also in this section of the contract officers on light duty will no longer be eligible to receive overtime
assignments.They are removed from the overtime rotation unless the Chief assigns them at his
discretion.This section is intended to avoid the abuse of light duty.
Article 9 -Holiday.Pay -A police officers schedule is prepared in such a way that officers often times
work on holidays.To account for this they receive holiday pay for holidays specified in the contract.A
problem has arisen at times where officers will call in sick either before or after the day of a holiday.
The new contract would waive the officer's right to holiday pay for a specific holiday if they were to call
in sick 24 hours before or after the holiday.
Article 11 -Sick Leave-Sick leave is yet another cause for overtime.Abuse of sick leave can at times
be a problem especially for those officers that take single sick days.The PBA and the Town developed
a sick leave incentive/disincentive program patterned after a similar program that has been successful
in the Village of Mamaroneck. The program provides for cash bonuses for those officers that do not
use more than 3 sick days per year. It also offers a severe disincentive for those that use more than 7
sick days per year.The program would provide for a reduction in other leave balances when sick leave
exceeds 7 days.There are provisions for exceptions to the disincentive and an appeals process for
hearing the exemption request. Exemptions will rarely be granted for single sick days that create the
JUNE 2, 1999
most overtime.
The following are other sections to the contract that would be amended if approved.
Article 12 -Longevity-As outlined in the stipulation, longevity increments would be increased.At this
time the Town's longevity schedule ranks 24th in the county when compared with other Town's and
Villages.We have proposed an increase that is more in line with the average for the county.
Article 16 -Insurance-Currently employees in the Police Department hired after 1995 contribute$1,000
per year for family medical coverage.
Contributions are made for the first eight years of employment.After that,the Town assumes the full
cost of the benefit. Under the proposed agreement, employees hired after Feb. 1999 would contribute
$1,200 per year for the first ten years of employment.
Article 19 -Salary-The agreement provides salary increase of 10.25% over three years.The stipulation
outlines the new salaries under the agreement.
The balance of the changes in the contract are administrative items that have little or no economic
impact on the Town. Overall, I believe this is a settlement that can reduce our overtime exposure.A
number of changes in this contract will control abuses of leave time and allow for the scheduling of
more training at a lower cost. In a survey of 39 Westchester County police contracts settled for the
years 1998, 1999 and 2000,the average salary increases were 3.78%, 3.48%, and 3.36% respectively.
Therefore when weighed against the other changes made in the Town contract, I believe we have
negotiated a balanced package for the Town and the police employees.The recommendation is to
ratify the stipulation of agreement between the Town and the PBA.
Following discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman
O'Keeffe, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
agreement between the Town and the Police Benevolent
Association as amended; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized
to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town.
6. Authorization -Retainer Agreement: Counsel To Planning and Zoning Boards
Steve Altieri explained that at the request of the Town Board,additional information has been
compiled regarding the retainer agreement for the Planning and Zoning Boards. As you know the
proposal is to increase the retainer agreement from $33,000 to$42,000. The new retainer amount
would be for a period of two years as opposed to the annual retainer currently in place. When
evaluating a new retainer amount,the issue for Robinson, Silverman, has become the number of hours
expended in each month on zoning and planning matters.Time sheets for the latter part of 1997 reveal
an average of 15 to 18 hours per month. In 1998 the average rose to 27 hours per month.The total time
spent on zoning and planning matters was 375 hours. Under the current retainer agreement Bob
Davis's time is billed at$250/hour and Judy Gallent is billed at$175/hour.At Judy Gallents billing rate,
the value of the 1998 hours is $65,000.At this hourly rate,the annual retainer of$42,000 assumes 20
hours of work per month.
He said that along with the time spent in attendance at the board meetings,which averages 8 hours per
month,there is time spent in consultation with the staff. For instance telephone conferences with the
Building Inspector,and Environmental Coordinator occur frequently. Each month, a peer review
meeting is held with staff to review applications to come before both boards. Robinson, Silverman
review all minutes to verify their accuracy and draft all resolutions of approval for both boards.
On motion of Councilman Weprin, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
increase of the retainer agreement with Counsel to the
Planning and Zoning Boards from $33,000 to $42,000. The new
JUNE 2, 1999
retainer amount would be for a period of two years, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized
to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town.
7. Authorization -Certiorari Agreements
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Weprin, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize
the settlement of the following certiorari as recommended
by the Town Attorney, Charlene Indelicato:
Larchmont Yacht Club -Monroe Avenue(a/k/a Club Road)
Block 717, Lot 1
Village of Larchmont
Year Assessment Reduced to Amount of Reduction
1993 $486,300 $ 316,300 $170,000 35%
1994 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
1995 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
1996 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
1997 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
1998 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
1998 486,300 316,300 170,000 35%
The Town would refund approximately$14,000.The loss to the Town would be approximately$2350.00.
Councilwoman O'Keeffe recused herself. Her husband has a financial interest in the Larchmont Yacht
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize
the settlement of the following certiorari as recommended
by the Town Attorney, Charlene Indelicato:
Year Assessment Reduced To Amount Of Reduction
1998 $ 63,700 $ 38,700 $25,000
The cost to the Town will be approximately$350 per year. The settlement does not include the Village
of Larchmont.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize
the settlement of the following certiorari as recommended
by the Town Attorney, Charlene Indelicato:
BLOCK 826LOT 353
Year Assessment Reduced To Amount Of Reduction
1993 $49,700 $17,500 $32,200
1994 $49,700 $ 17;500 $32,200
JUNE 2, 1999
1995 $49,700 $17,500 $32,200
1996 $49,700 $17,500 $32,200
1997 $49,700 $13,900 $35,800
1998 $49,700 $13,900 $35,800
The total cost to the Town would be less than $2,800 total for the six years in question and represents
a current reduction of approximately$490 per year.
7. Salary Authorizations -Recreation
Police Department
Town Clerk's Office-Summer Intern
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, it was
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1999 Town Budget
that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of
salary to the following:
HOMMOCKS POOL effective June 19, 1999
Maria Francella Head Lifeguard $12.00 per hour
Christopher Vaughn Head Lifeguard $11.00 per hour
Lenise Romero Head Lifeguard $10.00 per hour
Jeff Santorsola Head Lifeguard $ 9.50 per hour
Joseph Rodriguez Lifeguard $ 9.25 per hour
Sara Cullen Lifeguard $ 9.00 per hour
Kathryn Brannigan Lifeguard $ 8.50 per hour
Peter Braverman Lifeguard $ 8.00 per hour
Lizandro Zuniga Lifeguard $ 8.00 per hour
Paul Nierodzinski Lifeguard $ 8.00 per hour
Lauren Abinati Lifeguard $ 7.75 per hour
Katie McEvily Lifeguard $ 7.75 per hour
Wendy Johnson Lifeguard $ 7.50 per hour
Suzy Finnernan Lifeguard $ 7.25 per hour
Jack Nierodzinski Lifeguard $ 7.25 per hour
Merrill Roth Lifeguard $ 7.25 per hour
Arthur Coleman Lifeguard $ 7.00 per hour
Jeremy Lynch Lifeguard $ 7.00 per hour
Vi Le Lifeguard $ 6.75 per hour
Amy Ciraco Lifeguard $ 6.50 per hour
Katie Southwick Lifeguard $ 6.50 per hour
Nhu Le Lifeguard $ 6.25 per hour
Ann Anderson Lifeguard $ 6.25 per hour
Jonathan Lynch Alternate Lifeguard $ 8.00 per hour
Vadim Kogan Alternate Lifeguard $ 6.25 per hour
Emily Bonano Alternate Lifeguard $ 6.00 per hour
Christopher Vaughn Alternate Swim Instructor $16.50 per hour
Mary Lynn Child Alternate Swim Instructor $16.50 per hour
Jeff.Santorsola Alternate Swim Instructor $16.50 per hour
Josie Blanckmeister Bubble Babies Instructor $12.50 per class
Christopher Vaughn Early Morning Swim Life Guard $20.00 per session
Lizandro Zuniga Early Morning Swim Life Guard $20.00 per session
Cynthia Ausiello Early Morning Swim Life Guard $39.00 per session
JUNE 2, 1999
Tracy Augustine E.M.S. Alternate Lifeguard $20.00 per session
Cynthia Ausiello Manager $14.50 per hour
Bob Blaufarb Manager $14.50 per hour
Joanne Murphy Manager $13.50 per hour
Jeane Pollak Manager $13.50 per hour
Bobby Lunde Manager $11.50 per hour
Maria Francella Alternate Manager $11.50 per hour
Christopher Vaughn Alternate Manager $11.00 per hour
Mary Lynn Child Alternate Manager $10.50 per hour
Edith Turnbull Alternate Manager $10.50 per hour
Joanne Schroeder Alternate Manager $10.00 per hour
Jeff Santorsola Alternate Manager $10.00 per hour
Cynthia Ausiello Swim Instructor $19.00 per hour
Joanne Murphy Swim Instructor $19.00 per hour
Rebecca Lawer Swim Instructor $16.50 per hour
Sara Cullen Swim Instructor $16.50 per hour
Jeanne Pollak Swim Team Coach $7,200 for season
Christine Archer Swim Team Assistant Coach $3,500 for season
Scott Rogers Swim Team Diving Coach $4,700 for season
Cynthia Ausiello Certified Pool Operator $15.50 per hour
Bobby Lunde Certified Pool Operator $12.50 per hour
Jeff Santorsola Certified Pool Operator $11.00 per hour
Leticia Garcia Key Attendant $ 7.00 per hour
Andrew Joseph Key Attendant $ 6.00 per hour
Max Garcia Key Attendant $ 5.25 per hour
Brian Morgan Key Attendant $ 5.25 per hour
Noelle Chmelecki Key Attendant $ 5.00 per hour
Christine Rothweiler Key Attendant $ 5.00 per hour
Kristen Pottberg Key Attendant $ 5.00 per hour
Ariana Albert Alternate Key Attendant $ 6.00 per hour
Sarah Lanza Exercise on the Light Side
Instructor $45.00 per session
Karl Zenie Director $5,100.00 for season
Conni Flay Arts & Crafts Specialist $3,200.00 for season
Barbara Saavedra Licensed Practical Nurse $325.00 per week
Anthony DiFate Unit Leader $333.00 per week
Beth Pacewicz Counselor $277.00 per week
Billy Byron Counselor $261.00 per week
Dina DiGiovanni Counselor $261.00 per week
Bruno Duarte Counselor $259.00 per week
Chris Byron Counselor $249.00 per week
J.P.'Helmrich Counselor $244.00 per week
Sabrina Bennett Counselor $240.00 per week
Mike Fitzpatrick Counselor $239.00 per week
David Wagstaff Counselor $239.00 per week
Matt Miller Counselor $222.00 per week
Jessica Riviezzo Counselor $222.00 per week
Bill Roehr Counselor $217.00 per week
Ashley Sefecka Counselor $203.00 per week
Andrew Joseph Counselor $195.00 per week
Mary larocci Counselor $195.00 per week
Liz Wesolowski Counselor $195.00 per week
JUNE 2, 1999
Neil Valsangkar Counselor $190.00 per week
Bridget Frey Counselor $185.00 per week
Jen larocci Junior Counselor $185.00 per week
Amanda Santoro Junior Counselor $185.00 per week
Jimmy Trezza Junior Counselor $185.00 per week
Andrew Tobey Junior Counselor $180.00 per week
Chris Mondo Junior Counselor $166.00 per week
Sabrina Fellows Junior Counselor $166.00 per week
Perri Brown Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Alex Giles Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Chris Hartnet Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Sam Nia Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Stephen Mondo Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Colleen Morse Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Erica Poccia Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Dominque Steiner Junior Counselor $146.00 per week
Peter Braverman Camp Lifeguard $ 7.75 per hour
Terri Quiros Director $3,800.00 for season
Maria Ellin Unit Leader $282.00 per week
Kathy Trezza Counselor $217.00 per week
Chris Tortorella Counselor $165.00 per week
Jeff Quiros Counselor $141.00 per week
Michael Arias Counselor $135.00 per week
Samantha Osborne Counselor $135.00 per week
Kristy Libertella Counselor $120.00 per week
Katherine Block Junior Counselor $110.00 per week
Emily Bonanno Junior Counselor $110.00 per week
Stacy Peduto Junior Counselor $107.00 per week
Robin Toomey Music Specialist $ 20.00 per hour
Debra Cunningham Director $3,300.00 for season
Betty Ceja Assistant Director $2,200.00 for season
Thelma Corbett Unit Leader $245.00 per week
Bonnie Jackson Counselor $215.00 per week
Julia Gacio Counselor $166.00 per week
Rose Richards Counselor $166.00 per week
Mary Lou Hughes Counselor $156.00 per week
Virginia Cherry Counselor $156.00 per week
Vicky Rossi Counselor $155.00 per week
Mary Lou Petruzzelli Counselor $151.00 per week
Joanne Pugliese Counselor $145.00 per week
Juliette Alston Counselor $142.00 per week
Donna Larli Counselor $142.00 per week
Ira Parris Counselor $142.00 per week
Geva Landi Counselor $140.00 per week
Sonia Riviezzo Counselor $140.00 per week
Doris Starr Counselor $140.00 per week
Donna Hughes Counselor $137.00 per week
Pan Banach Counselor $135.00 per week
Angela Borrello Counselor $135.00 per week
Hay dee Colon Counselor $135.00 per week
Christine Fraoli Counselor $135.00 per week
Linda Lore Counselor $135.00 per week
Michelle Bocek Counselor $130.00 per week
Latoya McNair Counselor $130.00 per week
JUNE 2, 1999
Christine Bisordi Counselor $127.00 per week
Jen Slyper Counselor $127.00 per week
Daryll Montiero Counselor $119.00 per week
Corinne Steinnael Counselor $111.00 per week
Valarie Morgan Counselor $ 90.00 per week
Jen Garabedian Junior Counselor $ 89.00 per week
Amanda Slyper Junior Counselor $ 89.00 per week
Dan Cuddy Junior Counselor $ 83.00 per week
Peter Daly Junior Counselor $ 83.00 per week
Sean Mulcahy Junior Counselor $ 83.00 per week
Joann Schroeder Manager $ 11.00 per hour
Jerimiah Riggans Assistant $ 10.00 per hour
Jessica Kellogg Assistant $ 10.00 per hour
A communication was received from the Police Chief requesting salary authorization for the
appointment of Mr. Jason Florkowski, currently a New York City Police Officer, to the
position of Probationary Police Officer in the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department. Mr.
Flor'kowski will fill a vacancy created by the resignation of P.O. Cedric Winn. The salary rate
represents one "step" above the normal starting pay for probationary police officer, in
consideration for Officer Atkins prior police experience with the NYC Police Department. Mr.
Florkowski was selected from among candidates on the Westchester County Department of
Personnel eligible list for the position of police officer.
On motion of Councilwoman Myers, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the
appointment of Jason Florkowski to the position of
Probationary Police Officer at the annual salary of$35,478,
effective June 3, 1999.
Authorization is requested to hire Tracy Infelice as an Intern/Clerk in the Town Clerk's Office
effective June 1, 1999 at an hourly rate of$10. Tracy, a Larchmont resident, has just
completed her Masters degree and will work for the Town until September. She will help
create a data base for parking permits and a bar-scanning program.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the
hiring of Tracy Infelice as an Intern/Clerk in the Town Clerk's
at an hourly rate of$10, effective June 1, 1999.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Myers, it was
JUNE 2, 1999
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
Board minutes from the meeting of April 21, 1999, as
Mr. Odierna said that things were quiet except for the usual complaints he receives on
recycle bins being put out too early, and the light being out on Myrtle Boulevard. He then
again brought up the issue of speeders along Weaver Street.
The Supervisor said that the next scheduled meeting would be June 16 and the July meeting
was to be announced.
On motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Submitted by
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
C:\MSOffice\Winword\MINUTES\99m inf\06-02-99x.doc