HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_08_12 Town Board Regular Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING -Wednesday, August 12, 1998 -Town Center Court Room - 8:15 PM CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits UPDATE WESTCHESTER COUNTY - Chairman County Board of Legislators George Latimer BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Authorization E911 Agreement 3. Other Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Resolution - Senior Citizen Parking Fees 2. Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works -A-11-57 - Installation of Barrier Curtain - Rye Lake 3. Adoption of 1999 Budget Calendar 4. Resolution - Change Polling Place 5. Salary Authorization - Police Department - Recreation APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 22, 1998 June 3, 1998 June 17, 1998 July 15, 1998 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Next regularly scheduled meetings -September 2, 1998 -September 16, 1998 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS HELD ON AUGUST 12, 1998 AT 8:15 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Elaine Price Councilman Paul A. Ryan Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilman Barry Weprin Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner ALSO PRESENT: Patricia DiCioccio, Town Clerk Charlene Indelicato, Town Attorney ABSENT: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:15 PM, who then pointed out the location of exits. UPDATE WESTCHESTER COUNTY - CHAIRMAN COUNTY BOARD OF LEGISLATORS GEORGE LATIMER The Supervisor said that Mr. Latimer was running late and would be here later in the meeting. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:20 PM in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Elaine Price Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Commissioner: Barry Weprin Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner 1. Fire Claims Commissioner Wittner presented fire claims for authorization of payment. There was a question on one claim for the Town of Mamaroneck Professional Firefighters Association in the amount of August 12, 1998 $220.08, which was on the listing of claims but there was no actual paperwork. It was decided to approve subject to approval by the Town Comptroller and Administrator. Thereafter on Councilwoman Winner's motion, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, it was unanimously: RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office. AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. $ 547.60 AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 1238.10 American Gun & Uniform Supply, Ltd. 73.73 Arrakis Publishing 295.00 Arrakis Publishing 1189.75 AT & T Capital Leasing Services 138.84 Coyne Textile Service 61.96 Cleaning Systems 307.43 Comfort Zone Heating &A/C 102.00 Comfort Zone Heating &A/C 75.00 Car Quest 49.23 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc 3166.53 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc 493.68 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc 87.00 Gloves, Inc 637.96 Hills Signs 205.00 LESCO #600 45.00 LESCO #600 64.26 Liverzani, Michael 210.00 Mazur Brothers 778.90 NYS Academy of Fire Science 25.00 Poland Spring 77.90 Printwear Plus 285.00 Printwear Plus 652.00 Quest Diagnostics 422.21 R & L Consulting 203.00 Rickert Lock&Safe Co 50.00 Smith, Rita 560.00 Stillwell Equipment 767.68 Staples 84.95 Town of Mamaroneck Prof. FF Assoc. 220.08 Westchester Elevator 170.00 TOTAL $13,284.79 2. Authorization -Westchester County E911 Agreement Commissioner Price explained that authorization for this agreement was being requested at the behest of the County who had decided that they would prefer to have separate agreements for the Fire and Police Departments. The wording and provisions are exactly the same as the one for the Police Department. On motion of Commissioner Winner, seconded by Commissioner O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Board of Fire Commissioners does hereby authorize the E-911 Agreement between Fire District No. 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck, and the County of Westchester, which defines the provision of Emergency 911 services for the Fire District. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 2 August 12, 1998 1. Resolution -Senior Citizen Parking Fees The Town Clerk explained that the current structure of fees for parking has always extended special discount fees for all seniors except those purchasing quarterly permits and the following changes for senior quarterly permit holders were discussed at the last Town Board meeting on June 17 and that for these fees to be changed a resolution would be required by the Board. 24 Hour- Lot#3 Senior Citizens $50 Quarterly (was $74.00) Overnight Lot#3 Senior Citizens $25 Quarterly (was $40.00) On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize that the quarterly fee charged to Senior Citizens age 65 and over be reduced for the 24 Hour permit from $74.00 per quarter to $50 per quarter, and the Overnight permit be reduced from $40.00 per quarter to $25.00 per quarter. 2. Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works -A1157 Installation of Barrier Curtain - Rye Lake The Supervisor said that authorization was necessary to allow the Westchester Joint Water Works to proceed with the installation at Rye Lake of a barrier curtain . This project was listed originally as a Joint Project in the Report on Recommended Improvements for 1998. The total cost of the project is $60,000 and the Town's share would be $13,020. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve the installation of a barrier curtain in Rye Lake as recommended by John Hock, Manager of the Westchester Joint Water Works. The total cost amounting to $60,000 of which the Town's share is 21.7%; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the apportionment of said cost in the amount of$13,020 for the Town of Mamaroneck. 3. Adoption of Budget Calendar- 1999 Town Budget The following memorandum from the Administrator was received which stated, the Town has always attempted to hold budget Work Sessions prior to regular Town Board meetings, but it has been difficult to have a Work Session on the same evening as the regular agenda. Therefore, the proposed calendar he had submitted does not include Work Sessions on Town Board meeting dates. The calendar will provide the Board a five week period to consider the budget 3 August 12, 1998 prior to the public hearing. Additional Work Sessions can be added if the Board deems it necessary. BUDGET CALENDAR - 1999 TOWN BUDGET* Tuesday, August 4, 1998 Distribution of worksheets to departments Friday, September 18, 1998 Submission of worksheets to Town Administrator Wednesday, October 21, 1998 Submission of Tentative Budget to Town Board Wednesday, October 28, 1998 Public Work Session - Operating Departments Thursday, November 5, 1998 Public Work Session -Operating Departments Wednesday, November 11, 1998 Public Work Session - Operating Departments Tuesday, November 17, 1998 Public Work Session - Operating Departments Saturday, November 21, 1998 Pubic Work Session -Capital Budget Tuesday, November 24, 1998 Public Work Session - Capital Budget Wednesday, December 2, 1998 Public Hearing - Preliminary Budget Wednesday, December 16,1998 Adoption of 1999 Town Budget *Additional sessions may be added, if necessary. On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approved the Budget Calendar as submitted by the Town Administrator subject to change and as outlined above. 4. Resolution - Change Polling Place The Clerk said that due to the fact that the Village of Larchmont is going to be renovating their offices, they have advised us that we cannot hold the September 15th Primary and November 3rd General Election at the Larchmont Village Center. She added that it had been arranged to use the Gym at St. Augustine's School, which is handicapped accessible and is conveniently located adjacent to the Larchmont Library. A resolution authorizing this move is necessary. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve the temporary change in Polling Places for Districts 8 and 25 from the Village Center in the Village of Larchmont to the Gym at St. Augustine's School, located on Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, New York for use during the 1998 Primary and General Elections to be held in the Town of Mamaroneck. 5. Salary Authorizations - Police Department - Recreation Police Matrons Authorization was requested by the Administrator to increase the hourly wage of two Police Matrons, Vita Greico and Mary Portonova, from $10.50 to $12 per hour effective August 10, 1998. It was explained in the memo that the Police Matrons are called to duty whenever there is a female prisoner in the Town's jail cells. This occurs several times per year. The matrons must remain outside the jail cell for the female prisoners; there is no TV monitoring of the female cell. They must also accompany them if they are transported to a County facility. 4 August 12, 1998 On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the increase in salary to Vita Greico and Mary Portonova, for their services as Police Matrons, from $10.50 to $12 per hour effective August 10, 1998. Recreation On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1998 Town Budget that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to the following: Bobby Lunde, Certified Pool Operator/manager, Hommocks Pool, $11/hour, retroactive to 7/1/98. Sara Cullen, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $7/hour, effective retroactive to 7/20/98. Asher Ovazanan, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $8/hour, effective retroactive to 7/20/98. Theresa Augustine, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $8/hour, effective 7/30/98. Keri Pollak, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $5.75/hour, effective 7130/98. John Waters, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $8/hour, effective 7/30/98. Jane Caro, Naturalist, Pre School Programs, $17/hour, effective retroactive to 7/20/98. Nicholas Holt Tennis Instructor $10/hour effective retroactive to 7/6/98 Elliott Chase Tennis Instructor $ 9/hour effective retroactive to 7/6/98 Scott Druker Tennis Instructor $10/hour effective retroactive to 7/6/98 Matt Litman Tennis Instructor $11/hour effective retroactive to 7/6/98 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 22, 1998 June 3, 1998 June 17, 1998 July 15, 1998 On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the Board minutes from the meetings of April 22, 1998, June 3, 1998, June 17, 1998 and July 15, 1998 as amended. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ernie Odierna reported that the wood grain on the play structures at the playground need attention; the signage at a home on Weaver and Cooper Lane seemed to be bigger than regulation allows, and there was a street light out at 4 Highridge Road. He added that the flowers and the stream look beautiful at the Duck Pond. Bill O'Gorman, said that there was a large dead tree that was on Town property across from property.opposite 34 Revere Road. He said that there should be increased enforcement of the Pooper Scooper law in that area. UPDATE -WESTCHESTER COUNTY County Legislator and Chairman of the Board -George Latimer 5 August 12, 1998 Supervisor Price welcomed Mr. Latimer and invited him to update us on the latest issues in the County. Mr. Latimer thanked her and then thanked everyone who had been involved in helping to get the meetings of the County Board televised on many of the local cable channels. He then reported on: 1. Revaluation issue was dead for this year, adding that the State expects the County to start and support any future initiative, which will not happen during an election year. 2. Inflow/infiltration -The cost of this will most likely be assessed by a County-wide tax, which has bi-partisan support, and the actual legislation would be before the County Board by the end of September. 3. County Roads & Bus Route- He said that he wants feedback on the current status of County Roads, requesting that staff take a look to see if any needed to be repaired. He also wanted to know if there was any need to make changes to bus route 70. Councilman Ryan commented that it seemed dangerous for a bus that size driving along Rockland Avenue, which is narrow and curved. 4. Bar Closing - He said that support for the earlier closing law would be necessary. It was explained to him that we had no bars, but would do something in support for the surrounding communities. 5. Sales Tax Exemption - He said that a study would be necessary to show the impact of the exemption period on local communities, which would help to decide if the County would opt out. Everyone then thanked him for the information. ADJOURNMENT Then on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, the Board unanimously adjourned at 9:10 PM into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk C:\MSO FFI CE\WI N WORD\MINUTES\98M1 N F\8-12-98x.doc 6