HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_09_16 Town Board Regular Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK
REGULAR MEETING -Wednesday, September 16, 1998 -Town Center Court Room -8:15
THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 7:30 PM into an Executive Session to discuss
personnel and litigation.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
1. Fire Claims
2. Other Business
1. Appointments - Housing Authority
Coastal Zone Management Commission,
Traffic Committee
2. Request of Winged Foot Golf Club -Waiver of Helicopter Ordinance
3. Report of Bids -Contract TA98-4 -Transportation of Leaves
4. Authorization -Telephone System Replacement
5. Approval of Certioraris
6. Resolution - New York State Retirement System
7. Set Public Hearing - Handicapped Parking Space - Daymon Terrace
8. Salary Authorization - Recreation
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 12, 1998
Next regularly scheduled meetings - October 7, 1998
- October 21, 1998
Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the
meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810.
Supervisor Elaine Price
Councilman Paul A. Ryan
Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Patricia DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Charlene Indelicato, Town Attorney
ABSENT: Councilman Barry Weprin
The Board convened into an Executive Session at 7:30 PM in Conference Room A of the
Town Center to discuss personnel and litigation.
On motion duly made and seconded the Board adjourned at 8:25 PM to the Court Room.
The Regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:30 PM,
who then pointed out the location of exits.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:34 PM in the Court Room.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Elaine Price
Commissioner: Paul Ryan
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
ABSENT: Commissioner: Barry Weprin
Commissioner O'Keeffe presented fire claims for authorization of payment , thereafter on
her motion, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, it was unanimously:
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the
following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
audited by the Comptroller's Office:
AM Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 275.00
AM Emergency Supply Co., Inc 550.00
AM Emergency Supply Co., Inc 92.00
American Gun & Uniform 306.97
American Gun & Uniform 365.97
American Gun & Uniform 301.98
American Gun & Uniform 331.98
At&T Wireless 116.90
C & H Distributors 158.97
Con Edison 59.56
Fire & Croker Corp 2066.32
Gloves Inc. 134.39
LA. Rescue 179.45
Lucent Technologies 40.10
Quest Diagnostics, Inc. 528.06
RG Brewer 69.20
Sears 929.99
Town of Mamaroneck Professional Fire Fighters 330.12
*FWD Corporation - Ladder Truck#19 *431,115.00
TOTAL $437,951.96
*NOTE: This claim was added at the meeting
The Supervisor announced that the Annual Open House would be held on October 3rd from
12 noon to 4:00 PM at the Weaver Street Firehouse and everyone was invited. The Firemen
would also be showing the new Ladder 19 fire truck.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of
Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, the Fire Commission
unanimously adjourned.
1. Appointments - Housing Authority
Coastal Zone Management Commission
Traffic Committee
Supervisor Price said that following reappointments to Boards and Commissions are up for
consideration by the Town Board adding that the willingness of volunteers to serve on
these Boards is very much appreciated, there is a lot of tension generated at those meetings
and these volunteers hear it, handle it, work at solutions, and manage to all work well
Then on motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was
Housing Authority
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby reappoint Susan
Sidel, as a member of the Mamaroneck Housing Authority Board for
a five year term effective immediately, expiring September 2003.
Coastal Zone Management Commission
Councilwoman Wittner nominated Bernard Kaplan, say that he was an excellent candidate
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
for reappointment because of his high level of expertise in environmental matters, seconded
by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby reappoint Bernard
Kaplan, as a member of the Coastal Zone Management Commission
for a three year term effective immediately, expiring August 2001.
.Traffic Committee
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint Rosalind
Weinstein, 47 Vine Road, as a member of the Traffic Committee to
fill an unexpired term effective immediately, and expiring August
2. Request of Winged Foot Golf Club -Waiver of Helicopter Ordinance
The Administrator explained that on September 29, 1998, Winged Foot Golf club will be
hosting the 1998 Shell's Wonderful World of Golf. Unlike the PGA, this event is expected to
attract approximately 2,000 people and all vehicles will be parked on the grounds of the
club. They do plan however to conduct a fly-over of the golf course using a helicopter to
take photographs. The club is requesting permission to conduct the fly-over on Monday,
September 21, 1998 when the course is closed and since the helicopter will be required to
land on the course during the fly-over, the Town Board must grant a waiver from Chapter
122 Section 122.2 of the Town Code regarding the unauthorized takeoff and landing of a
helicopter. He said that this is the same procedure followed in 1997 for the PGA
Tournament. He said the Police Department is working with Winged Foot on traffic control
both inside the club and at the entrances and the club will be reimbursing the Town for the
expense of officers used on the day of the tournament.
Following discussion on rain dates, length of time for the flyover, on motion of Councilman
Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously,
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the request
for a waiver from Chapter 122, Section 122.2 of the Town Code, by
Winged Foot Golf Club thus enabling them to land and take off a
helicopter on September 21, 1998 for a period of approximately 4
3. Report of Bids - Contract TA98-4 -Transportation of Leaves
Mr. Altieri said that the following bids for the transportation of leaves were publicly opened
on September 16, 1998:
Earthgro Route 207 Opt. A Opt. A
PO Box 143 4.92/yd 5.07/yd
Lebanon, CT 06249 Opt. B Opt. B
3.00/yd 3.00/yd
D.F. Stone Co. 308 West Main Street Opt. A Opt.A
Contracting Southtown,NY 11787 7 42/yd 8.42/yd
Opt. B Opt. B
Moriarity Tree Service 212 Byron Place Opt,A Opt.A
Larchmont,NY 10538 . 7.89/yd 8.44/yd
Opt. B Opt. B
$ .50/yd $.66/yd
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
He said that this contract provided for the transportation of fall leaves collected by the
Town Highway Department. Leaves are transported from the streets in the Town to a
staging area at the southern end of the Hommocks Parking lot, from there the contractor is
responsible for hauling the leaves to an approved dumpsite. Typically the Town generates
12,000 cubic yards of leaves in the fall season. The bid specifications require the contractor
to provide pricing for two options: Option A is for the contractor to provide trucks and
drivers to haul the leaves to an approved site; Option B is for the contractor to provide a
site that could receive leaves from Town trucks and these bids are taken for two-year
contracts. Bids were received from three contractors. Earthgro Inc. of Lebanon, CT.
submitted the lowest for Option A of the contract, for $4.92 per yard which will work out to
an estimated total cost of$59,000 for year one of the contract. He said that on the bid sheet
that Moriarity Tree Service submitted a bid of$.50 per yard for option B of the contract to
provide a dumpsite, however the dumpsite proposed by the contractor is not feasible for
use by the Town. The price submitted by Earthgro represents an increase of$1.05 per yard
over their last contract price. Earthgro has been the Town's leaf contractor since 1988 and
we have been pleased with their work. He recommended the contract TA98-4 be awarded to
the lowest responsible bidder, Earthgro Inc. of Lebanon CT.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the
Contract TA98-4 for Transportation of Leaves to Earthgro Inc.,
Lebanon CT as the lowest responsible bidder under Option A at
$4.92 per yard, said contract is for a period of two years; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to
execute said contract on behalf of the Town.
The Administrator noted that there are discussions being held with the County and the
Village of Mamaroneck on joint disposal of organic waste. Supervisor Price said that DEC
regulations do not make it easy to approve sites for disposal and discussions being held
with the County hopefully would generate more effective use of leaves.
4. Replacement of Town Center Telephone System
The Administrator said he had given the Board members the analysis and
recommendations for the replacement of the telephone system for the administrative offices
and the Police Department. He explained that Jeff Stonehill, who assisted his office in this
project, had prepared the presentation. Because Bell Atlantic and the Town Attorney are
still working on certain aspects of the contract, it was not available for review at this time.
He pointed out that this proposal deals exclusively with our voice communications system
for the Town's administrative offices and Police Department. Another important aspect of
our communications systems however has to do with data transmission, Internet access,
and e-mail. Using our staff and computer support consultants, we have been speaking with
Bell Atlantic in regard to the installation of a high speed telephone line for the Town's data
communications. At this time we are completing the construction of the intra-net system
within the Town Center building. This intra-net will network our internal computers which
will then be connected to the high-speed phone line for access to the outside Internet. Also,
at this time we are determining the level of traffic on the high speed phone line so that we
can properly size the line. We will present this information to the Board in the latter part of
the year. He then introduced Jeff Stonehill who outlined the following report:
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
Evaluation and Report
• This presentation will review the current system
• This presentation will provide multiple solutions
• This presentation will recommend a particular solution
Current Telephone System
• The Town currently owns a Lucent Technology (AT&T) System 75 Release 1
Version 1
• The system was manufactured in 1983
• The system was installed in 1986
• The system was discontinued as a product in 1987
Current Telephone System
features include:
- 63 Telephones attached to 6 analog trunk lines
- Basic call features (hold, transfer intercom, etc)
-A central processor on site (a computer in the closet)
Basic analog key system
Current Telephone System
-To Lucent Technology
• Maintenance Agreement$7,500 per year
-To Bell Atlantic
;e-occurring Telephone Service $4,000 per year
Total cost: $11,500/year
- Not including phone calls
Current Telephone System
- Maximum of 100 lines (all filled)
-All lines analog - no digital capacity
- No voice mail or other modern features
- 200% slower than current technology
- Large number of service calls
- Not Year 2000 compatible
- Not North American dialing plan compatible
Current Telephone System
1. Upgrade the System by Lucent Technology
2. Replace System with new key system by Lucent Technology or similar company
3. Contract with Bell Atlantic to provide Digital Intellipath service (alternative to key
4. Keep current System
Option 1: Upgrade System
Lucent Technology can upgrade the three main components of the System
- New main computer
- New switching panel
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
- Extra line capacity
Lucent would maintain System install and continue to maintain System
Option 1: Upgrade System
-To Lucent Technology
• $30,000 equipment and installation
• $300 per new phone line in capacity
• Increase in maintenance to $9,700 per year
-To Bell Atlantic
• $4000/year for current analog service
- Plus phone calls
Option 1: Upgrade System
• Disadvantages
- No digital service
- No new features (i.e. voicemail)
- Limited expansion capacity
- No control of Bell Atlantic cost increases
- Equipment obsolete in 10 years
• Adding a voicemail option would cost another$20,000
Option 2: Buy New System
CPS, Inc. has given us a sample proposal for a brand new System
- New main computer
- New switch
- New digital features
- New distribution hardware
CPS would install and maintain System
Option 2: Buy New System
To CPS, Inc. or Similar Vendor
• $86,500 equipment and installation
• $10,000 per year for maintenance
To Bell Atlantic
• $14,400/year for digital service
plus local telephone service
Option 2: Buy New System
-Very expensive
- Equipment obsolete in 10 years
- Limited expansion capacity
- No control of Bell Atlantic cost in creases
- Large maintenance cost
Adding a voicemail option would cost another$20,000
Option 3: Digital Intellipath System
- Digital Intellipath mimics a key system by using the phone company's central office
- Bell Atlantic (sole provider) can provide any and all features of any phone system on
a per line basis
-Over 60 towns, villages and school districts already use Intellipath
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
Is Intellipath Cost effective?
- Intellipath does not require any up-front capital investment.
-You simply lease the communications services you need from Bell Atlantic, for as
long as you need.
-There are no hassles over maintenance agreements or operating expenses.
-With Intellipath there is no investment in excess capacity or features your business
doesn't need.
-You pay for the,lines and services you want and need.
- Plus, you can get detailed billing reports that track phone usage and long distance
charges to help you control day-to-day expenses.
Intellipath Benefits
-Telephone options are numerous
- Management and maintenance of system handled by phone company
- Maintenance is covered 24 hours a day with no extra charge for system life
- System upgrades and expansion is automatic with no extra charge
- Phone companies are fully prepared for disasters and switch failures with standby
emergency equipment
- Reduces an organization's involvement in the telephone business.
Intellipath Reliability
How reliable is Intellipath?
-The Bell Atlantic telephone network is required to have safeguards which in turn make
Intellipath the most reliable communications system available.
-With Intellipath you automatically get:
- power failure protection, diagnostics fire and disaster recovery, on-line
- around-the-clock maintenance, and built-in equipment redundancies to protect
your communications
System Growth
Can I outgrow Intellipath?
-Accommodating growth, restructuring, or even relocation are all handled with minimal
hassle using Intellipath
- Intellipath can allow us to tie multiple locations together under a single system.
- Intellipath can grow with our needs from two lines to two hundred lines, without having
to change systems
Option 3: Digital Intellipath System
- No equipment to buy or maintain except telephones
- No equipment to become obsolete
- Easily to expand or change system or features
- All digital allows all possible phone system features, even those features
which have yet to be introduced can be easily added
Holds phone system and Bell Atlantic costs firm for years
Equipment& Installation Equipment& Installation Equipment& Installation
$33,000 $86,500 $37,000
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
Plus $300 per new line
Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Agreement
$9,700/year $10,000/year *Included*
Telephone Service Cost Telephone Service Cost Telephone Service Cost
$4,000/year $14,400/year $39,600/year
for analog service for digital service for Intellipath service
Equipment Obsolete Equipment Obsolete Equipment Obsolete
10 years 10 years No Equipment to buy
No Voicemail or new No Voicemail or new Any and all possible
features features features on any phones
Option 3: Digital Intellipath System
Costs (All Bell Atlantic):
-$9,000 installation of service
- $28,000 for new telephones
- no additional maintenance
-$39,600 per year for service
• locked in for ten years
- plus telephone calls
Option 3: Digital Intellipath System
All Possible features available
- including voice mail and caller id on as many lines as needed
Extra Informational Mailboxes for departments
All programming and service by Bell Atlantic
Costs held constant for contract
- Prices reflect recommended 10 years
Bell Atlantic Digital Intellipath
- lowest cost
- best long term plan
- most reliable service
- easiest to maintain
- most features
Mr. Stonehill gave an overview of the present system, the upgrading of the present system
and the costs and diversity of a digital system. He then fielded questions regarding the life
span and contractual obligations should the Town opt into the digital system for either a
five or ten year period.
There was no action taken on this item.
5. Approval of Certiorari
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
following reduction to assessments as recommended by the Town
Attorney and Assessor:
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
Herbert McCabe
9-11 Addison Street
Block 613 Lot 319
Year Assessment Reduced to Amt. of Reduction
1995 52,600 37,500 15,100 28%
1996 52,600 37,500 15,100 28%
1997 52,600 37,500 15,100 28%
1998 52,600 37,500 15,100 28%
The refund would be approximately $800.00. The loss to the Town, approximately $208.
Custom Plaza Corporation
7 Addison Street
Block 613 Lot 315
Year Assessment Reduced to Amt. of Reduction
1995 20,100 14,000 6,100 30%
1996 20,100 14,000 6,100 30%
1997 20,100 14,000 6,100 30%
1998 20,100 14,000 6,100 30%
The refund would be approximately $250.00. The loss to the Town, approximately $81.
6. Resolution - Elected Officials Work Time
Mr. Altieri explained that in 1994, the Town adopted a resolution to establish a monthly
schedule of time worked for elected officials. The New York State Retirement System has
requested that we adopt a new resolution for members of the Council, and that he had
distributed an example of the proposed wording with the Board packets.
Supervisor Price said that this resolution covers the minimum number of hours worked, but
in actuality the Board members often work much more than this.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, under protest, it was
unanimously, resolved that
Whereas, the Office of the New York State Comptroller in its
audit report stated that all elected and appointed officials who
are retirement members must be reported to the Retirement
System with an accurate figure for day worked, and;
Now therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Town Board of the Town Of Mamaroneck
hereby establishes the following schedule of days worked for
Town Councilman for retirement services reporting purposes:
Total Hours Standard Days worked
Sample Month Hours Used To be Reported
Councilman 25 6 4
7. Set Public Hearing - Handicapped Parking Space - Daymon Terrace
The Administrator reported that the principal of the Murray Ave. School has previously
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
requested the establishment of a handicapped parking space on Daymon Terrace at the
school entrance. After having reviewed this request, the Traffic Committee agrees that a
space should be installed at this location. The Town Board must set a public hearing to
consider this matter further, and that he would have counsel draft the appropriate
legislation for this purpose.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the date for
public Hearing on the installation of a Handicapped Parking
Space on Daymon Terrace for October 7, 1998, at 8:15 PM; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to
publish the legal notice of Public Hearings in an official
newspaper of the Town.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1998 Town Budget
that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of
salary to the following:
Bob Blaufarb, Hommocks Pool Manager, $13 per hour retroactive August 25, 1998.
Cynthia Orts, Hommocks Pool Manager, $14 per hour retroactive August 25, 1998.
Joanne Murphy, Hommocks Pool Manager, $13 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Heather Waters, Hommocks Pool Manager, $12 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Robert Lunde, Jr., Hommocks Pool Alternate Manager, $11 per hour retroactive August 26,
Mary Lynn Rappaport, Hommocks Pool Alternate Manager, $10 per hour retroactive August
26, 1998.
Maria Francella, Hommocks Pool Alternate Manager, $11 per hour and Alternate Lifeguard,
$11.00 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Chris Vaughn, Hommocks Pool Alternate Pool Manager, $10 per hour, Alternate Lifeguard,
$11.00 and Early Morning Swim Lifeguard, $20 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Dan Matulich, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $9.00 per hour retroactive August 16, 1998.
Wilma Birmingham, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $9.25 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Wendy Baird, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $7.50 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Merril Roth, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $7.50 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998
Lauren Abinati, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $725 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Jack Nierodzinski, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $6.25 per hour retroactive August 26,
Paul Nierodzinski, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $7.00 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
.ioe Rodriguez, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $8.50 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Jeff Santorsola, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $8.75 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998
Suzanne Finneran, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $7.00 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Jeanne Slater, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $6.25 per hour retroactive September 5 1998
Lizandro Zuniga, Hommocks Pool Lifeguard, $8.00 per hour and Early Morning Swim
Lifeguard, $20 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Eli Graham, Hommocks Pool Alternate Lifeguard, $7.00 per hour retroactive August 26,
Katie McEvily, Hommocks Pool Alternate Lifeguard, $7.25 per hour retroactive August 26,
Vi Le, Hommocks Pool Alternate Lifeguard, $6.50 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Domenick Fariello, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $5.75 per hour effective retroactive
August 26, 1998.
Peter Braverman, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $6.25 per hour retroactive August 26,
Kathryn Brannigan, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $6.50 per hour retroactive August 26,
SEPTEMBER 16, 1998
Angela Legramandi, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $7.25 per hour retroactive August 26,
Neil Valsangkar, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $5.75 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
Kate Southwick, Hommocks Pool Key Attendant, $5.25 per hour retroactive August 26, 1998.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 12, 1998
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
Board minutes from the meetings of August 12, 1998, as
Supervisor Price said that she had attended an Newcomers Club Luncheon and had heard
concerns voiced over the grass at the pool, which she said had been caused by a wet
summer, causing parts of the grass to become soggy and that the problem would be worked
on during the winter.
The other concern was that the a woman be retained to maintain the new female locker
room. It has been difficult finding someone for the position as well as finding lifeguards.
The salaries will be reviewed to see if that would attract more people to the positions, but
every effort would be made to eliminate the problem for the next swimming season.
She said that the flowers around the Town were beautiful, curbs were being presently being
done, and she thanked the highway department for the good work they are doing.
Councilwoman O'Keeffe reported that she had received complaints about garbage being left
out on Dante and Weaver Streets. There was a discussion on an enforcement officer, with
Mr. Altieri noting that fire officers can be authorized as code officers and we are looking at
that option. The Supervisor said that there would be someone going out this weekend they
were to cover the Weaver Street to Fenimore Road area, which is approximately one-third of
the Town, warnings would be given, and thereafter if a violation re-occurs, a summons will
be issued.
CELEBRATION -The Supervisor then said that we have a League person that attends our
Board meetings, under all circumstances, rain, snow, blizzards, and even on her birthday,
which was tonight, which we all wish to celebrate with her -they then brought out a cake for
Bev Laughlin and sang happy birthday.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner the meeting
was adjourned at 9:50 PM.
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk