HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_05_06 Town Board Regular Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING -Wednesday, May 6, 1998 -Town Center Court Room - 8:15 PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 7:00 PM into a Work Session to discuss the Revaluation update and Real Estate. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING CONVENE WORK SESSION RECESS WORK SESSION RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits PUBLIC HEARING - Parking Regulations on Hommocks Road BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Authorization -Amendment to Easement Agreement- Jason Lane 2. Resolution - Clean Air/Water Bond Act- Motor Vehicle Inspection Maintenance Program 3. Resolution - Property Revaluation 4. Set Public Hearing -Veterans Tax Exemption Program 5. Authorization - 100th Anniversary of the Mamaroneck School District 6. Resolution -Adoption of Polling Places and Waiver of Accessibility 7. Salary Authorization - Recreation APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 1, 1998 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Next regularly scheduled meetings - May 20, 1998 - June 3, 1998 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1998 AT 8:15 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NY CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION The Work Session of the Town Board was duly opened at 7:00 PM into a Work Session to discuss the Revaluation update and real estate. On motion duly made and seconded the Board adjourned at 8:15 PM to reconvene the regular meeting in the Court Room. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:25 PM. PRESENT: Supervisor: Elaine Price Councilman Paul A. Ryan Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilman Barry Weprin Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner ALSO PRESENT: Patricia DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Charlene Indelicato, Town Attorney CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Price pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. PUBLIC HEARING - Parking Regulations on Hommocks Road The following notice was placed into the record: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on Wednesday, May 6, 1998, at 8:15 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider the adoption of a proposed Local Law entitled "Parking Regulations on Hommocks Road". The purpose of the Local Law is to change certain traffic regulations on Hommocks Road. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the Hearing was opened. Mr. Altieri said that this amendment was being recommended by the Traffic Committee and that it had been prompted by the extensive use of Hommocks Road which has been exacerbated by the transfer of the sixth grade to the Hommocks School. He said that these changes will increase safety and help alleviate clogging of traffic. The Supervisor asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of or against the traffic amendment. MAY 6, 1998 Pat Hashey, 5 Gatehouse Lane, representative from the Hommocks school - said they were in favor of the amendment, and thanked the Board and Administrator for their support. She added that the police should be encouraged to monitor the area after the change and hand out tickets to violators. She also noted that there were no lines in the street for crossing at either intersection and questioned whether there would be any in the future. Mr. Altieri said he would look into it and saw no problem with having the lines painted. Ms. Hashey asked if during construction, a police officer could be assigned rather than a traffic guard because the presence of the police increases adherence to the law. The Administrator replied that an officer would be assigned as often as possible, but that it could not be guaranteed because of workload and emergencies. Councilman Ryan questioned the curbing around the service road. Mr. Altieri replied that cars don't normally park there, but the configuration left latitude for cars to park on weekends by expanding the curbing to the service road. Supervisor Price thanked Ms. Hashey as well as Rick North, Principal, Hommocks, for his support. She added that the access route issue will be revisited in the future. Larry Miralia, 210 Hommocks Road, spoke in support. He said all his neighbors are also in agreement to the amendment. He also had pictures of the area and pointed out where he thought the crossing lines should be painted. He added that he and Lt. Anderson had observed 30 cars turnaround during a 15 minutes period and since it's a blind curve, safety was compromised. He said that parents have been bad role models, and there was more police enforcement needed, including on weekends. Supervisor Price asked Ms. Hashey whether she agreed with Mr. Miralia. She did. Ernie Odierna, said that signs should be put up showing where turnarounds could be allowed. Councilwoman Wittner said that the Traffic Committee had urged parents to use the parking lot and asked people to walk a bit. Councilwoman O'Keeffe said that Maryanne Lanza had contacted her as did others regarding this issue, and she felt that this situation should be fixed as soon as possible. Supervisor Price stated that there will be a change and there will be other issues that will have to be addressed especially with the construction. She promised that the issue would be carefully monitored. Then, on motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan the hearing was closed and on the same motion and seconded the following local law was unanimously adopted: LOCAL LAW NO. 6 - 1998 This Local Law shall be known as "Parking Regulations on Hommocks Road". Section 1 - Intent: The Traffic Committee of the Town of Mamaroneck having reviewed the area and studied the recommendations of the Police Department, find that in order to increase pedestrian safety and improve traffic flow certain parking regulations must be effected. Section 2 - Purpose: To change certain traffic regulations on Hommocks Road. Section 3 - Parking Regulations: Location: Hommocks Road from the Boston Post Road to Old Hommocks Road on both sides of said road. Amend "No Parking or Standing"to "No Parking or Stopping". Location: Hommocks Road on the west side from Old Hommocks Road to Eagle Knolls Road. "No Parking Any Time". 2 MAY 6, 1998 Location: Hommocks Road on the east side from Old Hommocks Road to the Hommocks Ice Rink Service Road, "One Hour Parking, Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM". Section 4 - Severability: Should any provisions of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provision of this Local Law which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provision. Section 4 - Effective Date: This Local Law shall take effect immediately. Councilwoman Wittner said that Larry Miralia had contributed much of his time and had done a lot of work on this matter and that the Traffic Committee and Town Board were appreciative. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims - NONE AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Authorization -Amendment to Easement Agreement-Jason Lane The Town Attorney explained that approximately one year ago, the Town of Mamaroneck sold a piece of property at auction to one M. Delancey by quitclaim deed. It was recently discovered that a sewer easement existed in the same location as a concrete retainer wall thus interfering with the Town easement. A stop work order was issued and is still in effect. In order to allow the construction of the driveway, which in the plan is appropriately placed and to protect the rights of the Town, an amendment to the easement is required. The proposed easement allows the Town to enter the property and if so required, at the Town's sole discretion, tear down said wall and repair or replace the sewer line. The Town would not be required to rebuild the wall. In addition, during the course of construction, if the sewer line on the easement is damaged, the cost of replacement or repair is the owner's responsibility. For eight months after construction, if such pipe is in need of repair or must be replaced, the cost of such replacement will be borne equally by the Town and the owner. After the eight months, the cost of repair and replacement reverts back to the Town. Councilman Ryan asked if there were trees in close proximity and why we are responsible for the pipe after eight months. The Administrator answered that because of the age of the pipe we would be responsible after construction, but that during building the owners would be especially because of accidents during construction. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Revised Easement Agreement for property located on Jason Lane; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town. 2. Resolution - Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act Motor Vehicle Inspection Maintenance Program The Administrator reported that new Federal regulations require that service station owners purchase new emissions testing equipment. To help service station owners with this purchase, funds were set aside in the Clean Air/Clean Water Bond Act. A service station owner may receive a grant of$5,000 toward the purchase of the emissions equipment. To receive the grant, the local municipality must endorse the application of the service station owner. There is no cost 3 to the local government for the endorsement of the grant application. The Dept. of MAY 6, 1998 Environmental Conservation provides two options for granting the endorsement: a) the governing body can pass a resolution authorizing participation in the program and designate a local official to sign off on each application received; b) the governing body can pass a resolution authorizing participation in the program and specifically list all of the program participants. Each application is then approved separately. The recommendation to the Board is to authorize participation in the program and to designate the Town Administrator as the Town official authorized to sign off on the application. Since there is no cost to the Town and the number of participants is unknown, this appears the most efficient option. To date we have received one application from Giacomo's Service Station on Fifth Avenue, Mr. Altied said that he had prepared a draft resolution and also attached a copy of the application form. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas, under the 1996 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act a program called the Financial Assistance to Business Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program was established; and Whereas, this program is designed to help inspection station owners to comply with federal regulations requiring the purchase of new emissions testing equipment; and Whereas, in order for the service station to receive $5,000.00 from the State Assistance Payments through the Town, application by the service station must be made to the Town and approved as eligible; and Whereas, such approval may be given by an authorized representative of the Town; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT Resolved, that the Town hereby authorizes participation in the FABI&M Program and hereby further Resolves, that the Town Administrator is designated as authorized representative of the Town of Mamaroneck to execute all appropriate documents pertaining to the foregoing. Application Form: Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program MUNICIPAL APPROVAL 1. Municipality's Name: ❑City ❑Town ❑Village of 2. Mailing Address: 3. A. Owner/Authorized Representative of Facility seeking State Assistance Payments: B. Name of Facility: Giacomo Service Center, Inc. C. Mailing Address of Facility: 5th & Madison Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 D. Physical Location of Facility: 5th & Madison Avenue Larchmont, NY 10538 4. The Municipality approves of this I&M Project. 4 MAY 6, 1998 Signature of Authorized Representative Date Name: Title: Phone No.: 3. Property Revaluation Supervisor Price said that the next meeting of the Revaluation Committee would be held on Wednesday, May 13th, and that they have now met three times and have prepared information about the revaluation as well as a tentative schedule and mission statement. She explained that public hearings would be held and scoping showing the effects of revaluation is part of the project. In addition the committee has formalized its objectives and workplan. She then outlined the objectives and workplan. (See end of Resolution) The Administrator said that the Board had been given a packet that included information on the program and a resolution of endorsement of the committee's objectives and workplan. The Property Revaluation Committee has met several times to take up the issue of how to carry out a property revaluation in the Town. An Assessor from Putnam County where reassessment took place several years ago, met with the committee to discuss how the program was implemented in Putnam. Representatives from the New York State Office of Real Property Services also met with the committee to provide additional information on the procedure. Based upon the information received to date, it will take eighteen months to complete a thorough property revaluation. Tentatively a target date of June in the year 2000 has been set for the consideration of a new assessment role. June coincides with the Town's taxable status date when the Assessor must produce the tentative assessment role. While there are many details to work out as to the form of the reassessment the following is an explanation of the steps of reassessment and an approximate time line. An assumption made for this process is that the project would begin in September of this year. Activity Time for Completion A. Selection of Consultant-The Town will issue a request for proposals from revaluation firms. Interviews will be held with qualified firms and there will be a final selection requiring Town Board approval. 2 months Oct. - Nov. B. Data Collection -The first step will be to collect data on each of the properties within the Town. This will involve a physical inspection of each of the parcels. After the data is collected, it is then entered into the Town's real property computer program. 5 months Dec. -April C. A mailer is produced for each property owner listing the information found during the inspection. The mailers are sent out for review and comment by the property owner. Discrepancies are reviewed and corrected as necessary. During this period the Assessor and the revaluation firm prepare a sales file listing property sales in the Town over the last year. This data is then used to establish new values. 2 months May - June D. Production of Values - Once the Assessor, the resident, and the revaluation firm have reconciled property information values will be set for all properties . 2 months July -August E. Reinspection of Properties - The revaluation firm will re- inspect properties and conduct windshield inspections to verify the accuracy of values. 2 months Sept. - Oct. F. Issuance of Impact Notices - Statements are prepared for each property showing the new value and the change in the owner's property tax obligation. The tax calculation will 5 MAY 6, 1998 be made based on the 1999 Town budget which will be in effect at that time. At this point we will know the new full value assessment of the Town and the proportion of commercial assessment to residential assessment. With this information the Town can begin to evaluate the adoption of the homesteading provisions of the Real Property Tax Law. 1 month November G. Informal Hearings - During this phase residents can arrange to meet with the Assessor and the revaluation firm to discuss their individual impact notices. 2 months Dec. - Jan. H. Preparation of the New Tentative Assessment Role -After completion of the informal hearings, the revaluation firm will make any changes that have been made during the hearing process. Other necessary corrections will be made,and the new tentative role will be prepared. The Town Board will also make a final decision regarding homesteading. 2 months Feb. - March I . Adoption of New Values -The tentative assessment role will include the new values and will be filed by the Assessor. Although the new assessment role is not due until June, we have left an extra two months as a cushion for delays that may occur during the revaluation. June of 2000 For instance, bad winter weather will slow the data collection phase of the project. The following is the mission statement and workplan prepared by the Revaluation Committee. MISSION OF THE PROPERTY REVALUATION COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Identify issues and advise the Town Board on means to create maximum community understanding of the issues related to revaluation of property in the Town Provide information to the residents and property owners of the Town regarding the reasons for property revaluation. ** Plan prepared on 4/27/98 by George Roniger, Elaine Price, Steve Altieri *** Plan approved by the Revaluation Committee 4/27/98 WORKPLAN 1 Identify objectives ------------------------------------------------------ May 1998 2 Develop initial information ------------------------------------------- May 3 Identify Issues ------------------------------------------------------------ May - Re: Legislation Homestead Low Income/Senior Citizens - Re: Administration Code Violations Additions/improvements without permits Property owner appeals Future Revaluation Process for conducting revaluation 4 Develop Information re: issues ----------------------------------- June 5 Committee conclusions --------------------------------------------- June - Meet with Town Board 6 Public Information Sessions --------------------------------------- Sept.-Nov. 7- Consultant Recommendation -------------------------------------- Sept.-Nov. 8 Selection of Consultant by the Town Board ------------------ Oct.-Nov. 6 MAY 6, 1998 Mr. Altieri said that both documents should be adopted formally by the Town Board in the form of a resolution. I have prepared a draft resolution for your consideration. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted WHEREAS, the Town of Mamaroneck last reassessed real property Town-wide in 1968; and WHEREAS, in the thirty years since the last reassessment, there has been an erosion of equity in the apportionment of local property taxes among property owners; and WHEREAS, the Town Board believes it is necessary to develop a workable plan for the reassessment of real property to establish equity among taxpayers in the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town Board previously appointed the Revaluation Committee to assist with the development of a workable plan for reassessment; and WHEREAS, the Revaluation Committee has submitted a proposed mission statement and workplan to the Town Board for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board commissions the Revaluation Committee to identify issues and advise on the means to create maximum community understanding of the issues related to revaluation of property in the Town and to provide information to the residents and property owners regarding the reasons for property revaluation; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board accepts the workplan and time schedule of the Revaluation Committee to complete its work on property revaluation. 4. Veterans Tax Exemption Cooperative Apartments The Administrator explained that in 1997, the State legislature amended the Veterans Tax Exemption Law to provide a local option to extend the exemption to veterans living in cooperative apartments. Previous legislation did not extend this benefit to veterans in cooperative apartments. Under the legislation, the tax exemption is calculated based upon the number of shares of stock held by the veteran coop owner as a percentage of the total shares for the entire building. Because of the STAR Program, the Assessor's office has previously received the listing of shares for each of the coop buildings in the Town. Although the program will increase the work in the Assessor's office, having the share information will simplify some administrative work connected with this program. The County of Westchester has adopted this legislation that will require the Town to process applications for exemptions on County property taxes. So besides the equity that the program provides for veterans in coops, the Town will be administering the program for the County. Attached is a draft of the local law prepared by the Town Attorney. A public hearing will need to be set to consider the adoption of the legislation. Councilman Ryan noted that the exemption does not extend to tenants. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the date for public Hearing on the veterans tax exemption for May 20, 1998 at 8:15 PM; and BE IT FURTHER, 7 MAY 6, 1998 RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to publish the legal notice of Public Hearings in an official newspaper of the Town. 5. Authorization - 100th Anniversary of the Mamaroneck School District The Supervisor said that the School District will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary on June 13th of this year. In recognition of the anniversary, the Town has been requested to provide nominal assistance for the celebration. Specifically, the request is for$250 to help defray a portion of the cost for the musical entertainment for their program. She added that the committee, John Quadrine, Pat Federice, Toni Ryan, Judy Myers, and Carol Hershon, to name a few were doing a great job. She said that there would be a parade along'the Boston Post Road to the High School at 11:00 AM, from 12 to 3 PM there would be events at the high school, with a food court, then a dance that evening. The Administrator said that the requested funds are available in the Town's 325th Anniversary trust fund. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the expenditure of$250 from the Town's 325th Anniversary Trust Fund to the Mamaroneck School District to help fund the 100th Anniversary of the School. 6. Resolution -Adoption of Polling Places and Waiver of Accessibility The Town Clerk said that the State Board of Elections requires that a waiver be obtained for any polling place that is not accessible to the handicapped. She said that there are three sites that require a waiver because of unramped stairs. The approval of the waivers is necessary, as well as the adoption of the polling places by the Town Board. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby approve the following locations as Polling Place for use during the Primary and General Election to be held in the Town of Mamaroneck: ELECTION DISTRICTS - LOCATION & NUMBERS DISTRICT#1 VM DISTRICT#15 T MAMARONECK AVE. SCHOOL STS. JOHN & PAUL AUDITORIUM GERTRUDE AVENUE 280 WEAVER STREET DISTRICT#2 VM DISTRICT#16 T VOLUNTEERS FIREHOUSE CENTRAL SCHOOL MAMARONECK AVENUE PALMER AVENUE DISTRICT#3 VM DISTRICT#17 VM MAMARO FIREHOUSE TOWN CENTER, COURT ROOM, 2ND FLOOR PALMER AVENUE 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD DISTRICT#4 VM DISTRICT#18 T TOWN CENTER, COURT ROOM, 2ND FL TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIREHOUSE 740. W. BOSTON POST ROAD 205 WEAVER STREET DISTRICT#5 VM DISTRICT#19 T RESCUE SQUAD BLDG. TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIREHOUSE 200 NO. BARRY AVE. 205 WEAVER STREET DISTRICT#6 VL DISTRICT#20 T 8 MAY 6, 1998 CHATSWORTH AVE. SCHOOL STS. JOHN & PAUL SCHOOL AUDITORIUM FOREST PARK AVE. ENTRANCE 280 WEAVER STREET DISTRICT#7 VL DISTRICT#21 T CHATSWORTH AVE. SCHOOL MURRAY AVENUE SCHOOL FOREST PARK AVE. ENTRANCE DAYMON TERRACE ENTRANCE DISTRICT#8 VL DISTRICT#22 VM VILLAGE CENTER SARAH NEUMAN HOME 121 LARCHMONT AVENUE 845 PALMER AVENUE DISTRICT#9 VL DISTRICT#23 VM CHATSWORTH AVE. SCHOOL TOWN CENTER , COURT ROOM 2ND FLOOR FOREST PARK AVE. ENTRANCE 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD DISTRICT#10 VL DISTRICT#24 T ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH MAMARONECK AVENUE SCHOOL GROVE AVENUE GERTRUDE AVENUE ENTRANCE DISTRICT#11 T DISTRICT#25 T CHATSWORTH GARDENS APTS. VILLAGE CENTER 14 NO. CHATSWORTH AVE. 121 LARCHMONT AVENUE DISTRICT#12 T DISTRICT#26 VL MURRAY AVENUE SCHOOL LARCHMONT AVENUE CHURCH DAYMON TERRACE ENTRANCE FOREST PARK AVENUE DISTRICT#13 T DISTRICT#27 VM MURRAY AVENUE SCHOOL RESCUE SQUAD BLDG. DAYMON TERRACE ENTRANCE 200 NO. BARRY AVENUE DISTRICT#14 T DISTRICT#28 T CENTRAL SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS FIREHOUSE PALMER AVENUE MAMARONECK AVENUE BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the request for waivers for three polling places; DISTRICT#11 T DISTRICT#15 T DISTRICT#20 T Chatsworth Gardens Apts Sts. John & Paul Auditorium Sts. John & Paul Auditorium 14 No. Chatsworth Ave 280 Weaver Street 280 Weaver Street 7. SALARY AUTHORIZATION - Recreation On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Weprin, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1998 Town Budget, authority is hereby given for the payment of salary to the following: Paul Nierodzinski, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $6.25/hour, effective 5/6/98. Katie Downs, Alternate Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $ 6/hour, effective 5/6/98 . Patrick Buckley, Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $5/hour, effective 5/6/98. Dominick Faviello, Alternate Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $5/hour, effective 5/6/98. Kathryn Brannigan, Alternate Key Attendant, Hommocks Pool, $5/hour, effective 5/6/98. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -April 1, 1998 On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously 9 MAY 6, 1998 RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the minutes from April 1, 1998 as submitted. ABSTAIN: O'Keeffe (not in attendance at April 1 meeting) SUPERVISOR REPORTS Supervisor Price said that there was a sign illegally erected in front of the tulips site on Palmer Avenue for which no permission was given and it was not allowed at that site in any case. The only sites where permission is given for signs of that sort are on the Weaver Street Triangle and on Hommocks Road. She reported that she had told residents two weeks ago that the Town was number one on the waiting list for sound barriers, and that was now confirmed by a letter that had arrived at her office that day. There is a 15 million dollar budget for a six year span for noise abatement for the Rockland -Westchester area. The Town has been working with residents along certain areas which the Thruway Authority has now earmarked for sound barriers. She read parts of the letter. Within the limits of the Town of Mamaroneck there are three (3) eligible segments. The location and priority information for each segment is included on the data sheets. In addition, the Authority agrees to complete the noise barrier between Weaver Street and Rockland Avenue along the southbound roadway as part of this program. We will also be installing wood fence along the Larchmont Plaza. Due to problems with the contractor, work has stopped on the noise barrier between Old White Plains Road and Exit 18. We expect that work on this section will continue later this year. She said that no money would have to be expended by the Town, all would be paid by the NYS Thruway Authority. The projected date of construction is the summer of 1999. She said that a letter would be going out to the affected residents. She said that this has been as a result of a lot of hard work, especially by the residents of that area. She thanked them and Mr. Altieri and Councilwoman O'Keeffe for their support, as well as Senator Oppenheimer and Assemblyman Tocci. She said that there was also a communication regarding wood fencing along Larchmont Plaza and that they would be looking into it. The Town was being inundated by complaints about noise caused by the new surface being used on the road. The Supervisor also reported that there was a surge of rabies in the area, and that the DEC said that raccoons are running out during the day; they are dizzy, staggering and lethargic. Young children tend to go up to them which is dangerous because the raccoons will attack. DEC is recommending that pets get inoculated, keep garbage closed securely, don't leave it out, and urged caution if one is spotted. The police will come out and shoot it if there is a problem. The Department of Health will not go out. There is a list of trappers available that charge for capturing the animals, the cost of which will have to paid by the homeowner. She said that there had been a meeting last night regarding the infiltration and inflow (1&1) sewer repairs and there was a real sense that this will be handled by the County through a county sewer tax. There are twelve communities that favor the County handling the funds, and support combining together to help keep cost down. Supervisor Price added that there will be a parade Thursday, May 21 st in the Village of Larchmont celebrating Memorial Day. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ernie Odierna asked about the pickups during the holiday. The Administrator said that it will be the normal holiday schedule as they are still operating under the current plan. The Supervisor said that the new plan that has been proposed will be given to the Town Board for review at the next meeting, and that it proposes that there be no until the next regular pickup day. Mr. Odierna said that the Larchmont Gardens Civic Association would be having its street fair on May 30th between 11 AM to 3 PM. There will be informational tables from various groups and a joint garage sale with some funds going to the Town Beautification fund. REPORTS OF COUNCIL 10 MAY 6, 1998 Councilwoman Wittner said that a grant had been received for the Watershed Advisory Committee 4 study. The WAC 4 held its first meeting and surprisingly 24 people were invited and 24 attended. The Town had drawn up a Memorandum Of Understanding which the participating municipalities will be asked to sign. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 PM. Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk C:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\Minutes\98MINF\5-6x.doe 11