HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_03_15 Town Board Minutes 227 I HI UlES Oy a JC I1:1 1 T iT'_' ' O 1 T 'V11 WARD ol THE 101"F CIH T= TOu' . 33Ci -RD OF .T L1 TIC"- CP 1-L,02ISCI i-=-) TJ:E VILLAGE BO-,= OF TRUSTEES OF THE VIZZ OF IVi% �Pv FC i. held I-arch 15th, 1929 at 8 P. Z. The following were -present.- Town of Harrison - Supervisor Taylor Clerk Strothkamp Justice Sullivan Justice 1-inor Town of %_"amaroneck - Supervisor Burton Cleri_ Sherman Supt. of Highways Coles Justice Collins Justice Howell Justice Leeds Counsellor ;:amble Village of ?_'`:arilaroneck - =::ayor Bates Trustee ChrZ*stie Trustee Scholle Trustee Anclam Trustee Clarke Engineer !puffy Corp. Counsel Howe Clerk GJilsor This joint meeting was called for the _purpose of taking, unified action on the bus situation as it effects the three municipalities represented. Supervisor George W. Burton was designated as Chairman of the meeting and Village Clerk Fred T. Wilson was designated as Clerk of the meeting. The meeting was opened by Supervisor Burton for the discussion as to the passing on consents to theTestchester Street Transportation Co. , Inc. , by the Towns of ;:1amaroreck and Harrison and the 14. Y. E. Stanford Railway Co. by the Village of . ama-roneck. It was pointed out that the form of consent near submitted by the 'destchester Street Transportation Co. , Inc. , to the three municipalities was entirely different than the one outlined at the several conferences with the Street Transportation Co. , si=e it now included the operation of trackless trolleys and that the term of the consent had been charged to the full term of the fran- chise. It was also pointed out that the only resolution 110-ff before the Village Board of Trustees is the one from the ';. Y. & Stamford Railway Co. , regarding a lap-over zone between ±kx I.rew Rochelle and G'eaver Street in the Town of !�amaroneck whereby tine one company would operate direct into 1Gew Rochelle. It was apparent from the discussion that no definite decision nor final action on a G s permanent consent could result from this joint meeting as the situation stands at the present time. "9 . Supervisor Burton of the Town of L"amarcna=ck stated that "it has always beer, the attitude of the ` own of Zamaroneck that they would permit the Ties-tchester Street Transportation Co. , --no. , to go ahead and operate buses and leave the thing just as it is $ that the 'Town of uamaroneck would not stop them. " Clerk Idilson then asked Supervisor 'Taylor if this attitude had also been taken by the Town of Harrison. Supervisor Taylor stated that the Town of Harrison, undoubtedly, would riot stand in the way of transportation direct :between uamaroneck and "'VI Plains provided: that the _4estchester Company would guarantee that they will maintain the I`-north Avenue line in Harrison.. After further &cussion, the following resolution was offered for action by the Town Board of the Town of Harrison by Justice 'Minor and seconded by Justice Sullivan- ksSOLV=aD, that the Town Board of the 'Town of Harrison hereby grants a temporary permit to the 7estchester Street 'Transportation Coo- , Inc. , to operate a, bus line over '- amaroneck Avenue , between the City of elhite Plains and the Town of Iulamaroneck for a. )eriod of G months from the date 'hereof, as a part of a thru line to the 'Village of 1.amaroneck, and further upon the condition that the destchester Street Trans- portation Co. , Inc. , continue to operate their bus line over =north Street and Harrison_ Avenue in the Town of Harrison. Fares to be charged in accordance with the following schedule. a. A fare of ten (10;/) cents for one continuous ride be- tweer_ any 'point in the Town and/or Village of aaraaroneck and any other point in the Town and/or Village of lamaroneek. b. A fare of fifteen (15/) cents all of which shall be paid at one time , for one continuous ride between any one point in the 'Town of Harrison and any point in the City of White Plains reached by said bus so to be operated hereunder. C. A fare of fifteen (15y_/) cents all of which shall be paid at one title , for one continuous ride between any point in the Town of Harrison and any points in the Town or Village of L_amaroneck reached by said buses so to be operated hereunder. d. A fare of twenty-five (25N) cents all of which shall be paid at one tirae, for one continuous ride between any pointin the City of '.W'nite Plains reached by said buses so to be operated hereunder. Children, not to exceed three in number and -under four years of age , shall be carried free when accompanied by an adult, buVkuch children if riding _Free , shall not occupy seats to the exclusion of passengers. Free transfers to be granted in accordance with consent heretofore granted by the Tillage of L'amaroneck for the substitu- tion of buses; further YSOLVP'D, that all of the rights of the parties hereto are reserved and remain in full force and effect to the same extent as if this temporary consent had not been granted, and be it further P,7SOL7112Q, that the Clerk and Superintendent of Highways be and they hereby are authorized to execute said temporary consent. Ayes- Supervisor Taylor, Justice 1linor and Justice Sullivan and Clerk Stro thkamp. Yoes- none. I The following resolution was offered for action by the Town Board of the Town of I'iamaroneck by Justice Leeds and seconded by Justice Howell: TTSOLv D, that the Town Board of the Town of ITamaroreck hereby grants a terporary permit to the Westchester Street Transportation Co. , Inc. , to operate a bus line over ifamaroneck Ave. , between the Town of Harrison and the Village of s=amaroneck for a period of S months , as a part of a thru line to the Village of H—aroneck, . :Tares to be charged in accordance with the following schedule.- a. A fare of ten (10/) cents for one continuous ride between any point in the Town and/or Village of Yamaroneck and any other point in the Town and/or Village of Iiamaroneck. b.. A fare of fifteen (15) cents all of which shall be .paid at one time , for one continuous ride between any one point in the Tovam of Harrison and any point in the City of 'dihite Plains reached by said bus so to be operated hereunder. c/ A fare of fifteen (15rJ cents all of which shall be paid at one time , for one continuous ride between any point in the Town of Harrison and any points in the Town or Village of I;iamaroneck reached by said buses so to be operated 'hereunder. d. A fare of twenty-five (24X) cents all of which shall be ,paid at one tune , for one continuous ride between any point in the City of 'Uhite Plains reached by said buses so to be operated 'here- under. Children, not to exceed three in number and under four years of age , shall be carried free when accompanied by an adult, but such children if riding free , shall not occupy seats to the ex- clusion of passengers. Free transfers to be granted in accordance with consent heretofore granted by the Village of Lamaroneck for the substitu- tion of buses, further 17SOLVTDt that all of the rights of the parties hereto are reserved and remain in full force and effect to the same extent as if this temporary consent had not been granted, and be it further RFSOLV 'D, that the Clerk and Superintendent of Highways be and they hereby are , authorized to execute said temporary consent. oyes : Supervisor Burton, Justice Collins , Zustice Howell Justice Leeds, Supt® of Highways Coles , Clerk Sherman. lioesb none The following resolution was offered for action by the Town Board of the Town of Lamaroneck by Justice Leeds and seconded by Justice Howell. RFSOL`v?D, that the Town Board of the Town of 'Iamaroneck hereby consents to the operation on the Boston 'Post Road in the Town of P, amaron- eck and between Dean Place and the westerly boundary line of the City of ITew Rochelle as a wart of the E. Lain St. line of the Westchester Electric R. R. Co.. Ayes All Nees; done i 200 I The following resolution was then offered by Trustee Chrystie and seconded by Trustee Anclam for action by the Board of Trustees of the Village of ia,maroneck.- R? �'•SOLV1 D, that the Village of _-amaroneck hereby grants a temporary consent for the period of 6 months from the date hereof -wha buses are being operated under and pursuant to an agreement between the i; Y. Stamford Railway Co. , and the Westchester 2-lectric R. R. Co. , for the charging of a single fare of ten tlerj cents for each passenger, and no more , for one continuous ride between Dean Place and the ter- minus of the route in the City of lew Rochelle, provided that the usual school children 's pro- visions shall apply to such zone and that there shall be a lap-over from Dean Place to Weaver Street, all in accordance with the letter of the I;. Y. 8 Stamford Railway Co. , dated January 4th, � 1929 , and submitted to public hearing on February 26th, 1929 , and be it further RITSGLV7D, that this resolution be inoperative until and unt-ss the said 'tirestchester Street Transportation Co. , Inc. , o_uerdte and comply with the resolutions adopted this date by the Toz,:n Board of the Town of Harrison and the Town Board of the Town of lama.roneck. Ayes : Trustees Chrystie , Scholle , Anclam, Clark and Iayor Bates. 1:-ce s: none -- Supervisor Burton as chairman of the meeting then appointed a joint committee to re-vamp and re-draft the consent submitted by the Westchester Street Transportation Co. , Inc. , and report back to a joint meeting of the Boards of these three mugicipalities. Ayes : All ;'ices: none The joint committee appointed was as follows : Town of Harrison: Justice Linor Clerk Stro thkamp Counsel Sullivan Town of 'yamarcneck: Justice Collins Justice Leeds Counsel Gamble Village of Lamaronech; Trustee Scholle Trustee Ch--Ystie Counsel H. L. Howe Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11 P. r, . T wn Clerk