HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_06_07 Town Board Minutes MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
held June lst, 1927
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
9: 20 P. M.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Howell and Leeds
Town Clerk Sherman
The minutes of the meetings of May 4th and May 6th, 1927
were read and upon motion approved.
The Clerk stated that :pursuant to notice duly advertised
the Board should now consider the various applications and plans for
building permits which had been denied as being in violation of the
Zoning Ordinance .
After reading- of the notic : as advertised and after dis-
cussirg and considering the various applications and plans for build-
ing permits before the Board, it was upon motion duly seconded,
R^SOLVED, 7HFR7AS, the Town Edard of the
Town of Mamaroneck has duly advertised
pursuant to law, a public meeting for the
-purpose of considering certain_ applications
therein stated, made under the Zoning Ordin-
ance of the Unincoraornted oast of she Town
of Mamaroneck, which applications are now
pending, and
WHEREAS, the said Town Board having held said
hearing and both c rties having been granted
the privilege of appearing for or in opposition
to the granting of certain applications as
provided under the said Zoning Ordinance and
after due consideration, therefore be it
RrSOLVED, that the Town Eoard of the Town of
Mamaroneck, sitting jointly as a Board of
Appeals and as a Town Board does hereby
Grant the follo+rinE applications from the
decision of the Building Commission which
decision is hereby reversed and does hereby
consent to the granting of the following applic-
?ticks subiect in each case to the specific
conditions and safeguards therein stated:
1. Application ;989 of Charles G. .iaiolino for the erection.':
of a one family yelling on the north side of Hillcrest Avenue, 7+0
feet crest from Wearer Street, provided that the main 'ouildinn w0l
is erected not less than 23 feet from the front lot line and the
steps to the building is erected not less than 12 feet from the front
lot line .
2. Application 1990 of Charles G. Maiolino for the erection
of a one family dwelling on the north side of Hillcrest Avenue, 780
feet west from Weaver Street, provided that the main building wail is
erected not less than 23 feet from the front lot line and steps to the
building is erected not less than 12 feet from the front lot line.
3. Application # 996 of F. V. Burt for the erection of a one
family doeliin a.nd garage on the south west corner of Vine Road and
Fouken Glen, provided that the building is erected not less than 20
feet from the front lot line on Vine Road.
4. Application ?1001 df Gaetano Giannetti for the erection
of a one family dwelling and garage on the west side of Chatsworth
Avenue corner of Glen Road, provided that the building is erected not
less than 24 feet from the front let line on Glen Road.
5- Application #`-1002 of Frank L Richelson for the erection
of a one family dwelling and garage on the south west corner of
Boulder Road and Villa Road, provided that the buildin_; is erected not
less than 18 feet from the front lot line on Hcfulder Road.
6 . Application '!944 of F . F, and L. A. Page for the erection
of a multi car garage on the north eUt corner of Myrtle Boulevard
and Madison Avenue, provided that proper sectional drawings are filed
ith the plans .
A communication from the Beaver Street Fire Company was
received and read advising the Board that the probationary period for
Driver Paul Caro expired May 15th la=t, and recommendint that he be
regularly appointed at a salary of x;135.00 per month.
The communication was ordered placed on file and upon the
recommendation of the Fire Company, it was upon motion, duly seconded
and upon roll call, unanimously
RESOLVED, that Driver Paul Caro be and he
hereby is regularly appointed to duty at
the "leaver Street Fire House effective as
of Yay 15th, 1927 and his compensation be
fixed at the sum of $135.00 per month.
A COIDIUnication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was
received and read requestin,S permission to attend the convention of the
Hudson. Valley Volunteer Firemen' s Association at Poughkeepsie
sometime during the latter part of June .
The communication was ordered placed on file and the
ratter referred to a committee consisting of Justice Howell, Leeds
and Town Clerk Sherman, to act with power in the matter.
A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was
received and read requesting that new tires be furnished to the Hook
and Ladder Truck. .
The communication was ordered placed on file and the
matter referred with oo°wer to a, committee consisting of Justices
Howell, Leeds , and Town Clerk Sherman.
A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was
received and read requesting that uniforms be supplied to Drivers
Nolan, Caro and Francis .
The communication was ordered placed on file and the
matter Deferred with power to a committee consisting of Justice Howell,
Justice Leeds and Town Clerk Sherman.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of Hay
1927, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows:
June 17t, 1927
George W. Burton, Supervisor
Town of ,Mamaroneck, New York
Pursuant to section 26 of the Uestdhester County Tax Law,
I hereby respectfull7 report the amount of State, County, Town, School,
Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and
penalties thereon, collected by :frie during the month of pjdy, 1927:
COUNTY 13, 185.50 1, 115,,28 146. 6, 14,447 .76 _
hIGHV�UY 2, 514.25 225. 3154. 34 2, 793- 90
Totwti 2,457•o6 235 .44 4o . 8,2
DISTRICT 8, 519.87 659.64 150 .880 9, 420. 31
1TCT. 1 3, 332 . 94 217.67 26.1Q 3, 5 .
DIST. 1 3, 516 . 26 1,437.87 5, 254. 23 _
ARREARS 652 .04
PENALTIES 6o4. G9 753.52 51Q, . 34 403. 3o 2, 311 .45 ,_. n
Deposited with First Nat 'l Bank of Mamaroneck, Total, °41,401 . 01
Res.,oectfully submitted,
(SGTd) Santo Lanza,
Raceiver of Taxes .
The follooing resolt:.tion was presented by Justice Leeds
and seconded by Justice Howell:
Be it
RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted bit
this Board a.t a meeting held on June 9th
1525, appropriating the suf of 4, 500 .00
for the purpose of defraying the cost of
installing a 'fire ala=,i systerf, within Tiro,
light and water districts be and the sarie
herebv is in all resLeots rescinded 'with
the site force and effect as th.o said res-
olution had not been adopted.
Upon a. vote being ia.ken upon the foregoin_ resolution,
the s me was declared unani�n: asly adopted.
The foilovJin�� resolution was presented by Justice Hovrell
and seconded by Justice Leeds:
RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed
and collected against the taxable property
of th.e Town of i an,ar meek lvine ,rithi n fire,
lirr.ht , an'-3 �wa.ter districts (,outsio.e of the
corporate limits of the Village of Larch-
,mont and Mwmar_)neck) the surn of 95,000 .00
to pay the cost of installing a fire alarm syste!r.
within said district .
Upon a vote being t >.,kezi upon the foregoing resolution,
— the same was declared adopted by the follo ,jing vote ;
The Supervisor recormiends . that he be authorized to raise
the s ,.id sum of x! 5,000 .00 authorized i>a the preceding resolution, by
the s :,le of a certificate of indebtedness in anticipation of the
collection of taxes shich will be levied on A-cril let , 1920.
Justice Leeds thereupon offered for adoption the folloud-
ing resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby
is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the
faith and credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the
sum of .:"F5,000 .00 for which sum he shall issue
in the name and under the Seal of said Town,
in anticination of the collection of taxes
levied to lay the cost of instolling fire
alarm susterr a.nd assessed against the taxable
- aroperty situated in fire, li _- ht, and water
district (outside of the cor-oorate limits of
the Village of Larch ont a.. d Mamaroneck) and
which taxes are to become due - nd -ayable on
April 1, 1G28; said certificate to be sold
for not less than the par value thereof, to
bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6% per
annum and to mature at such time as the
Supervisor may determine. Such certificate shall
be paid with the taxes which will become
due on April 1, 1928 and which have ,een
heretofore levied and assessed for said purpose;
and it is further
R7SOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized and empowered
to siYn and execute such papers as may be
necessary to effect the sale of said certificate .
Upon a vote being talren upon the foregoing resolutions,
the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following vote;
AYES: Four.
NOES: None.
The Clerk presented a statement of canvas of the special
election held on May 27th, 1927 nhich. was ordered received, spread
upon the minutes and is as follows :
of the votes cast in the Town of Hamaroneck at the
leaver Street Fire ?louse at a. special election called for the purpose,
pursuant to Chapter 654 of the Lags of 1;27, State of ides York, ::Each
became a law on April 4th, 1927,
"Shall the Torn of Mamaroneck be authorized to issue water
bonds in the =.Yount of TWO HTTD FD AND FORTY THnUSAhrD (5240, 000 . )
DOLLARS for the purpose of defraying its proportionate snare of the
cost of acquiris, the inter works sister; now owned by the New York
Inter Urban Water Company= by the Westchester Joint Water Works No . l,
ona for additions, betterments inn imnr07eTents thereto; such bonds
to be in the denomination of 11,000 each, payable SIX THOUSnYD (16,000)
POLL^RS TTO years from the date of such bonds, and Six THOUSAND (16,000]
DOLLARS PAYABLE EACH year thereafter up to and inciudim the year 1961,
-in(7. SEVEN T. r1 U` "ND ( ` 7:000) DOLL IRS payable e:zCll ;Te::,r thereafte r up t0
and inclu inE the year 1967, bearing interest at a rate not excesdin
six o r centum "„er annum, payable aemi-annually, and shall there be
levied, assessed and collected annually upon the taxable property of
said Town a sum sufficient to .gay the principal and interest of said
bonds as the s-me respectively become cue and payable? "
" "Shall the Town of Mamaroneck be authorized to issue seater
bonds in the am unt of ONE HUNDRED AYD _17TY SIX THnUS WD (9156,000)
DOLLARS for the "purpose of purchasing the 'crater distribution system in
said Town now owned by the New York Inter Urban 7zter Company; s?id
bonds to be in the denomination of ON_! THOUS171 (91,000) DOLLARS
of such bonds s d FOUR TFQUS ^ "P (1"4,000) DOLLARS PAYABLE each year
hereafter up to and including the year 1967, bearing interest at a
-rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually
and shall there be levied, assessed and collected annually
upon the taxable property of said Town a sure sufficient to pay
the _, rincijal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively
beco:-J:e due and payable.
We , the undersigned inspectors of election hereby
certify that we have canvassed the votes east far propositions
Nos. 1 and 2 hereinab=.eve recited, and that the "foregoing is a
true and correct statement thereof.
Dated this 27th day of hay , 1927.
(Signed) Wm.A.Boyd
T .Palmer Howell
Patrick H.Collins
William D.Leeds
Inspectors of Election
The following resolution was offered by Justice Leeds
seconded by Justice Howell and upon_ Roll/Call , unanimously
hEftEAS, the Inspectors of the special �
election held on the 27th day of hay ,
- 1927 have presented their certificate
attached hereto and made a part hereof ,
snowing that Propositions Nos 1 and 2
submitted to the electors of the Todrn
of 1r'amaroneck , •sere duly adopted by the
electors at such special election, now
therefore , be it
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
such certificate and declares that
Propositions Nos 1 and 2 sub^pitted to
the electors of :_he Town of Mamaroneck
at the special election held on the 27th
day of hay , 1927 , are declared carried.
The Supervisor brought up the question, of furnishing
-police cells for the police station. at Ed.gewood Avenue. The natter
was referred to Justice Howell and Justice Leeds for their report
and recdrrzaendation.
A coo unieation from the Larchmont Gardens Company ,
together with a copy of a letter addressed to Counsellor Gamble ,
k'da.s received and read, in relation to the excess assessment for
the year 1922 on the ,property described as Section 2, Block 73,
- Lets Nos. 4, 5 , o and A. After a full discussion of the :natter
and upon the receipt of a verified petition from the Board of
Assessors , the folLovting resolution was presented and upon Roll
Call unanimously adopted'
WhEREAS, a verified. _petition has been
presented to this Board by the Board
of Assessors of he Town of Hamaro-
neck , in accordance with the provis-
ions of the Westchester County Tax
Lam, requesting the Town Board to take
such action an may be necessary under 'xs*a
said la.0 to educe the asses ment here-
tofore levied. on. Lots 5 , 4 , and 7b
in Block 53 , Section 2 of the Assessment
map of the Town of hat aroneck for the year
1922 from FIVE TH®DSA:,D DOLLARS %"000.)
the amount heretofore assessed as set
forth in said petition , to the sus, of
WHEREAS, IT APPEARS to this Board from the
petition of the said Board of Assessors that
it is just and equitable that said erroneous
assessr:er_t be corrected , therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby direct
and order that said erroneous assessment here-
tofore made be corrected. on L ats 4 , y , 6 and
7B , in Block Q , Section 2 of the Assessment
M ap of the Town. of Nama-ronech for the year
1922 from Five Thousand Dollars ( 0 , 000) to
Twenty-Five Hundred- Dollars ( 12,00c) ; and it is
RiLSOLVE'D, that the penalties thereon for the
yeaf 1522 be cancelled u: on the Sayc.ent of
interest at the rate of 60 on the amount of
the Tax As herein provided to be levied from
the date said taxes bears a lien to the date
of payment. (Nathin;, herein contained, however
shall be construed to waive interest on penalties
for subsequent years , and it is further
RESOLVED, that the taxes heretofore levied in
accordance with said erroneous assessment be
reduced to such an amount as would be proper
computed on the basis of an assessment of
Twenty--Five H undred Dollars ( 02500) ; and
it is further
RESOLVED, that nothing herein contained however
shall in any wise be deemed a waiver of said
taxes or shall in any way exempt said property
from taxation for the year 1922 or any year
thaxeafter, and that the same shall be collected
and paid in accordance with the corrected
assessment herein fixed, said assessment and
tax levied thereon being canceled and reduced
only to the extent herein provided; and it is
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, Board of Assessors ,
and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are
authorized and empowered to take such action
as s,a.y be necessary to correct their books of
record as herein provided.
A petition was presented by the Board of Sewer Commissioners
requesting the extension of the Sewer District No . 1 in accordance
with the Blue Print attached to the petition. The communication and
,Jetitlon were ordered Placed on rile and the matter referred to
-- Counsellor Gamble.
Counsellor Gamble reported upon the .petition received from
the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Seger District %o . 1 of the
Town of nama,roneck to extend the ;resent Sewer District No . 1 so as
to include a se: tion to be known as Section E. He stated that the
petitions were in proper form, have endorsed thereon the unanimous
written approval of the Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District E0 .3.
of the Town of ha_maroneck , Lnd. were sion.ed- by the owners of .real
property within the area in said district to be served by the proposed
extension to the said system representing more than one-half in value
of the taxable real property within such area, as appears by the
last preceding completed assessment roll , to-wit;
?','-1 , o , ?2„ y,0 o-a:t, of w total of :213 ,x,25. 00 , as is shown by the Bert
ifi sate of the Board of Assessors annexed t0 said :ietitlo . , aY'jd i.n a11. I
respects 00-L;ol. -ied with the requirements of the law! He further statel. '..
Mat it would be necessary to call a ullic meeting to consider said
petition. After full- discussion , the foilmawi,.
resolution was upon Roll Call , unanimously ado;ted:
WHEREAS, there has been presented to this
Board a yetition requesting this Board to
extend the present boundary lines of
Sewer District loo. 1 of the Town of
Hamaronecl , which is in proper form; and
H_�', AS, ;ursuant to law this Board must
give notice of the meeting at which it wig,
act on said petition; THEREFORE be it
RESOLVED, that a special meeting of this
Town Board be held on July 6th, 1Q27 , at
0: 1; o ' clock P . 1. , at the office of the
Town Clerk , No . 8 Elm Street , Kamarrneck ,
New York , at which time and Dlace it will
meet to act = the aforesaid petition to
extend the present Sewer District lo . 1
of the Town of i:anaroneck , and the Sewer
System cont0ned therein , as now established
so as to include in and make a kart of
said district the territory embraced with-
in the said `or000sed extension_ , which is
described in said petition; and be it
RESOLVED, that the Clerk give due notice of
s' ch siecial meeting by _-publishing in The
R- Q./j�_-P-n. �:�a.^ and posting as provided by
1 -A �y" Law. -
Upon motion , the weeting adjourned. at 11: 40 P . A.
Town Clerk