HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_26 Town Board Minutes S27ICi iy l;i�. I' (J:'r Cy ^Jl_ ±jCl.-'ip
held April 26th, 1929.
imeetin� was called to order i Supervisor ,carton
at 1 - . L.
' I
PrESents Supervisor rurton
J"ustices Boyd, Howell and Leeds
To rn Clerk Sherma-n
,!so prESent .Ef ira >. Stevens and n. N.dvards ,
Park Go raissioners.
Tile Clerk reported that the had received a communication
fora the Board of .Park COPnffiissi onerS of 2own 2ark District : o. 1
of the, o-r t V dated 990
To-,,-,,n of Lama�oneck, .eye York, April 2C, L ,�J.
Li'pon motion; duly made and seconded, the Clerk
1,,a,E requested to read Said communication.
"he Clerk proceeded to do so.
'mnereupcn, on motion, duly made and seconded, the same
caa ordered received and placed on file..
ft r cons :Erable discussion and con SidE ration r?aG. On
said communication, justice Loyd offered for adoption the follo wingr
==PAS, tie -soar�� of =a-rk Comnissicncrs of
zown. ear'_ District '- o. 1 of the to vu of i a rlaroneck,
TEN cork, by a coyie-Dunication addressed t0 the bard '
dated April 26, 1929 , rec Ord=rne'_Gc-d the a.c0uisi lion
of cer'taiy- lands and _oreraises located within said
Park District for park purposes and requested that
it be authorizcd to acquire said preiliSes by .urch-
ase or condemnation at a cost not to el,ceed the sum
Of 11,,285 ,000.00g and
'si=-R7±_4S, said -3oard of Pari Coc=issionErs has
reouested this 3oard to provide the sum of
285i000.00 to Day the cost of acquirin the
aforesaid premises ; and
:H�� 35g is appears to tie satisfaction of this
ljoard that she best interests of said Par�1 Dist-
rict will be pro_riotcd by the a.couisition of said
premiscs for Park purposes ;
770 the m fore ; it is
177`'.1+1L'-+ , that pu Y'SUc1'lt t0 t't7E prG 1.. 0nS 0 '.,�"c�ptEr
J'i L of the Laws of 1924, as. ar[icoded by l:hapter 107 '..
of the Tars of 1929, the Board of Park Commissioners
of Torn Park ark District i -jm ra
o. 1 of the e 10 of x-:aaroneck
t'.e <or's, is hEreby aut_=ized a._;d empowered to acc,uire
the lands and premises mentioned and described in the
communication of said Loard of lark Commissioners
addressed to t'r_is lo-,in hoard dated April 26 , 1929
(-which -ore,:riises are also her=inafte-r described) by
purchase or condemnation at a cost not to e__ceed the
sum. of �)1,285 ,000.009 and it is further
R SO1=M9 that this Town borrow upon its
faith and credit the s=i of -;1285,000.00 and
issue its bonds therefor for the purJOSe of
acquiring developing and improving for park-
purposes the lards and premises hereinafter
described : and it is further -
Ry'SO= , that said bonds shall be issued in
the name and under the seal of said Tovin of
h[amaroneck in denominations of y1,000.00 each,
numbered from l to 2a5 , incinsive , dated 3':ay
1 , 1929, and stall be payabkc as follows .
$5, 000. 00 on ay l in each of the years 1930
to 1944, both inc" usive, and :?0 ,000.00 on Kay
1, in each of the years 1945 to 1979, both
inclusive , with interest thereon at a. rate not li'.,........
e_ticeeding oja per annum payable on :^_e first day o '
?ovenber after the date thereof and seili-annually
�.'_! ''=aItP i UIItI'1 L'l1°_ -yJrinC ip21 SLliT: is fully paid..
Said bonds shall be signed by J-he Supervisor and
attested by the i'o m Clerk- Of Said own, under
-h seal thereof, and shall be coupon bonds with
the privilege of registration, in accordance with
the irovisions of the i+eneral 12unicipal Latin® The
interest coupons shall be signed with the fac-
simile signature of the Supervisor and both princi-
pal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in
gold coin of the United. States of ,America of the
-present Standard weight and fineness , Or its egU].v--
al..nt, at the 'Trust 'Conpany Of LarChmlont, Larc'.nmont,
'Few York, in 1,ve Jd Yorkk exchange , or at the Randers
Trust Con'_rary, _!ew York City, iew Yorlti, at the
option of the holder; and it is further
R OLV'D, that said bonds shall be sold to the L
person lrho will take them at the lowest rate of
interest for not lESS Uhan the lJar value thereof
and shall op In f
orrn substantially as follows°,
the blanks therein berg properly filled, viz:
UTvITED ST_,T S 0 1,' _=R1^A
ST T. OP r;, FOR
10 L ! ,=> o c Cots- -r - 3 T C H7 27,R
TC r_iF=i D--STRT C1 _t0. i
Bond 1929
LfO. a 1,000.00
T `L ih `i tlai 7V O J,a7_arOn�=TLi a LL _1 . i
eCk, a `f 2niC ipa.l 3Or1JOra tl01 and p011 t1Cal SUbdJ 8101 i^ll to in he
CouP!ty of .destchester and State Of Slew Yor<'., for value received,
hereby <ckno�,-,,l-edges itself indebted and yJr O'f!iSeS t0 ';Ja;' t0 bearer
on t'r first day of Iiay 19 the sup, of 017 THCJv,U]�D ( ; 3 , 000.00j
LCLL'..�:7, la.r _ money Of the United States of
America, together `'aitYi
i.t`_t2r'est thereon frommi the date thereof at the rate of per
ann Ll'Il and ;a;yable Semi-annm—Ily on the first days Of !ovej,.'be-r and
Lay in eaC'n year, Joo-i -Jr s ntc:.tion a".^iCl Surrender of the anneded
interCSt Cou-pons as tnie S aI e res JedtivEl�r -,mature .° both -Orinc,`Qal
and interest being _Ja.yable in gold coin of the United States of
_merlca of the oreSeilt Standartd ':�'veight and fine-iness , Or its eouly
alent, at the Trust Cnr1l_"Jany of La --Mont , La2chTliont , _..-;e-U 70l.}.-, i.n
6w York eXCnange , Or at G_iE _iankers Trust Co-mpany, i ew Yorl: City,
I�fev+r York, at the option of the holder.
27 mi
This bond is one of an issue of 285 bonds aggregating
the sun of ; 285 ,000®00 of lime date and tenor but maturing at
different dates , issued pUrsua.nt, to and in compliance with the
constitution and statutes of the State of �Ie,b- York, including ,
Cha"c,ter 574 of the Lairs of the State of hew York of 1924, as
amended by Chapter 107 of the Laws of 1929, and pursuant to pro-
ceedings of the Town Board of said Town duly had and taken in all
respects authorizing the same for the purpose of acquiring,
-- developing and improving certain lands and premises for park
- purposes within 'Town ?arlc District No. 1 of the Town of lamarunecic,
few York.
It is hereby certified, -recited and declared that all
acts , conditions and things required to exist, happen and be per-
formed :precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have haj?ened
and have been performed in due time , form and manner as required by
law; that the amount of this band together with all other indebted-
ness of said 'lain of aatlaroneck, does not exceed any limit pros-
cribed by law; that provision has been made for the collection of
an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this
bond and the total bonds of this issue with interest as the same
shall respectively become due and payable.. The full faith and
credit of said Torn of lamaronzck is Thereby irrevocably pledged
for the punctual "payment of the principal and interest of this
bond according to its terms.
This bond be registered as to principal only as
well as to both principal and interest in accordance with the
Provisions of the &En2ral huniciDal Law. if this bondr be registered
as to both principal and interest , the interest thereon at the
request of the registered owner may be remitted by mail in _;ew
York Exchange,
?-! 1 1 _ " v , the said Town of ?a=afonech, 7est
treater County, drew Form, has caused this bond to be signed by its
Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town hereunto a.ffined,
attested by its Town Clp rkg and the interest couyons hereto annexed
to be signed with the fac-simile signature of its SuDsrvisor and
this bond to be dated as and of the 1st da.y of Lay 1929.
Sup er-riaar
Town of hamaroneck, Z. Y.
Attgs b i
Town Clark, Town of
T:smaronedk, Z. A _.
iv 0. till
On the day of May 19 the Town of 1-iarnaroneek,
estchester County, Yew York, will pay to bearer, the sum of
j dollars, at the Z.
Company of Larc't1' ont, Larchmont, lei� `Tore, in Yew York exchange , Jr
at the Bankers Trust Company, few York City, New York, at the of t�Gn
of the holder, being sin months ' interest then due on its Town lark
District Yom 1 Band. _. 1929 , ho. dated My 1, 1929..
Supervisor '�
This bond i' s c-_ne of an issue of 285 bonds a-gEre-gating
the su_T, of 2235 , 000.00 of like date and 'Le-nor but -inE;matur at
I - LI
,1 4 1-er--nt dates , issued pu=.,,ai-t to and in comc)l'ance with the
C 0-,,,1 S -u t 4 on and statutes of the 3tat�, of _�iew Yo.-k, includinE
'he of t1ie Laws of the State of `evv --ork of 1924, as
a-otcr 574 1] 1
a-_-_nep`fted by C'ha",Dtcr 1-07 of the Laws of IID29 , and a=Suant to pro-
ceedings of the To-,,vla Board of said Tv.,,n duly had and taken in all
res-oectus authorizing the same for the -,Jur-oose of accuIrIlIg,
develo-ping and 4 -OrCVi-_rj� C:rt a in lands and p= ises for y3ar!S_iIl purposes licit in I'owu __Pa.rIC 3is-Orict I c--- the To-,,rfi of hamar32neck,
3y err
It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all
acts, conditions and things required to exist, .najoiDen and be per-
formed -Orecedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened
and have been 1performed in due time for-ri and manner as I-Eq.-airc-d by
lair; that the amount of this bond to-ether -rich all other indebted-
ness of said To--rn of Lamaroneck, does not exceed any limit- pres-
cribed by lawv that 'pro-,-ision t-as been 'iiade for the collection of
an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this
bond and -the total bonds of this issue with interest as the same
shall resiDectivelt, beco---ae due and payable.. the full faith and
credit of said. lo-.,n of __ca-ma- rone_CI_ is hereby
l irr,vocab!' pledged
- 01" t1n- - t - -Oyaent oI the and interestof this
bond , ccord-Ing - a its terms.
Phis bon6 ria be registered as to jDr nci--pal only as
v 11 as to both prircipai and interest it accordance 1.vith the
provisions of the Grcn2ral Id-utn-icital -La.,_. If this bond be registered
as to both principal and interest,
the interest thereon at the
request of the registered c-cmer ,-,2ay be remitted bv -mail in, r.ew
forlz: exchange.
-o-c,;n of iest
cl Cst,`r County, ,,e! York, has ojused this bond to be si�ned by its
Su-.,)srv.4soj: and the cor3oratc seal of said Town hereunto affi-reds
atutested by its T0-,.-.,,n ClIe-rk, and the intc-----Is t coa,?=S -he 2e I to
to be signed ",'Pith t'nc fac—Simile Si nature of its Su.13-rV4SOr and
this bond to be doted as and of the 1st day of i`;ay 1929.
Town of iLamaroneck, E. Y.
Attest :
To-vvn ale rlv, Town Of
lia-mar:)nedk, 1 . Y.
k-mu"i 07 cou-."GO T)
11 ovp'-Abcr
C-n the daft a f v I La v
19 : the Tov.,n of I-ameroneck,
estchestE.:r County, 1,e',v York, will pay to bearer, the sum of
0 dolllar.s, at the Trut
co canv of Larchiu(Iont, Larchrim.-it , jew York, in I ew York exchange , or
at the Bankers Trust Com-aa= w York City, IT-w York, at the 0p_Uioll
uf uh !noldEr, be.,
un g six mon,h� sl interest then due on its Ton' n
D' strJot io.. 1 Bond 192 , Ila. dated "ay 1, 19219.
o .-
This bond may be registered by the owner in his name ae
to "yprinci3al under the signature of the Clerk of t ?e Town of llamaron-
ec'_�, 'iestchester Jounty, S;few York, or other Registrar, below, and
shall thereafter be transferab'_e onl"-lv U-pon the written assignment
Of the rc.J s tered Oi-;.tner or his attorney, duly aciinowledged or
Droved, such registration and transfer to be made on the books of
said Clerk or other Registrar , and a notation thereof to be made
heron. Such transfer may be to bearer, after '.a'hlen this bond
shall be sabject t0 sUose_otie:1t registrations and transferee as before.
The coupons will remain "-payable to bearer nOtGTl thsta.ndin such reg-
istration unless this bond shall be converted into a fully registered
bond by the surrender and cancellation of the coupons , which
surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and upon
this bond. `the- princioa.i of this bond, if registered, ,,'1111 be
payable to the registered o-onaer or his legal representatives ,
successors or assigns. m
D_�7 Oti, P'l'_.i,=T,J I�i'd .:._'.. :i1� RZu 1�TDR D JZr.:_=11TU1`� �jF It'IZ.
0 J;!�'R
(C,_`RT 2lvri-T-7 Q_ = r RlG_SIR
Upon the written request of the owner of the within bond
"Or its co'nErsion into a ullr regls"tcred bond I have this fay cut
off and destroyed cou_oons annexed to this bond amounting in the
aggrega _e to
dollars and the interest on this bond at the rate and on the dates
as was provided by the coujons as tVell as t'_ie principal thereof
rai11 hereafter be paid to
reipreesentative S , successors or assigns , at the place of "oa:Jment
specified "t.hE rc ln, Or, &.t "the i guest O1° the registered owner, the
interest will be remitted by mail in iew Yor'c E-chanZE. The bond
he isaftsr 19.].11 be transfer'a01e on tit^c boo ' s of the !.ilerk c th_
o ,n of i.Ia_,aro,neck, iestchGster Counter, iiely York, or other 3eg-a
istrar only on presentation of the same with a written assignment
duly a.cknowled�ed or proved..
Dated, 19
Town Glare, Town of ivamaroneck,
DA T73 UF," ici WHOSE : i-L.I Si'"!'':i-;T R 1 3 T-, Y `-
C 'g
and it is further
RFSOL',=D that ,,xhen said 285 o-:,'n Park District
J:IO® 1 - 1920 .uo;.ds shall have been duly ( ecUted
:,he same ::hall be delivered t0 the purchaser upon
Ja; i_nt of U D cha Jr%cce i 0 S'u_e2V1SOr Gild
the rEcEL-pt Of the SupC PV-so shall be a full ac-
CIL:1-'UtanCB LO said yi ti:rc'haser who shall not be ClJ1'_�ed
to see to Zile application of the purchase _money;and it is further
'001,7=- that the---e 1b e levied, assessed and
collected annually upon the tai:ablc -!property
vv i 1h i n To-,.,m -'--'ara Dist rd o t o. 1 of the Town
of :-amaroneck, -'ew Yor1c, outside of t-,,,
1C Un-111-
oorporated villages of Laniaroncck and Larchmont,
a snm, suffic-lent to pay 'he prlYiC 1pal and
interest on said 285 Town Panic District -1,10. 1 -
1929 bonds as the sa.T.,ie rEsi,-Dcctivel-,; become due
and payable , and it is -Further
301,7E.D, zh--,t s a--d b or d s sha 11 be sold a t 1 i c
sale so the De--i-3on ,,:he ',V-Jll tai-e -'n— at the lo-weB'
rate of interest fOr not c s s than 'he Dar value
a." the Town �;oaro "Rooins , ,c. 5 Elj--, Str-set,
in the Village and 71:)vm of Laiaa--onEl-k, York-,
-npon notice dul published ce , +"r, 7 a.-rchxo-, t-
in the DailI Times , '.-,,o ncws pa
_ ers -Dub
lished -vV 4 thin the lou-n- Of and in
I �y
the 3o-nd 3uT.-r, a. financial ne' ;sjpaper pifolished in
the City C i 01 E w 0 r1',, 77i' i C",1 are 'hereby
designated for that purpose , the first -oublicat ion c f
which shall not be less than 5 Or -rnore I;han 30 days
before the date of said sale and 4 f is further
IIS07 ITSD, that -,)=d-'rg the sale of said iot,,n Park
District ii C. 1 - 1929 �1�onds and the rzcei v 'U of the
-proceeds thereof, the Supervisor be and hereby is
authorized and uO b0r-O0Vi u-.3cn tie faith
and credit OF Lhe To-an of ilaolaronec'r titer Sai-6 Sum of
:p V 00-00, for amount he shall issue in the
'aahle and under the s-a!- of said 1"o-a,"n one or rriore
temporary ce3T- ' ,4cPtes Of indebtedness , not exceed-
ing in the aggregate the said sm, of L)e85,000.009
said temporary certi- ic@_
ss of indebtedness
shall not be sold fo-r less ti an the -,Dar value thereof
and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6/L,O
i3er annum anu shall --mature at such time as the Super-
visor may determine not exceeding, ho�, r
from the date thereof-, and it is further , one year
Pff-SOLVED, that said teiO.Dorar-v ce-� ,- - fica-ns 0- indcb�
I - Ui I - I-
edne,ss and the interest vhlc-n oiay accrue thereon,
shall be .)air,- thee amount rea l 4�zEd frora the sale
of said " o jm 2arh District o� 1 - Ends he r
ei' . -
-orovidFd for., and it is further
R]�'S'",L 71 T D- that tu 1"e 3 u�D e.r s Cr b-nd
-ri be
and hereby are authorized and. ermpu. erect to
sign and execute such :paoers as --may be necessary
and -proper to effect the sale of sai-, c, ter.,113orary
certificaEs, ly
fc' l0-vVi,,-1g is a des crioti on of the lands and 1)r emi se s-
auth=izea, Co be acquired bj.' the -'-oard o f - MISS !. CnerS
LAL-C L-1 L—"
A= that certain plot- , Pic--ce Or P2rcel cf 1p--d with
thereon situo�e , I-,I , - I U 1,1z
11 11 1 1 , - I n Z and o e i n g i r, t c e To wr of LL-a fqa r
ec-s' "Oun-1.7 of ')estchester and State I
u2,t- 0 'E,,r York, bounded and des-
crioed as -10110-lws �
lit or, the westerly side Of yr-
Ist-ant 31. 10 fee L" southwesterly froln -1 U-- '�Venue
foll'i2Ed b -,-c
section of the ',-vzate.-l.- 'd -he y the in Le of T' I
of Szree .- - Liyrt' e venue -,,nth the southerly side
u; runnLa, thence along the ,,esterly side of
S- �2-10 46,t , _ I
�L- �O Fee Z to a O'L12ve , then �
side of !- -r ce Stil-
-le to the ri L alo�n�� t - e
1 7' 18 , 00" Length J--;. 7o feeU to -,��ht radius
set, on, tlF �ve",,-,ue or, a curve
-Lo LncLce along
'he div -5;
�31on line bet Lots 15 and 16 17. 5_° 35l00" [r- 100. 55
feet -to of 19 '' t1aence aloi,�g Lot 19 S 270 00 " �o'l -.,i, 51. 00 feet to
Lot 13 , -ohenccaio---g the division line between Lots 13 and 14, S.
510 35100" F. 100. 00 feet to the sterlr side of lfyrtle _avenues
Ll,,en--e along the -vfesterli side of Lyrtie vEnuE on a cu_'ve- to the
r il7ht radius 257.34 le°.l-,,-th 146 3 , angle JG 0 3`O r 1311- thence still
along the =resterl ; side of 1_yrtle .vennue on a curve to the left
radius 202 . 54, angle 33° 051 0511 lenyt'n 117.55 feet; thence still
alone; to -,resterlg side of ,'yrt1E :ivenui S. 39° 221 3V 6. zL9
feet to the division line between Lots 5 and 6 . thence along the
division line between lots 5 and 6 _ 35° 471 25`° W. 107.77 feet
to the easterly side of =iurray Avenue as widened, thence along the
easterly side of ivurray Avenue as widened 1... 10 251 5611 cJ„ 211. 74
feet to the norticriz line of Lot 14; thence along the northErly
line of mot 14 f . 8,80 341 0411 7. 105. 42 feet; unence along the
r^car of Lots 1a- and 139. S. 17' 271 1011 F. 517. 56 feet. to the sOut; -a-
erl;? side of _:a1le Street , thence along file souther- -,'i sll`.'ie of iya-ple
Street 'T. 72° 321 50`1 -. 149® 61 feet, thence still a.lonl- the scuth-
erly side of ! a;gle Street pit a curve t0 the right radius 24.77 feet,
angle 5° 131 20i1 length 1. 88 feet to the no,-therl7T line of Lot
17o thence along the northerly line of "Lot 17 S 51° 351 0021 F.
94. 35 feet to !:yrtic _Avenue the -004 nt or ,�lla-e of G _1'G>.
ii'>RC:',�.T F2v III
that certain plot, piece or p-,7rce1 of land situate ,
lying and being in he '_own of EaLf .rpnec'ti, uo-: nty of estchester9
and :State of evz York, bounded a. ddsscribed as follows .
BF 7T- at a yoint on --he you 1'.11 ^ly side o Vine Street
distant 100.00 feet southeasterly from the corner fol.n2d, by the ir_tr-
sectioin of the southerly side of `Yin- Street and the easterly side
of V:i_ne Street S. 39P 25.1 40iP -F,, 126.50 feet to a curve ; t11e1".Ce
alon" a curve to uhs right � adiu.s 15 i0 angle 90 lcngt'n 23. 50
feet: thence S. 5C'o 311 417 11 n';'i'. 65. 010 cfEE"t to �l'1°_ Park, thence along
e ?ark Y. 39' 281 2011 'a'. 1�6.50 fet to the Baste 11-Y side of
I '7rtle Avenue thecncc along the easterly Side v1 T=!yr'lle -ivenue yip
22 401 50" F. 89.77 feet �lnence S. 390 281 20i1 F. lO0.00 feet
thence l . 401 50;1 T. 25.00 feet to the point or ?lace of
I10T ?< ALL that certain plot, loiece or parcel of land with the
imiDrovements thereon, situate , lying and being in the '2cwn of
ilamaroneck, County of � estcheaber and State of :;few York, rounded
and described as follows :
3PGITI.!-_'G a,t the corner formed by the intersection of
the southerly side of ;!aple Street °,,,pith the ,est..rly side of i<_yrtle
vemue , running thence 1'.. 680 3001 2)(Y! thence on a.
curve to the left radius 20.77 feet angle 330 37: 30i1 le_nith 12. 20
fe:t thence S. 51° 1-51. 00" F. 94.35 feet to 11-e ,-estrrly side of
T,` rt1B Avenue , thence alonT the ✓e Sterly of -. yrtle Avenue
.. 21 a 231 40 " F.. 31. 10 feet to the -_point or 1Dla.ce of '�FG.i i.'IT__Tlr ®
=01 2 AIL that certain _clot, _oicce or pareel of land, situate ,
lying and being it_ the Town of i'an_aroneck, C"ountj Of JestchestEr
and State of vEP Yorle, bounded and described as follov'rs ,
3Flr1'1TII1G' at a 1:)o,-, n on the westcri•% side of ,`TrtlC-
- avenue distant 82. 79 feet soot'"erly from the corner lowed by the
i-ntersection of the sou =rl slue of 71 -le St-rEE aitn the westerly
Side of _ Yrtic Avenue s'. Lhence on a cLlrve to the rlg ii i, radius 257. 34
� .1gle if 101 42" 1 nS: h 50.`21 i _ct9 thence 510 35 ' fl0t1 1T. 100.08
thence 1i 27' 001- 501 Er 51.. 5L feet, thence S. 51', 351 001, '. 106 55
_Bet to the Point or Mace oJ.UT_irI G.
The ouE s t I Otl of the ado-)-U ion of the fore tgo my ie solutions
as f)ut to a. vote which resulted as followsn
Ayes , 5
!Toe ss none
'the Chair declared the r.esolutio;ns -nnaniaously adopted.
Uyoon motion, the meeting adjou °inEd.