HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_10 Town Board Minutes.-.-_...-...___-... _. 1 TET1 -G OF TY- T_ __ '.OAHD O,,11„ O AlCA_RC_7,_C1K, Y. held A-oril 10th, 1929. In the absence of the Supervisor the nesting rras called to order by Justice 3o,d at 8 °50 P. Y. .P ,=sentw Justices Boyd, Collins , Howell and Leede Counsellor Gamble own Cles•k Sherman Upon motion., duly seconded, it was voted to dispense uvith the reading of the iainutes of meetings not yet approved. The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly advertised, tY1e 3oa-Td should n ow consider the various plans a.nd and for building periits 'Ihich had been denied by the Zoning Co - mission as being in violation of the Zonin„ Ordinance. lifter reading of the notice as advertised, and after d.1SCliSS 4 n.g and considering the various aUp 1-lCat?OnS and plans for buildin:_ pe-rraits before the 3oard at swhich time LTessrs. _1rea, Delius and Harrison, appeared in favor of application 1324.. the Clerk presented a communication from Yr. Chaster H. seraring requesting that application 1,To. 1324 be denied. The cormnunication was ordered received, noted in the rr_inutes and placed on file. After due consideration, it bias , uJon motion, duly seconded RZ'SOL77-D, 'c'd? AF 15 , the fog:^rn Board of the Town of =t:amaroneck, has duly advertised pursuant to law, a, public Meeting for the purpose of considering certain applications I herein stated, made under the Zoning Ordin- ance of the Unincorporated part of the '1'ovTn of 1`anareneck, which applications are Hoer pending; and "r_'3RE 1S , the said 'Totim board having held said Inea.ring and both _oarties having been granted the privilege of app(Earing for or against the granting of certain applications as provided under the said Zoning Ordinance , and after due ccnsidleration, therefore be 1t. '.. 1111'301", 3D , that the ToTm ooard of the To,m of Harnaroneck, sitting jointly as a 3oard of Appeals and as a Tovm Board, does hereby grant the folloiring applications from the decision of the Buildinr, Commission, which decision is hereby reversed and does hereby consent to the granting of the following applications subje.ct in each case to the specific conditions and safeguards therein stated. 1. Application No. 1324 of 2hilip Harrison. for the erection of a two car private garage on the east side of 7711sworth Load-, 100 feet south from the corner of Stone�rside Drive , provided t-m t the said garage is erected not less than 25 feet from the front lot line of 'r?llsurorth Road ; and it was further i TRESCLV72D. -u-Iniat the follv,,Ting applications be laid over until the next meeting of the Town Board acting as -, 3oal-d of Appeals to be 11-1-zlel- on, -;'ay 8th, 1929 at 8-15 P. 1:°. 1. .application of ,'-,..ichael Doherty for the erection of a public gasoline station on the south side of the Boston Post Roed, corner of Dillon Road. I � I -W. IT-oody for 'the erection of a one oraiiy Lppl' cat- on of C. U d-cweliing on the east side of Carroll Drive , corner of Collins _.venue , within 30 feet of the front lot line of Collins ,vey,,.ue Hurl Ert 1-c drei,., appeared before the Board on b . L, 1- 1 behalf of LIr. Vlid. ri. calmer and requested information as to what action was being taj,--cn u,!-on the application of Yr. PUlmer for the erection of a Earage at the corner of Hyrtle and i':adison --.venues, whic'-12 application had herE ; ofore been laid over for further consideration.. He tiv,-as advised that negotiations were being had with the Westchester'-.st-.r CounLy Park Commission and that definite inform- ation will be avai-lzble at a very early date. The following resolution was presented for ccnsidcration. by an order of this 3oard L-,ade and adopted at a meeting held on January 23 , 1929 , this Board duly authorized to improve -.-Yrtie Avenue from its intersection -v,,Tiu Chatsworth Avenue westerly to 3yron -lace and 'Hadison ,.venue from its intersection with W rtle Avenv�e n=th,,,jesterl , to Street in said Town of -.'amaroneck 7,,rith a permanent i:lavernent, curbed or, both sides tu,-�ereof and. -,v..Lt- I e s ' de,.valIE on each side of said . Ln a concrete streets ; and 1i'!_A 1s, -L.,)e cost of such Ill orovement and the Expense thereof are b`c be assessed u-,)on the _property fronting or abutting upon said streets or portions thereof, as provided by Chapter 542 of the Lajas of 19 26 , as amended, and Section 7 of -'Ia-,)-.ei 549 of the La,as of 1c,)26 as amended, provides that after the T.-own 3oard has ascertained the 2oo a ox-mau cost of the improvement It may borrow uDon the credit of Said 07,7n by certificates of indebtedness , a stun equal to '-I-ie total cost thereof for a I period of not exceeding one year; and- r„ the Eoard has ascertained the apl�roxiyIaTe cost of said i-,Ipro7,e,-,,ient and the expense thereof to be the sure of approximately ,IZ8,000. 00. and this --loard now desiress to -provide the SUM, of j$35 ,000.00 by the issuance and sale of a certif- 4cat LLe of indebtedness to _pay 2 part of the cost of said -1 saL improvement, na�,i therefore it is -PES0LV71,I), by this - oard, that the Supervisor be and I - i he hereby is authorized and directed to borrow upon the faith an,,-I credit of the lol,-ni of --araaroneck the Euna of "735,000.00 for i,-Thich sum he anall issue in the narne and under the seal of said 'lovim- a temporary certificate of indebtedness for said s-LL,-,,, of 135 ,000. 00 , to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6"o tper annum and to mature at such time as the Supervisor riialy determine not exceeding, however, one year from the date thereof, and it is further 95 grGyv L, that said- certificate shall be paid: with the amounts realized from the assessment t0 be i`:ladE in the 7Ila-ni1Er providedL by said Chapter 549 of the Laves of 1926, as amended; and/or from the proceeds of the sale of higmvay bonds as the case May be , as provided by said lavr; and it is further ?RE SOL1HD, that said- certificate shall be sold fc— Pot less than the par value thereof and than the supE rvlS Or and Tlovvn Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and Execute , such papers as may be necessary and propEr to effect the sale of said certificate. The o,uestion of the adoption of the foregoir_gyorewnbles and resolutions was put to a. vote which resulted as follows : n cs ; 6 I�?oESe none Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P. 7:4. i 'ic �n Clerk I i