HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_04_03 Town Board Minutes held April 3rd, 19291
T1�e meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
_ at 20.45 P. !:r.
t'resent® Supervisor Burton
Justices Loyd , ==ov,cll and Leeds
Town Clerk Sherman
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense nitd
the reading of the minutes of -_meetings not yet approved.
,IL communication from the �Ieaver Street -'ire Corrpan;;r rras
received and read, presenting and requesting the adoption of an
emergency plan which is being considered and which has already
ta-_=en tentative ford for cooperation and interchange oI assistance
for fire protection. between the different towns and villages. in
this locality.
After due consideration, it was upon motion, duly seconds4
Rf,SOT-,�7D , that the Town Board of the 'Town
of Iasl:aroneci> hereby a.r-,p-rove of L` e Fire
Chief's emergency plan and authorize Captain
C. D. bray to cooperate in every respect for
the completion of this plan, provided that the
necessary protection is given to the local
firemen when answering out of town calls.
A communication from the ':leaver Street Fire Company was
received and read, advising of the election of eight members to the
active 'list of the =ire Company.
Upon motion, duly seconded , it <<ras
=SG'LVVD, -hat the action of the Weaver Street
Fire Company in the election to active membership
of the following persons, be and -'the sane hereby
is ratified, confirraea and acorovedv,
vlfred -ac Geough Colonial Park, Larchmon' iH.
David J. Portnow 202 T_: urray i vs. "
'?dgar 7. _�ckeraan 15 =Hudson Place
-gran-k 7 Barnard 69 Edgcnood Ave. it it
George J. Gottsche 56 Holly Place
Francis �J. Hovey 55 holly Place "
�- _r Hederscheid 95 Chats�rorth ve. It A
Richard Le$ino 3-b5 ',leaver St.
ii corm2unication from t'ne '=leaver i3treet ""ire Comganiy 'was
received and read, presenting a schedule of salaries for the paid
The cormnunication was ordered received, placed on file ,
and after discussion and consideration, it was upon motion, duly
27 nLV71D, that the compensation for the paid
W�JC1.r 1� i
mer, at the ,-ave-r Street Dire =douse ; be and
it hereby is fixed in the following auour_ts ,
and affective as recited herein.
laolan Jan, 1, 1929 to April 1 - : 175. - 30 3175. m x 525.
April 1,1929 to June 1 - 180. - 2" 180® � 360.
June 1, 1929 to Jan. 1,1930 190. 71 190. y 030. ,?2215.
Madden - Jan. 1, 1929 to June 1 - 140. - 5 J 140. 700.
Jane 1, 1929 to Jept. l - 154 - 3 '° 155, -- 465.
Sept. 1, 1929 to Jan. 1,1930 160 - 4 " 160, 640. 1805.
Gallagher Jan. 1, 1929 to June 1 - 130 5 u 135. = 675..
June 1, 1929 to June 15 - 145. - z `B 145. a 72.50
June 15 ,1929 to Jan.1 ,1930 150. - 62' 0 150.. m 975.. 1722, 50
Stout - Jan. 1, 1929 to June 1 - 135. - 5 1 13a, . 675.
June 1, 1929 to July 1 - 145. --1 " 145. -® 145.
July 1, 1929 to Jan. l, 1930 150. - 6 '° 150. _ 900® 1720.
Amount in 3udget for salaries - 7500. 00®
Captain fray stated that in order to cooperate with the
other municipalities in the emergency -plan, heretofore adopted, it
Pill be necessary to secure some additional equipment for the
purpose of making !look—ups to hydrants and water lines , and he
requested that the necessary equipment be purchased.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
R SOL 7D. that the "ire Committee be and
they hereby are authorized and empowered to
make such purchases at the best prices obtain-
able , as is required; in the operation of the
eme Eency plan with other municipalities.
The Clerk reported the receipt of a summons and complaint �
of Irene E. Evarts against the Town of Kamaroi`heck, the same canning
the sum of Q!1. 00,
The report of the Clerk was ordered noted in the minutes
ana the matter referred to the Supervisor and Counsel with power.
ir. 7agliardi .reported that he had received an offer
equal to the amount of the outstanding taxes, interest accrued
thereon and penalties together with the expense incurred and _paid
by the Town in bringing and prosecuting the tax_ lien foreclosure
action against Lots Yos. 15 and 16 , Elock 77 , Section 8 as shown
on the assessment map of the Town of 77ai aronecn for the Referee 's
deed conveying the premises in question and recommended that he be
authorized to accept the offer and deliver said deed upon receipt of
the amount stated above.
Whereupon it waa -regularly moved and seconded,
TaT.''=;T Special Counsel be authorized to deliver the
Referee 's deed covering Lots 15 and 16 , dock 779
Section 8 upon receipt of all the taxes including
_ interest and penalties outstanding against said
premises and the amount paid by the Torn to fore-
close the tat liens affecting said premises.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution
was rut to a vote Lich resulted as follows :
Ayes : 5
roes: none
The Chair declared the resolution adopted.
1r® 'uagliardi and ; rA Ste-vens reported on the
_progress made in circulating the i>etitions a?ong the property
owners within ioTn .ark District ITo® 1 intended to be use"d in
connection with the _proposed acquisition of additional land for
_oar: purposes , and after some discussion lad. on the subject ,
justice Boyd offEred for adoption the folloring resolution-
R SOLVB-D, that a public hearing be held by
and before the Tonm Board and the -card. of
Part CormnissionErs of o.sn nark District '.o,
I of the Town of liamaroneck, Ye-,-v York, at the
.:V--aver Street Fire Holl_se on April loth, 1929 ,
at 8.15 o 'clock P. Y-. , for the purpose of
hearing all those who may be interested in
the proposed acquisition of additional land
for 'park pur-po see ; and it is further
i321,S07ZVFD, that the Town Cler'_�: be and hereby
is authorized and. instructed to publis'n a notice
of such public hearing twice , in the Larchrnont
limes and in the Daily 1iaes, which are hereby
designated for that purpose ; and it is furt'he-r
MTS01,7ED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby
is authorized and directed to send a notice of
said public hearing to each of the ,Secretaries of
the Civic Associations within the Park Districts.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolutions
was -Jut to a vote ,which resulted as follCivw „
Ayes ; 5
?oes : none
The Chair declared the resolutions adopted&
---- The Supervisor requested a.uthcrization to purchase two
motorcycles for use of the Police Degartrcnt- at a cost of , 353®00
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RI'!S01i7 -D, th7at the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized aid erfroovvered to fur-
chase two mctorc„rcles for the suss of .�353a00
each, the same to be payable and charged against
the Police -ud� etm
The Clerk presented to th'- Board a. letter froc the Board
of SeoTE' r Co-ami0sioners of Sewwei° District lice. I of the Town of
la:amar neck, advising the Board that the Commission had opened bids
for the construction of 'Contract 100, (beinF_' the section of the
Post Road in the Dillon =arlc 7'xtenisio"' } , and that the cost of
cons .ruciicn of said contract, includirL 7ngineerls fees and other
necessar;" e= pense- , will be J30 ,000e00 , and requesting the Board
toauthorize the issuance and sale of Certificates of TndEbtedtxESs
from ti.Re to time as oa.yments become due under said contract in
the said sus"R of 30,000@00 all of said 'Certificates to be issued
by the Supervisor as provided under the provisions of the Town La.,,ha
Cou>sel advised the Board that he vv,,gs familiar -w t'h the
1.,gtiest and iiad di scussed. the Eame vrith the "card of Sewer Conlmissian-
Er° g a: d that i t L°i a.S in 'JrOjiEr f Or_R, cared t c'.t ti1 C` 'POwn -card w 1n
a position to uthorize the i ssuance of said Certificates so that
the �Ilrork under said contract could -)rc)ceed.
1'ifter discussion, upon r.iotion, duly seconded, it -was �
the hoard of Sel,!Lr Com-
missioners of Sei,-,�e-r District 'Clop.. 1 Of the
Tovrn of 1;ia.maronec)s have estimated and reported
to this 3oard tie estimated cost of construction
of Contract 100, determined as required by law ,
l 7 rb a:.it to la[,, the To)an 3oard shall
cause Cc-rU ilcaus s of Ind-�bt-ldness to be issu d
e ,
the same to be a Town charge , the proceeds of
which Certificates shall be applied In payr._ent
of the cost of construction of said mart of
portion of such Sealer Distrfc t as is s0 re Ouested
by said SEwer lioiYLrnissfoners `y therefore be it
R71LSOLVL+Dm that the i'u_oervisor be and "ne hereby
is authorized a.nd empovrTered, in accordance with
the law, to borrow upon the faith and credit of
the e T o .m of uam -aro , ci , t'ne sum of rot to exceed
�30 ,000. 00 i71us interest -�,hich iLaV from time to
tine accrue thereon and to issud a temporary
Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in
the amount of not to exceed %330 ,000.00 plus inter-
est which nay from time to time accrue thereon,
zrvhich shall bear interest at the fate of not to
Exceed si/, pEr cent per =Lni,paya.bie at such
time or times as the SUUEr4isor --may fix, not
E1_ceeding however, e -i.;hteen months from the
date hereof, and to sell or dispose of said
Certificates of Indebtedness for not less than
the par value thereof° and further
1ITS0LV:'C, that said Certificate or Certificates
- of Indebt edness shall be in substantially the
follo,rrng forms
STn-� m.TY F m in i� �I
a✓�LA'iL �r �� ui YOP� COL��,f � OF w.d�S2t � i�?13�R
Certificate of Indebtedness Issued Pur-
suant to Sec Lion 237 of the Town Lain
of the State of e-w Yor- , for Sewer
District 11o. 1 of the '1oTarn of tamaroneck-
Series t;em; 3O ,000eOO®
The of LariaronEOi`. in the County Of '. EStchESter,
a .1: unic'_ioal Cor-porn.tion of the State of_'eon )rorit hereby acimo jledge6
itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer
hereof, or if the same be registered, to the registered holder, on
the scan cf
Collars , lawful money cf the United States of' America with interest
thereon fro_n the date at the rate of per century per annum, botP,
principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the United
- States , at
This Certificate of Indebtedness ix one of an issue of
;;30 ,000.00 of Certificates of indebtedness heretofore authorized,
i.n the sums of
ha411'I ' oEC-n ne rE<�O2'O_r
E iSSUEd '..
being issued pursuant to the provisions of the Town La,,.:,, con-
sisting Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of' the State of -Teti
Yor_ , Chapter 594 of the Laws of 1020 and Cha Ater 437 of the Taws
of 1S26 Of the State O` evV Crii, and in strict compliance tiVith the
Constitution and Statutes of the State of Idev,r York and by virtue
of a resolution of the Town 3eard of the 'loivn of Yamarcnec';
regularly and lac%fully adopted April 3rd,- 1929.
It is hereb-Y certified and recited that all conditions ,
acts and things required_ by the Constitution and Statutes of the
State of '-e-i' or'l'> tc -fist, to have happened aid to be -oerfcrmed
precedent to and in the issuance of This Certificate of ndebted-
ness , e3Ci st , have happened. and ,ave been perforried, and that the
issue of Certificates of Indebtedness , cf -"rhich this is one , to-
gether with. all other indebtedness , of said _L.^.,•a n of !:lamaroile Cl is
rcithin its debt and other limits prescribed by the Constitution
— and La-,.us of this State.
I= dT =ji,SS vi�1^y1`': 'Q the iOvi�Y1 of a7?aronec1o, through its
-own :Board, has caused this Certificate of IndaDtdress to be
signed by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town to
be 'hereunto affixed and atte-sted 'oy its Town Clerk, and this
Certificate of indebtedness to be dated this day of
192 .
Town Clerk
PS30LVED, that the Town of '"lamaroreck hereby
covenants to pay the principa.i and interest of
said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness
in the amount hereinabove provided as the same
shall become due , by levying assessments on
property of Severer pi strict Ya. 1 of the ovwm
of l;iamaroneck at such time or tides and in such
amounts as r,ay oe necessary therefor.
The Town of Harnaroneck further
C0 j7d_ '_'I TS in case of a default in carrying out
the foregoing covenant , the :mid. Town will raise
by taxing all taxable property in said To-an of
Lamam-eck from time to time the sum or sums
sufficient --o :aT? t'-e -�rinci-pal and interest of
said Certificate . or or of indebtedness
as the same shall become due. -
There being no further business , the meeting adjourned.
. b
To7 �xrn Clerk