HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_02_20 Town Board Minutes h'—L4 2I ?G OF TITT TO'e :d BOARD TO'.id OF I:AI.:AROI H Cii , Y. Y. held February 20th, 1929. i The meeting was called to order by ,Supervisor Burton at 10 .30 P. IL. Present. Supervisor Burton Justices Howell and Leeds Tozm C1er' Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to disperse with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. The Town Clerk submitted his report for the year 1928. The same was ordered received, spread upon the minutes and placed on file. February 6th, 1929 Town Board, Town of Lamaroneck, Y. Y., Gentlemen.- I beg to submit herewith, my annual report as Town Clerk for the period ending Decerioer 31st , 1928, which is as follows : Dog licenses issued 284 737.00 I=unting licenses N 436- 545.00 ITon-resident hunting '° 1 10. 50 Deer licenses ° 40 50.00 Larriage licenses 135 270.00 Chattel mortgages filed 1,255 313.75 I,.iscellaneous telephone calls 8.75 Total amount received $19935.00 Remitted to County Treas. dog fees 666.00 Remitted to County Clerk, hunt. fees 436.00 Remitted to County Clerk, non-resident fees 10.00 Remitted to County Clerk, deer fees 40.00 Remitted to County Clerk, marriage feem 135.00 '41,287.00 Total amount remitted to Supervisor : 648.00 During the year 1928, this department received 4,250 pieces of mail and mailed out 2,029. The filing and recording of documents has increased to such an extent that it is needless for me to state that some action should. be taken to secure additional filing, equipment, so that the records of the Town may be safe guarded and receive adequate protection. .kt this time S desire to call attention to the letters received from the State Supervisor of Public Records relating to the procuring of filing equipment to house the documents of the Town. I have secured tentative estimates of the costs of safe , cabinets and filing equipment, and I estimate that the cost for same will be about z;V*19500.00. I, therefore , recommend that proper action be taken for the purpose of purchasing the necessary equipment. =SPECTt uLLY SUBIi1TTED =1 1=1RSOri -ii. SI M, 1; TOWY CLl'RI A communication from the State Supervisor of Public Records was received and read , requesting a reply to a report of inspection made on Harch 28th, last. After discussing the matter of filing cabinets and equip- ment, same was referred to a committee consisting of Town Clerk Sherman and Justices Leeds and Hovrell for a complete report thereon. The following resolution was: presented by Justice Leeds and seconded by Justice Howell . dHT,R,TAS, the Larchmont Avenue Church, a Presbyterian Church Located' in the Village of Larchmont, Town of ?J.amaroneckv County of 9testc'rester, State of l evr York, has acquired property on Wendt Avenue in this village known as Section 6 Block 38, Lot numbers 19-A and 20 ; and viFRFA5, said Larchmont Avenue Church advises this Board that it intends to use such property solely for church purposes, and has therefore petitioned that the said -property be marked exempt upon the Assessment Roll of the Town of Mamaroneck from taxation pursuant to the Tax Law of the State of New York; therefore be it RT SCL?TD, that Lot ?,;os. 3-9-A and 20 in Block 38, Section 6 on the Assessment Lap of the Town of Kamaroneck be and the same is hereby marked and declared to be exempt property, the same now being owned by the Larchmont Avenue Church a duly incorporated Presbyterian Church entitled to exemption, pursuant to the Tax Law of the State of =View York, so long as said property is used for or is intended to be used for religious purposes by said Church; further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Board of Assessors be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to so mark the said property as being exempt upon their records. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the same was upon roll call, unanimously adopted. I The following resolution was presented by Justice Howell and seconded by Justice Leeds: '=E-AS, Iirs. Anna Berger. the owner of Lot 4, in Block 18, Section 5 , upon the Assessment map of the 'Town of .amaroneck, has presented to the Receiver of Taxes a receipted Tax Bill to. 1663, showing the payment of the 1915 School Tax; and VHTRsAS, the Tax Sales Book shows this item as, open, but the 1915 Cash Book on page 121 shows that the item was paid, and never cancelled in the roll; and 199 'CIE EAS2 the Receiver of Taxes has re- corsiended that the item be marked "Maid" and the tax sales book marked "Paid" and the item cancelled in the roll due to the fact that same is open due to an oversight; therefore be it =OLVED, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized and empm,,ered and directed to cancel the School Tax for the year 1915 in the amount of eight --- dollars and seventy-taro cents 08.72) and penalties on Lot 4, Block 18, Section 5 , prop- erty of Krs. Anna Bergen, so that the item =nay be marked 10car_celled and paid;l in the Tax Sales Book and in the Tax Roll. The ouestion being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the same was upon roll call unanimously adopted. The following resolution was presented by Justice Leeds and seconded by Justice Howell: WHEREAS, the Receiver of Taxes has reported to this Board that Lots 53 and 54, -Hap of Washingtonville , vrere assessed in duplicate for the year 1917 and that said lots appear on page 108 of the 1918 Sales Book and on page 111 of the 1918 Sales Book, and said lots were thereafter sold in the tax sale of 1918 as to said lots appearing on page 108 of the 1918 Sales Book; and -- =1NC7AS , taxes in the sum of X45.61 were duly -paid on said lots on July 18, 1921 as the same appear on page 111 of the 1928 Sales Book; and 'tiV! REAS, said shortage appears to have been paid in one place and as having been sold because of non-payment in the other and said error should be corrected; therefore upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes , be it R7SOLVFD, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes and the Board of Assessors be, and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to correct the 1928 Sales Book and the sale appearing on page 108 thereof by cancelling said sale and marking the same "paid" ; and by issuing such certificates to correct the same as may be necessary. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution the same was upon -roll call unanimously adopted. A communication from lrr. Lester Ilarrison was received and read, requesting on behalf of the Boy Scouts Troop 2, use of the Weaver Street Fire House Auditorium, for the evenings of February l8th, 25th, ]larch 4th, 11th2 18th, 22nd, 23rd, and 25th, and 29th. The eornunication was ordered received and placed on file. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RTTTSOLVTD, that permission is hereby granted the Boy Scouts of i:archmont Troop 2, use of the cleaver Street Fire House Auditorium, for the evenings of February 18th; 25th, Ilarch 4th, 11th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 29th. 20 The Supervisor presented the following resolution for adoption.. W EEMAS, by Chapter thirty-one of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty provision has been made in thewestcheste'r County Tax Law for estimat- ing by the Board of Supervisors of the probable revenue from the State income tax otherwise cred- itable to tae different towns , and rL=TASO the said act provides that if a super- visor of any town files with the Board of Super visors a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Town Board of any such town, -requesting the Board of Supervisors to estimate for said town the probable revenge which would be credited to such town by reason of the income tax, that the Board of Supervisors shall estimate such probable revenue and direct the Clerk of said Board to deduct such estimated amount from the amount of County tax levied against each of the towns requesting such deduction, now therefore be it RISOL-VED, that the Board of Supervisors be re- quested to estirr_ate for ti-e Town of I•:iamaroneck, the probable revenue which would be credited to such town by reason of the income tax, and 'be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to file with the Board of Supervisors of Wdz tchester County, a certified copy of this resolution. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the same :Bras upon roll call unanimously adopted. The following resolution was presented by Justice Howell and seconded by Justice Leeds : `,JI-1-7,REAS, by Chapter 654 of the haws of 1927 the Town of Iliarnaroneck was authorized jointly i'aith two or more municipalities to acquire , construct, provide} maintain and operate a water works system ; and W'HEIEAS, said Town jointly with the Town of Harrison and the Village of i:a.maroneck has caused to be formed and organized a joint water works known and designated as Westchester Joint 'Water Works, Yo. 1, and 'tdHT=TAS, proceedings have been duly and regularly taken as authorized and required by said Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 in order to authorize the Town Board to submit to the electors of said To,!n a proposition for the acquisition of a Ovate.- - - works system and the issuance of bonds ; and i ,dI-fTREAS, at a special meeting, duly and regularly called, held and conducted in said Town on the 27th day of iiay, 1927, the Town of Yamaroneck was authorized to _issue water bonds in the amount of .f240,000. , for the purpose of defraying its proportionate share of the cost of acquiring the water works system now owned by the Yew fork Inter Urban ��vater Company by the Westchester Joint mater Works, 21-1o. 1, and for additions , betterments and improvements thereto; and WI-7-R^AS, there have heretofore been issued for said authorized amount bonds aggregating `;)139,000 , and it is necessary at this time out of said authorized amount to issue further bonds aggregating :`68,000, the Town hereby reserving the right to issue the remainder of the amount authorized at some future time. Now, therefore be it R7,SOL1TD, that there shall be issued Sixty- - eight Thousand ¢8'68,000) DOLL l?S 'later ';"forks System Bonds of the Town of _amaroneck, dated the first day of June , 1927, of the denomination of One thousand 011000) Dollars each, numbered from one hundred forty (140) to two hundred seven (207) both inclusive , maturing in numerical order one (1) bond on the first day of June in each of the years 1929 to 1938 both inclusive, and two (2.) bonds on the first day of June in each of the years 1939 to 1967 both inclusive ; that said bonds shall bear interest at a rate of not exceeding five -per centum per annum payable semi-annually on the first days of December and June in each year and siBI1 have interest coupons attached. That said 'ponds shall be- signed by the Supervisor of said Town, and sealed with the corporate seal of said Town, attested by the 'Toun Clerk, and the interest coupons shall be dgned with the fac-simile signature of said Supervisor and that both principal and interest shall be payable in gold coin of the United States- of?-America of the present standard weight and fineness, or equivalent in lawful money of the United States , at the °ational Bank of Conmierce in the City of and State of New York; further PFSOLIT-7D, that said bonds shall be issued in substantially the following form, to wit; =TTTED STATES OF AiL +-RICA S'TATF 02 1-2W YORK TO41T Or 1,�L!,_-AR01,TCK r,ATTR `;IO `=S SYST u BOIED No. X1,000.00 KIPO'd ALL i,E1T BY T?T"'SE 11=SEl TS, that the Town of Tlamaroneck, a municipal corporation in the County of 'Westchester, State of New York, hereby acknowledges its indebtedness and for value received promises to -ray to bearer on the first day of June , 19_, the sum of Oia �• 'THOUS��D 01,000 ) DOLLARS, together with interest thereon from the date 'hereof at the rate of per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of June and December upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as the same respectively mature. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in „old coin of the United States of 4merica of the present standard weight and fineness, or its equivalent in lawful money of the United States at the "ation- al Bank of Commerce in the City and State of ,-.,ew York. This bond is issued for the purpose of paying the 'own share of the cos t of the acquisition of a weer works system by siestchester Joint -ds`ater iJorks , 11o. 1 and for additions , betterments, and improvements thereto, pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and Statutes of the State of ':ew York, including among others Chapter 654 of the Laws of rev York of 1927 , approved, I I 205 April 4 , 1927, and proceedings d' the Town Board of said Town duly had and taken in all respects authorizing the same and pursuant to the authority conferred by the vote of a majority of all the votes cost on the proposition for the issuance of this bond at a special town meeting duly and legally called, held and conducted it said Town on the 27th day of Hay, 1927® It is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts , conditions and things required to exist, to happen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, exist, have happened and have been performed in due time , form and manner as required by law, that the issue of bonds of which is is one , together with all other indebtedness of said Town, is within every debt and other limit prescribed b',' the Constitution and Laws of t-he State of Yew York, and that due provision has been made for rai-eing annually by tax on the taxable property of said Town, a. suni sufficient to pay the principal and interest of this bond as the same respedtively become due and payable. The full faith and credit of said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the purrtual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to its terms. This bond may be registered as to principal only as well as to both principal and interest in accordance with the provisions of the General municipal Law. If this bond be registered as to both principal and interest, the interest hereon at the request of the -registered o,�mer will be remitted by mail in _ ew 'fork exchange. IT] WITS71SS v1-+1'ECF9 fhe said Town of ?-Eamaroneck has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor-, and scaled with the corporate seal of said Town, attested by its Town Clerk and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be signed with the facsimile signature of said Supervisor, and this bond to be dated as of the first day of June , 192 TO'evT� Oil 111:, -IRC'T'C K BY Supervisor ATTF,ST TOVvn Clerk I (FOFJI OF COUFpO S ) No. December On the first day of June , 19_, the Town of : OF GERTIFICA'i OF '=+GISTR4iTTOr AS TO -DRIP 171D i C rLY This bond may be registered by the owner in his name as to principal under the signature of the -'own Clerk of the ToVn of I:ama,roneck, ' estchester County, 17.ew York, or other Registrar be- low and shall tnereafter be transferable only moon the Britten assignment of the registered miner or his attorney, duly acknowledg- ed or proved, such registration and transfer to be made on the books _. _ of said Town Clerk or other Registrar, and a notation thereof to be made thereon. Such transfer nay be to bearer, after which this bond shall be subject to subseouent registrations and transfers as be- - fore. The coupons will remain payable to bearer notwithstanding such registration unless this bond shall be converted into a. fully registered bond by the surrender and cancellation of coupons , which surrender and cancellation shall be noted on said books and upon this bond. 'The principal of this bond, if registered, will be payer able to the registered owner or his legal representatives, successors or assigns. Date of Registry` Tame of Registered Owner: Signature of Registrar: C RTIF'IC L OF CO' U RS1OI Ii;">O r_ L yY I '=GIST 7 3CiTD Upon the written request of the owner of the within bond for its conversion into a fully registered bond, I have this day cut off and destroyed i coupons annexed to this bond amounting in the aggregate to Dollars N. ) , and the interest on this bond at the rate andon the — dates as was provided by the coupons as well as the principal there- of, will 'hereafter be paid to legal representatives , successors -or assigns, at the place of -payment specified therein, or, at the re- quest of the registered owner, the interest will be remitted by mail in ITelxr Yore exchange. Phis bond hereafter will be transferable on the books of the Town Clerk or other Registrar only on present- ation of the same with a written assignment duly acknowledged or proved. Dated 19 i v OITFICIAL '1T'iI;_��- Date of Registry , name of Registered Corner. Signature of Regiatrara -` Further i i FTSCL=T that there shall be levied, assessed and collected annually upon the taxable property of said Town a suer sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively become due and payable ; further R?SO=iD, that the surf necessary to pay the prin- cipal and interest of said bonds may be provided for and included in the -eater rates or raised as otherwise provided in said Chapter 554 of the Laws of 1927 , but this provision shall in no wise li:ait or control the power and duty of the Town Board to assess , levy and collect an annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. The foregoing resolutions was put to a vote and unanim- ously adopted. dyes: 5 Noes : none Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:55 F. U. s� -,-n own desk I