HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_02_15 Town Board Minutes a SPECIAL =17TIT11TIG OF TI--' TO'','V BOARD TC'di'1Fj OF = z, aaP.OT":FCIi, 7. Y. N_i+'LD February l5th, 1929. in the absence of Supervisor Burton, the meeting was called to order by Justice Boyd at 3 P. Y. — Presents Justices Boyd, Collins , Howell and Leeds Town Cleric Sherman Counsellor Gamble The Clerk stated that the meeting had been called, pur- suant to Law and to a resolution of the Town Board adopted at a meeting held January 23rd, 19292 to act upon a petition duly filed with the Town Board requesting said Board to extend the present boundary lines of Sewer District Eo. 1 of the Town of llamaronecic and the Sewer System therein, as now established, so as to include in and make a 'part of said District the territory erforaced within the said proposed extension, which is described in said petition.. The Clerk reported that due notice of the time and place of holding the meeting had been giver. by posting and publishing as provided by law and pursuant to resolution of this Board. The Cleric presented and read to the meeting a copy of the notice , together with affidavits of publication and posting. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLZEED, that the copy of the notice of the meeting and affidavits of publication and. — posting be ordered filed. Counsellor Gamble stated to the meeting that the petition received and filed by the Board had been signed by the owners of real property within the area of the said District to be served by the proposed extension to said Systmr, representing more than one- half in value of the taxable real property within such area, as appears by the last are ceding completed assessment roll, and had ar_nexed thereto a certificate of the Board of assessors certifying as to the total assessed value of the property within said proposed extension and as to the assessed value of the property owned by the pctitioncrs, and that said petition complied in form, substance and in the manner of execution, so far as applicable thereto , with the requirements of the petition for the establishment of a sewer dist- rict and stated therein the maximum amount proposed to be expended for such extension or extensions , to writ, the sum of Two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000.00) Dollars, and that said petition had endorsed thereon the vrritten approval of all of the members of the Board. of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 and that there was presented with the said petition a map prepared by a competent 7ngineer, showing the area proposed to be served by such proposed extension, and such change or changes from the plans shoran by the map and plan attached to the petition for the establishment of the said Sewer District Yo. 1 which is prepared in the same manner as tiie original map and plan and as approved by the State Board of Health. Tine Chailmnan stated that the Board would hear anvr persons who desired to be heard prior to the Board taking action upon the said petition. ;o one appeared in opposition to said petition. After discussion, it was upon motion, dull seconded, RFSOLV?D, that the hearing be closed. Upon motion of Justice Collins , seconded by Justice Leeds, it was unanimously RESOLVEM, WHEREAS, a petition signed and ack- nowledged by o: rers of real property in a prop- osed extension to the present Sewer District 3o. I of the Town of ;amaroneck representing more than one-half of the owners and more than one-half in value of the taxable real property therein, as appears by the last preceding completed assessment roll, as is provided by —" Sections 230 and X30-A of the 'Torun Latin of the State of 1`ew York, has been duly filed with this Board., which said petition describes the proposed extension to Sewer District Eo. I and states the maximum amount proposed to be expended in the construction of said proposed extension to the aforesaid Sewer System; that opposite the name of each petitioner appears the assessed valuation of the real property owned by it, him or her in such proposed extension to the said Sewer District, accord- ing to the last preceding assessment rolls and I ','=REAS, there is annexed to and presented with and made a. part of said petition, a map and plan of the proposed extension to the said Sewer Dist- rice Lo. 11 and said Sewer System, with specific- ations of dimensions and connections and outlet to the Sewerage Disposal Works and Cutfail Sewer, which has been prepared by a competent Engineer; and T7f71E—AS, said petitioners ask the Town Board to make an order establishing the Sewer District described in said petition and stating the amount proposed to be expended in the construction of said Sewer Systerny and a? ,LEAS, in said petition asking fo-r the establish- ing of a sewer system tile petitioners likewise pray as provided under Section 230-A that the entire portion of the system in said proposed extension designed ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to said Sewer District ITo. 1 shall be constructed in the first instance , and have described the said portion or portions in their petition and indicated the same on the said map and plan annexed to said petiton and have specified the maximum amount proposed to be expended in the construction of said portion or por- tions of said system, and said petitioners further ask that the Town Board may include in its order establishing the said Sewer District a direction that t'r_e Sewer Cornissioners shall construct the entire portion of the said system in the said proposed extension designated in the said petition _ until extensions thereto shall be authorized as provided by law; and VIH REAS, the Town Board is satisfied that the pet- itioners are owners of real property in the prop- osed extension and represent more than a majority of the property owners in said proposed extension and own more than one-half in value of the taxable real property therein, and is also satisfied that the real property constituted within the proposed extension is or will be of sufficient value to pay for the cost of the construction of the Sewer System in said proposed District or extension, according to tr_e estimated cost thereof as set forth in the petition, and is also satisfied that no real property which will not be substantially benefited by the proposed Sewer System is included in the 1 proposed extension to the District and that all provisions of the law relating to the establishment of the proposed extension to Sewer District ito. 1 have been complied with; Va'rTREAS, the Town Board has determined that all the property, property owners and interested persons within the proposed extension to _the District are benefitted by said extension and the construction of a Sewer System therein, and that all property, or property owners benefitted are included therein, and that no property, property owners or any interested persons not included in the proposed extension will be benefitted thereby; and 'LE-T 'REAS, said proposed extension is described in said petition as follows . BEGIIIUTI TG at a point on the northerly boundary line of Sewer District Yo. 1 of the Town of Yan.aroneck as now constituted, which point is approximately 150 feet northwesterly of the north- erly side of Rockland Avenue at a point on Rockland ._venue 125 feet easterly from the point where the easterly side of Forest Avenue would intersect the said northerly side of Rockland Avenue if extended across the sar;e from tLe present termination thereof -- (which point is now the northeasterly corner of said Sewer District Po. 1 as now constituted) ; thence easterly and parallel with the northerly side of Rockland Avenue and at a distance of 150 feet northerly therefrom a distance of 800 feet, thence north 100 feet to the southerly line of the Cross County Parkway, thence easterly and along the southerly side of the said proposed Cross County Zarkwar; of t'ne Westchester County Parltwa; Commission as now laid out, a distance of approximately 1350 feet and to a point 160 feet - westerly of the intersection of said Parkway with the northerly side of Yobles Avenue , which point is also 100 feet northerly ofthe northerly side of 11ohegan Road; thence northerly and parallel with the northerly side of nobles Avenue and at a distance of 150 feet vesterly therefror to a _joint 100 feet westerly of the westerly side of Fenimore Road; thence westerly and parallel with Fenimore Road and at a distance of 111-0 feet therefrom to a point 625 feet westerly of the westerly side of ';zinged Foot Drive ; (which is the easterly side of Durham_ Place) ; thence northerly 150 feet along the easterly side of Durham Place to the westerly side of Fenimore Road and crossing Fenimore Road to the easterly side thereof$ which point is approximately 50 feet westerly from the corner forrned by the intersection of the easterly side of Fenimore Road with the westerly side of 'ililsonts Lane ; thence southerly and along the easterly boundary line of Fenimore Road to the intersection of the said east- erly side of Fenimore Road with the boundary line between the Village of iTamaroneck and the Town of ilamaroneck which point is approxim- ately 200 feet westerly of the westerly side of Grand Street; thence southerly and. southwesterly and along the aforesaid boundary line between the Village of _ramaroneck and the Town of 11amaroneck to a point thereon 50 feet northerly of the northerly side of Harmon Drive ( at which point the said proposed extension joins the present -- easterly boundary line of Sewer District Eo.. 1 of the Town of I;amaroneck a.nd continues westerly along the same as follows) ; thence 550 feet westerly to the southerly side of South Brook Road intersecting the same at a point 25 feet northerly from the inter- section of the westerly end of South Brook Road with the easterly end of Lakeside Drive , ; thence westerly and crossing South Brook Road and North Brook Road and at righ angles to the westerly side of South Brook Road and 100 feet westerly therefrom; thence northerly and approximately parallel with Rocky Road Drive 225 feet; thence westerly 300 feet crossing Rocky Road Drive at a right ankle to the westerly side thereof; thence westerly and at right angles to the Line just described 100 feet; thence westerly and at right angles to the line just described 350 feet to a point on the westerly side of Grey Stone Road which it intersects at a uoint 125 feet northerly I from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Grey Stone Road and the northerly side of Garden Road, thence westerly and ap"proximately at -right angles to Grey Stone Road 100 feet; thence northwesterly and parallel with the westerly side of Gre;7 Stone Road 200 feet; thence again westerly across the northerly side of Stoney Side Drive to the northerly sidethereof and at right angles thereto and 200 feet westerly thereof to a point which would intersect the northerly* side of Little Parries Road if the same were prolonged, thence westerly 200 feet along the northerly side of Little Farms Road if the same were prolonged; thence ' northlresterly and alone; the easterly side or boundary line of the Development or Sections known as "Larchmont Gardens" and "-Colonial Park"', respectively, and as shown on the respective recorded maps of said sections to the westerly (southerly at this point ) side of Rockland Avenue , which point is 125 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of :sorest Avenue with the west=erly side of Rockland Avenue ; thence continuing on the said line if prolonged across Rockland Avenue and 200 feet westerly thereof to the point or place of 3EGI1 I1fT. All of which proposed extension to said Sewer District lo. 1 of the Town of 1.11amaroneck is more specifically shown on a certain mao entitled - "'Town of Yamaroneck, Westchester County, 1% Y. , General Plan of Sewer System. in Sewer District No. Is Section Fz', L.E. VanEtten, Engineer, 12 Lawton: St. , Uiew Rochelle , ST. Y. " dated 'Uuly 9th, 1928, " and which aforesaid Proposed Extension to said Sewer District Yol of the Town of Ha-rna-ronecli joins and abuts upon Sewer District Fo. 1 of the Town of 1_amaroneck as nog+." established along a part of the easterly boundary line thereof; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the aforesaid petition be approved by this Board; and be it further RESOLVED, that the aforesaid described prop- - erty and proposed extension be and the same hereby is established, annexed to , and made a part of said Sewer District Eo. 1 of the Town of Hamaroneck; and be it further RESOLVFD, that the present Sewer Distract F`To. 1 of the Town of lIamarcneck as now constituted to- gether with the extension thereof as herein est- ablished, continue to be known and designated as "Sewer District No. 1 of the 'Town of l::amaroneck" and that the said District iTO. 1 and the exten- sions thereto as herein authorized and hereby established, i. e. , the original District No. 1 and the extensions thereto , be hereafter bounded and described as follows: BEGTitI11- at a point on the westerly side of Chatswworth Avenue , 110 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side of Lzyrtle Avenue and the westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue at cshich the intersection of the boundary lines of the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Hamaroneck converge, running thence southerly and along said westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue which is also the boundary line of said Village of Larchmont and Town of Llamaroneck 125 feet to the northerly boundary line of the Village of Larch- mont running thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont 1975 feet to the point of intersection of t21e easterly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck at said _ooint with the westerly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont, vr';,ich point is 2500 feet, more or less, northerly from the northerly side of the Boston Post Road, thence southerly and along the said east- erly boundary line of the Town of Yamaror_ecko which said boundary line is also the westerly boundary line of the Village of Larc'nront, 2500 feet , more or less, to the northerly side of the Boston Post Read; thence southerly and along the said easterly boundary line of the Town of Mamaroneck, which said boundary line is also the west- crly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont, 2500 feet, more or less, i 177 to the northerly side of the Boston Post Road; thence north- and along the northwesterly side of the Boston Yost Road 488 feet, more or less, to the corner formed by the intersection of the said northwesterly side of the Boston Yost Road and the westerly side of echo Road, as laid out; thence southeasterly, easterly and northeasterly along the boundary line between the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Hamaroneck, which boundary line is adjacent to the generally southerly side of Dean Place , 900 feet, more or less, to a point on the boundary line between the Village of Larchmont and the Town of Laamaroneck, 170 feet thence running west and approximately -parallel with the easterly end of Lean Place , 450 feet along 'he line indicated on the annexed map entitled - "Proposed Extension of Sewer District Yo. 1 in the Town of 1=amaroneck, Westchdster Co. , Y`.Y. , dated October, 1927, revised Larch 21, 1928 , A. J. Foote , C.L.. and S. " ; thence- southwesterly 950 feet to a point or. the southerly bound- ary line of the To?^n of I:_amaroneck, and the northerly boundary line of the City of i, ew Rochelle, which point is 1100 feet southeasterly of the south side of the Boston Post Road; thence northwesterly and along the aforesaid southerly boundary line of the Town of Eamaroneck and the northerly boundary line of the City of New Rochelle , 1100 feet to the southerly side of the Boston Post Road; thence northerly along said boundary line between the Town of L-Famaroneck and the City of Eew Rochelle, 9600 feat to a point 625 feet north of the northerly side of Forest Avenue at which point Forest Avenue ir_tersects the aforesaid bound- ary line , thence easterly 25 feet and nearly parallel with the said Forest Avenue , thence northeasterly 225 feet to a point 200 feet easterly of Knolleaood Drive , thence easterly 350 feet to a point which is 150 feet nort_,Jerly of the northerly side of Vine Road, thence northerly 1500 feet to a point 100 feet northerly of the northerly side of Ward Lane , at a point 250 feet -i�esterly of the westerly side of ';leaver Street , thence easterly and parallel with the nort erly side of ;'7ard Lane and across 'Weaver Street at right angles thereto and thence 125 feet easterly thereof, thence southerly and along the easterly side of t'ueaver Street as it winds and turns and 150 feet easterly thereof to a point approximately 300 feet northerly of the northerly side of Collins Avenue , thence northeasterly and parallel with the northerly side of Collins avenue 600 feet, thence southeasterly to the northerly side of Collins Avenue and approximately at right angles thereto , thence across Collins Avemue to the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Collins Avenue and the westerly side of Carroll Drive , thence along tiie southerly side of Collins Avenue 50 feet, thence easterly and southeasterly and along the easterly boundary lines of lots i?os. 24 and 17, inclusive, in Block 9-7', Section 2, thence westerl.- along the division line between Lots 17os. 16 and 17 in said block to the easterly side of Highland Road, thence across Highland Road, thence southerly and along the westerly side of Highland Road and in front of LoX Yos. 24-26 inclusive , in Block 9 Section C. thence southwesterly along the divis on line between lots 1TOs. 26 - 27 in said Block 9 Section C, 100 feet to Lot No. 23 in said Block, thence along the rear boundary line of Lot loo. 23 to Lot STo. 10 it Block 9-C Section 2 , to a point 150 feet northerly from the easterly sid-e (northerly at this point) of Rockland Avenue ; thence easterly and parallel with Rockland Avenue and at a distance of 150 feet northerly therefrom, 2.225 feet; thence north 100 feet to the southerly line of the proposed Cross County Par!-,7,,..-ay of the Westchester County Parkaay Commission as now laid out, thence east- erly and along the southerly side of the said proposed Cross County —' Parkway, a distance of approximately 1350 feet and to a point 160 feet westerly of the intersection of said Parkway with the northerly side of Nobles Avenue , (now Avon Road) which point is also 100 feet northerly of the northerly side of 1;ohegan Road; thence northerly and parallel with the northerly side of 1,:obL s Avenue (now Avon Road) and at a distance of 150 feet westerly therefrom to a point 100 feet westerly of the westerly side of -Fenimore Roadl thence westerly and parallel with Fenimore Road and at a distanceof 150 feet therefrom to the easterly side of Durham Place, thence northerly 179 150 feet along the said easterly side of Durham Place to the westerly side of Fenimore Road and crossing Fenimore Road to the easterly side thereof, at a point approximately 50 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easter- ly side of Fenimore Road with the westerly aide of -7ilson's Lane : thence southerly and along the easterly boundary line of Fenimore Road to the intersection of the said easterly side of Fenimore Road with the boundary line between the Village of l?_amaroneck and the Town of P:iaraarenecY, rhich point is approximately 200 feet westerly of the westerly side of Grand Street; thence southerly and southwesterly and along the aforesaid boundary line between the Village of Kamaroneclt and the Tovrn of -jamaroneck, cross- ing the Right-of-';Jay of the New York, Yew Haven & Hartford Railk road and Palmer Avenue, to a point on the aforesaid boundary lines 175 feet southerly from the point where it crosses the southerly side of Palmer Avenue ; thence southerly and along the aforesaid boundary lines of the Town_ of Pffamaroneck and the Village of Lamaroneck to a point approximately 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of the Boston Pest Road; thence westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the said Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 1050 feet to a point 100 feet easterly of the easterly side of Eommocks Roadway, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Hommocks Roadway and 100 feet easterly there- from 925 feet, thence southwesterly and across said Hommocics Roadway at right angles to the westerly side thereof and 100 feet beyond, thence northwesterly and :, gain parallel with said Hcmmocks Roadway and 100 feet westerly therefrom to a point 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of said Boston Post Road, thence westerly and again parallel with the southerly side of Cne Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom. 550 feet, thence continu- ing westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the Boston Post Road a-rd 100 feet southerly therefrom 800 feet to the point of intersection of said boundary line of th= Town of lfamaronecl: with the easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmonts said point being 100 feet southerly from the south side of the Boston Post Road, thence northerly and along said easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont and ecross the Right-ef=day of the _?ew York, iMew Haven & Hartford Railroad, to the junction of said east- erly boundary line of said Village of Larchmont with the northerly boundary line of said Village of Larchmont, thence westerly, norther- ly and westerly and along said northern boundary line of the said Pillage of Larchmont -to the or place of beginning; and all of which said Sewer District !,-o. 1 of the Town of N maroneck and the extensions thereto are more specifically shown and set forth on six certain maps entitled, "Town of 'Mamaroneck, "estchester County, 1Mew "Fork, a general Plan of Proposed Sewers in Certain, Districts , the outlet from which is through District Igo. 1, Larchmont, L. F. Van Etter,, Uivil Engineer, February 71uh, 1916" ; "Town of Eamaronecks Westchester County, 1?.Y. , A General Plan of the Proposed Sewers in District iMo. 1, Section C, by L. 2. VanFtten, Civil Engr. , December 12 , 192111 ; "Tovrn of Laamaroneck, a General Plan of Proposed Section D, Sewer District No. I, L. E. VanFtten,, Civil Engr. , December, 192211 ; ".Sewer District Ho. I of the Town of _.amaroneck, 4estchester County, id.Y. , Plans showing Proposed Extension to he knovrn as Section E, April, 1927 , L. E. Van Ftten, C.F. " ; "Proposed Extension of Sewer District loo. 1 in the Town of Kamaroneck, Westchester County, -f.Y. , dated Octobers 1927 , Revised Yarch 21,19289 A. J. Foote , C. F. and S" and "Town of lfamaroneck, Ciestchester County, 1,ew Yogic, General Plan of Sewer System in Sewer District 170.- 1, Section F, L. E. VanFtten, Engineer, dated July 9th, 1928" , further RESOLITED, that the Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District Yo. 1, a,re hereby directed and empowered io construct, attain by purchase , agreement or 6therwise in the first instance the entire portion of the said sewer syste-_�a in said proposed extension designated ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to Sevier District -o. 15 as described 'herein and Es designated in the said petition at a cost of not to exceed X250,000, until extensions there to shall be authorized as provided by law; and it is further =TSOLSA!D, that for all purposes of taxation and assessments this resolution and the Certificate herein authorized to be filed shall take effect immediately ; and be it further RTSOLVD'D, that the aforesaid extension to Sewer District ITT. 1 herein authorized and established shall hereafter, for all pur- poses be regarded as a part of the original system, heretofore established, and shall be constructed and maintained by the Sewer Commissioners of the said Sevier District To.. I of the 'Toro of ::amaroneck, and the cost of construction thereof shall be provided for by the issuance and the sale of Town Bonds in the same manner as is provided in the Town Law and by Chapter 422 of the Laws of 1922, by Chapter 594 of the Laws of 1926 , by Chapter 437 of the Lases of 1928, of the State of i'ew York, (or so much thereof as is applicable ) for the payment of the cost of the original system, vihich\ said bonds shall be a Tovin charge and the -arincipal and interest there- of, together with the cost of maintenance of such extension or extensions , shall be collected from the real property within the said District by the aforesaid Sexier Commissioners in the same manner as though the said extension or extensions had formed a part of the original system constructed in said Sevier District ho. 1. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 3 ,30 P. L . 1^v^rn Clerk