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1929_01_23 Town Board Minutes
1_I_,D .7Ei To -Uar�r 23rd, i 1=x-11 a certified. ('O'yoy of the .<, rESOluT,iOR to '.i'!e estC , S 'Cer Cou:.r t--v "art 14 S7 i0tla ', 'li?e cl C.e st on "oe 1g ?-.a,I-e Y, u_JOi1 Oy o e so Ci ;.he sainc liras d_ecla ,ed uraniimcuslr ad:) Lsd® sur et Ca lJ i.a1R Er.;:j+ . SL Jrl „ LeQ G: ''J Y.c:II 0i t�ti2 J a. Jcr a an i - Ten oiy of -i Tn '- rr r act?:e iv'a o r c_ G re cCi 77ed a n,d 'oted _G she ^_nu e dnd yo la.Cea 011 r0-_Ti the '1IEa4or SU eet 1+'2 re v0=:,..2.!y was -_r cE'i'TE- and re ad.q ad.-IT i:..._1 ';, al. ';,'RE ar..nua_ e E C%-on clhe SG11©a7ing of ice°s serf ectel for 'he year 1929 . - i1--_°_----------------------l:CL1_pUcn Dm 3raur _sJ I- . Dar---------------------Framcis r=. caag 2e^ War_F__---_®_a-_-_-__--_-- rnard 7 ino _rd LicniEnanU_---------_-d_-_---Donald n HGti„re _ca sure- --_------------------- V mI?=G r' or_ _ 3a-rfa"'T -'- 1 _®-____- ®- Leon pia ams , _ _ __ �-C-eS YCti SrSe �u 171E=� Do JGiinson� ..O G.1s Oriu PHe ; I o '` - ✓; and i�; ona= Dm --r'-rioa' The CGtefP_i°11 ca.T,1 G11 .. ordered 'ECe_;'Ed. -Glaced an '11 a_r,d u'!'o1 Y�1GL as = ficers of CO:r!lpam s L'G. iy bOr 19--,8 . GE and l_7E so.u!e herEbV eo nv-nic : �_cn i'rem ?S_ro J. �e c ya,i`e_ on insurance i. 7r LR.. ',C'a.\TF 3 ,_.. � _ 1. li_[P_� ,as Cic ' 7e G. and read v l' a L 1G insurance "ia . ers _ 1t�.�:1_ilk J., the Vet 0 ;."_^et; t lm,_ire C.,c1,_.a, I _'u T1'Y'_.. ,1i or -,,as ordered rG eivedq placed_ 0i.' ILe an^l reiErredl' .,.o ..OU 1S e fOr rE 'ort ne-_el_= . of-a ^ -Gn k -jri ii_rk. w _ �ag;e _resId n'', 0= the r�,!10 . Ta 'c'1s _ .,SOC1a ._On 'i7u5 _mac -'�'_ a _I :2_a-1 rela tli g to he i'2 G:.1-i'! oi” SeC ` on �'-m 'U-: oc" 3 , ' o- ZYand 2 , a Class 1 c ..G a. o1ass YS reS_d t al d I s t r te i __e c03:unu'1-c a.ti c was Ordered rC cc I v ed a cd -yo la.Ccd 0C! Ille4 1:!c 8L':_5.^=vi.�v- _ yorct�^ 1te C i11S afnuEl rE,_JrT for the ye ar o Y - ordered no"-Ed `R "he -ninuteSq _plat-d Oil file and, u-pot ]fiG -1 oP_g C-ulv seconded iu vras --Y v rT?.- _ - i �v� d._Dg t1aG �_1e .,UyJe rF'Svr 0% c.-RCi he ,__ 1✓r -i S ;, i >Ea c.nQ 4_oo^ cr'd to ca_ase vo o u„lish his lua.i re_)ort :LL11 wi.)c_ cG-" c,_ tl e lilis annual- 1c7i0i l< of ?'.iT ',�'t 1`101,11eS for Li J �?`w _,1 -. , _ u s a r r_e cl rec _vcd, olaced Gn " is and _G!._ io� l.,iC�'' „_JI SECG:u _d, ,-as. r=7.'5 Z: a Su: erV-s or I-° and he 1Z- u'uhor12ee and N:oo ie erg to cause u Waal r EGart o_ =TL n ray �icnles for the -,Ear 19284 to be -published in -mccordarice :i'1t'_h I 140 T','e fcllo nr- _ _o G.1 on --r as offered by T-Cs „_or ? -cd_s a.zid_ seconder: -01v Justice Collins , to nvita : 'S . at a 5,Dc, _ azl 1.r.e ,i"e al c a!I e--J bsr le 'TO,n. _s__. Of .he Tovi of I- a oineck, I-urSu.arit to uhe JrO isions Of !__8 01 IQ'v'•'n Loyd '.ne l„_ 0n Ni c lire` 20, 19-20"; b;y a t - _�_ _ , 1!1a.� 0�^1 of �:1� votes ca:s � , he UtitZJ n,ualifi =Q ClC- 0I.,orS Oi +ire , L i g h ti n et 2..7d a0 E Su"'.p�.V Di C_' t'^e To n DS 1. .,1.ia r0:_BC k, -"165'T 'o sdoo ' ed. the fo110 in _pro,LOSitions4 l C='CS-T1O1' -1?Oa 1 , ,r �A � .11 �a i To-in 3 lain rCY1e U ' s 's'Ie StC ne Seer 1 '0-l?, be au r t:7o2Zed_ and directed to _UUTC'!1ase and 8 .--ui;J a, 8.0 Gi.Uti?7e fire ii7 Z ap;oe.-i G'v.S for U.Sn yl L:__i_ �'?__^9 7 and 1Ja tE 2 ,10 i'y Di Sri ct _rod 1 of said Town, at a c0 not e--ceedirl-- ' Sg CCCa CCp "_u'_^SL1ca.nt t0 uhs r- st tes Of ne Laae of -`e-v -for kg including a on oh-=s , Se -iUl1 s 31. 7 aLd_ 373-a 0` :?Tt-i eLa _ = U v[le l0ii'! 7 ,-T g a:P(a s�-a1� there- be levied'` . I ._ isS-d and coll.eoted thetefor t'-c Stun Of at -.58001 0, s°ic4C.,i.-tiL and Gal" ,,,,)C) _ ,ad ,r °o �r - ,r, n Ln me boLnlaiies Uf_} v . " Strict _-0. 1 0 s 1C U'-TII, U �SU17nG t0 iii 7t-at i,e 1-i -C.ch cafe ;,ca.d.e ant°x orovided?" G.S =T TC 2 3li.a!e1 of v0ted. at this iIlcet- __ ' le .7arl f= `!c ! T.e:'1.3n n 00._rc.'a 1On, '1e .e;,_ u� Lii.. issuance. 'a!id S-tie�0 - b0-:,.J Sit �hr lJ2 _.... •:.v7y !i 1�e tU101"v Gnl.i ,,,._ �G"1Llc;rj lc; , 0, ti ='ve i-IS -!e r2 ^e Ce ived by his oard a.f l;e= not i0e, 1-11cre0 als duly ,JUiJIished and. r E 0a •l s a':;o zt ;c ..� _ .,ha se a d. cuiis a u'io 1 ' _- fire l L,- huiit =. raa.ratu us -or use 4iio'i 1 ?i . e , �,i "lt�l_I__` ^C 41 a, c 'U.J !�iSt=iCU Of said ''U ':t' , iln oCC0_Jance vii t,h Ce ' ta1!'1 I specifications ore-_p2-ed_ for that -Ou-°ocse far "n ot -a u 5=Cee i�SaCOO,. ;j - r 717,3 -I'^ED, z la. ., the said SUm1 Of COO. C-0, Guth- Or=° Cl LO J _ a1SeC at ]h.1 SU .,-al � 1"hg o _ �f the Quslifi ea eleCto=S OF i'1.r, Zi h -fit g and '1 ter ul�),)7tr -Di ebri^t 1 O? 1 of said To-an of a,aarcn -ck h.-ld nn er .2v lS2o be raised by the issuance and1e o0 �cs -r. ac �) . _a crcr ,rrt, islons Of Sec+io11 513-a .e I''J Law .and_ lbE it fur' he r- R-'=�SC11771J; a a i?Ull tB S'IIali 1;,_ !_ssu-d 11, "nC 'iliac :?d_ -J Cher t,n qea '. n . S2 +d 'Tow in den U �Li.a.ti0`S 0I �CCC.•J0 each, n1l'�1'iOEieQ 1 t o Iff t'_OIUS' _ dB.Ued. Y > Od fa-., able in, eq-,,ial -"ninu l -nSt-a 1 '_® i' L.S Gi l,'CCs CC e-a.c'1 �hez _1r S'., i r: , _ s S .�a_ �1"1,.1,. t0 ioe u.c Ond and an 1u: llv �IaE a Oe i n..nt 1 l eJraa_'7 '1, 1954. h in-(. 2 s I U e :_a, a� Gf ar'r annul az iD _�ab_e on file -al, oT f_u_s, f`— the d " t , ihereof and ce.:ili-arruali u'_;--e 2t�"sr" u.nt' ._ i;he `r-ri ti:. l 8'1I 1"0� 9 UII1 ' : fij_I I v 73 i1C _a-Q 'b0in'ds shall be sigined by U,,,e 71Ay r4.!SG>_ and a ' 1.;rst d b ti17e own Clem Ol 'o n uuC :'1' one s eat -<-er O f, Oh 11 be cO 1_D On 0n..'S .�"G i_ .._c 1J rl : I 47 '1'!" S 117"Gr-_GSi co=cnS Shall be si,mEJ with "t12 faCS1:"rile y1E2-_na ure of ,he ''Ji QErvisor, and boi.''';i 11r1'e7o_"Qal . ,rd int,2r2St of Said bOR(°' S Shall Cayable in -,old Coir of i,71Y United. S'tat2P, of ri co, o_ t'- ore SCYI a—ndiarc 7C ir,ht a.- 4 ._cr8.y Or i S CAP _-; °n s-na l .. is iiil - at I i'uS'- "Glh',i 2.^ ' GZ _a rCi mo-,7l, 0, .On"t,, l c:: k -1C'.i . 7�'2 y or ;.t e �'ruS{V f.'i 01ll J`.,'Y_'f JJc -. `_'O=i_ �'.- 1- JS:;w Yo lcs and 1t iF WUr't .1c.Y _R-_'3_01JT' that said ;CC_7CLS S.7a.11 be in for-a s'ubSvantiall_, as folI_oovs , the alani--_ hej:cin v 1 .in 3Y 77LS7 fa ' ha L <,-he r.',__ G 1C.PiL..I:'Vrl pin c0, ol...�-1 or, .,n _o o it ica1 SUS.,u.1 , s o , Ithin tite (~ _.Yi;,l o_. e,(c" t.;11P5 :JLC. C' Ol G " � I-_,c, I01" d9.1Llc TE C81 d2 C?, 'n2'lE_ a c!-.�io cz ;t s c 7 irl_ d a_�a _roniSes to �adr to ba' on he 1 J .: C _ cDi ✓c... '� v. c 5..__ OP C1 __- J � :' :'0CC . `)'�' r la'71 ' `-Gne 01 PLC jJ 171 �2d S-G&'62S O ,. J:,E r ':,1t,II in te'i28�i, e_ 0 h f_D-ia "1_ ate LCieG ^ 'at i,'i'-_ rate of G' � ,I_Ccr l }n -' ' C2R$.d. y JaY' ., _.e,mfi, �a,yT a.FJ . :,i1. 3."SnAa,lli7 on „'.,2 first Ci.-a. C_' ea— cf Lh- iaonhs of 1.1p_ lst and :.C-''C-`"L'. in ach y al U'17oit J-rE 3c'r1`l,r"i C1CC and Si; /`l"Eird 0 28 'lr.r..z:°C. 11.52 131: GJU-:ORS as the SE :Ille r2SiJ2c j -ve v :.1:._e ; x iv1 ; t< i=Y'°Sti a Yi Cl -_7117?G_i.c.l 'CC 1. ., =air 2">a'_C- 1"Il rOl r,_ COi.= of the t 't1T,°f' D't.c':.ll C-c Cf __ Oi' tIIC .;t„ S2Y' ;, n1_��_d :.2i�rl.t aIIC. f___8;12 SS > G 15S c Ca 31' Ylt ; ,. �ii2 ''1 J.S✓; "� . tJai_,/ J£ '7 u_,.:hi,,o r, b , at a C'f1Y1i on 'U a.r _TOlk .n 2ZS Y0 1. ,O IG.Yicp r1° _+ 3a, l:ero 'l' C � a� r 5 .. _ �_ y J_ .:. � V' �� 7^.c_.> I,i.Sv '� O'i1U.-fly g __ r gS 'lo--; i5 _.mil " or'<_5 t.1_ �l�� �£ the !ol_Le .5 b Oi'1 Ct _„ o T i c of o-a:n is D.2 of f1 f'I;n,e-n 'I IJ.O i"ids of ^ual S'JCf' O-1 "la . - and t2ROT 11i: J ii t,. .0 v .;11`1 Y i7t -_ S , iSSU,_ _JUS'a J_.17.t to .'r7S ?'iS Of L_'1_c 5 rJ .. ., C_ '�g snn '<a c ,, tJ-ct-ion.: C-13 ..m. C!J®.a G_ iLC T0:._: L0.4 l'i Cl,1'O-ae Gi 0a,' `� t;.G ooS'v< o_° JUl r ci"asing a uJ..L£iJl�i.?' a17 ulV.:7LC _ � c i1r'1.+�ih I ;_ _cUUS �G_ lr.�c rli thil7. =''IT'Py _ 1_U117i - _ _10 Gf tf1C aCl OUSal,icx"iiL it :irC Cc`'C,..1afaS a U. 1"_SO iuL .,,.i.S .,.Ll;,P ?Jc SSC'.A .:.�u a..d"0"Ji,2d. i1J ,110 1o'Pi Yi ''?Ja„i.J Ci .,.^4'.. I ow--, of I,i�"aarOneclk. on Inn 2Jy��� ,; o-i' �i u ar-..7 1922 b c. ,, oL., of ';10rc vn_.1i t O _71.rds of alL i,a n. mb-.eS �Le d o 0a..= ' ✓CL_ __ ',C C aff_ r1'1at_J7 e. Tt CcrJi1_2d, -eCi t„c? s;11'J. d2Cla1'8(i t17Ut 2.1.',. aC1 i,S , a n _ _c,G_Jl_l�e f. 'LC eit-t. ha n, a G 32 �. '✓1 L _ ycl C led 1 al%e Te . 0.-1 _ 1 _.U1_Cl. IJ,j l - _. ,. I iC a.1;i lJ.i.i; O1 _iS iJJ:d_, t t _ ,': l „ii a' 1 C Gn' .0 i. i�_1'v'cd,i�e bb al_l 0vi-n CI i _� ^� s ._G2�S BOG ._ 2,r i m 4' L' r c s c r l_iJCCI c .;^ G -':7r'Jt - 5.a 017 h,. S for tit° ColhoLyQi_ of -.__ annual t< SU111Giei''t P.O yag ' '„172 ri1i1C= . 0 l 0i1a U,2, l .m `! (!L' c �-- lit°_ L.� i ley . ' _�Pf - - - 9 _o,Irn of T ci�00.ia _ _ - by pl:.LL,E Of Ll7c tu_.f. of ter „ ___ _ _ '.�c. int, cst n_ hJ5 'pond accord ) �g to Its so n m T- ST OF `_11i YORH 1 .in 3Y 77LS7 fa ' ha L <,-he r.',__ G 1C.PiL..I:'Vrl pin c0, ol...�-1 or, .,n _o o it ica1 SUS.,u.1 , s o , Ithin tite (~ _.Yi;,l o_. e,(c" t.;11P5 :JLC. C' Ol G " � I-_,c, I01" d9.1Llc TE C81 d2 C?, 'n2'lE_ a c!-.�io cz ;t s c 7 irl_ d a_�a _roniSes to �adr to ba' on he 1 J .: C _ cDi ✓c... '� v. c 5..__ OP C1 __- J � :' :'0CC . `)'�' r la'71 ' `-Gne 01 PLC jJ 171 �2d S-G&'62S O ,. J:,E r ':,1t,II in te'i28�i, e_ 0 h f_D-ia "1_ ate LCieG ^ 'at i,'i'-_ rate of G' � ,I_Ccr l }n -' ' C2R$.d. y JaY' ., _.e,mfi, �a,yT a.FJ . :,i1. 3."SnAa,lli7 on „'.,2 first Ci.-a. C_' ea— cf Lh- iaonhs of 1.1p_ lst and :.C-''C-`"L'. in ach y al U'17oit J-rE 3c'r1`l,r"i C1CC and Si; /`l"Eird 0 28 'lr.r..z:°C. 11.52 131: GJU-:ORS as the SE :Ille r2SiJ2c j -ve v :.1:._e ; x iv1 ; t< i=Y'°Sti a Yi Cl -_7117?G_i.c.l 'CC 1. ., =air 2">a'_C- 1"Il rOl r,_ COi.= of the t 't1T,°f' D't.c':.ll C-c Cf __ Oi' tIIC .;t„ S2Y' ;, n1_��_d :.2i�rl.t aIIC. f___8;12 SS > G 15S c Ca 31' Ylt ; ,. �ii2 ''1 J.S✓; "� . tJai_,/ J£ '7 u_,.:hi,,o r, b , at a C'f1Y1i on 'U a.r _TOlk .n 2ZS Y0 1. ,O IG.Yicp r1° _+ 3a, l:ero 'l' C � a� r 5 .. _ �_ y J_ .:. � V' �� 7^.c_.> I,i.Sv '� O'i1U.-fly g __ r gS 'lo--; i5 _.mil " or'<_5 t.1_ �l�� �£ the !ol_Le .5 b Oi'1 Ct _„ o T i c of o-a:n is D.2 of f1 f'I;n,e-n 'I IJ.O i"ids of ^ual S'JCf' O-1 "la . - and t2ROT 11i: J ii t,. .0 v .;11`1 Y i7t -_ S , iSSU,_ _JUS'a J_.17.t to .'r7S ?'iS Of L_'1_c 5 rJ .. ., C_ '�g snn '<a c ,, tJ-ct-ion.: C-13 ..m. C!J®.a G_ iLC T0:._: L0.4 l'i Cl,1'O-ae Gi 0a,' `� t;.G ooS'v< o_° JUl r ci"asing a uJ..L£iJl�i.?' a17 ulV.:7LC _ � c i1r'1.+�ih I ;_ _cUUS �G_ lr.�c rli thil7. =''IT'Py _ 1_U117i - _ _10 Gf tf1C aCl OUSal,icx"iiL it :irC Cc`'C,..1afaS a U. 1"_SO iuL .,,.i.S .,.Ll;,P ?Jc SSC'.A .:.�u a..d"0"Ji,2d. i1J ,110 1o'Pi Yi ''?Ja„i.J Ci .,.^4'.. I ow--, of I,i�"aarOneclk. on Inn 2Jy��� ,; o-i' �i u ar-..7 1922 b c. ,, oL., of ';10rc vn_.1i t O _71.rds of alL i,a n. mb-.eS �Le d o 0a..= ' ✓CL_ __ ',C C aff_ r1'1at_J7 e. Tt CcrJi1_2d, -eCi t„c? s;11'J. d2Cla1'8(i t17Ut 2.1.',. aC1 i,S , a n _ _c,G_Jl_l�e f. 'LC eit-t. ha n, a G 32 �. '✓1 L _ ycl C led 1 al%e Te . 0.-1 _ 1 _.U1_Cl. IJ,j l - _. ,. I iC a.1;i lJ.i.i; O1 _iS iJJ:d_, t t _ ,': l „ii a' 1 C Gn' .0 i. i�_1'v'cd,i�e bb al_l 0vi-n CI i _� ^� s ._G2�S BOG ._ 2,r i m 4' L' r c s c r l_iJCCI c .;^ G -':7r'Jt - 5.a 017 h,. S for tit° ColhoLyQi_ of -.__ annual t< SU111Giei''t P.O yag ' '„172 ri1i1C= . 0 l 0i1a U,2, l .m `! (!L' c �-- lit°_ L.� i ley . ' _�Pf - - - 9 _o,Irn of T ci�00.ia _ _ - by pl:.LL,E Of Ll7c tu_.f. of ter „ ___ _ _ '.�c. int, cst n_ hJ5 'pond accord ) �g to Its so 149 This bond iaay 'be 2eo1 -ed as to principal on!; as well as to boy: principal and interest LL accordance with the _ r0iision of the eneral iknici J_l Day/ if this bond be registered as to both principal and inzarEst, the interest hernon at the request Of the registered Owner Oil! be emi t _d tJ mail in Ymr n York e G.. '..nge, - T- � —_ t ^T estc " szer County, New York, by its Wpgrvisor, and the 00 iin d attested 0 ,_ its Town annezed to be signed wit! the n. rvLsor3 and chis log:., t0 7ebruary , 1926 ,he sa10 Town of hawaronscm, has caned this bond to be Signed Q O rats sea! of said Town be hereunto un o Clork and the interest coupons s }n,_rEt0 facsimile to of its ..emu y' _ v '_`d O 1, Town of 2cwn Clerk, ._Tovn of hawarnoeck, T. Y. (FORM d :'0 roneck, _ , Yi ,22. 10 February vn the !at day of August '1J h Ton--_ rr- _ - 01 1.?a _ ��10 C =y 7 r ( !or!, will Z �'.�/ t - the sum of twenty-two and 50/100 Trust v0 3 V?� La c moist ., Larchnont , York, '_i NEW e ' �'.. 1 ,�ur cu - 1 . City, ., t option Ul ` the holler, s ion. s ' interest nod It on its ''ire, LigatinE an c y�er BUIo_ District 1`�iOm d _ lG29 Pabruary P ...Jy i.ov �1,'uger7i50r C R iT"?_w n 03 Ui :''d.I''a:. v_'- : TO A IrJ=? _r 71 S=_R 'SC= ':J Ulon the written rEquest of the owner of the within bond for it; conversion into 1 fully registered bond, 1 have this Jaye CA ' off and ies 1,yed __._ coupons annexEd to this bond. a-punting in the - to dollars P_-' ) and the interest on the bond at the rate and On the Gates as vaa provided b: the COUIcns as well as the principal thereof will herEaftSr be paid to legal i, ciE`, .._ therein, on, a r �he _ - _ _ _ of tie regist ered owner, she interest ill he remitted by t:_1' in Tow York onchange . _ is i0ond hereafter will he tr '._,;f'elable on the books of the To .Toun Clerk OS the 1 of _ I7_roIl ch, Ad'r York, Or other Registrar Only On Presentation o thd same with. written assignment duly acin0': ledg..._'7 or proved. Dated, 9 (Cff e.; a, Title ) 15 1 Date of Registry : Name of Registered Signature of Owner . Ralistrar 'P,__s bond may be registered ,y the owner in his name as to '_nci al under the signature of the iown Clerk of the Town of amarorec " , Westchester County, Yen York, or oche_ Registrar , b lon, and shall thereafter be transferable o_.ly Loon the written assignment of one rEgistered owner of his attorney, du ckno led d or proved,;7eC such registration and transfer to be made o:" the books of said Clerk or other Registrar , and a. notation thereof to be Ea de hereon. Such transfer may be to bearer, aftir which this bond ___all be subject to subsequEnt reg- istrations and transfers as . =fore the coupons will remain n pa„ le to Carer notuithatanaing such registration unless this bond shall be convorSed into a fully registered bond by the sirren e:e and cancellation of coupons , which surf. ce_ and cancellation shall be note! on said books and upon this bond. The principal of this an if registered , will be payable to the registered owner or his ?al representatives , S .,cesso r5 on as3ignE. Date of Registry , Name 3f Registered Signature of n4:nEi a Registrar ., 0n it is further R7 OL77D that c L when said fifteen Fire , lighting and water Supply District _O. l bonds shall rya: _ been duly executed, !,'__e same shall be delivered tc the purchaser upon payment of the purchase "price to the Supervisor and the receint of the ESL `e viso-T shall be a full acquittance to said : ::rcha Ser who shall not be obligated to See to The application of the -ourchase monEy; and it is further RASOL ID that here shall be _evied2 as esoa and collected annualij upon the ' ^zable property situated Pithin Zire ,,Lighting and Water Supply District ro. _ in said Town of Kamaroneck, c, sum sufficient to p_'."°; the principal and inzerest r of c.1G_ 15 ;Uv�: nvV, i- 1lE 11_ i i,ig. and .,ate_- Supply District To. 1 bonds as the same reQeotjV2NT .,ecoas due and payable ; and it is furthei 777 7 1+ that. said home S all in sold uoon. sealed grojosaH on the loth day of Debriary, 1529 , at v o ' clock P. Y. at the office of the Town__ Cle _ o« 3 310 Street, in the Village as _o`, _c.._i `o?^ _ �Ec , eu Vork, and that a.. notice of die sale of aid bonds be published if the Daily Times and Larcmacnt lines , 2 nevapaPEIS published _n said Town of _.., _a_1cnE(, - .:.n the Bond Buyer,er, _ financial j`�es apt ' published in he ,City of Yew York, the _ _ 26i- scat on to be not less than five before and __Lc v. i n 1 date to of sale ; and C_ i ���'Q further R C,77 7D a- sa1 'n^ .icc sa.I' s svl be ,su a—ti aI?j i U- IGrilia m v'i m - r 1 ay.C17M� pOi7DSe Jl� __I7 -i_�ti1U '_G�J'T' 'Pc Ti -Eo G1c n n 4__ Cr _i':bi cl.. ., CCU ? gO�. 5.J1 :g . 111 =rE..e_T- ., c.lc�l _J�-G ZJC.ou_._ a.� '2e off, r off, C` l„ .0,111 .. _is ,.'rOz _ �:;. 'C _Y. 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PJ2 S'' .,.4'!2 ...,_ 'GO ___ 'J.- GIII' OT' as IO bC n "�'r_'= 31_°'••. ;;CCCI'C :a 1Cl �. lav 'uc 2ccc '&file J? a, r i_ ^.t . ._ La-;__ u .t_ a.. �c c _ ?e�. _ _ �� or niez Tu ai {..el acid . a7a—b-IE to �. c ---r7 --r' o? ouor G_ 11c;- c ,._:cC G'£E 01 J112 Ui:wti_CCc- p.-1 Cvb_ *;'!17_I bC CL a-,Lafn of 0:1.. .JC C "r_l S v .i1�1 iC8 .,._1V?.�C' Gn t,R`v G�: Lt C._eC - r_r' "C'lc C1;:CCC °S �i.,l 0 rl.•: e and .,::.1C1. Ci. .0 :17_7 0 J �J_-i er. OC 1 - p._ 0� iPe 'O 0-i7 C.8 0i^ 1G U r7 1 -- _90 a; i - DrL-J . v Ll_ ' 0 r_0r !o .AT'C_ a__c 1. Pd. _J 1_-! OP c f J_ es r a „a bonds _ _J .iLJ-C1 G'1 th-I 1 %l'.. JQa-:o- C-' C d _ "i,'ae G l C.n w C"` .!Q t'E� SJ a r l 1U1 'GO 2- -,ZO � G '_Tess . rr.ore fLE CSOIL�.,10 Y15 ++_TC- U Cao.T°'^ nPan '„rC„,a? ';1 C-v.Gpi:e C7. }'a 1CunSe I I I or =.- 'Lle _e G_ ... U ",On - c t I l,_C?- ---,es 'CCCI_ Of _L �:!i ,_ .,.... �., Jam' . i.A _'.o® 7. 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