HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_01_15 Town Board Minutes SIT_ 2Ic n, : 0230 Y. held January 15th, 1929. In the a senc2 of the u-IDervisor , he sieeti'nS was called to order by Justice 3ord at 8 .30 P. 17. P'resante justice : 3oyd Collins , Ho roll and feeds l' ,wr, Clcr'_ Sherman ;o=seller Gam I- Upon. "notion, duly seconded, a_t -was voted '.a d.is-oe'nsc_ u_L'i2 Y. Gf ti1E lilii:L':T.eS :ice n18 1.. 'S not - ei, au5'lU�i2 d. The Glen, stated that 'i,'aF fi= S _ o"_^der of business 'fTas tine reading ili o_ the notice i 'it i^_ bid% S to CO:^.g"i�_'p,;,t , ': _.. 0 C.vl1l'e .. automotive �.Jff1�ina �e10:1 GumyJp C,1E'Illc -PCi OBE motor car and apicaratus to be used b�, the ".;'Saver Street 'jeire Coza'any, _.o. 1s U-oon 10-Gi:In, d1,117 made and Sc Co!: =d, , to,e �'Sts � - : stE d, :) .rEad said noziceo I The Clerk havi'nlg read said notice , a"J01 "hot Jo"i. v duly n=J Yj7:iy C!'law t-1.iE no t i t n J . d,d -1-S 11D and the are her e-by is Goprsnec. U�00=^_ TllO GiO:i, duly sc COYld°dp 41 Vlas ti&t t^c b C',_s r cet end ou lit n� ' 70 saiQ E0t12E be noV.. O-oencd. The 'Tovrn Cle-k �oroceeded to open wnd_ read each of 'he bids received, all of Thick we-- accompanied by a certified chec)r in a. "reouired, amount , and are as folloaTS . RYY T,_ .Lie'riaan La 7--ancE �'Oar!ite CO. 13 , 000 `,?13 ;0'0 lJ 000 a _ii'1reris '`. = ''ire ''.i'1=' tie ,'.o: 13 , 000 I 5- C 0 Ns iJO 3f C r tfna r,=adi0,-,- of he 'D da -2 ce_J v e , tt `Jas u-_O0 1 motion, duly seconded., unanimously t C"3ttact for the furnis_�J nE Of a- 1lt0- 0 _rio �ivs c�,mrt.atio^ ausnp , eh mleal and hose in for car a_�d o aratus , to 'Ie used bc- the —_ .r-r reef '''=r_ Com-_D ri%, -?o« 1 , be lard X07... fOr l.'nc j_J.rpose of the bids received, under advise7:lent. The_ 'Clcr'•r advised � _ :Card i.na.'., the cE"i'emonic it come . i±n 7.! '.n -,he "inb C-7 cc­-1 r S tCi7e ci i, RC- f a n �ui!d nZ �JE � - .,ice iei� 'd'/ The _�_i s- on i.3 l Bank an,-' I I`US D �Oi9.•a�'1y 0 , srOne� _. CL.d tan r _�la.Ct oil Sa. Culday?, JanLl -iv 19th, 1929 , -end 'hat the cffic: _ _ of the :Garth a^. r--cu-- seed hat soiae J_' co"rG of i.'hC ) 0 "n of o, dejros� "Gel i.n the iox to bvc 11sE_ '.ed in t._-, co nr 5'3 e . 137 The Clerk recommended that a resolution be adopted- by this Board and signed by each member thereof and delivered to the Officers of the Bank. Upon motion, duly seconded, and unanimously carried, it was 07SOLVAD, that the Town Board of the '_ow'n of hamarOnEck, do and it hereby does record its congratulations to THTT 2TFRI�T at this time upon the laying of the co_'ner® stone of its new and enlarSed Banking Buiidin�,-- On Mamaroneck Avenue in the Village of hamaron- eck, Town of Lamaroneck, NestchEster County, Lew York, further �R750L'71, that this Board fur .her record its best wishes for the future growth and welfare of 7HE 707,-aT D 771U,34T 0_? 4. Y. an institutuion of strength, stability and foresight , which has taken and has had such a, large part in the Zrowth and uobuilding of the community in which is has lived -- to the entent that its progress may Outrun and nnceed the honse and expectations of ivs Officers , Board of Directors , Depositors and Friends , further -.hat a copy of these resolutions Io�- sQned by the members of this 7onn Mora, duly Certified SY the Town ilerh and delivered to the President of THE 7103T Sin K yL 2T Ug'"I: The Board then proceeded to sign a easy of the resolution. Justice Leeds reported that had -seen -aade by the following , requesting permission to use the auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House. The larchmont Gardens Club , January 23th, 1929. Holy Trinity garish, February Sth, 1929. LaTchmont Avenue Church , Tebruary 11th, 192% Order of Red Men, February 15th, 192% Upon motion, duly seconded, it was , upon the recommend- ation of the Fire Committee , RASOLMD, that permission is hereby granted to the following, use of the auditorium of the deaver Street _'ire House , under the dates specified: The Larchmont lardens Club , January 26th, 029. Holy TriniQ lari5h, February 8th , 1929. Larctmont Avenue Church, Aebruary 11b1, 1229, Order of Red Ken, February 15th, 192% Mon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10 :30 P. H. A