HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929_01_02 Town Board Minutes 129
=E.IIII*G OP THE T01-1,' 30ARD
1'O,fi l "ice C-,-, ..> a.
held January 2nd, 1929,
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9915 a, T.
_ Present ; Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd. Collins , 1-1-lowl-11 and Leeds
Town Clem, Sherman
Counsellor �sarfible
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense
., ith thee &:dirE of t!1e minutes of ?-ieetir,.s not yet a-aproved..
ITt. -Walter Chr";stie , representing the Larchraont S'yDortS
';1U0 a,.C_oeared before t ^_eV BOa..Td requesting _;Je r'?!iSS iO"Ll for the
erection of booths and the burring of flares , etc, , at the Larch-
wont 9a-rdens Lake , in conjunction with the sports festival to be
_eld during the vveei: of February l4t'' , 1929. He further stated
that he had secured Oe=,iission from the Larclmnont Gardens zssoc-
iation, 0'.,':./ners Of L,, is TC'_1'a07t '.za.rdena Lave,
After due consideration. it was . upon rnoticn, duly
SvL Y , that -perm` s-* on is E;ran+pd to the
LarchrAo'nt S-oorts 'Club , t0 condUc t a sports
festival at the Larchmont Gardens Lal�:e
during the meek of i?ebruary 14th, 1929
prov ded however, that the _Jer]IIission granted
to the Lalchzmon;, Shorts Club by the Larcl�cnt
'wardens _Lssocia.t_o'f_, be flied in 1,vith
the Clerk of this Board and that a -or0-oer bond
�Oe �_2ecuted iii t e reauired amount, lndeSRnify-
ing the Totir,rn of Tia-aroneck frora any harm or
d'ai,age thereby,
vn fire recd--'emendation of the Receiver of Taffies , upon
motion, duly Seconded, 4j. 'era's
TT- paLj, =rs®. Lo Louise B eck i s `he O� d_ U
owner of Lots STos® 20 and. 21 in Blocs 51,
Section 2 on the assessL' e t map of the ao,r'r
o ," and
I-771E1 ,'S. the said oro :)erty eras sold in 1921
for the 1920 School Tares, and
. .:'_.R_DA.3, .v
e Ck has Oroduced a recpi-jt
s h o-,-,;I r,lo, that P Said 19',220 ''School _'ayES @7ere
oaid oil Sepl`er,2ii CC vii t':i, 19'211, and
T t'ne receiver of 'Takes has found
'i,hat the tax -,.,ras paid on Se pter>1be_^ 30th,
1920, and the amount of said payment entered
in the 1620 cash book on line 21 on page 133
thereof but the sa:ae was ina.d-vertently never
cancelled on the roll , therefore be it
B 5CL?I .JP 'Uha-'' the Supervisor t..rs the Peceiv,"r
T _. r S `_ e
o_f gale and they hereby are authorized,
=,,n-,-o rcred an—' directed to cancel the 1921 sale
for the 1920 School Y'ayes on Lot c` osa 20 and
21,, in Slock .51, Section 2 on :he 2,i3ses Srfient lla..0
Of the °-'0"di1 of J".araa.rCi rle CSC and t0 ma_iE such Other I
entries and notations on their books of record
�,s may be necessary to cancel said sale and to
Sno'7J 4hat said ttae ?a.5 heretofore "oaid on
Seyotemioer^ 30th. 1920.
The Clerk presented a claim from i: r. A. J. :Foote in
the sum of �'770m88, for services rendered in pre-,wring assessment
raa_J fOT the Board of Assessors , "i,;rhich C1a.11 had been referred to
the 'TOS''.'-n Board_ by the 73oard of -issesSors as 'being excessive,
After discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, it was
,7SC1L117Dq that claim of lair. J. Foote, 'n
tine sunn of : 770. 88, for the furnishin5 and
-- preparing of assessment maps, be and the
sane hereby is referred to 'he Su=oErvisor
with power to ta'.e such action as he may
d:e b-st and advantageous to the Town.
The Cleik reported that an application had been made by
he Vrde-r of Reed Hen tU. use the auditorium of the :leaver S'tree ,
House on ce_rtJ:-11 dates to be hEreafter detErirnned.
The request was ordered noted in the minutes and. referred
I o tre Conilait tee on 21' re House C- ,Ji t'h po"-fer.
T:iG Su"-=1^v:LSO-' reported that he had -Darc'hased a ford
car for the police depa_°trnent , and requested that his action be
Uoor: motion; duly seconded, it was
R7301,717D. that the action of the Su-ocrvisor
in purchasing the ford. Car for the _Police
, i
Depart_ entg at tl'lE COSt. Of _�?.Fi2�.. �JTgI be and I,
.:,e sarre hereby is approved and the 'Super®
visor be and he hereby is authorized to pay
for same upon the _oresenta-tion of a _groper
Voucher therefor,
The iJ').pervi sor reported haling been served .;iI L a
-. ssuamarr, mandaraus order =elating to the Donovan and I,-c Donald 'groyo-
erty on Vine Street, adjacent to the 'r`ouwn Park
Upon rnotion, duly seconded, it
p,_v.SpLTnDs t-ra.t the Su-pervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empo'rae-red to
emplo-r Counsel to pro'--t the interests
Of t17C- ol`:-n 11h the aCtiOn ? CL.;ht by
!es rs. Donovai: and Ixs.c Donald, oomers
of property frosting on Nine Street;
adja ocnt tG the TmFn ija--rk>
TL Cle-1C rouzht to the attention of the 3oara, 1Ju: li0-
ation or -Qos ting, of the notice of a list of audited 1''0'e?gin accou ,ts,
For the year 192?, had- due to an oversight, not been published or
posted, and he requested authorization to _publish or pest said
Upon motion, dult- se CC':ided, it uas I
=:30T7 ' that the matt2r oI pu ' isning or
ocAng the 1_ _ of audited TG'?_. accounts ,
for L,. e year 1927 , be a:nd, the sane hereby
s re Erred, k 0he Town Clerk ,Tith po" Er
'— to .^,Ct tt`=Er2in, in aCCorda.aCe with largo
Tc- _erk requested aut�lorizatioil for the publishing or
��GStin>� 0-i° 'he list Of ... .;:ditEd. "'p'ul'l: avCOUilts for t�CiE year : '..
and ulDon motion, duly seconded, it was '.
that the i?ic:-meter of -Oublis11L1g or
p0,_�kng the li t of audited TC-wY acooun. I,
for the year 1928 , be and 'Pare same hereby
is "referred to the TOFF C1Er_c :`with oo'o
to act therein, in accordance with law.
Upon --notion, the meeting adjourned. at 10 ®30 Pm Yfe
an „_erk