HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_12_27 Town Board Minutes 121 =f Ti= 0-7 T= TOvTW BOARD TailT OF H-111- Ci held_ December 27th, 1928s The meeting v,.ras called to order by Supervisor '-urton at 10:45 P. If. -Present : Supervisor Durton Justices 3oydq Howell and Leeds J j�l Town Clerk Sh 123 R7,501'`,r'!'D., ,.11c' „ Jne-. �uOervi sOr be and he is hereby authorized and et"npoa%e red and directed to -,resent F, copy thereof to the Board of ;supervisors of the County of ,lest- ohcster so that the Board of Supervisors .of the :County of -Westchester may have formaal notice of the action herein to be taken by the Town of 7ramaronee: and request said Board - of Supervisors to ta'«e such action as may be necessary so that the cost and _,tense of the establishment and maintaining of said Dog Found and the employment of a. Dog Catcher may be ;)aid and, or reimbursed to the Town of liamaroneckd Counsel advised the 3oard that pursuant to a request of Ise lfe'r Col .rii-issioners of Scvjer District i-0 1 Of the town of " lla' ,aronec.i, the 30ard had heretofore and on lully 6th, 11927 , in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of the 3uate of _i. w Yorh, -nd ?articulurly Section 2.x`7 of the Town La- w, authorized and directed the Supervisor to issue Certificate or iri exceed Cert i cafes of Inde tedisess in the amount of not tc ezce 34 ; 1l 13 ; the proceeds Of -vihiCh Ce1rtlIi Ca"Ce Or Ce r' if=Ca.tes 0. In e?otedless to be -_plied- in oa;inent of the cost of construction of the part or portion of such contracts in said Stirrer District as was reoueSted by Said ,Se cr Cormiissioners , t'Ihich CerL4f' ',ate Or Certificate -- Of ind_eb tedne SS should matu.—e at such time or times as the `supervisor might fix, not exceeding, noAnrev=, eighteen U from he date thl- re0i°. -_e stated that in accordance there- with the Suioervisor had front tine to time issued said Certificates aursua,� + to se id authorization bo a .y or the cost of said con- struction as incurred but that said cm-itractS "7°re not as y t COTi.- 131cted so that she Board, � arsuant to the rrovislors of 'he '_Ouvn Lail, could riot as yet issue bore ,�-ith the proceeds of tth-ch to ,a',e u_t and l)ay off said. Certificate or Certificates of I-debtedneas .-n that as the el-,ntee-n -months limitation as provided in said — resolution -was about to empire , it tiaras necessary for the 3oard to =tent the period of ,natuirity of said authorization and issuance or t0 reauthorize "tie SUDervisor to issue said Certificate or Certificates for the further ",Oer:LOd. Of Ko 'L to exceed eighteerh '10 nthsv SO „I--- Certain oUtsta.iading Certi Kates could be .,hewed Or re-iSaUed or refunding Certificate r C^c '"-i°- �.-G - - a- 0� rb iC' eS Oi Sndebt-e., -.ess issuer to take up those outstanding -zhich ;,ere about to t:,_atU;re , plus the inl , rest ,rnich had accrued and 'u,,,ould accrue thereor. t,_-ter discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, it t-ras 2TS07 11,j) ,j2_r? 15, at the reoUest Of the Board of `ie`t7er v0="=IsslOners of Sewer .Jilt- rict -0. 1, the 'S'o-vlm Board �aursuant to I ela:s heretofore and on Julyvth, 1C27 , auth prized and directed the Suervisor to issue Ccr 1 4_. _r_e._tC- or l.crtlllC$teS Or Tndlebted less in the amount of not to exceed r' 3�L,51T® l3 , which Certificate or Certificates of Indebted.- n2sS veers to _-,iature in not e_:Cceo inE' 18 months fr0itl JUly 4t1la 192?; and ' ,Hn T q,. t:1C CO: tra.CtSg to Co'avcr t'_ne cost of - constract�on of which said Certificates of lndeotedness were authorized to be issued have — not been completed so that the Tovvn Board can not at this tirne issue bonds to provide funds for the "_raXent of said CertlFicats or Cert- ificates of Indebtedness when and as the sarne becoia-_ duel and I I 125 a?7. FED L,3, 't is herefore necessary that I be authorized an':.?' em-a07JEreC1 to issue nel'i or re fund inn Ce r t i f i C a to or Cert- ificates of Indebted=less to pro°.icE funds or the oa;r_nent of such Certificate or Cert- ificates as 7may bEC7L1c dAC- fr 0'im ti-.,1E t0 tirfie and '=HP AS, it is necessary to "provide an add- itional amotmt to cover the interest which --- has accrued and will accrue on said Certif- ica:tes of Indebtedness heretofore authorized; therefore be it _f,SV=,D, that the Suoervisor be and he hereby is authorized and eri_po7..'ered i:n accordance w ith and pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of the .State Of 1', eE'J YoriC and pa.rtic>>larly Section 237 of the Town 7atr, to borrm,r upon the faith and credit of the Torm of iilamaroneck, the stiui of not to exceed the principal arsount of Su349511. 13'q plus such amounts as have accrued or may here- after accrue on account of interest t'riereon not exceeding the sum of �500, and to :issue a tem- porary Certificate or Certificates of indebted- ness in the ":)ri'nci jal amount of not to exceed ;534,311.13 , plus said interest accrued and_ to accrue thereon, which shall bear interest at a rate of riot to exceed 5% I= annum, payable at such time or times as the Supervisor rmay fix, not exceeding, however, lS -months from the date hereof and to sell and dispose of said. Certif .c- �;tc or Certificates of 1-ndebtedncss for not less than the par value the reef; further R"SCLY D, that the proceeds of sale of said Certificate Or Certificates Of IildEbt^dile SS herein authorized shall be used in the -refunding of � CErtlflCatc Or ertiflCatcS Of _.^_deblec1.ess t0- gE then `c?ith interest thereon Or r','"hich aiay 'Ylerc- after accrue , hc''etofore authorized On July 3th, 1921'7 , and hereafter issued ircm time to tiiile as in said resolution of UuT"yJ bt'ny, 19:17 , provided, except as herein ?_iodified; further R2 SO lT, D, that tnE Said Certificate or Ge rt'f icates of Tndebtedness shall be in substantially the following form, lP 7IT7D STI"2T'S OF ST_zi ? YOPS CCU 1Y nn ;73 1" 3T=71, Certificate of Indebted-ne ss Issue d Pursuant -o Section 237 of the 'To,.vn Lair of the State — e leT,, Yor'_, for SE;^;er Dis ri ct 'Yo. _ of the T.cin. of 1 amaronecka -- ='doe 10R ;!34, 511.13 The Town Of 1"iararcne Ich, in the County of Westch�_S.terj a, '. Y nicioal corporation of the State of i ew York, hereby c' i.0.'.rled eS Itself indebted and for value received LLuromises to "pay to the bearer hereof,, or if the same iae registered, to the .registered colder, On July 6th, 1929 , the swim of `Thirty%-four thousand, fivE hundred eleven Dollars and thirteen, cent.S � _u34, 5110i3J lav,'ful 1flonEy Of the United States. of _'linerica. iiit�:� Hite r-St "Glle re On from Ci.a :e at u1ae rate Of 5?a ;per annumi both princi"foal and iZlte re St Oein; i.)a„%able in 12 Tai ul "tYio"nett O'_° the Uni t,ed ,Sates at t'tie united '.. cr-+ ags a,iQ Trust Co4_:iany y 1' c ! ,;1:_c C tyo I 127 This Certificate of Ii_d C-btedness _s the onl'-v oneof an issue of 7:24,511.13 of Certificats-s of Indebtedness heretofore a.uthori Zea and issued.,, this C:ertifica e of Indebtedness be iilg issued for the purpose of refandi:ig a Certificate of inndebted.ness heretofore issued in said -ori;nci-oal arloun T. and: 4nterest accrued and to accrue thereon, being issued IDursuant to the provisions of the Torn Law constituting Chapter 31 of the Consolidated Laws � of the State of Yew Yorl; 'ha,ptcr 422 of the Laws of 1925 and - ' ihapter 437 of the Laws of 1928 of the State of and in strict com-Qliance with she Constitution and Statutes of the State of 1,e-:1 Yor-, and by virtue of resolutions of the ''own. Board of the To-,.,,,,,n of 1.1amaroneck, regularly and lawfully adopted Jitlyoth, 1927 , and Dcceraber 2-7th, 1928 , resoectively. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts a.Yid things required by the Constitution and Statutes Of the State of .ery Yorh to exist, to have happened and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate of Indebted- ness exist , have happened and have been performed, and that -the issue of Certificates of _Indebtedness of whicn this is (one , to- �2ther with all other indebtadiness of said. TO'PdY7, of .-ama.ronsc_- is within its debt and other limits -iYrescribed -by the ConStitut?on and 'gar's of this '3tatem il.. WITE7HSS 1=2!l''_'y the TOvm of _Ja7laronscig through its To7aa Board . has caused this Certificate of Indebtedness to be signed by Its `u1ervisor and the cor-porate seal of said TOovn to be n=reunto affixed and atteSt2d by its Town Clerk, and this Certificate of indebtedness to be dated this 4th day of January, 19,29. strr-z'p,�i-soy T ^T . red CL7�i Upon motion, the mc eting ad j ourned_ at 11-1-5 ?0® iI, o�a�n Clerk i