HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_12_20 Town Board Minutes . Held at the ;iea.-,Ter Street Pi re House Decenoa2 20th, 1928. In the absence of tiie oatcivisor, the meeting :auras called to order by Justico Col_-_i „ at 4 P. L, Pre sent Justices Collins , Hoavell and seeds Clem. 3Yierrnan I In accordance i,+ith Section 2 of the ',Iestchester County a1, ict, Vr. Lanza, aecei-- r of _'apes , sub"niitted a r port of the accounts Of unpaid 1928 State , 'County. Town, J�iS tric, a.nd JC-;'' Er '.. _'11sttict Tares as of DE CcL1iJC !Sty 1928. 'thereupon the follo-wing resolution teas ahresented for ado-ptiona this Board_ has received from the Receiver of Ta;>es of this Town a statement under the provisions of ectioih 28 of the ':�EStcihcstEr County ''a- ' '1 �, -=.Ct , fror,� �,Jh1cn 1t appea_rs that on De Oeiifrler lst, 1922, the suun of °;52,_825, 02 , State , County, 1'ot,,n and" i:),rcc a yDlstricts taxes vihich wcnre levied on -pril 1, 1928, tra s still outstanding and unpaid; and T'^ ?]._a,S, the S i ..rv;isor has reouested this Board to authorize the issuance and sale of a tei:2Jorary ceo^tificatc Of indebtedness for an ariount not .-_,seeding the said sLm? Of 52,825. 02 , being the aY ount rE"portEd by Said RecelvEr of `la_`_Es as uncollected and Outstanding on Deece_m:ber First, 1 �28, as aforE Said ; 3:107vi* th ErEfOTE 1E 1.t '"':SOi:7771)y that pursuant t0 the "Jr Ovision s of the 'ile-s�.,C'theS U— l"',OUnt"„✓ "i'a: 4Gt,. tihE Supervisor OE and � he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of P;Tama-ron- ec'_', the said six-L of ,52,825. 02 for vhich surf, he Shall issue in the na::he and under the seal Of sa.1d Town against uncollected Mate , County, - TOii4'n and Special Districts tares levied on o ^ii 1, 1928, agaL st the taxable property .',1Uhin the said Porn oF Yamaroneek, a temporary CET"t if Kate of ?-i^_C,c'�D ednESs for an amount not e;>ceeding the said s=, of ;'';,54,825® 029 ,.,,hick shall be im ad-e at such t-iioc as the � .JE rV1 SOr riai CLE tE "�1 hE but not later than DecCrlber 1. 1929. Said Cc t_ficatE OI tndebtEdhess shall bE signed by the Supervisor and attested and ssaled ter the Toy:n C1 kg and it is further =S01-11,71), �ha.t the be and he hereby is authorised and c-ruipot,'rered to dispose of said certificate Of indebtedness -for not 15ss than the par value thereof; and it is further nr�J.i.ltTD, !hat he 7u CE rv1 S0- and the TO's`/'n Clerk be and they ;hereby arE authorized and Ern,-ho;rEred to sign and elecute such papers as iaa: , be necessary; to effect the Sale of sai'd- Ce rt ificatcS®. - The Ci'UcSti on oL Th-I 2.dope ion of "he forego-I n,; re So lUtior, -?as pu to 'Vote vvit`1 tY?e _`oll O,.vJ g :ieSUlt, :ye s , 4 ioeS ; none Upon raotionp the meeting, adjo urn ea "t 4 ;15 "P® 1-11. o�;✓i�Clcrk " I I