HomeMy WebLinkAboutTentative Budget_2021 RECEIVED TOWN OF MAMARONECIti 21 P 3: 35 TENTATIVE BUDGET„ Z/N CLERK 1•i.�MARONECK, NY 2021 TOWN SUPERVISOR Nancy Seligson TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Jaine Elkind Eney Abby Katz Sabrina Fiddelman Jeffery King TOWN ADMINISTRATOR/CHIEF BUDGET OFFICER Stephen Altieri TOWN COMPTROLLER/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Tracy Yogman, CPA TOWN OF MAMARONECK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. BUDGET MESSAGE i-vi II. BUDGET GUIDE 1 III. INTRODUCTION a. TOWN OFFICIALS 5 b. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 6 c. MISSION &VISION 7 d. COMMUNITY PROFILE 8 e. BUDGET STRATEGY 11 f. BUDGET CALENDAR 13 IV. BUDGET OVERVIEW a. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 15 b. FUND STRUCTURE 17 c. BUDGET SUMMARY 19 V. TAX LEVIES& RATES a. TAX LEVIES& RATES 27 b. TAX LEVY COMPARISON 28 b. TAX REFUNDS BASED ON TAX CERTIORARIS 31 c. PROPERTY TAX CAP CALCULATION 32 VI. FINANCIAL SUMMARIES a. FUND& FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP MATRIX 35 b. REVENUE DEFINITIONS AND FORECAST METHODOLOGY 36 c. MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES 37 d. MAJOR EXPENDITURES 42 e. BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND 45 VII. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARY-BY DEPARTMENT 57 EXPENSE BUDGET SUMMARY-BY DEPARTMENT 58 AMBULANCE 60 ASSESSOR 72 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 76 BUILDINGS&GROUNDS 82 COMMUNITY SERVICES 86 COMPTROLLER 96 CONSERVATION 104 ENGINEERING 110 FIRE DEPARTMENT 118 GARBAGE DISTRICT 126 HIGHWAY 130 HUMAN RESOURCES 152 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 158 JUSTICE COURT 166 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VIII. DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS POLICE DEPARTMENT 172 RECREATION 180 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR 198 TOWN ATTORNEY 202 TOWN BOARD 206 TOWN CLERK 210 TOWN SUPERVISOR 220 UNALLOCATED 226 WATER DISTRICT 248 IX. SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES a. BUDGETED POSITION SUMMARY-BY DEPARTMENT 253 b. AVERAGE PROPERTY TAX BILL 254 c. SCHEDULE OF ASSESSED VALUES-ALL DISTRICTS 255 d. TAX EXEMPTIONS 255 e. TAX RATE HISTORY 256 X. FINANCIAL POLICIES 259 XI. CAPITAL BUDGET 273 XII. DEBT SERVICE FUND 287 XIII. GLOSSARY 305 o4 _�90 TOWN OF MAMARONECK = TOWN CENTER " 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Tel:914-381-7810 October 21,2020 Honorable Supervisor Nancy Seligson Honorable Members of the Town Board Honorable Christina Battalia- Town Clerk Re: Town of Mamaroneck 2021 Tentative Budget We present to the Supervisor and Town Board and the community, the 2021 Tentative Town Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2021. This first version of the Town Budget is a financial plan that anticipates a most challenging year ahead. For the first time in our experience, we are preparing a budget in somewhat unchartered waters as local governments endeavor as how best to operate in the new world of the COVID 19 pandemic. We have used our experience and that of the Town's executive staff to develop realistic plan based on a conservative approach to projected revenue streams and expense savings. Where we have, an advantage is the financial strength of the Town government and its ability to engage the challenges of the coming year. As is our practice, we have taken a conservative outlook to projecting revenues and expenses. Our reliance on financial projections for both expenditures and revenues avoids large fluctuations in Town budgets and ultimately the property taxes levied in the community. Our surplus management policy protects reserve balances and avoids misapplication of reserve funds that can be problematic for future budgets. This Town budget reflects a thoughtful and conservative approach of estimating revenues, expenses, reserve applications and tax levies to accomplish the mission of the Town government. Our strong reserve positions allowed us to weather the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and have funds available for the unexpected events and projects related to the pandemic in 2021. In addition to the pandemic, the Town responded to Tropical Storm Isaias in August. Yet another example of how the Town's strong financial position and surplus management policy allow for an effective response to unscheduled events without major impacts to the taxpayer. In response to the pandemic, the Town took swift action early in 2020 to protect the residents and employees while keeping essential Town services available throughout the New York State mandated shutdown. We have effectively managed staffing resources, conducted public videoconferencing to keep the public informed, conducted tax collections and other operations remotely by providing free on-line options to residents. The Town delivered home meals to seniors and successfully implemented a safe and strategic reopening of Town recreation services as permitted with waived or reduced fees. The Town provided extensions for property tax payments and extended deadlines to apply for and renew property tax exemptions and for filing assessment grievances. All of these measures were to ease the stress on the community brought about by the pandemic. We have once again had our Aaa credit rating reaffirmed by Moody's in 2020 as a result of our conservative management and stable fund balance. The rating allowed the Town to issue debt for capital projects at a very low rate of 1.94%. The Town also refinanced certain bonds at 1.1% providing a substantial saving to taxpayers. Maintaining the Town's credit rating will be a strategic goal as we move forward with critical capital projects at a lower cost. The proposed tax levy increase of 1.81% for 2021 is below the allowable tax levy increase under the New York State Property Tax Cap Guidelines. Our goal each year is to present a budget that finances municipal services at the greatest value possible to the community. There is a general assumption in the proposed budget that the challenges brought on by the pandemic will be in place through at least the first half of 2021. One example of the challenges is for Recreation Department services. Because of New York State, mandates and the goal of keeping the community safe many recreation programs were severely limited or cancelled. It is important to point out that this budget proposes maintenance of basic Town services within the allowable tax levy cap despite significant cost increases for health insurance, and pension contributions brought on because of the current economic conditions. We have implemented the following financial strategies in preparing this budget: • Vacant staff positions were reviewed and eliminated when possible ➢ Revenues and expenses have been reviewed and realistically estimated ➢ Capital projects have been deferred Y In depth review of our information technology systems ➢ Negotiated multi-year collective bargaining unit contracts ➢ Refinanced debt at a significant savings ➢ Cost sharing services with neighboring villages 2021 Tentative Budget Overview The budget as proposed totals $42.3million, an increase of less than 1% from 2020. Non-property-tax revenues to support the budget total $12.2million, a decrease of 7.1% from last year. To finance a portion of the proposed capital project program for 2021 and help stabilize the required tax levy increase, an application of ii $2.5million of fund balance is appropriated to the budget. This is an increase of 34% over last year. The Property Tax Cap Each year local governments in New York State must consider whether to adopt budgets that comply with the Property Tax Cap Legislation imposed by the Governor and New York State Legislature in 2011. Most local officials agree that the tax cap legislation does not reflect the realities of delivering municipal services and does not take into account long-term capital infrastructure needs. Compliance with the tax cap is particularly difficult for local governments, since the State government has failed to increase aid to local governments as it has to school districts in New York on close to ten years. For 2021, the State has indicated that it will likely reduce state aid by as much as 20%. Unlike higher levels of government, the Town can only depend upon a limited number of sources of non-property tax revenues to fund the Town Budget and offset property taxes. To maintain stability in year-to-year changes in property taxes and tax levies, the Town has initiated the use of fees as an alternative to property taxes. Where fees are applied, the cost of services is borne either in part or in total by those using the service. The idea being that the property owner pays only for what they use. The Town has used this alternative successfully for Recreation Services, Ambulance Services, and Water and Sewer Services. However, the use of fees is not a universal remedy since many other municipal services do not lend themselves to a fee based system. The Tax Cap legislation was enacted in 2011 and since then the Town has complied with the tax cap guideline in five of the last nine budgets. The tax levy in the 2021 Tentative Town Budget is actually under the State tax cap guideline. Based upon the mandated formula, the 2021 Town tax cap limit is 2.2%; meaning a maximum increase in the 2020 tax levy of $595,884. The proposed tax levy is $27,534,613, an increase of $488,973, or 1.81%. The Town is very cognizant of the economic conditions many residents are facing and keeping the tax rates as low as possible was an important goal when developing this budget. Capital Projects The 2021 Budget includes funding for capital projects either in progress or representing new initiatives. These projects are prioritized for funding purposes. A capital plan is a tool to assess the long-term capital project needs of the Town with projected funding sources. While a comprehensive capital plan is to forecast future needs, it requires annual updates to reflect the status of projects, new capital priorities, revised estimates and coordination of funding sources. As a result, of this review, many of the 2020 capital projects were deferred to 2021. The 2021 Capital Budget includes the deferred projects from and new projects planned for 2021. The projects selected for 2021 generally included funding through government grants and iii projects that were critical to the Town's infrastructure. Through the strategic use of fund balances, a portion of the Town's capital projects can be funded on a pay-as- you-go basis. The balance of the Town's proposed capital plan will be funded through the sale of bonds. The challenge of maintaining our infrastructure will be a continuous effort by the Town. Investments in capital infrastructure are critical if we are to continue to provide municipal services to the community to insure clean water, safe roads and a healthy environment. Sometimes it is easy to forget the underground utility systems that provide clean water each day and carry away sanitary sewage from our kitchens and bathrooms. Each year as our infrastructure gets older, the need for maintenance and replacement grows. The Town has come to realize that deferring capital infrastructure improvements only leads to far greater expense in the future. For that reason, we have endeavored to maintain a robust program of capital improvements. For 2021, the Town is proposing a $12.2million-dollar capital improvement program designed to keep up with our infrastructure and other capital needs. Of this total $7.lmillion represents deferred projects from 2020. Some of the major projects included in the 2021 Capital Plan include the following: ➢ Town-wide street resurfacing program > Continuation of Sanitary Sewer System Improvements > Improvements to the Town's Water Transmission System Y Equipment replacements necessary to maintain Town services ➢ Improvements to Recreational Facilities to enhance leisure services to the community 2021 Property Taxes The apportionment of the tax levy is a function of total property assessments for each of the Town's nine budget funds. The 2021 property taxes are based upon property assessments that were finalized in September of 2020 by the Town Assessor. Total assessments applying to the Townwide fund increased by about $15million. Assessment increases for other budget funds ranged from $1.0 to $19million. Each budget fund by law must have its own property assessments and tax rates. The exception to that guideline is for those funds that financed totally through fees and charges. The Town of Mamaroneck and the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck continue to be desirable communities in which to live and as such, there was a small increase in the average residential assessed valuation to reflect changes in the local real estate market. An average single family home is assessed at $1.251 in the Town. Understanding the Town of Mamaroneck Budget is not always easy because of the different budget funds. Many do not realize that the Town provides services to the unincorporated Town as well as the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. Property iv owners in the Villages receive from the Town, tax collection services for school and county taxes, recreational services, property assessment services and ambulance service. Property owners in the unincorporated area, receive a full menu of services including Police, Fire, Sanitation Collection and Road Maintenance among others. For property owners in the unincorporated area with an average assessment of $1.257 million the 2021 Town Property tax will be $7,082 for all services. This is an increase of $68 or .97% over 2020. For property owners in the Villages with an average assessment of $1.251 million, their property tax obligation to the Town will be $722, an increase of $24 or 3.4%. Individual property tax bills will vary depending upon the assessment when compared with the average. Other Revenues The Town depends upon a variety of revenue sources in order to finance government operations. The property tax remains the largest source of revenue (65%) to the Town. In 2021, the estimated tax levy will be $27,534,613, an increase of 1.81% over 2020. The tax levy reflects not only increases in expenses but also the performance of revenues other than property taxes. Several of our non-property taxes are directly connected to regional and national economic performance. The volatility in these revenues is therefore cause for us to estimate revenue projections conservatively. The pandemic has had a noticeable effect upon the expected performance of the Town's non-property revenues. Overall non-tax revenues will decrease by over $940,000 or 7% for 2021. The most impacted revenues are for Recreation Services, Parking Permits, interest income and fines. In addition, we can expect a 20% decrease in aid from New York State. A 3% reduction is expected in sales tax revenue however, revenue from mortgage tax is expected to increase by $50,000 to $1.3million in 2021. Expenditures The Town's total expenditures for 2021 are projected to be $42.3 million, an increase of $194,166 or less than 1% over 2020. The increase in expenditures is primarily a result of adjustments to expenses for personnel services, employee benefits, increases in technology expenses and appropriations for capital projects. Municipal services continue to be very labor intensive. Salaries and wages, exclusive of associated fringe benefits comprises almost 63% of the Town budget. Over the past four years, the Town has entered into long-term employment agreements with all of our major bargaining units, providing budgetary certainty for expenses over multiple years. v Employee benefits will increase by just under $400,000 in 2021 with the major driver of the increase being the pension contribution to the New York State Retirement System. Fund Balance The 2021 budget provides for an application of reserves of $2.5million an increase of about $645,000 over last year. Approximately 26% of this allocation is for one-time expenses including capital projects funded on a pay-as-you-go basis. The balance of the allocation is for operations. Conclusion Considering the unique circumstances in which this budget is prepared, we believe the 2021 Town Budget is a responsible budget that effectively meets the needs of the community. The magnitude of the Town's financial strength is quite evident in this budget. Our history of conservative financial management has allowed the Town government to endure a major national emergency yet maintain Town services at a good value. Of equal if not greater importance is that this budget provides the means for the Town to plan and protect our community in the future. Ours is an older community and with that comes the task and the challenge of maintaining older infrastructure to continue municipal services now and in the future. Much of the 2021 Capital Improvement Program is dedicated to the upkeep of our facilities, technology and infrastructure. Our continued application of technology to our day-to-day operations is another example of our looking to the future. Technology takes on a new meaning in the 2021 budget as we plan for a future where working remotely may become a necessity should another event like the pandemic were to occur. In closing, we would like to give our many thanks to the department heads and staff for their work on the 2021. They understood the situation that the Town was working under and rose to the occasion. The budget provided by the departments reflected the need to continue to provide valuable services to the community but with fewer resources. We hope that the community will take the time to read the budget document. As you read this budget, you will find many further details and charts that explain what comprises the major expenses and revenues as well. The document will provide an in depth understanding of how the Town government works. We look forward to now working the Supervisor and Town Board on this budget. 101jO9N- ephen V. Altieri Tracy Yo�gm n PA Town Administrator/Budget Officer Comptroller/Director of Finance vi TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET GUIDE Town Organization and Services The Town of Mamaroneck was established in 1661 is governed by Town Law, General Municipal Law and other general laws of the State of New York and various local laws and ordinances. The Town Supervisor is a member of the Town Board and serves as the Chief Executive Officer/Chief Financial Officer.The Town Board is the policy-making body of the Town. The Town provides the following services to its residents:general and administrative,public safety, community services, parking, recreation, water, engineering, planning refuse disposal and recycling. The 2021 Budget provides the funding for all such services. Budget Guide This budget document describes how the Town will achieve its goals, objectives and meet the community's needs. The intent of this budget document is to present the Town of Mamaroneck's budget in a comprehensive and easy to read format. This Budget Document is organized in the following major sections: 1. Budget Message: The Budget Message, a letter from the Town Administrator and Town Comptroller to the Town Supervisor and the Town Board that provides an overview of the upcoming fiscal year budget and financial plan. 1. Introduction: Includes,elected and appointed officials, mission,vision,community profile, budget strategy and budget calendar. 3. Budget Overview:This section includes an Executive Budget Summary that summarizes the budget highlights. 4. Tax Levies& Rates: 5. Financial Summaries: This section provides a summary of revenue,expenditures and fund balance information for the Town, information provided in both numerical and narrative formats, the Town's fund structure, budgeted positions by fund and organization and departmental summaries. This section includes a summary of the fund, budgets for each fund presented in both numerical and graphical formats and a budget for each department containing Actual Expenses for Fiscal Years 2018 & 2019, Adopted Budget for Fiscal Year 2020, Actual Year- to-Date Expenses for Fiscal Year 2020,Projected Expenses for Fiscal Year 2020,the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 and variances to budget. 6. Departmental Budgets: Each departmental budget contains a summary of appropriations, a proposed revenue summary, a departmental mission, accomplishments, goals for the upcoming year, performance measures followed by a position summary report. — — — — — TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET GUIDE 7. Supplemental Schedules: This section includes information about the Town, debt information,tax rate schedules,sample tax bill,tax rate history. 8. Financial Policies:This section includes financial policies the Town has adopted. 9. Capital Budget:This section includes capital projects of$5,000 more with a useful life of at least five years listed in the Town's Capital Plan. Included is a description of each project and the associated cost by fiscal year. 10. Debt Service Fund:This section includes information on the Town's debt,bond rating,debt projections and debt service. 11. Glossary:This section provides brief descriptions of terms used in the budget document. 2 Left Intentionally Blank 3 INTRODUCTION 4 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN OFFICIALS TOWN SUPERVISOR AND TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Town Supervisor Nancy Seligson Deputy Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney Town Board Member Abby Katz Town Board Member Sabrina Fiddelman Town Board Member Jeffery King TOWN OFFICIALS Town Administrator Stephen Altieri Deputy Town Administrator Connie Green- O'Donnell Ambulance District Administrator Michael Liverzani Assessor Pamela Valenza Building Inspector Richard Polcari Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Michael Orchanian Director of Community Services/ Anna Danoy Senior Programs & Housing Comptroller Tracy Yogman Environmental Planner Elizabeth Aitchison Town Engineer Robert Wasp Fire Chief Joseph Russo Highway- General Foreman Alan Casterella Highway-Fleet Manager Michael Pinto IT Director Shyam Pandya Court Clerk Denise Cookingham Chief of Police Paul Creazzo Superintendent of Recreation Jill Fisher Town Clerk Christina Battalia 5 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ORGANIZATIONAL CHART TOWN OF MAMARONECK Organizational Chart Tawe TownSupenn Tomwn Julliois Town Band Membersrk TownAdministrabr 1 L "`a' Buildings Comptroller Fire Ambulance Price Engineering Attorney 1 c i u! i I i i r. v 11. Community Human Irk Corse-vatice Recreasbar 'ox^1;+anu, I Hi;Fuay - .ssessmerts Services _ Resau-ces i I PaO I Omer Q• I Pavans kr kili 1 ia.. J I dMt 1 1, PolaM7 ir Il 1 Dupla c IA 1 Sae I �d 6 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MISSION & VISION MISSION The Town of Mamaroneck's mission is to protect and enhance the lives of our residents by providing cost effective services through fiscally responsive administration and planning for tomorrow VISION The Town of Mamaroneck seeks sustainable growth that protects our natural and historic resources,while preserving our values,qualities, and community character. STRATEGIES The Town will implement the following strategies to achieve its mission and vision: ✓ Maintain safe, clean and appealing neighborhoods,enhance recreational opportunities and provide responsive services. ✓ Implement government efficiencies and strategic partnerships that achieve savings,share services,demonstrates creativity in order to limit the tax burden borne by residents and invest in a capital plan for public benefit. ✓ Maintain fiscal strength with a Town tax structure that will balance the increasing demand for services with available resources. TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE Overview The Town of Mamaroneck, a Native American name translated as "the place where the sweet waters fall into the sea," is located just twenty-three miles north of New York City on Long Island Sound.The Town was established at the mouth of a river and at the head of a harbor Founded in 1661, the Town of Mamaroneck was officially created by an act of the New York State Legislature on May 17, 1788. 18th and 19th Century residents earned their livelihoods by farming, fishing, lumbering and milling. Manufacturing arrived with the 19th century and most was located (as it is today)in the Mamaroneck Village section. Larchmont Village and the Unincorporated Town were,and largely remain, residential. Today, the Town of Mamaroneck, with its beautiful Long Island Sound waterfront and easy access to highways, airports and Metro North train service to New York City and Stamford is a prime suburban residential community. The Town of Mamaroneck includes the entire Village of Larchmont(one square mile),the Unincorporated Area (5.7 square miles which is not part of either village), and that part of the Village of Mamaroneck west of the Mamaroneck River bordering Rye Neck(2.3 square miles). Both the incorporated villages and the unincorporated Town are self-governing and define the Town as a political and governmental subdivision of the State of New York.Although the Town government does provide a select menu of services for the Villages. The Town provides direct municipal services-police,fire, sanitation, highway among others-to the residents of the unincorporated area, and recreation,ambulance,senior citizen services, property assessment services and election supervision to both villages. Town Government The Town of Mamaroneck elects its own officials, adopts its own laws,and manages its own finances under the direction of a Supervisor and four council members.The Supervisor is elected for a two-year term and the Council members for four years.The Town Board appoints a Town Administrator to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer. The Town Board is vested by New York State with control of legislation, appropriation of monies and decision-making on general local governmental policies.The Board authorizes the annual budget and the collection of taxes required to finance it. Each of the council members is appointed by the Supervisor to serve as liaison to several committees and commissions. 8 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE Town Services The Town provides the following services: • Planning and Community Development: Environmental, land management, zoning, buildings review, housing services and economic development Y Community Services: Neighborhood improvements, senior citizen services,youth services, Section 8 housing choice voucher program. Public Safety: Police,fire,emergency management, code enforcement,fire, animal control,ambulance and special services Highway: Street and drainage maintenance,snow removal,roadway improvements, leaf collection ➢ Support Services/Legislative/Administrative: Facilities,financial,fleet, human resources,technology, legal,tax collection, records management, historic preservation,assessments • Culture and Recreation Services: Parks, recreational,youth programs, ice skating, pool • Utilities: Water and Sewer Services to properties within the district • Other Operations: Refuse collection and disposal, recycling,and environmental protection Demographics Per the 2017 American Community Survey,5 Year Estimates: Population (estimate) 29,945 Males/Females 14,759/15,186 Median Age 40.0 Median Earnings _ $121,261 _ Households 11,109 Educational Attainment High School Graduates or Higher 92.0% Bachelor's Degree or Higher 67.3% Number of Companies 1,133 Population The Town's population has experienced two major growth periods over the last 50 years and reached a peak of approximately 31,243 residents in 1970. By 1990, the Town's population decreased by 11.3%to 27,706 residents as the number of family members per household declined. By 2000,the Town population increased by approximately 5%to 28,967 residents.According to the 2010 census,the Town's population remained stable with a slight increase to 29,156 residents. ii 9 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMMUNITY PROFILE Year Population % Change 2010 29,156 .65% 2000 28,967 4.55% 1990 27,706 (4.52%) 1980 29,017 (7.12%) 1970 31,243 7.34% 1960 29,107 - Principal Taxpayers Percent Nature of Assessed of Rank Taxpayer Business Valuation Assessed Valuation 1 Consolidated Edison Utilities $ 141,731,288 1.45% 2 Avalon Properties Apartments 45,640,000 .47% 3 Larchmont Acres East Apartments 28,500,000 .29% 4 Palmer Terrace Co-Op Co-op 27,694,721 .28% 6 Ten Grand, Inc Shopping Center 22,720,000 .23% 7 Mamaroneck Gardens Inc. Co-Op 22,363,409 .23% 5 Winged Foot Holding Corp Country Club 21,600,000 .22% 6 Larchmont Owners Corp Co-op 21,079,493 .22% 7 Sheldrake Station Dev LLC Apartments 19,354,000 .20% 8 Carlshire Tenants Inc Condominiums 18,252,327 .19% TOTAL $368,935,238 3.78% Employment Mamaroneck's unemployment rate has increased as a result of the economic conditions of the pandemic to 8.2% as of August 2020. The Town remains below the New York State rate of 12.6% and the nation's rate of 8.4%.The Town is within commuting distance of New York City and always trends below the State and Federal unemployment rates. UNEMPLOYMENT DATA 15.0 10.0 5.0 1r"�'-v--�^- ..��,,. 0.0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 US -=NYS 10 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET STRATEGY Methodology The framework upon which the Town Budget is prepared each year is based on the following: ➢ Maintaining the Town's financial stability through fiscal responsibility and conservative budgeting ➢ Ensuring the safety of the community and improving the quality of life ➢ Improving,maintaining and enhancing Town facilities and infrastructure ➢ Improving conservation and sustainability where it is most effective ➢ Ensuring that the Town Budget is not only a document for the next year but considers future years as well ➢ Engaging the community in the Town's governance and community activities to remind citizens of the importance of local government in everyday life It is this framework that makes the Town Budget so relevant to the citizens of the community. Without question, the Town budget is the most important document considered by the Town Board. Important because the budget provides the means by which we fund our municipal services, buildings, recreation facilities, utility infrastructure, roads, sidewalks and capital equipment. All of these components are critical to the delivery of services to the community. Funding in the budget also ensures that the Town's employees have the right training and tools to do their jobs each day in a way that is of benefit to the community. The 2021 Town Budget continues our emphasis on ensuring the Town's efficient and effective operations Basis of Budgeting Governmental Funds are budgeted using a modified accrual basis of budgeting. Revenues are considered to be available when measurable and collectible and expenditures are recorded when incurred. Review Early in the budget process,each department outlines functions and goals for the coming fiscal year and submits an estimate of revenues and appropriation requests in the financial system to accomplish those goals. The Town Administrator, Deputy Town Administrator and the Town Comptroller meet with Department Heads in September to review the department submissions. Tentative Budget Upon completion of this review, a Tentative Budget is compiled by the Town Comptroller's staff. On or before October 31,2020,the Tentative Budget is presented to the Town Board.The Tentative Budget is made available to the public on the Town's website. Departmental budget presentations of both operating and capital requests are made to the Town Board and revisions to the Tentative Budget are made. 11 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET STRATEGY Preliminary Budget On or before December 4,2020,a Preliminary Budget is presented to the Town Board and is made available to the public on the Town's website. Adoption A formal public hearing on the budget is held in December to allow public input.Based on a review of the budget, the Town Administrator and Town Comptroller will make revisions per the Town Board requests to the Preliminary Budget. A final budget is prepared and submitted to the Town Board for adoption.The budget must be adopted by December 19th of each year. 12 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET CALENDAR Monday July 6, 2020 Distribution of Operating&Capital Budget Worksheets/Budget Instructions to Department Heads Friday,August 21, 2020 Submission of capital budget worksheets to Town Administrator's Office Monday,September 7, 2020 Input of Operating Budgets into KVS Budget System Wednesday,September 9, 2020 Submission of All Operating Budget Work Sheets Monday,September 14, 2020 through Departmental Budget Work Sessions Friday,September 25, 2020 Wednesday, October 21,2020 Submission of Tentative Budget to the Town Board and Preliminary Review of Tentative Budget Saturday, October 26, 2020 Departmental Budget Review Tuesday, November 19, 2020 Capital Budget Review Wednesday, December 2,2020 Budget Hearing-2021 Preliminary Budget Wednesday, December 16,2020 Final Adoption of 2021 Budget 13 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Summary The Fiscal Year 2021 Budget is prepared based on policies and direction established by the Town Supervisor and the Town Board in accordance with economic, social and political factors. The Town's economic health depends in part on municipal government providing services that create an environment that attracts and keeps businesses prospering and residents who want to continue to make Mamaroneck their home. In light of the local economic conditions, limited revenue growth and New York State Tax Cap restrictions, the following budget strategy was employed in reviewing the departmental requests and preparing the budget: ✓ Planning for the continued effects of the pandemic ✓ Departmental budgets proposals were reviewed and analyzed ✓ Revenues have been estimated with a conservative outlook that the economy will remain in the current condition through the first half of 2021 and anticipate that recovery to pre- pandemic levels will begin in the second half of 2021. ✓ Utility costs and fringe benefit rates provided by the State have been analyzed and incorporated at the minimal level deemed prudent ✓ The capital plan has been developed with a projected financing plan that allows the Town to invest in infrastructure and spread the cost for residents over the useful life of the improvements. ✓ Debt service costs are fully funded for current debt and the new debt based on the sale of serial bonds in 2020. Budget Highlights The key components and challenges of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget are as follows: Financial Priorities ➢ Maintain current level of services D Use the tax cap as an effective guide for measuring property tax adjustments ➢ Strategically use fund balance to reduce the tax increase in accordance with the fund balance policy Major Factors Impacting the Budget ➢ Regional economy and the impact of the pandemic D Changes in State mandated costs such as pension and health insurance. These cost increases are significantly higher than in the past few years as a result of the pandemic. ➢ Capital project needs,including debt service ➢ Cyber security enhancements D Recreation programs continue to be restricted in compliance with the State guidelines ➢ Investment earning rates have dropped dramatically and are not anticipated to improve as the economy recovers. 15 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS (continued) Actions ✓ Increase tax levy by 1.81%, keeping the tax increase below the tax cap rate of 2.20% ✓ Decrease revenues to reflect the limited recreation program offerings, declining investment earnings related to effects of the pandemic ✓ Increase expenses to reflect negotiated contract increases, defer non-essential capital projects, eliminate six staff vacancies and reduce expenses to reflect planned recreational programs. ✓ Defer non-critical capital projects until the economy recovers. 16 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND STRUCTURE Major Funds Genera!Fund: accounts for all general government activity Townwide (including the Villages)and the services traditionally provided to the Town's residents. This includes services provided by the Town Board and Town Supervisor, Town Administrator as well as the following administrative offices: Assessor, Comptroller/Tax Receiver, Town Clerk, Human Resources, Town Attorney, Information Technology, Recreation Services, Town Center, Engineering, Assessor, Town Justices, Conservation and Community/Senior Citizen services. Part Town Fund:accounts for all government activity for services provided to Town residents who live in the unincorporated area of the Town, residing outside of the Village of Mamaroneck or the Village of Larchmont.This includes, Police, building department services, zoning services. Highway Fund: accounts for the maintenance and repair of over 44 miles of streets, roads, right- of-ways and all storm drainage systems throughout the Town that are not within Villages. Special District Funds Fire District:accounts for the contracted funding provided by the Town Fire District#1. Street Lighting Fund:accounts for the operational and administrative services providing over 1,300 streetlights on town,county and state roads throughout the Town and municipal commuter parking lots and garages other than those that are incorporated Villages. Ambulance District: accounts for the contracted funding of both the Larchmont/Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance District (SM4191) and the Mamaroneck Village Volunteer Ambulance (SM4190) and a Paramedic Unit (SM 4189) to provide emergency medical services to Town residents, including those un the Villages of Larchmont/Mamaroneck. Garbage District Fund accounts for the Town's share of sanitation, recycling and yard-waste collection services provided by the Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission, a joint agency of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. Sewer District:accounts for sewer rent to pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system. Water District: accounts for water related expenses for capital projects and maintaining the fire protection system. 17 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND STRUCTURE (continued) Non-Major Funds Debt Service Fund:accounts for the extinguishment of financed debt. Tri-Municipal Cable TV Fund: accounts for the Town's share of funding provided to the cable television station that serves the Town and Village of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. Capital Fund accounts: accounts for financial resources related to the construction of major capital projects or facilities or purchase of capital assets. The assets must have a useful life of over five years. Housing Assistance Fund: accounts for resources that are restricted, committed or assigned for housing assistance funded by entitlements from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Component Units The Mamaroneck Housing Authority is a legally separate component unit of the Town and because of the nature and significance of its relationship with the primary government, is combined in the Town's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The Housing Authority is governed by a legally separate boards and their annual budgets are not included in the Town's adopted budgets. 18 IIIA TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY The $42.3 million budget demonstrates the Town's commitment to sound financial management practices that strive to produce structurally balanced budgets. The Town Budget is comprised of nine separate funds. I _ 2020 Adopted 2021 Budget Budget % $Change Revenues(includes tax levy) General Fund-Townwide $ 11,979,353 $ 10,939,426 28% $ (1,039,927) General Fund-Part Town 13,365,645 13,837,000 35% 471,355 Highway Fund 5,543,475 5,424,500 14% (118,975) Fire District 4,162,199 4,301,196 11% 138,997 Street Lighting District 304,273 299,172 1% (5,101) Ambulance District 1,559,624 1,553,493 4% (6,131) Garbage District 2,200,103 2,198,144 6% (1,959) Sewer District 571,324 622,280 2% 50,956 Water District 532,643 592,223 1% 59,580 TOTAL BUDGETED REVENUES $ 40,218,639 $ 39,767,434 P 100% $ (451,205) Expenses General Fund-Townwide $ 13,166,456 $ 12,198,926 29% $ (967,530) General Fund-Part Town 13,631,671 14,752,000 35% 1,120,329 Highway Fund 5,543,475 5,506,500 13% (36,975) Fire District 4,162,199 4,301,196 10% 138,997 Street Lighting District 304,273 299,172 1% (5,101) Ambulance District 1,559,624 1,583,493 4% 23,869 Garbage District 2,200,103 2,198,144 5% (1,959) Sewer District 571,324 634,280 1% 62,956 Water District 982,643 842,223 2% (140,420) TOTAL BUDGETED EXPENSES $ 42,121,768 $42,315,934 100% $ 194,166 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 1,903,129 $ 2,548,500 T 6%1 $ 645,371 19 I TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY A five-year comparison review of the Town's budget demonstrates the responsible budgeting practices that keep expenses down, the tax levy is relatively low and the use of fund balances at responsible levels. COMBINED COMPARATIVE BUDGETS 50,000,000 40,000,000 / I *. 30,000,000 Expenses 20,000,000 Tax Levy 10,000,000 Revenues 0 S 411111 IP Appropriated Fund Balance 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 •Appropriated Fund Balance r Revenues Tax Levy ■Expenses Property Tax Levy The Town has various taxing districts.The General Fund, Part Town, Highway and Fire District Fund provide the majority of the revenue to fund services to Town residents. The majority of Town expenses are found in these funds as well. Tax adjustments from year to year are very stable and generally this is a preferable approach to financing government services. TAX LEVY - MAJOR FUNDS 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ..0—General Fund --fi— Part Town --e=Highway Fire District 20 it TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY Staffing Levels Municipal services remain very labor intensive requiring a well-trained and dedicated staff of dedicated municipal employees. For 2021, the Town's personnel headcount for full-time staff is 127.6 for all departments. Part time staff total 326. The majority of the part time staff is the seasonal staff hired for our summer camp and pool programs.Part-time recreation staff was greatly reduced based on the limited recreation program schedule impacted by the pandemic. The Town negotiates collective bargaining units with three union representing: Police Officers, Career Firefighters and Office/Highway Department employees. Unionized positions comprise 110.6 of the 127.6 budgeted full time staff. Twenty-three management and non-union staff comprise the balance of our full time staff. it • Budgeted Full Time Positions 150 145 140 135 ` ! • 130 • • 125 ii• �► 120 115 110 105 100 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 ----Budgeted Full Time Positions 21 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY Fund Balances The Town on March 20, 2013 adopted a formal fund balance policy (see supplemental schedules) and surplus recovery plan. The plan prescribes that a minimum of 15 to 35% of the subsequent year's budgeted appropriations be retained.The Town is in compliance with the adopted policy. The strategic use of fund balances is a standard municipal budgeting practice to ensure stable operating budgets. Savings achieved in good economic times are set aside in fund balances to minimize the need for tax increases during economically challenging times. Fund balances are invaluable for funding unanticipated events and emergencies that may come up during the fiscal year. The pandemic and Tropical Isaias are perfect examples of unanticipated events impacting Town services. Fund balances can also reduce the need for borrowing funds for capital projects. The Town has maintained a healthy and stable fund balance over the last ten years for the Town's Operating Funds (General Fund, Part Town, Highway, Fire District, Streetlighting, Ambulance, Garbage, Sewer and Water). The fund balances will be utilized in 2021 to weather the pandemic and will be maintained within the policy through 2021. The chart below provides the estimated Unassigned Fund Balances by fund for 2021 based on the budget. Projected Estimated Unassigned 2021 2021 2021 Unassigned Balance @ Budget Budget Appropriated Balance @ %Of %Of Fund 1/1/21 Revenue Expenses Fund Balance 12/31/21 Expenditures Revenues GENERAL TOW NWIDE $ 4,620,010 $ 10,939,426 $ 12,198,926 (1,259,500) $ 3,360,510 28% 31% PART TOWN 5,115,151 13,837,000 14,752,000 (915,000) 4,200,151 28% 30% HIGHWAY 971,434 5,424,500 5,506,500 (82,000) ::9,434 16% 16% Fia=DISTRICT 263,777 4,301,196 4,301,196 - 263,777 6% 6% ST.LIGITDIST 48,732 299,172 299,172 - 48,732 16% 16% AMBULANCE 515,067 1,553,493 1,583,493 (30,000) 485,067 31% 31% GARBAGE 329,731 2,198,144 2,198,144 - 329,731 15% 15% SEINER 219,266 622,280 634,280 (12,000) 207,266 33% 33% WATER 833,446 592,223 842,223 (250,000) 583,448 69% 99% TOTAL $ 12,916,614 $ 39,767,434 $ 42,315,934 $ (2,548,500) $ 10,368,114 25% 26% I I 22 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY Fund Summaries: General Fund: The General Fund is made up of services that are provided to all Town residents. Services include: Administrative,Assessment, Finance,Tax Collection,Town Clerk, Engineering Services, Buildings& Grounds, Conservation, Recreation,Community Services and Human Services. The General Fund is most affected by the pandemic as the majority of recreational activities offered by the Town is budgeted in this fund. The 2021 budget projects a reduced schedule for both the pool and the ice rink through 2021. It is important to note that facility costs are fixed for the most part while revenue is much lower based on New York State mandated capacity limits.Therefore the net results for the pool and the ice rink are much lower than 2020. The General Fund has a few recurring sources of revenue, including property taxes, the Town's share of mortgage tax proceeds, federal grant funding for the aging, Interest on Investment, and fees charged by certain Town departments for services. Fees are reviewed annually based on the cost of delivery and comparison with fees charged by neighboring Towns.Mortgage Tax revenue of $1.3m has remained stable and is anticipated to remain that way through 2021 as people continue to flee to the suburbs and interest rates remain low. The budget reflects an estimated 9%increase. Fund Balance of$1.3m will be utilized to fund the capital budget transfer and to offset the one- time loss of revenue due to the pandemic. The anticipated loss in recreational, investment, fines/fees, street opening permit revenue primarily due to Covid is approximately$1.3m. The General Fund expense budget total is approximately $12.2 million. This is a decrease of approximately$1.0 million or 7.3%from the 2020 budget. Most of this decrease is attributable to the reduced recreation schedule offset by contractual increases with the bargaining units and the rising cost of pension and healthcare costs. In addition, we have eliminated vacant positions, deferred capital projects and equipment purchases. In 2021,technology costs were moved to the Part Town fund for administrative purposes and an interfund transfer has been budgeted based on an analysis of the departmental costs. Part Town Fund: The Part Town Fund is made up of services that are provided to Town residents who live in the unincorporated area of the Town and reside outside of the Village of Mamaroneck or the Village of Larchmont. Services includes Traffic, Police, Environmental, Planning & Zoning, Information Technology and Building. 23 I ' TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY Part Town Fund(continued): The revenue budget in the Part Town Fund is $13.8 million or an increase of 3.5% primarily due to the transfer of funds from the General Fund for Information Technology costs ($440k) and the increase of appropriated fund balance. Property Taxes account for$10.1 million or approximately 68%of the Part Town fund revenue. Despite the economic challenges, the Town continues to see steady sales tax revenue of$2.3 million or approximately 16%of revenue.Other budgeted revenue in the Part Town Fund is$1.0 million,of which the Building Department fees of$.7 million represent 5.2%of the total revenue. Total expenses in the Part Town Fund are $14.7 million, an increase of$1.2 million or 8.8% from the 2020 Budget. Most of this increase is attributable to the transfer of the information technology expenses,contractual increases with the bargaining units, healthcare and a significantly larger than normal increase of$.2 million (22%)for the police retirement contribution. Highway Fund: The Highway Fund is used for the maintenance and repair of over 39 miles of streets, roads, right- of—ways and drainage systems in the unincorporated areas of Town (those not located in one of the Town's two villages).This fund will not be significantly impacted by the pandemic in 2021. The budget total is approximately$5.5 million.This budget represents a very slight decrease of less than 1%from the 2020 budget. Property Taxes account for $5.0 million or approximately 91%of the Highway fund revenue.Other budgeted revenue in the Highway budget is$.5 million,of which $.4 is from reimbursement of fuel and vehicle maintenance. Contractual increases with the bargaining unit and healthcare rising costs were offset by the deferral of capital projects and various cost savings. Special District Funds: All other Funds including the Fire,Ambulance,Street lighting, Refuse,Sewer and Water District are considered special Districts Funds.The Special District funds are all balanced. Property taxes for Special District Funds amount to$7.4 million,which is an increase of$.1 million from the 2020 budgets. Other budgeted revenue in the Special District Funds are$2.2 million which represents a $.1 million increase from the 2020 budget.The tax levy increased primarily in the Fire Department. The 2021 Special District Funds appropriations total $9.8 million, a decrease of $.1 million. The increase is due to contractual obligations increases, a significantly larger than normal increase for the retirement contribution and new debt service in the Fire Department. Savings was realized by deferring capital project transfers in the Fire Department and Sewer Department. 24 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARY DEBT The Town has conservatively managed debt so that debt service remains stable.Investment in aging infrastructure has and will continue to be a priority for the Town. Capital projects that were approved in the 2020 Capital Plan were partially financed through the issuance of new debt. Debt service on these projects will begin in calendar year 2021. The Town's overall outstanding debt at the end of 2020 is$40.8 million and accounts for 5.2%of its$635 million debt capacity.The Town's operating budget can sustain the planned debt service. The Town intends to keep debt service level and outstanding debt declining going forward by implementing a capital plan. Outstanding Debt 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,0001111111 . ti� 1> titi ti'' ti� tih $ ti! ti% ti°' ,10 ,0 ,O ,O ,0 ,0 ,O ,ti0 ,ti0 ,0 ■Outstanding Debt Long Range Financial Plan The Town is in good financial standing and has steadily increased fund balances through conservative budgeting practices, implementation of cost cutting methods, carefully planned capital projects and reallocated available resources. Moody's Investor Services has recently affirmed the Town's Aaa bond rating siting that the stable outlook reflects our expectation that the town's financial position will remain strong and sufficient for the rating category over the next 18 to 24 months. It is fortunate that the Town has a healthy fund balance as the fiscal challenges resulting from the pandemic place hardships on municipalities,taxpayers and small businesses.The strategic use of fund balance in 2021 will allow the Town to weather the continued effects of the pandemic and reduce the tax burden. We will continue to employ these strategies into the future, while at the same time working towards our strategic goals. We will monitor our budgets continuously in accordance with the Town's new Budget Policy to identify significant variances and make budget amendments as necessary. The Town's long term plan is to minimize the use of fund balances for operating expenses and increase reserves for one-time capital projects and unanticipated needs.This will be done by increasing the tax levy and revenues to offset increases in utilities, health insurance, and contractual increases. 25 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX LEVIES & RATES The calculation of tax levies and tax rates can be confusing. The amount of property tax for each property owner is based on the following: Assessed Values: The 2020 final assessed values estimate the reasonable market value of properties as of July 1, 2019 and the condition of properties as of May 1, 2020 for the 2021 budget. Adjustments to the Town's final assessment roll such as court orders, small claims assessment review decisions, exemption adjustments and NYS Department of Taxation and Finance- Office of Real Property Tax Service directives are made in compliance with NYS Real Property Tax Law. The Town and County tax rates will be calculated using the taxable assessed values in March 2021 which may vary from the current assessed values used to calculate tax rates in the 2021 Budget. Tax Levy:The Town's budgeted expenses less non-tax revenues is the amount needed to be raised through property taxes.This net amount is called the Tax Levy. As described in the Budget Message, the increase in the levy is capped based on a NYS mandated formula.The tax levy cap for 2021 was calculated as 2.20%or$595,864.The proposed tax levy increase in the 2021 Budget is 1.81%or an increase of$488,973. Tax Rate: The tax rate is the tax levy divided by the total taxable assessed value of all property in the Town. The amount needed to run the Town is divided proportionately to each property based on assessed values.There is not cap on the tax rate increase as the change reflects both the change in assessed value and the change in the tax levy. Equalization Rate: The percentage of full value at which taxable real property in a city, town or village is assessed as determined by the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance - Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS). The rate is a ratio of the sum of the locally determined assessed values for all taxable parcels for a given assessment roll divided by ORPTS's estimate of total full value for that same roll. The Town's current equalization rate remains at 100% meaning that the current assessed values represent 100% of a property's full market value. The rate is used to equalize the market value between municipalities and in the apportionment of taxes among municipal segments of school district and county taxes. 27 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2020-21 TAX LEVY COMPARISON Tax Cap = 2.20% $595,864 Less: 2021 Tax Levy Increase (488,973) Carryover to 2022 Budget $106,891 2020 2021 %Changein Fund Fund Tax Levy Tax Levy Variance Tax Levy A General Fund-Townwide $ 4,814,798 $ 5,015,738 $ 200,940 4.17% B General Fund-Part Town 9,887,568 $ 10,103,720 216,152 2.19% DB Highway Fund 5,078,575 $ 4,995,250 (83,325) -1.64% SF Fire District 4,160,699 $ 4,301,096 140,397 3.37% SL Street lighting District 304,273 $ 299,172 (5,101) -1.68% SM Ambulance District 599,624 $ 621,493 21,869 3.65% SR Garbage District 2,200,103 $ 2,198,144 (1,959) -0.09% SS Sewer District - - - - SW Water District - - - - TOTAL $ 27,045,640 $ 27,534,613 $ 488,973 1.81% 2020-21 TAX RATE COMPARISON (Per $1,000 of Taxable A.V.) 2020 2021 Actual Tax Tax Rate Increase Fund Fund Rate Estimate* (Decrease) A General Fund-Townwide 0.49 0.51 0.02 B General Fund-Part Town 2.30 2.35 0.05 DB Highway Fund 1.18 1.16 (0.02) SF Fire District 0.97 1.00 0.03 SL Street Lighting District 0.07 0.07 - SM Ambulance District 0.06 0.06 - SR Garbage District 0.51 0.51 - SS Sewer District - - SW Water District - - - TOTAL 5.58 5.66 0.08 Tax Rate Increase 1.46% *Based on current assessed value and rounded 28 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX LEVIES & RATES Assessed Values for 2020 and 2021 are actuals as of March 2020 and September 2020 respectively. GENERAL FUND AMBULANCE 2020 2021 2020 2021 Assessed Valuation $ 9,749,092,921 $ 9,764,089,823 $ 9,836,668,541 $ 9,857,319,062 Average Assessed Value $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 Tax Levy: $ 4,814,798 $ 5,015,738 $ 599,624 $ 621,493 Percentage Change-Tax Levy 4.40% 4.17% -12.86% 3.65% Tax Rates-Current Year 0.493872 0.513692 0.060958 0.063049 Tax Rates-Prior Year 0.472969 0.493872 0.069918 0.060958 Tax Rates-Increase 0.020903 0.019820 (0.00896) 0.00209 Percentage Change-Tax Rate 4.42% 4.01% -12.82% 3.43% Tax-Average AV $ 620.80 $ 642.63 $ 76.62 $ 78.87 Year to Year Annual Tax Increase $ 26.28 $ 21.83 $ (11.26) $ 2.25 PART TOWN HIGHWAY 2020 2021 2020 2021 Assessed Valuation $ 4,294,625,309 $ 4,295,627,541 $ 4,294,625,309 $ 4,295,627,541 Average Assessed Value $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 Tax Levy: $ 9,887,568 $ 10,103,720 $ 5,078,575 $ 4,995,250 Percentage Change-Tax Levy 0.28% 2.19% -0.66% -1.64% Tax Rates-Current Year 2.302312 2.352094 1.182542 1.162869 Tax Rates-Prior Year 2.292624 2.302312 1.156764 1.182542 Tax Rates-Increase 0.009688 0.049782 0.025778 (0.019674) Percentage Change-Tax Rate 0.42% 2.16% 2.23% -1.66% Tax-Average AV @$1,257,000 $ 2,894.01 $ 2,942.47 $ 1,486.46 $ 1,454.75 Year to Year Annual Tax Increase $ 12.12 $ 48.46 $ 32.25 $ (31.71) 29 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX LEVIES & RATES STREETLIGHTING GARBAGE 2020 2021 2020 2021 Assessed Valuation $ 4,327,051,466 $ 4,331,131,263 $ 4,327,051,466 $ 4,331,131,263 Average Assessed Value $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 Tax Levy: $ 304,273 $ 299,172 $ 2,200,103 $ 2,198,144 Percentage Change-Tax Levy 4.35% -1.68% 1.73% -0.09% Tax Rates-Current Year 0.070319 0.069075 0.508453 0.507522 Tax Rates-Prior Year 0.069594 0.070319 0.507718 0.508453 Tax Rates-Increase 0.000725 (0.001244) 0.000735 (0.000931) Percentage Change-Tax Rates 1,04% -1.77% 0.14% -0.18% Tax-Average AV @$1,257,000 $ 88.39 $ 86.41 $ 639.13 $ 634.91 Annual Increase $ 0.91 $ (1.98) $ 0.92 $ (4.22) FIRE TOTAL 2020 202.1 2020 2021 Assessed Valuation $ 4,327,051,466 $ 4,331,131,263 Average Assessed Value $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 $ 1,257,000 $ 1,251,000 Tax Levy: $ 4,160,699 $ 4,301,096 $ 27,045,640 $ 27,534,613 Percentage Change-Tax Levy 4.35% 3.37% 2.00% 1.81% Tax Rates-Current Year 0.961555 0.993065 5.580011 5.661366 Tax Rates-Prior Year 0.895151 0.961555 5.460000 5.580011 Tax Rates-Increase 0.066404 0.031510 0.120011 0.081355 Percentage Change-Tax Rates 7.42% 3.28% 2.20% 1.46% Tax-Average AV @$1,257,000 $ 1,208.67 $ 1,242.32 $ 7,014.07 $ 7,082.37 Annual Increase $ 83.47 $ 33.65 $ 150.85 $ 68.30 30 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX REFUNDS BASED ON TAX CERTIORARIS 2011-2021 YEAR Budget Actual 2011 360,700 207,215 2012 353,000 174,164 2013 335,500 167,591 2014 303,000 63,334 2015 205,000 149,843 2016 193,500 282,640 2017 193,500 165,930 2018 188,500 292,094 2019 430,100 396,691 2020(Esti mate) 348,150 142,383 2021 (Budget) 265,500 TAX CERTIORARIS 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 - w 100,000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 BUDGET ACTUAL 31 TOWN OF MAMARONECK PROPERTY TAX CAP CALCULATION 2020 Tax Levy $27,045,640 Tax Base Growth Factor X 1.0006% ➢ Based on State Tax and Finance determination of"quantity change" such as new construction, newly taxable status of existing property or measurable improvements to taxable property or measurable improvements to taxable property within the Town of Mamaroneck $27,061,867 Plus PILOTs receivables in 2020 -0- Allowable Levy Growth Factor X 1.0156% ➢ Lesser of 1.02%or inflation factor(percent change in CPI for the 12 month period ending 6 months before the start of the coming fiscal year over the prior 12 month period) but not lower than 1.00% $27,484,033 Less PILOT receivables in 2019 -0- Plus:Available carryover from FYE 2020 23,657 Plus expenditures from court orders or judgments arising from tort actions in excess of 5%of the tax levy(certioraris cannot be included) -0- Plus increases to the average actuarial contribution rate of pension funds in excess of 2%: ➢ Employees Retirement System- Excess of 2% 133,814 ➢ Police and Firefighters Retirement System-Excess 2.0% $ 129,280 Total Tax Levy Limit for 2021 $27,641,504 Total Increase for All Budget Funds $595,864 Total Increase on aercenta a basis 2.20% P 9 32 Left Intentionally Blank 33 FINANCIAL SUMMARIES , 34 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FUND AND FUNCTION RELATIONSHIP MATRIX General Part Highway Fire Street Ambulance Garbage Sewer Water Department Name Fund Town District Lighting Ambulance District X Assessor X Buildings X Buildings&Grounds X Community Services X X Comptroller X Conservation X X Engineering X X Fire X Garbage District X Highway X X X X X Human Resources X X Information Technology x X Justice Court X Police X Recreation X X Town Administrator X X Town Attorney X Town Board X Town Clerk X X Town Supervisor X X Water District X 35 TOWN OF MAMARONECK REVENUE DEFINITIONS AND FORECAST METHODOLOGY The purpose of providing the methods for forecasting revenues is to validate the forecast over time and to utilize the information in making future forecasts.The following assumptions and methods were used to formulate the revenues in the 2021 Budget: Revenue Source Definition Forecast Methodology Property Taxes-Advalorem Property Tax is based on value of Property taxes are calculated by real property.The assessed value multiplying the taxable value(tax of each parcel less exemptions is roll)of all properties in the Town the taxable value.Advalorem by the rate of taxation or rate per property taxes are based on the $1,000 of assessed valuation. taxable value Departmental Income Income generated by each Historical trend analysis adjusted department's operations that are for any rate increases not fee or fine based Mortgage Tax Revenue New York State imposes a tax on Historical trend analysis based on the privilege of recording a housing sale trends mortgage on real property located within the state a portion of which is provided to local governments Interest and Earnings Revenue derived from the Historical trend analysis adjusted investment of cash balances.The for rate changes Town maximizes cash flow whenever possible to generate interest earnings. Licenses and Permits Building and engineering permits, Historical trend analysis animal licenses,bingo permits, parking permits,mooring permits,filming permits,GIS fees,accessory apartment permits and sign permits Fines and Forfeitures Settlement of cases taken to Historical trend analysis court. Sales Tax Distributed from Westchester Historical trend analysis County to Towns and Villages on a per capita basis.Sales tax rate is 8.375%. Federal and State Aid Funding provided by the Federal Historical trend analysis adjusted and State government for any Federal/State funding allocation modifications Interfund Revenues Allocation of common costs Allocation of common costs based on the annual budget 36 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES The Town of Mamaroneck's primary source of revenue is the local real property tax. Charges and fees assessed by Town departments is a distant second. Other sources include the mortgage tax,franchise revenue, state aid,federal aid and interest revenue. In 2021,the total budgeted revenue for all funds is $42,121,768 which includes the use of fund balances and transfers between funds. All funds are balanced. Therefore, total revenues equal total expenses. This analysis includes the General, Part Town, Highway, Fire District,Street Lighting, Ambulance, Garbage,Sewer and Water District funds. %Change Funding Sources 2019 2020 2020 2021 % 2021 vs Actual Adopted Budget Projected Budget Budget 2020 Property Taxes $ 26,367,087 $ 27,045,640 $ 26,885,592 $ 27,534,613 65.1% 1.81% Other Tax Items 3,010,233 2,829,400 2,963,126 2,761,400 6.5% -2.40% Departmental Income 6,095,034 5,460,214 3,224,789 4,439,468 10.5% -18.69% Intergovernmental Funds 552,072 547,750 462,200 543,150 1.3% -0.84% Use of Money and Property 723,539 610,650 477,878 422,460 1.0% -30.82% Licenses&Permits 1,130,746 781,900 727,063 736,900 1.7% -5.76% Fines&Forfeitures 296,018 286,000 109,236 186,000 0.4% -34.97% Sale of Property 172,345 26,500 57,776 26,500 0.1% 0.00% Federal and State Aid 2,383,101 2,344,555 2,492,618 2,291,108 5.4% -2.28% Interfund Transfers 316,570 241,380 241,380 681,380 1.6% 182.29% Miscellaneous 360,116 44,650 109,322 144,455 0.3% 223.53% Appropriated Fund Balance - 1,903,129 2,548,500 6.0% 33.91% TOTAL $ 41,406,861 $ 42,121,768 $ 37,750,980 $ 42,315,934 100.0% 0.46% Federal&State Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers 2021 Revenue Budget Aid p% 2% S9Appropriated Fund Licenses&PermitsBalance 2% /-77- 6% Use of Money and pif11 r obaa® Intergovernmental \ Funds 1% Departmental Income 11% Property Taxes 65% Other Tax • 7% 37 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Property Tax The property tax is the largest (65%) and most important revenue source for the Town. As the default revenue source,it must cover all expenses that cannot be funded by other sources.Property taxes are a function of the Town's revenue needs, assessed values of properties within the Town and the equalization rate set by New York State.The Town Assessor determines the value of each parcel of taxable real property within the Town. The total value of all of the taxable properties (minus exemptions) becomes the tax base from which the revenue required by the town must be obtained.The tax rate is calculated by dividing the revenue required by the total assessed valuation of all taxable properties. Each owner is taxed based on his proportion of the total tax base. Property tax revenue in 2021 is budgeted at$27.5 million for all taxing districts and represents 65% of Town operating revenues. The 2020 property tax revenue was $26.4 million and represented 64% of the operating revenues for all taxing districts. This increase in tax revenue is a result of raising taxes to offset the loss of revenues.The Town typically collects approximately 99%of its tax levy.This collection rate continued for the 2020 tax collections despite the economic challenges of the pandemic. It is important to note, however, that all uncollected County and School taxes become the responsibility of the Town.The Town must also collect and guarantee 100%of the tax revenue to both the County and the School. Fees for Service The Town, endeavors to stabilize property taxes, by applying fees for services as an alternative to the ad valorem tax. Fees for services is a responsible way to permit residents to control their expenses for certain municipal services by paying only for what they use. They are included in the Departmental Income budget line The Town has applied this philosophy to several different services: • Recreation: In 2021, as a result of the pandemic,the Recreation Department revenues will be over $1.8 million and fund roughly 73% of the department's operating budget. Residents will pay for the programs and services they use most. Typically, recreation revenues cover approximately 93% of the costs but due to the state mandated limited capacities, revenues and payroll related expenses will be lower than normal while fixed costs will not fluctuate based on usage. The budget anticipates that the limited schedules will be in place throughout 2021. Recreation revenues do not cover expenses for debt and some employee benefits. • Water Service: The Town is a member community in the Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW). Residents pay directly to the WJWW for water service. The Town does incur water related expenses for capital projects and maintaining the fire protection system. Those expenses are also funded through the water fees paid to the WJWW. 100%of water related expenses are funded by water use fees. • Sewer Service: In 2014 the Town initiated a sewer rent to pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the sanitary sewer system. Like water service,sewer rent fees subsidize 100% of the cost of sewer service. We have discovered that for most every property owner the sewer rent charge paid on their water bill has turned out to be less than if the cost of sewer service was built into the property tax bill. 38 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES • Ambulance Service: Emergency medical care is a necessary service to provide residents the security in knowing that this care is available in an emergency. Using available sources of revenues such as Medicare, Medicaid and private health insurance plans,the Town is able to cover roughly 73% of the cost of maintaining this service as the budget includes a 5% decline in projected revenue based on current and anticipated call volume. • State Aid: $1,707,000- Decreases by $37,000 in large part due to the anticipated increase of$107,000 in mortgage tax revenue based on current trends and the real estate market indicators. This is offset by the reclassification of State Aid to Miscellaneous as the payment is being funded through Sales Tax and has been reclassified as Miscellaneous by the State Comptroller. The State has indicated that there will be a 20% cut in State Aid to municipalities$28k that is reflected in the budget. I ' Mortgage Tax Revenue $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 estimate Budget Budget Actual TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES ➢ Other Tax Items-Sales Tax:$2,250,000—Decreases by$68,000—Sales tax revenue from the sale of goods and services particularly gasoline and fuel products appear to be steady despite the pandemic. Based on the first two quarters, it is estimated that sales tax for 2020 will exceed the $2.4 million budget by$46,000.The Town elected to conservatively budget the sales tax rate increase of 1% enacted in 2019 and as a result, the estimated revenues for 2020 will meet or slightly exceed the budget. SALES TAX HISTORY 2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1500,000.00 1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 ,000,000.00 500,000.00 0.00 0,1' ,0 '044 ,yds ,y04) ,Lob.‘ Oti ti0 c`, aQ'eti ■Budget •Actual ➢ Department Income:$4,439,468—A significant decrease primarily as a result of the limited recreation schedule, parking permit revenue permit revenue is lower than usual as employees work from home. > Licenses and Permits: $736,900 — Decrease of $45,000 as property owners continue to make improvements to their homes but the Town cautiously reduced revenue to reflect current trends. > Fines& Forfeitures: $186,000—Decrease of$100k is anticipated for Town court activities. > Use of Money and Property- $422,460— Decrease of$188,190— Included in this category of revenue is interest/investment income and rent income. Investment rates that apply to local government have decreased significantly since the pandemic began and although the Town's cash balances have been consistent, investment rates are at best 5 basis points. This rate drop has caused a budgetary gap of about$188,000. The Town will continue to invest its funds in compliance with the Town's Investment Policy and General Municipal Law to secure the best returns possible. 40 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Appropriated Fund Balance: The last form of revenue applied to the Town Budget are surplus funds maintained in the Town's various budget funds. The 2021 Tentative Budget includes an application of$2,548,500 of surplus funds. This includes an appropriation for one-time capital project transfers of$660,000.In addition, $1,888,000 has been appropriated for operations which is 72%higher than the 2020 appropriation. Over the last five years the Town has successfully maintained a surplus management program targeting surplus levels at 15-25%of appropriations in most of our budget funds. With nine budget funds,a surplus is maintained for each fund. That is important to note since pursuant to New York State Finance Law,funds cannot be moved from one fund to the other. Maintaining a healthy surplus is critical to the overall financial strength of the Town government. A strong surplus position is looked upon in a positive way by the bond rating agencies. A strong surplus means that funds are available for unexpected expenses and that the Town does not necessarily need to borrow funds for the unexpected. With the Town as the guarantor of both the School District tax levy and the Town's portion of the Westchester County tax levy,surplus becomes a cash flow tool to insure our ability to remit those tax levies as required. The Town recognizes the economic hardships many are facing as a result of the pandemic. Fund balances have been utilized to mitigate the tax burden while maintaining the balances in compliance with the fund balance policies.We anticipate that the recovery from the pandemic will slowly begin in 2021 and that the use of fund balances will decline as Town activities and attendance resumes at a full schedule. APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE HISTORY 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 4, 500,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 41 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR EXPENDITURES Expenditures In 2021 the Town of Mamaroneck estimates that expenditures will total $42,315,934 to provide services to the residents of the Town. The expenditure proposal for 2021 represents an increase of$194,166 or .46 over last year. As proposed the Town budget continues to provide all of the services currently provided to property owners in the Town. To try to simplify the understanding of our budget expenditures the illustration on the following page presents the major functions of the government as a percentage of the whole. INTER FUND TRANSFERS-DEBT Expenses by Classification SERVICE INTERFUND TRANSFERS- $3,594,587 CAPITAL 8% $1,291,500 3% PERSONAL SERVICES $16,028,276 38% CONTRACTUAL $10,705,081 25% 44041, EQUIPMENT $311,080 1% EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $10,385,410 25% Expenses by Function Gen.Govt. Public Works $$5,535,386 $6,924,054 16% 13% Cult&Rec. $3,953,143 Public Safety 9% $9,954,329 24% Debt Sery $3,594,587 9% Land Use Admin $500,348 1% Emp.Ben Social Services $10,385,410 $1,468,677 25% 3% 42 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAJOR EXPENDITURES Expense Drivers • On-going and future costs for personnel and employee benefits • Technology Improvements to enhance the delivery of services and continually enhance cyber security • Economic conditions in the nation and in the region that effect pricing of goods and services • Aging infrastructure that must be replaced and maintained • Maintaining fiscal stability with adequate reserves in place • Continuing effects of the pandemic on Town operations The above list of expense drivers tells just a portion of the evaluation process that the Town must go through when estimating expenses.Consider that the Town's public safety departments: Police, Fire and Ambulance Service are on 24 hour call throughout the year. When the snow falls and the Highway Department begins its response to the storm,they must stay on task until that time when the snow is completely removed from streets and sidewalks. The Highway Department must also plan for those other storms and emergencies that cannot wait until the next regular workday to be resolved. The Town does not pick up a limited amount of garbage each day. Rather it must collect all of the garbage that has been set out by the residential and commercial property owners in the Town. The bottom line is that many of the Town's services are provided on virtually an unlimited basis which is also a challenge during budget preparation. The Town plans to continue to comply with State regulated pandemic guidelines by limiting capacity at the pool and the ice rink that has recently reopened. The capacity limits affect the projected revenues and expenses correspondingly. As a result of the pandemic, rates have increased for health insurance, liability insurance and most significantly the pension contribution. In response the Town has instituted various cost saving measures as we anticipate the long term effects on the economy. The most significant variances in expenses are as follows: Employee Benefits As discussed above,the New York State Retirement System provided rate estimates for the next two years.The rates have increased by about 6-8%of salaries which amounts to a total budgetary increase of$455,000 of 18.6%. The State has upgraded their enterprise systems and for the first time has been able to provide a cost per employee so that an accurate allocation by fund can be made. The Town has not received the estimated increase in health insurance rates from NYSHIP but has included a 6%rate increase which amounts to a budgetary increase of$171,000 of 3.6%as a result of conservative budget practices. The increase in benefits is offset by savings in contractual expenses as a result of the reduced recreation programs. 43 _ Left Intentionally Blank 44 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND COMBINED BUDGET 2021 2021 2021 Estimated Appropriated 2021 Fund Fund Appropriations Revenues Fund Balance Tax Levy A General Fund-Townwide $ 12,198,926 $ 5,923,688 $ 1,259,500 $ 5,015,738 B General Fund-Part Town 14,752,000 3,733,280 915,000 10,103,720 DB Highway Fund 5,506,500 429,250 82,000 4,995,250 SF Fire District 4,301,1% 100 - 4,301,096 SL Street Lighting District 299,172 - - 299,172 SM Ambulance District 1,583,493 932,000 30,000 621,493 SR Garbage District 2,198,144 - - 2,198,144 SS Sewer District 634,280 622,280 12,000 - SW Water District 842,223 592,223 250,000 - TOTAL $ 42,315,934 $ 12,232,821 $ 2,548,500 $ 27,534,613 2020 2020 2020 Estimated Appropriated 2020 Fund Fund Appropriations Revenues Fund Balance Tax Levy A General Fund-Townwide $ 13,166,456 $ 7,164,555 $ 1,187,103 $ 4,814,798 B General Fund-Part Town 13,631,671 3,478,077 266,026 9,887,568 DB Highway Fund 5,543,475 464,900 - 5,078,575 SF Fire District 4,162,199 1,500 - 4,160,699 SL Street Lighting District 304,273 - - 304,273 SM Ambulance District 1,559,624 960,000 - 599,624 SR Garbage District 2,200,103 - - 2,200,103 SS Sewer District 571,324 571,324 - - SW Water District 982,643 532,643 450,000 - TOTAL $ 42,121,768 $ 13,172,999 $ 1,903,129 $ 27,045,640 4 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY CLASSIFICATION COMBINED FUNDS 2020 2020 2019 Adopted YTD 2020 2021 $ % DECSRIPTION Actual Budget 9/30/20 Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $26,367,087 $27,C45,640 $ 27,024,611 $26,885,592 $ 27,534,613 $ '::,973 1.81% Other Tax Items 3,010,233 2,829,400 1,678,570 2,963,126 2,761,400 (68,000) -2.4% Departmental Income 6,095,034 5,460,214 2,403,384 3,224,789 4,439,468 (1,020,746) -18.7% Intergovernmental Charges 552,072 547,750 240,016 462,200 543,150 (4,600) -0.8% Use of Money&Property 723,539 610,650 373,943 477,878 422,460 (188,190) -30.8% Licenses&Permits 1,130,746 781,900 660,819 727,063 736,900 (45,000) -5.8% Fines&Forfeitures 296,018 286,000 89,236 109,236 186,000 (100,000) -35.0% Sale of Property/Compensation for loss 172,345 26,500 45,823 57,776 26,500 - 0.0% Miscellaneous 360,116 44,650 32,259 109,322 144,455 99,805 223.5% State&Federal Aid 2,383,101 2,344,555 766,075 2,492,618 2,291,108 (53,447) -2.3% Interfund Transfers 316,570 241,380 173,000 241,380 681,380 440,000 182.3% Appropriated Fund Balance - 1,903,129 - 2,548,500 645,371 33.9% TOTAL REVENUES $41,406,861 $42,121,]68 $33,487,736 $37,750,':t $ 42,315,934 $ 194,166 0.46% Expenditures Personal Services $15,369,060 $ 15,957,921 $ 11,023,346 $ 14,728,500 $ 16,028,276 $ 70,355 0.44% Employee Benefits 9,631,183 9,996,466 6,074,317 9,635,918 10,385,410 388,944 3.89% Equipment 309,662 263,580 147,695 319,100 311,13 47,500 18.02% Contractual 10,395,353 11,224,105 5,921,399 9,104,300 10,705,081 (519,024) -4.62% Interfund Transfers-Capital/Ops 1,854,318 1,502,879 1,511,191 2,049,500 1,291,500 (211,379) -14.06% InterfundTransfers-DebtService 3,359,774 3,176,817 3,176,817 3,176,817 3,594,587 417,770 13.15% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $40,919,350 $42,121,768 $27,854,765 $39,014,135 $ 42,315,934 $ 194,166 0.46% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE; $ 487,511 1 $ $ 5,632,971 $ (1,263,155)'$ - $ - 46 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND GENERAL FUND (A) 2020 - $ 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 Budget % DECSRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 4,500,208 $ 4,814,798 $ 4,810,825 $ 4,654,750 $ 5,015,738 $ 200,940 4.17% Other Tax Items 818,786 511,400 543,588 599,061 511,400 - 0.0% Departmental Income 3,245,596 3,167,000 834,704 927,:1: 2,150,565 (1,016,435) -32.1% Intergovernmental Charges 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,750 5,000 - 0.0% Use of Money&Property 622,670 583,700 364,586 468,338 420,860 (162,840) -27.9% licenses&Permits 96,016 W,300 19,659 42,659 50,300 (10,000) -16.6% Fines&Forfeitures 286,313 280,000 85,991 103,991 180,000 (100,000) -35.7% Sale of Property/Compensation for lo! 8,269 - 525 - - Miscellaneous 213,434 42,600 29,972 105,034 144,455 101,855 239.1% State&Federal Aid 2,259,232 2,341,555 728,343 2,453,882 2,288,108 (53,447) -2,3% Interfund Transfers 158,625 173,000 173,000 173,000 173,000 - 0.0% Appropriated Fund Balance - 1,187,103 1,259,500 72,397 6.1% TOTAL REVENUES $ 12,214,149 $ 13,166,456 $ 7,596,193 $ 9,534,273 $ 12,198,926 $ (967,530) -7.3% Expenditures Personal Services $ 4,755,032 $ 5,345,919 $ 3,307,233 $ 4,271,101 $ 4,853,462 $ (492,457) -9.2% Employee Benefits 2,251,714 2,421,416 1,420,698 2,274,357 2,489,175 67,759 2.8% Equipment 106,317 68,550 10,112 111,455 57,550 (11,000) -16.0% Contractual 3,463,391 4,078,833 1,902,356 2,999,089 3,202,582 (876,251) -21.5% Interfund Transfers-Capital/TOV Fund 770,075 288,979 93,945 316,671 507,500 218,521 75.6% Interfund Transfers-Debt Service 1,089,812 962,759 962,759 962,759 1,088,657 125,898 13.1% Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTALUPENDITURES $ 12,436,341 $ 13,166,456 $ 7,697,103 $10,935,432 $ 12,198,926 $ (967,530) -7.3% NET CHANGE INFUNDBALANCE $ (222,192) $ • $ (100,910) $(1,401,159) $ - $ - 47 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND PART TOWN FUND (B) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DECSRIPT1ON Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 9,843,286 $ 9,887,568 $ 9,879,877 $ 9, ,568 $ 10,103,720 $ 216,152 2.19% Other Tax Items 2,191,447 2,318,000 1,134,982 2,364,065 2,250,000 (68,000) -2.9% Departmental Income 562,893 354,547 183,625 235,887 274,Ni (79,747) -22.5% I nte rgove rnme ntal Charges 6,547 4,500 2,717 2,717 4,500 - - Use of Money&Property - - licenses&Permits 1,034,730 721,600 641,160 684,404 686,600 (35,000) -4.9% Fines&Forfeitures 9,705 6,000 3,245 5,245 6,000 - 0.0% Sale of Property/Compensation for loss - 3,122 Miscellaneous 139,620 2,050 1,399 3,398 (2,050) -100.0% State&Federal Aid 5,000 3,000 12,720 13,720 3,000 - Interfund Transfers 117,070 68,380 68,380 508,380 440,000 643.5% Appropriated Fund Balance 266,026 915,000 648,974 244.0% TOTAL REVENUES $13,910,298 $13,631,671 $11,862,847 $13,265,384 $14,752,000 $1,120,329 8.2% Expenditures Personal Services $ 6,286,470 $ 6,146,584 $ 4,405,605 $ 6,058,377 $ 6,539,357 $ 392,773 6,4% Employee Benefits 4,214,267 4,378,015 2,609,731 4,234,000 4,643,900 265,:': 6.1% Equipment 86,764 84,500 49,366 78,772 110,000 25,500 30.2% Contractual 2,266,108 2,517,715 1,419,715 2,138,581 2,985,214 467,499 18.6% Interfund Transfers-Capital/General Fun 255,599 356,100 344,945 457,793 322,000 (34,100) -9.6% Interfund Transfers-Debt Service 168,843 148,757 148,757 148,757 151,529 2,772 1.9% TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 13,278,051'$13,631,671 $ 8,978,119 $13,116,280 $ 14,752,000 $1,120,329 8.2% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 632,247 $ - $ 2,:•:',728 $ 149,104 $ - $ - 48 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND HIGHWAY FUND (DB) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ Description Actual Budget YID Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 4,966,518 $ 5,078,575 $ 5,074,695 $ 5,078,575 $ 4,995,250 $ (83,325) -L64% OtherTax Items 20,000 42,IN 49,086 25,000 5,000 25.0% Other Real Property Taxes • Departmental Income 30,300 - Intergovernmental Charges 122,749 418,250 52,439 329,555 377,250 (41,000) -9.8% Use of Money&Property 1,012 150 2,082 2,171 500 350 233.3% licenses&Permits - Fines&Forfeitures - Sale of Property/Compensation for los 139,389 26,500 41,895 57,495 26,500 - 0.0% Miscellaneous 7% 889 - State&Federal Aid 118,870 - - - #DIV/0! _ InterfundTransfers-Debt 296,694 - 128,117 • #DIV/0! Appropriated Fund Balance 82,000 82,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 5,676,328 $ 5,543,475 $ 5,342,203 $ 5,517,771 $ 5,506,500 $ (36,975) -0.67% Expenditures Personal Services $ 1,913,527 $ 1,926,633 $ 1,451,303 $ 1,882,921 $ 1,990,512 $ 63,879 3.3% Employee Benefits 1,536,969 1,470,910 978,820 1,405,668 1,479,520 8,610 0.6% Equipment 29,297 36,400 7,240 18,082 36,400 - 0.0% Contractual Expenses 1,259,190 1,237,168 502,398 1,044,787 1,175,400 (61,768) -5.0% Interfund Transfers-Capital 204,368 173,000 74,300 145,831 82,000 (91,000) -52.6% Interfund Transfers-Debt 778,581 699,364 699,364 699,364 742,668 43,304 6.2% Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies _ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 5,721,932 $ 5,543,475 $ 3,713,425 $ 5,196,653 $ 5,506,500 $ (36,975) -0.67% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ (45,604) $ • $ 1,628,778 $ 321,118 $ - $ - i 49 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND FIRE DISTRICT FUND (SF) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DESCRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $3,872,714 $4,160,699 $4,157,695 $4,160,699 $4,301,096 $140,397 3.4% Other Tax Items - -Departmental Income - Use of Money&Property 66,045 1,500 26 26 100 (1,400) 100.0% Sale of Property/Compensation for loss 6,268 - 281 281 - - Miscellaneous - - Interfund Transfers 19,500 - UDIV/0! Appropriated fund Balance - - - - #DIV/0! TOTAL REVENUES $3,964,527 $4,162,199 $4,158,002 $4,161,006 $4,301,196 $138,997 3.3% Expenditures Personal Services $1,525,195 $1,587,452 $1,210,485 $1,647,641 $1,669,957 $ 82,505 5.2% Employee Benefits 1,287,552 1,359,650 854,595 $1,393,972 1,425,690 66,040 4,9% Equipment 56,212 44,000 12,422 $ 25,222 44,000 - 0.0% Contractual Expenses 869,249 612,464 289,013 $ 449,385 584,685 (27,779) -4,5% Interfund Transfers-Capital 34,502 68,000 212,601 $ 212,601 18,000 (50,000) -73.5% Interfund Transfers-Debt 420,299 490,633 490,633 490,633 558,864 68,231 13.9% Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,193,009 $4,162,199 $3,069,749 $4,219,454 $4,301,196 $138,991 3,3% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ (228,482) $ • $1,088,253 $ (58,448) $ - $ - 50 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT FUND (SL) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ i DESCRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance %Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 301,1:, $ 304,273 $ 304,040 $ 304,213 $ 299,172 $ (5,101) -1.% Other Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money&Property Sale of Property/Compensation for loss 4316 Miscellaneous Irterfund Transfers 4pprcpriated Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES $ 305,402 $ 304,213 $ 304,040 $ 304,273 $ 299,112 $ (5,101) -1.196 Expenditures Personal Services $ 38,515 $ 40,255 $ 32,219 $ 41,456 $ 40,611 $ 356 0.9% Employee Benefits 29,567 26,805 17,795 27,:x: 28,840 2,035 7.6% Equipment 11,381 7,200 57,.:• 59,060 10,200 3,000 41.7% Contractual Expenses (11,313) 115,450 46,306 92,337 105,700 (9,750) -8.4% Interfund Transfers-Capital - InterfundTransfers-Debt 125,011 114,563 114,563 114,563 113,821 (742) -0.6% Undistributed Payments to Other Agenaes TOTALEJPENDITURES $ 193,161 $ 304,273 $ 268,579 $ 335,314 $ 299,172 $ (5,101) 17% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 112,241 $ - $ 35,461 $ (31,041) $ • $ 51 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND AMBULANCE DISTRICT FUND (SM) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DESCRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 686,722 $ 599,624 $ 599,078 $ 599,624 $ 621,493 $ 21,869 3.6% Other Tax Items Departmental Income 918,878 840,000 502,510 672,561 800,000 $ (40,000) -4.8% Use of Money&Property 142,458 120,000 51,743 124,183 132,000 12,000 10.0% Sale of Property/Compensation for los 2,307 - Miscellaneous 6,265 - State&Federal Aid 25,011 25,011 Interfund Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance 30,000 30,000 TOTAL REVENUES $1,756,630 $1,559,624 $1,178,342 $ 1,421,379 $ 1,583,493 $ 23,869 L5% Expenditures Personal Services $ 769,239 $ 816,539 $ 579,546 $ 778,658 $ 840,756 $ 24,217 3.0% Employee Benefits 263,422 294,225 167,924 258,575 271,700 (22,525) -7.7% Equipment 19,108 20,500 7,968 23,559 20,500 - 0.0% Contractual Expenses 411,194 411,550 252,810 332,721 420,150 8,600 2.1% Interfund Transfers-Capital 61,500 - 5,000 5,000 #DIV/0! Interfund Transfers-Debt 47,397 16,810 16,810 16,810 25,387 8,577 51.0% Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,571,860 $1,559,624 $1,025,058 $ 1,410,323 $ 1,583,493 $ 23,:: L5% NETCHANGEINFUNDBALANCE $ 184,770 $ - $ 153,284 $ 11,056 $ - $ 52 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND GARBAGE DISTRICT FUND (SR) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DECSRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes $ 2,196,553 $ 2,200,103 $ 2,198,400 $ 2,200,103 $ 2,198,144 $ (1,959) -0.09% Other Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money&Property Sale of Property/Compensation for los 11796 Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,208,349 $ 2,200,103 $ 2,198,400 $ 2,200,103 $ 2,198,144 $ (1,959) -0.09% Expenditures Personal Services - Employee Benefits - Contractual Expenses $ 2,038,373 2,105,925 $ 1,440,561 $ 1,945,234 2,091,925 $ (14,000) -0.7% Interfund Transfers-Capital Interfund Transfers-Debt 130,589 94,178 94,178 94,178 106,219 12,041 12.8% Undistributed Equipment Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,168,962 $ 2,200,103 $ 1,534,739 $ 2,039,412 $ 2,198,144 $ (1,959) •0.09% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 39,387 $ - $ 663,661 $ 160,691 $ $ - 53 1 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND SEWER DISTRICT FUND (SS) 2020 - � --- 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DESCRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes Other Tax Items Departmental Income $ 400,284 $ 571,324 $ 218,214 $ 525,000 $ 597,:':i $ 26,556 4.6% Intergovernmental Charges $ 24,400 Use of Money&Property Sale of Property/Compensation for loss Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance 12,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 400,284 $ 571,324 $ 218,214 $ 525,000 $ 634,280 $ 26,556 11.0% Expenditures Personal Services $ 81,082 $ 94,539 $ 36,953 $ 48,343 $ 93,621 $ (918) -1.0% Employee Benefits 47,692 45,445 24,754 41,562 46,585 1,140 2.5% Equipment 583 2,430 2,892 2,893 32,430 30,000 1234.6% Contractual Expenses 17,337 55,350 8,640 14,303 49,625 (5,72.5) -10.3% Interfund Transfers-Capital/Ops 98,000 95,000 95,000 107,000 9,000 9.2% Interfund Transfers-Debt 307,973 275,560 275,560 275,560 305,019 29,459 10.7% Undistributed Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 454,667 $ 571,324 $ 443,799 $ 477,661 $ 634,280 $ 62,956 11.0% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ (54,383) $ • $ (225,585) $ 47,339 $ • $ (36A00) 54 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND WATER DISTRICT FUND (SW) 2020 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2021 $ % DESCRIPTION Actual Budget YTD Projected Budget Variance Variance Revenues Property Taxes Other Tax Items Departmental Income $ 937,081 $ 507,343 $ 622,245 $ 814,447 $ 591,223 $ 83,880 17% Use of Money&Property 33,812 25,300 7,249 7,343 1,000 (24,300) -96% Sale of Property/Compensation for loss Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance 450,000 250,000 (200,000) TOTAL REVENUES $ 970,893 $ '0,643 $ 629,494 $ 821,790 $ 842,223 $ (140,420) -14% Expenditures 'Personal Services Employee Benefits Equipment Contractual Expenses $ 81,824 $ 89,650 $ 59,600 $ 87,830 $ 89,800 $ 150 0,2% Interfund Transfers-Capital 528,274 518,800 690,400 821,581 250,000 (268,800) Interfund Transfers-Debt 291,270 374,193 374,193 374,193 502,423 128,230 34.3% Undistributed - Payments to Other Agencies TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 901,368 $ 982,643 $ 1,124,193 $ 1,283,604 $ 842,223 $ (140,420) -14,3% NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $ 69,525 $ • $ (494,699) $ (461,814) $ • $ - 55 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS 56 TOWN OF MAMARONECK REVENUE BUDGET SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT 2020 2019 Adopted 2021 Increase %Increase Department Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Ambulance District $ 1,061,335 $ 960,000 $ 932,000 $ (28,000) -2.92% Assessor - - - - - Building Department 1,005,661 705,000 665,000 (40,000) -5.67% Buildings&Grounds - - - - - Community Services 631,636 653,061 621,308 (31,753) -4.86% Comptroller 385,263 294,950 101,600 (193,350) -65.55% Conservation - - - - - Engineering 90,504 55,000 45,000 (10,000) -18.18% Fire Department - - - - - Garbage District - - - - - Highway 980,353 1,026,074 1,041,030 14,956 1.46% Human Resources 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 0.00% Information Technology - - - - - Justice Court 286,313 280,000 180,000 (100,000) -35.71% Police Department 349,173 157,800 84,600 (73,200) -46.39% Recreation 2,879,842 2,810,000 1,856,065 (953,935) -33.95% Town Administrator - - - - - Town Attorney - - - - - Town Board - - - - - Town Clerk 629,899 586,647 522,100 (64,547) -11.00% Town Supervisor 23,801 500 500 - Unallocated 32,141,000 34,080,893 35,670,508 1,589,615 (34,080,893) Water District 937,081 507,343 591,223 83,880 16.53% $ 41,406,861 $ 42,121,768 $42,315,934 $ 194,166 0.46% 57 - TOWN OF MAMARONECK EXPENSE BUDGET SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT 2020 2019 Adopted 2021 Increase %Increase Department Actual Budget Budget (Decrease) (Decrease) Ambulance District $ 1,199,541 $ 1,248,589 $ 1,281,406 $ 32,817 2.63% Assessor 512,611 615,807 571,792 (44,015) -7.15% Building Department 473,880 507,393 500,348 (7,045) -1.39% Buildings &Grounds 366,467 445,204 476,147 30,943 6.95% Community Services 882,910 1,052,561 949,577 (102,984) -9.78% Comptroller 1,014,960 1,148,271 979,950 (168,321) -14.66% Conservation 124,771 131,400 133,261 1,861 1.42% Engineering 239,644 297,274 314,740 17,466 5.88% Fire Department 2,446,611 2,229,581 2,284,307 54,726 2.45% Garbage District 2,038,373 2,105,925 2,091,925 (14,000) -0.66% Highway 3,459,670 3,660,431 3,677,482 17,051 0.47% Human Resources 268,148 296,529 303,215 6,686 2.25% Information Technology 850,716 1,094,273 1,130,285 36,012 3.29% Justice Court 340,851 393,635 360,901 (32,734) -8.32% Police Department 5,726,217 5,558,551 5,793,630 235,079 4.23% Recreation 2,748,017 2,993,828 2,593,283 (400,545) -13.38% Town Administrator 294,586 303,040 310,888 7,848 2.59% Town Attorney 236,542 262,150 268,350 6,200 2.37% Town Board 31,005 32,176 30,431 (1,745) -5.42% Town Clerk 321,625 336,206 337,841 1,635 0.49% Town Supervisor 127,665 106,682 113,830 7,148 6.70% Unallocated 17,132,718 17,212,612 17,722,545 509,933 2.96% Water District 81,824 89,650 89,800 150 0.17% Total Expenses $ 40,919,352 $ 42,121,768 $ 42,315,934 $ 194,166 0.46% Net Revenue(Expenses) $ 356,630 $ - $ - $ - 58 Left Intentionally Blank 59 TOWN OF MAMARONECK --0 AMBULANCE DISTRICT Michael I.iverzani,Administrator DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Ambulance District is to provide our patients with the highest quality, compassionate pre-hospital care and safe medical transportation services through a unified team of caring professionals 24 hours a day,365 days per year. We are committed to the health and safety of our neighbors. It is our mission to maintain high standards of EMS education within the corps. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town of Mamaroneck Ambulance District, established in 1994, oversees the administration, operations, and quality of emergency paramedic ambulance services, Larchmont/Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps(LVAC) and the Village of Mamaroneck Emergency Medical Services (MEMS).The volunteers of LVAC and MEMS are trained in Basic Life Support (BLS),while the part-time paid paramedics provide Advanced Life Support(ALS).Through their coordinated efforts,the Ambulance District is able to provide round-the-clock lifesaving services throughout the year. It is becoming increasingly challenging to recruit/retain volunteer EMS providers.Therefore,the increased paid EMT hours bears monitoring for budget purposes.This is a national issue and does not reflect poorly on the two volunteer services in the Town. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS D Responded to approximately 2,900 emergency calls > As an American Heart Association Training Center,we train over 300 people in CPR,ACLS and PALS,each year. This includes members of the community and responders from the local EMS, PD and FD agencies. D Provide monthly Continuing Medical Education (CME)classes for volunteers, paid staff and FD personnel. ➢ Adapted operating procedures pertaining to COVID responses. 2021 GOALS ➢ Continue to provide efficient and compassionate emergency medical care to our community. > Work closely with the two volunteer ambulance services to insure round the clock volunteer coverage. ➢ Maintain the high level of care we currently provide through offering a wide range of training programs to employees,volunteers and the community > Continue to maintain a safe and stable working environment to be able to attract and retain quality volunteer and highly qualified Paramedic and EMT personnel. 60 TOWN OF MAMARONECK -. AMBULANCE DISTRICT Michael Liverzani,Administrator SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2)ta 2021 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 201) 2011 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Acer) Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decease) Ambulance Charges SM1640 $ 836,835 $ 918,878 $ 840000 $ 840,000 $ 502,510 $ 656,400 $ 800,000 -5% IntergovemmentCharges 5M2210 122,280 142,458 120,000 120,000 51,743 124,200 132,000 10% Federal Aid-Cares-Covid SM4989 - 3,011 25,011 TOTAL ONUS '$ 999,115'$ 1,061,336$ 96g000'S 960000 $ 579,264 $ 4811 $ 932,000 -3% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2010 2021 Budget 201$ 2019 Adopted 2020 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Adjusted Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) ParamedicSerrices SM4189 $ 975,949 $ 1,009,617 $ 1,047,0 $ 1,049,961 $ 718,742 $ 975,716 $ 1,072,106 2% Mtn mronedrVillage EMS 5M4190 96,601 92,761 101,500 101,500 59,925 78,781105,000 3% rlarchmorct/h4amarooed�VAC 5M4191 99,46 97,163 100,000 103,000 61,657 80,441. 104,300 4% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,171,016 $ 1494541 $ 1,248,589 $ 1,251,461 $ 844324 $ 1,130.938 $ 1124406 3% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Number of emergency calls 2,792 2,910 2,800 3,000 2. Students trained 300 300 100 300 3. Paid EMT Hours 3,528 4,391 4,100 4,500 61 & 8 8 8 1 e 4 id g xi el C g 84 .4 8 8 a 8 8 8 $ algt 73 a ] k 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 V_ _ u., CC m 4 _Z w m 1 1 q VI o z M z oc 1/I 0 o Q C Q aA N N N N Q N W a � @ a Ii u. U w� m � o Z z a �, CO i6 N '-4 o d N 4 g N 4 2 +° N N 5 _ n � a . o _ L' 5 1 D g 5 5 a * %R 1 H N N l a R a a a a Date Prepared: 10/18!2020 12:13 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/18!2020 Page t of 11 Account Table: AMBUL Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYO(;wAN ALeodTON: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 illsaimmit DMcrWlen OriginalAdJustad 2020 2021 -- 1ArlanoeTe 1111 !Mt 2020 2020 Actual DEPT oT --- - Ad ' _ AeYel - Budget Budget Per 1i stage au.. Type R Revenue SM.0000.1640 AMBULANCE 836,835.12 010,477.00 440,000.00 840,000.00 602,509.79 800,000.00 .,4,71% CHARGES.. SM.0000.2210 GEN SERV OTHER 122,280.00 142,458.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 51,743.00 132,000.00 10.00% GOUTS.. SM.0000 4989.2020.81 FEDERAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0D 26,011.30 AID.2020.CORONA VIRUS EXPENSES Total Dept 00 D0 11,110,12 1,011,438.11 110,0111 940,000.00 070,26409 002,140.10 412% Total Dept 4189 PARAMEDIC SERVICE 010,111L12 1.111,111.1 $10,000.00 440,41.1 170,264.09 120;11.1 4.02% Total Type R Revenue 11,110.12 1.01.330.1 11,000.00 /1,$10.1 17/,204,09 MUM 63 ■ E E E 2 ; 2 2 ■ i 0 m ■ x Ef : ( .47 0. t/k m )k 4. / ( \ j ) k \ «\ % § 6§ . I ! $ 2 244 ■ r ; & §2 g i p 2 7 §_§ § §K K Q ° Bk q ; { § NI f §# 20 § � 0 I -v ;I ) ; § $ § 1:1 § co . 9 § ; § % to ° $ % 2 . _. - g § g \ 0 § / 8 2 5 § § K - m k \ § i 0 w k § B 8 / \ be 8 8 8 8 i E § T a * E To Z _v. 0 2 ƒ £ § k § co k 2 \ § § 3 0• K 0 C . . | , ■ > i � 3 k ` i > \ § 2 E \ ! k ) 2 ) } $ ) _ , f ? ' i j 2 § : o 1§ . ; 2 Z rn a 0 Ja ) X Cat N k § # 8 a> k , k V K o § § ,| § to f4 § \ ) ) 2 j ) ) \ d 8 § I a o 6 § � J I 7 ■ Jf§ CO 1 fl ! § }; 15 o §i � I � � I I li II 2 8 88 8 8 8 8 \ § ` § § a w w L0 wi ( a \ © 1,ef I § © q e q` I1 ° cc k !§ , _ ni .- © v .- A , U t Z m • Is . ° ° e e 8 2 a e e 8 o \ § / \ § ) / oi gi 8o , 4 .2 ! d \ \ \ / k▪ ` pl 1 \ k k °■ § § § \ COU. a , 46 a . V , WI 04 : Z © 2 11 4 f § O \ ) \ § § oi \ \ i 11 § ® o § ` ;\ 10 OI Ca m AaLO LO r....(oi .- ci >- La ui. Cil \ % � _ 0. § >- id 5 o § ce \ k \ \ k) ix\ \� ~ ) § ° / kg § S§ § §2 ƒ§ /§� ) ) j ) § ! k t k , § ) % § ) § § ok ok ok no 2 % / } ) I. \ \ \ \ \ cto V) Cl)V. Cl) \ \ j Cl)43 33 U) Date Prepared: 10/18/202012:13 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BLD40111.0 Report Date: 10/18/2020 Page 4 of 11 Account Table: AMBUL Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 (Aesseed DeeerlPIbn WakedAdjustedBBN 2E1 l/arieac.To EU 2019 2020 2920 EMI INEPT DEPT Athol Aahrl Budget Budget Peri.' WE Styes Type E_ Expense Total Dept 4189 PARAMEDIC eelVICe MAPLE 1.00161117.14 1.o47,0112.00 1.111111211110 7111,741.1111 1,072,1222111 2_39% • 66 Fru /\ $ a $\ f \ \ i f § § 4 ; a a 8 # @ ° 8 @ # 8 2 @ 7 § § 2 / \ 2 § f f 2 k ni § o "I \ ( 0.N \ 0 0 \ / 0 0 U � co F i §1. # ° $ # 8 8 8 8 e ° ° 4 re• % I § ) § in, / . J § § ©• \ O 2 � §l a ` # 4 ° m ■ IL 2 k § \ 0 \ / \ 8 8 ci § , 0 ` _ § _ o 0 — f 2 0 a 1 • � k } Ln o } o \\ 8O ` ~ w y 2 2 § • § @ © . § § 0 § ni \ , \ , ~ § ) ! ZE ; § a. • k w§ § § \ \ \ \k L o. / ` » °§ ` a © 2# ° ! 0 0 o r \ G § 7 0! ! { a \ § 8 LU a q Li-o 0 09 at. 0• § . § 24 § ) § § ) 0 § \ / - \ \ co 2 0 \ CO .- •,: \ 8 \ \ \ \ ! I f « ] } B ) & k k § k k § k k 0 k to fn 0 ! ! ! ! ! 9 i 0 ( { E c. f ( § ( k ■ % ; a 4.2 k ■ s. k k E moa to # ( k § k ki \ �§ § k § �! } e§ §� 2 .rn Q / R § T | ; $ % p� 7 �2 ) f ( ! § ! . / p . § Q } ) } \ 2 $ ; 1§ 1 ■ ■ § ■ i Q ■ It $ . \ k b § a ic z al tCO CO © kJ , 9 8 8 t 8 8 g ) d k§ ) > i % P. 3 B „§ B5. a ) A I L. B B \ o ) ! §2 2 2 Z m _ ; . 2 \ , ± $ $ § \ 7 It § § !i § § ) ) ) / 8 . § I § § i ' I§ I ■E� � 4/ 41 Vl fA 0) N N N y V! Of (.0 i 3 i 3 E 3 3 3 i 3 3 3 i 3 Z e ? O A P .a. a P i a !. p Jm m m e ,-E, m m m m mm m m m m 13 p O O yO� O O O b O O O O N O i 1 6 U m O N N ... O O O J V ■ a 1� m U N m co (.r N N U ! a p C Z p -v < -0 A m NW O T nN y ,i1 Z 0 O r). 8 D S2 p S y6 %6 T > m O� fir7 Dv °a o O (n 1 6 D0 -.n n 0 r cn m �Z rn Cn (n O� T 0 m m p m V) .. a N T (-.�I a a. VV+ p t' pA pOH r U m a (0 V V O tJ O Of O V.t O� N O y Oa, O CO V O O Of a P O 01 O • a - P O N PP. a. 8 8 s o g o g 8 8 I� � �' * 8_ . Z a o o N -. V Of a - co a • Q rn g En w 8 U 8 g 8 8 8 8 3 O O O O O O O O O O O la 03 r 8 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 88 8 8 0 8 a O O N -.1 01 a CI 1 11 ? 73 0 8 8 S 8 o S 8 8 0P -E 8 8 8 I f i g al Z .• 1 rn an W m t. a U N N P 8 f IN a s a 8 8 o op o o P°i. 8 m m w b E o a O O N a 0) Q Of 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 0 a 8 og 8 § 8 B m o 0 0 o 8 o o S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 s i 0 i 01 • � � g W a O Date Prepared: 10/18/2020 12:13 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 9U04011 10 Report Date: 10/18/2020 Pepe 8 of 11 Account Tele: AMBUL Budget Preparation Report Preperod By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Tebte: Read Year:2021 Period Ftom:1 To:9 mecum pnadpp_ _._ (MOW Acquitted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2090 2020 Aged 0EPT DEPT Actual Actual ---- Budget Budget Per 14 111000 tea Type E Expense SM.4191.4059 LIABILITY INSURANCE 22,019.80 19204.80 20,000.00 20,000.00 21,640.90 24+100,00 22.00% 514.4191.4064 VEHICLE FUEL 6,210.31 5,330.20 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,127.10 6,000.00 8144101.4123 EQUIPMENT 2,316.31 678.28 2,000.00 2,000.00 805.44 2,000.00 MAINTENANCE.. SM 4191.4141) MEDICAL SUPPLIES.. 6,492.04 8,488.84 7,000.00 7,000.00 1,931,11 7,000.00 514.4191.4142 INSPECTION 5,000.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 5,750.00 0.00 5,750.00 DINNER.. 1M.41914196 OXYGEN REFILL.. 1,642.48 1,371.18 1,900.00 1,900.00 820.03 1,900.00 SM.4191.4284 TRAINING 2,760.43 2,438.72 4,000.00 4,000,00 2,345.88 4,000.00 PROGRAMS.. SM.4191.4311 COPIER LEASES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 4191 LARCHMONT!MAMARON 90,112,72 /7,113.41 100,901.00 100,900.00 61,656.97 104,300.00 4.30% ECK VAC Total Dept 4169 PARAMEDIC SERVICE 1,172,010.161 - 1,190,541.16 1,219,100.00 1,211,401.01 040,123.67 1,281,406.00 - 2.63% 70 Left Intentionally Blank 71 TOWN OF MAMARONECK e:aii ASSESSOR Pamela Valenza,Town Assessor DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Assessor's Office is to maintain a fair,accurate and equitable assessment roll. Through reassessment, the intention of this office is to preserve uniformity and level as well as maintain and update property inventories,exemption records and tax maps. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Assessor's Office is responsible for the completion of the assessment roll,the basis of which real property taxes are calculated and levied for the Town of Mamaroneck,Westchester County, the Mamaroneck School District, a portion of the Scarsdale School District and a portion of the Village of Mamaroneck. The department evaluates all real property in the Town, improved and unimproved, verifies property inventories via online and interior/exterior field inspections, records all deed transfers, administers and processes all exemptions allowable under State and local law, and records and reviews all permits in the unincorporated Town and both Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont. The office establishes parcel identifiers and subdivides or apportions when appropriate,manages and updates tax maps and maintains assessment software that includes sketches,photos, dimensions,descriptions, and areas for all structures. The department records and processes grievance complaints, supports the Board of Assessment Review with hearings/assessment data and prepares defense for and attends all small claims assessment review proceedings. The office is responsible for reviewing Real Property System (RPS) software reports/market data and collaborates with our revaluation contractor to analyze market conditions, review neighborhood delineations and ultimately complete a systematic analysis and/or reappraisal reassessment of all parcels within the Town. The department performs RPS software maintenance including updates and patches to all relevant computers as directed by New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS) and submits all annual reporting for New York State Department of Taxation and Finance ORPTS compliance. Item 2019 1 2020 2021 Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Parcel Count 8,981 8,983 8,990 2. Grievance applications 664 549 650 3. SCAR applications _ 350 300 325 4. Certiorari 163 155 160 5. Senior citizen exemptions* 155 150 145 6. Veterans* 604 590 575 7. Basic STAR exemption* 2,589 2,285 2,200 8. Enhanced STAR exemption* 563 530 500 9. Deeds processed 545 570 600 *Cooperatives included In totals 72 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ASSESSOR Pamela Valenza,Town Assessor 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Maintained equalization rate/level of assessment of 100%of full value • Complied with NYS ORPTS administrative mandates regulating STAR exemptions and STAR credits • Provided typical assessment support services to the public throughout COVID-19 pandemic 2021 GOALS • Ensure equity by conducting a reappraisal reassessment of all parcels on our assessment roll and to adjust as results indicate to reflect market conditions at 100%of full value. • Continue to adhere to New York State Department of Real Property Tax Service directives and procedures. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 ' %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decease) Town Assessor A1355 $ 594,921 $ 512,611 $ 615,807 $ 615,807 $ .+,986 $ 535,165 $ 571,792 •7% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 594,921 $ 512,611 $ 615,801 $ 615,801 $ 398,986 $ 535,165 $ 571,192 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Assessment Roll(as of 9/8/2020) $10,577,690,906 $10,602,197,427 10,708,219,401 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Tide GROUP/STEP 2021 Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1355 Town Assessor MNGIvit $ 124.520 1.00 1.00 100 A 1355 Deputy Assessor XI/8 90,340 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1355 Assessment Clerk VI/8 68.36E 1.00 1.00 1.03 A 1355 Assessment Clerk VI/8 68,366 1.00 100 1.03 TOTAL A1355-1010 $ 351,592 4.00 4.00 4.00 73 Date Prepared: 10/16/202009:03 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 6001110 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 1 of 2 Account Table: ASSMT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Att.Sort Ta0le: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 to:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1355.1010 SALARIES.. 333,904.31 342,321.16 346,732.00 346,732.00 286,716.80 351,592.00 1.40% A.1355.1011 AUTO ALLOWANCE 4,599.92 4,599.92 4,600.00 4,600.00 3,538.40 9,600.00 108.70% A.1355.1015 OVERTIME.. 0.00 218.90 1,000.00 1,000.00 334.92 1,000.00 A.1355.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 3,150.00 3,275.00 3,275.00 3,275.00 000 3,400.00 3.82% A,1355.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 5,00000 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 A.1355.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT.. 0.00 1,925.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 55.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1366.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 644.27 944.22 750.00 760.00 0.00 750,00 A_1355.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,78802 2,693 00 5,000.00 5,000.00 400.00 5,000.00 CES.. A.1355.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 1,914.00 2,012.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,232.00 2,500.00 A.1355.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 304.00 204.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 A.1355.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES.. 77.94 90.48 400.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 A.1355.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 6,080.16 22.95 6,000.00 6,000.00 48.90 6,000.00 A.1355.4108 PROFESSIONAL 156,148.57 41,815.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 10,47500 75,000.00 -25.00% APPRAISER.. 74 Date Prepared. 10/16/2202009.03 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK RUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 2 Account Table: ASSMT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To 9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A1355.4109 TAX MAP CHANGES.. 1,180.00 2 230 00 3,00003 3,0000D 0.00 3,000.00 A1355.4110 ASSESSMENT ROLL 75,000.00 100,000.00 130.000 00 130,000 00 105,000 00 100,000 00 .23 08% REVIEW.. A.1355.4111 BOARD OF REVIEW.. 4,750.00 4,750.00 4,75000 4,750.00 4,000.10 4,750.00 A.1355 4186 PROFESSIONAL 500.00 500 00 500 00 500 00 1,239 99 1,500 00 200.00% DEVELOPMENT Total Dept 1355 ASSESSOR 694,921.19 512,610.63 616,807.00 616,007.00 398,986.01 571,792.00 -7.15% Total Dept 1355 ASSESSOR 594,921.19 512,610.63 816,807.00 815,807.00 398,906.01 671,792.00 Total Type E Expense 594,921.19 512,610.63 616,807.00 616,807.00 398,986.01 671,792.00 Grand Total 594,921.19 612,610.63 616,807.00 616,807.00 398,986.01 671,792.00 -7,16% NOTE.One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. • 75 TOWN OF MAMARONECK P5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Richard Polcarl,Building Inspector DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Building Department is dedicated to providing exceptional service to the residents, commercial tenants and contractors by providing assistance with permitting requirements, quality of life complaints and answers to any questions regarding the local and state codes. The Building Department provides services that protect the health, safety, & welfare of the public through the interpretation and enforcement of local and state building and land use codes. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Building Department is responsible for the administration of the building permit process to insure that all construction complies with the relevant provisions of the Federal,State and Local Codes,including but not limited to, Building Construction, Fire Prevention, Plumbing. Personnel administer and apply the applicable codes as adopted by the State of New York and The Town of Mamaroneck.This Department is responsible for accepting, reviewing and approving applications, issuing permits and inspecting the various stages of construction. Certificates of Occupancy (CO) are issued when all documentation is received and inspections have been completed. Building and land use files are maintained for all properties within the unincorporated Town of Mamaroneck. The Division maintains a vast amount of records of the building permit and land use histories of each property. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS In the 2020 calendar year to date the Building Department issued 548 permits, 123 Certificates of Occupancy,497 Letters of Completion, investigated 296 Complaints and performed 2357 inspections. We worked with the USGA to get all required permits and approvals for the 2020 US open.The department adapted to the COVID-19 world by working remotely and we continued to review and issue permits during the entire lockdown.The department was able to scan approximately 38 live property files into Laserfiche with the help of a part time scanner/front office assistant. 2021 GOALS The Building Department's goals for 2021 are to bring the Town's Building, Electrical, plumbing and Zoning Codes up to date with the assistance of the Town's attorney. 76 TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANS BUILDING DEPARTMENT Richard Polcarl, Building Inspector SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 2021 Budget 1018 2.019 Adopted i Adjusted ' Year-to- 2020 2021 Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Zoning Fees B2110 $ 37,013 $ 9,350 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 8,500 $ 12,450 $ 15,000 -25% Building Permits B2555 673,683 745,634 550,000 550,000 456,234 500,258 500,000 -9% Other Permits B2590 195,460 250,677 135,000 135,000 145,926 174,530 150,000 11% TOTAL REVENUE $ 906,156 $1,005,661 $ 705,000 $ 705,000 $ 610,660 $ 687,238 $ 665,000 -6% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2024 1020 2021 Budget :018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 3021 Inuease DEPT Code Actual_ Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Buildings 83620 $ 431,872 $ 424,902 $ 456,059 $ 458059 $ 318977 $ 418,421 $ 448,818 -1.54% 2 Board of Appeals ::n 1 50,461 48,978 51,334 51,334 27,461 49,710 51,530 0.38% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 482,333 $ 473,820 $ 907,303 $ 507,393 $ 348,430 $ 468,131 $ $00,348 -1-3%' PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Building Permits issued 951 950 748 720 2. Inspections 3,504 3,800 3,220 3,100 3. Complaints _ 342 400 400 400 4. Active Permits 1,041 1,425 476 400 5. Zoning Board Applications 44 40 28 35 77 TOWN OF MAMARONECK lair- BUILDING DEPARTMENT Richard Polcari,Building Inspector 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUPI 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions B 3620 Building Inspects Waif $ 118,805 1.00 1.00 1.00 B 3620 Assistant Building hspector XI418 188,422 1.00 2.00 2.00 B 3620 Office Assistant I1/6 1.25 0.25 - B 3620 Office Assistant I1/4 - 1.00 . B 3620 Secretary ZBA \.V8 35,418 0.50 0.50 0.50 B 3820 Code Enforcement Officer 1.00 - - TOTAL 83620.1010 $ 342,445 5.75 3.75 3.50 B 8010 Secretary ZBA VW8 17,709 0.25 0.25 0.25 TOTAL B8010.1010 $ 17,703 0.25 0.25 0.25 Full-Time Total $ 360,154 6.00 4.00 175 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 ' GROUP! 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Hrly Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions B 3620 Code Enforcement Officer PT $35/hr $ 30,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 Part Time Office Assistant PT $2Mw $ 50,000 - 1.00 2.00 Part Time Office Scanner PT $19fir $ 9,360 - 1.00 1.00 TOTAL B3620-1021 $ 59,360 LOO 3.00 4.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 447,824 7,00 5.00 7.75 78 Date Prepared 10/16/2020 09:38 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/18/2020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table: BLDG Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description --- --------- Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Parlance To 2015 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue — — B.0000.2110 ZONING FEES.. 37,013.00 8,350.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 8,500.00 15,000.00 -25.00% 8.0000.2555 BUILDING PERMITS.. 673,683.00 745,633.53 550,000.00 550,000.00 456,234.55 500,000.00 -9.09% 8.0000.2590 OTHER PERMITS.. 195,459.85 250,677.03 135,000.00 135,000.00 145,925.54 150,000.00 11.11% Total Dept 0000906,165.56 1,006,680.68 705,000.00 705,000.00 510,860.09 685,000.00 -5.67% Total Dept 3620 BUILDING/SAFETY 908,166.06 1,005,660.66 ---705,000.00 705,000.00 610,660.09 666,000.00 -6.67% INSPECTION Total Type R Revenue 906,166.66 1,006,96036 706,000.00 706,000.00 610,660.09 666,000.00 -5.67% 79 Date Prepared: 10/16202009:3(1AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 2 03 Account Table: BLDG Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sorl Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 `Account i Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To - 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage _Stage. Type E Expense 8.3620.1010 SALARIES.. 308,897.13 345,034.22 351,159.00 351,159.00 261,667.56 342,445.00 -2.48% B.3620.1012 CLOTHING 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 ALLOWANCE 8.3620.1015 OVERTIME.. 3,858.34 783.22 2,000.00 2,000.00 86.75 1,500.00 -25.00% 8.3620.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 2,250.00 4,350.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 0.00 2,313.00 -29.91% 9.3620.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 600.00 1,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 100.00% !0.1021 SALARIES-PART 68,18350 70,666.50 87,800.00 67,800.00 54,437.25 89,360.00 1.78% TIME 8.3620.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 549.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.3620.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,189.50 387.31 1,000.00 1,000.00 310.69 1,000.00 B.3620.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,170.00 84000 3,000.00 3,000.00 840.00 3,000.00 CES.. 15.3620.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 000 760.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,085.00 2,000.00 8.3620.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 73.50 130.50 250.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 B.36220.4035 CONSULTANT 44,750.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 SERVICES Total Dept 3620 BUILDING/SAFETY 41,871.82 424,801.78 464,089.00 466,069.00 318,977.25 448,818.00 .1.59% INSPECTION 6.8010.1010 SALARIES.. 16,895.32 17,199.52 17,544.00 17,544.00 13,494.80 17,709.00 0.94% 80 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:38 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 1on6/2o2o TOWN OF MAMARONECK Pape Sof 3 Account Table: BLDG Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To.9 ,Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage, Type E Expense -- - . 8.8010.1015 OVERTIME.. 210.00 560.00 840.00 840.00 350.00 840.00 8.8010.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 231.00 15.50% B.8010.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.03 25000 CES.. B.8010.4020 TEMPORARY 0.00 0.00 600.00 500.00 0.03 500.00 SERVICES.. 8.8010.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 1,656.00 1,018.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 766.00 2,000.00 8.80104035 CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.00 SERVICES.. 8.8010.4048 RETAINER FEE.. 31,500.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 12.500.00 30,000.00 Total Dept 8010 ZONING BOARD OF 60,461.92 48,977.62 61,934.00 51,334.00 27,460.80 61,630.00 0.36% APPEALS Total Dept 3620 BUILDING/SAFETY 482,333.24 473,879.27 607,393.00 607,393.00 346,438.05 500,348.00 -1.39% INSPECTION Total Type E Expense _. --- (462,339.24) (473,879.27) 507,393.00 507,393.00 (346,438.06) 600,34860 -1.39% Grand Total 423,822.61 531,781.29 197607.00 197,607.00 264,222.04 16466260 -16.66% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 81 TOWN OF MAMARONECK It It :.CR LLL1. GBM& 1 L L L III t1f1C 1.I:LL BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Michael Orchanian,Building&Grounds Superintendent DEPARTMENTAL MISSION Buildings & Grounds is dedicated to providing a safe, clean, attractive well planned and maintained facilities for employees and the public. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS Administers, supervises and implements the maintenance and repair of Town Center, Recreation Facility and Senior Center. This work includes electrical, plumbing, carpentry, masonry, painting and general maintenance of these buildings.Setup, cleanup and coordinate special events and meetings. The Town Center building serves as the government center hosting operating departments, Town Court and Town police station.The Town Center is the designated meeting place for virtually all boards and commissions of the Town. The building is also used by a wide variety of community groups and serves as a polling place for all elections. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Completed preventative maintenance for mechanical systems to ensure that they are operating and functioning efficiently. > Maintained the facility's structural soundness, cleanliness, and temperature. ➢ Planned for maintenance proactively so as to minimize unexpected costs. ➢ Daily disinfection, purchased, maintained and distributed personal protection and equipment sanitizers, installed plexiglass barriers and rerouted public access to limit risk of infection during the pandemic. > Shared in coordination of the Town Center bathroom and Senior Center renovations. 2021 GOALS ➢ Maintain the facility's structural soundness,cleanliness, and temperature. > Plan for maintenance proactively to minimize unexpected costs. > Successfully begin the implementation of the currently funded capital projects ➢ Staff and track special events and meetings > Maintain the enhanced disinfection procedures 82 TOWN OF MAMARONECK yaw.MMMi-- = SIMS limo M•MM IRON . _ 51511 _ II BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Michael Orchanlan,Building&Grounds Superintendent SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2020 ---- 2021 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-To- 2020 2021 Increase Dept Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected 1 Budget (Decrease) Town Center A1620 $ 384,963 $ 343,276 $ 411,804 $ 416,694 $ 231,132 $ 333,152 $ 447,547 9% Spedal Recreation facility A7150 19,544 23,191 33,400 33,400 10,902 22,608 28,600 -14% TOTALAPPROPRIATIONS $ 404,507 $ 366067 $ 445,204 $ 450,094 $ 242,034 $ 355,760 $ 476,147 7% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Service Contracts managed 12 12 12 12 2. Capital projects in progress 4 _ 4 5 5 3. Special events 15 15 15 15 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP! 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1620 Building 8 Grounds Superintendent MNGMI $ 88,114 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1620 Caretaker 1V8 $ 57,036 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1620-1010 $ 145,150 2.00 2.00 2-00 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP/ Hrly 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1620 Caretaker PT $16/hr $ 20,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1620 Caretaker PT $17fhr $ 7,072 1.00 . A 1620 Receptionist PT $20/hr $ 36,400 — — - 2.00 TOTAL A1620.1021 $ 63,472* 1.00 ' L00 . Lou DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 206,622 3.00 3.00 4.00 83 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 09.48 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 81.1134011 1.0 Report Date: 107162020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table: MAINT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AIL Soil Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Penod From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1A Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1620.1010 SALARIES.. 138,367.17 141,571.10 142,679.00 142679.00 109,943.00 145,150.00 1.73% A.1820.1012 CLOTHING 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 ALLOWANCE A.1620.1015 OVERTIME. 20777.89 24,262.19 24,000.00 24,000.00 16,928.45 24,000.00 A.1620.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 2,225.00 2,225.00 2,225.00 2,225.00 0.00 2,225.00 A.1620.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 100.00% 10.1021 SALARIES-PART 13,968.00 13,248.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 10,347.00 63,472.00 217.36% TIME A.1820.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 23,055.42 9,557.88 2,000.00 2,000.00 985.31 2,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. A.1620.4001 TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A1620.4002 SERVICE 32,130.35 30,524.75 73,000.00 73,000.00 19,701.51 60,000.00 -17.81% CONTRACTS A.1620.4003 ELECTRICITY 53,385.68 50,427.96 55,000.00 55,00000 30,473.87 55,000.00 A.1620.4005 HEATING FUEL.. 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000 00 0.00 1,000.00 A.1620.4008 WATER/SEWER 4,419.72 3,179.54 4,500.00 4,500.00 1,917.66 4,500.00 A.1620.4011 BLDG 8 GROUNDS 22,906.58 20,092.55 20,000.00 20,00000 8,765.41 22,000.00 10.00% SUPPLIES A.1620.4012 BLDG A.GROUNDS 47,603.28 28,155.39 40,000.00 40,000.00 18,199.55 40,000.00 REPAIRS/MAINT 84 Date Prepared: 10/10/2020 09:48AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BU040111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2013 Account Table: MAINT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AN.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To.9 Account Description Original AdJusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1820.4015 ELECTRICAL 11,772.92 2,025.00 7.500.00 7,500.00 0.00 7,500.00 REPAIRS. A.1820.4016 PLUMBING REPAIRS.. 0.00 1,799.00 6.000.00 10,890.00 5,564.21 8,000.00 A.1620.4055 NATURAL GAS.. 12,651.23 14,507.20 13,000.00 13,000.00 9,425.24 13,000.00 Total Dept 1820 TOWN CENTER 384,963.24 343,276.66 411,804.00 416,694.00 231,131.21 447,647.00 8.68% A.7150.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7150.4002 SERVICE 3,727.08 3,485.88 4.100.00 4,100.00 3,911.39 4,200.00 2, CONTRACTS A.7150.4003 ELECTRICITY 5,011.66 4,601.99 5,200.00 5,200.00 3,105.44 5,200.00 A.7150.4005 HEATING FUEL.. 4,844.62 5,414.56 6,500.00 5,500.00 2,263.76 5,500.00 A.7150.4008 WATER/SEWER 1,096.73 1,225.91 1,100.00 1,100.00 541.02 1,200.00 9.09% A.7150.4011 BLDG&GROUNDS 1,378.99 1,888.44 2,500.00 2,500.00 132.03 2,500.00 SUPPLIES A.7150.4012 BLDG&GROUNDS 3,484.95 6,776.60 16,000.00 15,000,00 949.00 10,000.00 -33.33% REPAIRS/MAINT Total Dept 7160 SHELDRAKE 19,644.01 23,191.38 33,400.00 33,400.00 10,902.64 28,600.00 -14.37% ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER Total Dept 1620 TOWN CENTER 404607.26 366,466.93 446,204.00 460,094.00 242,033.66 476,147.00 6.96% Total Type E Expense 404,60726 366,466.93 446,204.00 460,094.00 242,033.85 478,147.00 6.86% 85 TOWN OF MAMARONECK eh COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy,Community Service Director DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of Community Services is to assist local residents, senior citizens and low-income households through programs and services that enhance their quality of life. This office maintains positive working relationships with local and countywide organizations,rental property owners,social service agencies,the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Senior Nutrition programs serve hot meals and sandwiches at the senior center to citizens 60 years and older on weekdays. Meals on Wheels are delivered to homebound seniors who are frail, recovering from an illness or accident, and those unable to prepare food on their own. The Senior Transportation Program provides curb-to-curb round-trip bus transportation daily to and from the senior center and weekly to local grocery stores. In addition, the Senior Bus provides transportation to special events of interest throughout Westchester County. Transportation to medical appointments is also available by appointment Monday through Thursday. Senior citizens living in apartment buildings covered by the Emergency Tenant Protection Act(ETPA) may be eligible to file for the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE). The Federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program provides rental assistance to eligible individuals and families whose income is at or below 50%of the median income in Westchester County by household size,to live in decent,safe and sanitary housing in rental units throughout Westchester County.The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated 647 vouchers to the Town. The current funding for this program enables the Town to assist approximately 500 families each year and offers participants housing choices outside high poverty neighborhoods where greater access to better schools, job opportunities and transportation helps improve the quality of life. Workforce housing apartments are also available within the Town of Mamaroneck at The Cambium in Larchmont, Grand Street Lofts and Marina Court in Mamaroneck for households whose total annual income is at or below 80%of the median income in Westchester County by household size. Community Services accepts financial donations to provide emergency assistance including a one-time payment for utilities or rent arrears. Community Services also coordinates a home-cooked meal delivered on Thanksgiving Day courtesy of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department. The local area schools and Community Services coordinate a "wish lists" to provide holiday meals and gifts to families in need. Community Services also accepts cash donations and gift cards to help fund these programs and services.The Town also maintains a "loan closet"for those in need of temporary use of canes,walkers and wheelchairs. 86 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 'AL COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy,Community Service Director 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Community Services maintained relationships with various local organizations to assist individuals and families in need. In 2020, the Town received $2,635 in donations for emergency one-time assistance, holiday meals and gift cards. ➢ Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic the Town provided 2,262 one-way trips compared to 3,626 trips in the same six month period last year; a 38% decrease. Staff will implement safety precautions to enable transportation services to continue in the fall. ➢ In January and February,the Nutrition Site meals continued at the senior center,and from March through the present,the senior center staff delivered 961 hot,cold and frozen meals plus produce and shelf-stable food provided by Feeding Westchester. Our Meals on Wheels staff and volunteers also delivered 4,211 hot, cold and frozen meals to ensure everyone maintained a nutritious balanced diet. Meals on Wheels increased by 7%to ensure that any senior citizen who qualified received meals. ➢ Senior Center staff led popular exercise programs outdoors in small groups during the pandemic and incorporated exercise classes online through LMC-TV to help senior citizens maintain fitness and health. .- Tenants who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic were able to maintain their housing due to an increase in funding from HUD through the CARES Act. Housing assistance payments increased 11%from 1/1/2020 to 8/31/2020. ➢ The Town has assisted 494 households with Housing Choice Vouchers through August 2020,a 3%increase from 2019. The average housing assistance payment through August is $1,155 compared to $1,083 last year,a 7% increase. ➢ The affordable housing units monitored by the Community Services Director maintained 100%occupancy. 2021 GOALS ➢ Coordinate and maintain relationships with residents and local organizations, schools, religious institutions and the community to identify needs and work toward addressing solutions within the within the scope of our programs and services. ➢ Increase participation in County-funded programs by 10%through community outreach in the Village of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont. ➢ Add 5 new programs and activities for seniors, on a fee basis. ➢ Increase participation in the nutrition programs by 20% ➢ Create a volunteer Ambassador role to encourage new members to join the senior center ➢ Increase intellectual programming such as lectures, technology/computer classes and host monthly entertainment in addition to special events ➢ Create a Senior Center Facebook page to assist with marketing events and outreach ➢ Add new trips of interest to senior citizens • Increase leasing of Housing Choice Vouchers by 20%to 580 vouchers leased ➢ Maintain 100%leasing in the available affordable housing units in Mamaroneck and Larchmont 87 TOWN OF MAMARONECK i� '"°I 1 d COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy,Community Service Director SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Property rental-Sr Center A2411 $ 550 $ - $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ - -100% Contributions-WIN(SNAP) A2775 491 1,661 1,000 1,000 1,277 1,877 1,500 50% Contributions-Meals on Wheels A2776 6,008 5,590 6,000 6,000 4,193 4153 4,800 -20% Contributions-Transportation A2777 2,557 2,694 2,200 2200 423 423 1,500 -32% Contributions-Congregate Meals A2778 9,285 10,419 9,000 9,000 3,780 4,380 4500 -28% Senior Program Fees A2779 20,641 29,364 23,000 23,00010,930 11,230 15,000 -35% Contributions-Support Svces Transp A2780 2,720 2,434 1,400 1,400. 452 452 1,400 0% State Funding-AAA Transportation A3770 2,456 2,456 2,456 2,456 2,456 4,456 2,000 -19% State Funding-WIN(SNAP) A3988 2,546 3,159 6,225 6,225 640 1,280 5,000 -20% Federal Funding-Transporation IN-B A4770 8,172 8,172 8,172 8,172 - 8,172 6,500 -20% Federal Funding-Nutrition-III-C1 A4771 18,146 21,798 17,608 17,608 418 19,918 14,608 -17% Federal Funding-Nutrition-I11-C2 A4772 31,925 37,018 42,000 42,000 - 37,000 35,000 -17% Federal Funding-Housing A4789 537,624 505,331 530,000 530,000 - 505,000 525,000 -1% ETPA Fees B2165 2,260 1,540 2,500 2,500 2,160 2,160 2,500 - TOTAL REVENUE $ 645,381 $ 631,636 $ 653,061 $ 653,061 $ 26,7!9 $ 602,501 $ 621,308 -5% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Da% Projected Budget (Decrease) Community Resource Center A6310 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 15,000 0% Senior Programs&Services A6772 481,865 481,467 $ 575,020 $ 577,985 304,350 424,398 511,818 -11% Housing Choice Voucher Program A8610 408,922 384,373 $ 460,041 $ 460,041 306,473 398,290 418,659 -9% ETPA Fees 88611 2,410 2,070 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 4,060 2,100 4,100 64% TOTAL.APPROPRIATIONS $ 908,197 $ $82,910 $ 1.052,561 $ 1,055,526 $ 614,883 $ 539,788 $ 999,577 -10% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Nutrition site meals served 3,026 3,200 2,000 2,500 2. Meals on wheels served 6,707 8,000 8,500 7,500 3. One-way trips 7,072 7,200 5,000 7,000 4. Senior program attendance 309 280 280 300 5. Number of household-Subsidized rent 470 471 475 500 88 TOWN OF MAMARONECK iirld COMMUNITY SERVICES Anna Danoy,Community Service Director 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title Group/Step Budget Positions Positions Positions A 6772 Community Services Director MNGMT 37,038 0.30 0.30 0.30 A 6772 Assistant SuperintendentRecreaton MNGMT - 0.70 0.70 A 6772 Recreation Assistant IV/8 62,917 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Recreation Assistant-Comm Svcs IV/8 62,917 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Sr Recreation Leader-Sr Citizens IX/4 58,059 - 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Staff Assistant-Activities Coordinator 111/3 45,989 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A6772-1010 $ 266,920 4.00 5.00 4.30 A 8610 Community Services Director MNGMT $ 86,420 0.70 0.70 0.70 A 8610 P-ogram Specialist-Rental Assistance M/S 6. 9.8 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Staff Assistant-Sec 8 IV/8 6 1.00 1.00 UJ A 8610 Staff Assistant-Sec 8 111/8 55,404 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Office Assistant-Sec 8 16/8 59,77' - 1.00 1.00 A 8610 Town Supervisor MNGMT 7,074 0.18 0.18 0 18 A 8610 Staff Assistant-Sec 8 N/11 1.0 1.0 - TOTALA8610-1010 $ 334,506 4.88 5.88 4.88 FULL-TIME TOTAL' $ 601,426 8.88 10.88 9.18 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 Hrly 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title Group/Step Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions A 6772 Bus Drivers PT $18-20/hr $ 50,960 3.00 4.00 3.00 A 6772 Drivers PT $16.1B/hr 14,105 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 6772 Meals on Wheels Delivery PT $18/hr 16,380 - 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A6772-1021 $ 81,445 4.00 6.00 5.00 A 8610 Office Assistant PT $34.5/hr 29,575 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A8610-1021 $ 29,575 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 712,446 14.88 17.88 15.18 89 Date Prepared: 10/16202009:55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.D Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 6 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Orlgin■l Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.2411 PROPERTY RENTAL- 550.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 -100.00% SENIOR CENTER A.0000.2775 CONTRIBUTIONS- 490.75 1,680.75 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,277.25 1,500.00 50.00% WIN(SNAP) A.00002776 CONTRIBUTIONS- 6,007.50 5,590.25 6,000.00 6,000.00 4,192.50 4,80000 -20.00% MEALS ON WHEELS.. A.0000.2777 CONTRIBUTIONS- 2,557.00 2,694.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 423.00 1,500 00 -31.82% SITE TRANSPORTATION.. 900.2778 CONTRIBUTIONS- 9,285.00 10,419.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 3,780.00 6,500.00 -27.78% CONGREGATE MEALS.. A.0000.2779 SENIOR PROGRAM- 20,641.00 29,363.80 23,000.00 23,000.00 10,930.00 15,000.00 -34 78% DUES/FEES.. A.0000.2780 CONTRIBUTIONS- 2,720.00 2,434.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 452.00 1,400.00 SUPPORT SVCS TRANSP.. A.0000.3770 AM 2,456.00 2,456.00 2,456.00 2,456.00 2,456.00 2,000.00 -18.57% TRANSPORTATION A.0000.3988 STATE AID- 2,545.87 3,159.47 6,225.00 6,225.00 640.20 5,000.00 -19.68% WIN(SNAP).. A.0000.4770 III-B 8,172.00 8,172.00 8,172.00 8,172.00 0.00 6,500.00 -20.46% TRANSPORTATION.. A.0000.4771 III-C1 CONG MEALS 18,145.78 21,797.58 17,808.00 17,608.00 417.85 14,608.00 -17.04% NUTRITN.. 90 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 o16 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared 8y:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Penod From:1 To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stags Type R Revenue A.0000.4772 III-C2 MEALS ON 31,925.32 37,018.45 42,000.00 42,000.00 (0.46) 35 000.00 -16.67% WHEELS.. A.0000.4789 SECTION 8 537,624.21 505,331.00 530,000.00 530,000.00 0.00 525.000.00 -0.94% ADMINISTRATION 0.0000.2165 E.T.P.A.FEES.. 2,260.00 1,540.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,160.00 2,500.00 Total Dept 0000646,380.43 631,636.28 653,081.00 653,061.00 26,728.34 621,306.00 -4.86% .Total Dept 8772 PROGRAMS FOR THE 645,380.43 631,636.28 663,061.00 663,061.00 26,728.34 621,308.00 -4.86% AGING Total Type R Revenue 646,380.43 631,636.28 663,061.00 663,061.00 26,728.34 621,308.00 .4 91 Data Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 of 6 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From.1 To 9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Shoe Typo E Expense A.6310.4149 COMMUNITY 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 RESOURCE CENTER.. Total Dept 9310 COMMUNITY RESOURCE 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 16,100.00 0.00 15,000.00 CENTER A.6772.1010 SALARIES.. 263,340.80 249,212.27 334,120.00 334,120.00 221,010.23 266,920.00 -20.11% A.6772.1015 OVERTIME 1,385.26 2,165.64 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 A.8772.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 1,512.50 1,600.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 000 1,753.00 -26.96% '—72.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 800.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 100.00% ..._.72.1021 SALARIES-PART 62,895.75 70,793.74 76,100.00 76,100.00 18,994.35 81,445.00 7.02% TIME A.6772.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 10,168.76 4,831.24 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 A.6772.2102 MISC EQUIPMENT.. 11,118.75 4,470.64 6,000.00 8,000.00 334.00 8,000.00 A.8772.2104 BUILDING 12,705.00 2,930.10 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. A6772.4001 TELEPHONE 1,440.00 1,440.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 -10000% A 8772.4002 SERVICE 9,488.18 7,528.02 7,500.00 7,500.00 959.00 7,500.00 CONTRACTS A.6772.4003 ELECTRICITY 11,203.82 10,928.88 11,000.00 11,000.00 5,339.84 11,000.00 A.8772.4005 HEATING FUEL 8,846.62 8,864.45 10,000.00 10,000.00 4,151.05 10,000.00 92 Date Prepared. 10/16/2020 09.55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10716/2020 Page 4 of 6 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 PenoO From 1 1o:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.6772.4008 WATER/SEWER 1,351.52 1,205.86 1,400.00 1,400.00 995.27 1,400.00 A.6772.4011 BLDG 8 GROUNDS 1,659.41 2,350.74 2,000.00 2,000.00 674.02 Z000.00 SUPPLIES A.6772.4012 BLDG 8 GROUNDS 5,977.90 24,456.50 10,000.00 12,965.00 6,963.12 10,000.00 REPAIRS/MAINT A.6772.4037 PROG CLINIC 12,001.40 11,769.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 3,355.00 15,000.00 INSTRUCTION. A.6772.4048 OPERATING 13,310.84 17.902.30 16,000.00 16,000 00 2,769.48 16,000.00 EXPENSES.. A.6772.4055 NATURAL GAS 1,140.41 1,125.85 1,300.00 1,300.00 801.64 1,300.00 A.6772.4060 MEALS ON WHEELS.. 33,642 92 35,282.67 42,000.00 42,000.00 26,688.24 42,000.00 A.5772.4081 CONGREGATE 16,588 55 18,434.48 20,000.00 20,000.00 6,836.40 20,000.00 MEALS.. A.6772.4062 WIN(SNAP).. 1,486.75 3,575.80 2,700.00 2,700.00 1,878.10 2,700.00 A.6772.4104 SENIOR CENTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RENT.. Total Dept 8772 SENIOR PROGRAMS& 481,865.14 481,487.98 875,020.00 577,985.00 304,349.74 511,818.00 -10.99% SERVICES A.8610.1010 SALARIES 325,265.63 298,778.40 376,693.00 376,893.00 250,829.15 334,508.00 -11.20% A.8610.1015 OVERTIME 0.00 6,068.83 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,928.41 3,000.00 A.8610.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 2,372.50 2,122.50 2,123.00 2,123.00 0.00 2,248.00 5.89% 93 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Pape 5 of 6 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account DescrIptlon Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.8610.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 280.00 680.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 680.00 100.00% A.8610.1021 SALARIES-PART 27,206.00 43,628.38 29,575.00 29,575.00 21,359.75 29,575.00 TIME A.8810.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 A.8810.1050 RETIREMENT 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INCENTIVE A.8610.4001 TELEPHONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 110A002 SERVICE 16,290.00 17,760.00 22,650.00 22,650.00 8,816.25 22650.00 CONTRACTS A.8610.4018 COMPUTER 14,879.95 15,994.51 16,000.00 16,000.00 13,816.32 16,000.00 SOFTWARE MAINT 8 SUPPORT A.8610.4048 OPERATING 2,627.61 1,340.48 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,925.44 5,000.00 EXPENSES A.8810.4104 OFFICE RENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 8810 HOUSING CHOICE 408,921.69 384,373.10 480,041.00 480,041.00 306,473.32 418,669.00 -9.00% VOUCHER PROGRAM 8.8611.4206 E.T.P.A.- 2,410.00 2,070,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,060.00 4,100.00 64.00% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Total Dept 8811 EMERG TENANT PROT 2,410.00 2,070.00 2,500.00 2,600.00 4,060.00 4,100.00 64.00% ADMIN 94 Date Prepared: 10/16f2020 09.55 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B1D40111.0 Report Date: 10!1612020 Page 6 of 6 Account Table: COM SVC Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA At.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense Total Dept 6772 PROGRAMS FOR THE 908,196.73 882,911.08 1,052,661.00 1,055,526.00 614,883.06 949,677.00 -9.78% AGING Total Type E Expense (908,196.73) (882,911.08) 1,062,681.00 1,055,526.00 (614,883.06) 949,677.00 -8.78% Grand Total (262,816.30) (251,274.80) (399,600.00) (402,465.00) (588,154.72) (328,269.00) .17.83% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 95 TOWN OF MAMARNECK COMPTROLLER Tracy Yogman, CPA, Comptroller/Tax Receiver DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Town Comptroller's office is to safeguard and administer the Town's assets and provide comprehensive financial management information on the financial health of the Town. The department supports the Town's mission to maintain financial strength. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Department is responsible for disbursing and accounting for approximately $40.2 million in operating expenses for wages, supplies and services. Making certain the accounting and collection of revenues due to the Town are accurate and timely. Other duties include compiling and issuing the Town's Financial Statements as well as working with the Town Administrator In preparing the Town- wide annual operating and capital budgets. The Comptroller's office safeguards and manages all of the Town's cash and investments to maximize interest earnings and minimize risk. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS > Designed and provided review of a quarterly budget memo to the Town Board ➢ Reviewed various enterprise systems to upgrade the Town's current system that will be provide efficiencies Townwide > Implemented electronic recording of transactions to enable remote finance operations > Provided monthly budget projections and tax collections > Applied for Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award > Implemented new deposit collection processes that provides efficiencies. > Submitted FEMA grant reimbursements for Covid-19 and Tropical Storm Isaias ➢ Refinanced debt at a significant cost savings > Implemented new tax reporting requirements ➢ Processed approximately 800 refunds for canceled recreation programs due to the pandemic 2021 GOALS • Implement a new enterprise system with the Information technology department > Automate payroll self-service > Implement electronic workflow for purchasing ➢ Implement an internal audit review of departmental revenue collection procedures D Secure Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting ➢ Increase investment earnings 96 TOWN OF MAMARNECK a 446 Ir7=' COMPTROLLER Tracy Yogman, CPA,Comptroller/Tax Receiver SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2018 7019 Adopted Adjusted 702 2021 2021 %Increase DOT Budget Code Adeal AetuY Budget Budget , Tear-to-Data Plated Wdpet (Deawase) Interest Earnings-Genera A2401 ,$ 88,455 $ 284,391 $ 268,400 $ 268000 $ 11$152 $ 139,152 $ 102,000 -63% Interest Earnings-Highway DB2401 225 1.012 150 150 Zen 1,171 500 _ 233% InterestEamints-Fire SF2401 36,067 66,06 1,500 1,500 26 26 100 -93% InterestEarings-Water SW2401 40,344 33,812 25,300 25,300 7,119 7,343 1,000 -96% TOTALNEVENUB $ 153,122 $ 350,263 $ 291,950 $ 794,950 $ 122,909 $ KM $ 101400 lei SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS no zazo Budget 2016 2419 Adopted Adjusted 2400 2820 2021 %Increase DEPT Cade Meal _ Actual Budget Budget Yoko-Date Projected Padget (Decease) Town Comptroller A1315 $ 600,195 $ 620,155 $ 682,651 $ 682,651 $ 386,697 $ 505,218 $ 5$ -16% Auditing A1320 78.638 61,10D 71,300 12,380 61,500 50,050 72,300 0% Central Seances-General Fund A1670 106,421 93,077 109,500 109,500 45,466 152,274 103,000 -6% CentralSenices-Pari Town 01670 Ka 86,120 92,820 92,610 51,537 77,479 92,820 6% 5;edal Items-RETaxes/CC Fees A1900 180,663 122,895 150,050 185,050 103,645 110,645 145,000 •22% Spedal Items-CC Fees 81900 5,542 11,674 6,000 6,000 3•:: 4,192 7,000 17% TOTALAPPIIOPRIA1IONS $ 1,501,324 $ 1,014$1 $ 1,148,271 $ 1,144271 $ Ka $ 914,39 $ 919,950 -15% PERFORMANCE MEASURES 2018 2019 2020 2021 Item Actual Actual Estimate Estimate %Increase in interest revenue on invested funds - - .5% 1.5% Technology initiatives implemented - 1 2 4 ^ Internal Audits performed - - 2 1 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP! 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Titls STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1315 Town ComptrolleriReceiver of Taxes AMGMT $ 167,690 1.00 1.00 1.00- A 1315 Deputy Comptroller of Taxes XP/8 $ 98,269 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1315 Payroll Supervisor XY6 S 81,571 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1315 Int Account Clerk(Payroll) VW8 $ 75,030 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1315 Int Account Clerk(Accounts Payable) VD93 - -$ 70,835 Mr 1.00 A 1315 Int Account Clerk VV7 $ - 1.00 1.00 - A 1315 Int Account Clerk 507 $ - 1.00 1.00 - TOTAL A1315.1010 $ 493,395 7.00 7.00 5.00 97 TOWN OF MAMARNECK F- -1 COMPTROLLER Tracy Yogman, CPA, Comptroller/Tax Receiver 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 Hrly 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title Group/Step Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1315 Tax Office perk PT $25/hr $ 28,000 100 - — 1.00 TOTAL Al 315.1021 $ 21,000 1.00 - 1.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 520,914 8.00 7.00 6.00 98 Date Prepared: 101161202009:58 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/1612020 Page 1 of 5 Account Table: COMPTROLLE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA M.Sort Table. Fkal Year.2021 Poled Foam 1 Ta 9 Account Description WOW Adjusted 2020 2021 variance To 2018 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage TN*it Revenue A.0000.2401 INTEREST 83.485.84 284,304.48 208,000.00 264000.00 118,152.23 100,000.00 4269% EARNINGS.. DB 0000240/ INTEREST 224.93 1,011.78 150.00 100.00 2,061.75 500.00 233.33% EARNINGS.. SF.0000.2401 INTEREST 38,066.80 60045.10 1,500.00 1,500.00 28.15 100.00 43.33% EARNINGS.. SW.0000.2401 INTEREST 40,344.48 33,811.80 25,300.00 25,300.00 7,248.91 1,000.00 4609% EARNINGS.. Total Dept 0000108,12211 304203.14 204,050.00 24,050.00 127,600.04 101,800.00 46,E Total Dept 1315 COMPTROLLER 105,12211 365,263.14 294,810.00 24,850.00 127,560.4 101,600.00 4 Total Type R Revenue 165,12211 384283.14 294,950.00 294,950.00 127,506.4 101,600.00 4 99 Date Prepared: 10/16/202009:58 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date' 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 5 Account Table: COMPTROLLE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 'Account Description Original Aqusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT! Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stagel Type E Expense A,1315.1010 SALARIES.. 546,303.53 517,585.47 627,691.00 601,691.00 344,288.99 493,395.00 -21.40% A.1315.1015 OVERTIME.. 17,235.19 29,078.98 15,000.00 15,000.00 886.93 12,000.00 -20.00% A.1315.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 2,275.00 1,600.00 1,850.00 1,850.00 000 925.00 -50.00% A.1315.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 100.00% A.1315.1019 STIPEND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k1315.1021 SALARIES-PART 7,958.00 44,314.32 0.00 26,000.00 20,826.00 28,000,00 100.00% TIME -_-_15.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 -66.67% A.1315.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1315.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 490.55 1,016.43 1,000.00 1,000.00 675.19 1,000.00 A.1315.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 739.69 2,143.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,187.92 3,500.00 CES.. A.1315.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 498.00 85.00 660.00 660.00 465.00 680.00 A.1315.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 548.00 414.00 600.00 600.00 104.00 600.00 A.1315.4022 BOND 8 NOTE 3,75000 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 0.00 3,750.00 EXPENSE.. A.1315.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 1,496.53 1,578.87 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,041.83 1,600.00 100 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020case AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 1W16/2020 Page 3 of 5 Account Table: COMPTROLLE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Penod From:1 To:9 !Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance 101 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage — .--- Type E Expe -- — nse A1315.4101 TAX BILLS.. 7238.38 8,189.50 12,000.00 12,000.00 7,421.02 9,000.00 -25.00% A.1315.4297 ACA FILING FEES 1264.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1315.4298 WESTCH CNTY FEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 1316 COMPTROLLER I 600,194.87 620,165.57 682,851.00 682,651.00 386,896.88 669,830.00 -17.99% RECEIVER OF TAXES A.1320.4107 INDEPENDENT 78,638.00 81,100.00 72,300.00 72,300.00 61.500.00 72,300.00 AUDIT.. Tota/Dept 1320 AUDITOR 78,638.00 81,100.00 72,300.00 72,300.00 61,600.00 72,300.00 A.1670.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT.. 12,087.83 7,140.37 15,000.00 15,000.00 799.98 15,000.00 A.1670.4002 SERVICE 14,418.28 3,458.30 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,441.88 5,000.00 CONTRACTS A-1670.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,464.14 4,451.07 5,000.00 5000.00 2,622.50 8,000.00 80.00% A.1670.4025 POSTAGE 31,859.50 33,770.84 32,00000 32,000.00 22,407.80 35,010.00 9.38% A.1670.4026 PAPER.. 4,524.89 3,245.70 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,054.93 -100.00% A.1670.4029 VEHICLE REPAIRS 8,353.81 15,782.18 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.05 12,000.00 -20.00% A.1670.4030 PRINTGISTATIONERY 5,610.71 2,389.45 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,128.71 5,000.00 A.1670.4064 VEHICLE FUEL 6.909.60 6,436.03 7,500.00 7,500.00 1,627.95 7,500.00 A.1670.4113 RECORDS 390.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MANAGEMENT 101 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:58 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40171.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 of 6 Account Table: COMPTROLLE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 'Account Description- — Original 020 Adjusted020 2020 2021 — Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Par 1-9 Stage Stayer Type E Expense A.1670.4135 NEWSLETTER/ 4,681.01 7,614.60 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,881.03 9,000.00 -10.00% ANNUAL REPORT.. A.1670.4167 SPECIAL EVENTS 14.221.29 8,288.50 10000.00 10,000.00 1,501.49 6,500.00 -35.00% 8.1670.4002 SERVICE 4,271.12 7,296.86 8,320.00 8,320.00 6,099.80 8,320.00 CONTRACTS 9.1670.4025 POSTAGE 6,859.21 6,315.20 7,000.00 7,000.00 4,628.76 7,000.00 B.1670.4026 PAPER.. 1,472.73 1,061.60 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 170.4029 VEHICLE REPAIRS 35,450.80 41,811.08 40,000.00 40,000.00 28,958.77 40,000.00 6.1670.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 526.37 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 429.94 1,000.00 6.1670.4064 VEHICLE FUEL 32,090.15 29,634.89 35,000.00 35,000.00 9,920.71 35,000.00 Total Dept 1870 CENTRAL SERVICES 188,891.24 179,198.87 202,320.00 202,320.00 97,004.08 196,820.00 -3.21% A.1900.1950 TAXES ON TOWN 95,496.13 99,284.18 105,000.00 105,000.00 97,857.00 105,000.00 PROPERTY.. A.1900.4299 CREDIT CARD FEES 84,567.29 23,550.34 80,000.00 80,000.00 2,787.84 40,000.00 -50.00% B.1900.4299 CREDIT CARD FEES 5,541.67 11,673.98 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,692.48 7,000.00 16 67% Total Dept 1900 SPECIAL ITEMS 186,805.09 134,608.60 191,000.00 191,000.00 104,337.32 162,000.00 -20.42% Total Dept 1316 COMPTROLLER 1,061,329.20 1,014,96094 1,148,271.00 1,148,271.00 649,638.28 979,950.00 -14.86% Total Type E Expense (1,061,329.20) (1,014,960.94) 1,148,271.00 1,148,271.00 (649,58.28) 979,950.00 -14.66% 102 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 09:58 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Dale: 10/1(5/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 5 of 5 Account Table: COMPTROLLE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 149 Stage Stage Type E Expense Grand Total (886,207.09) (629,697.80) (863,321.00) (863,321.00) (622,029.24) (878,360.00) 2.93% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 103 TOWN OF MAMARONECK • SIS f3 • CONSERVATION Elizabeth Aitchison,Environmental Coordinator 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS > Maintained 8 Conservation areas including 26 boardwalks and bridges with the assistance of 6 local teens and young adults. Cleaned and repaired 6 boardwalks during the summer, assisted the Recreation Department by sanitizing playground equipment in Memorial Park, painted the gazebo in Memorial Park. ➢ Planted only 3 trees in the Town due to Covid-19 restrictions. Will resume planting next spring. > The Coastal Zone Management Commission reviewed 12 applications for consistency with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program between January and September. > Reviewed 44 applications for the Planning Board and attended all meetings. > Worked on development of mobile GIS applications for the Highway and Engineering Departments. > Created a GIS survey and map of Town wide dedication trees and benches. • Worked on maps for the Garbage District,the Town Clerk and the Town Board. ➢ Updated 16 tax maps for the Assessor's office. > Reviewed and issued 34 tree permits. > Organized one clean up event. The Arbor Day celebration and the Paine to Pain Trail Race were both cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. > Completed the Phase II stormwater annual report. 2021 GOALS > Maintain 8 Conservation areas with the assistance of seasonal staff. Clean 4 boardwalks and bridges,repair railings on Hommocks Viewing Platform, Rebuild footbridge in the Sheldrake River Trails Conservation Area, address drainage issues on Avon Road, mow 1 acre of meadow area at Hommocks. > Plant approximately 20 to 30 trees throughout the Town. > Assist the Coastal Zone Management Commission with the review of 20 to 30 applications for consistency with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. > Review approximately 60 applications for the Planning Board. > Update Conservation Area maps,Tax maps and sign inventory map > Continue GIS support to Town Departments > Review and issue approximately 20 to 30 tree permits. > Organize 2 clean up events, 1 Arbor Day celebration and the Paine to Pain trail Race. > Complete the Phase II stormwater annual report. 104 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ' ' "• CONSERVATION Elizabeth Aitchison,Environmental Coordinator DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Conservation Department mission is to protect the environment by maintaining conservation areas, providing technical assistance to the Town on environmental issues, assisting the Coastal Zone Management Commission with the implementation of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and developing and enforcing environmental regulations. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS This department is responsible for several conservation tasks: • Community Beautification- Maintain conservation areas including hiking trails, bridges and boardwalks with the seasonal help of local high school and college students who collect trash,cut back weeds and branches, woodchip trail surfaces, repair and maintain bridges and boardwalks, and improve drainage on trails during the summer. Throughout the year, identify and remove encroachments, control invasive species populations, restore native plant populations in the Conservation areas. Plant street trees and dedication trees throughout the Town twice each year using the Tree planting Fund and donations to the Trees for Our Town(TFOT) program. Organize annual Arbor Day events and apply for "Tree City" status. Organize two annual clean up events for community volunteers. Seek grant funding for habitat restoration projects. • Coastal Zone Management Commission- Provide staff support for the bi-municipal commission charged with the implementation of the Town/Village Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. The Commission provides technical assistance to both the Town and Village Boards,the Planning Commissions and the Zoning Boards with the review of proposed construction activities, environmental laws and other actions that may impact the coastal zone. The commission meets monthly. • Environmental Control- Enforce environmental ordinances including tree protection, wetlands protection, SEAR and quality of life ordinances. Complete annual reporting required for Town compliance with State and Federal stormwater regulations. Maintain GIS maps for all Departments including annual updates of Tax Maps. Advise planning and zoning boards on environmental issues, issue tree permits and assist with drafting of Town ordinances. 105 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ; GSA ., .„,. ':* ' CONSERVATION Elizabeth Aitchison,Environmental Coordinator SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS no 2020 % Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 Increase DEPT Code Actual Adam! Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (decrease) I Community Beautification A8510 $ 30,420 $ 36,058 $ C00 $ 40,200 $ 17.076 $ 21,171 $ 40,200 0% Coastal Zone 88030 80 62 1,250 1,250 - ,;i 1,250 0% Environmental Control 68090 86,568 88,81 89,950 89,950 64,357 89,505 91,811 2% TOTALAPPAOPRIATIONS $ 117,08 $ 124,771 $ 131,C0 $ 13]P $ 81,433 $ 111,356 $ 1U,261 29G PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Estimate 1. Conservation Areas maintained 8 8 8 8 2. Trees planted 18 32 3 30 3. CZMC referrals reviewed 17 22 12 20 4. Tree Permits issued 36 30 34 30 5. Map updates 19 20 16 15 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 202 GROUP/ 2021 2019 Budgeted 2020 Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions B 8090 Environmental Coordinator MNGMT $ 84,586 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL 88090.1010 $ 84,586 1.00 1.00 1.00 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP/ My 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Rotes Budget Positions Positions Positions A 8510 Summer Conservation Corp PT $9.10/hr $ 19,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 TOTAL A8510-1071 $ 19,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 108,586 7.00 7.00 7.00 106 Dale Prepared: 10/16/202010:17 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table: CONSRV Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Aft.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Ar>fusHtl 2020 2021 Variance To I 2016 2011 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT L. Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Stagegq fie Type E Expense ---- - --- --- 0.8030.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 8.8030.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.0D 0.00 150.00 CES.. 6.8030.4018 COMPUTER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SOFTWARE MAINT& SUPPORT.. 8.8030.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES.. 31.34 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 0.80304030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 48.49 61.50 850.00 850.00 0.00 850.00 Total Dept 6030 COASTAL ZONE 79.63 61.60 1.260.00 1,260.00 0.00 1,260.00 B.8090.1010 SALARIES.. 80,587.05 82,724.97 82,725.00 82,725.00 63,634.80 84,586.00 22554 13.8090.1012 CLOTHING 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 50000 500.00 ALLOWANCE B.8090.1015 OVERTIME.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.8090.1015 LONGEVITY PAY 925.00 925.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 0.00 1,050.00 8.8090.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.8090.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 169.87 196.56 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 8.8090.4010 OPERATING 89.86 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 SUPPLIES.. 13.8090.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 86.50 54.35 500.00 500.00 222.19 500.00 107 Date Prepared: 10116/2020 10:17 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10116/2020 Page 2 of 3 Account Table: CONSRV Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AN.Soil Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From 1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance Tal 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT: Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stags Type E Expense 8.8090.4223 SHELDRAKE 4,25000 4,250.00 4,375 00 4,375 00 0.00 4,375.00 ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER.. 8.8090.4294 L.I.S.W.LC... 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 Total Dept 8090 ENVIRONMENTAL 86,568.08 88,660.87 89,960.00 89,960.00 64,366.79 91,811.00 2.07% CONTROL A.8510.1021 SALARIES-PART 16,246.25 14,892.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 14,153.00 19,000.00 TIME A.8510.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 0.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 10.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 154.71 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 EQUIPMENT.. A.8510.4010 OPERATING 519.30 658.19 1,000.00 1,000.00 995.12 1,000.00 SUPPLIES.. A.8510.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 17500 20.00 300.00 300.00 105.00 300.00 A.8510.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES.. 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 A.8510.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 165.00 400.00 A.8510.4031 PHOTO SUPPLIES.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 A.8510.4033 EQUIP. 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 REPAIRS/MAINT... A.8510.4177 TOOLS/LUMBER 8 562.70 3,187.50 4,000.00 4,000.00 755.13 4,000.00 HARDWARE.. 108 Dale Prepared. 10/16/202010:17 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date. 10116/2020 Page 3 of 3 Account Table. CONSRV Budget Preparation Report Prepared By WLACERENZA At Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To.9 'Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 VaNance To; 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.9510.4178 PLANTS/TREES/MOS 12,761.66 17,149.96 4,000.00 4,00000 80290 4.000.00 QUITO CTL A.8510.4180 REPORTS 8 0.00 0.00 500.00 500 00 0 00 500.00 SURVEYS.. A 8510.4292 GROUNDS 8 TRAIL U 00 150.00 9,/00.00 9.707 CO 0 00 9,/CO UO MAINTENANCE Total Dept 8510 COMMUNITY 30.419.62 36,057.65 40,200.00 40,200.00 17,076.15 40,200.00 BEAUTIFICATION Total Dept 8090 ENVIRONMENTAL 117,067.53124,770.02 131,400.00 131,400.00 81,432.94 133,261.00 CONTROL Total Type E Expense 117,067.53 124,770.02 131,400.00 131,400.00 81,432.94 133,261.00 1. Grand Total 117,067.53 124,770.02 131,400.00 131,400.00 81,432.94 133,261.00 1.42% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 109 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ENGINEERING Robert Wasp,Town Engineer DEPARTMENTAL MISSION To provide the Town of Mamaroneck with high quality engineering services related to capital infrastructure and effective implementation of land development regulations. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Engineering Department provides a variety of professional engineering review, design and construction management/supervision services to the Town of Mamaroneck. Core functions of the Department can be separated under two primary focuses: Management of Town Capital Infrastructure; and Implementation of Land Development Regulation. All proposed improvements to Town owned facilities and utilities are planned, designed and constructed under the general oversight of the engineering department. The Department plays a key role in providing technical guidance, cost estimation and grant support to other Town Departments as well as coordination with utility providers and the general public on all matters related to construction. Implementation of safe construction conditions and protection of local community and environmental resources are the primary goals of the Department through regulation of land development. Enforcement of applicable regulations and local code requirements through the approval of permits and inspection of work during construction ensures that proposed impacts are mitigated. Daily operations of the Engineering Department are split amongst its various responsibilities for the oversight of capital infrastructure projects, land development permit programs and as a general informational resource to Town Staff and Residents. Specific tasks performed by The Department vary dependent on seasonal project needs, permit application queue and construction schedules. Greater detail on specific functions and production indicators for the Department is summarized by category. Capital Infrastructure Engineering is responsible for the in-house design and development of plans and specifications for the renovation and expansion of Town facilities and utilities. Typical projects designed within the Department include small scale replacements and extensions to stormwater and sanitary sewers, sidewalks, curbing, walkways. Larger scale projects require the procurement of consultant contracts where design requires specific expertise or work production beyond the in-house resources of the Engineering Department. The Department oversees the procurement of consultant contracts and reviews their work products throughout the life of design development. Following completion of design, the Engineering Department also oversees the bidding and construction administration during the actual construction of improvements. Improvements to Town Infrastructure include several annual functions provided by the Highway Department through maintenance of Town Roads, sanitary and storm sewer system. The Engineering Bio TOWN OF MAMARONECK '' ENGINEERING Robert Wasp,Town Engineer Department works closely to provide technical support and oversight to the Highway Department in these capacities. Evaluation of roadway pavement condition and annual resurfacing project planning are completed under the supervision of the Town Engineer. Design documents for all sewer repairs and replacements installed by Highway Department personnel are developed and supervised by the Engineering Department in this collaborative relationship. Key workload indicators for the Engineering Department for the current reporting year are: ➢ Active and Completed Construction Contracts:+/-$6,430,000 ➢ Active and Completed Consultant Contracts:+/-$1,100,000 ➢ Sanitary Sewers Replaced/Rehabilitated: 60 linear feet replaced/1.4 miles lined ➢ 2020 Annual Town Roads Resurfaced: 1.35 Lane-miles Land Development Regulation Adherence to state and local code requirements as well as best engineering principles ensures that that temporary and permanent impacts from construction can be mitigated to the greatest extent practicable. The Engineering Department implements this charge through its involvement as technical advisor to the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board and its management of the Town Surface Water and Erosion Control and Street Opening Permit programs. Land development projects of all scale from proposed subdivisions to residential site plans and wetlands permits receive technical review by the Engineering Department while in review before the Planning Board. Conditions imposed by the Planning Board are implemented by Department during construction subsequent to the issuance of permits. Project requirements involving the Town Building and Highway Departments are also coordinated through the Engineering Department. All construction activities involving the regulated creation of impervious surfaces, land disturbance and work within the Town road right-of-ways are reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department relative to Town code standards. Important functions provided in this capacity are proper sizing and construction of stormwater management facilities as well as installation of proper controls and land restoration at completion of work. Review and verification standardized construction for sidewalks, curbing and road surface restoration through Street Opening Permit program ensures both the longevity and maintenance of safe conditions on Town Roadways. ➢ SWEC Permits Issued:30 YTD ➢ Street Opening Permits Issued: 109 YTD 111 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ENGINEERING Robert Wasp,Town Engineer 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Goals established for the 2020 calendar year continue to be actively pursued in addition to other responsibilities held by the Department. Noteworthy accomplishments made by the Engineering Department include but are not limited to the following: • Developed new in-house sewer camera inspection program and equipment purchase by Town of Mamaroneck Highway Department personnel with plans to serve as a shared services resource in collaboration with the Village of Mamaroneck. • Successful completion of SSES Consortium Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Repairs — Phase 1 as supported by NYS EFC Grant Funding. • Successful start of construction on four (4) new significant capital facilities renovation projects • Developed new forms for Department intake of Planning Board applications and Highway Department permitted Road Closure. • No increase to Surface Water& Erosion Control Permit Fees while maintaining high level of service. High demand on Department resources combined with project postponements due to the COVID19 pandemic have limited the ability to continue efforts on all identified 2020 objectives. Future appointment of the full-time Junior Engineer position is expected to increase Department production and free up resources to continue current and new planned Department goals. Specific 2020 goals that require continued effort moving forward are: • Creation of new Town Road pavement maintenance inventory and maintenance plan • Complete GIS field mapping of Town Storm Sewer System • Continuation of Laserfische scanning project for Planning Board application files for paperless recordkeeping • Continue expansion of Standard Construction Detail library on Town website. • Creation of permanent stormwater facility maintenance inventory for future verification of compliance. • Pursuit of additional grant opportunities for infrastructure improvements and green efficiency. 112 TOWN OF MAMARONECK :41r G ENGINEERING Robert Wasp,Town Engineer 2021 GOALS ➢ Continue management of approved 2020 capital projects postponed for construction in 2021. ➢ Develop design documents for SSES Consortium Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation and Repairs Phase II project. ➢ Expand mobile infrastructure records accessibility through GIS capable devices for Engineering and Highway Department personnel ➢ Develop and oversee technical training programs for sewer inspection, confined space entry and DigSafelyNY excavation compliance. SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decease) Street Opening Permits A2560 $ 51,200 $ 81,200 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 11,400 $ 32,403 $ 40,000 -20% Planning Fees 82115/2116 12,526 9,305 5,000 5,000 5,505 8,425 5,000 0% TOTAL REVENUE $ 63,726 $ 90,505 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 $ 16,905 $ 40,825 $ 45,000 -18% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Engineer A1440 $ 190,373 $ 164,935 $ 224,830 $ 224,830 $ 133,151 $ 176,919 $ 229,100 2% Planning Board 88020 71,944 74,709 72,444 12,444 29,542 56,593 85,640 18% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS[ $ 262,317 $ 239,644 $ 297,274 $ 297,274 $ 162,6 _$ 233,512 $ 314,740 6% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Surface Water& Erosion Control Permit Program- 47 51 45 50 _Total Permits Issued 2. Street Opening Permit-Total Permits Issued 79 182 160 170 3. Planning Board Applications-Number of Approvals Granted 20 29 22 25 4.Capital Projects Managed 9 15 19 18 113 TOWN OF MAMARONECK a ENGINEERING Robert Wasp,Town Engineer 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY -- -- ! 1019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1440 Town Engineer MNGMT $ 112,000 1.00 L00 0.80 A 1440 Junior Engineer )01/3 $ 76,167 1.00 1.00 L00 A 1440 Office Assistant 1011/5 $ 10,383 - - 0.20 TOTALA1440.1010 $ 198,550 2.00 2.00 2.00 B 8020 Town Engineer MNGMT $ 28,000 - - 0.20 B 8020 Secretary Planning Board VII/8 17,709 0.25 0.25 0.3 TOTAL 88021)1010 $ 45,709 0.25 0.25 0.45 I Mine Total $ 244299 2.25 2.25 2.45 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2120 2021 GROUP/ Hrly 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Raid Dept Title STEP Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1440 Intern PT $19/hr $ 7,000 1.00 1.00 100 _ TOTAL A14404021 $ 7,000 1.00 L00 1.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 251,259 3.25 3.25 3.45 114 Date Prepared: 10/16/202010:21AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.D Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 o1 3 Account Table: 1440 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACCRENZ.A Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Ps11od From:1 Tcc 0 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2815 2920 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Mimi Rudgst Budget Per 14 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.2560 STREET OPENING 51,200.00 81,200.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 11,400.00 40,000.00 -20 00% PERMITS.. B.0000.2115 PLANNING FEES.. 5,000.00 9,304.74 5,000.00 6,000.00 5.505.00 5,000.00 B_00002116 PLANNING BOARD 7,526.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REVIEW FEES Total Dept 0000 83,726.25 90,504.71 56,000.00 55,000.00 18,506.00 45,000.00 -18.18% Total Dept 1440 ENGINEER 53,72025 50,104.74 55,000.00 55,000.00 18,906.09 45,900.00 -18.18% Total Type R Revenue 53,725,25 55,904.74 55,000.00 55,000.00 15,005,00 45,000.00 -18.18% 115 Date Prepared 10116202010:21 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Repon Date: 10/162020 Page 2 o13 Account Table: 1440 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA. AE Sort Tom: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:'To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 VarlSlce To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stags Typo E Expense A.1440.1010 SALARIES_ 116,049.98 121,179.97 196,180.00 186.18000 93,215.40 198,550,00 1.21% A.1440.1011 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1440.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1440.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40000 10000% A.1440.1021 SALARIES-PART 7,020.00 10,607.50 10,500,00 20,500.00 25,280.00 7,000.00 -33.33% TIME ' "40.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .....40.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 129.25 178.99 350.00 350.00 349.99 350.00 A.1440.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1440.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 227.01 132.01 200.00 200.00 141.58 200 CO A.1440.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 207.00 424.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 422.35 1,200.00 CES.. A.1440.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 834.76 664.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 944.00 1,400.00 A.1440.4035 CONSULTANT 83,505.34 31,348.03 15,000.00 15,000.130 12,797.50 20,000.00 33.33% SERVICES. Total Dept 1440 ENGINEER 160,373.33 164,334.60 224,630.00 224,130.00 133,110.82 229,100.00 1.90% B.8020.1010 SAIARIFS. 16,895.19 17,199.52 17,544.00 17,644.00 13,494.80 45,709.00 160.54% 116 I Dale Prepared: 10/16202010:21 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B D4011age 3 1 D Report Date: 10/16/2020 3 Account Table: 1440 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account DsscrWtIon Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT' Actual Actual Budget Budget Pert-9 Stage Stagell Type E Expanse 8.8020.1015 OVERTIME.. 280.00 1.120.00 900.00 900.00 350.00 900.00 B.8020 1016 LONGEVITY PAY 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 231.00 15.50% 8.8020.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.43 350.38 400.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 3.8020.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 0.00 0,00 400.00 400.00 0.00 40000 CES.. 8.8020.4020 TEMPORARY 0.00 000 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 SERVICES.. 6,8020.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 2,158.00 2,164.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,178.00 2,500.00 6.8020.4035 CONSULTANT 22,275.00 23675.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,020.00 5,000.00 -75.00% SERVICES.. B.8020.4048 RETAINER FEE. 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 12,500.00 30,000.00 Total Dept 8020 PLANNING BOARD 71,943.62 74,708.90 72,444.00 72,444.00 29,642.80 86,640.00 18.22% Total Dept 1440 ENGINEER 262,316.96 239,643.40 297,274.00 297,274.00 162,693.62 314,740.00 6.88% Total Type E Expense (262,318.95) (239,643.40) 297,274.00 297,274.00 (162,899.62) 314,740.00 6.88% Grand Total (196,690.70) (149,136.66) (242,274.00) (242,274.00) (146,788.62) (299,740.00) 11.34% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 117 TOWN OF MAMARONECK AN FIRE DEPARTMENT Joseph Russo,Fire Chief DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Fire Department is to prevent and minimize the loss of life and property through the delivery of the highest quality, efficient emergency fire and rescue services, hazardous material emergency first responder services, fire prevention, public education services to the residents and businesses in the Fire District. We are committed to excellence, professionalism, courtesy and devotion to duty. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town Board serves as the Board of Fire Commissioners,and governs the five square miles of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire District. Approximately 70 volunteer firefighters, 14 career firefighters, and a very active Junior Firefighter program serve the district.The Fire Department works with the Building Division on commercial plan examinations for compliance with fire safety codes and conducts fire safety inspections to ensure compliance. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Continued renovation of the basement of the Firehouse (To be completed 10/2020) • Performed Fire and EMS response through COVID-19 using NYS DOH and CDC guidelines • Organize and Execute the 2020 US Open at Winged Foot Golf Club Fire Safety Plan • Provided over 200 Birthday Drive By's for residence celebrating birthdays during COVID-19 • Participated in local school graduation processions during COVID-19 • Purchased and put in service 48 new P25 compliant fire ground radios • Purchased and converted to updated bailout system for all firefighters • Purchased and put in service new utility vehicle 2021 GOALS • Continue to provide fire and ems through continuing COVID-19 environment • Convert to new county wide UHF paging system • Complete transition off IronCompass and over to lamResponding for dispatch • Install new Computer Dispatch in all apparatus and chiefs vehicles • Continue to grow community outreach and fire prevention programs, in this Covid era, by utilitizing new technology • Oversee completion of needed repairs to 2nd floor auditorium and offices. 118 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MI6* FIRE DEPARTMENT Joseph Russo, Fire Chief SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 ^' Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual AM Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) tuiscelianeous SF.2770 450 • TOTAL REVENUE $ 450 $ • $ • $ • $ - $ • $ • $ • SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS tom I 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget _y Budget Year-to-Mate Projected Budget 'Decrease) Fire SF3410 $ 2,039,444 $ 2,446,611 $ 2,229,581j$ 2,232,753 $ 1,505,032 $ - 2122,248 $ 2,284,307 2.45% TOTALAPPROPRIATIONS $ 2,039,444 $ 2,446,61115 2,229,581 $ 2,232,753 $ 1,505,032 $ 2,122,248 $ 2,284,307 2.45% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Estimate Actual Actual Estimate 1. Fire and EMS Calls 1,284 1280 • 1186 1280 2. Training 54 51 28 60 3. Fire Prevention 17 19 226 25 119 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 'cr�T r " FIRE DEPARTMENT Joseph Russo,Fire Chief 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY . 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions SF 3410 Firefighter-Lieutenant Lieutenant $ 454,736 4 4 4 SF 3410 Firefighter-1st Grade FF1st Grade 944,036 10 10 10 5F TOTAL FULLTIME SF3410-1010 $ 1,39$832 14 14 14 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 Illy 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Tide GROUP/ST Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions SF 3410 Intermediate Clerk _ PT $15.23/hr $ 5,700 2 2 3 SF TOTAL PART TIME 5F3410-1021 $ 5,700 2 I 3 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL, $ 1,414532 16 16 17 120 Date Prepared- 10/16/2020 10:25 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 1 of 5 Account Table: FIRE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AIL Son Table: Racal Year:2021 Period Fmm:1 To:0 rAeemrM Description Original A4ustsd 2110 2021 Variance To 2016 1016 2020 2020 AeYrl DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Stage Stage Type E Expense SF.3410.1010 SALARIES.. 1,216,716.39 1292,928.61 1,323,952.00 1,323,952.00 1,023,450.06 1,398,832.00 5.86% SF.3410.1012 CLOTHING 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3500.00 3,500.00 ALLOWANCE SF.3410.1013 SHOE ALLOWANCE 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 SF.3410.1015 OVERTIME.. 221,575.30 115,040.70 150,000.00 150,000.00 114,529.02 150,000.00 SF.3410.1015.8760.83 OVERTIME-STORM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ISAIAS SF.3410.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 7,575.00 6,550.00 6,550.00 6,550.00 8,100.00 8,476.00 29.39% SF.3410.1017 HOLIDAY PAY 69,625.42 73,320.97 75,000.00 75,000.00 35,583.30 75,000.00 SF.3410.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 5,931.50 5,701.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,700.00 100.00% SF.3410.1019 STIPEND 17,875.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 21,000.00 5E3410.1021 SALARIES-PART 4,078.13 5,403.75 5,700.00 5,700.00 2,572.50 5,700.00 TIME SF.3410.2104 BUILDING 0.00 17,392.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT SF,3410.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 6,413.95 6,420.35 6,500.00 6,500.00 3,532.73 6,500.00 SF.3410.2107 AUTOMOTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT.. SF.3410.2108 FURNITURE.. 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 121 Dare Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:25 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BPD40111.0 Raped Date: 10/16/2020 age 2 015 Account Table: FIRE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Son Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From.1 To'.9 .Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Pert-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense SF.3410.2122 RADIOS AND PAGERS 2,538.75 2,425.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,186.16 5,000.00 SF.3410.2133 ALARM EQUIPMENT. 1,171.87 677.09 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 SF.3410.2134 UNIFORMS 4,849.25 5,724.25 5,500.00 5,500.00 1,137.97 5,50000 VOLUNTEERS.. SF.3410.2135 FIREFIGHTING 18,013.94 23,572.93 25,000.00 25,000.00 5,565.17 25,000 00 EQUIPMENT.. SF.3410.4002 SERVICE 15,245.18 9,346.64 7,000.00 7,000.00 3,768.94 7,000.00 CONTRACTS 1410.4003 ELECTRICITY 17,129.40 14,917.78 20,000.00 20,000.00 9,144.10 20,000.00 SF.3410.4006 DIESEL FUEL.. 609.62 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 406.24 1,000.00 SF.3410.4008 WATER/SEWER 3,261.04 3,352.04 4,500.00 4,500.00 2,896.83 4,500.00 SF.3410.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,281.83 460.69 2,000.00 2,000.00 311.94 2,000.00 SF.3410.4011 BLDG&GROUNDS 6,501.49 8,891.40 7,500.00 7,500.00 6,655.46 7,500.00 SUPPLIES SF.3410.4012 BLDG&GROUNDS 5,035.90 23,807.26 14,000.00 14,000.00 13,110.65 14,000.00 REPAIRS/MAINT SF.3410.4013 GENERATOR 724.50 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 REPAIRS/ MAINTENANCE.. 122 • Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:25AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 of 5 Account Table: FIRE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:1NLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance Toi 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage} Type E Expense SF.3410.4014 ALARM SYSTEM 869.00 233.45 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1.50000 REPAIRS/ MAINTENANCE.. SF.3410.4015 ELECTRICAL 728.16 2,758.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 REPAIRS.. SF.3410.4016 PLUMBING REPAIRS.. 396.00 725.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 152.06 2,500.00 SF.3410.4022 BOND 8 NOTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 100.00% EXPENSE.. SF 3410.4029 VEHICLE REPAIRS 43,160.20 37,219.85 50,00000 50,000.00 20,090.81 50,00000 SF.3410.4033 EQUIP. 16,825.59 14,606.39 15,000.00 16,225.00 10,636.54 15,000.00 REPAIRS/MAINT... SF.3410.4039 PHYSICAL EXAMS.. 11,150.00 9,1180.00 13,000.00 13,00000 0.00 13,000.00 SF.3410.4050 CONTINGENCY.. 0.00 0.00 90,500.00 90,500.00 0.00 50,000.00 -44.75% SF.3410.4051 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 30,00000 37,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SF.3410.4052 TAX CERTIORARIS.. 46,544.89 50,977.29 40,000.00 40.000.00 20,731.19 40,000.00 SF.3410.4054 MEAL ALLOWANCE.. 793.26 760.06 1,000.00 1,000.00 165.80 1,000.00 SF.3410.4055 NATURAL GAS.. 7,715.63 5,548.18 6,500.00 6,500.00 (51.00) 7,000.00 7.69% SF.3410.4057 UNIFORM 626.28 670.06 1,00000 1,000,00 117.97 1,000.00 MAINTENANCE.. 123 Date Prepared: 10/16202010:25AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 6UD40111.0 Report Date: 10(16/2020 Page 4 of Account Table: FIRE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description _ ---- Original Adjusted 20202021 — Variance To' 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type 8 Expense SF.3410.4069 LIABILITY 34,261.32 39,110.81 40,500.00 40,500.00 31,126.81 41,000.00 1.23% INSURANCE.. SF.3410.4064 VEHICLE FUEL 15,899.47 13,196.81 15,000.00 15,000.00 4,035.55 12,000.00 -20.00% SF.3410.4140 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2,764.11 3,012.46 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,811.85 3,500.00 SF.3410.4157 EDUCATION 20,638.75 12,489.61 12,000.00 12,000.00 2,910.01 12,000.00 PROGRAM.. SF.3410.4186 FIRE PREVENTION 0.00 1,948.95 2,000.00 2,000.00 280.00 2,000.00 PROGRAM. 1410.4100 BEEPER REPAIRS.. 681.54 1,442.56 2,500.00 2,500.00 447.42 2,500.00 SF.3410.4239 TELEPHONE& 40,225.96 55,710.54 41,000.00 41,000.00 42,594.01 57,000.00 39.02% ALARM.. SF.3410.4247 SEWER TAX.. 3,047.77 3,005.92 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,067.33 3,500.00 SF.3410.4255 TOOLS&OPERATING 628.84 1,312.75 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,298.79 3,000.00 SUPPLIES.. SF.3410.4256 REFILLS/RECHARGE.. 1,125.15 3,050.42 3,500.00 5,447.00 2,741.50 3,500.00 SF.3410.4258 BEDDING SUPPLIES.. 255.16 569.79 1,000.00 1,000.00 53.88 1,000.00 SF.3410.4260 FOAM.. 000 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 SF.3410.4262 LANDSCAPING.. 305.93 1,654.89 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 SF.3410.4263 RADIO 8s AIR HORN 193.20 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 REPAIRS.. 124 Dale Prepared 10/16202010.25AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10!1612020 Page 5 0'5 Account Table: FIRE Budget Preparation Report Prepared Ey.WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Flsca Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPTS Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type E Expense SF.3410 4265 CONFERENCES 8 7.'65 74 11,840 70 10,00000 10 D00 00 0 00 10,00G 00 INSPECTION.. SF34104293 RETIREE 122149.04 495,207.25 175,129 00 175,129.00 101,600.48 171,350.00 2'.5% REIMBURSEMENT.. Total Dept 3410 FIRE DISTRICT 2,039,444.46 2,446,610.86 2,229,581.00 2,232,753.00 1,505,032.03 2,284,307.00 2.45% Total Dept 3410 FIRE DISTRICT 2,039,444.46 2,446610.86 2,229,681.00 2,232,753.00 1,506,032.03 2,284,307.00 2.45% Total Type E Expense 2,039,444.46 2,446,610.86 2,229,681.00 2,232,753.00 1,606,032.03 2,284,307.00 2.45% Grand Total 2,039,444.46 2,446,610.86 2,229,581.00 2,232,753.00 1,606,032.03 2,284,307.00 2. NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 125 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GARBAGE DISTRICT DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal Commission(Commission) is committed to providing waste management and recycling services of the highest quality, delivered in a professional manner to our customers in the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont., utilizing environmentally sensitive equipment that is safe, efficient, reliable, and appropriate to the work performed. In carrying out our mission,we intend to provide and maintain the best possible work environment for our employees. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Commission is a joint agency of the Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont created by an act of the New York State Legislature in 1938. The Commission provides waste management and recycling collection services to over 4,700 residential and commercial customers. In 2019 the Commission collected and processed 20,815 tons of garbage and recycling material. Nearly 62%of the material collected was in the form of recycling material. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS D Expansion of the Food Waste Recycling Program created in 2018 to include the Mamaroneck School District and several local religious institutions D To provide more convenience to our customers,the Commission continued to offer for purchase waste and recycling receptacles at the Maxwell Avenue Facility. D Working with the Sustainability Collaborative continued to offer for sale Food Waste Kits at the Farmer's Market 2021 GOALS D Further review of the Food Recycling Program and implementation of the Food Waste Reduction grant initiatives D Sanitation and recycling services review to develop further economies and efficiencies D Review the use of automated refuse collection vehicles to improve operations and provide a safer work environment for employees. 126 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GARBAGE DISTRICT SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Garbage District SR8160 $ 1,987,280 $ 2,038,373 $ 2,105,925 $ 2,105,925 $ 1,440561 $ 1,949,234 $ 2,091,925 1%! TOTALAPPRDPRIATIONS $ 1,987,280 $ 2,038,373 $ 2,105,92$ $ 2,105,925 $ 1,440,561 $ 1,9,E $ 2,091,925J 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2020 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget _Positions Positions Positions $ TOTALSRB160 $ - - - --- 127 Date Prepared: 10/16/20201028 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 1 of 1 Account Table: GARBAGE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stags Stage Type E Expense SR.8160.4029 VEHICLE REPAIRS 85,774.95 70,160.26 100,000.00 100,000.00 44,980.89 85,000.00 -15.00% SR.8160.4052 TAX CERT1ORARIS.. 29,288.54 31,710.14 30,000.00 30,000.00 12,891,30 30,000.00 SR.8160.4059 LIABILITY 20,736.27 22,249.39 23.000.00 23,000.00 18,869.58 24,000.00 4.35% INSURANCE SR.8160.4251 JOINT COMMISSION.. 1,871,480.04 1,914,252.95 1,952,925 00 1,952,925.00 1,363,818.78 1,952,925.00 Total Dept 8180 GARBAGE DISTRICT 1,987,279.80 2,038,372.75 2,106,926.00 2,105,825.00 1,440,560.55 2,091,925.00 .0.89% T-'nI Dept 8180 GARBAGE DISTRICT 1,987,279.80 2,038,372.75 2,105,925.00 2,106,926.00 1,440,660.66 2,091,825.00 -0.85% itTypeE Expense 1,987,279.80 2,038,372.76 2,106,926.00 2,105,926.00 1,440,580.55 2,091,925.00 -0.88% Grand Total 1,987,279.80 2,038,372.75 2,105,925.00 2,105,926.00 1,440,660.56 2,091,925.00 -0.66% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 128 Lek Intentionally Blank 129 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WORc AHEAD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto, Fleet Manager DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Highway Department strives to maintain, improve and provide services to keep the Town's residents safe. These services include,maintaining roadways and parks,trees and cemeteries,snow removal, leaf collection,operating and maintaining the street lighting system, maintaining off-street parking lots,the Town's sewer system and the maintenance of all Town vehicles and equipment. In addition,the Highway Department responds to emergencies that impact the Town's infrastructure. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Highway Department is responsible for maintaining the infrastructure and associated roadwork within the unincorporated area of the Town.The department performs a wide array of tasks pertaining to routine maintenance,seasonal activities, such as leaf collection and snow removal and special projects.The department may engage outside contractors, when necessary for specific projects. Purchasing and maintaining equipment and vehicles is a critical function of the department. The department also handles the issuance of street permits, including the inspections,for work performed within the Town's right-of-way. The primary objective of the Highway Department is to provide residents and the public with safe and well-maintained streets and roads.Through sound and prudent financial administration,the Highway Department has been able to deliver these services at a time when there is limited resources. A variety of factors influence the work needed on roads and drainage systems throughout their service life. In addition to normal wear and tear associated with usage, there are environmental factors such as snow, ice, rain and dramatic fluctuations in temperature that take a toll on existing systems.The weather freeze-thaw cycle is particularly damaging to roads. This has proven to weaken sub grades and bring about a more rapid deterioration of the road pavement. In addition to planned improvements,a major responsibility of this department is to respond to requests from residents and Town,County,State and Federal officials. The Highway Department provides the following Town-wide services: Highway Administration: Provides administrative services for the department, issues street opening permits and handles inquiries from residents,Town officials and the public. Traffic Control: Maintains four(4) traffic lights, street painting and two thousand two hundred (2,200) traffic signs to ensure safety on all Town roads and compliance with traffic regulations. Conducts traffic studies and field investigations to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety. 130 TOWN OF MAMARONECK "IIDAD's WORK w 4H , ,T HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto, Fleet Manager OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS (CONT) Road Maintenance: Performs repairs and maintenance for approximately forty-four(44) miles of roadways, storm water management, collection of approximately two thousand four hundred(2,400) tons of leaves,emergency roadwork,sidewalk repairs and replacement and street cleaning. Central Garage: Provides fleet maintenance and repair services for Town vehicles and sanitation trucks owned by the Town and the Village of Larchmont. In an effort to expand cost effective shared services to other entities, in 2018,the Town began servicing Village of Larchmont sanitation trucks and, in 2019,the Town started fueling vehicles for the Mamaroneck School District. Parks/Tree Maintenance: Maintains all road shoulders and medians, including the four thousand nine hundred (4,900)trees along the roads, ninety-three (93) acres of park grounds and three point two (3.2) miles of trails in the conservation areas and Town right-of-ways. Pruning, measuring, planting, trimming and removal of dead trees are among the tasks the department handles.This includes cutting grass, pruning, planting brush and collecting trash in parks,trails and parking lots. Provides annual leaf collection, periodic ecological plantings and landscaping projects throughout the Town. Setup of special events is also the responsibility of the Parks and Tree Maintenance crew. Snow and Ice Removal: The Highway Department is responsible for the removal of snow and ice from forty-three (43) miles of roads and sidewalks to provide for the safe and orderly movement of emergency equipment,vehicle traffic and pedestrians throughout the Town during winter months. In accordance with Westchester County and New York State agreements,the department also removes snow and ice from County and State roads located in the Town. Street Lighting: Operates and maintains one thousand three hundred (1,300)street lighting fixtures throughout the Town. Off Street Parking: Provides and maintains the commuter parking lots. Is responsible for the collection and maintenance of parking pay stations and infrastructure maintenance. Sewer District: Operates and maintains fifty-seven and a half(5734) miles of the sanitary sewer system, which includes six hundred fifty(650) manholes and a pump station. Services include cleaning sewer lines,camera inspections, preventative maintenance, manhole replacements and repair. In addition, the department performs work as required by the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study. Cemeteries: Maintains eight(8) historic cemeteries in the Town through landscaping, masonry and beautification. 131 TOWN OF MAMARONECK I HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto,Fleet Manager 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS D Issued approximately one hundred ninety(190)street opening permits D Upgraded twenty(20) signs for compliance with the new regulations that require minimum levels of reflectivity D Increased number of roads that were resurfaced or repaired by ten percent(10%) D Cleaned more than five hundred (500)sewer basins D Repaired and/or replaced twenty-five (25) non-LED fixtures D Assisted in the installation of electric vehicle charging stations D Maintained and repaired Town vehicles and Village of Larchmont's sanitation trucks D Began a shared service with Village of Mamaroneck for camera sewer inspections D Responded to tropical storm Isaias;removed debris from roadways,collected residents'debris and performed emergency tree work 2021 GOALS D Implement and maintain a pavement management program to evaluate roadway conditions D Maintain or increase the number of roads to be resurfaced D Repair and replace sidewalks and curbs D Utilize new technology and pothole equipment to maintain and repair potholes D Initiate sewer repairs as required by the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study > Paint streetlight poles on the Boston Post Road D Perform vehicle and equipment repairs and maintenance in-house > Implement new software programs for vehicle maintenance and fuel management > Acquire a new brine system SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase Budget Code Actual Actual _ Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) DB2665 $ 23,470 $ 58,515 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ $ 15,000 $ 15,000 0.00% DB3502 118,826 118,870 - - - - - 082705 - 796 - - - - - D82770 670 - DB2209-2938 349,602 369,187 419,750 419,750 181,973 329,555 378,750 -9.77% DB2300 41,330 32,701 20,000 20,000 42,086 49,086 25,000 25.00% 552120 233,972 400,284 571,324 571,324 218,214 525,000 622,280 &92% SL2770 550 - SL5995 51,900 $ 768,420 $ 980,353 $ 1,026,074 $ 1,077,974 $ 443,162 $ 94641 $ 1,041,030 L46% 132 TOWN OF MAMARONECK R� +.4WORN 1 AHEAD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto,Fleet Manager SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2010 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Highway Administration A5010 $ 108,702 $ 932 $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 1,196 $ 1,196 $ 6,100 1.67% Traffic Control 83310 93,683 82,296 105,006 115,006 54,072 104,164 103,933 -1.02% Road Maintenance DB5110 1,270,018 1,798,491 1,755,211 1,755,211 1,201,084 1,741,566 1,754,913 -0.02% Central Garage DB5130 928,404 962,365 1,025,390 1,025,390 661,869 947,043 1,030,299 0.48% Parks/TreeMaintenance DB5140 586,777 93,426 101,600 101,600 48,275 75,558 99,100 -2.46% Snow Removal DB5142 280,708 347,732 318,000 318,000 49,713 181,623 318,000 0.0096 Street lighting District SL5182 165,969 38,583 136,905 188,805 136,221 167,295 130,511 -4.67% Off Street Parking-Town wide A5650 9,::. 7,130 14,950 14,950 6,194 13,697 14,700 -1.67% Off Street Patti rc-Part Town 85650 24,647 15,218 30,050 30,050 7,157 11,418 29,000 -3.49% Sewer District 558120 128,348 99,002 152,319 152,319 48,484 65,539 175,676 15.33% Cemeteries A8810 10,750 14,495 15,000 15,000 6,681 13,666 15,250 167% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 3,607,692 $ 3,459,670 $3,660,431 $3,722,331 $ 2,220,946 $ 3,322,765 $ 3,677,462 0.47%, PERFORMANCE MEASURES 2018 2019 2020 2021 Item Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1 Street Opening Permits 184 190 200 200 2 Signs 170 140 220 250 3 Roads resurfaced 8 16 10 10 4 Sanitary sewers replaced/repaired 116 143 150 150 5 Streetlights replaced with LED bulbs 25 25 25 25 6 Streetlights replaced/repaired 107 87 90 100 7 Vehicles and equipment serviced 592 588 575 600 133 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Ti HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto,Fleet Manager 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions _ Positions Positions A 5010 Superintendent of Highway MJGMr-Vacant $ - 1.00 1.00 - Subtotal A5010 $ - 1.00 1.00 - B 3310 !Mint F ch-Sign&Mark _CSEA III 18 $ 45,733 0.60 0.60 0.60 Subtotal B3310 $ 45,733 0.60 0.60 0.60 DB 5110 General Foreman MGMT $ 84,120 0.93 0.93 0.93 DB 5110 Labor Foreman CSEA N/8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Sewer Maint Foreman CSEA N/8 S 39,917 0.50 0.50 0.50 06 5110 Laborer CSEA 1/4 $ 52,421 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Laborer CSEA I/6 $ 68,046 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Laborer CSEA I/8 $ 70,587 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 6110 Skilled Laborer CSEA II/8 S 36,703 0.50 0.50 0.50 DB 5110 WO I CSEA II/8 $ 73,406 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 MEO I CSEA II/8 $ 73,406 1.00 1.00 1.00 ce 5110 WO I CSEA II/8 $ 73,406 1.00 1.00 1.00 06 5110 PEO II CSEA III/8 $ 38,111- 0.50 0.50 0.50 D8 5110 NEO II CSEA III/8 $ 76,221 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 MEO II CSEA III/8 $ 76,221 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 MEO II CSEA III/B $ 76,221 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 M aint Mach-Sign&Mark CSEA III/8 $ 30,489 0.40 0.40 0.40 DB 5110 Park Foreman CSEA N/8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Tree Trimmer CSEA III/8 $ 76,221 1.00 1.00 1.00_ DB 5110 Tree Trimmer CSEA III/8 $ 76,221 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Office Assistant CSEA III/6 $ 41,135 0.75 0.75 0.80 Subtotal DB5110 $ 1,220,520 16.58 16.58 16.63 DB 5130 Lead Maint Mechanic MNGMT $ 115,543 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5130 Auto Mechanic CSEA-RI/8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5130 Auto Mechanic CSEA-N/8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5130 Auto Mechanic CSEA-NI 8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5130 Auto Mechanic CSEA-IV/8 $ 79,834 1.00 1.00 1.00 Subtotal DB5130 $ 434,879 5.00 5.00 5.00 SL 5182 ME II CSEA II/8 $ 38,111 0.50 0.50 0.50 Subtotal SL5182 $ 38,111 0.50 0.50 0.50 SS 8120 General Foreman NICK $ 8,332 0.07 0.07 0.07 SS 8120 Sewer Mont Foremen CSEA N i 8 $ 39,917 0.50 0.50 0.50 SS 8120 WO1 CSEAI/8 $ 36,703' 0.50 0.50 0.50 Subtotal SS8120 $ 82,952 1.07 1.07 1.07 TOTAL FULL-TIME $ 1,822,195 24.75 24.75 23.80 134 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WORK ji L,MEAD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Alan Casterella,General Foreman Michael Pinto,Fleet Manager 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Find Dept Title Hourly Budget Positions Positions Positions DB 5110 Laborer $281hr $ 4,500 1.00 1.00 1.00 DB 5110 Seasonal $12-141hr $ 13,000 1.00 3.00_ 3.00 Subtotal DB5110.1021 $ 17,500 2.00 4.00 4.00 DB 5130 Laborer $15/hr $ 40,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 Subtotal DB5130-1021 $ 40,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 5650 Meter Maintenance $28ihr $ 5,000 0.30 0.30 0.30 Subtotal P5650.1021 $ 5,000 0.30 0.30 0.30 B 5650 Meter Maintenance $28/hr $ 10,500 0.70 0.70 0.70 Subtotal B5650.1021 $ 10,500 0.70 0.70 0.70 TOTAL PARTTIME-HIGHWAY $ 73,000 4.00 6.00 6.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 1,895,195 28.75 30.75 29.80 135 Date Prepared: 10116/2020 10.30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue DB.0000.2655 SALE OF 23,470.00 58,515.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. O B.0000.2705 GIFTS&DONATIONS.. 0.00 796.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 D B.0000.2770 MISCELLANEOUS.. 670.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 888.58 05.0000.3502 CHIPS PROGRAM.. 118,826.00 118,869.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 0000142,986.00 178,180.79 15,000.00 16,000.00 688.68 15,000.00 Total Dept 6110 ROAD MAINTENANCE 142,966.00 178,180.79 16,000.00 16,000.00 688.68 15,000.00 1000.2209 VEHICLE FUEL- 740.03 202.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 V.O.L. DB.0000.2210 VEHICLE FUEL- 55218.36 57,129.19 75,000.00 75,000.00 25,792.90 55,000.00 -26.67% LMJGDC/SCHOOL DB.0000.2211 VEHICLE MA INT- 6,143.90 7,870.83 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,487.17 6,000.00 LMJGDC/SCHOOL DB.0000.2212 VEHICLE MAINT-VOL 45,551.12 55,146.29 40,000.00 40,000.00 23,159.09 40,000.00 SANIT DB.0000.2650 SALE OF SCRAP 2,691.93 2,144.44 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,416.65 1,500.00 METAL.. DB.0000.2801 VEHICLE FUEL/ 15,163.41 22,218.21 22,500.00 22,500.00 6628.00 19,50000 -13 33% MAINT-TOWN W IDE.. OB.0000.2802 VEHICLE FUEL/ 87,540.95 71,445.97 75,000.00 75,000.00 37,274.48 75,000.00 MAINT-PART TOWN.. 136 Dale Prepared: 10/16202010.30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 2 of 16 Account Table. HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepareo By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: °lsca'Yea- 2021 Penoo From 1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue DB.0000.2803 VEHICLE FUEL I 59,059.67 50,416.66 65 000 30 65,003 00 24,126.36 62,000 00 -4 62115 MAINT-FIRE.. DB.00002805 VEHICLE FUEL/ 7,119.17 3,591.83 7 500.00 7,500.00 3,568.34 7,50000 MAINT-PARAMEDICS 09,0000.2806 VEHICLE FUEL/ 15,944.50 13,278.85 12250.00 12,250.00 9,175.26 12,25000 MAINT-MEMS DB.0000.2807 VEHICLE FUEL I 9,654.28 15,582.24 15 000.00 15,000.00 2,363.89 15,000 00 MAINT-VAC DB.0000.2808 VEHICLE MAINT- 65,774.95 70,160.26 100.000.00 100.000.00 44,980.89 85,00000 -15.nnee GARBAGE Total Dept 0000349,602.27 369,187.54 419,760.00 419,750.00 181,973.03 378,750.00 -9.77% Total Dept 6130 CENTRAL GARAGE 349,802.27 369,187.54 419,750.00 419,750.00 181,973.03 378,750.00 •9.77% DB.0000.2213 ROAD SERVICES 7,513.95 2,400.00 0.00 3 00 0.00 CITY OF NEW ROCHELLE DB.00002300 SNOW REMOVAL- 33,815.91 30,300.72 20.000.00 20,00000 421186.39 2500000 25.00% OTHER GOV TS.. Total Dept 0000 41,329.96 32,700.72 20,000.00 20,000.00 42,086.39 26,000.00 26.00% Total Dept 5142 SNOW REMOVAL 41,329.86 32,700.72 20,000.00 20,000.00 42,086.39 25,000.00 25.00% SL.0000 5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,900.00 3 00 BALANCE Total Dept 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,900.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 5182 STREET LIGHTING 0.00 0.00 0,00 51,900.00 0.00 0.00 DISTRICT 137 Date Prepared: 10/16202010:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue SS.0000.2120 SEWER RENTS 233,971.61 400,284.43 571,324.00 571,324.00 218,213.85 597,880.00 4.65% SS.0000.2374 SEWER SVC-OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24,400.00 100.00% GOV'TS.. Total Dept 0000233,971.61 400,284.43 671,324.00 671,324.00 218,213.85 822,280.00 8.92% Total Dept 8120 SEWER DISTRICT 233,971.61 400,284.43 571,324.00 571,324.00 215,213.85 522,280.00 8.92% DB.0000.2701 REFUND PRIOR 549.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEARS EXP.. d Dept 0000649.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 d Dept 9999 UNDISTRIBUTED 649.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Type R Revenue 768,419.26 980,353.48 1,026,074.00 1,077,974.00 443,181.55 1,041,030.00 1.46% 138 Date Prepared 10/16/202010:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 8UD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared 8y:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.5010.1010 SALARIES.. 103,653.85 0.0D 0.00 000 0.00 A.5010.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 675.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.5010.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 A.5010.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,003.37 578.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 787.55 1,800.00 5.88% CES.. A.5010.4019 DUES/PU9LICATIONS 655.00 300.00 800.00 800.00 300.00 800.00 A.5010.4241 BRIDGE REPAIRS.. 2,714.37 54.35 3.500.00 3,500.00 127.88 3,500.00 Total Dept 5010 HIGHWAY 106,701.61 _-- 932.36 6,000.00 3,000.00 1,196.43 6,100.00 1.67% ADMINISTRATION Total Dept 5010 HIGHWAY 106,701.69 932.36 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,196.43 8,100.00 1.67% ADMINISTRATION 6.3310.1010 SALARIES.. 43,632.68 44,417.88 45,306.00 45,308.00 34,850.80 45,733.00 0.94% B.3310.1012 CLOTHING 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 270.00 ALLOWANCE B.3310.1015 OVERTIME-TRAFFIC 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00% 8.3310.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 555.00 630.00 630.00 630.00 0.00 630.00 8.3310.1019 STIPEND 0.00 1,280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B.3310.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 3,000.00 1,136.49 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. 139 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 - Page 5 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All Sod Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjuatad 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense B.3310.2105 UNIF0RMS-GGENERAL 281.33 260.31 300.00 300.00 106.13 300.00 B.3310.2128 TRAFFIC SIGNS.. 10,877.71 17,036.18 18,000,00 16,000.00 6,028.96 16,500.00 3.13% B.3310.2129 TRAFFIC SIGNALS.. 9,085.12 1,001.91 7,500.00 7,500.00 1,152.05 7,500.00 B.3310.4010 OPERATING 6,567.11 3,988.87 5,500.00 5,500.00 2,414.48 5,500.00 SUPPLIES 8.3310.4043 SIGNS 4,498.14 5,252.49 7,500.00 7,500.00 6,849.50 7,500.00 10.4058 REPAIRS& 2,108.10 1,123.09 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,713.01 4,000.00 MAINTENANCE.. 6.3310.4202 STREET PAINTING. 12,807.87 5,921.08 15.000.00 25,000.00 687.00 12,000.00 -20.00% 6.3310.4203 BUS SHELTER.. 0.00 0.00 1,000.DD 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Total Dapt 3310 TRAFFIC CONTROL 93,683.06 52,295.28 105,006.00 115,006.00 54,071.94 103133.00 -1.02% OB.5110.1010 SALARIES.. 804,356.76 1,174,225.72 1,218,458.00 1,219,456.00 919,591.61 1,220,520.00 0.17% DB.5110.1012 CLOTHING 4,873.50 7,123.50 7,124.00 7,124.00 6,898.50 7,35000 3.17% ALLOWANCE DB.5110.1015 OVERTIME.. 38,921.22 107,279.16 60,000.00 60,000.00 45,907.54 60,000.00 DB.6110.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 7,600.25 11,325.25 11,263.00 11,283.00 0.00 10,863.00 -3.55% DB.5110.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 1,572.00 1,372.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 100.00% DB.5110.1019 STIPEND 2,800.00 2,270.00 3,550.00 3,550.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 -21.13% 140 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD401i 7.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 6 or 16 Account Table HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By WLACERENZr' Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original AdJusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense DB.5110.1021 SALARIES-PART 5 27B 33 18,888.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 23,764.00 17,500 00 TIME 00.5110.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 4,000 00 100.00% DB.5110.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 3.269.23 3,697.55 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.03 5,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. DB.5110.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 4,579.51 4,541.16 4,500.00 4,500.00 1,626.93 4,500.00 DB.5110.4001 TELEPHONE.. 36000 (5333) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5110.4002 SERVICE 10,167.25 10,589.94 12,000.00 12,000.00 4,829.66 12000.00 CONTRACTS DB.5110.4003 ELECTRICITY 18,473.15 15,355.36 18,000.00 18,000.00 7,927.85 18000.00 08.5110,4008 WATER/SEWER 2.212.84 2,638.06 2,500.00 2,500.00 942.04 2,500.00 DB.5110.4010 OPERATING 20,688.09 13,71514 20,000.00 20,000.00 9,58367 20,000.00 SUPPLIES.. DB.5110.4010.8760.83 OPERATING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40,522.72 SUPPLIES.STORM ISAIAS DB.5110.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,488.00 2,208.00 2,000.00 2.000.00 500.03 2.000 00 CES.. 08.5110.4034 MISC.EXPENSE.. 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.03 DB.5110.4050 CONTINGENCY.. 0.00 0.00 9,818.00 9.818.00 0.03 1,680.00 -82.89% 141 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Pape 7 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From'.1 To:9 Account Description Original Acgusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2018 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Elpanee DB.5110.4052 TAX CERTIORARIS.. 66,198.05 71,440.67 25,000.00 25,000.00 28,923.60 25,000.00 DB.5110.4055 NATURAL GAS.. 19,701.39 21,751.71 18,000.00 18,000.00 14,650.93 20,000.00 11.11% DB.5110.4059 LIABILITY INSURANCE 81,541.50 83,395.81 88,000.00 88,00000 70,863.53 91,300.00 3.75% DB.5110.4228 CATCH BASIN 38,949.36 6,460.67 65,000.00 65,000.00 11,705.34 60,000.00 -7.69% MAINTENANCE& REPAIRS.. DB.5110.4229 DRAINAGE REPAIRS.. 1,154.00 18,474.98 9,500.00 9,500.00 444.38 9,500.00 5110.4232 PATCHING.. 20,432.77 16,795.68 25,000.00 25,000.00 13,010.37 25,000.00 DB.5110.4233 SIDEWALKS.. 5,956.85 9,887.57 10,000.00 10,000.00 3,411.54 10,000.00 08.5110.4234 CURBS.. 1,910.76 628.94 4,000.00 4,000.00 0.02 4,000.00 DB.5110.4235 STREET CLEANING.. 34,780,00 33,800.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 14,924.00 36,000.00 DB.5110.4236 BLDG REPAIRS& 41,471.64 55,747.08 14,000.00 14,000.00 13,584.63 15,000.00 7 14% SUPPLIES.. DB.5110.4240 ROAD WALL 7,206.96 37.17 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,920.92 5,000.00 REPAIRS.. DB.5110.4243 OUTSIDE SERVICES 0.00 895.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5110.4276 ORGANIC WASTE 26,075.00 104,000.00 64,000.00 64,000.00 (84,000.001 64,000.00 DISPOSAL 142 Date Prepared: 10/16/202010:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Dale: 10/162020 Page 8 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense Total Dept 5110 ROAD MAINTENANCE 1,270,018.08 1,798,490.79 1,756,211.00 1,756,211.00 1,154,333.73 1,754,913.00 -0.02% Total Dept 5110 ROAD MAINTENANCE 1,363,701.14 1,880,787.07 1,860,217.00 1,870,217.00 1,205,405.67 1,868,846.00 -0.07% DB.5110.1015.8760.83 OVERTIME-STORM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46,750.73 ISAIAS Total Dept 6110 ROAD MAINTENANCE D.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45,750.73 0.00 DB.51301010 SALARIES.. 377,883.46 392,542.82 403,540.00 433,540.00 334,495.16 434,879.00 7.77% DB.5130.1012 CLOTHING 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,550.00 13.33% ALLOWANCE DB.5130.1014 TOOL ALLOWANCE 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 DB.5130.1015 OVERTIME.. 38,949.32 42,132.02 45,000.00 30,000.00 20,822.19 45,000.00 DB.5130.1015.8760.83 OVERTIME-STORM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,732.17 ISAIAS 08.5130.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 3,450.00 3,700.00 3,950.00 3,950.00 1,175.00 3,450.00 -12.66% DB.5130.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.0D 0.00 1,200.00 100.00% DB.5130.1019 STIPEND 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 DB.5130.1021 SALARIES-PART 8,700.00 7,500.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 17,322.00 40,000.00 166.67% TIME DB.5130.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 7,861.21 9,490.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,934.66 10,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. DB.5130.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 1,766.54 1,747.42 2,000.00 2,000.00 858.71 2,000.00 143 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 9 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2011 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense DB.5130.4001 TELEPHONE 360.00 380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 720.00 100.00% DB.5130.4004 GASOLINE.. 69,692.45 73,644.81 90,000.00 90,000.00 33,563.24 75,000.00 -16.67% DB.5130.4006 DIESEL FUEL.. 96,432.96 83,503.19 115,000.00 85,000.00 36,908.32 85,000.00 -26.09% DB.5130.4010 OPERATING 25,699.71 32,341.53 25,000.00 25,000.00 17,914.24 25,000.00 SUPPLIES.. DB.5130.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 262.00 382.16 1,500.00 1,500.00 365.00 2,000.00 33.33% CES 130.4018 COMPUTER 5,375.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 203.75 SOFTWARE MAINT 8 SUPPORT DB.5130.4033 EQUIP. 9,755.15 4,616.50 6,500.00 6,500.00 11,147.97 6,500.00 REPAIRS/MAINT... DB 5130.4050 CONTINGENCY.. 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 -100.00% DB.5130.4063 AUTO FLUIDS 10,008.76 11,181.16 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,860.41 12,000.00 -20.00% DB.5130.4237 AUTO PARTS a 178,314.10 216,099.95 180,000.00 180,000.00 91,743.48 180,000.00 SUPPLIES.. DB.5130.4242 TIRES.. 42,695.51 40,190.38 51,250.00 51,250.00 33,684.24 51,000.00 -0.49% DB.5130.4243 OUTSIDE SERVICES.. 41,879.22 34,064.89 50,000.00 50,000.00 35,370.48 45,000.00 -10.00% DB.5130.4244 RADIO REPAIRS.. 4,867.38 1,417.67 5,000.00 5,000.00 517.63 5,000.00 144 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.D Report Date: 10/18/2020 Page 10 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 VarluicaTo 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense Total Dept 5130 CENTRAL GARAGE 928,403.75 962,364.50 1,025,390.00 1,025,390.00 651,888.85 1,030,290.00 0.45% Total Dept 6130 CENTRAL GARAGE 928,403.75 962,384.50 1,025,390.00 1,026,390.00 708,819.38 1,030,299.00 0.48% DB.5140.1010 SALARIES.. 349,053.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5140.1012 CLOTHING 2,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ALLOWANCE DB.5140.1015 OVERTIME.. 120,872.46 (52.44) 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5140.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 3,275.00 0.00 000 0 00 0.00 DB.5140.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB:5140.1019 STIPEND 750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5140.1021 SALARIES-PART 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TIME DB.5140.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5140.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 13,007.34 5,546.27 7,500.00 7,500.00 1,005.89 7,500.00 EQUIPMENT.. DB.5140.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 2,156.49 2,245.45 2,400.00 2,400.00 813.45 2,400.00 DB.5140.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DB.5140.4002 SERVICE 11,147.00 11,060.87 18,000.00 18,000.00 5,945.25 18,000.00 CONTRACTS DB.5140.4003 ELECTRICITY 2,91926 2,497.08 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,023.23 3,000,00 145 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 11 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: F scat Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type E Expense DB.5140.4005 HEATING FUEL.. 6,207.81 4,889.16 6,000.00 5,000.00 2,987.40 5,000.00 DB.5140.4008 WATER/SEWER 4,435 63 3,819.18 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,097.23 6,000.00 DB.5140.4010 OPERATING 18,927.79 15,967.28 15,500.00 15,500.00 7,999.79 15,500.00 SUPPLIES.. DB.5140.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,525.00 1,195.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 490.00 1,500.00 CES DB.5140.4050 CONTINGENCY.. 0.00 0.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 0.00 2,700.00 -48.08% 1140.4243 OUTSIDE SERVICES.. 43,860.89 38,732.14 25,000.00 25,000.00 15,023.35 25,000.00 DB.5140.4245 EQUIP 633.50 555.18 2,500.00 2,500.00 682.73 2,500.00 REPAIRS/PARTS.. DB.5140.4246 BLDG MAINT8 1,740.61 300.30 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,458.48 2,500.00 SUPPLIES.. DB.5140.4247 SEWER TAX.. 4,638.57 4,359.26 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,795.87 5,000.00 DB.5140.4248 EXTERMINATING.. 1,376.30 2,311.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,952.00 2,500.00 Total Dept 5140 PARKS I TREE 586,776.95 93,425.73 101,600.00 101,600.00 48,274.67 99,100.00 -2.46% MAINTENANCE Total Dept 5140 PARKS/TREES 586,776.95 93,425.73 101,600.00 101,600.00 48,274.67 99,100.00 -2.46% MAINTENANCE DB.5142.1015 OVERTIME.. 108,168.75 137,770.78 135,000.00 135,000.00 14,794.44 135,000.00 , DB.5142.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 19.04 2,028.87 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. 146 Date Prepared: 10/16/202010:30 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/162020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 12 of 18 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2019 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense 08.5142.4002 SERVICE 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00 CONTRACTS OB.5142.4245 EQUIP 11,436.20 17,667.88 18,000.00 18,000.00 4,814.27 18,000.00 REPAIRS/PARTS D8.5142.4250 ROCK 161,083.56 190,064.78 150,000.D0 150,000.00 30,104.88 150,000.00 SALT/CALCIUM.. Total Dept 6142 SNOW REMOVAL 280,707.66 347,732.31 318,000.00 318,000.00 49,713.68 318,000.00 Total Dept 6142 SNOW REMOVAL 280,707.66 347,732.31 318,000.00 316,000.00 49,713.69 318,000.00 SL.5182.1010 SALARIES.. 36,360.48 37,014.90 37,755.00 37,755.00 29,042.20 38,111.00 0 SL.5162.1012 CLOTHING 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 ALLOWANCE SL.5182.1015 OVERTIME.. 594.36 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,202.02 1,000.00 SL.5182.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 462.50 525.00 525.00 525.00 0.00 525.00 SL.5182.1019 STIPEND 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 SL.5182.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 187.51 173.53 200.00 200.00 70.73 200.00 SL.51822132 LIGHT FIXTURES.. 13,756.99 11,207.50 7,000 00 58,900.00 57,625.07 10,000.00 42.88% SL.5182.4003 ELECTRICITY 96,094.54 (25,654.72) 75,000 00 75,000.00 39,937.57 65,000.00 -13.33% SL.5182.4010 OPERATING 7,787.18 4,444.72 8,000.00 6,000.00 797.93 6,000.00 SUPPLIES.. 147 Date Prepared: 10/16202010:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 8UD40111.0 Report Date: 10/182020 Page 13 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:VVLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Pedod From:1 To:9 Account Deserlption Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense SL.5182.4010.8760.83 OPERATING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 558.05 SUPPLIES.STORM ISAIAS SL.5182.4050 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SL.5182.4052 TAX CERTIORARIS.. 3,568.34 4,057.22 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,647.45 2,000.00 SL.5182.4058 REPAIRS 6 3,042.59 2,338.92 2,800.00 2,800.00 360.00 2,800.00 MAINTENANCE.. SL.5182.4059 LIABILITY 3,159.71 3,500.98 3,650.00 3,850.00 3,005.30 3,900.00 8.85% INSURANCE.. i urel Dept 6182 STREET LIGHTING 186,968.19 38,683.03 138,106.00 186,606.00 136,221.32 130,611.00 -4.67% DISTRICT Total Dept 5182 STREETLIGHTING 165,969.19 38,683.03 136,906.00 188,606.00 136,221.32 130,611.00 -4.67% DISTRICT A.5650.1021 SALARIES-PART 3,410.40 3,360.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 1,495.20 5,000.00 11.11% TIME A.5650.4002 SERVICE 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS A.5650.4041 PAY MACHINE 617.96 283.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 0.00 1,300.00 SUPPLIES/MAINTENA NCE.. A.5650.4042 DECALSE 1,095.88 1,327.60 1,800.00 1,800.00 3,319.10 1,050.00 -41.67% STICKERS.. A.5650.4043 SIGNS.. 0.00 907.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 63.00 1,200.00 148 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/18/2020 Page 14 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Minted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2016 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.5650.4047 SNOW REMOVAL.. 4,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 000 3,000.00 A.5650.4144 GENERAL REPAIRS.. 427.60 1,117.80 3,000.00 3,000 00 1,18338 3,000.00 A.5650.4271 RENT-PARKING 133.83 133.63 150.00 150.00 133.63 150.00 AREA.. B.5650.1021 SALARIES-PART 7,957.60 7,840.00 10,500.00 10,500.00 3,488.80 10,500.00 TIME B.5650.4003 ELECTRICITY 4,193.93 5,386.86 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,051.57 5,000.00 B.5650.4041 METER 3,115.80 632.81 8,300.00 8,300.00 11697 7,000.00 -15 REPAIRS/REPLACEM ENT.. 8.5650.4042 DECALS& 256.16 1,053.50 500.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 50.00% STICKERS.. 8.5650.4043 SKINS.. 0.00 303.50 750.00 750.00 0.00 750.00 B.5650.4144 GENERAL REPAIRS.. 9,123.74 0.00 5,030.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 Total Dept 6650 OFF STREET PARKING 34,332.70 22,347.60 46,000.00 46,000.00 13,351.65 43,700.00 -2.89% A.8810.4002 SERVICE 10,750.00 9,943.75 12,000.00 12,000.00 5,821.25 12,250.00 208% CONTRACTS A.8810.4100 GROUNDS REPAIRS& 0.00 4,551.74 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,059.31 3,000.00 MAINT Total Dept 8810 CEMETERIES 10,750.00 14,466.49 15,000.00 16,000.00 6,600.56 16,250.00 1.67% ' Total Dept 6660 OFF STREET PARKING 46,082.70 36,543.09 50,000.00 50,000.00 20,032.2158,960.00 -1.76% 149 Date Prepared: 1W16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 15 of 18 ACCoun*Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA A11.Sort Table: Fiscal Ysar:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description OdgInaI Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT/ Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage _Stage Type E Expense SS.8120.1010 SALARIES.. 79,208.27 76,979.12 80,700.00 60,700.00 35,182.20 82,952.00 2.79% S6.8120.1012 CLOTHING 481.50 481.50 482.00 482.00 256.50 482.00 ALLOWANCE SS.8120.1015 OVERTIME.. 12,476.28 861.55 12,000.00 12,000.00 763.98 8,200.00 -31.67% SS.8120.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,132.25 1,594.75 607.00 607.00 0.00 1,007.00 85.90% SS.8120.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 28.00 228.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 230.00 100.00% 9120.1019 STIPEND 750.00 937.50 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 o,.8120.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 149.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,715.64 32,000.00 1600.00% EQUIPMENT.. S5.8120.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 458.83 433.83 430.00 430.00 176.83 430.00 SS.8120.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SS.8120.4003 ELECTRICITY 4,932.89 4,282.59 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,035.15 4,000 00 SS.8120.4008 WATER 378.39 129.95 200.00 200.00 94.37 200.00 SS.8120.4010 OPERATING 6,841.57 4,574.76 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,478.61 6,000.00 SUPPLIES.. SS.81204017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 100.00% CES SS.8120.4035 CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 -50.00% SERVICES 150 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:30 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4O11 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 16 of 16 Account Table: HWY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense S6.8120.4050 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.00 100.00% SS.8120.4052 TAX CERTIORARIS.. 1,463.74 980.65 2,000.00 2,000.00 32.87 2,000.00 SS.8120.4053 TV INSPECTION.. 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 SS.8120.4059 LIABILITY 3,159.71 3,500.96 3,650.00 3,650.00 3,005.30 3,800.00 4.11% INSURANCE.. SO.8120 4246 BLDG MAINT 8 4,805.96 0.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 -44.44% SUPPLIES.. SS.8120.4253 SEWER 7,221.80 246.80 15,000.00 15,000.00 110.90 15,000.00 CONSTRUCTION.. SS.8120.4254 MANHOLES. 1,999.00 621.28 5,000.00 5,000.00 382.50 5,000.00 SS.8120.4283 BILLING SERVICE 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 Total Dept 8120 SEWER DISTRICT 128,346.19 99,002.24 152,319.00 152,319.00 48,484.85 175,676.00 16.33% Total Dept 8120 SEWER DISTRICT 128,348.19 99,002.24 152,319.00 162,319.00 48,484.85 176,676.00 15.33% Total Type E Expense (3,607,691.06) (3,469,870.32) 3,660,431.00 3,722,331.00 (2,220,947.12) 3,677,482.00 0.47% Grand Total (2,639,271.81) (2,479,316.84) (2,634,357.00) (2,644,357.00) (1,777,786.27) (2,636,452.00) 0.08% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 151 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Add I !Alba HUMAN RESOURCES Connie Green O'Donnell,Deputy Town Administrator DEPARTMENTAL MISSION Our mission is to be a proactive provider of quality professional human resources services to Town staff. Services include, but are not limited to,the development and administration of Town policies,employee recruitment,job classification and compensation, benefits administration, regulatory compliance, safety and risk management,employee training and development, as well as public and employee relations. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The primary function of the Human Resources Department is to provide support to departments in order for them to accomplish their objectives. When positions open, we work closely with the respective Department Head to ensure that we attract the best candidates for the position. We continually strive to offer appropriate training for departments in order to enhance their skills needed to provide quality services to residents. We promote growth and accountability within the departments. in addition, we handle the administration of the property and casualty insurance, Workers' Compensation, New York State Disability,as well as certain aspects of the administration of the employee benefit plans. As part of the Administrator's Office, we also are involved in various Town projects, respond to inquiries from the public and handle residents' issues and concerns. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Developed and implemented procedures to comply with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act(FFCRA)which required employers to provide employees with paid sick leave for specific reasons related to COVID-19 ➢ Coordinated the Census outreach efforts and developed various communications strategies > Conducted open enrollments for Aflac and MetLaw plans > Organized and lead one (1)Safety Committee meeting ➢ Coordinated the reporting of expenditures to Westchester County and FEMA due to the damages incurred from storm Isaias > Completed the onboarding process for eight(8) new full-time employees and processed two(2) promotions ➢ Worked with Department Heads and Westchester County Civil Service to authorize four(4) new titles ➢ Accurately recorded and maintained employees' (management, non-union and CSEA)attendance records > Coordinated New York State(NYS) required annual trainings,including NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention training and implemented on-line training for all departments ➢ Conducted vehicle safety training specifically for the Highway Department staff ➢ Awarded a Certificate of Achievement from PERMA,the Town's Workers'Compensation carrier, in recognition of exceptional performance in submitting claims timely > Completed negotiations with the Professional Fire Fighters Association;contract expiring 12/31/2019 and the Civil Service Employees Association; contract expiring 12/31/2020 152 TOWN OF MAMARONECK M1W 1101P4 r.b, HUMAN RESOURCES Connie Green O'Donnell,Deputy Town Administrator 2021 GOALS ➢ Conduct quarterly Safety Committee meetings D Create a Workplace Violence Prevention Program to pair with the Town's Workplace Violence Policy Statement ➢ Develop a Hazardous Communications Policy D Enhance Emergency Management Committee's reporting procedures to county,state and federal authorities for weather related expenses and property damages D Update the Town's Employee Handbook and Administrative Manual D Organize the Town's annual Employee Recognition Ceremony D Develop training programs to further enhance employees' skills • Evaluate alternative plans for vision benefits SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget Reimb from OtherGovemments A2210 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget Human Resources A1430 $ 260,317 $ 265,273 $ 291,529 $ 291,529 $ 212,668 $ 274,834 $298,215 Special Items B190) 3,134 2,875 5,000 5,000 3,385 5,000 5,000 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 263,451 $ 268,148 $ 296,529 $ 296,529 $ 216,053 $ 279,834 $303,215 153 TOWN OF MAMARONECK .d.�,� HUMAN RESOURCES Connie Green O'Donnell,Deputy Town Administrator PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2019 2020 2021 Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Employees hired full-time 11 8 10 2. Training programs offered 12 5 15 3. Workers'Compensation claims 21 14 18 4. New York State Disability claims 5 5 5 5. Notice of claims for damages 33 22 24 6. Canvassed Civil Service lists 19 4 14 7. Phone calls and walk-ins 7,200 5,500 7,500 8. NYS Deferred Compensation Info Sessions 4 2 4 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP! 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept _ Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1430 Assistant Town Administrator WIGMT $141,279 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1430 Assistant to Town Administrator NNGMT $ 70,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1430 Office Assistant MNGMT $ 54,631 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1430-1010 $ 265,910 3.00 3.00 3.00 154 Date Prepared: 10/16/202010.44 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK DuD40111-0 Report Dale. 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table 1430 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: =fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Deecrfption Original Adm 2020 2021 - - Vedettes To 2015 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage MOO Type R Revenue A 0000 2210 GEN SERV OTHER 5,000.00 5,000 00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 GOVTS., Total Dept 0000 6,060.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 6,060.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Total Dept 1430 HUMAN RESOURCES 6,060p0 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 5,600A0 6,000.60 Total Type R Revenue 5,000.06 6,000.00 6,600.00 6,000.00 1,-00-Cali. a,0o0.00 155 Date Prepared. 10/16n02010:49AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Dale: 10/168020 Page 2 of 3 Account Table: 1430 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 !Account --_-� Description -_. Original AdlJusted 2020 2021 ------�--- Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stag!! Type E Expense A.1430.1010 ' SALARIES.. 238,438.88 243,563.10 255,599.00 255,599.00 196,615.00 205,910.00 4.03% A.1430.1011 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,800.00 100.00% A.1430.1015 OVERTIME.. 171.5.4 471.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1430.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 0.00 925.00 15.63% A.1430.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 100,00% A.1430.1019 STIPEND 4,999.90 4,999.80 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,846.0D 5,000.00 30.1021 SALARIES-PART 0.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TIME A.1430.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 -100.00% A.1430.4001 TELEPHONE 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1430.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 955.11 627.88 500.00 500.00 271.88 500.00 A.1430.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 790.97 2,027.31 2,500.00 2,500.00 50.00 2,500.00 CES.. A.1430.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 0.00 662.49 1,230.00 1,230.00 1,010.00 1,230.00 A.1430.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 000 150.00 A.1430.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES.. 1,666.60 2,327.05 1,800.00 1.800.00 139.97 1,800.00 156 UD4011 1.0 Date Prepared: 10(16/2020 10:49 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BPege30 Report Date: 10118/2020 f 3 Account Table: 1430 Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 Ta:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To! 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT' Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage! Type E Expense A.1430.4035 CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 -50.00% SERVICES A.1430,4056 EMPLOYEE 76.68 1,488.25 1,500.00 1,500.00 75.00 1,500.00 TRAINING.. A.1430,4188 PROFESSIONAL 475.00 1.280.10 2,500,00 2,500.00 380.00 2,500.00 DEVELOPMENT.. A.1430.4270 EMPLOYEE 5,490.00 5,850.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,670.00 6,000.00 ASSISTANCE PRGM.. A.1430.4298 WESTCH CNTY 927.10 320.00 450.00 450.00 500.00 500.00 11.11% FEES.. A.1430.4337 EMPLOYEE 125.00 125.00 500.00 500.00 110.00 500.00 EVALUATIONS.. TotelDept 1430 HUMAN RESOURCES 260,316.76 265,272.71 291,629.00 291,529.00 212,667.85 298,216.00 2.29% B.1900.4337 EMPLOYEE 3,134.00 2,875.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,385.00 5,000.00 EVALUATIONS Total Dept 1900 SPECIAL ITEMS 3,134.00 2,875.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 3,386.00 5,000.00 Total Dept 1430 HUMAN RESOURCES 263,460.76 268,147.71 296,529.00 296,629.00 216,052.85 303,215.00 2.26% Total Type E Expense (263,460.76) (268,147.71) 296,529.00 296,529.00 (216,052.85) 303,215.00 2.25% Grand Total (258,460.76) (263,147.71) (291,629.00) (291,529.00) (211,052.86) (298,215.00) 2.29% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 157 TOWN OF MAMARONECK t ' `:e ;YrrzON ut- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shyam Pandya,Information Technology Director DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The IT Department's mission is to work collaboratively with other departments and organizations to improve the quality of life in the Town. Providing public access to timely information, will achieve innovative, practical, and reliable solutions to technical problems, optimize processes through information technology leadership & professional services; and provide a secure environment offering users training and the tools necessary to achieve success in meeting their operational and service objectives. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Information Technology Department is responsible for the connectivity, security, maintenance and procurement of all Town technology equipment. In addition to the maintenance and user support, administrative functions include project planning, equipment and software procurement, consultant management, policy updates and invoice processing. 2020 Accomplishments > Responded to 1,098 Help Desk Tickets ➢ Upgraded servers,workstations and software > Installed,configured and deployed desktop encryption > Installed, configured and deployed email encryption > Upgraded displays at the Ice Rink > Replaced Novus Agenda with Civic Clerk to include increased access to various Boards, Commissions and Committees minutes and agendas • Implemented cybersecurity training and testing for users > Carried out network upgrades for remote access during Covid-19 > Deployed laptops to users to use during emergency > Completed phase 1 of domain controller upgrades from Windows 2012 to Windows 2019 ➢ Implemented multi-factor authentication for town users > Implemented upgrades to street light software and hardware ➢ Replaced video surveillance server • Began phase 1 of off-site backups as per IT Audit 158 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ta • Irronrtt; w - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shyam Pandya,Information Technology Director 2021 Goals and Objectives ➢ Complete phase 2 of Domain Controller upgrades ➢ Create separated domains for Court and Comptrollers Offices ➢ Upgrade Town network devices ➢ Purchase,install and configure a replacement Verint Recording system for the Police Department ➢ Upgrade Building Department, Finance and Highway&Garage software applications ➢ Expand WI-Fl access-including Public WI-Fl at the Town Center, Ice Rink and VFW/Senior Center ➢ Upgrade Building Access in 3 locations ➢ Respond to all help desk calls within 4 hours ➢ Implement IT Audit recommendations ➢ All Information Technology expenses will be charged to the General Fund (A)and an interfund transfer for approximately 86%of those expenses that serve Townwide functions will be transferred to the Part Town Fund (B). SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2021 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 Increase _ Dept Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) j Central Communications A1650 $ 82,790 $ 84,731 $ 87,880 $ 87,880 $ 63,244 $ 70,659 100°/ Information Technology A1680 348,237 447,843 567,863 566,608 307,761 515,070 • -100% Central Communications 81650 40,504 38,915 37,610 37,610 27,102 35,805 $ 123,600 229% Mormon Technology 81680 153,363 275,181 360,565 362,884 195,711 264,387 986,350 168% Mamation Tetralogy SF3410 - 4,046 14,335 14,335 6;:• 9,922 14,335 0% Steelightng S15182 - - 26,000 26,000 - 25,558 26,000 0% TOTAI-APPROPRIATIONS $ 624,E $ 860,716 $ 1,894,273 $ 1,085,317 $ 600,706 $ 921,401 $ 1,130,285 3% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate 1. Help Desk Tickets responded to within 4 hrs 1,168 1,098 1,500 2. Software systems upgraded __ 4 4 5 3. Number of departments acquired 16 16 16 4. Number of offsite locations managed 8 8 8 5. Number of workstations supported 217 247 250 6. Number of users supported 292 292 295 159 TOWN OF MAMARONECK * - ' I lad i ` : `4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Shyam Pandya,Information Technology Director 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP/ 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept 4 Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1680 IF Director IIJGMT $ - 0.70 0.70 _ - A 1680 Junior Network Specialist CSEA - 0.70 0.70 A 1680 Junior Network Specialist CSEA - - 0.70 - TOTAL A1680-1010 $ - 1.40 2.10 - B 1680 IT Director IANGMT $ 112,000 0.30' _ 0.30 1.00_ B 1680 Junior Network Specialist CSEA 65,170 0.30 0.30 1.00 A 1680 Junior Network Specialist CSEA - 0.30 - TOTAL 81680-1010 S 177,170 0.60 0.90 Loo FULL TIME TOTAL) $ 177,170 2.00 3.00 2.00 85 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP! Hrly 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1680 Desktop Support PT $21/hr $ - 0.70 0.70 - A 1680 Intern-Desktop Support PT $20/hr $ - 0.70 0.70 - TOTAL A1650-1021 $ - 1.40 L40 - B 1680 Desktop Support PT $21/hr $ 15,300 0.30 0.30 1.00 B 1880 Intern-Desktop Support PT $20/hr $ 21,850 0.30 0.30 1.00 TOTAL B1650-1021 $ 37,150 0.60 0.60 2.00 PART TIME TOTAL $ 37,150 2.00 2.00 2.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 214,320 4.00 5.00 4.00 160 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:53 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B1D40111.0 Report Date: 10/1612020 Page 1 of 4 Account Table: IT DEPT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Bort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 !Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT, Actual Actual Budget Budget Psr1.8 Sage Sage'. Type E Expense ---- - -- — ---- A.1650.4001 TELEPHONE.. 78,889.54 50,638.26 80000.00 80,000.00 57,056.28 -100.00% A.1650.4024 TELE SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS.. A.1650.4132 MOBILE PHONE 0.00 360.00 2,880.00 2,880.00 3.780.00 -100.00% ALLOWANCE A.1650.4133 ELECTRICITY-MOBILE 3,901.01 3,732.97 5.000.00 5,000.00 2,37&13 -100.00% RADIO DIST.. 5.1650.4001 TELEPHONE.. 40,503.93 38,815.29 35,000.00 35,000.00 27,101.52 115,000.00 228.57% 6.1650.4024 TELE SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CONTRACTS.. B.1650.4132 MOBILE PHONE 0.00 0.00 2,610.00 2,610.00 0.00 3,600.00 37.93% ALLOWANCE 8.1650.4133 ELECTRICITY-MOBILE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00% RADIO DIST Total Dept 1550 CENTRAL 123,294.48 123,04592 125,400.00 125,490.00 90,745.93 123,500.00 -1.51% COMMUNICATIONS A.1680.1010 SALARIES.. 80,500.18 93,432.32 156,135.00 156,135.00 90,499.92 -100.00% A.1680.1015 OVERTIME 38.68 323.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1680.1021 SALARIES-PART 35,757.90 44,272.61 23,100.00 23,100.00 18,182.19 -100.00% TIME A.1680.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 -100.00% 161 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10:53 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 4 Account Table. IT DEPT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 !Account Description Original Adjusted _..---2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense — A.1680.2108 FURNITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1680.2136 COMPUTER 12,083.18 17,617.60 11,000.00 11,000.00 6,368.39 -100.00% EQUIPMENT.. A.1680.4001 TELEPHONE 0.00 276.50 0.00 0.00 315.43 A.1680.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 5,082.59 1,202.48 2,975.00 2,975.00 840.00 -100.00% CES A.1580.4018 COMPUTER 104,675.38 137,366.77 178,307.00 188,251.55 131,863.48 -100.00% SOFTWARE MAINT 8 SUPPORT 80.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS 100.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 -100.00% A.1680.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES 1,646.85 674.04 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 -100.00% A.1680.4027 COMPUTER/ 16,463.56 17,517.17 11,600.00 11,600.00 9,281.65 -100.00% PRINTER SUPPLIES.. A.1580.4035 CONSULTANT 75,714.63 108,372.77 142,604.00 131,384.00 35,995.02 -100.00% SERVICES,. A.1880.4056 EMPLOYEE TRAINING 215.18 5,363.40 13,950.00 13,950.00 1,750.00 -100.00% 0.1680.4310 COMPUTER 0.00 3,485.00 4,295.00 4,295.00 965.14 -100.00% SOFTWARE A.1680.4311 COPIER LEASES 12,459.73 16,418.90 17,317.00 17,317.00 13,649.84 -100.00% B 1680.1010 SALARIES.. 34,500.03 40,042.28 66,91500 66,915.00 38,785.80 177,170.00 164 77% 162 Date Prepared' 10/16/2020 10:53 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/15/2020 Page 3 of 4 Account Table: IT DEPT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To! 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget_ Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage! Type E Expense B.1680.1015 OVERTIME 16.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1680.1021 SALARIES-PART 13,664.43 20,084.23 9,900.00 9,900.00 8,632.72 37,150.00 275.25% TIME B.1680.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 -100.00% B.1680.2108 FURNITURE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B.1680.2136 COMPUTER 6,450.97 7,928.84 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,772.99 26,700.00 888.89% EQUIPMENT.. B.1680.4001 TELEPHONE 13.03 118.49 0.00 0.00 135.77 B.1680.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,537.23 2,380.29 1,275.00 1,275.00 693.00 4,250,00 233.33% CES 8.1680.4018 COMPUTER 55,674.13 150,049.26 193.692.00 196,011.52 114,094.12 436,550.00 125.38% SOFTWARE MAINTB SUPPORT B.1680.4019 DUESIPUBLICATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00% B.1680.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES 0.00 182.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 B.1680.4027 COMPUTER/ 2,478.72 4,795.89 4,040.00 4,040.00 1,500.47 15,840 00 287.13% PRINTER SUPPLIES.. 8.1880.4035 CONSULTANT 29,457.37 37,516.88 61,116.00 61,116.00 21,612.13 203,92000 233.86% SERVICES.. 8.1680.4056 EMPLOYEE TRAINING 1,150.00 2,479.40 7,850.00 7,850.00 ,750.00 24,300.00 209.55% 163 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 10.53 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 0f 4 Account Table: IT DEPT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AH.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 20202021 --1Variance o 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT ._ Actual Actual Budget Budges Per 1S Stage Stage] Type E Expense fl 8.1680.4310 COMPUTER 0.00 1,485.00 1,841.00 1,841.00 1,608.63 13,500.00 633.30% SOFTWARE B.1680 4311 COPIER LEASES 6,919.79 6,618.31 9,736.00 9,736.00 5,124.91 27,070.00 17804% Total Dept 1680 INFORMATION 601,699.97 723,024.11 928,448.00 929,492.07 603,471.60 986,350.00 4,08%.0 TECHNOLOGY SF.3410.4018 COMPUTER 0.00 2,573.58 11,685.00 11,685.00 6,921.90 11,685.00 SOFTWARE MAINT& SUPPORT SF.3410.4311 COPIER LEASES 0.00 1,472.18 2,650.00 2,650.00 (33.42) 2,650.00 dDept 3410 FIRE DISTRICT 0.00 4,046.76 14,335.00 14,335.00 6,868.48 14,335.00 SL.5182.4018 COMPUTER 0.00 0.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 26,000.00 SOFTWARE MAINT& SUPPORT Total Dept 6182 STREET LIGHTING 0.00 0.00 26,000.00 26,000.00 0.00 28,000.00 DISTRICT Total Dept 1660 INFORMATION 624,894.45 850,718.39 1,0944,273.00 1,096,317.07 600,706.01 1,130,286.00 3.29% TECHNOLOGY Total Type E Expense 624,894.45 860,716.39 1,094,273.00 1,095,317.07 800,706.01 1,130,285.00 3.29% Grand Total 624,894.45 850,716.39 1,094,273.00 1,095,317.07 800,706.01 1,130,286.00 3.29% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. ^^ ~ 164 Left Intentionally Blank 165 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ♦ L -�-� JUSTICE COURT Honorable Jean Marie Brescia,Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister,Town Justice Denise Cookingham,Court Clerk DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Justice Court of the Town of Mamaroneck is an independent branch of government constitutionally and statutorily entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law and to protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the constitution and laws of the United States and the State of New York. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Justice Court is the judicial branch of the Town of Mamaroneck,which adjudicates criminal cases, charges of violations of Town Ordinances, civil disputes within its jurisdiction, including summary landlord-tenant proceedings, motor vehicle and parking charges. ,2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS D Complied with the new mandates issued by the New York State Legislature and the Office of Court Administration for all Town/Village Courts D Updated archived documents in compliance with the Office of Court Administration's records retention schedule for Town and Village Courts. D Reviewed delinquent/outstanding parking/traffic violations to reach dispositions and if appropriate collect outstanding fines. 2021 GOALS D Continue to comply with the new mandates issued by the New York State Legislature and the Office of Court Administration for all Town/Village Courts. D Continue to update archived documents in compliance with the Office of Court Administration's records retention schedule for Town and Village Courts. 166 TOWN OF MAMARONECK JUSTICE COURT Honorable Jean Marie Brescia,Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister,Town Justice Denise Cookingham, Court Clerk SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual _Actual Budget Budget Date Protected Budget (Decrease) Fines/Fees A2610 $ 270,033 $ 286,313 $ 283,000 $ 280,000 $ 85,991 $ 104,000 $ 180,000 -35.71% TOTALREVENUE $ 270,033 $ 286,313 $ 280,000 $ 280,000 $ 8S,991 $ 101,000 $ 180,000 -35.71% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 1019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT fade Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Justice A1110 $ 352,661 $ 340,851 $ 393,635 $ 393,635 $ 204,595 $ 275,632 $ 360,901 •8.3196 TOTAIAPPROPRIATIONS $ 352,667 $ 340,851 $ 393,635 $ 393,635 $ 204,595 $ 275,632 $ 360,901 •8.32% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. NYS New mandates - 6 *COVID— - Phase IV * New York State Office of Court Administration COVID-9 guidelines including guidelines regarding court security,training and amendments to criminal laws 167 TOWN OF MAMARONECK JUSTICE COURT Honorable Jean Marie Brescia,Town Justice Honorable Ronald W. Meister,Town Justice Denise Cookingham,Court Clerk SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2019 2020 2021 GROUP! 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1110 Court Clerk XV8 $ 90,339 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Assistant Court Clerk M8 $ 61,787 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1110-1010 $ 152,126 2.00 2.00 2.00_ SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2019 2020 I 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept _ Title GROUP!STEP Hrly Rate Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1110 Town Justices !MGM' - $ 22,515 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Town Justices %GMg - $ 22,515 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1110 Court Attendants P/T $40/hr $ 24,970 2.00 - - 2.00 3.00- A 1110 Office Clerk(VACANT) P/T $22/hr $ 25,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1110-1021 $ 95,000 5.00 5.00 6.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 247,126 7.00 7.00 8.00 168 Dale Prepared 10/16202011.06 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BVD401110 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table: COURT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:I To:9 1 recount Description Origin! 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue -- --.. ._— — -- _ A.0000 2610 FINES& 270,032.76 286,312.50 200,000.00 200,000.00 85,991.00 180,000.00 -35.71% FORFEITURES.. Total Dept 0000 270,03276 286,312.50 200,000.00 200,000.00 $0,991.00 100,000.00 46.711i Total Dept 1110 JUSTICE COURT 270,03276 286,312.80 200,000.00 210.000.00 $0,901.00 100,000.00 46.71% Total Type R Revenue 270,011270 286,312.50 280,000.00 280,000.00 06,001.00 180,000.00 136.71% 169 Date Prepare& 10/16/2020 11:06 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BU040111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 3 Account Table: COURT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description - ---- - --- - Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance Tel 2019 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Typo E Expanse &1110.1010 SALARIES.. 189,921.94 192,990.72 151,826.00 151,826.00 119,467.30 152,126.00 0.20% A.1110.1015 OVERTIME. 16,727.71 17,519.90 19,000.00 19,000.00 6,858.84 19,000.00 A.1110.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,050.00 1,175.00 1,175.00 1,175.00 0.00 1,175.00 A.1110.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1110.1021 SALARIES•PART 15,697.80 16,972.68 84,584.00 84,584.00 39,801.30 95,000.00 12.31% TIME A.1110.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.4001 TELEPHONE. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1110.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 135.49 403.03 500.00 500.00 370.07 600.00 A.1110.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,75614 1,788.86 3,000.00 3,000.00 201.27 3,000.00 CES.. A.1110.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 420.00 470.00 550.00 550.00 285.00 600.00 9.09% A.1110.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 379.91 0.00 450.00 450.00 0.00 450.00 A.1110.4040 LAW BOOKS.. 4,013.83 3,262.80 2,500.00 2,500.0) 1,620.84 3,500.00 40.00% A.1110.4102 COURT STENO.. 18,109.00 14,610.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 5,060,00 17,000.00 A.1110.4105 JUROR'S EXPENSE.. 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 170 Date Prepared: 10/16202011:06 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD401110 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 of 3 Account Table. COURT Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACEREVZA A8.Son Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 [Accamt Description _ Original _ Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2015 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT _ _ _ Actual Actual Budget _ Budget Per 141 Stags _ Stags, Type E Expense A.1110.4138 PARKING VIOLATION 16,476 21 17,074.05 18000.00 18,000.00 6,850.50 14,500.00 -1044% FEES A 11104291 JUSTICE COJRT 89.97800 74,804.00 95 000 00 95,000.00 24,081.50 54,00007 -4216% FEES Total Dept 1110 JUSTICE COURT 362,666.63 340,850.84 393,636.00 393,636.00 204,694.62 360,901.00 -8.32% Total Dept 1110 JUSTICE COURT 352,666.63 340,850.84 393.636.00 393,636.00 204,694.62 360,901.00 -8.32% Total Type E Expense (352,666.63) (340,850.84) 393,635.00 393,635.00 (204,594.62) 360,901.00 -8.32% Grand Total (52,633.88) (54,538.34) (113,835.00) (113,635.00) (118,603.62) (180,801.00) 69.19% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 171 TOWN OF MAMARONECK f POLICE DEPARTMENT Paul Creazzo,Police Chief DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Mamaroneck Town Police Department is to serve all people in our jurisdiction with fairness and compassion. We are committed to the prevention of crime and the protection of life and property, the preservation of peace, order and safety, the enforcement of laws and ordinances, and the safeguarding of Constitutional guarantees. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The department's primary function is to provide uninterrupted police services 24 hours a day,365 days a year. This is accomplished through a cooperative effort between the Patrol,Detective,and Administrative Divisions. The Patrol division is focused on random patrol for the purpose of prevention. When an emergency does occur,the Patrol Division responds immediately to stabilize the situation and then begins the investigative process. The Detective Division primarily centers on expanding preliminary patrol investigations into thorough criminal investigations that ultimately lead to arrests of offenders. The Detective Division accomplishes their duties by locating and collecting evidence and witnesses to facilitate a successful prosecution by the District Attorney's Office. The Administrative Division serves as a repository for all department records, ensures adherence to department policy and accepted police practices as well as providing resources to the Patrol and Detective Divisions while maintaining budgetary discipline. 2020 Accomplishments The department continued to provide uninterrupted service to the residents of the Town. This included 24/7 police coverage during the pandemic.The Detective Division has closed, by arrest a large number of larceny and identity theft complaints during the year. The Mamaroneck Town Police Department worked with both Mamaroneck and Larchmont Villages to ensure that members of the community were able to conduct peaceful protests in a manner that was safe and caused the least disturbance to the community, During the 2020 calendar year the police department has worked with its fellow law enforcement agencies to communicate,train and work together to ensure the safety of the communities and its residents. 172 TOWN OF MAMARONECK S4"c .31144:/k0.) POLICE DEPARTMENT Paul Creazzo,Police Chief 2020 Goals and Objectives • Provide conspicuous,twenty four hour a day,seven days a week, patrol of the town. Respond immediately to calls for service. Review and investigate all crimes and make arrests as appropriate. • Provide additional training,which will reflect positively on the department's professionalism and allow members of the department to maintain a level of proficiency with their equipment,tactics and practices necessary to provide the community with high quality service. • Ensure that the Mamaroneck Town Police Department is prepared to deal with any and all emergencies which may occur in the Town of Mamaroneck and our neighboring communities. SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase M* Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Police Fees 81520 $ 339 $ 220 $ 300 $ 300 $ 92 $ 92 $ 300 0% Special Duty 81529 - 341,273_ 150,000 150,000 23,973, 26,974 76,800 -49% County Funding 82706 - 3,033 - - - - - Rink Security Reimbursement 82800 3,597 4,647 4,500 4,500 2,717 2,717, 4,503 _ 0% Bulletproof Vests-UD DOJ Grant B4305 - - 3,00D 3,000 12,720 13,720 3,000 0% TOTAL REVENUE $ 3,936 $349,173 $ 157,800 $ 157,800 $ 39,502 $ 43,503 $ 84,600 -46% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Ballet 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2010 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease( Police I 83110 $ 5,331,356 $ 5,726,217 $ 5,558,551 $ 53345 $ 3,974,934 $ 5,407, : $ 5,793,630 4% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS' $ 5,331,358 $ 5,726,217 $ 5,558,551 $ 5563,215 $ 3,974,934 $ 5,401,469 $ 5,793,630 a'T 173 TOWN OF MAMARONECK s17try+ 1f' y POLICE DEPARTMENT Paul Creazzo,Police Chief PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Calls 10,035 9,960 9,500 10,000 2.Criminal Cases 209 221 236 240 3.Auto accidents 275 244 159 250 4.Medical service calls 632 667 509 650 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP I 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions B 3120 Poice Chief MNGMI $ 178,431 1 1 1 B 3120 Executive Lieutenant Lieutenant 154,877 - - 1 B 3120 Lieutenants Lieutenant 455,631 3 3 3 B 3120 Sergeant Sergeant 676,325 6 6 6 B 3120 Sergeant-Detective Sergeant/Det 135,265 1 1 1 B 3120 Detective Detective 509,904 4 4 4 B 3120 1st Grade Patrolman Patrolman 2,384,637 23 23 23 B 3120 (Mice Assistant P t4C T 57260 1 1 1 B TOTAL FULL TIME 83120-1010 $ 4,562,330 39 39 39 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 GROUP/ Hrty 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Rates Budget Positions Positions Positions B 3120 Parking Enforcement Officer PT $22/hr $ 28,600 2 2 2 B 3120 TOTAL B3120-1020 $ 28,600 2 2 2 B 3120 School Crossing Guards PT $90/day S 194,400 15 15 12 TOTAL B3120-1021 $ 194,400 15 15 12 TOTAL PARTTIME $ 223,000 17 1.7 14 B DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 4,775,330 56 56 53 174 Date Prepared: 10/18/2020 12:47 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 t.0 Report Date: 10/1812020 Page 1 of 5 Account Table: POLICE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN AL Sat Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Amount — _ _- - _.. Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variants To, 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT'. Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue 8.0000.1520 POLICE FEES.. 338.50 220.25 300.00 300.00 92.25 300.00 80000.1529 POLICE SPECIAL 0.00 341273.36 150,000.00 150,000.00 23,973.63 76,800.00 -48.80% DUTY OT REIMBURSEMENT 8.0000.2706 COUNTY FUNDING 0.00 3,032.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00002800 RINK SECURITY 3.596.85 4,646.64 4,500.00 4,50000 2,717.22 4,500.00 REIMBURSEMENT- GEN TOWN 6.0000.4305 BULLET PROOF 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 12,720.00 3,000.00 VESTS PROG-U.S. D.O.J. Total Dept 0000 3435.35 349,172.95 --157,800.00 157,800.00 39,503.00 84,000.40 Total Dept 3120 POLICE DEPARTMENT 3,935.35 349,172.95 157,800.00 157,800.00 39,53.00 84,500.00 .46.39% Total Type R Revenue 3,935.35 349,172.95 157,800.00 157,800.00 39,503.00 84,600.00 .45.39% 175 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:09 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 5 Account Table: POLICE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Deacdption Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To! 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense B.3120 1010 SALARIES.. 3,800,908.46 4,030,672.02 4,308,101 00 4,308,101.00 3,335,136.03 4,552,330.00 5.67% B.3120.1012 CLOTHING 14,883.34 15,900.00 14,650.00 14,850.00 15,900.00 18,250.00 10.92% ALLOWANCE 8.31201015 OVERTIME. 841,381.07 899,762.57 475,000.00 475,000.00 234,890.60 475,000.00 8.3120,1015.8760.83 OVERTIME-STORM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2585.64 ISAIAS 8.3120.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 88,000.00 81,000.00 82,000.00 82,000.00 4,000.00 81,000.00 -1.22% 20.1017 HOLIDAY PAY 177,335.12 194,894.08 200,000.00 200,00000 92,474 52 208.000.00 4.00% .....20.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 21,502.00 24,560.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 100.00% 8.3120.1020 SALARIES-PEO 199,566.10 187,348.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,800.00 100.00% 8.3120.1021 SALARIES- 0.00 0.00 168,000.00 168,000.00 66,652.92 194,400.00 15.71% CROSSING GUARDS 6.3120.1029 OVERTIME-POLICE 0.00 353,111.75 150,000.00 150,000.00 131,624.91 50,000.00 86.67% SPECIAL DUTY B.3120.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 4,000.00 12,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 13,000.00 17,000.00 8.3120.2101 OFFICE EQUIPMENT.. 206.88 76.37 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 6.3120.2105 UNIFORMS-GENERAL 37.079.31 20,874.66 20,000.00 20,000.00 7,371.13 21,000.00 5.00% 8.3120,2108 FURNITURE.. 2,796.23 543.43 3,500.00 6,400.62 3,526.39 3,500.00 176 Date Prepared' 10/16202011:09 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 3 of 5 Account Table: POLICE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 'Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage�', Type E Expense B.31202121 UNIFORMS-SCHOOL 2,754.00 2,772.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 1,358.00 2,80000 GUARDS.. B.3120.2122 RADIOS AND PAGERS 3,131.94 5,976.09 9,000.00 17,012.56 8,012.56 9,000.00 B.3120 2124 DETECTIVE 1,252.01 1,400.85 1,500.00 1,500.00 68.04 1,50000 EQUIPMENT.. B.3120 2125 GUNS/FIRE ARMS 1,984.27 303.84 6,000.00 10,290.60 10,606.14 6,000.00 EQUIPMENT. B.3120 2126 PHOTO EQUIPMENT. 1,81620 1,904.85 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 8.3120 2127 BULLET PROOF 5,105.00 23,347.84 8,000.00 13,944.88 8,353.53 8,000 00 VESTS.. B.3120 4001 TELEPHONE. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3120.4002 SERVICE 84,472.29 6,881.21 8,000.00 8,000.00 4,555.00 8,000.00 CONTRACTS 8.3120 4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,371.56 1,338.99 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,099.39 1,500.00 13.3120 4010 OPERATING 10,446.60 10,657.92 12,000.00 12,000.00 3,993.56 13,250.00 10.42% SUPPLIES.. 0.3120.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,627.00 2,927.60 3,000.00 3,000.00 635.00 3.00000 CES.. 8.3120.4319 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 2,072.95 1,11295 2,800.00 2,800.00 1,442.95 2,80000 8.3120.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES.. 228.34 323.70 400.00 400.00 C 00 400.00 177 Dale Prepared: 10/16202011:09 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 4 of 5 Account Table: POLICE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AIL Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage TYP.E Expense 8.3120.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 845.79 593.92 650.00 650.00 197.88 650.00 8.3120.4031 PHOTO SUPPLIES.. 381.23 449.94 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 B 3120.4034 MISC.EXPENSE.. 475.00 480.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.3120.4039 PHYSICAL EXAMS.. 17,80580 14,706.94 15,000.00 16,000.00 2,629.00 15,000.00 B.3120.4040 LAW BOOKS.. 1,508.52 1,785.92 1,600.00 1,500.00 1,484.59 1,500.00 o"10.4057 UNIFORM 1,159.50 4,18160 5,500.00 5,500.00 2,114.75 5,500.00 MAINTENANCE.. 8.3120.4186 PROFESSIONAL 11,558.00 10,479.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 12,378.00 18,000.00 DEVELOPMENT.. 6.3120.4188 RADIO 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 MAINTENANCE.. 8.3120.4169 INVESTIGATIONS.. 516.46 1,163.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 177.00 1,000.00 8.3120.4191 PRISONER MEALS.. 83.20 91.86 450.00 450.00 44.74 450.00 B.3120.4193 REIMB-PERSONAL 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 DAMAGES.. B.3120.4195 AMMUNITION/PARTS.. 8,715.06 9,958.26 13,000.00 16,064.55 7,979.53 13,000.00 8.3120.4196 OXYGEN REFILL. 0.00 0.00 750.00 750.00 0.00 750.00 8.3120.4198 POLICE MATRONS.. 1,431.25 281.25 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 178 Date Prepared: 1018/2020 12:47 PM BUD4011 1.0 Report Dale: 10/18/2020 Page OF MAMARONECK Page5of5 Account Table: POLICE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN AIL Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Amount Description Original Adjusted 2020 2121 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 A,1r251 DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Par 14 lift, Stage Type E Expense 13.3120.4199 TOWING IMPOUNDED 0.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 VEHICLES.. B.3120.4245 EQUIP 2,960.46 2,368.24 3,400.00 3,861.30 652.34 3,400.00 REPAIRS/PARTS.. Total Dept 3120 POLICE DEPARTMENT 5,331,357.73 5,726,216.75 5,558,551.00 6,583,215.49 1,114,034.14 6,763,630.00 4.23% Total Dept 3120 POUCE DEPARTMENT 5,331,357.73 6,726,216.75 5,558,551.00 5,513.215.40 3,174,031.14 0,713,630.10 4.29% Total Type E Expense (5,331,317.73) (5,726,216.75) 5,551,551.00 5,513,215.41 (3,074,034.14) 8,713,630.00 4.29% Grand Total )5,327,422.38) (5,377,043.80) (5,N0,701.00) (6,426,411.40) (3,016,431.14) (5,709,030.00) 5.71x NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 179 TOWN OF MAMARONECK liA 0 • 4r., RECREATION RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Recreation Department is to improve the quality of life for all residents by providing a wide variety of leisure and cultural activity,special events,facilities and services to encourage health,fitness, relaxation, enjoyment, cultural enrichment and learning as well as providing opportunities for community involvement. We strive to enrich and improve the well-being and quality of life for present and future generations through sound planning, development, maintenance, preservation and the development of quality leisure services and facilities. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS Memorial Park: Local park that allows for various active and passive use of the park, playgrounds and tennis courts and for planned recreational activities such as outdoor movies, summer concerts, tennis lessons, playgrounds and organized youth activities. Host site of the Annual 5k Run/ Bunny Hop and Food Truck Festival. Hommocks Park Ice Rink: Enclosed public ice skating facility that offers public ice skating sessions, ice skating lessons, youth hockey programs, ice rentals to many local hockey teams and special events. Host to the Hommocks summer day camp and other recreational activities hosted in the rink's community room. Hommocks Pool: Year round indoor pool and summer outdoor swimming pools that offer access to swimming through a permit fee. Learn to swim classes, public swim times,fitness programs,municipal camp use,early morning swim time and swim teams utilize the pool year round. General Recreation:Administration of the Town's Recreation Department and the operation of the Carpino- Steffens(Hammocks) Fields. Youth Programs: High quality recreation/leisure activities offered at affordable rates for youth residents. Adult Programs: High quality recreation/leisure activities offered at affordable rates for adult residents. Southeast Consortium/COOP Day Camp: Annual funding provided to nonprofit agencies for recreational programs for children and adults with special needs and Co-op Summer Enrichment for at-risk students in the Mamaroneck School District.The Town does not administer these programs. 180 TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation 2020 ACCOMPUSHMENTS Memorial Park 1. Facilitated the opening of the tennis courts for usage by residents free of charge through a reservation system under COVID guidelines. 2. Successfully established outdoor programming events and opportunities while meeting COVID guidelines. 3. Re-instituted tennis lessons for both youth and adults for the fall season. Ice Rink 1. Began construction on new locker rooms and showers. 2. Managed a major breakdown in the ice making mechanical equipment. Arrangements were made to rent equipment that would allow the rink to resume operations while repairs were being made. 3. Re-instituted ice rentals for the fall season. 4. Had a very successful season of hockey, skating lessons and public sessions prior to the closure in March. Pool 1. Facilitated the re-opening of the pool for the summer season under COVID guidelines and hosted 12,071 visitors. 2. Had a successful season of quality aquatic programs prior to COVID ending our season. General Recreation 1. Upgraded office software. Youth Programs 1. Offered several in-person and virtual program opportunities over the spring and summer. 2. Resumed a variety fall program opportunities. Adult Programs 1. Offered several in-person and virtual program opportunities over the spring and summer 2. Resumed a variety of fall program opportunities. 181 TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation 2021 GOALS Memorial Park 1. Resume the variety of large group events held at the park. 2. Expand upon our outdoor program offerings if needed due to COVID related conditions. 3. Renovate the park with two new playgrounds which were last renovated in 2000. Adult Recreation 1. Increase participation numbers in all adult programming by 10% 2. Expand upon our program offerings. Ice Rink 1. Resume public skating and learn to skate classes. 2. Secure additional alternative revenue sources during the summer months. 3. Replace non-working air conditioning and heat unit in the rink lobby. Add air conditioning to the rink office. 4. Purchase a new Zamboni. Pool 1. Re-establish annual pool permit sales. 2. Resume a full schedule of public swim hours. 3. Re-establish aquatic programs throughout the year. 4. Expand the outdoor pool complex aquatic features to accommodate larger numbers of users and the high volume of summer camp usage. These improvements would also attract new families to purchase a permit. General Recreation 1. Purchase and install a metal garage to store the kayaks in during the off season. Youth Programs 1. Increase participation in all miscellaneous youth programs. 2. Expand upon our program offerings that will meet the current COVID requirements. 3. Host day camps next summer. 182 TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2on 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 1020 2020 2021 lure ase DEPT Budget Code Actual Actual Budget Budget !Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decease) HommodcssFields A2010 $ 40,262 $ 42,318 $ 39,000 $ 39,000 $ $ 29,200 $ 33,003 -1596 Memorial Park 82001 38,842 34,966 34,000 34,000 3,055 3,055 30,000 -13 Pod _ A2025-2026,2070 668,509 649,180 64400 644,000 (64,471) (64,471) 333,000 -48% Ice Rink A2013,A2065-2068 1,174,814 1,209,810 1,137,500 1,137,500 418,420 627,558 827,000 -2796 Ice Rink-Rentals/Lease A2014 16,250 27,023 16,000 16,000 17,862 26,925 34,065 113% Youth Programs A2002,A3820 821,578 815,650 852,500 852,500 131,951 138,451 540,000 -37% Adult Recreation A2001 98,362 100,895 87,000 87,000 21,192 29,192 59,000 33 TOTAL REVENUE $ 2,864,612 $ 2,0,842 $ 2,810,C0) $ 2,810,0:0 $ $ 789,910 $ 1,856,065 14X► SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2021 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget _Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) General Recreation A7020 $ 412,577 $ 434,779 $ 444,203 $ 444,203 $ 285,625 $ 412,422 $ 455,798 3% Playgrounds&Rec B7140 57,213 57,038 68,650 68,650 21,827 32,427 65,700 -496 Pod A7180 769,731 784,853 834,384 834,384 298,320 445,576 755,523 -9% Ice Rink A7265 667,482 703,460 740, :I 890,295 397,226 651,217 764,452 3% Youth Programs A7310 668,018 644,626 777,017 777,017 85,973 132,383 473,012 -39% Youth Programs-COOP B7310 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,030 0% Adult Rec A7620 98,395 103,261 109,094 109,094 41,235 54,343 58,798 -46% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 2,693,476 $ 2,748,017 $ 2,993,828 $ 3,143,643 $ 1,130,206 $ 1,728,E $ 2,593,28 -13% 183 TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation PERFORMANCE MEASURES Actual Estimate Estimate Item 2019 2020 2021 1 Sponsors- Memorial Park 1,850 0 1,000 2 Pool attendance 35,858 16,000 25,000 3 Ice rink attendance 29,084 12,742 15,000 4 Pool permits issued 3,059 0 2,000 5 Summer camp enrollment 1002 0 550 6 Youth participants in the US Sports program 710 170 400 7 Tennis permits issued 179 0 175 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund DEPT POSITION TITLE Group/Grade Budget Positions Positions Positions A 7020 Superintendent Recreation Mngmt $ 133,728 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 7020 Office Assistant CSEA V/8 65,170 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 7020 Sr Recreation Leader CSEA v/8 73,029 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 7020 Recreation Supervisor CSEAXA/8 21,131 0.25 0.25 0.25 A 7020 Maintenance Worker CSEAIV/8 47,458 0.67 0.67 0.67 SUBTOTAL A7020 $ 340,516 3.92 3.92 3.92 A 7180 Recreation Supervisor CSEAXA/8 84,523 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL A7180 $ 84,523 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 7265 Manager/Maintenance Mngmt 104,960 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 7265 Recreation Supervisor CSEAxA/8 8,451 0.10 0.10 0.10 A 7265 Maintenance Worker CSEAIV/8 23,375 0.33 0.33 0.33 A 7265 Recreation Assistant CSEA 57,118 1.00 1.00 1.00 SUBTOTAL A7265 $ 193,904 2.43 2.43 2.43 A 7310 Recreation Supervisor CSEA XA/8 42,262 0.50 050 030 SUBTOTAL A7310 $ 42.262 0.50 0.50 0.50 A 7620 Recreation Supervisor CSEA XA/8 12,678 0.15 0.15 0.15 A 7620 Assistant Supervsr Recreation MNGMT - 0.30 0.30 - SUBTOTAL A7620 $ 12,678 0.45 0.45 0.15 RECREATION TOTAL $ 673,883 8.30 8.30 8.00 184 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 411i .fW Ip...- RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY . 2019 __ 2020 2021 -. 2021 I Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Fund DEPT POSMONTiT1E Hrly Rate Budget _ Positions Positions Positions A 7020 General Aec Recreation Attendant 525-$30/hr $ 15,000 1.00 1.00 100 Subtotal A70101021 $ AGM 1.00 1.00 1.03 B 7140 Playgrnds Recreation Attendant $14-15/hr $ 27,80D 3.00 3.00 3.00 Park Maintenance Aide $1418/hr $ 1,000 1.00 1.03 1.00 Crossing Guards $60/day $ 1,200 1.00 1.00 1.00 Subtotal B1140.1021 $ WOO5.00 5.00 5.1M A 7180 Pool Pool Manager 518-23 $ 40,000 3.0) 3.00 3.00 Summer Lifeguard X17 $ 95,000 19.00 19.00 19.03 Winter lifeguard X17 $ 50,000 12.09 12.00 1206 Key Attendant(Summer) _ 59-15/hr $ 17,000 2.00, 2.00 2.00 Key Attendant(Winter) 59-15/hr $ 7,000 2.03, 2.03 1.00 Custodian(Summer) 513.20/hr $ 13,503 4.00 4.00 4.00 Cert Pool Operator 518-25/hr $ 12,500 L00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Attendant-Aqua log 550-65/hr $ 5,000 3.00 3.00 3.00 Subtotal A7190.1021 $ 240,,000 46.00 46.00 46.0) A 7180 Pool Summer Swim Coach $28-70/hr ,$ 22,600, 4.00 4.03 4.03 Winter Swim Coady 525-30/hr $ 2,400 4.00 4.00 3.03 Subtotal A7180.1022 $ SAO 8.00 8.00_ 7.00 A 7265 keNnk Custodian 517-19/hr $ 47,000 2.00 2.00 3.00 Assistant Manager 514-24/hr $ 69,000 5.00 S.00 5.00 Recreation Attendant 510-19/hr $ 78,000 10.00 10.00 1A00 Subtotal A7265-1021 $ 194,000 17.00 17.00 18.00 Figure Skating Instructor 510-25/hr $ 40,000 10.0D 10.00 21100 Subtotal A7265-1024 $ 10,000 10.00 10.03 10.00 Fbckev Instructor/Coaches $28-55/hr $ 22,000 10.00 10.00 9.00 Subtotal A7265.1025 $ 22,000 10.00 10.03 9.00 185 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Hyl, 1.,....„, 46- RECREATION DEPARTMENT Jill Fisher,Superintendent of Recreation 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept apt Title Hrly Rate Budget Positions Positions Positions A 7310 Youth Recreation Attendant-Msc.Programs $9-30/hr $ 20,000 15.00 15.00 8.00 Director 8 Asst.Director-ISO(Camp 835-66Rr $ 22,400 2.00 2.00 2.00 Counselors/Lifeguards-I-IMX Camp - $9-13/hr $ 96,500 71.00 71.00 43.00 Specialists-I-IM(Camp $13-27/hr $ 10,500 2.00 2.00 2.00 Unk Leader-14A(Camp $13.28 hr $ 16,000 6.00 6.00 4.00 Camp Health Director $15-18/hr $ 4,000 2.00 2.00 1.00 Laborers-Floor Change Over-MO(Camp $21/hr $ 3,200 4.00 4.00 4.00 Custodian-liv9(Camp $17-19/hr $ 1,700 1.00 1.00 1.00 Secretary-I4AXCamp 816-18/hr $ 3,800 1.00 1.00 1.00 Counselors-Rockingstone $9-17Au $ 17.200 18.00 18.00 10.00 Director-Rockingstone $40-63/hr $ 7.500 1.00 1.00 1.00 Asst Director-Rockinstone $30-34fir $ 4,900 1.00 1.00 1.00 Unit Leader-Rockingstone _ $29/hr $ 4,200 2.00 2.00 2.00 Recreation Specialist-Rockingstone $20/hr $ 2,900 3.00 3.00 2.00 EMT Specialist-Rockingstone $15.17Ar $ 2,200 1.00 1.00 1.00 Director/Assistant Director-Monroe 830-42/hr $ 7,200 1.00 1.00 1.00 Counselors-Monroe - $9-16/hr $ 22,000 16.00 15.00 12.00 Utlt leader-Monroe $15-25Ar $ 7,000 3.00 3.00 3.00 Recreation Specialist-Monroe - $ - 3.00 - . Elia Specialist-Monroe $15.17/Ir $ 300 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation leader-I-bmmocks breakfast $28/hr $ 3,500 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Attendant-extended daycare $10/hr $ 3,000 3.00 3.00 3.00 Recreation Specilalst - - - Teen Travel Camp- 813-26/hr $ - 6.00 6.00 - Subtotal A7310.1021 $ 260,000 163.00 160.00 104.00 A 7820 Mutt Roc Voieyaball hstructor $60Jtr $ 1,500 1.00 1.00 1.00 Recreation Attendant $45.80Ax $ 2,000 3.00 3.00 2.00 Sr Recreation Attendant 845-60/hr $ 4,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 Sr Recreation Attendant $45-60/hr $ 3,500 3.00 3.00 3.00 Subtotal A7$20.1021 $ 11,000 8.00 8.00 7.00 TOTAL PART TIME-RE{REATIONJ $ 837,000 268.00 265.00 207.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1,510,833 276.30 273.30 215.00 186 Date Prepared 10/16202011-.13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date. 10;162020 Page 1 o110 Account Table REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By WLACERENZA Alt.Son Table: Fiscal"ear.2021 Period From.1'a 9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 VarAnce To / 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage SUP Type R Revenue Alma 2010 HOMMOCKS FIELDS 40,261.78 42,318.18 39,000.00 39,00000 0.00 33,000 00 -15.36% MAINT. Total Dept 0000 44261.78 42,318.10 39,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 33,000.00 .16.30% Total Dept 7020 GENERAL RECREATION 40,261.78 4$310,18 39,000.00 39,000.00 0.00 33,000.00 -15.38% B C000.2001 RECREATION- 38,841.50 34965.50 34,000.00 34,00000 3,055.00 30,000.00 -11.76% MEMORIAL PARK PROGRAMS.. Total Dept 000038,841.65 34,96 5.60 34,000.00 34,000.00 3,056.00 30,000.00 -11.76% Total Dept 7140 PLAYGROUNDS 7 RECV 38,041.50 34,965.50 34,000.00 34,000.00 3,056.00 30,000.00 -11.76% (MEMORIAL PARK) A.0000.2025 POOL 477,692.43 469,818.85 470,000.00 470,000.00 (79,432.26) 205,000.00 -61 ADM ISS IONSICHARG ES.. A.0000.2026 POOL PROGRAMS 132,149.03 117,892.65 115,000.00 115,000.00 14,746.51 85,000 00 -26.09% A 0000 2070 SWIM CLUB.. 56,663 00 61,468 50 59,000 00 59,000.00 . 215.00 43,000.00 -27.12% Total Dept 0000668,604.46 649,180.00 644,000.00 844,000.00 (64,470.66) 333,000.00 X .20 0 % Total Dept 7180 POOL 888,504.46 849,180.00 644,000.00 644,000.00 (64,470.65) 333,000.00 -48.29% r.0000.2013 RINK- 16,730.00 18,573.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 2,860.00 8,000.00 -54.29% CONCESSIONS.. A.0000.2014 ICE RINK RENTAL- 16,250.00 27,023.00 16,000.00 16,000.00 17 862.47 34,065.00 112.91% COMM RM/ROOF A.0000.2065 RINK-GEN 357,138.08 364,821.69 332,000 00 332,000.00 161.067 41 200 000.00 -39 76% ADMISSION.. 187 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM BUD4011 1 0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page of 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To.9 Account Descrip0on Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.2066 RINK-ICE RENTALS. 526,183.10 528,341.90 523,000.00 523,000.00 180,391.85 418,000.00 -20.08% A 0000.2067 HOCKEY PROGRAM.. 120,277.00 122,906.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 44,256.35 105,000.00 A.0000.2058 SKATING SCHOOL.. 154,485.72 175,187.75 160,000.00 160,000.00 29,843.67 96,000.00 -40.00% Total Dept 00001,101,063.00 1,236,633.34 1,163,600.00 1,153,600.00 430,281.75 561,065.00 -25.36% Total Dept 7265 ICE RINK 1,191,063.00 1,230,833.34 1,163,600.00 1,153,100.00 436,281.78 081,065.00 -26.36% A.0000 2002 RECREATION- 822,021.45 815,650.40 852,500.00 852,500.00 131,951.34 540,000.00 -36.68% YOUTH PROGRAMS.. 1003820 YOUTH PROGRAMS_ 5,557.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 0000827,678.46 616,660.40 662,600.00 062,500.00 131,961.34 640,000.00 -36.66% Total Dept 7310 YOUTH PROGRAMS 827,678.46 815,600.40 852,500.00 852,500.00 131,061.34 540,000.00 40.68% A.0000.2001 RECREATION ADULT 99,362.00 100,894.50 87,000.00 87,000.00 21,192.23 59,000.00 32.18% PROGRAMS.. Total Dept 000002362.00 100,804.60 87,000.00 57,000.00 21,192.23 69,000.00 4218% Total Dept 7620 ADULT RECREATION 96,36LO0i 100,894.50 07,000.00 87,000.00 21,192.23 59,000.00 -----.a.-1-1i- Total 210% TotalTypeR Revenue 2,864,612.09 2,879,841.90 2,610,000.00 2,610,000.00 520,009.67 1,868,066.00 43.96% 188 Date Prepared. 1W16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 0110 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Valance Tol 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT' Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage! Type E Expense A.7020.1010 SALARIES.. 311,610.91 325,770.00 334,646.00 334,646.00 257,089.64 340,516.00 1.75% A.7020.1012 CLOTHING 301.50 301.50 305.00 305.00 301.50 305.00 ALLOWANCE A.7020.1015 OVERTIME.. 6,437.71 8,659.12 7,000.00 7,000.00 395.98 6,800.00 -2 86% A.7020.1018 LONGEVITY PAY 1,975.00 3,102.25 3,102.00 3,102.00 0.00 3,227.00 4.03% A.7020.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 100.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 100.00% A.7020.1021 SALARIES-PART 4,401.00 72 25 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 15,000.00 1400.---' TIME A.7020.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 5,000.00 5,001.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 A.7020.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 300.00 1,935.60 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 EQUIPMENT.. A.7020.4001 TELEPHONE.. 720.00 720.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7020,4008 WATER/SEWER 20,593.21 26,392.23 25,000.00 25,000.00 10,420.69 25,000.00 A.7020.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 503.72 518.17 600.00 600.00 253.32 600.00 A.7020.4010 OPERATING 415.42 550.99 55000 550.00 69.34 550.00 SUPPLIES.. A.7020.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 4,214.82 4,412.86 5,500.00 5,500.00 98.55 4,300.00 -21.82% CES.. A.7020.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 1,091.92 1,094.42 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,055.00 1,20000 -7.69% 189 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 of 10 Account Table: REG-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA AR.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 !Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance TO 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.7020.4023 TRAVEL EXPENSES 480.17 831.72 400.00 400.00 0.00 -100.00% A.7020.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 14,853.65 17 166.09 18,000.00 18,000.00 8,657.00 17,300.00 -3.89% A.7020.4033 EQUIP. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 REPAIRS/MAINT... A.7020.4100 GROUNDS REPAIRS& 34,030.24 32,650.49 35,500.00 35,500.00 4,684.22 29,500.00 -16.90% MA INT.. A.7020.4155 BULK MAILING.. 5,200.00 5,200.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 2,700.00 5,400.00 120.4301 RICHBELL RD PLGRD 337.69 0.00 400.00 400.00 0.00 200.00 50.00% MA INT.. Total Dept 7020 GENERAL RECREATION 412,676.86 434,778.66 444,203.00 444,203.00 266,826.24 466,798.00 2.61% Total Dept 7020 GENERAL RECREATION 412,976.86 434,778.69 444,203.00 444,203.00 286,626.24 456,798.00 2.61% B.7140.1015 OVERTIME. 157.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.7140.1021 SALARIES-PART 25,686.38 27,745.68 30,500.00 30,500.00 14,747.39 30,000.00 -1.84% TIME 3.7140.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 963.48 2,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. 8.7140.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.71404002 SERVICE 339.88 4,345 00 16,000.00 16,000.00 0.00 16,000.00 CONTRACTS 190 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 5 of 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To; 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT; Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stagal Type E Expense 8.7140.4003 ELECTRICITY 284.24 245.69 500.00 500.00 48.15 500.00 B.7140.4008 WATER/SEWER 4,575.93 4,198,69 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,150.29 5,00.0 13.7140.4010 OPERATING 19,321.00 14,888.56 8,000.00 8,000.00 2,790.27 8,000.00 SUPPLIES.. 8.7140.4012 BLDG&GROUNDS 1,815.41 1,902.44 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,534.57 1,000.00 -33.33% REPAIRS/MA INT B.7140.4033 EQUIP. 384.55 300.83 750.00 750.00 156.00 750.00 REPAIRS/MAINT... 8.7140.4044 TENNIS COURT 3,504.50 1,031.48 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 -40 MAINTENANCE.. 8.7140.4045 ID SUPPLIES. 400.00 40.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 450.00 12.50% Total Dept 7140 MEMORIAL PARK 67,213.06 67,038.37 66,660.00 68,660.00 21,628.67 66,700.00 -4.30% Total Dept 7140 PLAYGROUNDS 7 RECV 57,213.06 57,038.37 68,650.00 68,650.00 21,525.57 65,700.00 -4.30% (MEMORIAL PARK) A.7180.1010 SALARIES.. 80,441.57 81.933 39 83,734.0 83,734.00 84,41080 84,523.00 0.94% A.7180.1012 CLOTHING 275.00 275.00 450.00 450.00 275.00 275.00 -38.89% ALLOWANCE A.7180.1015 OVERTIME.. 199.38 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 A.7180.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 800.00 80.0 800.00 800.00 0.00 925.0 15.63% A.7180.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 191 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 0UD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 6 o1 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: F scal Yea-2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage I Type E Expense A.7180.1021 SALARIES-PART 251,040.12 252,942.47 271,000.00 271,000.00 153,053.61 240,000.00 -11.44% TIME A.7180.1022 SALARIES-SWIM 30,294.10 33,991.12 32,500.00 32,500.00 1,305.00 25,000.00 -23.08% COACH.. A.7180.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 4,733.52 10,649.33 8,000.00 8,000.00 149.99 8,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. A.7180.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 A.7180.4003 ELECTRICITY 7,382.94 7,377.56 7,800.00 7,800.00 4,875.91 7,800.00 80.4008 WATER/SEWER 7,000.00 9,805.15 12,000.00 12,000.00 6,285.92 11,000.00 -8.33% A.7180.4010 OPERATING 11,821.02 12,177.93 12,500.00 12,500.00 8,319.81 12,500.00 SUPPLIES.. A.7180.4037 PROG CLINIC 28,826.00 22,799.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 3,234.00 20,000.00 -25 93% INSTRUCTION A.7180.4045 ID SUPPLIES.. 843.00 856.00 900.00 900.00 333.00 3,000.00 233.33% A.7180.4100 POOL/GROUNDS 14,603 03 15,133.90 16,000.00 16,000.00 8,250.56 16,000 00 REPAIRS& MAINTENANCE.. A.7180.4158 POOL MAINTENANCE 324,661.58 328.405.50 355,000.00 355,000.00 48,970.51 320,000.00 -9.86% -SCHOOL.. A.7180.4160 LIFE GUARD 1,967.70 2.121.16 2,200.00 2,200.00 855.70 2,200.00 UNIFORMS.. A.7180.4161 SWIM MEETS.. 1,427.33 935.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 192 Date Prepared: 10/16202011:13 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Dale: 10/182020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 7 of 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 rAccount Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance ToI 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT _ Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stagel Type E Expense --— A.7180.4182 MAMARONECK SWIM 3,414.95 4,650.10 3.500.00 3,500.00 0.00 3,300.00 -5.71% CLUB. Total Dept 7180 POOL 789,791.22 784,852.61 634,384.00 834,384.00 298,319.81 766,623.00 -9.45% Total Dept 7180 POOL 789,731.22 784,862.81 834,384.00 834,384.00 298,319.81 766,623.00 -9.46% A.7265.1010 SALARIES 127,674.47 160,378.68 189438.00 189,438.00 145,338.14 193,904.00 2.36% A.7285.1012 CLOTHING 148.50 148.50 145.00 145.00 14850 150.00 3.45% ALLOWANCE A.7265.1015 OVERTIME.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7265.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,175.00 1,397.75 1 397.00 1,397.00 0.00 1,398.00 0.07% A.7265.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 40.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7265.1019 STIPEND 19,660.00 10,000.12 10,000.00 10,000.00 7,692.40 10,00000 A.7265.1021 SALARIES-PART 177,209.50 184.161.50 174,000.00 174,000.00 65,367.00 194,000.00 11.49% TIME A.7265.1024 SALARIES-FIGURE 44,333.17 42,485.84 50,000.00 50,000.00 18,837.61 40,000.00 -20.00% SKATING.. A.7265.1025 SALARIES-HOCKEY.. 18,706.25 17,097 75 25,000.00 25,000.00 8,052.25 22,000.00 -12.00% A.7265.1030 MEDICAL BUYOUT 0.00 000 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 A.7265.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 18.141.28 27,196.30 3,000.00 7,445.00 0.00 3,000.00 EQUIPMENT.. 193 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page D 101110 Repor1 Date: 10/16x2020 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account D4HulptlOn Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To' 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.7265.2104 BUILDING 0.00 14,500.00 0.00 92,000.00 0.00 EQUIPMENT A.7265.2109 SKATES_ 3,820.38 3,849.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 A.7265.2120 ZAMBONI PARTS.. 2,686.80 2.885.70 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,144.10 3,500.00 A.7265.4001 TELEPHONE.. 360.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7285.4002 SERVICE 29,840.13 24,388.30 33,000.00 33,000.00 16,741.19 37,000.00 12.12% CONTRACTS 35.4003 ELECTRICITY 121,923.56 114,438.80 125,000.00 125,000.00 53,844.48 139000.00 4.00% A.7265.4004 GASOLINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 53,370.0D 0.00 A.7265.4005 HEATING FUEL.. 2,733.18 2,649.21 3,000.00 3,000.00 921.85 -100.00% 4.7265.4008 WATER/SEWER 14,903.24 19,910.02 18,00000 16,000.00 12,076.98 20,000.00 25.00% A.7265.4010 OPERATING 13,389.91 14,296.06 16,000.00 16,000.00 9,835.49 18,000.00 12.50% SUPPLIES.. A.7285.4036 PROD OPERATING 12,659.43 16,059.38 12,000.00 12,000.00 3,502.05 11,000.00 -8.33% SU°PLIES.. A.7265.4055 NATURAL GAS.. 24,376.34 27,478.89 26,500.00 26,500.00 13,859.15 30,000.00 13.21% A.7265.4163 EQUIP/BLDG 21,352.14 20,665.10 22,000.00 22,000.00 28,261.00 25,000.00 13.64% REPAIRS.. A.7265.4164 PUBLICITY.. 10,951 85 14,740.92 15,000.00 15,000.00 2,619.00 10,000.00 -33.33% • 194 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Paye 9 of 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 r i Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To' 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT L Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage] Type E Expense — — A.7265.4265 CONFERENCES 6 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 530.00 INSPECTION.. A.7265.4276 RINK SECURITY.. 3,596.85 4.646.64 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,164.58 5,000.00 Total Dept 7266 ICE RINK 667,481.96 703,480.48 740,4110.00 890,295.00 397,225.77 784,452.00 3.24% Total Dept 7265 ICE RINK 667,r181A6. 703,460.48 740,480.00 890,296.00 397,226.77 764,452.00 3.24% A.73101010 SALARIES.. 39,126.40 41,046.20 41,867.00 41,867.00 32,20540 42,262.00 0.94% A.7310.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7310.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.7310.1021 SALARIES-PART 313,500.23 294,411.86 390,900.00 390,900.00 8,260.00 260,000.00 -33.49% TIME A.7310.2102 MISCELLANEOUS 1,208.31 1,480.69 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 EQUIPMENT.. A.7310.4036 PROG OPERATING 26,708.07 27,946.84 28,000.00 28,000.00 1,010.78 22,000.00 -21.43% SUPPLIES.. A.7310.4037 PROG CLINIC 173,706.89 165,948.49 191,000.00 191,000.00 43,793.60 101,000.00 -47.12% INSTRUCTION.. A.7310.4167 SPECIAL EVENTS.. 22.458.80 23.110.18 21.000.00 21.000.00 704.00 17.030.00 -19.05% A7310.4169 TEEN ESCAPE.. 63,870.15 63,528.25 73,000.00 73,000.00 0.00 -100.00% 195 Date Prepared: 10/16/202011:13 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B1d40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 10 of 10 Account Table: REC-NEW Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To] 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT __ Actual Actual Budget Budget Per t-9 Stage Stage' Type E Expense A.7310.4172 SOUTHEAST 25,415.00 25,415.00 26,750.00 26.750.00 0.00 28,750.00 CONSORTIUM.. A.7310.4173 OTHER SERVICES.. 1,883.73 1,738.84 3,000.00 3.000.00 0.00 2,500.00 -1667% B.7310.4171 CO-OP DAY CAMP 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 20,000.00 Total Dept 7310 YOUTH PROGRAMS 688,077.58 664,628.35 797,017.00 797,017.00 95,973.76 493,012.00 -311.14% A.7620.1010 SALARIES.. 42,188.29 43,569.22 43,816.00 43,816.00 33,704.40 12,678.00 -71.07% A.7620.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 240.00 277.50 278.00 278.00 0.00 -100.00% 520.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 180.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.00 100.00% A.7620.1021 SALARIES-PART 16,70500 17,665.03 20,500.00 20,500.00 6,940.20 11,000.00 -46.34% TIME A.7620.4036 PROG OPERATING 2,029.65 2,488.99 3,500.00 3,500.00 0.00 3,000.00 -14,29% SUPPLIES.. A.7620.4037 PROG CLINIC 37,054.50 39,140.50 41,000.00 41,000.00 591.00 32,000.00 -21.95% INSTRUCTION.. Total Dept 7620 ADULT RECREATION 98,395.44 103,261.21 109,094.00 109,094.00 41,236.60 68,798.00 .46.10% Tote!Dept 7310 YOUTH PROGRAMS 786,473.02 787,887.66 906,111.00 906,111.00 127,209.36 5614110.00 -39.1036 Total Type E Expense (2,693,476.12) (2,748,017.71) 2,993,828.00 3,143,643.00 (1,130.206.96) 2.693.283.00 .13.38% Grand Total 171,136.97 131,824.19 (183,828.00) (333,643.00) (602,197.18) (737,218.00) 301.04% - NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 196 Left Intentionally Blank 197 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Stephen Aitieri,Town Administrator DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Town Administrator's mission is to insure the efficient and effective direction of all operations and affairs of the Town government on behalf of the Supervisor and Town Board. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town Administrator is appointed by the Town Board and is Chief Administrative officer of the Town. The Town Administrator recommends appointment of the heads of all departments as well as the Deputy Town Administrator to the Town Board. The Town Administrator is responsible to lead, administer and manage the day to-day operations of the Town's twelve operating departments and oversee its finances. The Town Administrator serves as the Budget Officer responsible for preparing with the Town Comptroller the annual Town Budget. The Town Administrator also implements all policy directives of the Town Board, negotiates all labor contracts, and promotes cooperation and team work among all Town Departments. ➢ Continued a targeted budget to control expenditures and focus on Town Priorities • Developed the operations and staffing plan to continue all Town services during the COVID-19 pandemic ➢ Secured a$125,000 grant for Food Recycling • Secured$200,000 in grants through the Community Development Block Grant Program ➢ The Town Administrator as Emergency Manager oversaw the Town's response to Tropical Storm Isaias 2021 GOALS ➢ Implement and manage Town Board policies to the organization and administer those decisions in day-to-day operations. ➢ Manage and assist in securing grants to fund Town infrastructure and programs. • Continue a targeted budget to control expenditures and focus on Town Priorities ➢ Work with the Supervisor and Town Board on the completion of the Comprehensive Plan. ➢ Working with the appointed Town Committee and Police Department will develop the Town's response to the Governor's Executive Order 203 regarding Police Reforms ➢ Develop the Town's Public Health Emergency and Communicable Disease Response Plan 198 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 4 � v -7p�, TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Stephen Altieri,Town Administrator SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Adminsitrator A1221 $ 279,249 $ 280,883 $ 288,165 $ 303,165 $ 259,308 $ 308,679 $ 291,013 1% Sped al Items-tdunicpal Dues A1900 4,875 4,875 4,875 4,875 3,725 4,875 4,875 0% Public Safety B3010 3,725 8,828 10,000 10,000 3,725 1725 15,000 50% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 287,849 $ 294,586 $ 303,010 $ 318,040 $ 266,758 $ 317,279 $ 310,888 3% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1. Grants Secured 3 2 4 2 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1221 Town Administrator NNGMT $ 195,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1221 Secretary MJGMT $ 66,463 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1221-1010 $ 261,463 2.00 2.00 2.00 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Hrly Rate Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1221 Office Assistant P/T $17/hr $ 10,600 L00 L00 1.00 A 1221 Intern P/T $17/hr 4,400 L00 - 1A0 TOTAL A1211-1021 $ 15,000 2.00 1.00 2.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 276,463 400 3.00 4.00 199 Date Prepared: 10/161202011:21 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Pape 1 W 2 Account Table: TOWNADMIN Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From.1 To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1221.1010 SALARIES.. 249,233.99 255,839.98 265,840.00 255,840.00 224,085.99 261,463.00 220% A.1221.1015 OVERTIME.. 2,661.56 1,915.15 2,600.00 2,600.00 1,775.90 1,500.00 -42.31% A.1221.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 2,225.00 2,225.00 2,225.00 2,225.00 1,175.00 1,050.00 -52.81% A.1221.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1221.1021 SALARIES-PART 14,941.50 12,727.00 15,000.00 30,000.00 24,872.00 15,000.00 TIME —71.4001 TELEPHONE.. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .._11.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,880.81 524.41 1,600.00 1,500.00 407.89 1,500.00 A.1221.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 1,625.95 645.85 3,000.00 3,000.00 332.25 2,500.00 -16.67% CES.. A.1221.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 3,852.46 3,997.25 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,797.00 4,000.00 A.1221.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 2,379.00 2,896.90 3,500.00 3,600.00 1,252.00 3,500.00 A.1221.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 48.40 111.50 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 A.1221.4035 CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,610.00 SERVICES Total Dept 1221 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR 279,248.67 280,683.04 286,165.00 303,165.00 259,308.03 281,013.00 0.99% A.1900.1920 MUNICIPAL ASSOC 4,875.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 3,725.00 4,875.00 DUES.. 200 Dale Prepa-ed. 10/16/202011.21 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 81D40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 O12 Account Table: TOWNADMIN Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA All.Sort Table. F Is::a:Year.2021 Period From:1 To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type E Expense Total Dept 1900 SPECIAL ITEMS 4,875.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 3,725.00 4,876.00 B.3010.2102 MISC EQUIPMENT.. DCC 0.00 2,000 00 2,000 00 0.00 2.000.00 B 3010.4002 SERVICE 3 726 CC 8,827 50 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,725.00 5,000.00 CONTRACTS 6.30104010 OPERAT NG 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.000.00 100.00% SUPPLIES.. B 3010 4048 OPERATING 0.00 0.00 3,070 00 3,000.00 C 00 3 LO0 0C EXPENSES.. Total Dept 3010 PUBLIC SAFETY 3,728,00 8,827.50 10,000.00 10,000.00 3,725.00 16,000.00 50. Total Dept 1221 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR 287,540.57 294,655.54 303,040.00 318,040.00 288,758.03 310,858.00 2.5914 Total Type E Expense 287,848.87 294,585.54 303,040.00 318,040.00 266,758.03 310,888.00 2.59% Grand Total 287,848.07 294,585.54 303,040.00 318,040.00 266,758.03 310,888.00 2.59% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 201 TOWN OF MAMARONECK r A: TOWN ATTORNEY William Maker,Town Attorney DEPARTMENTAL MISSION With the limited exceptions described herein, the Town Attorney provides legal representation and advice to the Town,the Town Board,and all Town employees and volunteers when acting in their official capacities. The Board of Appeals and the Planning Board are represented by separate counsel;however, when a decision of either Board is challenged in an Article 78 proceeding,the Town Attorney represents that Board. The Town Attorney also does not represent the Town with respect to financing, labor relations and personal injury/property damage matters. The Town has outside counsel or counsel hired by its insurer to handle these matters. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town Attorney's Office handles a variety of legal issues. General Legal Representation: Represent the Town in legal matters including contract litigation and negotiations, real estate matters Advises the Town Board and Town Officials in the day-to-day operation of government and other matters. Legislation: Prepare, review and recommend all Town ordinances, local laws and proposed and enacted amendments to the Town Code, and related public notices and resolutions. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Except for personal injury and tax certiorari cases,which are chronic litigation for all communities of the Town's size, and one Article 78 proceeding, neither the Town nor its boards were named as defendants in any litigation in 2020. The reason lies primarily in the sound,fair and balanced operation of the Town by the staff and by the elected officials; however, many of the decisions made and actions taken by the Town were done after reaching out for advice from the Town Attorney. 2021 GOALS ➢ Continue to provide representation and advice in a manner that promotes the Town's best interest. ➢ Respond in a timely manner to requests made by the Town Board for updated or new legislation or to requests for advice on other items identified by the Town Board. ➢ Respond in a timely manner to requests by Town staff for advice regarding daily operations. 202 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ►4,e4 TOWN ATTORNEY William Maker,Town Attorney SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Attorney A1420 $ 273,740 $ 236,542 $ 262,150 $ 262,150 $ 1913,896 $ 279,661 $ 268,350 2% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 273,740 $ 236,542 $ 262,150 $ 262,150 $ 193,896 $ 279,661 $ 268,350 2% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Estimate Estimate Tax Certs 45 40 40 25 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 - 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1220 $ - - - - DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ - - - - 203 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:24 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B1D40111.0 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 1 of 1 Account Table: ATTORNEY Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From.1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1420.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.20 0.00 100.00 100.00 58.82 100.00 A.1420.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 0.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 A.1420.4040 LAW BOOKS.. 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,569.95 7,400.00 516.67% A.1420.4046 RETAINER FEE.. 108,217.42 97,999.92 98,000.00 98,000.00 65,333.28 98,000.00 A.1420.4114 PROFESSIONAL 149,859.58 122,800.77 140,000.00 140,000.00 123,934.32 140,000.00 SERVICES.. 120.4116 LEGAL STENO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SERVICES. A.1420.4116 TITLE SEARCHES.. 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 A.1420.4117 TRIAL EXPENSE. 3,700.72 1,061.16 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 A.1420.4119 PROSECUTOR FEE. 11,943.75 14,880.00 20,600.00 20,600.00 0.00 20,600.00 Total Dept 1420 ATTORNEY 273,739.67 236,541.86 262,160.00 262,160.00 193,896.37 288,360.00 2.37% Total Dept 1420 ATTORNEY 273,739.67 236,641.86 262,160.00 262,160.00 193,896.37 268,360.00 2.37% Taal Type E Expense 273,739.67 236,641.85 262,160.00 262,150.00 103,896.37 288,360.00 2.37% Grand Total 273,739.67 236,641.85 262,160.00 262,160.00 193,696.37 268,360.00 2.37% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 204 Left Intentionally Blank 205 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD Town Board Members:Jaine Elkind Eney,Abby Katz,Sabrina Fiddelman,Jeffery King DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Town Board is the policy-making body of the Town and consists of four members and the Town Supervisor elected by the Town of Mamaroneck residents. The Town Board's mission is to provide leadership and set policy in order to deliver effective and efficient public services. The Town Board is committed to ensuring that the Town of Mamaroneck is an outstanding Town to live in,work in and visit. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town Board is the legislative and executive body of the Town and consists of four members and the Town Supervisor elected by the Town of Mamaroneck residents.Town Board members are elected to four year terms. The Town Board enacts local laws and ordinances,adopts the Town Budget,awards contracts, sets policies, appoints a Town Administrator, zoning board, planning board and assessment review committee members.The Town Board provides oversight of Town government. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS > Green Your Commute Challenge > Adoption of various local laws > Monitoring and oversight of Town capital projects 2021 GOALS > Enhance land use policies that meet community needs and expectations > Enact legislation to enhance the welfare of the Town > Support Town essential infrastructure projects necessary to provide Town services > Completion of comprehensive plan 206 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD Town Board Members:Jaine Elkind Eney,Abby Katz,Sabrina Fiddelman,Jeffery King SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 , 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Board A1010 $ 30,784 $ 31,005 $ 32,176 $ 32,176 $ 20,782 $ 27,562 $ 30,431 -5% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 30,784 $ 31,005 $ 32,176 $ 32,176 $ 20,782 $ 27,562 $ 30,431 -5% 2021 PART—TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 lou 2011 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1010 Council Members Elected $ 25,731 4.00 4.00 4.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 25,731 4.00 4.00 4.00 207 Date Prepared: 10/16202011:26 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/182020 Pape 1 of l Account Table: TOWNBOARD Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA A6.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 201S 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1010.1010 SALARIES.. 24,495.30 25,224.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1010.1021 SALARIES-PART 0.00 0.00 25,478.00 25,476.00 19,598.80 25,731.00 1.00% TIME A.1010.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 A.1010.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 6,108.75 5,780.96 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,184.79 4,000.00 -33.33% C ES.. A.1010.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 182.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 NI Dept 1010 TOWN BOARD 30,784.06 31,006.12 32,176.00 32,176.00 20,781.69 30,431.00 -5.42% ._1alDept 1010 TOWN BOARD 30,784.06 91,006.12 32,176.00 32,176.00 20,781.69 30,431.00 -6.42% Total Type Expense 30,784.05 31,006.12 32,176.00 32,176.00 20,781.69 30,431.00 -6.42% Grand Total 30,784.06 31,006.12 32,176.00 32,176.00 20,781.69 30,431.00 -542% NOTE;One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 208 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK Christina Battelle,Town Clerk DEPARTMENTAL MISSION To meet the needs of residents with the highest level of efficiency and customer service possible;maintain records of the Town with the utmost care and concern for retention and accessibility.To be an exemplary department focused on developing new skills for the betterment of our residents, and to share our proficiencies with other members of our work community, with the understanding that what the Office of the Town Clerk projects to its peers and to the public is a direct reflection of the Town, and the Town Board. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The Town Clerk serves as Secretary to the Town Board and keeps a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting and public hearing, handles the adoption of Town Laws, bond issuance documentation,legal filings,notices of claims and processes Freedom of Information (FOIL)requests.The Town Clerk acts as a licensing agent for the State and the Town and issues licenses and permits according to State laws and local laws and ordinances in the Town Code. The Town Clerk oversees the Records Management Program and the Archives, which stores the Town's historical records. Provides ongoing, coordinated, administrative effort to systematically manage the Town's records from initial creation to final disposition and storage of permanent and historical documents. WORKLOAD INDICATORS SECRETARY TO THE TOWN BOARD > Attend Town Board meetings, draft resolutions, and prepare Minutes. Complete all functional tasks set in motion at each Town Board Meeting. > Process, record and file all local laws with New York State.Ensure Town Code (eCode360)is up to date and codified and appears accurately on the Town website. ➢ Maintain the Town Board's Calendar on the website; issue all meeting dates and calendars of the Town Board to the public and staff. Publish all Legal Notices of the Town Board. ➢ Ensure all Town Board Minutes are scanned and fully searchable through Laserfiche and available on the Town's website (continually since 2011) > Ensure Town Board meeting packets are scanned and available in Laserfiche to the Town Board (continually since 2015) LICENSES&PERMITS > Parking Permits ➢ Issue 1,200 annual parking permits,twice yearly, maintain and verify residency, reissue lost tags, and maintain waiting lists and field daily calls regarding parking. > Marriage Licenses/Certified Copies of Marriage Records 210 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK Christina Battalia,Town Clerk LICENSES&PERMITS(continued) A Issue annually over 200 Marriage Licenses; a legal document requiring lengthy in person interaction with couples. Process over 200 request for copies of Marriage Records. A Alarms ➢ Issue 1,200 Residential and Commercial Alarm System Permits annually, coordinating with the Police Department monthly to record and invoice false alarm activations. A Dog Licenses A License 420 Town and Village of Larchmont dogs on a monthly basis. A Garage Sale Permits A Issue Garage Sale Permits RECORDS MANAGEMENT A Maintain the Town's Archive Room currently houses 1,120 banker boxes. Work with each Town Department on a formal intake, retrieval and disposition of Departmental Records. Maintain Departmental database > Work with Town Departments' on best practices for records retention, and individual Office Retention Schedules. . A Generate daily requests for records whether paper of electronic. A Work closely with the IT Director to maintain the Town's Records Repository in Laserfiche (our digital MU1).Meet weekly with the IT Director for input on Town wide electronic record creation, migration, retention, and disposition. A Oversee part time staff of 3-5 for scanning and templating documents into Laserfiche. Implemental new Laserfiche projects and create plan for implementation. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUESTS(FOIL) ➢ Process all requests for Town records. FILING OFFICER ➢ Receive all legal filings served on the Town. Specifically regarding Notices of Claim, litigation, summonses and subpoenas; ensure proper distribution among Town Officials. BONDS ➢ Work closely with the Town Comptroller and Bond Counsel in processing Bond paperwork; time sensitive legal publications, notifications and certifications. CANVASSING/SOLICITORS > Process notification of Solicitors and Canvassing. BANKING: A Maintain Town Clerk account at Chase. Perform daily reconciliations, weekly deposits and monthly reporting. 211 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK Christina Botta Ila,Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS&BOARDS&COMMISSIONS D Maintain terms of Office and contact information all Town Officials and Boards&Commissions. > Issue appointment letters, maintain Oaths of Office and resignations. D Annual reporting to the County Clerk,Office of Real Property Tax Assessment(ORPTS), New York State Retirement System,the State Comptroller,and the Board of Elections. D Issue and maintain annual Disclosure Statements to all Town Officials, and members of Boards and Commissions. Issue and maintain Code of Ethics Acknowledgments for all full time Town employees. > Notice and post to the Town web site the Meetings of the Housing Authority,the Board of Ethics, and the Board of Assessment Review. REGISTRAR OF VITAL RECORDS D Issue death certificates,burial transit permits,and birth certificates for individuals who die or are born in the Unincorporated Town. D Process requests for vital records. FIRE DISTRICT CLERK > Execute Fire District Elections, including facilitating the election,coordinating election personnel, working closely with the Town Comptroller and Bond Counsel to process election and bond paperwork,certifications, legal notices and filings. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS > Implemented an on-line Dog Renewal payment process, as well as an on-line Alarm Permit application and payment process. > In preparation for the implementation of a Public Portal/Document Library, minutes for the various boards and commission have been scanned into Laserfiche (the Town's Electronic Document Management System)going back to the 1930's. D As a continuation of last year's project to input claim vouchers into Laserfiche, we finalized the scanning of those historical documents, and continue to maintain in 'real time' scanning into Laserfiche of all check disbursement's as they are completed. > We have initiated the implementation of the Laserfiche intra agency web portal, and are continuing to roll out access by all Town Departments into the Laserfiche Document library. D Entered into Laserfiche Tax Grievance filings for the years 2016 and 2017, as well as completed the transcription of previously scanned payroll documents so they are now fully searchable for the Payroll Department from 1968-2014. D Transcribed the Town's vital records (birth, death and marriage) which were previously scanned into Laserfiche,as part of a restoration project of these historical books.This project is now 100% complete, and allows for these handwritten documents to be fully searchable. They include: 212 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK Christina Battalia,Town Clerk Marriages Records from 1908-1986,Birth Records from 1885-1965,and Death records from 1911 - 1982. ➢ Actively working on phase two of the claim voucher project and have entered into Laserfiche Capital Project vouchers from 2018-2020. 2021 GOALS > Due to the COVID Pandemic, the roll out of the Laserfiche Public Portal has been delayed. Currently we are in the process of implementing the intra agency web portal which is our first step in the full implementation of the Laserfiche Public Portal/Document Library. ➢ Due to the COVID Pandemic were unable to facilitate the reopening of the Parking Lot Permit Portal in the spring of 2020. The reopening of the on-line portal was utilized for the Residential Parking Permit renewals in the fall of 2020, and we plan for a full reopening of the on-line portal for the Parking Lot Permit Renewals in January 2021. ➢ Continue to develop Laserfiche Forms(the business processes module in Laserfiche),for Freedom of Information requests and other interdepartmental processes. SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decease) Fees A1255 $ 6,610 $ 8,547 $ 7,000 $ 7,000 $ 4,641 $ 6,602 $ 7,000 0% Election Services-County A1270 1,212 3,850 1,000 1,000 2,784 3,785 1,000 0% Parking Permits-Lot A1720 306,835 309,435 313,000 313,000 287,177 148,578 261,000 -17% Meter Fees-Lot A A1740 73,708 78,: 70,000 70,000 14,791 (12,000) 55,000 -21% Parking Permits-Other B1720 96,036 129,817 107,747 107,747 130,353 71,353 113,200 5% Parking Permits-Lot B,D,E 81730 14,500 Street Meter Fees 81740 31,078 36,422 35,000 35,000 9,986 6,216 17,500 -50% Dog licenses A2544 12,289 14,436 10,000 10,000 8,159 10,160 10,000 0% Garage Sale Permits A2590 380 380 300 300 100 - 300 096 Alarm Permits 82545 39,240 38,419 36,600 36,600 39,000 41,400 36,600 0% False Alarms 82611 9,760 9,705 6,000 6,000 3,245 5,245 6,000 0% TOTAL REVENUE $ 577,148 $ 629,899 $ 586,647 $ 586,647 $ 500,236 $ 281,339 $ 522,100 -11% 213 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN CLERK Christina Battalia,Town Clerk SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Dge Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Oerk A1410 $ 265,572 $ 274,245 $ 288,706 $ 292,706 $ 234,834 $ 304,500 $287,449 -0.44% Elections A1450 46,000 47,380 $ 47,500 $ 47,500 47,500 $ 50,392 6.0916 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 311,512 $ 321g $ 336,206 $ 340.206 $ 234,834 $ 351,000 $337,841 0.49% PERFORMANCE MEASURES Item 2018 2019 2020 2021 Actual Actual Actual Estimate 1. Parking Permits Issued 1,200 1,200 1,200 692 2. Alarm Permits Issued 1250 1250 1250 1200 3. False alarms issued 100 100 100 75 4. Other permits/licenses issued 650 550 550 450 5. Dog licenses issued 500 415 415 530 6. FOIL Request 350 200 200 150 7. New documents in Laserfiche 47,803 45,668 47,627 50,000 2021 FULL-TIME POSITION SUMMARY T2019 2020 2021 GROUP I 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title STEP Budget Positions _ Positions Positions A 1410 Town Clerk MiGM1 $ 102,523 1.00 1.00 1.00 A 1410 Deputy Town Clerk W8 $ 41,020 1.00 0.60 0.60 A 1410 Deputy Town Clerk W7 $ 68.365 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1410.1010 $ 211,908 3.00 2.60 2.60 214 TOWN OF MAMARONECK N. TOWN CLERK Christina Battalia,Town Clerk 2021 PART-TIME POSITION SUMMARY 2019 2020 2021 Hriy 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP 1 STEP Rate _ Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1410 'Records Ntmt Clerk PIT $15/hr $ 40,000 5.00 5.00 5.00 A 1410 Part time Clerk PIT $30/hr —$ 22,500 1.00 1.00 1.00 TOTAL A1410-1021 $ 62,500 6.00 6.00 6.00 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $ 900 6.60 160 215 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:28 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 4 Amount Table: CLERK Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.1255 TOWN CLERKS 6,609.75 8547.17 7,000.00 7,000.00 4,641.50 7,000.00 FEES.. A.0000.1270 ELECTION SERVICES 1,212.00 3,849.65 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,783.66 1,000.00 -WEST CTY A.0000.1720 LOT A DAY PERMIT 306,835.06 309,435.42 313,000.00 313,000.00 287,177.50 281,000.00 -16.61% FEES.. A.0000,1740 LOT A METER FEES 73,707.96 78,887.90 70,000.00 70,000.00 14,790.50 55,000.00 -21.43% A.0000.2544 DOG LICENSES 12,28900 14.436.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,159.00 10,000.00 )0.2590 GARAGE SALE 380.00 380.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 300.00 PERMITS.. B.0000.1720 PARKING PERMIT- 96,036.11 129,818.91 107,747.00 107,747.00 130,353.00 113,200.00 5.06% LOT B PERMITS 8.0000.1730 PARKING PERMIT- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,500.00 100.00% LOT C,D,E,WSA,LESTER B.0000.1740 STREET PARKING 31,077.50 36,422.74 35,000.00 35,000.00 9,988.00 17,600.00 -50.00% METER FEES.. 8.0000.2545 ALARM LICENSES.. 39,240.00 38,419.00 36,600.00 36,600.00 39,000.00 36,600.00 6.00002611 FALSE ALARMS.. 9,760.00 9,705.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,245.00 6,000.00 Total Dept 0000577,147.38 626,899.79 585,647.00 566,647.00 500,236.16 522,100.00 -11.00% Total Dept 1410 TOWN CLERK _ 577,147.36 629,999.79 586,647.00 698,647.00 500,236.16 622,100.00 -11.00% 216 Date Prepared: 10116/2020 11:28AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD401 ' 10 Report Date. 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 4 Account Table: CLERK Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Al.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period Frcm 1 To.9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Pert-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue --- - -Total Type R Revenue 577,147.38 629,899.79 686,647.00 686,647.00 600,236.16 522,100.00 -11.00% 217 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 11:28 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/168020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 3of4 Account Table: CLERK Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1670.4113 RECORDS 390.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MANAGEMENT Total Dept 1870 CENTRAL SERVICES 390.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 1316 COMPTROLLER 390.00 600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1410.1010 SALARIES.. 209,233.84 199,456.68 209,931.00 209,931.00 161,485.20 211,908.00 0.94% A.1410.1015 OVERTIME.. 2,524.47 1,532.30 1,500.00 1,50000 157.50 1,500.00 A.1410.1016 LONGEVITY PAY 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,726.00 1,726.00 0.00 1,726.00 10.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A.1410.1021 SALARIES-PART 40,945.75 60,756.75 62,500.00 66,500.00 68,095.50 62,500.00 TIME A.1410.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,140.37 1,986.59 1,000.00 1,000.00 974.08 1,000.00 A.1410.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 4,409.42 536.25 4,050.00 4,050.00 175.00 150.00 -98.30% CES.. A.1410.4019 DUES/PUBLICATIONS. 459.00 679.16 800.00 800.00 317.64 466.00 -41.75% A.1410.4021 PUBLIC NOTICES.. 2,348.00 2,10986 2,500.00 2,500.00 930.00 2,500.00 A.1410.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 1,476.58 1,099.98 1,200.00 1,200.00 304.20 1,200.00 A.1410.4112 TOWN CODE.. 1,034.44 4,488.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,043.00 4,000.00 33.33% 218 Dale Prepared: 10/16/202011:28 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B11D40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 of 4 Account Table: CLERK Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:WLACERENZA All.Sort Table Fiscal Year 2021 Period From 1 To 9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.1410.4113 RECORDS 0.00 0.00 600.00 500 00 351 49 500.00 MANAGEMENT.. Total Dept 1410 TOWN CLERK 266,671.67 274,245.38 268,706.00 262,706.60 234,03.61 267,440.00 -0.44% A 1450 4130 ELECTION FEES.. 46,000.00 47,380.00 47,500.00 47,500.00 0.00 50,392.00 8 09% Total Dept 1450 ELECTIONS 48,000.00 47,380.00 47,600.00 47,600.60 0.00 60,392.00 6.09% Total Dept 1410 TOWN CLERK 211,671.07 321,626.36 336,206.00 340,206.00 234633.61 337,641.00 0.49% Total Type E Expense (311.961.67) (322,125.36) 336.206.00 340,206.00 (234,03.51) 337,041.00 0.49% Grand Total 266,166.61 307,774.43 250,441.00 246,441.00 265,402.16 184,260.00 46 NOTE,One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. • 219 TOWN OF MAMARONECK sv TOWN SUPERVISOR Nancy Seligson,Town Supervisor DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The mission of the Town Supervisor is to communicate with and assist residents, provide leadership and policy direction to the Town Board and Town employees, facilitate the implementation of Town Board priorities and manage the Town functions to ensure the delivery of cost-effective, high-level, customer- responsive services. In addition, the Supervisor interacts with all levels of government from village to federal representatives to facilitate relationships that benefit the Town. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town Supervisor is the Chief Executive Officer,Chief Financial Officer and head of the administrative branch of Town government responsible to lead and manage its finances. The Town Supervisor is independently elected to a two-year term and chairs the meetings of the five member Town Board.The Town Supervisor sits on the board of Westchester Joint Water Works,the Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Commission, manages appointments to the Town's volunteer boards and commissions and facilitates the Town,Village,School (TVS)task force. 2020 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ➢ Maintained Triple A financial rating > Provided timely responses to resident inquiries > Provided communication on social media D. Chaired Board of Westchester Joint Water Works D. Served as Co-commissioner of Joint Garbage Commission and evaluated sanitation services > Maintained all government services and led community with regular communications during Coronavirus pandemic > Issued daily communications and led community recovery after Storm Isaias > Secured a$200,000 grant for Senior Center infrastructure improvements > Completed Phase I of sewer system rehabilitation program ' Passed Reusable Bag Law > Conducted cleanup of Hommocks Conservation Area ➢ Initiated Comprehensive Plan update • Produced monthly newsletters 220 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 0,41e4. TOWN SUPERVISOR Nancy Seligson,Town Supervisor 2021 GOALS > Continue to ensure that residents receive high-level quality services > Lead efforts to improve sustainability and resilience throughout the Town > Improve efficiency in Town services > Apply for applicable grant funding > Complete a Comprehensive Plan update > Improve resident communications through expansion of social media, revision of website and continuation of regular newsletter publications PERFORMANCE MEASURES • Track and monitor overall government operations. • Ensure that the Town's annual budget is presented and adopted in compliance with General Municipal Law. • Measure energy use and greenhouse gas reductions. • Promote public participation in the Comprehensive Plan update. • Support resident-led sustainability efforts. • Regular responses to and communication with residents. SUMMARY OF REVENUES tom 2020 man BUDGET 2118 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT CODE Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) State Aid-Food Waste Grant t:3910/A221C $ 18,801 $ 109,721 $ 17,273 $ 108,971 $ - 0% Electric Vehicle Charger Fees A2150 356 756 500 100% State Aid-Food Waste Program B3190 $ 5,000 TOTAL REVENUE $ • $ j $ • $ 109,721 $ 17, 9 $ 109727 $ S00 100% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2020 BUDGET 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT CODE Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Town Supervisor A1220 $ 95,152 $ 98,008 $ 98,682 $ 98,682 $ 74,334 $ 98,249 $ 105,830 7% Grant-Food Waste Program A:r:5 25,141 120,671 21,186 119,171 0% Sustainability B8095 2,838 4,516 8,000 8,000 1,101 1,602 8,000 0% TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 97,990 $ 127,665 $ 106,682 $ 221,353 $ 96,E $ 219,0n $ 113,830 7% 221 TOWN OF MAMARONECK }"D TOWN SUPERVISOR Nancy Seligson,Town Supervisor FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP I STEP Budget Positions Positions Positions A 1220 Town Supervisor Elected $ 33,130 0.82 0.82 0.82 A 1220 Confidential Secretary M3M $ 70,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL $ 103,130 1.82 1.82 1.82 222 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 12:14 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 3 Account Table: SUPERVISOR Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From'.1 To:9 i Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2015 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.2150 ELECTRIC VEHICLE 0.00 0.00 0.00 D.00 356.33 500.00 100.00% CHARGER FEES A.0000.2210.2019.70 GEN SERV OTHER 0.00 0.00 000 750.00 0.00 GOV'TS.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING A.0000.3910.2019.70 STATE AID- 0 00 18,601.03 0.00 108,971.00 17,272.52 CONSERVATION PROGRAMS.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING 8.0000.3910 STATE AID- 0.00 5,000.03 • 000 000 0.00 CONSERVATION PROGRAMS Total Dept 0000 0.00 23,00100 0.00 100,721.00 17,620.5 1100O0 1....,..,. Total Dept 8095 SUSTAINABILITY COLL 0.00 23,001.0D 0.00 100,721.00 17,020.00 MN 10000% Total Type R Revenue O.N 23,801.0D O.00 109,721.00 17,020.5 NOW 100.00% 223 Dale Prepared: 1W16(202012:14PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/1512020 Page 2of3 Account Table: SUPERVISOR Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.TYOGMAN A8.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Ar-ic-ount Description Original Aqtd 2020 2021 Verona Toi 2011 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT L- -- _-.- .._. Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.0 Stege Sta ge Type E Expanse - _.------- A.1220.1010 SALARIES.. 94,022.86 96,057.87 08,382.00 96,38200 74,189.40 103.130.00 7.00% A.1220.1018 SICK INCENTIVE 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 100.00% A.1220.4009 OFFICE SUPPLIES 331.03 233.64 500.00 500.00 104.89 500.00 A.1220.4017 SEMINAR/CONFEREN 107.34 983.96 1,000.00 1,000.00 40.80 1,000.00 CES.. A.1220.4019 DUES/PUBLICAT1ONS. 291.00 275.00 600.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 A.1220.4030 PRINTG/STATIONERY 0.00 58.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 MIDept 1220 TOWN SUPERVISOR 95,152.23 98,009.47 99,682.00 9882.00 74,334.99 105,830.00 7.i4% 13.8095.401D OPERATING 524.41 2,793.66 2,500.00 2,500.00 125.55 2,500.00 SUPPLIES 8.809.54030 PRINTGISTATIONERY 1,260.97 1,151.96 500.00 500.00 276.00 500.00 8.8095.4035 CONSULTANT 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 650.00 3,000.00 SERVICES 8.8095.4167 SPECIAL EVENTS 1,062.39 570.48 2000.00 2,000.00 150 00 2,000.00 Total Dept 8095 SUSTANABIIJ Y COLL 2,837.77 4,516.00 8,800.90 9,000.90 1,101.55 8,800.00 Tab,Dept 1220 TOWN SUPERVWOR . 97,190.00 102,524.47 185,682.00 105,82.00 75,436.44 113,80.00 5.70% A8005.2102.2010.70 MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 EOUIPMENT.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.F000 SCRAP RECYCLNG 224 Date Prepared, 10/161202012:14 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/1612020 Page 3 of 3 Account Table: SUPERVISOR Budget Preparation Report P Prepared By TYOGMAN Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:0 Account Description Or10NW Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance Tel 2018 2019 2020 2920 Actual DEPT DEPT' _ Actual Admit Budget Budget Per 1.0 Type E Expense .--..._ __ >f10Be _..._1�el A.8095.40232019.70 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,472.00 0.00 EXPENSES.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING A.8095.4335.2019.70 CONSULTANT 0.00 22,787.02 0.00 51,053.00 10,846.00 SERVICES-FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING PROJECT A.80954048.2019 70 OPERATING 0.00 2,354-00 0.00 29,646.00 0.00 EXPENSES.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING A.8095.4167.2019.70 SPECIAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,840.50 EVENTS.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING A.8095.4173.2019.70 OTHER 0.00 0.00 0.00 21,000.00 7,500.00 SERVICES.2019 CAPITAL PROJECT.FOOD SCRAP RECYCLING Total Dept 8095 SUSTAINABILITY COLL 0.00 25,141.02 0.00 120,671.00 21,186.50 0.00 Total Dept 8095 SUSTAINABILITY COLL — -- 1.9 -- -- 0.00 255,14141.022 0.00 720,671.00 21,186.50 0.00 ..- Total Type E Expense -- -- -- — (97,000.09) (127,605.40) 101,112.60 227,353.00 (06,622.04) 113,000.00 - 6.70% Grand Total -_ (07,900.00) (103,664.49) 106,682.00 (117,832-00) .. .(78,994.09) ---('113,330.00) — ,.--_ — --- ___ NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 225 TOWN OF MAMARONECK UNALLOCATED GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTAL MISSION These funds are utilized to support the community, provide contingency funding for unanticipated expenses, unallocated insurance. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS Liability Insurance: Townwide Liability insurance is allocated by Fund and not to each department. Tax Certiorari: Refunds to taxpayers based on tax reduction proceedings. Employee Benefits: Employee Benefits include all benefits paid to or on behalf of employees that includes New York State Retirement contributions, health insurance,dental insurance,vision insurance, employee wellness programs, medical reimbursements, Social Security Tax,Metropolitan Transportation Tax,Workers Comp, Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, Medicare B Reimbursement for retirees.These benefits are recorded in each Fund but are not allocated to each department. Transfers to Capital Projects Fund: Funding transfers to the Capital Project Fund for approved capital projects. Transfers to Debt Service Fund: Funding transfers from operating budgets to the Debt Service Fund for debt service costs for capital projects. Narcotics Guidance Council: Passthrough funding received from the County to provide counseling services. Human Rights Services: Control of Animals: Funding for animal shelter services provided to the Humane Society. Library:The Larchmont Public Library is located in the Village of Larchmont and is a non-profit organization serving the Town.The Library provides free services that include library materials, educational opportunities, homebound services,adult,senior,student programs,and museum passes. Town funding supports all programs offered by the Library. 226 TOWN OF MAMARONECK UNALLOCATED GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 DEPT Budget Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget Real Property Taxes A1001 $ 3,890,068 S 4,500,208 $ 4,814,798 $ 4,814,798 $ 4,810,825 $ 4,654,750 $ 5,015,738 Real Property Taxes 81001 9,822,525 9,843,286 9,887,568 9,887,568 9,879,876 9,887,568 10,103,720 Real Property Taxes DB1001 5,002,973 4,966,518 5,078,575 5,078,575 5,074,695 5,078,575 4,995,250 Real Property Taxes 5F1001 3,790,191 3,872,714 4,160,699 4,160,699 4,157,695 416,699 4,301,096 Real Property Taxes 511001 288,730 301,086 304,273 304,273 304,040 304,273 299,172 Real Property Taxes SM1001 588,915 686,722 599,624 599,624 599,079 599,624 621,493 Real Property Taxes SR1001 2,160,829 2,196,553 2,200,103 2,200,103 2,198,400 7,200,103 2,198,144 PILOT A1081 1,350 1,391 1,400 1,400 1,636 1,636 1,400 Tax Penalties A1090 548,061 808,057 500,000 500,000 539,064 588,537 500,000 Utilities Gross Receipts A1130 10,137 9,338 10,000 10,000 2,889 8,889 10,000 Sales Tax 91162 1,917,581 2,191,447 2,318,000 2,318,000 1,134,982 2,364,065 2,250,000 Property Rental A2410 317,399 338,276 314,200 314,200 246,434 329,186 320,860 Sale of Property A2660 17,500 - - - - - Insurance Recoveries A2680 990 8,269 525 525 - Insurance Recoveries 82680 28,598 - - 3.122 3,127 - Insurance Recoveries 062680 10.862 78,729 10,004 10,000 40,478 49,4 I'8 10.000 Insurance Recoveries SL2680 4,316 - - - - Insurance Recoveries 5M2680 2,308 - - - - Insurance Recoveries SF2680 440,330 6,269 - 281 281 - Insurance Recoveries SR2680 11.'96 - - - Expense Refunds A2701 4,034 16,060 - 241 241 Expense Refunds B2701 9,538 3,883 - 103 103 Expense Refunds D82701 550 - - - Expense Refunds 5M2701 6,265 - - - Gifts&Donations 82705 - 1,660 - - Miscellaneous A2750/70 727 3,017 - 5,176 5,176 Miscellaneous B2750/70 1,983 131,045 2,050 2,050.00 1,295 1,295 Miscellaneous DB2770 - - - - 889 Mortgage Tax Revenue A3005 1,237,496 1,247,050 1,142,900 1,142,900 499,197 1,308,753 1,250,000 Real Estate Tax Admin _ A3040 22,364 - NGC-Mental Health Board A3484 419,206 415,446 450,000 450,000 208,360 416,348 450,000 Approriated Fund Balance A5995 - - 1,187,103 1,523,370 - - 1,259,500 Appropriated Fund Balance 95995 - - 266,026 440,515 - 915,000 Appropriated Fund Balance DB5995 - - 34,331 - - 82,000 Appropriated Fund Balance 5E5995 - - 147,773 - - Appropriated Fund Balance SL5995 - - - 51,900 - - Appropriated Fund Balance 5M5995 - 2,892 • - 30,000 Appropriated Fund Balance 555995 - - - - 12,000 Appropriated Fund Balance SW5995 - 450,000 748,760 - - 250,000 Aim Related Payments 82750 - 142,194 - 71,097 113,755 State Aid-Per Capita A3001 142,194 147.194 147.194 - - - Interfund Transfers 85031 - - - - - 440,000 Interfund Transfers A5032 Supuu 50,000 78,000 78,000 78.000 .F.JO.) 78.000 Interfund Transfers A5036 - 95.1)00 95,000 95,001) 95.000 95.000 Interfund Transfers A5040 7,390 - - - - Interfund Transfers B5040 1,207 - - - - - Interfund Transfers DB5040 45:'0 - - - Interfund Transfers SM5040 89r: - - InterfundTransfers-Trust A5041 28,148 28,625 - - InterfundTransfers-Trust 85041 1,900 - - Interfund Transfers A5050 112,000 80,000 - - InterfundTransfers 85050 ' 14,500 14,500 - - Interfund Transfers-LM Cable 85090 119,658 102,570 68,380 68,380 - 68,380 68,380 Interfund Transfers DB5050 88,170 50,000 - - Interfund Transfers SF5050 19,500 19,500 - - TOTAL REVENUE $ 31,162,084 $ 32,140,998 $ 34,080,893 $ 35,127,305 $ 29,881,393 $ 28,523,593 $35,670,508 227 TOWN OF MAMARONECK UNALLOCATED GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 2020 Budget 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 DEPT Code Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget + Employee Benefits A9000 2,308,309 2,251,715 2,421,416 2,421,416 1,420,698 2,197,344 - 69000 3,981,421 4,214,267 4,378,015 4,378,015 2,609,731 4,101,944_ 2,489,175 089000 1,592,670 1,536,970_ 1,470,910 1,470,910 978,820 1,371,182 4,643,900 5F9000 1,332,499 1,287,552 1,359,650 1,359,650 854,595 1,359,043 1,479,520 SL9000 29,552 29,567 26,805 26,805, 17,795 27,160 1,425,690 SM9000 266,934 263,422 294,225 294,225 167,924 242,666 28,840 559000 47,489 47,692 45,445 45,445 24,754 40,652 271,700 Installment Debt SM9785 29,483 29,483 - - 46,585 Transfers to Capital A9950 816,2251 770,075 288,979 462,346 93,945 316,671 - 89950 346,448 205,599 278,100 415,605 266,945 379,793 67,500 DB9950 294,357 204,368 173,000 207,331 74,300 145,831 244,000 5F9950 505,113 34,502 68,000 212,601 212,601 212,601 82,000 SM9950 64,313 61,500 - - - 18,000 559950 3,000 3,000 - 0 5000 SW9950 1,357,478 528,174 518,800 817,560, 690,400 821,581 12,000 Interfund Transfers A9900 250,000 Interfund Transfers 69900 50,000 " 50,000 78,000' 78,000 78,000 78,000 440,000 559901 95,000 95,000 95,000 95,0001 78,000 Transfers to Debt 49900 1,009,394 1,089,812 962,759 962,759 962,759 962,759 95,000 B9900 166,953, 168,843, 148,757 148,757 148,757 148,757 1,088,657 089900 943,405 778,581 699,364 699,364 699,364 699,364 151,529 SF9900 321,648, 420,299 490,633 490,633 490,633 490,633 742,668 5L9900 125,634 125,011 114,563 114,563 114,563 114,563 558,864 SM9900 14,728 17,913 16,810 16,810 16,810 16,810 113,821 SR9900 140,235 130,589 94,178 94,178 94,178 94,178 25,387 S59900 92,882, 307,973 275,560 275,560 275,560 275,560 106,219 5W9900 291,824 291,271 374,193+ 374,193, 374,193 374,193 305,019 Tax Certs A1900 108,512 80,000 86,650,, 86,650 16,295 21,295 502,423 81900 136,519 147,351_ 155,000 155,000 62,279 67,280 70,000 Judgements&Claims A1900 2467 1,268 1,268 90,000 131900 1449 • 73,659 Contingency A1900 - - 102,790 83,790 0 47429 81900 - 36,000 36,000 - 130000 Liability Insurance A1900 105,873 118,936 123,000 123,000 97,719 119,791 152,000 81900 129,387 139,037 143,500 143,500 119,219 144,463 5,000 Covid Expenses 41900 71,799 71799 81900 _ 18700 Humane Sodety 83510 16,389 18,264 18,500 18,500 11,967 18,456 450,000 Narcotics Guidance A4210 419,206 415,446 450,000 450,000 311,348 416,348 69,100 B4210 59,100 59,100 69,100 69,100 69,100 69,100 1,000 Emelin Theater 87310 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,340,160 Library • 87410 1,288,260 1,302,279 1,346,910 1,346,910 823,480 478,799 3,000 Memorial Day 87550 2,606 2,610 3,000 3,000 - 1,000 Human Rights Comm_48830 __ - (500) 1,000 1,000' • 0 $ 18,394,846 $ 17,132,717 $ 17,212,612 $ 17,982,176 $ 12,346,799 $ 15,975,884 $ 17,722,545 NET UNALLOCATED $ 12,767,238 $ 15,008,281 $ 16,868,281 $ 17,145,129 $ 17,534,594 $ 12,547,709 $ 17,947,963 228 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK 8UD40111.0 Report Dale: 10116/2020 Page 1 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 _ Description Original Abu 2020 2021 Variance To' 2018 2010 2020 2020020 Aet14 DEPT DEPTActual Actual Budget MAW Per 111004Stage Type R Revenue A.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 3,890,068.08 4,500,207.83 4,814,798.00 4,814,198.00 4,810.825.19 5,016,738.00 4.17% TAXES.. 0.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 9,822,525.15 9,843,286.06 9,887,568.00 9,887,568.00 9,879,876.94 10,103,720.00 2.19% TAXES.. D13.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 5,002,972.92 4,966,518.45 5,078,575.00 5,078,575.0D 5,074,694.58 4,995,250.00 -1.64% TAXES.. SF.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 3,790,191.20 3,872,714.05 4,160,698.00 4,160,699.00 4,157,69521 4,301,096.00 3.37% TAXES.. SL0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 288,730.21 301,066.04 304,273.00 304,273.00 304,040.36 299,172.00 -1.61 TAXES.. SM.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 588,915.19 686,721.80 599,624.00 599,624.00 599,078.96 621,493.00 3.65% TAXES.. SR.0000.1001 REAL PROPERTY 2,160,828.80 2,196,553.10 2,200,103.00 2,200,103.00 2,198,389.53 2,188,144.00 -0.09% TAXES.. Total Dept 0000 25,544,231.85 28,367,817.33 27,046,640.00 27,045,640.00 21,024,610.71 27,134,613.00 1.81% Total Group 10 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 16,844,231,56 24,367,087.31 27,045,640.00 27,045,640.00 27,024,818.70 2/,134,016.00 1.81% A.0000.1081 P.I.L.O.T.-PAYMENT 1,360.19 1,391.29 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,636.58 1,400.00 IN LIEU OF TAXES.. A.0000,1090 PENALTIES ON PROP . 548,061.05 808,057.32 500,000.00 500,000.00 539,064.18 500,000.00 TAXES.. A.0000.1130 UTILITIES GROSS 10,13723 9,338.13 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,885.63 10,000.00 RECEIPTS.. Total Dept 0000 559,548.47 818,786.74 511,400.00 511,400.00 643,50329 511,400.00 229 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARO N EC K BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 2 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation-Report Prepared Ely:TYOGUM4 Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Daaattplae - - - WOW Adjusted 1020 2021 •VarMnea To' 2011 2819 2820 2020 .401410/1 DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Slags 1fa0a T,pa R Raw Tete,Group 10A OTHER TAX MEMS 559,545.47 818.786.74 811,400.00 511,400.00 543,588.39 511,400.00 8.0000.1162 SALES TAX.. 1,917,681.00 2,191.447.00 2,318,000.00 2,918,000.00 1.184,982.00 2,250.000.00 -2.93% Total Dept 00001417,111111.00 2.101,447.00 2.318.000.00 2411400.88 1,184,982M 2,250,000.00 .293% Total Group 11 NON-PROPERTY TAXES 1417,5121.118 2,101,447AG 2,318,000.00 2.318,909.80 1,134,99240 2,280,000.00 -243% A.00002410 PROPERTY RENTAL. 817$89.18 338,275.09 914,200.00 314,200.00 248494.04 320,860.00 2.12% Total Dept 0000317.380.18 330475.89 214,20040 314,280.00 2403484 320,860.00 2.12% talGroup 15 USE OF MONEY 6 317,390.18 338475.90 814,20040 354,200.00 248,48444 320,1180.80 2.12% PROPERTY 1100002660 SALE OF PROPERTY.. 17,50040 0.00 040 0.00 0.00 A.0000.2680 INSURANCE 990.00 8888.93 0.00 0.00 525.00 RECOVERIES.. 13.00002660 SALE OF PROPERTY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.0000.2680 INSURANCE 28,597.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,122.91 RECOVERIES.. DB.0000.26180 INSURANCE 10,882.42 78,729.14 10,000.00 10,000.00 40,477.91 10,000.00 RECOVERIES.. SF.00002680 INSURANCE 440,330.22 6,268.39 0.00 0.00 280.54 RECOVERIES.. SL.0000.2680 INSURANCE 0.00 4,316.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 RECOVERIES.. SM.0000.2680 INSURANCE 0.00 2,307.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 RECOVERIES.. 230 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECKBUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 3 of 18 Account Tabie: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 1- count Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 _--- Variance To, 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT L._ Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Stage Stage Type R Revenue - - SR.0000.2680 INSURANCE 0.00 11,795.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RECOVERIES.. Total Dept 0000498,300.49 - 111,008.01 10.00880 10,000.00 44,406.36 -- 10,000.00 Total Group 18 SALE PROP I COMP FOR 496,900.49 111,808.01 10,000.00 10,000.00 44,406.36 10,000.00 LOBS A.0000.2701 REFUND PRIOR 4,034.20 16,060.19 0.00 0.00 241.40 YEARS EXP.. A.0000.2750 AIM RELATED 0.00 142,194.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 113,755.00 100.00% PAYMENTS A.00002770 MISCELLANEOUS.. 726.85 3,017.75 0.00 0.00 5,175.94 9.00002701 REFUND PRIOR 0,537.91 3,882.74 0.00 0.00 103.45 YEARS EXP.. 9.00002705 GIFTS&DONATIONS.. 0.00 1,660.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000275,0 AIM RELATED 1,917.18 0.00 2,050.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00% PAYMENTS 0.00002770 MISCELLANEOUS.. 65.00 131,045.48 0.00 2,050.00 1,295.00 DB.00002701 REFUND PRIOR 549.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEARS EXP.. SL.0000.2701 REFUND PRIOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEARS EXP SM.0000.2701 REFUND PRIOR 0.00 6,264.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 YEARS EXP.. 231 Date Prepared: 10/18/2020 04:49 PM TOWN.OF MAMARONECK $UD40 111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 4 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN 4-5.Sod Table: Faecal Yaw 2021 Period From:1 To:9 A-ecount Description - - Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2010 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Aced Acted Budget Budget Per 14 Stage Stage Type R Revenue Total Dept 0000 . 16430.75 304,124.00 248140 2,050.00 5415.70 112,700.00 5449.02% Total Group 19 MISCELLANEOUS 16,020.75 - 304.124.02 _ - 2,000.00 2,090.00 6,018.70 113,755.00 5449.02% A.0000.5041 TRANSFERS FROM 28,148.00 28,824.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRUST.. 8.00005041 TRANSFERS FROM 0.00 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRUST-. Total Dept 0000 28,148.00 38,5224.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 'del Group 20 INTERFUND REVENUES 26,14440 30424.57 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 - - A.0000.3001 PER CAPITA.. 142,194.00 0.00 142,194.00 142,194.0D 0.00 -100.00% 4-0000.3005 MORTGAGE TAX.. 1,237,495.82 1,247,050.43 1,142,900.00 1,142,900.00 499,196.77 1,250,000.00 9.37% A.0000.3040 REAL PROPERTY TAX 22,360.15 0-00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ADMIN.. 0.0000.3484 NGC-MENTAL HEALTH 419,206.16 415,445.86 450,000.00 450,000.00 208,360-08 450,000.00 BOARD.. Teta!Dept 0000 1421481.13 1,02.400.20 1,735,004.00 1,730404.0 70746045 1,70040040 -2.02% Total Group 21 STATE AID 1421,20.13 1,002,100,20 1,735414.0 1,730,014.01 707,550.05 1,70,00.00 4.02% A.0000-49 68 2020.81 FEMA- 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DISASTE72020 PROJECTS.CORONA VIRUS EXPENSES Total Dept 0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Group 22 FEDERAL AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ISO 232 Date Prepared: 10/18/2020 04:49 PM BU04011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 5 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 1Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue A 0000.5032 TRANSFERS FROM 50,000.00 50,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 PART TOWN.. A.0000.5036 TRANSFERS FROM 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 95.000.00 SEWER.. A.0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 7,390-13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL.. A,0000.5050 TRANSFERS FROM 112,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEBT SVC.. 8.0000.5031 TRANSFERS FROM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 440,000.00 100.i GEN TOWN.. 6.0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 1206.84 0.00 0.00 0-00 0.00 CAPITAL. 13.0000.5050 TRANSFERS FROM 14,500.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEBT SVC.. 6.0000.5090 TRANSFERS FROM L- 119,657.80 102,570.00 68,380.00 68,380.00 0.00 68,380.00 M CABLE BOC DB.0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 45,469.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL.. DB.0000.5050 TRANSFERS FROM 88,170.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEBT SVC.. SF.0000.5050 TRANSFERS FROM 19.500 00 19,500.00 0.00 0.00 000 DEBT SVC SM.0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 689.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL.. 233 Date Prepared: 10116/202004:49PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BU040111.0 Report Date: 10/16(2020 Page 6 0!18 Account Table' UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By TYOGMAN All Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Yerience To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Mu& DEPT DEPT L Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Stege Stage 7210 R Revenue SR.00bO'000 TRANSFERS FROM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DEBT SVC.. Total Dept 0000410,784.57 315,575.50 -241,160.01 241,210.50 173100.10 - 101,00.51 112.20% Total Group 23 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 41111,7114.117 $131711.110 241,00 211,251.10 173,505.35 101,351.11 122.20% A.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 1,187,103.00 1,523,300.55 0.00 1.250,500.00 0.10% BALANCE 8.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 266,026.00 4.40,515.01 0.00 915,000.00 243.95% BALANCE DB.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 34,331.00 0.00 82,000.00 100.00% BALANCE SF.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 147772.52 0.00 BALANCE SL0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 51,900.00 0.00 BALANCE SM.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,592.00 0.00 30,000.00 100.00% BALANCE SS.0000 5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.0D 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 100.00% BALANCE SW.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.00 0.00 450,000.00 748,760.07 0.00 250,000.00 .44.44% BALANCE Total Dept 00000.00 5.50 1,102,120.00 2,56.15.11 0.00 2,6116666.112,6116666.110 33.01% Total Group 26 APPROPRIATSO FUND 0.00 0.10 1,502,125.10 2,5406.15 0.00 - »1% BALANCE 234 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Pape 7 d 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared Br nrooMAN AH.Sort Tebie: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From'1 To:9 Account Description Original AdJueted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2920 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT ACtuol Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage, Two Revenue - Tolal pe R Revenue 31,162,084.14 32,140,998.71 34,090,893.00 35,127,304.15 29,881,39422 35,670,508.00 4.66% 235 Date Prepared. 10/16/2320 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BU040111.0 Rapid Date: 1 a16r2020 Pape 8 o118 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By TYOGMAN ML Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Amount Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage lypa E Expense A.1670.04002020.81 TOWNWIDECORONA 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71,798.18 VIRUS SUPPLES TobI Dept 1670 CENTRAL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71,798.18 0.00 A.1900.1930 TAX CERTIORARIS 108 511.86 80,000.06 86,650 00 86,650.00 16,294.53 70,000.00 -1922% A.1900.1931 JUDGEMENTS& 0.00 2,466.81 0.00 0.00 1,268.07 5,000.00 100.00% CLAIMS A.1900.4050 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 102,790.00 83 790.00 000 73,659.0D -28.34% A.1900.4059 LIABILITY INSURANCE 105,872.93 118,936.47 123,000.00 123,000.00 97,719.18 130,000.00 569% 9.1900.1930 TAX CERTIORARIS 136,518.74 147,351.04 155,000.00 155,000.00 62;27923 90,000.00 -41.94% B.1900.1931 JUDGEMENTS& 0.00 1,446.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 CLAIMS B.1900.4050 CONTINGENCY 0.00 0.00 38,000.00 36,000.00 0.00 47,429.00 31.75% 9.1900.4059 LIABILITY INSURANCE 129,387.34 138,038.95 143,500.00 143,500.00 119,218.58 152,000.00 5.92% Total Dept 1900 SPECIAL ITEMS 480,280.17 481139.34 946,340.00 627,940.00 296,779.59 586,06800 -12.19% 8.3510.4204 HUMANE SOCIETY.. 10,794.00 10,764.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 8,217.00 11,200.00 1.82% B.3510.4292 ANIMAL REMOVAL 5,825.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 3,750.00 7,500.00 SERVICE.. Total Dept 3510 CONTROL OF ANIMALS 16,369.00 16,264.00 18,500.00 18,500.00 11,967.00 18,700.00 1.06% A42104139 WEST CTY MNTL 419,206.16 415,445.86 450,000.00 450,000.00 311,348.92 450,000.00 HEALTH ED.. 236 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARON EC K BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10116/2020 Page 9 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN AIL Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Vedanta To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT L _ Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 OW SS 7ypaE - - Ezpense--- - ---- ---- -- - - -- 5.4210.4207 NOC-STATE.. 59,100.00 59,100.00 69,100.00 69,100.00 69,100.00 69,100.00 Total Dept 4210 NARCOTICS GUIDANCE 478,308.18 474,545.86 519,190.00 519,100.00 380,448.92 519,100.00 COUNCIL B 7310.4208 EMELIN THEATER.. 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 Total Dept 7910 YOUTH PROGRAMS 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 13 7410.4217 LIBRARY OPS-TOWN 1,288,260.00 1,302,279.00 1,346.910.00 1,348,910.00 823,480.00 1,340,180.00 -0.50% SHARE Total Dept 7410 LIBRARY 1,286,260.40 1,302,279.09 1,346,810.00 1,341,910.00 823,460.00 1,340,160.00 -O. 8.7550.4219 MEMORIAL DAY., 2,606.00 2,612.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 Total Dept 7550 CELEBRATIONS 2,606.00 2,612.50 3,000.00 5,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 A.6830.4224 HUMAN RIGHTS 0.00 (500.00) 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 COMM.. Total Dept 8830 COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 (500.00) 1,000.00 1,000AO 0.00 1,000.10 Total Group 4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 2,265,852.03 2,287,441.25 2,536,450.00 2,017.400.00 1,004,471100 2+481,01{.10 -027% SM.9785.6000 PRINCIPAL 29,300.00 20,300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 9765 INSTALLMENT 20,300.10 20,300.00 ---0.00 --- 0410 _--_- 0.00 0.00 PURCHASE DEBT Taal Group 6 PRINCIPAL 20,300.00 29,330.00 -_ --- _0.00 OA (LOU. 0.00 - - SM.9785.7000 INTEREST 163.47 18347 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Dept 9765 INSTALLMENT 189.47 183.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 237 Date Prepared: 10116!2020 04:49 PM BU04011 1.0 Report Date: 10!16!2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 10of18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN AU.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account DeaatptIon Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 1015 2015 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Pert-8 Stage Stage Typa E Expense PURCHASE DEBT Total Group 7 INTEREST 183.47 183.47 0.00 0.00 D.00 0.00 A.9000.9010 STATE RETIREMENT.. 526,108.79 638,502.25 551,000.00 551,000.00 135,246.00 635,000.00 1525% A.9000.9030 F.I.CA./MED.. 353,856.63 355,801.75 408,700.00 408,700.00 246,931.62 372,100.00 -8.96% A.9000.9035 COMMUTER TAX 16,104.64 15,852.28 18,190.00 18,190.00 11,037.19 16,550.00 -9.02% A.9000.9040 WORKERS 125,741.04 107,747.28 84,801.00 84,801.0D 81,46465 68,500.00 -1922% COMPENSATION.. A,9000.9045 LIFE INSURANCE.. 5,680.63 5529.63 5.775.00 5,775.00 3,999.59 5,625.00 -2.60% A.9000.9050 UNEMPLOYMENT 5,496.98 172.26 5,000.00 5,000.00 22,694.46 10,000.00 100.00% INSURANCE.. A.9000.9055 DISABILITY 8,238.08 6,067.44 6,250.00 6250.00 4,679,54 6,250.00 INSURANCE. A.9000.9060 HEALTH INSURANCE.. 1,109,499.79 1,068,306.05 1,176,200.00 1,176,200.00 801,286.11 1,216,300.00 3.41% A.9000.9065 MEDICARE PART 9 86,042 10 78,967.30 81,000.00 81,000.00 63,56310 81,000.00 REIMBURSEMENT k9000.9070 DENTAL INSURANCE.. 54,17183 54,836.00 63,000.00 63,000.00 39,771.26 58,000.00 -7.94% A.9000.9089 OPTICAL 16.054.45 15,715.32 17,500.00 17,500.00 9,309.95 15,850.00 -943% INSURANCE.. A.9000.9090 EMPLOYEE 3,314.28 4,217.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 514.70 4,000.00 WELLNESS PROGRAM 238 Date Prepared. 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 11 0118 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Aft.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 'Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 VarianceTol 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT • Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-8 Stage Stagei Type E Expense B.9000.9010 STATE RETIREMENT.. 72,171.98 77,030.83 82,000.00 82,000.00 20,037.00 88,00000 7.32% 0.9000.9015 POLICE/FIRE 1,095,285.16 1,109,832.03 1,113,00000 1,113,000.00 278,265.00 1,361,000.00 22.28% RETIREMENT.. 6.8000.9030 F I.C.A./MED.. 360,866.62 415,320.65 470,150.00 470,150.00 332,211.08 500,300.00 6.41% 9 9000.9035 COMMUTER TAX 19,274.72 21,182.49 20,900.00 20,900.00 14,83922 22,250.00 6.46% 0.9000.9040 WORKERS 87,416.00 78,087.47 59.00000 59,000.00 56,561.00 48,200.00 -18.31% COMPENSATION.. B.9000.9041 WORKERS COMP- 168,495.00 292,114.26 240,000.00 240,000.00 230,734.00 214,700.00 -10.5 POLICE 0.9000.9042 WORKERS COMP 0.00 0.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 -66.67% INDEMNITY-POLICE 8.9000.9045 LIFE INSURANCE. 3,095.86 3,016.02 3,165.00 3,165.00 2,210.60 3,100.00 -2.05% 13.9000.9050 UNEMPLOYMENT 16,523.79 12,493.55 15,000.00 15,000.00 21,331.22 15,000.00 INSURANCE.. 8.9000.9055 DISABILITY 684.72 780.30 800.00 800.00 691.20 800.00 INSURANCE.. 8.9000.9060 HEALTH INSURANCE.. 1,985,005.65 2,032,512.05 2,126,500.00 2,126,500.00 1,517,023.65 2,190,200.00 3.00% 8.9000.9065 MEDICARE PART B 92,510.20 104,52250 101,700.00 101,700.00 85,552.30 101,700.00 REIMBURSEMENT 8.9000.9070 DENTAL INSURANCE.. 56,450.94 65,382.83 68,000.00 68,000.00 49,390.50 70,500.00 3.68% 239 Date Prepared: 10/16202004A9PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK B1D401170 Report Date: 10/162020 Page 12 of 18 Account Table. UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Mt.Sort Table Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Amount Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 --- Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Pert 14 Stage Stage Tpta E Expense 13.9000.0089 OPTICAL 1,641.03 1,992-15 2,300.00 2,300.00 884.17 2,650.00 1522% INSURANCE.. 8.9000.9090 EMPLOYEE 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 WELLNESS PROGRAM 00.9000.9010 STATE RETIREMENT.. 269,654.07 270,552.52 246,000.00 246,000.00 67,625.00 281,000.00 14.23% DB.9000.9030 F.I.CA./MED.. 141,721.71 144,079.71 147,500,00 147,500.00 109,070.19 152,275.00 324% DB.9000.9035 COMMUTER TAX 6,300.43 6,394.52 6,600.00 6,600.00 4,844.76 6,770.00 2.58% 18.9000.9340 WORKERS 339,886.00 275,865.00 219,70000 219,700.00 175,558.00 149,500.00 -31.95% COMPENSATION.. DB.9000.9345 UFE INSURANCE.. 3,544.19 3,386.18 3,310.00 3,310.00 2,696.35 3,725.00 12.54% OB.8000.9050 UNEMPLOYMENT 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 INSURANCE.. 08.9000.8355 DISABILITY 3,078.00 3,001.86 3,200.00 3,200.00 2,145.96 3,200.00 INSURANCE.. DB.9000.9060 HEALTH INSURANCE.. 760,71928 766,948.64 776,800.00 776,800.00 570,807.76 815,100.00 4.93% DB.9000.9065 MEDICARE PART B 31,504.60 31,029.60 32,000.00 32,000.00 24,929.00 32000.00 REIMBURSEMENT DB.9000.9070 DENTAL INSURANCE.. 25,941 67 26,115.79 26,000.00 26,000.00 17,155.36 26,000.00 08.9000.9089 OPTICAL 8259.72 7,342.91 7,100.00 7,100.00 3,987.92 7250.00 211% INSURANCE.. 240 Dale Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/1020 Page 13 of 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Aft.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Varlancs To 2018 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual MOW Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stege User Type E Expense DB.9000.9090 EMPLOYEE 2,080.00 2,263.00 2,200.00 2200.00 000 2200.00 WELLNESS PROGRAM SF.9000.9010 STATE RETIREMENT.. 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 100.00% SF.9000.9015 POLICE/FIRE 327,163.08 342,074.22 347,000.00 347,000.00 86,640.00 424,000.00 22.19% RETIREMENT.. SF.9000.9030 F.I.CA.IMED.. 108,65010 113,381.27 121,450.00 121,450.00 68,122.76 128,440.00 5.76% SF.9000.9035 COMMUTER TAX 4,949 71 5,069.80 5,400.00 5,400.00 3,918.05 5,710.00 5.74% SF.9000.9040 WORKERS 195,863 00 130,342.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 115,598.00 89,400.00 -36.1- COMPENSATION.. SF.9000.9045 LIFE INSURANCE.. 2,286.27 3,026.10 3,300.00 3,300.00 1,430.52 2,640.00 -20.00% SF.9000.9060 HEALTH INSURANCE.. 611,983.52 620,765.54 619,000.00 619,000.00 446,664.50 650,200.00 5.04% SF.9000.9061 VOL F.F.HEALTH 0.00 6,028.00 6,200.00 6,200.00 7,325.00 7,500.00 20.97% INSURANCE SF.9000.9065 MEDICARE PARTS 32,397.60 34,956.00 33,800.00 33,800.00 21,862.80 33,800.00 REIMBURSEMENT SF.9000.9070 DENTAL INSURANCE. 14,771.23 16,326 24 16,900.00 16,900.00 11,678.66 16,90900 SF.9000.9086 SERVICE AWARDS- 30,249.60 10,987.60 62,000.00 62,000.00 66,674.24 62,000.00 VOL.. SF.9000.9089 OPTICAL 4,184.55 4,59480 4,600.00 4,600.00 2,680.30 4,700.00 2.17% INSURANCE.. 241 2I— . § 2 ) § ( r.al < / ® R < f 2 ! a ° § § \ - ; ; R ; § § ! al! ƒ @ E ° 8 8 0 8 m 0 8 ° ) . ca a ` \ cv § ` k & § k ! 2 i 8 • en c,i .-- 8exe r. R 4 8 8 Y ® ~0 en ` ` _ 8 co o ) 8 U g 2O. is i 2 l . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 O : i? 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A mm LL 2 �i a, ti 8 m O O c 4 r hi I- 60• N m `p ai •. 5 I . • o oo o s 8 a 8 8 N r N • N 1D m .-, co GI M o 0 6 A N N I• W ul 2 i9 U U QZ UJ UJ U W K h cf ZW = ui w 6w a 0 ❑ F Z n D D m ac> z z Uti W g" 0al Z mA z z a W � O2 W d g `ia i a- 0 o 2 a L�u < U M w 2 I:= 6. g0 ❑ 2 ❑ O? W 5 m u 0 0 J I 0 D W D o a A Q yV pp p W W Q O O N O O p , p p a 3 0 or m o n F `- So 8i rn W Si, 8i, $ m m m m o 1 '� I W 0 $ S 0 m rn 8 m a 8 8 0 I Y N N N (0 CO co N N 0ui ) CO 2 6 6 H • Dale Prepared' 10116!202004'49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD40111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Page 16 of 18 Account Table, UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared 8y.TYOGMAN AS.Sort Table: ROSSI Year.2021 Period From:1 To:9 !Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 WAN.*T1 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT t.-. ___ - Actual Actual Budget Budget-_,- _ Per 1.9 Stage Stya Type t Expanse Total Group BENEFITS 9,555,974.33 9,631,183.11 9,996,466.00 9,996,466.00 6,074,317.42 10,385,410.00 3.39% A9800.9902 TRANSFER TO PART 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 440,000.00 100.00% TOWN A.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 816,225.49 770,075.00 289,979.00 462,346.00 93,945.00 67,500.00 -76-64% CAPITAL PROJ.. 8.9900.9901 TRANSFER TO GEN 50,000,00 50,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 78,000.00 TOWNWIDE.. 8.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 346,447.84 205,599.35 276,100.00 415,605.00 266,945.00 244,000.00 -12.26% CAPITAL PROD_ J8.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 294,357.65 204,368.00 173,000.00 207,331.00 74,300.00 82300.00 -52.60% CAPITAL PROJ.. 5F.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 505,112.92 34,502.00 68,000.00 212600.52 212,601-00 18,00000 -73.53% CAPITAL PROJ.. SM.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 64,312.03 61,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 100.00% CAPITAL PROJ.. 55.9900.9901 TRANSFER TO GEN 0.00 0.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 95,000.00 TOWNWIDE.. SS.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 0.00 12,000.00 300.00% CAPITAL PROJ.. SW.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO 1,357,477.95 528,274.00 518,800.00 817,560.07 690,400.00 250,000.00 -61.81% CAPITAL PROJ.. Total Dept 9900 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 3,933,9118,09 1,SSd,319,35 1,002,070.00 2,191,542./ 1,511,111 30 1,301,110.91 4419% TotalGroup 9 TRANSFERS OUT 3,415,034.91 1,04,31125 1,SS3,97LSS 2,201.442.0 1,511,101.00 1.281,09040 4140% 244 Date Prepared: 10/16/2020 04:40 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD401 1.0 Report Date: 1W16/2020 Page 17 o}1 18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Racal Year:2021 Period Frorre 1 To:9 (Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To I2016 2019 2020 4020 Act Actual DEPT Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type E Expense A.9900.6960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 758,274.00 801,807.00 741,867 00 741,86700 741,867.00 843.620.00 13.72% PRINCIPAL A.9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 251,119.56 288,004.51 220,892.00 220,892.00 220,892.08 245,037.00 10.93% INTEREST 8 9900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 131,171.00 127,623.00 119,967.00 119,967.00 119,967.00 122,106.00 1 78% PRINCIPAL B.9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 35,781.52 41,220.10 28,790.00 28,790.00 28,790.00 29,423.00 2.20% INTEREST DB.9900,9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 811,876.00 688,405.00 532,778.00 532,778.00 632,778.00 561,909.00 5! PRINCIPAL DB.9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 131,529.09 190,176.40 166 586.00 166,586.00 166,586.00 180,75900 8.51% INTEREST SF.9900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 245,000.00 300,030.0D 385,000.00 385,000.00 385,000.00 395,000.00 2.60% PRINCIPAL SF,9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 76,647.51 120,298.76 105,633.00 105,633.00 105,633.00 163.864.00 55.13% INTEREST SL9900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 83,070.00 84,108.00 85,147.00 85,147.00 85,147.00 94,492.00 10.98% PRINCIPAL SL.9900-9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 42,664.26 40,902.86 29,416.00 29,416.00 29,416.03 19,329.07 -34.29% INTEREST SM.8900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 11,728.00 13,063.00 13,367.00 13,36700 13,367.00 19,088 00 42.65% PRINCIPAL SM.9900,9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 3,001.74 4,849.87 3,443.00 3,443.00 3,443.00 6,319.00 83.53% INTEREST 245 Date Prepared: 10/1612020 04:49 PM TOWN OF MAMARONEC►K BU040111.0 Report Date: 10/16/2020 Pape 18 01.18 Account Table: UNALLOCATE Budget Preparation Report Prepared By-TYOGItAN AIL Sort Table: Fiscal Veer:2021 Period From:1 To:9 ,Account Description OrigIul Adjusted 2020 2021 %rino*To 2011 391 2026 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT -- --.._ -. _Masi AtIMW BudgetBudget Per 1-9 Stage MOW bp,E Expense 8RJ000.011180 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 121,593.00 105,606.00 77,078.00 77078.00 77,078.00 86,549.00 1229% PRINCIPAL SR9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 18,641.70 24,082.61 17,100.00 17,100.00 17,100.00 19,670.00 15.03% INTEREST S6_9900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 65,816.00 174,808.00 177,979.00 177,979.00 177,979.00 185,365.00 4.15% PRINCIPAL SS.9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT• 27,066.16 133,165.03 97,581.00 97,581.00 97,581.00 119,654 00 22.82% INTEREST SW.9900.9960 TRANSFER TO DEBT- 231,474.00 225,080.00 286,817.00 286,817.00 286,817.00 386,891.00 27.92% PRINCIPAL SW.9900.9970 TRANSFER TO DEBT• 60,349.92 66,190.61 67,376.00 87,376.00 87,376.00 135,532.00 55.11% INTEREST Total Dept 9900 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 3,11S,79A6 3,330,290.65 3176,817.00 3176,817.08 2,176,817.06 3,594,587.00 13.15% Total Group 90 TRANSFERS-DEBT 301701.41 3,330,210.85 3176,517.00 3,178,117.00 3,176,817.08 3,694,687.00 13.15% SERVICE Total Type E Expense (18,3142/41.17) (17,132,716.83) 17,212,612.01 17,862,175.59 (12,218,710.111) 17,722,545.08 _ 3,06% Grand Total 12,717,237.17 15,008,29,8 11,668,281.00 17,140,12111 17,6 135115.02 17,047,SUO 6.40% i NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrtrdons. 246 Left Intentionally Blank 247 TOWN OF MAMARONECK WATER DISTRICT DEPARTMENTAL MISSION The Water District is a special improvement district within the Town Budget. Funding for capital projects and all revenues received from the WestchesterJoint Water Works are accounted for in the Water District. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT/WORKLOAD INDICATORS The Town of Mamaroneck is a participating community in the WestchesterJoint Water Works. The Water Works was established to operate and maintain the water transmission system in the unincorporated portion of the Town. Other communities in the Water Works include the Town of Harrison and the Village of Mamaroneck. All operating expenses for the Water Works are funded through the water charges paid by consumers. Capital improvement projects are paid for by the participating communities. Capital projects are either categorized as local projects or joint projects. Local projects are financed entirely by the community in which the project is undertaken. Joint projects are funded proportionally by the three communities based upon total water consumption. SUMMARY OF REVENUES 2020 2020 2020 BUDGET 2018 2019 Adopted Adjusted Year-to- 2020 2021 %increase DEPT CODE Actual Actual Budget Budget Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Water District SW $ 899,716 $ 937,081 $ 507,343 $ 507,343 $ 622245 $ 814,447 $ 591,223 17% TOTAL REVENUE $ 899,776 $ 937,081 $ 507,343 $ 507,343 $ 622,245 $ 814,417 $ 591,223 17% SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS 2020 2020 BUDGET 2Q18 2019 Adapted Adjusted 2020 2020 2021 %Increase DEPT CODE Actual Actual Budget Budget Year-to-Date Projected Budget (Decrease) Water District 5W8340 $ 87,962 $ 81,824 $ 89,650 $ 89,650 $ 59,600 $ 87,830 $ 89,800 0% IOTA].APPROPRIATIONS $ 87,962 $ 81,814 $ 89,650 $ 89,650 $ 59,0:0 $ 87,90 $ 89,800 0% FULL-TIME POSITIONS 2019 2020 2021 2021 Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Fund Dept Title GROUP/STEP Bud$et Positions Positions Positions TOTAL 248 Dale Prepared. 10716202011:42 AM TOWN OF MAMARONECK Bt1D4O111.0 Report Date 10/16/2020 Page 1 of 2 Account Table: WATER Budget Preparation Report Prepared By'WLACERENZA Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year.2021 Period From:1 10 9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage Type R Revenue SW.0000.2773 WATER REVFNl1FS_ 861,023.94 937,080.62 507,343.00 507,343.00 022,244.52 691,223.00 1653% SW 0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 38,751.60 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL. Total Dept 0000 61511,776.62 137,090,62 607,343.00 607,343410 1122,244.62 Ohszs.os 16.6396 Total Dept 8340 WATER DISTRICT 39,776.5 037,000.62 —607,343.00 607,343.00 622,244.62 691,223.00 16.63% Total Type R Revenue 699,776.5 077,100,5--607343.00 607,343.00 622,244.62 691,223,00 16.6J94 249 Dale Prepared. 10/16/2020 11:42 AM BUD4011 1.0 Report Date' 10116/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Paget oft Account Table: WATER Budget Preparation Report Prepared By.WLACERENZA Alt.Son Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From 1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2018 2019 2020 2020 Acted DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1.9 OWStage Type E Expense 551.8340.4052 TAX CERTIORARIS.. 000 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 -100.00% SW.83404059 LIABIUTY 3,15971 3,60095 3,650.00 3650.00 3,005.30 3,800.00 4.11% INSURANCE. SW.8340.4230 HYDRANT RENTAL. 84,802.60 78,323.00 85,000.00 85.000.00 56,594.49 86,000.00 1.10% Total Dept 8340 WATER DISTRICT $7,962.31 81823.06 50,660.00 89,660.00 $0,600.79 60,000.00 0.17% Total Dept 8340 WATER DISTRICT 87,962.31 51,923.9$ 89,660.00 09,060.00 60,500.79 60,900.00 0.17% Total Type E Expense ^(87,092.31) (61,623.06) 99,650.00 89,660.00 (50,508.71) 50,800.00 0.17% Grand Total 811,013.31 865,266.07 417,097.00 417,693.00 502,044.73 601,423.00 20.06% NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Attain(Tabs reitrletlotts. 250 Left Intentionally Blank 251 SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES 252 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGETED POSITION SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT 2020 2021 VARIANCE Budget Function Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Ambulance 2.00 55.00 2.00 55.00 - - Assessor 4.00 - 4.00 - - - Building Department 4.00 3.00 3.75 4.00 (0.25) 1.00 Buildings&Grounds 2.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 - 3.00 Community Services 10.88 7.00 9.18 6.00 (1.70) (1.00) Comptroller 7.00 - 5.00 1.00 (2.00) 1.00 Conservation 1.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 - - Engineering 2.25 1.00 2.45 1.00 0.20 - Fire Department 14.00 2.00 14.00 3.00 - 1.00 Garbage District - - - - - - Highway 24.75 6.00 23.80 6.00 (0.95) - Human Resources 3.00 - 3.00 - - - Information Technology 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 (1.00) - Justice Court 2.00 5.00 2.00 6.00 - 1.00 Police Department 39.00 17.00 39.00 14.00 - (3.00) Recreation 8.30 265.00 8.00 207.00 (0.30) (58.00) Town Administrator 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 - 1.00 Town Board - 4.00 - 4.00 - - Town Clerk 2.60 6.00 2.60 6.00 - - Town Supervisor 1.82 - 1.82 - - - Unallocated Water District 133.601 381.00 127.60 327.00 (6.00) (54.00) Full-Time Positions by Type Collective Bargaining Unit Term Positions Civil Service 1/1/21-12/31/24 53.6 Police Benevolent Association 1/1/19-12/31/22 37 Professional Firefighters Association 1/1/20-12/31/23 14 Management/Non-Union - 23 TOTAL 127.60 253 TOWN OF MAMARONECK AVERAGE PROPERTY TAX BILL Below is a breakdown of an average tax bill for the services that cannot be reasonably captured solely with a separate fee. The comparison is based on tax rates for the 2020/21 School District Rates and the current 2020 Village Rates. Average Assessed Value $1,251,000 2021 Tax Bill Town Town Village Village Resident Resident Larchmont Mamaroneck Rate Mam Sewer, NR Sewer Resident Resident General Town 0.514 $ 643_$ 643 $ 643 $ 643 Part Town 2.352 2,942 2,942 Highway-Part Town 1.163 1,455 1,455 Special Districts-Town 1.569 1,963 1,963 Ambulance District-Town 0.063 79 79 79 79 County 3.093 3,869 3,869 3,869 3,869 County Refuse 0.259 324 324 324 324 Sewer - New Rochelle 1.253 1,568 1,568 Mamaroneck 0.579 724 724 School-Mamaroneck 13.757 17,210 17,210 17,210 17,210 Village of Larchmont 5.272 - 6,595 Village of Mamaroneck 6.785 - 8,488 TOTAL ANNUAL TAX $ 29,210 $ 30,053 $ 30,288 $ 31,338 TOTAL BY TAXING DISTRICT: Town $ 7,082 $ 7,082 $ 722 $ 722 County 4,918 5,761 5,761 4,918 School 17,210 17,210 17,210 17,210 Village - - 6,595 8,488 TOTAL ANNUAL TAX @ AC$1.251m $ 29,210 $ 30,053 $ 30,288 $ 31,338 TOTAL 2020 ACTUAL TAX @ AV$1.257m $ 29,248 $ 30,095 $ 30,374 $ 31,420 $Increase from 2020 $ (38) $ (42) $ (86) $ (82) %Increase from 2020 -0.13% -0.14% -0.28% -0.26% 254 TOWN OF MAMARONECK SCHEDULE OF ASSESSED VALUES- ALL DISTRICTS TAX EXEMPTIONS (UNINCORPORATED AREA) SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUES* ES* AV GENERAL GENERAL Highway Fire District Street Ambulance I Garbage Sewer Water Year FUND FUND- Fund(DB) (SF) Lighting District(SM) District(SR) District(SS) District(SW) End TOWNWIDE PART District(SL) (A) TOWN(B) _ 2020 9,764,089,823 4,295,627,541 4,295,627,541 4,331,131,263 4,331,131,263— 9,857,319,062 4,331,131,263 4,131,809,663 4,331,131,263 2019 9,749,092,921 4,294,625,309 4,294,625,309 4,327,051,466 4,327,051,466 9,836,668,541 4,327,051,466 4,122,053,365 4,327,051,466 2018 9,751,130,223 4,308,315,488 4,308,315,488 4,341,181,950 4,341,181,950 9,865,111,723 4,341,181,950 4,136,201,850 4,341,181,950 2017 9,771,592,337 4,273,948,507 4,273,948,507 4,310,659,752 4,310,659,752 986,863,7351 4,310,659,752 4,114,212,152 4,310,659,752 2016 9,475,721,071 4,113,066,367 4,113,066,367 4,153,155,278 4,153,155,278 9,581,648,354 4,153,155,278 3,958,009,078 4,153,155,278 2015 9,210,122,797 4,100,331,806 4,100,331,806 4,144,372,145 4,144,372,145 9,308,604,018 4,144,372,145 3,949,444,895 4,144,372,145 2014 8,685,249,288 3,697,242,921 3,697,242,921 3,738,899,229 3,738,899,229 8,782,833,871 3,738,899,229 3,563,434,029 3,738,899,229 2013" 8,740,083,469 3,714,250,459 3,714,250,459 3,756,121,340 3,756,121,340 8,836,557,152 3,756,121,340 3,579,741,840 3,756,121,340 2012 145,647,010 63,848,600 64,681,654 64,681,654 64,681,654 147,543,991 64,681,654 60,575,427 64,681,654 2011 147,682,978 64,919,887 64,919,887 65,831,823 65,831,823 149,735,813 65,831,823 61,585,096 65,831,823 * Taxable Assessed Values reflected are based on property assessments at the end of May in the year the budget was adopted. The 2021 tax rates calculated in this budget are based on the AV Year Ended May 31,2020. **Reflects Townwide reassessment TAX EXEMPTIONS TOWNWIDE (UNICORPORATED AREA) —— DBL/LINKED VETERANS AGED CLERGY INCOME WHOLLY EXEMPT AV YEAR Tax Year TAXABLE AV EXEMPTION EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTIONS EXEMPTIONS MUNI CORP PROPERTY TOTAL AV (RPTL 458,458a) (RPTL 467) (RPTL 460) (RPTL 459-c) (RPTL 406(5)) 2020 2021 9,764,089,823 40,639,380 38,563,866 1,500 1,124,485 35,500 757,742,873 10,602,197,427 2019 2020 9,749,092,921 42,226,692 32,807,435 1,500 703,985 35,500 756,565,873 10,581,433,906 • 2018 2019 9,751,130,223 43,293,764 34,865,746 - 538,485 35,500 754,747,873 10,584,611,591 2017 2018 9,771,592,337 48,661,459 36,283,764 - 292,225 976,000 755,047,873 10,612,853,658 2016 2017 9,475,721,071 53,062,776 40,220,292 - 547,756 - 752,325,473 10,321,877,368 2015 2016 8,685,249,288 58,053,625 36,804,100 - 1,238,756 - 843,363,873 9,624,709,642 2014 2015 8,740,083,469 57,296,708 36,775,925 - 943,225 842,185,073 9,677,284,400 2013* 2014 145,647,010 1,098,041 787,394 - 20,036 - 26,228,769 173,781,250 2012 2013 147,682,978 1,193,254 848,770 - 19,301 - 26,244,369 175,988,672 2011 2012 150,621,950 1,231,799 856,985 - 13,281 - 26,214,869• ! 178,938,884 'Reflects Townwide reassessment 255 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX RATE HISTORY TOWN WIDE TOWN 41) COUNTY(21 COUNTY(3) MAM'K SCHOOL TOTAL MAN SEWER NR SEWER YEAR ASSESSMENT TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE TAX RATE 2021 9,764,089,823 5.67 3.93 4.61 13.76 ` 27.97 2020 9,749,092,921 5.58 3.93 4.61 13.53 27.65 2019 9,751,130,223 5.46 4.01 4.65 13.40 27.52 2018 9,771,592,337 5.41 4.08 4.86 13.40 27.75 2017 9,475,721,071 5.47 4.16 5.01 1329 27.93 2016 9,210,122,797 5.20 4.23 - 13.41 22.84 2015 8,685,249,288 5.68 4.42 - 14.00 24.10 2014* 8,740,083,469 5.57 4.63 - 13.76 23.96 2013 144,952,318 314.84 261.84 - 811.32 1388.00 2012 146,259,811 301.50 248.60 - 784.34 1334.44 *Reflects Townwide Reassessment Schedule represents actual applied tax rates&assessments after adjustment for certioraris. (1)Town tax rate reflects General Townwide,Town Outside Village,Highway Town Outside Village,Ambulance, Fire,Garbage and Street Lighting Districts. (2)County tax rate includes-General County Tax,County Refuse District&County Sewer District-Mamaroneck Valley. (3)County tax rate includes-General County Tax,County Refuse District&County Sewer District-New Rochelle. 9 256 Left Intentionally Blank 257 II FINANCIAL POLICIES 258 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY 3.1 Applicability The Town of Mamaroneck does hereby adopt the following policy and procedure governing the purchase and procurement of all goods and services 3.2 Review of Purchases:Purchases not subject to public bid Every purchase to be made must initially be reviewed to determine whether it is a purchase contract or a public works contract. Once that determination is made, a reasonable effort will be made to determine whether it is known at the time of the purchase that the total aggregate amount to be spent on the item of supply or service is not subject to competitive bidding. The following items are not subject to competitive bidding pursuant to Section 103 of the New York State General Municipal Law. 1) Purchase contracts under$20,000,or as may be further amended pursuant to GML Section 103. 2) Public Works contracts under$35,000 or as may be further amended pursuant to GML Section 103 3) Emergency Purchases approved by the Town Administrator(See Section 3.6(4)) 4) Goods purchased from agencies for the blind and severely handicapped 5) Goods purchased from correctional institutions 6) Purchases under New York State and Westchester County Contracts 7) Purchases under .:ontracts from other political subdivisions within the United States if such contract was publicly bid and made available for use by other governmental entities. 8) Surplus and secondhand purchases from another governmental entity. 3.3 Methods for Securing Goods and Services All goods and services will be secured by the use of written requests for proposals,written quotations,verbal quotations,or any method that assures goods will be purchased at the lowest price and best value. Exceptions to this requirement are as follows: a) Emergency Purchases approved by the Town Administrator b) Goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped c) Goods purchased from correctional institutions d) Purchases under New York State Contracts,Westchester County Contracts or Federal General Services Administration Contracts 259 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) e) Purchases under contracts from other political subdivisions within the United States if such contract was publicly bid and made available for use by other governmental entities. 1) Goods purchased from purchasing consortiums that utilize some form of competitive bidding to establish pricing. 3.4 Methods of Purchase A. The following method of purchase will be used when required by this pokey in order to achieve the highest savings: Estimated Amount of Purchase Contract Method $1 -$2,000 Without prior authorization from the Town Administrator's Voice,a Department Head may make such purchases for materials,services, supplies or repairs.Verbal quotes are preferred and are to be documented on the claim form $2,001-X19,999 Prior authorization of the Town Administrator. At least 3 written:faxed !s-mailed or otherwise documented quotes are required. Requisition and Purchase order to be signed by the Town Comptroller and Town Administrator $20,000 and above Subject to publicly advertised bid or RFP. Must be circulated to at least 3 companies. Contract must be approved by the Town Board. A purchase order must be signed by Town Administrator after Town Board approval Is granted, prior to order being made. Estimated Amount of Public Works Contract $1-$2,999 At least 2 verbal or written quotations documented on the claim form $3,000 to$9,999 At least 3 written/faxedie-mailed quotations. Purchase order must be 260 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) signed by the Town Administrator prior to order being made $10,000434,999 Subject to publicly advertised RFP. Must be circulated to at least three companies. Purchase order must be signed by the Town Administrator prior to order being made.Contracts in this category may require Town Board approval. $35,000 and above Subject to a publicly advertised bid pursuant to GML Section 103. Must be circulated to at least 3 companies. Contract MUST be approved by the Town Board and a format contract must be signed by the Town Administrator after Town Board approval is granted B. Department heads must make a good faith effort to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the department head Is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations,the department must document the reasons alternate proposals or quotations were not available, As an example, if a vendor is a sole source provider of the materials,supplies,services or equipment that is to be indicated on the interim voucher or requisition. 3.5 Documentation Reouirec( A. For purchase contracts less than$2,000 and public work contracts less than $3,000 a standard Town Interim Voucher is to be completed and submitted to the Comptroller's office with the following information: 1) Name end Address of Vendor - 2) Date 3) Budget Code 4) Quantity,Description and purpose of goods or services purchased. Alternate quotations where available 5) Signature of the department head 6) Original Invoices and signed packing slip where applicable 8. For purchase contracts above$2,000 and public work contracts above$3,000 a Standard Town Requisition Form is to be completed and submitted to the Town Administrator with the following information 1) Name and address of recommended vendor 2) Date of Requisition 261 O TOWN F MAMARONECK O FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) 3) Budget Code 4) Quantity,description and purpose of the goods or services to be purchased 5) Unit cost and total cost of proposed purchase where applicable 6) Alternate price quotations received for the purchase must be attached to the requisition 7) For purchases from government contracts,a copy of the government contract cover page and those pages that apply to the purchase must be attached to the requisition. C. Approved requisitions must be forwarded to the Comptroller's Office for processing. A purchase order will be prepared and the purchase order form becomes the official contract for procurement except in those instances where a separate contract is required. No orders shall be placed prior to a Purchase Order being prepared by the Comptroller's Office. O. The Comptroller's Office shall send a copy of the original signed purchase order to the ordering department. Upon receipt of the approved purchase order the Department Head is authorized to place an order. E. Upon satisfactory receipt of the materials.supplies,equipment,services and or repairs,the Department Head shall submit the original signed copy of the purchase order.the original invoice and original packing slip signed by the employee who received the goods or services to the Comptroller's Office for processing of payment to the vendor. F. In the case of construction/projects or installment payment projects,the Department Head must submit and approved payment application form executed by the project manager and/or project architect. 3.6 gxamptlons There may be circumstances when,certain types of procurements for which,the solicitation of alternative proposals or quotations will not be in the best interest of the Town. In the following circumstances it may not be in the best interest of the Town of Mamaroneck to solicit alternate quotations or not accept the lowest bid; 1) Professional services or services requiring special or technical skill, training or expertise. The individual or company must be chosen based upon qualifications showing accountability,reliability,skill.education and training.integrity and moral worth. 2) In determining whether a service fits into this category,the Town shall take into consideration the following guidelines: a) Whether the services are subject to stats licensing or testing requirements. 262 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES PURCHASING POLICY (continued) b) Whether substantial formal education or training Is a necessary prerequisite to the performance of services c) Whether the services require a personal relationship between the individual and municipal officials. 9) Professional or technical services shall include but not be limited to the following:services of an attorney;services of a physician;technical services of an engineer engaged to prepare plans. maps,or estimates; services of a consultant;services of an insurance broker/carrier,services of a public accountant,investment management services,printing services that involve extensive writing.editing or art work; management of municipally owned property;computer software or programming services for customized programs, or services involving substantial modification and customizing of prepackaged software. 4) Emergency Purchases pursuant to Section 103(4)of the GML. Due to the nature of this exception,these goods or services must be purchased immediately and a delay in order to seek alternate proposals may threaten the life,health,safety or welfare of the community and Its residents. This section does not preclude alternate proposals If time permits. The emergency situation must be documented. All emergency purchases are subject to the prior approval of the Town Administrator 9.7 Credit Card Purchases A. Subject to the approval of the Town Administrator or Comptroller, credit card purchases will be acceptable in accordance with the Town's procurement policy. B. The Town maintains a master credit card that may be utilized by Department heads or other authorized Town employees for the purpose of facilitating departmental purchases. C. No purchases of personal Items shall be made on Town credit cards,even If the intent is to reimburse the Town of such purchases. D. No department,Department Head or Town employee shall request a"store" or any other type of credit card under the name of the Town of Mamaroneck. No additional bank credit lines or accounts will be established without the authorization of the Town Administrator E. This section does not pertain to vendor accounts established for the purpose of"buying on account"with an invoice subsequently sent to the Town for payment. These accounts should be established on an as needed basis through the Comptroller's Office. 263 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES FUND BALANCE POLICY Purpose: The Town of Mamaroneck,in order to address the Implications of Government Accounting Standards Board(GASB)Statement No.54,Fund Balance Reporting adopts the following policy. The policy is prepared to consider the implications of unanticipated events that could adversely affect the Town's financial condition and impact the continuation of municipal services. This policy establishes the framework for the Town of Mamaroneck to maintain adequate fund balances and reserves in order to: d` Provide sufficient cash flow for daily financial needs and commitments 4 Protect and maintain investment grade bond ratings 6• Offset significant economic downturns or revenue shortfalls 4* Provide funds for unantidpated expenditures and events related to emergencies Minimum unassigned fund balance- The Town of Mamaroneck will endeavor to maintain a minimum of unassigned fund balance in its General Fund,Highway Fund and Special District Funds ranging from 15%4.5% of the subsequent year's budgeted appropriations. The minimum fund balance is to protect against cash flow shortfalls related to the timing of projected revenues and to maintain a stable budget. Replenishing of Fund Balances-When fund balances fall below the minimum 15 percent,the Town will replenish the fund balances using various budget strategies including but not limited to the following: • The Town will reduce recurring expenditures to eliminate any structural deficit ►y The Town will Increase taxes,fees for services or pursue alternate funding sources. 6• Follow strategies that are a combination of the two alternatives described above. To ensure the timely replenishment of fund balances In each of the budget funds the following time periods are as established as benchmarks for Town staff to follow: Should a fund balance fall below 15%of the subsequent year's appropriations,such fund balance shall be replenished over a period not to exceed two years. Should a fund balance fail below 15%and 20%of the subsequent year's appropriations,such fund balance shall be replenished over a period not to exceed four years. 4. Should a fund balance fall below 20%and 25%of the subsequent year's appropriations such fund shall be replenished over a period not to exceed six years. Should unassigned fund balances In any Town fund exceed the maximum of 25%of budgeted appropriations; the Town will give consideration to using the fund balance surpluses for the following priorities: 1. For one-time expenditures that are non-recurring in nature or, • 2. Capital expenditures such as equipment replacement,infrastructure improvements or repairs and facility improvements 3. Offset recurring expenditures however this use of funds should be carefully evaluated to avoid future fund balance deficiencies. The use of surplus funds for this purpose should be considered where there Is a reasonable expectation that the surplus funds can be replenished in the time periods specified In this policy. 264 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES INVESTMENT POLICY Delegation of Duties: The Town Board's responsibility for administration of the investment program is delegated to the Comptroller who shall establish written procedures for the investment program consistent with these guidelines. Such procedures shall include an adequate internal control structure. Diversification: It is the policy of the Town to diversify its deposits and investments by financial institution, investment instrument and by maturity. Internal Controls: it is the policy of the Town for all moneys collected by a Town employee to transfer those funds to the Comptroller within 2 days, or within the time period specified in law, whichever is shorter. The Comptroller is responsible for establishing and maintain an internal control structure to provide reasonable, but not absolute,assurance that deposits and investments are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Designation of Depositories: The banks authorized for deposits up to a maximum of$15,000,000 per bank are: Bank of NY, Marine Midland, Chase,Chemical, First Fidelity, National Westminster. Collateralizing Deposits: In accordance with the provisions of General Municipal Law, Section 10, all deposits of the Town, including certificates of deposits and special time deposits, in excess of the amount insured under the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act shall be secured: a. By a pledge of "eligible securities" with a n aggregate "market value" as provided by GML Section 10, equal to the aggregate amount of deposits from the categories designated in this policy. b. By an eligible surety bond payable to the government for an amount at least equal to 100% of the aggregate amount of deposits and the agreed upon interest, if any, executed by an insurance company authorized to do business in New York state,whose claims-paying ability is rated in the highest category. Permitted Investments: • Special time deposit accounts • Certificates of Deposit • Obligations of the United States of America • Obligations guaranteed by agencies of the United States of America where the payment of principal and interest are guaranteed by the United States of America • Obligations of the State of New York • Obligations issued pursuant to LFL Section 24.00 or 25.00 by any municipality, school district or district corporation other than the Town of Mamaroneck 265 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES INVESTMENT POLICY (continued) • Obligations of the Town of Mamaroneck, but only with any moneys in a reserve fund established pursuant to GML Section 6-c to 6-n. • Repurchase agreements limited to: trading partners authorized to do business in the New York State;obligations of the United States of America; no substitutions of securities and custodian shall be a party other than the trading party. • Cooperative investment program with another authorized government entity pursuant to GML Article 5G where such program meets all of the requirements set forth in the Office of the State Comptroller Opinion No. 88-46 and authorized by the Town Board. 266 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES BUDGET POLICY This policy establishes guidelines to develop, prepare and administer the Town's annual budget and to promote sound fiscal planning based on comprehensive historical and current economic data. Policy Balanced Budget The Town shall annually prepare an itemized operating budget for each fund.The annual operating budget shall present proposed revenues and expenses for each operating budget account. The budget will be balanced with revenues equal to or greater than current expenditures. In any fund in which expenditures exceed revenue, fund balance and reserve balances may be used to meet shortfalls to the extent available. The annual operating budget process and format shall be performance based and focused on goals, objectives and performance indicators. In accordance with §106 of Town Law, a Tentative Budget must be submitted to the Town Clerk, Supervisor and Town Board on or before October 30th of each year. Upon completion of the review of the Tentative Budget by the Supervisor and Town Board, a Preliminary Budget shall be prepared. The Preliminary Budget shall be the subject of a public hearing that shall take place no later than December 15. A notice of the public hearing shall be posted no later than five (5) days prior to the date of the hearing. The content of the Preliminary Budget shall be in the format prescribed by the State Comptroller in accordance with§107 of Town Law. The Town Board adopts an annual budget for each fund based on budget requests submitted by each Department Director who have accurately identified and justified their fiscal needs as part of the annual budget process. The Budget must be adopted by resolution of the Town Board no later than December 20th of each year. Operating Budget Budget transfers are a useful and necessary management tool that permits reallocation of funds within the budget in order to respond to changing circumstances, unanticipated needs and price increases. Department Directors are authorized to request the Comptroller to transfer operating budget appropriations from one line item to another within the same fund. Department Directors may request transfers of funds from full-time salaries budget accounts to or from part-time salaries, benefits or utilities. Department Directors may not request transfers from full time or part time salary accounts into equipment or contractual expense accounts. The Comptroller, after reviewing the necessity of the transfer and that funds are available, is authorized to complete transfers within departments from one line item to another in the operating budget and transfers of up to$5,000 between departments. Budget transfers between departments in the operating budget between$5,001-$10,000 requires both the approval of the Town Administrator and the Comptroller. 267 TOWN OF MAMARONECK FINANCIAL POLICIES BUDGET POLICY Operating Budget(continued) Budget transfers of more than$10,000 require the approval of the Town Board except for year-end transfers that are required to close the Town's accounting records. Year-end transfers require the Comptroller's approval. Capital Budget Transfers Department Directors are authorized to request the Comptroller to transfer capital project budget appropriations from one project expense line item within the same project. The Comptroller,with the approval of the Town Administrator after reviewing the necessity of each transfer and that funds are available, is authorized to complete transfers from one object code to another for the same project or purpose. The Comptroller is authorized, with the approval of the Town Administrator to transfer up to $20,000 of remaining Capital Budget appropriations for completed projects funded with the Town's fund balance to other projects requiring funding. The transfer must be between projects in the same Town Budget Fund. Remaining balances will be returned to the original funding source. Any portion of bond proceeds, inclusive of premiums, that is not expended for the purpose for which the bond was issued must be applied only to the payment of the principal and interest on such obligations respectively and cannot be transferred to a different project in accordance with GML§165 of the Local Finance Law. Budget Amendments Amendments to the Town's adopted operating budget require an approval by Town Board resolution and the Comptroller's electronic approval. Personal Services Budget An approval by Town Board resolution amending the operational budget is required to abolish, create and upgrade positions. 268 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET POLICY Budget Administration /Schedule and Procedures A. Budget Development Calendar Annual budget preparation for the ensuing fiscal year is performed in accordance with §106 of Town Law as follows: Months Action January to March Comptroller closes the books on the prior fiscal year April Issuance of Audited Annual Financial Report July Distribution of budget instructions for both Operating&Capital Budget to Department Heads August Submission of capital budget requests to Town Administrator and Comptroller September Submission of operating Budget requests to the Town Administrator and Comptroller Departmental work sessions scheduled to review budget submissions October Submission of Tentative Budget to the Town Board no later than October 30 Preliminary Review of Tentative Budget no later than November 10 November Departmental operating and Capital Budget Review with the Town Board Submission of Preliminary Budget to Town Board December Budget Hearing for Preliminary Budget before December 15th Final Adoption of 2020 Budget no later than December 20th - B. Budget Transfer Requests For internal control purposes, budget transfers of$5,000 or less require an email request from the Department Head to the Comptroller.Comptroller will confirm funds are available and enter transfer into the financial system. Budget transfers of$5,000-$10,000 requires an email request from the Department Head to the Town Administrator and Comptroller.The e-mail request must specify the amount and reason for the transfer. The Comptroller will confirm funds are available and enter transfer into the financial system upon written approval of the Town Administrator. 269 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET POLICY Budget transfer requests of more than$10,000 require an approved Town Board resolution: 1. Department Heads must submit a memorandum to the Town Administrator explaining the reason for budget transfers of more than$10,000 in the electronic board agenda system.The Comptroller will review, provide financial information required and work flow to the Town Administrator for inclusion on the Town Board Agenda. 2. Upon Town Board approval,the Comptroller's office will enter the transfer electronically, release and post it in accordance with the approved resolution. C. Personal Services Budget The addition or removal of full time positions from the budget requires an approval from the Town Administrator: 1.The Department Director may submit a written position change request to the Deputy Town Administrator explaining the purpose of the personnel action. 2.The approved request will be submitted to the Town Board for approval. . 3. Upon approval by the Town Board,the request will be submitted to the Town Administrator's office and the Comptroller for processing and budget amendment. D. Post Budget Adoption Monitoring Department Heads are responsible for effectively monitoring their operations to ensure that actual results meet budget expectations. Department Heads should immediately take all necessary actions to address and remedy negative budget variances, including requesting budget transfers. The Comptroller monitors budget variances and will meet or discuss with Department Heads as necessary. Monthly budget reports of revenues and expenditures will be submitted to the Town Administrator for review E.Quarterly budget reports will be provided to the Town Board and submitted in the electronic Town Board Agenda system. 270 Left Intentionally Blank 271 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAM NARRATIVE The Capital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources allocated for the acquisition, construction or renovation of major capital facilities, road rehabilitation, infrastructure improvements or the purchase of capital assets. Capital expenditures occur periodically and are spent over multiple years.This fund also includes routine capital expenditures such as furniture, computer equipment and replacement of the vehicle fleet. Capital Assets, as they are commonly referred to, are inventoried physical assets, constructed, purchased or donated to the Town valued at$5,000 or more with a useful life of at least five years. All Capital Assets must be tagged to facilitate tracking.The Comptroller maintains accountability over all tangible asset records and such records are verified once a year by a physical inventory conducted by the department responsible for its care and maintenance. All capital projects are undertaken only after analysis of need, review of alternative options, and funding identification.The Town may fund the cost to acquire and maintain Capital Assets in one of several ways:the issuance of a bond,government grants for qualifying assets,operating revenue or fund balances.The method of funding is determined at the time the funds are required. Capital expenditures tend to vary from year to year much more than operating expenses.The 2020 Town's Capital Budget was$10.3 million. Of this amount$547,000 was funded through grants and $9.7 million was funded by the Town through various sources. In the 2021 Capital Budget totaling $12.2 million,$4.0 million or 32% is for roadway infrastructure,$1.2m is for water system improvements,$3.9 million for recreation facilities and the balance of$3.1 million is for other needed infrastructure and equipment. Funding for any one capital project may include several different sources of funds.The Town's goal is to bond an amount that does not increase debt service in the operating budget.This has been achieved in most years by issuing debt for approximately the same amount or less of principal paid in any given year. As a cost saving measure, the Town deferred many projects that were to be funded through interfund transfers in 2020. As part of the capital planning process, a five year capital plan has been developed in order to project debt service and maintain the Town's assets. The Town intends to issue debt in the amount of$9.8 million for the outstanding bonds related to the 2021 capital projects that are in progress or were deferred to 2021. The debt for 2021 projects will be determined upon final approval of the capital plan. The proposed capital projects are provided by categories. 273 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECTS SUMMARY Grants/Local Interfund Project Category Total Project Cost Bans Sources Transfers Vehides/Equip $ 893,000 $ 737,000 $ $ 156,000 Town Building Improvements 1,367,650 1,209,650 100,000 58,000 Recreation Faciltites 3,692,000 3,603,000 - 89,000 Roadway&Highway Improvements 3,924,779 2,423,677 1,501,102 - SanitarySewerSystem 211,000 120,000 85,000 6,000 Water System Improvements* 1,170,000 920,000 250,000 Information Technology 424,730 321,230 14,500 89,000 Other Projects 505,300 474,800 30,500 TOTAL $ 12,188,459 $ 9,809,357 $ 1,700,602 $ 678,500 FUNDING% - 100% 80% 14%, 6% •Value of Town share of total WJ W W projects Total Project Cost Other Projects Vehicles/Equip Town Building 4% r--7% Improvements Information Technology p Water System 4% ' j 11% Improvements• 10% Sanitary Sewer System Roadway&Highway_, Improvements 32% treatilm auttrtcs 30% 2021 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDING SOURCES Interfund Transfers Grants $679,000 $1,700,600_, % 14% Bonds $9,809,400 80% . Bonds Grants • Interfund Transfers 274 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET BY FUND PROJECT GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund BUDGET BONDS LOCAL TRANSFER TO SERVICES CAPITAL General Fund-Townwide A $4,796,030 $4,614,030 $ 114,500 $ 67,500 Part Town Fund B $2,977,000 1,483,000 1,250,000 244,000 Highway DB $2,775,629 2,442,527 251,102 82,000 Ambulance SM $105,000 100,000 5,000 Fire District SF $121,800 103,800 18,000 Garbage District SR $26,000 26,000 Sewer District SS $217,000 120,000 85,000 12,000 Water District SW $1,170,000 920,000 250,000 Total $12,188,459 $9,809,357 $1,700,602 $678,500 Sewer District 2% Water District CAPITAL PROJECTS BY FUND 10% Garbage District 0% General Fund- Ambulance Townwide 1% ` 39% Fire District/ 1� 1% Highway 23% Part Town Fund 24% 275 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT Vehicles and equipment are evaluated and replaced in accordance with a replacement plan. All of the equipment listed below are replacements for vehicles/equipment that are beyond their useful life. It is anticipated that these investments may slightly reduce repair and fuel costs in the operating budget. Debt service will begin in 2021. GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Budget Code Useful We Op Savings PROJECT BUDGET BONDS SERVICESTRANSFER TO CAPRAT Zamboni-Ice Rink A 2020.71 $ 115,000 115,000 Town Center Vehicle A 2021.00 30,000 30,000 Fleet Car Replacement B 2021 10-19 42,000 42,000 Radio Motor Patrol Cars-3 Hybrids B 2021 5-9 101.000 102,000 Overhead lube System DB 2021 204 yrs (1,500) 75,000 75,000 Light Towers DB 2021 10 15,000 15,000 Solar mini message boards DB 2021 10 19,000 19,000 Salt Spreader DB 2020.06 70,000 70,000 Skid Steer loader DB 2020.06 140,000 140,000 Utility Trailer DB 2020.06 20,000 20,000 Riding Mower replacement DO 2021 10-19 40,000 40,000 Pickup Trucks/SUV DB 2.021 10-19 74,000 74,000 Dump Trucks DB 2021 10-19 10,000 70,000 Fre Chief Car SF 2021 5-9 55,000 55,000 20 Yard Garbage Truck SR 2021 10-19 26,000 26,000 TOTAL $ 893,000 $ 737,000 $ - $ 156,000 276 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET TOWN BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS An assessment of town-wide buildings was completed and renovation projects were prioritized based on building conditions, need and funding sources. It is anticipated that the following projects may create energy savings in the operating budget. GRANTS/LOCAL INTERFUND TL PROJECTDESCRIPTRON Fund Budget Code Useful life PROJECT BUDGET BONDS SES/O TRANSFERTO ES CAPITAL Town Center Flooring A 2020.14 $ 200,000 200,000 Sheldrake-Driveway A 2020.4 100,000 100,000 Senior Center Renovation-Yellow room-Includes flooring,heating,HVAC,painting,lighting,elelectri cal upgrades A 202058 248,000 148,000 100,000 Sheldrake/Monroe Camp railing replacement A 2021.00 20 1$000 18,000 Poise Dept Storage A 2021 20 ' 10,000 10,000 Storage for evidence/property B 2021 10-19 11,000 12,000 Highway Garage-Radiant Heat DO 202038 , 326,650 126,650 Highway Garage Doors DB 2020.38 10-19 150,000 150,000 Highway Office Building HVAC DB 202038 108,000 108,000 Tree Garage Reconstruction _ DB 2021 20+ ' 377,000 377,000 Fire Chief's Office-HVAC replacement SF 2021 1$000 - 18,000 TOTAL $ 1,367,650 $ 1,209,650 $ 100,000 $ 58,000 RECREATION FACILITIES We look to identify the greatest need for our recreation facilities and meet that need with either renovation or expansion of existing facilities or develop new facilities. The projects listed below are intended to meet some of the recreation needs of the community and improve our operations. Budget useful GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Code seeUfe PROJECT BUDGET BONDS LOCALSEFCVICES TRANSFER TO CAPITAL Ice Rink Office-HVAC A 202024 5 Years $ B4O00 $ _8,000 Ice Rink Office Workstation A 202024 10 years 6,000 6,000 Hommocks Pool Renovation added scope A 2020.25 20+yrs 2,900,000 2,900,000 Ice Rink-Exterior door replacement A 2021 20+ 47,000 47,000 Ice Rink-Desiccant Wheel/Parts for dehumidication A 2021 5-9 31,000 31,000 FGchbell Road Playground safety surface _ A _ 2021 10-19 50,000 50,000 Memorial Park Playground B 202031 20+yrs 650,000 575,000 75,000 TOTAL $ 3,692,000 $ 3,603,000 $ - $ 89,000 277 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET ROADS & HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS Roadway conditions are evaluated annually and prioritized based on their condition. Annual funding from the State is received to help fund the Town's road resurfacing program. Curbs and sidewalks are also prioritized for funding. TRANTS IMBED ND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Budget Code Useful Life BU ROJECf BONDS G SERVICES IDCAL TRANSFERTO CAPITAL East Valley Stream Bridge-Bridge deck replacement A 2021 $ 382,800 382,800 Drainage Improvements-Madison Ave B 2020-80 1,120,340 1,120,340 . Intersection Improvements- Madi son Avenue B 2018-61 995,660 866,000 129,660 Hannon Drive Sidewalk DB 2020.74 10 Years 312,000 156,000 156,000 Resurfacing of Roads DB 2020.04 779,979 684,877 95,102' Sidewalks and Curbs DB 2020.73 334,000 334,000 TOTAL $ 3,924,779 $ 2,423,677 $ 1,501,102 $ - SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM & STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS The most significant of our underground utilities is the sanitary sewer system. For 2021 the Town would like to purchase a brine system which will be utilized by both the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Mamaroneck as a shared service.The Village will fund half of the cost of the system. PROJECT GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Budget Code Useful lifeBUDGET BONDS LOCAL TRANSFER TO SERVICES CAPITAL Arc GIS Software SS 2020.19 $ 6,000 - 6,000 Brine System-Electric/plumbing SS 2020.1 170,000 85,000 $85,000 Nancy lane Storm Sewer Extension SS 2021 35,000 35,000 TOTAL $ 211,000 $ 120,000 $ 85,000 $ 6,000 278 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS The Town is a member of the Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW), a public benefit corporation who supplies water to its members. As such the Town's share of capital projects is 18.5%.There is no anticipated effect on the Town's operating budget. ' 1 GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Budget Code Useful Life PROJECT BUDGET BONDS LOCAL TRANSFER TO SERVICES CAPITAL Wholesale Customer Meter Vault(SWW Interconnle) SW 2021 46,000 46000 Purchase Water Storage Tank P1 Rehabilitation SW 2021 230,000 230,000 Water Projects Road Paving-2021 Estimate SW 1368.12 250,000 250,000 Rye Lake Filtration Plant SW 1364.12 644,000 644,000 TOTAL $ 1,170,000 $ 920,000 $ • $ 250,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The rapidly changing pace of technology provides significant opportunities to transform how the Town provides services. Strategic investments are needed to upgrade technology and create systems that are more efficient and user-friendly. The following list of projects are planned for 2021. Debt service and annual maintenance costs will begin in 2022. PROJECT GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION FUND BUDGET CODEBUDGET BONDS/BAN LOCAL TRANSFER TO SERVICES CAPITAL Wi Fi upgrade-Parking Deck,Ice Rink A 2020.2 $ 11,000 $ 11,000 Syno logy Storage Servers A 2021 20,000 $ 20,000 Firewall replacements A 2021 30,540 30,540 Server Replacement A 2021 70,000 70,000 Laptop pu rchases as desktop replacements A 2021 23,690 23,690 Financial System Upgrade A 2020.2 140,000 140,000 P yA Senior Center Software A 2021 - 14,500 14,500 - Municity5Land Use B 2020-20 30,WO 30,000 Tablets(5)for building inspectors&engineers B 2020-20 9,000 9,000 Access Controls-Highway garage DB 2020-20 37,000 37,000 Municity DPW-Work orders DB 2020-20 28,000 26,000 Toughbook Replacement SM 2021 5,000 5,000 Tablets(4)for sewer map ma inte nace SS 2021 6,000 6,000 TOTAL $ 424,730 $ 321,230 $ 14,500 $ 89,000 1- 279 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS Various miscellaneous projects are planned for 2021. No additional costs will be incurred in the operating budget. Budget Useful PROJECT GRANTS/ INTERFUND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Fund Code Life BUDGET BONDS LOCAL TRANSFER SERVICES TO CAPITAL Hommocks Conservation Area Railings A 2020.34 $ 14,500 14,500 Gardens Lake Dredging A 2021 326,000 326,000 Plate reader @I-95 ramp B 2021 16,000 16,000 Purchase 80 UHF Pagers SF 2021 45,000 45,000 Heart Monitor/Defibrillator Replacement SM 2021 90,100 90,100 Stair Chair replacement(4) SM 2021 13,700 13,700 TOTAL $505,300 $474,800 $ - $ 30,500 280 I 1III 11. 1 ; 1 . 'i1 j ' , 1 i I � 1 ' 1 If I a , fi , i. iih 1 I Ii f il 111 I aii! 1 i 1. 1 I g III fil iia , „ 1 il hi litHljii fij 1 1 } IjIi 1 iF Ilisi 1 41 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiLdliiii HIM . :, 0f1 ' 1 IJIJJIJJ IJJJJJJJJIHHJJ J 111111111. 111111 " 11 , : i L I I11 / JJJ / k � 1 / / WWF j ! i111 N .>`" ; I - - - - T sr liffitililliiii ; ill 1.1 -11' 1 - A if 6 ii I i I I WI 11 ii!. I Z 11 I 1 LII snags a a a a s a a a a a x � i s o < < < < < e a a a . r < a a a I i 1 , I ':', ifi itlif / cla ! ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 „ ' l 'hill 1 - IiiitilliqtilliiiiiittillinilL111 d it II !Ai 1 / , p l 11 if oitic IlitifiI I 7000 2021 2012 NES 1023 2025 WEN Oat Op Budget l n 040 Five Year Total Deknoll MINI Meal 7••)666 PoledPooledHe)6RSryM ____ Swint Audi laden \udfo -1 I 115.000 $ 113,000 30000 a 70000 25000 $ 10000 100.000 . RIM., $ 70.330 30ODD 10000 10-9 62.-- 42,0110 ------------ --. 541 761.000 102000 131.000 $ 137,100 133.000 $ 174,000 20r or (1.3001 75,100 -- - 75000 _ ----' - —-_-- _ 10 .. 10 - — - 29,100 19M- 70.000 70,130 140,000 140.000 20,020 20,100 , 1043 190,000 -----40.000 45,000 45 . 1413 101.000 --- 74,000 63,000 -. 34000 ---,---71,000 149 1.300000 73 00 0 731000 260,010 175,000 1 164000 149 105000 ._---- 760.000 1151000 .------- --- 340 — 36,000 30.010 140.000 -- - —-- - -- 140,000 9000 - ----- 35,600 , 10,000 40,000 54 __.160.000 9000 55.000—..___�- 10000 113,000 14000 N0 «�__ N 149 336,000, ----_ 2000 160.600 Mae 1 300,000 --(1500). A1Mi�C. } 100,10 94000 101.000 _ - 100.000 116.000 70,000 —- ----- 10 ---__ 9.000 111000 1 0 9000 10,00 ..— _ 46.000 _ —13.000 0 _ ._ _ 10.000 __.___-- 0 75.000 75000 10 95 Opp 135.000 . 20 40000 WM -- __.__ ____ 1001000 y 0 700°0 -._ i0 1411 11,000 12000. _._ 126,1_20_ 126050 . 149 `, 150,000 150.000 100000 100.1C0 - J 20. 1- 777,000 _ 377000 —r 149 9,000 731,100 761,000 _ 01 —. 10 OD — __ 00 1.134000 1,»10000 86,660 015630 10 Yeas 111000 *22.000 . 770,473 016477 1510: 40001 TOWN OF MAMARONECIC 2021 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL BUDGET -- Budget POOTECT Fund Dept Cede &Niel Categories Project Lode D63celP1lce Ice Rink Office-%VAC A Remotion 7263 Remotion 202024 Ilk BTU feet ductless wall burs wit N dnk office Ice RIM Office WorlukrUu3 A Mennen 7215 Reereadon 2020.14 Worketetion Tor retention resistant In lee Mk office Ifomeods Pod Reoertlesadded sope A Remake 7350 Recreation 2020.73 DIM ICI 3021-new estimate 52.9re b RIM Werke door refinement A Rweatbn 7263 Recreation 2021 Red 15)@donor double door replacement of 30yr old door. ke RIM-0eakom Wheel/Parts f debumk4celea A Rereatkn 7265 Manton _—-- 7021 ssfd of Mcycle 2011 Ile �-- - -_. Rld,bell Rood - Peygmmd safety surface A 1ew.tl. 7010 Recreation 1@i -____ -..- _ Rodeo rubber surface(Odryal Installed 5 7005). Ice RIM-leMce summer floor kuolrbn A MOMIen 7265 Mme4Uon 3022 Replace misting buuladon the corers Io for manta awn dot wA 3 yews ole.. Homiletics Padft lot Rep n_ - A Meeetbn 7020-_ Raer$on 7024 RRea lnj Perle^F lot veNde!Thcrae* A 0.0oefen 7020 Vehicles 2024 Replace 14 year old iia up trod( Memril Pert TwI4.coonreoniscin{ A YCRM10 7020 ROOnlkn 2036 Resurface tenon mons that were last done In 2013 Memorid Park P roufWprogress.Oder design S35k to 04;Construction 2021;Rod In 2021 ____ I RacreWon 7140 Ret7enkn 2020.!1 Surrey in letasWpllpte! -- -� Art GM software 0$ Laver $120 Saver 20200.19 Additional Nota fordefldop _-- _. tiro Sytlwm-tl[Widplumbke - _ (5 Lees - 1120 Sewer 3020.1 RadleoNrrert System as shared _ P•e6ed nth VOM thirteen MeegRl.ler arm funded - Mow lane Stam Sewer Danube -- 35 -- Soar_ $120 Sew 7007 Iwo eve wadi,saes Generator-Memorial Part St Sew_ 7140 Sewer 2022 Replarmed of 33 yew old yelrsto,for veer puma Unitary Sewer 14101 SR Wholesale Comm,Meter Vault(SWM lntercann e3) SW Water 1340 Weld NOW 2031 PRJect Purchase Water Scrape Tank n Rehabilitation SW WNer 6340 Water NOW 3021 Prefect Water Projects Inde -20211atkaat. m _--.. water --- $340 - Weser - 1100.22 PONSat0Rw ler 1021 Preleas Rye Lake nOratboPlant SW.__ Water -__0340 wale 1364.12 5yyear P m 5 -- Jeri progress-mrd S525k in boon lads 5 7020 WeOM TAW WI II of6rele Pr.,'o Deck lee RIM A IT 16x0 Tadwobpr 20.20.2 WOO for cameras - og7 ° — - A IT 250. Syrul eat eSarvds Operade.d replacement o$two Map semen($1110.InstaleUon cow s S2kcontlgencyto - _ Talandlgy ... 3021 200!.0 the nerves that are almost et mPPtRy. Current Rend mptenmawts - A If 1000 2021 Intakemirks mSk that ss mem a 2C:1 Palo Alto Orewalo soil be pddnod($150( d Tedmd o17 (S es,¢rohe than current Osco puipmem and all be suppomed In-house et Lever Rep4ceearN Two senors wt replace.k year servers that ons worded beyond Mee recommended useful M- A If 140 Teclndgty 2021 Inement(550*)and!retaliation($201)total$kW 11 holm to replace end rel life desktops.They serve.dual purpose in Mit they can be unmake laptop Ouni es as desktop repieom.ota A R 1140 _ Teatecalgy 2021 wdtedr.motely. financial System Upgrade A R ._ 100 Technology 2020.2 Defamed horn 2020 ' My Sole Canter dSdhrele Software A .e L14es 0 Technolopy 7021 MernbemNp and program software for Senior Center Monkey 6laUse 0 IT UI _ -...__ O Tedulole0y 2000.70 1 lidding software _ ____, d Totem Oleo bulking 5.7.01e.&enpkwm I R 700 Ted.'3. 2020-20j Purchase of four(4)GIS-amble tablets with rimless W-WI NOeh$Sy 10130P 01 NON* Records MragenentSystem __- $ Mm 3120 7ltselagy ReOament of whereremr*,rearu$erenl Syatdn with a caWy shored system Accor Controls-WObereypeJe pe _ _ IT -. 1140 7wARdlpr 202070 _ Access controls to ceder building for seMi.owpoan Munk O►WWork cedars Ry _ _._.— M __. m__—__ 1140 Td9hle0Y 702010 Idridsy software uq,nde Trahbook Replacement - SM _ Aod_.d.nce 4114 TedenleR4 MU RePteead yew def teu5hbook ensurer used for patl.t rieramiolen led 11$50. _ Purchase of her(4)GIS-enable tablets eon abrin keeps,Opl$Iyn support Rata kaMe01oa Tablets(4)M new map memento _ _-- - SS Sewer . - 0120 Tedt.leay 2071 and mandewno on Town sectary and sierra sews -_ Tennelogs 7.02 -- - - _ Redo:mere of Wass on the viewing platform at the Mlnaraedes fbnse.nlenkme.llm einem Moreraoele CawwUon Area Reines A CaMervatlon 0510 Mlsce$anwe 32034 rant system her structural crash,warping,rot.d le loon. 4rdus 1alNOPW05g _ - A tnsweer,rf 0520 Mi.mlenore 3021 Meer'WSW SWUM dredgky.d 1600 cubic nerds of sediment(2000 Plegnt) PINemetier•144, P -.- _ 0 Price 3170 _ Mko.Wnow 1121 dome ride reader to monitor vehicles entering end kava TOm 04.1n the-.re maleses tons s714500/50% 0 Pekoe 3120 - M114400710. 2011 Oxhide Sos.mou.-a maul w Pm Ata 4500, Ikon -__ 0 Petr 7120 Mnar4wwo.r 201* Psorase mora t0 wreanpee.ue leek masereetereq sees.Nno.w 4rm.a)r nerre._n.sWotem,noywonen, S 206 117/ Worms 702 ..�R.y.me weal:.mem rehcemmt _._ *swelter-Mckwt: $5 Mde.r733 Evehee 7024 twice l/'oar ole oneness _ Penne 20UMP Paean _ IF M 145$ miscellermoes 1021 Iteplate he Med aftershave ellen Coneys eve.rlr.S _— urn lot 0errordermarsor itepleceraset Me 4100 Mkrrrneo m 2021 R5Pla4 Mart molten Wet sn e ewe 10 .mdd Mart7s5001$ le114) WA Amies. 4120 _.M%odlaneors 3021 ROOM 4 shin Nees WO mer Named woolen ler cnrand 750.10 Miry__ Werner SI1IPe were SM At4MMne 4110— 57 .0.., 7014 fedd=Ses20Ment Luc.Mrlarulent -_ !1 4100 -1Ywraeeus 7691 Rarealwn Other Projects Teel Grand iota! 283 750 2021 2072 221 2024 2025 Useful Life Op Budget Impact Five Year Total 061aeM Pitdgct Plain Prolog Mild Prefect Rebel ledge gadget gudest avast Rudest Buda-- _S Yeah6000 5.000 10 yawn 6.010 6500._—._ 10.Yrs _ ._.___ 2500500 1500000 1300500 _ —_ 206 4- 030 47.000, —_ 1—_ 5-0 -- --- 51000 , 31.000 1049 50500 543 17,500 17,500 ---- --- 65,000 —y — 65'000---- -- _.__ 66500 511,000 30.000 35.000 H-- •-- __-- 3SA00 20.vas650,000 650503 5 — - , 3,$!7.500 2.004A0g 1 000 12.500., I W000 0500 - —_ - -H 703 pa 170.000 125.000 45500 55.00D 35.000 T-... .� 75500 116,000 44 _ 330'000 150'000. 2S0 _00. _ -. _. _. 17 644500 5545,000 9,357000 1,670400 5AAL000 .$.157,440 1570.0001 • 11,000 11003 5 50.3403ars40 6 Yaws 210,000 70,003 55,000 70.000 MOO 54 145500 ------- n'� 40500 44650000 S 1555 179.500 140.000 63.500 56500 14300, 14.500 30500 54000`-- — 11,000 ------- _. 0500 9,00D - 10.003 150.060 67500 $7,000 __.._.._ 16.000 1$500 5-S 15,000 5500 5.000 5000 4000 5.600 5 6,000 4000 - 964130 115,000 _ 309,710 555.500 177500 40.030 155500 20.yrs 14,500 6000 5300 4 176,000 526.000 - 54 16400 16003 _.._ ONO 74400 .-..___. . 50.600 — I 5 465 5 NS , 14000 54.606 ____ _3 140000 140 Opp 14-19 ----— -- 45,000 ---- tlP — • lav __-- 50.100 3610, 5-9 13,700 15.700 103403 100000 000 40060 284 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT OVERVIEW The Town takes a planned and programmed approach to the management of its outstanding debt. General Obligation Bonds are issued to finance capital improvements or capital assets and will not be issued to finance current operations or normal maintenance. Effectively managing debt preserves the Town's credit rating, provides flexibility in current and future operating budgets and provides funding for long-term assets that maintain and improve quality of life. The Town has the authority to issue debt in all taxing districts and is backed by the full faith and credit of the Town. Debt must be kept within 7%of the average full valuation of taxable real estate within the Town as prescribed by Local Finance Law§104. For the Town the statutory limit is$635.2 million, however the Town's outstanding debt as of January 2021 is$40.8 million. The Town has cautiously issued debt when necessary to fund major projects and aggressively refunds debt when economically beneficial that reduces debt service. Like most municipalities that have struggled with lean budgets and tax caps, issuing debt to finance capital projects allows a municipality to spread the cost of assets over their useful lives that provides service to multiple generations. In 2020, the Town refunded most of it's 2013 and 2014 debt at a savings of$552k to the Town. BOND RATING It is important to note that the Town's credit rating from Moody's Investor Service has been successfully maintained at Aaa as a result of conservative budgeting practices and solid management. The rating also reflects the town's average debt burden and moderate pension liability. DEBT PROJECTIONS Indebtedness as of the end of 2021 is summarized below and projected to be$38.1m. New debt to be incurred in 2021 will be determined upon final approval of the capital plan. Projected Debt at Retired Debt CP (In millions) 1/1/2021 Debt 12/31/21 General Fund $ 12.5 $ 0.8 $ 11.7 Part Town 1.6 0.1 1.5 HI:low Fund _ 8.3 0.6 7.7 Street Li.htin_ _ 1.4 0.1 1.3 Ambulance Ditrlct 0.3 - 0.3 Garbage District _ _ 1.0 0.1 0.9 Sewer District 3.8 0.2 3.6 Water District 6.0 0.4 5.6 Fine District 5.9 0.4 5.5 TOTAL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $ 40.8 $ 2.7 $ 38.1. 287 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 2021 DEBT SERVICE FUND DEBT SERVICE Based upon new indebtedness incurred in 2020, appropriations in the Debt Service Fund in 2021 will be $3.7 million for the projected annual debt service payments due. The 2021 capital plan includes long term borrowing. Funding will be transferred from each of the funds issuing debt to the Debt Service Fund. When the Town issues debt to fund capital projects,various bonds are issued with different terms. In order to share the cost of these projects evenly over the course of the life of the assets, it is a standard practice to keep debt level each year. The final consideration in determining acceptable levels of debt service is the Town's ability to pay its annual debt obligations. The industry benchmark is 10%of general expenditures. Debt service of $3.7m represents 9% of the Town's operating revenue and 9% of the Town's operating expenditures in Fiscal Year 2021. Based on the current outstanding debt, annual debt service in all funds will be as follows: DEBT SERVICE 4,000,000 I 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 I 1,000,000 500,000 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 ■DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE FUND BALANCE The fund balance in the Debt Service Fund is an accumulation of premiums, interest earned and savings and will be utilized to fund future debt costs. These premiums have been amortized over the life of the debt. The 2021 Budget includes the appropriation of fund balance in the amount of $106,108 that will be utilized to reduce the interest expense charged to each fund by 10%. It is anticipated that the use of debt service fund balance will continue to be utilized to fund interest expense over the forthcoming years. Projected 2021 2021 Estimated Balance @ Budget Budget Balance @ %Of Fund 1/1/21 Revenue Expenses 12/31/21 Expenditures DEBT SERVICE $ 2,177,326 $ 3,604,588 $ 3,700,695 $ 2,081,219 56% 288 TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET SUMMARIES-BY FUND 2021 DEBT SERVICE & DEBT SERVICE FUND SUMMARY (V) Adjusted Actual Actual Adopted 2020 2020 Projected Budget 2018 2019 2020 Budget Budget YTD 2020 2021 Revenues Use of Money&Property $ 3,556 90,K $ 10,000 10,000 53,886 $ 10,003 Miscellaneous-Bond Premiums 407,847 397,486 10,314107,314 Interfund Transfers 3,911,342 3,330,291 $ 3,176,817 $ 3,176,817 $ 3176,817 3,594, Appopriated Fund Balance - 291,655 291,655 96,107 _ TOTAL REVENUES $ 4,321,745 $ 3,814078 $ 3,474472 $ 3,478,472 $ 3,135,017 $ 3,335,011 $ 3,100,':. Expenditures Interfund Transfers $ 234,170 $ 164,000 $ - $ • $ - $ - DebtService-Principle 2,460,00) 2,420,500 2,420,000 2,420,000 2,135,000 2,420,500 2,675,000 Debt Service-Interest 646,701 909,791 1,058,472 1,054472 891,323 1,058,472 1,025,695 TOTAIEXPENDITURES $ 3,340,871 $ 3,494,291 $ 3,478,472 $ 3,478,472 $ 3,026,323 $ 3,478,972 $ 3,780,'.. NETCNANGEINFUNDBAIANCE $ 981,874 $ 323,187 $ • $ • $ 308,694 $ (140,955) $ • 289 Date Prepared: 10!08/2020 01:26 PM BUDW11 1.0 Report Date: 10/08/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page of Account Table: V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Aunt Description Original Adjusted 2020 2121 Variance T0: - _ 2018 2019 2020 2020 AcWH DEPT — _ DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Pet141 Stage 1011! Type R Revenue V.00002401 INTEREST 3,555.99 90,30070 10,000.00 10,000.00 50,886.32 10,000.00 EARNINGS.. Total Dept 0000 3,555.99 30,300.70 10,000.00 10,000.00 50,088.32 10,000.00 Total Group 15 USE OF MONEY& 3,555.99 90,300.70 10,000.00 10,000.01 50,686.32 10,000.00 PROPERTY V.00002710 PREMIUM ON 404,265.52 397,486.01 0.00 0.00 107,313.86 OBLIGATIONS.. V.00002770 MISCELLANEOUS 3,581.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 !Dept 0000 407.1M.52 397,06.01 0.00 6.00 107,313.1 0.90 (Group 19 MISCELLANEOUS 407,046.02 397,406.01 0.00 0.00 107,31315 0.00 V.0000.5031 TRANSFERS FROM 1,009,393.58 1,069,811.51 982,759.00 952,759.00 982,789.00 1,088,1157.00 13 08% GEN TOWN.. V.0000.5032 TRANSFERS FROM 188,952.52 168,843.10 148,757.00 148,757.00 146,757.00 151,529.00 1.86% PART TOWN.. V.0000.5033 TRANSFERS FROM 943,405.09 778,581.40 699,364.00 699,364.00 699,364.00 742,668.00 6.19% HIGHWAY.. V.0000.5034 TRANSFERS FROM 321,647.51 420,298.76 490,633.00 490,633.00 490,633.00 558,865.00 13.91% FIRE V.0000.5035 TRANSFERS FROM 140,234.70 130,588.51 94,178.00 94,178.00 94,178.00 106,219.00 12.79% GARBAGE.. V.0000.5036 TRANSFERS FROM 92,882.16 307,973.03 275,560,00 275,560.00 275,560.00 305,019.00 10.69% SEWER.. V.0000.5037 TRANSFERS FROM ST 125,634.26 125,010.86 114,563.00 114,663.00 114,563.00 113,821.00 -0.65% LIGHTING.. 290 Date Prepared: 10/08/2020 01:26 PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/08/2020 Page 2 of 7 Account Table: V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To, 2018 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT! Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stege! Type R Revenue V.0000.5038 TRANSFERS FROM 291,823 92 291,270.61 374,19300 374,193.00 374,193.00 502,423.00 34.27% WATER.. V.0000 5039 TRANSFERS FROM ''4,727.74 17,912.87 16,810.00 16,810.00 16,810.00 25,387.00 51.02% AMBULANCE.. V.0000.5040 TRANSFERS FROM 804,640.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CAPITAL. Total Dept 0000 3,911,342.26 3,330,290.65 3,176,817.00 3,176,817.00 7,176,817.08 3,594,588.00 13.15% Total Group 23 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 3,911,342.26 3,330,290.65 3,176,817.00 3,176,817.00 3,176,817.08 3,594,588.00 13 V.0000.5995 APPROP.FUND 0.D0 0.00 291,655.00 291,655.00 0.00 96,107.00 -67 BALANCE Total Dept 0000 0.00 0.00 291,65500 291,655.00 0.00 00,107.00 .67.051E Total Group 26 APPROPRIATED FUND 0.00 0.00 291,655.00 291,655.00 0.00 98,107.00 .67.00!% BALANCE Total Type R Revenue 4,322,744.77 3,818,07736 7,470,472.00 5,478,472.00 3,335,017.05 3,700,695.00 6.39% 291 Date Prepared: 10108/2020 01:26 PM BUD4011 1.0 Report Dine: 10n1er2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 3of7 Account Table: v Budget Preparation Report Prepared BrTYOGMAN Alt.Sart Table: FISCI31 Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To' 2010 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT _ Actual Actual Budget Budge Per 14 - Stege -- Stage I Type E Expense V.9710.6007 2007 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6008 2007 FIRE DIST 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35.000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 14.29% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.8009 2009 PUBLIC 190,000.00 195,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6010 2010 PUBLIC 155,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6011 2013 PUBLIC 260,000.00 286,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 270,000.00 275,000.00 1.85% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6012 2013 FIRE DIST 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 80,000.00 6.67% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.8013 2013 REFUNDING 550,000.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SERIAL BONDS(02& 04) V.9710.6014 2014 PUBLIC 400,000.00 405,000.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 410,000.00 420,000.00 2.44% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.8015 2016 FIRE 01ST 195,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 135,000.00 135.000.00 135000.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6016 2016 PUBLIC 390,000.00 395,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 405,000.00 1.25% IMPROVEMENT BONDS 292 Date Prepared: 10/082020 01:26 PM BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/08/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Page 4017 Account Table: V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Aft.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 'Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2019 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage' Type E Expense V.9710.6017 2017 REFUNDING 270.000.00 385,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 600,000.00 610,000.00 1.67% SERIAL BONDS(07,09 &10) V.9710.6018 2018 PUBLIC 0.00 225,500.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 000 235,00000 2.17% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6019 2018 FIRE DIST 0.00 55.000.00 55.000 00 55,000.00 0.00 55,000.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6020 2019 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 125,000.00 130,000.00 4 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6021 2019 FIRE DIST 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 85,000 00 85,000.00 85,000.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.6022 2020 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 205,000 00 100.00'; IMPROVEMENT BONDS Total Dept 9710 SERIAL BONDS 2,460,000.00 2,420,500.00 2,420,000.00 2,420,000.00 2,135,000.00 2,675,000.00 10.54% Total Group 6 PRINCIPAL 2,460,000.00 2,420,500.00 2,420,000.00 2,420,000.00 2,135,000.00 2,675,000.00 10.54% V.9710.7007 2007 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7008 2007 FIRE DIST 7,985 00 6,490 00 4.975 DO 4,975.00 4,975 00 3,470.00 -30.25% IMPROVEMENT BONDS 293 Date Prepared: 10/08/2020 01:26 PMBUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/08/2020 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Pegs 5of7 Account Table: V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt.Sort Table: Fiscal Year 2021 Period From:1 To:9 IAccount Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To I 2016 2019 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 14 Stage Stage Type E Expense V.9710.7000 2009 PUBLIC 10,887.50 3,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7010 2010 PUBLIC 3.875.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7011 2013 PUBLIC 64,487.50 59,237.50 53,888.00 53,888.00 28,293.75 2,750.00 -94.90% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7012 2013 FIRE 01ST 17,806.25 15,863.75 13,921.00 13,921.00 7,446.25 11,914.00 -14.42% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7013 2013 REFUNDING 15,750.00 3,750.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SERIAL BONDS(02& 04) V.9710.7014 2014 PUBLIC 204,956.25 196,956.26 188,857.00 188,857.00 188,856.26 18,998.00 -91.00% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7015 2016 FIRE DIST 50,856.26 46,806.26 42,756.00 42,758.00 42,756.26 38,707.00 -0.47% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7016 2016 PUBLIC 175,447.50 167,647.50 159,747.00 159,747.00 159,747.50 151,747.00 -5.01% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7017 2017 REFUNDING 94,660.19 134,972.50 125,124.00 125,124.00 125,122.50 113,022.00 -9.67% SERIAL BONDS(07,09 A 10) V.9710.7018 2018 PUBLIC 0.00 223,026.13 219,444.00 219,444.00 109,721.88 207,941.00 -5.24% IMPROVEMENT BONDS 294 Date Prepared: 10/08/2020 01:26 PM TOWN OF MARON EC K BUD4011 1.0 Report Date: 10/08/2020 Page 6 of 7 Account Table: V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Att.Sort Table: Fiscal Year:2021 Period From:1 To:9 account - Description Original Adjusted 2020 2621 Variance To, 2018 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT] Actual Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage: Type E Expense V.9710.1019 2018 FIRE DIST 0.00 51,148.76 50,712.00 50,712.00 25,356.25 47,962.00 -5.42% IMPROVEMENT BONDS V.9710.7020 2019 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 120,979.00 120,979.00 120,979.32 120,357.00 -0.51% IMPROVEMENT BOND V.9710.7021 2019 FIRE DISTRICT 0.00 0.00 78,069.00 78,069.00 78,068.89 77,450.00 -0.79% IMPROVEMENT BOND V.9710.7022 2020 PUBLIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 233,377.00 100.00% IMPROVEMENT BONDS INTEREST Total Dept 9710 SERIAL BONDS 646,701.46 909,790.56 1,058,472.00 1,058,472.00 851,323.66 1,025,695.00 .3.10% Total group? INTEREST 646,701.46 909,790.66 1,055,472.00 1,056,472.00 591,323.56 1,025,695.00 -3.10% V.9900.9901 TRANSFER TO GEN 112,000.00 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOWNW1DE.. V.9900.9902 TRANSFER TO PART 14,500.00 14,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOWN.. V.9900.9903 TRANSFER TO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 GARBAGE DIST.. V.9900.9907 TRANSFER TO FIRE 19,500.00 19,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DIST.. V.9900.9940 TRANSFER TO 88,170.00 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HIGHWAY FUND.. Total Dept 9000 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 234,170.00 164,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 295 Date Prepared- 10/08/202001:26PM TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUB4011 1 .O Report Date: 10/08!2020 Page 7 of 7 Account Table' V Budget Preparation Report Prepared By:TYOGMAN Alt Sort Table: Film!Yew:2W1 Period From:1 To:9 Account Description Original Adjusted 2020 2021 Variance To 2010 2010 2020 2020 Actual DEPT DEPT Actual _ Actual Budget Budget Per 1-9 Stage Stage. Type E Expense TotalGroup 9 TRANSFERS OUT 234,170.0/ 104,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Type E Expense (3,340,071.40) (3,404,200.0/) 3.471,472.00 3,478,472.00 (3,026,323.96) 3,700,695.00 6.9115i Grand Total 991,873.31 323,700.70 BOO 0.00 30/,803.10 0.00 NOTE:One or more accounts may not be printed due to Account Table restrictions. 296 Left Intentionally Blank 297 TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT As of 12/31/20 The Local Finance Law of the State of New York establishes a cap on the level of debt that Town's may incur.The constitutional debt limit is calculated at 7%pf the five-year average of full valuations. The Town has exhausted 5.3%of its available debt limit and it is projected that will rise to 6.7%at the end of 2020 and will have approximately$600 million of borrowing authority available at December 31, 2020. State FISCAL YEAR ENDED Equalization Full DECEMBER 31, Assessed Valuation Ratio Valuation 2016 9,167,076,772 1.00 $ 9,167,076,772 2017 9,441,524,597 1.00 9,441,524,597 2018 9,743,703,508 1.00 9,743,703,508 2019 9,751,130,223 100 9,751,130,223 2020 9,749,092,921 1.00 9,749,092,921 TOTAL FIVE-YEAR FULL VALUATION $ 47,852,528,021 AVERAGE FIVE-YEAR FULL VALUATION $ 9,570,505,604 DEBT CONTRACTING LIMITATION-7%of AVERAGE FULL VALUATION $ 669,935,392 Outstanding Debt At December 31, 2020: General Purpose (inc Fire) $ 30,994,559 Water 6,009,286 Sewer 3,786,155 Total Gross Direct Indebtedness $ 40,790,000 Less Exclusions and Deductions: Water Bonds 6,009,286 6,009,286 Total Net Direct Indebtedness $ 34,780,714 Debt Contracting Margin $ 635,154,678 Percentage of Debt-Contracting Power Exhausted 5.2% 298 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS Original Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Description Issue Date Borrowing 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 General Fund Projects(A) Townwide Improvs-Refunded 9/10/20 1,828,000 1,165,032 1,063,921 940,822 Energy Efficiency/Bridges-Refunded 9/10/20 5,347,000 4,143,027 4,115,882 3,841,291 VFW/Improvements 10/14/16 3,525,545 3,064,463 2,907,613 2,748,803 Refunding Bond 12/28/17 1,698,900 1,522,575 1,370,496 1,216,296 Town Center Improvs 12/27/18 227,500 Pryor Manor Bridge Imprvs 12/27/18 103,500 1,072,727 1,028,590 983,494 Town Center Imprvs 12/27/18 785,000 Waverly Avenue Bridge Improvs 9/17/19 124,200 121,287 117,329 113,212 Hillside Avenue Bridge Improvs 9/17/19 207,000 202,144 195,547 188,686 Ice Rink Improvements 9/17/19 200,000 195,309 1,507,027 1,436,147 Comprehensive Plan 9/17/19 180,000 175,778 170,041 164,075 TOTAL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 14,226,645 11,662,342 12,476,446- 11,632,826 Part Town Fund(B) Various Projects-2013 Refunded 9/10/20 210,000 133,838 122,221 108,081 LV Public Library Roof-Refunded 2020 r 9/10/20 125,000 96,854 96,218 89,798 Police HQ Reno/Stormwater Drainage 10/14/16 988,825 859,506 815,513 770,970 LV Public Library Improvs/Parking Mete 12/27/18 583,258 548,074 496,464 444,512 Parking Lot Improvs 12/27/18 125,000 120,153 115,209 110,158 TOTAL PART TOWN FUND PROJECTS 2,032,083 1,758,425 1,645,625 1,523,519 Highway Fund Projects(DB) Highway Improvs 9/10/20 1,230,000 783,915 715,878 633,052 Highway Improvs 9/10/20 1,295,000 1,003,401 996,817 930,313 Highway lmprays 10/14/16 1,720,475 1,495,467 1,418,924 1,341,423 Highway Refunding 12/28/17 2,490,629 2,291,699 2,082,937 1,870,909 Sidewalk/Curb Improvements 12/27/18 1,567,500 1,506,719 1,444,725 1,381,383 Highway Vehicles&Equipment 9/17/19 424,000 414,054 400,540 386,486 Highway Roads,Sidewalks,Curbs 9/17/19 783,000 764,633 739,678 713,724 Sidewalk Extension-Hickory Grove Dr 8/25/20 226,300 220,992 213,779 206,278 Highway Truck 8/25/2002 250,270 250,270 238,071 TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND PROJECTS 9,987,174 8,480, 8,263,548 7,701,639 299 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS Original Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Description Issue Date Borrowing 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 FIRE DISTRICT(SF) Fire Apparatus 10/1/07 460,000 $ 115,000 $ 80,000 $ 40,000 Fire Apparatus(2) 5/15/13 996,000 575,000 500,000 420,000 Fire Apparatus(2)/Energy Efficiency Impovs/Building Improvs 7/27/16 2,185,000 1,780,000 1,645,000 1,510,000 Fire Building Improvs Lower Level 9/17/19 2,475,000 2,470,000 2,385,000 2,300,000 Fire Building Improvs 12/27/18 1,150,000 1,345,000 1,290,000 1,235,000 Fire Turnout Gear 12/27/18 250,000 TOTAL FIRE DISTRICT PROJECTS $ 7,516,000 $ 6,285,000 $ 5,900,000 $ 5,505,000 Ambulance District(SM) Ambulance Equipment-Lifepack/Defib 5/15/13 $ 60,000 $ 38,232 $ 34,911 $ 30,868 Ambulance Equipment-Lucas machine 7/15/14 32,500 25,182 25,016 23,347 Ambulance Equipment-REFUN DING 12/28/17 84,758 77,710 71,385 64,879 VAC Parking Lot Improvs 12/27/18 41,500 39,891 38,250 36,573 VAC Building HVAC 8/25/20 106,133 - 106,133 100,960 TOTAL AMBULANCE PROJECTS $ 324,891 $ 181,015 $ 275,695 $ 256,627 Garbage District(SR) Garbage TruckS(2) 5/15/13 370,000 235,811 215,343 190,428 Garbage TruckS(1) 9/10/20 185,000 143,343 142,402 132,901 Garbage District Refunding 12/28/17 420,559 391,452 353,704 315,690 Garbage TruckS(1) 12/27/18 170,500 163,889 157,146 150,256 Garbage TruckS(1) 8/25/20 148,308 148,308 141,079 TOTAL GARBAGE DISTRICT PROJECTS $ 1,294,367 $ 934,495 $ 1,016,903 $ 930,354 Sewer(SS) Pump Station Improvs/Sewer Cameras 9/10/20 135,000 86,040 78,570 69,479 Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Improvs 9/10/20 35,500 27,505 27,323 25,500 Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Improvs 10/14/16 1,200,000 1,043,061 989,673 935,618 Sanitary Sewer Refunding 12/28/17 41,072 39,964 36,323 32,682 Sanitary Sewer Improvs 12/27/18 2,795,000 2,686,621 2,576,080 2,463,136 Sewer Camera Vehicle 8/25/20 78,186 78,186 74,375 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT PROJECTS $ 4,284,758 $ 3,883,191 $ 3,786,155 $ 3,600,790 300 TOWN OF MAMARONECK COMPARATIVE SCHEDULE OF INDEBTEDNESS Project Issue Original Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Description ID Date Borrowing 12/31/19 12/31/20 12/31/21 Streetlighting Energy Efficiency Streetlight Replacemts 7/15/14 $ 1,840,000 $ 1,425,688 $ 1,416,342 $ 1,321,850 TOTALSTREETIJGHTING PROJECTS $ 1,840,000 $ 1,425,688 $ 1,416,342 $ 1,321,850 Water District(SW) Shaft 2 Rehab/Water Storage Tanks Rehab 5/15/13 325,000 207,132 189,156 167,270 Water Main Replacement/Kenilworth Booster Station 10/14/16 1,556,000 1,352,503 1,283,277 1,213,126 Water District Refunding 12/28/17 1,720,824 1,513,526 1,373,691 1,230,032 New Kenilworth Water Tank 9/17/19 798,500 779,769 754,320 727,853 Water Infrastructure 9/17/19 479,000 467,764 452,4'. 436,621 Rye Lake W Facility 9/17/19 500,000 488,270 472,333 455,759 Rye Lake W Facility 8/25/20 463,464 - 463,464 440,873 Winged Foot Storage Tank 8/25/20 533,910 - 533,910 507,885 Rye Lake Filtration 8/25/20 486,637 - 486,637 462,916 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT PROJECTS $ 6,863,335 $ 4,808,964 $ 6,009,286 $ 5,642,395 GRAND TOTAL $ 48,369,253 $ 39,420,000 $ 40,790,000 $ 38,115,000 301 TOWN OF MAMARONECK LONG TERM DEBT TOTAL GENERAL FUND(A) Outstanding Total Debt Outstanding Total Debt Year Debt p1/1 New Debt Principal _ interest Service P8J Debt e1/1 New Debt Principal Interest Ses*e Pin 2020 $39,420,000,$3• ,7.90,000 $ 2,420,000 $1,035,623 I 5 3,455,623 511,6L32 42 I S 1,555,971 $ 741,867 $ 283,848'$ 1,025,715 2021 40,790,000 - 2,675,000 1,025,695 9J700,b95 12,476 446 I 843,620 271,517 1,115,137 2022 3_8,115,000 r 2,775,000 932,537 3,707,597 11,652,826 - 876,917 240,800 1,117,717 2023 3540,000' - 2,795,000 848,409 3643,409 10,755,909 - 900,341 216,302 1,116,643 2024 32,545,000 P - 2,865,000 7_68,516 3,633,516 9,855,568 - 920,856 193,873 1,114,729 2025 2_9,680,000 r - 019,900 692,047 3,622,047 8,934,712 I 940,683 I 173,864 1,114,547 2026 26,750,000 r - 34015:000 619,129 3,634,87.9 7.09429 I - 961,640 I 156„052 1117.692 2027 23,735,000 r - 2,980,000 544,530 3,524,530 7,032,389 - 976,406 136879 1,113,285 2028 20,755,000 r - 2,825,000 469,036 3,294,036 6,055.083 - 911,398 116,926 1, 28,324 2029 17,930,000 r, - .2,575,000 430,5518 _28_75,588 5,144,585 789,111 98355 -888,166 2030-2034 1_5,355,0001 - 1_0,275;000 1,211,956 11,486,956 4,354,774 - 3,337,822 280,4071 3,6_18,229 2035-2039 5,080,000 r - 5,080,000 310,316, 5,390,316 1,016,952 - 1,016,952 52,053 I 1,069,005 Long Term Debt I$3,190.000 $43,2108000 1$8,858,481 I$54068,481 I$1,555,971 $13,218,313 $2,220,876 I$15,439,189 FIRE DISTRICT FUND(SF) STREETLIGNTING FUND(SI) Outstanding , Total Debt Outstanding Total Debt Year Debt el/1 New Debt Prindpal interest Service Pall Debt#1/1 New Debt Principal interest Serike P8.1 2020 $6,285,000.1$ - $ 385,000 $ 190433 $ 575,433 $ 1,4254688 $ 75,801 $ 85,147 I $ 39,220 j $ 124,367 2021 5,900,00_0! - I 395_000 17_9,503 S74,503 1,416,942 942492 2_2,674 i 117,166 2022 5,505,0001 410,000 164,661 574,661 1,321,850 99,684 1 14 117,498 2023 54095,000 1 - I s--- o�o0 149,199 -524,139 1,222_,166 - 1 nasi 14,M, 118,723 2024_ 4•,720,000, - . 3!85,000 135 .520052 1118,329 1 - 105,914 12-,789' _u-8,708 2025 4,355,000 I - 1 390,000 120,751, 510,751 1,012,315 1 - 106,953 1,S82 ; 11B 9,�5�5 2026 1945.000 - I 415,008 t 107,5_ 371 63 522,585 905,462 - I 107,991 10,629 I 118,620 2027 x,000 - 330000 94,669 1 424,669 797, I - 1'4,029 9,679 j 118 708 2028 1200. 000 340,000 1 8,3 519 1 423,319 688,442 I 110068 8,457 1 118,525 2029 2,a6000o - 355.,000 73,469: 4 578, 28,469 674 - 1..._ 144 7,0621 119,206 203020034 25,000 1 1__,000 229,025 1 1624, 5 466,2304 13,066! 679796 2035-2039 1,110,000 - 1,110,000 1 77,300 11187,300 - I - - - I - - Lone Term Debt 1$ - 1$6,285,000 1$1!604,901 1$7,889,901 1 S 75,801 51,501,489 1 5 167,658 1 51,669,147 SEWER DISTRICT RIND(SS) WATER DISTRICT FUND(SW) Outstanding Total Debt Outstanding Total Debt Year Debt p1/t New Debt Principal interest Service Pnfl Debt Bs 1/1 New Debt Principal interest , Service PSI ;020 $3,886,191 $89,W3. $ 177,679 $ 120,030 $ 507,317 $4,608;964 1 $1,487,239 $ 286_417 I; 114,691 1 $ 401.,606 2021 5,,766155 7185,365 125,016 330,381 6,009,2861 - 366,891I 157463 I 524,354 2022 3,600„790 • I 18_9,243 117,644 306,892_ 5,642,395 - 38_1,279 I 147063 r 528,347 2023 3,411542 • I 192x756 110,257 303,013 5,261,116 - 588,430 153,216 529;846 2024 9,216,786 195,336 102i1742 200073 4,872 636 - 402,477 123,064 523,341 2021 3,0226450 _ 202,894 9S 157 398051 4,470-,154 - 416,565 110,511 1 527,076 2226 2,819 558 206,697 37,!64 294,061 8 093,594 - 118,622 I 97,666 1 826,261 2027 2,6121859 - 2.1966 79,,39!1 249,165 3,624,972 - 441,670 I 84,,170, 515,640 2028 2,402,093 • 217,479 71,239 288,718 3,183,502! - 386,476 ' 70,736 i 457,261 2029 2,184,614 • 21002784,190 ii 277,217 2,796,326 i - 673,439 58 507 i 433,!46 2090-2034 2,911,517 1,115,654 221,643.) 1,6/7,297 2,44.4,987 - 1,985,042 166,100) 1,751,42 2035-2039 845,933 I - 845,933 62,318 II 908,291 838,345 I 838,345 I 41.236, 879,581 Long Term Debt IS 80.943 I S 3,964,134 I$1,266,307 I$5,230,441 1 S 1,487,139 I $6,296,103 I$1,306,477 15 7,602,580 302 TOWN OF MAMARONECK LONG TERM DEBT PART TOWN FUND(8) HIGHWAY FUND(DB) Outstanding Total Debt Outstanding Total Debt Yeer Debt#1/i New Debt Prindpal Merest Service P81 Debt#1/i New Debt Prindpa) Interest Service P81 2020 $1,758,425 $ 7,167 $ 119,967 $ 37,236 1$ 157,203 $8,480,880'$ 315,446' $ 532,778 $ 215,827 $ 748,605 2021 1,645,625 12_2,106 34,262 156,368 8,263,548 561,909 204,831 766,740 2022 1,523,519 • 12_5,643 51,177 156,820 7,701,639 582,397 186,379 76_8,776 2023 1,997,875 12_7,936 2_8,430 156,366 7,119,242 594,990 170,161 764,551 2024 1,269,94_0 • 130,162 25,69_7 155,859 6,524,852 - 609,255 154,221 763,4_76 2025 1,19_9,77_8 19_2,405 2_9,0_77 155,482 5.915,597 - 629,035 138,943 761.978 2026 1,007,373 • 135,573 2_0,4_34 156,007 5,292,562 638,462 124,268 76_2,730 2027 871,800 - 137,855 1_7,8_71 155,726 4,654,100 - 651,243 108,742 759,985 2028 799,945 • 129,943 15,180 144,523 4,002,857 - 616,343 9_2,809 709,152 2029 604,602 114,925 12,644 127,569 3,386,514 593,520 78,575 612,095 2030-2034 4_898,8,677 340,836 39,302 380,158 2,852,994 - 1,806,221 241,160 2,047,381_ 2035-2039 1441 - 148,841 -6,578 155,419 1,046,773 - 1,046,779 66,175 1,112,948 Long Term Debt I$ 7,167 $1,765,592 $291,888 I$2,057,480 I$ 315,446 1$8,796,326 $1,782,090 I$ 10,578,416 AMBULANCE DISTRICT FUND(SM) REFUSE DISTRICT FUND(Sit) Outstanding Total Debt Outstanding Total Debt Year Debt#1/i New Debt Prindpal Interest Servile MU Debt p1/1 New Debt Principal Interest Service P81 2020 $ 181,015 $108,047 $ 13,367 $ 4,264 $ 17,630 $ 934,495_ $159,486 $ 77,078 $ 20,767_ _ $ 97,845 2021 275,695 19,068 7,196 26,264 1,016,9003 - 86,549 29,293 109,782 2022 256,627 • 19.830 6,574 26,404 930,454 90,002 20,421 110,425 202.3 236,797 • 20,168 5,944 26,112 840,452 • 92,092 18,074 110,166 2024 216,62920,807 5,314 26,121 748,260 - 94,193 15,764 109,957 2025 195,822 • 21,460 4,706 26,166 654,067 • 96,005 13,656 109,661 2026 174,362 • 21,976 4,115 26,091 558,062 - 99,039 11,717 110,756 20271.5-2,3*27 152,4 22,708 9,485 26,193 459,023 - 100,929 9,697 109,960 2028 129,678 23,355 2,814 26,169 358,700 - 90,538 7,507 98,045 2029_ 106,323 19,322 2,151 21,479 268,162 63,812 5,636 69,448 2030-2034 87,001 68,187 5,182 73,369 204,350 1.50,008 15,471 165,479 2035.2049 18,814 - 1.8,814 980 19.794 54,342 - 54,342 3,677 58,019 long Term Debt I$108,047 I$289,062 I $52,724 I$341,786 I$159,486 I $1,093,981 I $165,560 I$1,259,541 303 Glossary 304 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY ACCRUAL BASIS ACCOUNTING Most commonly used accounting method. Reports income when earned and expenses when incurred as opposed to cash basis accounting,which reports income when received and expenses when paid. ACTUAL Actual (as opposed to budgeted) revenues and expenses for the fiscal year indicated. AD VALOREM TAXES Commonly referred to as property taxes levied on both real and personal property according to the property's valuation and the tax rate. AMENDED BUDGET The revised budget is the budget that results from the adopted budget, plus changes made in the budget after it is approved. ADOPTED BUDGET The financial plan for the fiscal year beginning January 1 as amended and adopted by resolution by the Town Board. The budget, once adopted, is the legal authorization to expend Town funds during the fiscal year identified. APPROPRIATION A legal authorization or allocation that permits officials to incur obligations against and to make expenses for defined purposes ASSESSMENT ROLL The official list prepared by the Assessor that contains the legal description of each parcel or item of property and its assessed valuation. This term is used to denote the total valuation of all taxable property in the Town. ASSESSED VALUE A value set upon real estate by the Town as a basis for levying real estate taxes. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Employee positions, authorized in the adopted budget that are to be filled during the year. BOND A debt instrument issued for a period of more than one year for the purpose of raising capital by borrowing.The government obtaining the bond promises to pay a defined sum of money (principle) at a specified future date (date of maturity)along with periodic interest paid at a designated percentage of principal. (rate of interest) 305 - - TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) BOND RATINGS A number of companies assign a risk level to the bonds or debt issued by a government. Risk means the likelihood of default or nonpayment.The lower the risk of nonpayment, the lower the interest the government will pay on their bonds.Some of the top rating agencies are Standard&Poor's Corporation, Moody's Investor Services and Fitch Investor's Services. BUDGET A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given fiscal year and the proposed means of financing them (revenue estimates).The term is sometimes used for the officially approved expenditure ceilings under which a government and its departments operate. BUDGET SCHEDULE Schedule of key dates or milestones that the Town will follow to prepare and adopt the budget. CAPITAL PROJECT A major physical improvement such as construction, acquisition,technology enhancement, and or infrastructure improvement that adds value to the physical assets of a government or significantly increases the useful life of an asset. Can also refer to building and construction of a new government asset. CAPITAL BUDGET A fiscal year for capital expenditures(long-lived and significant) expenditures indicating the method of financing. CERTIORARI A judicial proceeding to review an assessment of real property. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT A legal contract between the employer and an authorized representative of a recognized bargaining unit for specific terms and conditions of employment. CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT An appropriation of money set aside for indeterminate future events such as union salary and benefit settlements, storm cleanups or lawsuit judgements.The amount needed is transferred to the appropriate expenditure account. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Services rendered to a government that includes DEBT Liability or obligation in the form of bonds, loan notes or mortgages required to be paid by a specific date (maturity). 306 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) DEBT LIMIT A statutory limitation whereby a government's net General Obligation debt cannot exceed a specific percentage of appraised value of property subject to taxation. DEBT SERVICE The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds according to a predetermined payment schedule. DEBT SERVICE FUND A fund established to account for the accumulation of resources for the payment of principal and interest on long-term debt. DEPARTMENT A component of the Town that provides unique programs or services within it. DEPARTMENT REQUEST The budget requested by each department for annual operations. DEPRECIATION Expiration in the service life of capital assets,attributable to wear and tear,deterioration, inadequacy or obsolescence. EXPENSE The cost of goods or services. FEES A charge imposed on the recipient of a service provided by the Town. Its purpose is to help recover some or all of the costs incurred by the Town in providing the service. FINANCIAL POLICIES A government's policies with respect to revenues, expenses and debt management as these relate to government services, programs and capital investment. FISCAL YEAR A government's twelve month period designated as the operating year for accounting and budgeting purposes.The Town of Mamaroneck's fiscal year is January 1 through December 31. FIXED ASSERS Asses of long-term intended to continue to be held or used. FRINGE BENEFITS Contributions made by a government for employee benefits that include health insurance, pensions plans, social Security, dental insurance,vision care etc... 307 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) FULL FAITH AND CREDIT A pledge of a government's taxing power to repay debt obligations. FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT(FTE) POSITION A full-time position or a part-time position converted to the equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year(or a variation relative the contract agreed upon for that classification). FUND An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves and equities that carry out a specific activity or purpose. Each fund is separate and maintains individual records of income and expenses. By law, expenses cannot exceed revenue. FUND BALANCE The excess of assets over liabilities for a fund. A negative fund balance is sometimes called a deficit. GENERAL FUND The primary fund used by the Town for which revenues and expenses are not legally restricted for use. GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND(GO BOND) Type of municipal bonds where principal and interest are secured by the full faith and credit of the Town and supported by the Town's taxing power. GOAL A broad operational statement of what a department/program expects to achieve in the future. GRANT A contribution by a government or other organization to support a particular function and/or purpose, Grants may come from other governments or from private donors. HOURLY Employees who work on a per-hour bases and receive limited benefits. INTEREST The fee charged by a lender to a borrower for the use of borrowed money. Usually expressed as a percentage of the principal.The rate is dependent on the time value pf money,the credit risk of the borrower and the inflation rate. INTEREST INCOME Revenue earned on investments. JUDGEMENT An amount to be paid or collected by a government as the result of a court decision. 308 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) LEVY A fixed rate for services that is imposed by a government to support its operations. LIABILITY Debt or other obligation arising out of a past transaction that must be liquidated, renewed or refunded at some future date.The term does not include encumbrances. LONG TERM DEBT Debt with a maturity of ore than one year after the date of issuance. MATURITY The date on which the principal or stated value of an investment or debt obligations is due and may be reclaimed. MISSION STATEMENT A broad high-level statement of purpose for an agency/department. A mission statement defines an agency's fundamental purpose, where there is a close relationship between the description of service provided by the divisions within the agency and the planned outcomes. NYSHIP New York State Health Insurance Program OBJECTIVE A defined method to accomplish an established goal that is specific, well-defined and measurable. OPERATING BUDGET The annual spending plan for the daily, recurring operating costs of the government. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT Internal and external factors that impact the Department's daily operations. OPERATING FUNDS Resources derived from recurring revenue sources and used to finance ongoing operating expenses and pay-as-you-go capital projects. ORIGINAL BUDGET The adopted budget as approved by the Town Board. OTPS Other than Personal Services. PAYGO BASIS A term used to describe a financial policy where capital outlays are financed from current revenues to avoid incurring costly debt financing or issuing new debt. 309 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT A process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals, including information on the efficiency with which resources are transformed into goods and services(outputs); the quality of those outputs, i.e., how well they are delivered to customers and the extent to which customers are satisfied (service quality); and the qualitative results of a program activity compared to its intended purpose (outcome). PERSONAL SERVICES Expenses for salaries, wages and fringe benefits of a government's employee. POLICY A principle used to guide a managerial,operational,or financial decision PRELIMINARY BUDGET Adjustments to the Town Administrator's recommendation for the Town's financial operations that includes an estimate of expenses and revenues for a given fiscal year.The Town Board votes on this budget for adoption. PRINCIPAL The original amount borrowed through a loan, bond issue or other form of debt. REVENUE The taxes,fees,charges,special assessments,grants,and other funds collected and received by the Town to support its services and/or capital improvement projects. SALES TAX A tax on receipt from sales usually added to the selling price by the seller. SCAR Small Claims Assessment Review. STAR School Tax Relief. STRAIGHT-LINE DEPRECIATION Depreciating an asset, minus its salvage value by the same(fixed)amount every year over its useful life. For example: If a vehicle costs $20,000 with a salvage value of$2,000 and useful life of three years, it will be depreciated at a cost of$6,000 per year SURPLUS The amount by which the government's total revenues exceed its total outlays in a given period, usually a fiscal year. 310 TOWN OF MAMARONECK GLOSSARY (continued) TAX Compulsory charge levied to finance services performed by the government for the benefit of the community(citizens, businesses,etc.). TAX LEVY The product of the tax base multiplies the tax rate per$100. Revenues are less than the levy because of delinquencies,tax roll errors, and court cases contesting assessed property value. TAX RATE The amount of tax levied for each$100 of assessed valuations.The tax rate is applied to the assessed valuation to derive the tax levy. TAXING LIMIT The maximum rate at which the Town may levy a tax. In New York State,the taxing limit is 2%of the average of the full valuation of assessable property within the Town for the past five years. TENTATIVE BUDGET The Town Administrator's recommendation for the Town's financial operations that includes an estimate of expenses and revenues for a given fiscal year. TRANSFERS Amount transferred from one fund to another to assist in financing the services for the recipient fund. TRUST FUND A trust fund consists of resources received and held by a government unit as a trustee,to be expended or invested in accordance with the conditions of the trust. UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE That portion of the fund balance available for use in subsequent budgets. UNDISTRIBUTED The costs of government services or operations which are not directly attributable to Town Departments. USEFUL LIFE The length of time that a depreciable asset is expected to be useable. 311