HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_10_25 Town Board Minutes HTF-TS3 G OF THT TO',-T B_�,RD TME7 OF _,:: ,1A?:Oi TCK, 17i. Y. held October 25th, 1928. -- The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 P. Y. Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins, Howell and Leeds Town Clerk Sherman Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. I The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly advertised, the Board should consider the application to re-zone as C business district, the following described properties which is either class B residential district or Class A residential district. ALL those lots or parcels of land desig- nated as lots 4 and 5, section. 1, block 5, fronting on the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Williams Place , ALL those lots or parcels of land fronting on Thompson Street, from lyrtle Avenue to Laurel Avenue , and to consider making such further amendments to said ordinance and the map accompanying the same , as may be necessary to give effect to the same if approved. The following appeared before the Board in favor of the granting of their respective applications: Hr. James Waite lirs. Vitro The following appeared in opposition_ to the applications : Xr. Thomas Sutton and William Schramek, representing the League of Civic .Associations. After reading of the notice as advertised, and discussing and considering the same , upon motion, duly seconded, it was RE'SOL'VED, that the application to re-zone and re-classify the following described property: ALL those lots or parcels of land designated as lots 4 and a, section 19 block 5, fronting on the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue and Williams Place , ALL those lots or parcels of lard fronting on Thompson. Street, from Lyrtle Avenue to --' Laurel Avenue , be and the same hereby is laid over for further consideration. The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly advertised, the Board should now consider the carious applications and plans for building permits which had been denied as being in violation of the zoning ordinance. After the reading of the notice as advertised, and after discussing the various applications and plans for building permits before the Board, it was , upon motion, duly seconded, RESOLD, U E•REAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, has duly advertised pursuant to law, a . public meeting for the purpose of considering certain applications- therein stated, made under the Zoning Ordin- ance of the unincorporated part of the Town of 111amaroneck, which applications are now pending, and WHOREAS, the said Town Board having held said hearing and both parties having been granted the privilege of appearing for or in opposition to the granting of certain applications as pro- vided under the maid Zoning Ordinance , and after due consideration, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Pamaroneck, sitting jointly as a Board of Appeals and as a Town Board, does hereby grant the following applications from the decision of the Building Commission, which decision is hereby reversed and does hereby consent to the granting of the folloti-7ing applic- ations subject in each case , to the specific conditions and safeguards therein stated. 1. Application No. 1262 of Howard A. Turner, for the erection of a one family dwelling and garage on the south side of Vine Road and Glenn Eagles Drive, provided that the building is erected riot less than 14 feet from the front lot line on Glen Eagles Drive , and it was further RESOLVED, that the following applications be laid over for further consideration: 1. Application Tao. 1251 of William C. Campbell for the - erection of a two car garage on the north side of Tyrtle Place , about 250 feet from ?Iadison ,=avenue , within 75 feet of the front lot line. 2. Application Tao. 1254 of J. J. !Jurdock, for the erection of a bacteriological laboratory on the south side of Griffin kvenue , 1200 feet east of Fenimore Road, within an unclassified district. A communication from the Larchznont Real Estate Board was received and read, relating to the business activities of I'r.. George A. Powers, at his residence in Larchmort Gardens. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Building Commission and Counsellor Esser for report thereon. A communication from the 'Weaver Street Fire Company was received and read, submitting a general survey of conditions in Fire District I?o. 1, and recommending the purchase of additional fire apparatus. The communication was ordered received, placed on file , and after discussing and considering the same , at which time Captain Bray of the Weaver Street Fire Company, spoke in favor of the proposition, it was , upon motion, duly seconded, RESOLvT-D, that the subject matter of securing additional fire apparatus for Fire District Iio. 1, be and the same hereby is referred to a committee consisting of Justices Leeds , i!owell and 'town Clerk Sherman, who are hereby author- ized to employ Counsel for the preparation of the proper legal papers so that the same may be presented to the tax payers in proper form. ' A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was received and read, advising that the three months probationary period of Driver Iiichael Gallaghe.r had expired on September 1st, and recommending that permanent appointment be made and compensa- tion fixed in the sum of $135.00 per month. _ The communication was ordered received, -placed on file , and upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon the recommendation of the leaver Street Fire Company, RESOLVE13D, that Driver cichael Gallagher, be and he hereby is permanently appointed to said position, and that his compensation be fixed in the sum of : 135.00 per month. Captain Bray of the :leaver Street Fire Company recoamended that the salary of Driver John 1=1adden who has co,npleted one year of full service , be increased 8'5.00 per month, in accordance with the schedule heretofore agreed upon. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon the recommendation of Captain Bray , unanimously RESOLVED, that the compensation of Driver John "adden, be and the same hereby is increased 9,)5.00 per month, the same to take affect as of September 1st, 1928. Captain Bray recommended the purchase of 400 feet of Eureka Fire Hose. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the purchase of 400 feet of Eureka Fire Bose , for the Weaver Street _ Fire Company, be and the same hereby is referred to the Fire House Committee with power. A resolution from the League of Civic Associations was received and read, recommending an increase in the police force for the unincorporated section. The resolution was ordered received and -placed on file. A communication from i: r. R. H. Page was received and read, requesting permission an behalf of the boy scouts, use of the ';leaver Street Fire House auditoriutt on Friday evenings, November 2nd and 9th. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Fire House Committee with power.. A communication addressed to Captain Edward A. Decker together with a report upon the Town Lock Up was received from the State Prison Commission. The same was ordered received and placed on file. Justice Leeds reported that application had been made — for permission to use a movable gastank on Vine Street, in con- junction with thegarage on said street. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Mr. Louis Goldman to use a portable gas- oline -tank in front of the Station Plaza grage , said permission to be at the pleasure of the Town Board, provided 'however, that a bond in the sum of w5,000.00, be filed, indemnifying the Town of Hamaroneck from any damage or injury resulting to persons or property, by reason of carelessness or negligence upon the part of said applicant. 89 The Clerk presented to the Board a letter from the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District lo. 1 of the Town of iamaroneck, advising the Board that the Commission had opened 'aids for the construction of Contract No. 15 and that the cost of construction of said Contract, including Engineer's fees and other necessary expenses, .,Till be $100 ,000. and requesting the Board to authorize -the issuance and sale of Certificates of Indebtedness frog time to time as payments become due under said Contract in the _ said sum of $100,000. , all of said Certificates to be issued by the Supervisor as provided under the provisions of the Town Law. Counsel advised the Board that he was familiar with the request and had discussed the same with the Board of Sewer Commiss- ioners and that it was in proper form, and that the Board was in a _position to authorize the issuance of said Certificates so that the work under said Contract could proceed. After discussion, upon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, ,,iTEFREAS, the Board of Sewer Commission- ers of Sewer District lio. 1 of the Town of S:iamaron- eck, have estimated and reported to this Board the estimated lost of construction of Contract fo. 15 determined as required by law; and VdZRErS, pursuant to law the Town Board shall cause Certificates of Indebtedness to be issued the same to be a Town charge , the proceeds of which certificates shall be applied in payment of the cost of construction of said partor -portion of such Sevier District as is so request- ed by said Sewer Commissioners: therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered in. accordance with the law, to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town of Iiamaronec'K, the sum of not to exceed 4100,000. and to issue a temporary Certificate or Oertificates of Indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed 5',,100,000 which shall bear interest at a rate of not to exceed six per cent per annum, payable at such time or times as the Supervisor may fix, not exceeding how- ever, eighteen months from the date hereof, and to sell or dispose of said Certificates of Indebtedness for not less than the -oar value thereof; and further RESOLV^D, that said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness shall be in substantially the following form:- UNITED STATES OF ALETRICA STATE OF 17YJ YORxI COUt TY OF ;,TOSTC;PESTE•R TOVJTl•I OF is = L ROIP'CZ - Certificate of Indebtedness Issued Pursuant to Section 237 of the Town Law of the State of bevy York, for Sewer District Yo. 1 of the Town of T_:tamaroneck - Series L, $100,000. The Town of Mamaroneck, in the County of 'usestchester, a Iunicipal Corporation of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer, hereof, or if the same be registered, to the registered holder, on the sum of Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, with interest thereon from date at the rate of per centum per annum, both principal and interest being payable in lawful money of the united L5tates at This Certificate of Indebtedness is one of an issue of 4p100,000. of Certificates of Indebtedness heretofore authorized, being issued pursuant to the provisions of the Town Law constituting Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State of 'New York, Chap- ter 422 of the Laws of 1926 and Chapter 437 of the Laws of 1928 of the State of 1Tew York and in strict compliance with the constitution and statutes of the State of 17ew York and by virtue of a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of ;:amaroneck regularly and lawfully adopted. It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions acts and things required by the Constitution and Status of the State of Few York to exist to have happened and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Certificate of Indebted- ness, exist, have happened and have been performed, and that the issue of Certificates of Indebtedness, of which this is one , to- nether with all other indebtedness of said 'Town of Eama-roneck is within its debt and other limits prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of this State. IIJ -WITEESS `iv"EREOF, the Town of Yamaroneck, through its Town Board, has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be signed by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and this Certificate of Indebtedness to be dated this day of 192 i SUi E.R irI OR Attest: I - TO'MIT CLERK Further RESOLVED, that the Town of TWamaroneck, hereby covenants to pay the principal and interest of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount hereinabove provided, as the same shall become due , by levying assessments on prop- e-,V of Sewer District 1•;o. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck at such time or times and in such amounts as may be necessary therefor. The Town of lamaroneck, further COVEAdi7gTS , in case of a default in carrying out the foregoing coven , the said Town will raise by taxing all taxable property in said Town of Lamaroneck _from time to time the sum or sums sufficient to pay the principal and interesf of said Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness as the same shall become due. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. 1i. I own 7 le7,1-,