HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_10_03 Town Board Minutes 6 5
H7LD Cctobar 3rd, 192&
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
Prnsent :
justices Boyd,
Howell and Leeds
Torn Clerk
Upon motionv duly sEcsmoedy it was voted, to disyense
Tim the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved,
Ths Board took uy for consideration applications for
buildinS permits which had heretofore been laid over.
The following were present at the meetiny ,
Mr nessersDith, representing Hillside Holding Corp.
111r. Ic Andrew, representing Kr. William A. Yalmer
Hr. Schnorr, Wrs. Vitro and Mr. Waite
after reading of the notice as advertised, and after
discussing and ccnsidering the various applications and plans
for building permits before the Board, upon notion, du!7 seconded,
it was unanimously
7�780L',7,D, =R713 , the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck, has duly advertised
-Dursuant to law, a public meeting for the
ourpose of considering certain alplicaticne.
therein stated, made under the Zoning Ordin-
ance of the unincorporated part of the Town
of Mamaroneck, which applications are no,,-.,
,-ending; and
t -,c 5a- 5- To-,-n-I Board having held said
hearing and both parties having been granted.
the privilege of appearing for or against the
graRing of certain applications as yrc7ided
under the said Zoning Ordinance , and after
,us ccnsi den atlan, thernforE , be it
RESOLVID, that the To,un Board of the Town of
Vamar one ck, sitting jointly as a Board of Appeals
and as a Town Bra. d, does hereby grant the
- ollouing applications from the decision of
the Building Commission, which decision is
hereby reversed end does hereby consent to the
granting of the following a2plications subject
Each c asz to the specific conditions and
safeguards thorzin stated.
3® Application To. 1245 of Max Schnorr for the ;'ti:n
of a three car private garage and potting on the
of 7ifth AvEnus , 200 feet west from Tadison Avenue , within a D
residential Aistrict,
A communication of 11r, A. Levine , addressed to Er. Frank
la.gliatdi, was recei7el and yeadq relating to the extension of
option affecting the grolsKy at the scUh west corner of �yrtie,
lvonus ond Vine street,
The communication was Drderw recal7ed and ;laced on fiI
-", cOylo-k-,=IiCetion fro! the 3oard of SaTer Commissioners was
received and read, advising that the Commission has, opend bids for
the Construction of se7:rs under contr� ct 15 , and requesting the
Ksuancc Of certificates of indebtedness in the son of VIOO,COG, CC�
T'.,-,c i 2at ion was ordered received, placed on file
and referred to Counsel.
somm-,.,,naaat ion Men the OestchnstEr joint Tater looks ,
70. 1, nas received and, advising cf the issuance by the
Water District of certificatee of indebtedness in the sum of
Q20 , 000. 00 , for the extension of the local distribution system,
and rEcuesting that funds be made available by the Togn Board
for its proportion of said amount.
. e cc_='.uf i cation 7as ordered received and placed on
co fro� Trs. H. K. l"Perri--n o�as rccei-"-Ce,
and 2Ead requesting yErnissicn on behalf of Troop 1, Girl Scouts
of laroMont , use of the auditorium of the weaver Street Fire
House , on any one afternoon for the coming year
The ccrr',unication was ordered received, placed on file
and referred to the Kos House Cc-mitten with power
The following resolution was pT use nzed by Justicc
B Zd and seconded by ju5ticz Howell-
a tlie Town Boar! and Town Superintendent
of h r. of the Town if a-yr"i-c-d
LC the Board of Supervisors of Westchester CounQ-,-
Pco authorization to bond the Town of Unwaronec -,
in the aggregate jrincipal sum of J00,000, 0C,
for the Yurpoas of paying the cost of paving and/
or draining and/or otherwise improving the
following named highpays.
(a ) 7771=7 ROAD from its intersection 7ith
Cornell Street scuih to the Village if
HamaronEch line ;
(b) 00a7ST _,ire U1 from thF City of Yew Rochelle
line easterly to its intersection 4ith
!naval Street!
( c ) C-L7.17:1-1 1-1,C-20 from its intersection with
Rockingsto--no scuthE asst Erly to its
intersection with Kurrc,7 Avenue ,
Q Y72r Ron--
K ) r1aw ROID;
all of said highways lying within the boundary of
said Town, for the cost of which improvement said
Town of hamaroneck is liable to tanation in whole
or in part; and
said Tcnr Board apd Tonn Superintenlant
of MZMays did resunst the said Board of Super-
visors to designate, direct and provide :hat part
or jortion of vush Your __all be liallE to taxation
for the purpose of jayi_-S suchecri of �-_,oney oro-
posed to be boricned, t2,inthsr with the interest
nneh vay accrue the n; a=
_a_ P 1
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"'.__S the ovnsy in his _..__
to El uovneo _.:_ SiEnat= of t__e Clayt of the TO= o---
_ _ U= c ..
__ c_ ._ - - e . Tort, or _ _.
aEsizvnEnt of the r. _ .:er7d nn _ r on his attoynEy, fuly _. ._.,
or proven , such _ u__ n_ ano tvans0i 7n to _ _ .. on .,__c
to be _._v e hereon. 3o2h transfer . &y in Lo be2rFT, ._ Ich this
—_ shall _ .,. b to ., e_i.t YclictTavicno End tyansfive
coupons nfors . The _ _will
unless _s bond alai! to converted into _ full,-
f,Z!st=: d bond by the surrender and cancellation of the co
surrander and cancQla7ion shall _ oohs aW
U-jon this o_ _o 2Ks An3ijal of Ai , if erec ___ _ s
_ � vll_ to tA uniistersd owner or his IsZal E !UCC2M-
One assiwnsm
Date of Registry; C7 S -L7 0],
R _ 7 _.emu-G n -1 -
Won the 4rivtEn reounst of owner h, n
for its conversion io-Q 0 fullY rZWKSIPA bond, 1 have this da�,
in tie our off and destroyed C u ons in this bond m uni s
- _
:_^_ bond t _a_ and�l J,_
as wyo-Thf-CO by the coupons as Tell as the Or i s -,a i
M _M1 Vill 1.._E2 __ be .._d to
OT assigns , _
'va:12slit ojecified therein, or., at the rejusat of _
onnar, the interest pill be 0znjtt,d j, ,il e
This bond hErEwfnz
o �
will be transf2rable an On books of tic Clew---
of __ " .__ .v.. !)_a= a a "ChE S Wr ,OUn ei ! __
r _ _ - -: O G,,_
only (� L C L. �.1 the - I
,. -_ _ U e i.-� l "
A t a C.
That there
shall be raissd a0inzt
in sail Town
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of -
1-anaron, C2, I jc
Cr. the
- i r r
n rit
the r__ !
�.s y c
- . -
_ _
. _O
the _e shall
6. Said bonds shall be soW ugon s5aled yroortsals upcic
noilse vublishel at least fivE ,ye bafo�e the date of su,h ,> ,
at least once in the Earchmont Times , in the Daily Ti=ns and in
the Wilding; L Realty T27s , three newslaosrs published in the
Count! of in which said bonla are to he soW, and in
the Bond Wel, a financial nevsDaDEr published in the City of 7a,
7� Sail notice of sale shall be substaotisily in the fallen--
in; fovy,c
-AWC UZ ba�
TIC 2 1 5-7- 1 J -11-7`-T7 a hat the Town Maid of the Tcwn
of receive seclsd XclOsYls at the office of the
Town Cl=?, 1%, A Ely qtyEet , in th; Village of vamaronsc2, F,-:
York, it 2 o ' clock p, 11 , " CCtOICT' 1M, 1926, for the purchase
Of the following bOME of saiL- Tcn,-ni2� �iit ,
030, 000. 00 Hizvoa: ingrc-vament Bonds - 1328 of thO
T.vn of lanaro.ock in denominations Of j1 ,000. 0c each ='anbcre I to
2001 raclus" , dated October lot , 108, hearing interest at the
Tate of IN oar annum Ja:abls sEvi.annually on the first day, Of
Agri! and October of each year and aatrrinZ in equal annual irstall-
�ents Of VION00. 00 each, the first inSWilMent to be We and Day-
able On October 1, 1929 and annually thereafter until 1ptS.
Both DrHolyal and MuErest will he jazabis in goll coin
of tan United States of aze----ca , cf c, t, the Iresent standard
Cf weight and finsness, at the Trust Company of larchmort , Larchmait,
Key York , is Few York enchangs , or at the Nuke= Trust Company,
rem York City, Yew York,
Said bonds to b uDon on and zay be 01077ePted into
zzlisisred bonds in accordance with tne provisions of the General
Lunicipal Lsw�
�11 bids must be accomanied by a certified meck in the
amount of 110 ,000. 00, drayr. upon a YationEl or State B or Trust
Cori ank
pany authorized to do business in the State of Zew York, payable
to the Order Of the 20un of lavaloneck, The checks of the "nsucce,s-
ful bidders will be returned upon the awarding of the bonds. To
interest will be allowed upon the amount of the check of the success-
ful bidder and such check oil! be retained to be applied in part vay-
ment 6f the b"I Or to Mehra the 2GAn against any loss resuitin,,.-
fro� the failure of the bidVer to comply with the te-ms of the bid.
The bid �hich offers to nurchEse said b3nds and lay the
ill he a3csited"
Qinicl of KwasTs , Clay, Dillon
Ettorneys of 120 Broadway, p:w �,,v City, as to the legality of the
issuance and sale of said honis vill be furnished to the succcssfu!
bits The Tonn hoard reservos the light to reject Wny and al,-
Date? October 0, P021'
By order of the Tonn Boand
The qu0stion of the adoption Of the foregoing rEsoluticns,
ORE put to a vote with the following rnjnits ,�
.jest -3
7CFS ? ncna
taten authorizing the issuance o f one or more ce rtific ,to 2 of
inaebtsdness for the aggregate amount not enc6cling 1200 ,0%. WO
in or
_ _ that the Town nay be ylacV in_ ac sufficient L_ _ e L! which
to meet the anZineee- ' s certificates foy labor and matGrldl furnished
and -Droviled open the streets _c. drainaZe system which are no-,.
of said honis as soon as such Jrccests are received.
AzIeunon justice _old off= __ for c_ - t_. the oll:. nZ
C.4_""W% - 17572 Beard of the own OI
Varationech, . e5 Es _ _ County, Teo York,
the .., sivisor be and he hereby is authorized _.._,,..
the Town of lawarO�ECI the SUM of 200; . . .00 for
which ,". UM he shall isti e in the naps and under
the e [_ _1 said Town one or oon temporary cent
i__c._ tas of ind2btsdmess not d e 'Ever:
in the aggregate toile said of QC0 ,000. 00 for
not Mss than the oar ,_lt.e therEof, to
beer int-
erest az a rats __ce ti 51 7ir Lnnum and to
mature at such tiyc as the Sugervisor 2ay deter-
mine. Said certificates shall be Dail with he
,mount,nt realized on the :are of ligovay bonds
' c ' _ re wuzhorizEd zj resolution ac , ,t n at a
Aeeting of t :_ Eoend hold on October , 1 �F
and it is further
RESOLVED, that LP_e S )er^iso and Toon Mal be
and they hereby are authorize? and emoverV to
siSn ...'_d ...__ cute such t - iar as __ be = ce- .�f,--_
C Drooer to Effect the sale of said certificates.
7h: question of the ado�ticn of the foregoing resAutions
s to a ode with the follovinE result ;
AYE to o
3f0Es1 nons
Vilo is resolution _e greseniel __` , -_v
that Yo. /- Cie tancrth A. snuc
T. , In and 11-. - is desig-
natea as the _Dolling plabe in the 2lace of
it y
and that Pennallj 's lara,± , h side of
BostDn Met Road, unincorporated
t = the
of MnCTOnsch hE desiEnatsf. the
nolling place for election district To. 1C
the place of l Rnstauran0
The Clirh offered for adoption the following resolution -
the To7n Cisrk be and he hereby
is authorized and VrEct.,_ to ._ i _'__ _- s ..
. _' .,_ an& c__ .. _._ ._ct,__c at the tiAes and in
the znnc _led !I SEctfcn 5 of the election
TEO in the Daily Times and in the Larchoont
Mows , vhich are _„_e^t dasilratel for that Du Jose.
UDon sotion, the meeting adjourned at 100C P. W.