HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_09_05 Town Board Minutes Tl he _n e_e t ii-2� ',,,ate ca 1 t o o ni e-_r by E r-v so 3L'_
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a t 3 0 p
Pre E, n Su'u e 4 _,0 r U +,In
TD.Bt.10Es 30yd Coll ins Hoore 11, anal T.e C_s
c,uDi S e o r -amble
Su.-�Der-v i E-j-1 -Surto,- st:otErd b'hat ',lad becn call-(,i..
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-.FCciv-a and. file6 'DY Il-'-e Board bee-n si�ned, znr� ,;ncrs cf
al f)y op e r ty vr i th i-n t-h-- area of Lh,- sa,i d D-i s t-, t 0 b e, e i�ve a
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-�Dr_Lor 'o 30�--.n 'a`inq, action uoor saidi.
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aN 619
AftEr discussion, it vas, upon motion, dull seconded,
and carried:
RISOLVID, that tie hearing be clseK
Upon motion, duly secondeL, it was
=SCL'�=� this Board hevtoforE
received a petition signed and ac 'nowlsdgcd
an required by law recuEstinS the establish-
ment of a new and/or separate sener district
for that portion of the Town of Uamarone&:
hroun as Dillon Park, comprising a part of
Fire District Tio® 2 of the Town of Lamaroneck,
and thereafter held a public meeting in an,
endeavor to ascertain the desire of the
taxpayers residing in said proposed district
as to the establishment of said sewer district; and
t.-_ereafter the Town Board did advertise
and hold a public meeting as required by law
in connection with the establishment of said
sever district ; and
�,qF7=3� the Town Board thereafter FIODted res-
Olutions jursuanz to law establishing a sewer
district in a
the foresaid Dillon Pa. k section
of the of T.-,af�aaronecIg knoon and designated
as Sswer District To. 2 of the Town of Famaroneck
by resolution adopted at a meeting of the Town
Board duly called and held On SEPtEmber 16011
1925; and
=_,,,3 , no action was thereafter taken by the
Town Board, no mere any Commissioners ampointed,
ty this Board, nor has any action or proceeding
been taken since that date ; and
since such times conditions in said
Proposed sewer district have changed, and it
appears unwise tc establish a separate sewer
district for said section of the Town of
Hanaroneck; and it appears that it would be
more economical and for the best interests of
the Proposed district in the Town of Eamaroneck
that said proposed district be made a art of
the present Sewer District jo, 1 of the Town of
Eamatoneck; and
17TR7AS, petitions in proper form pursuant to
law have been duly filed with this Board re-
Guesting that the district now known as Sewer
f'sts''ct TO- 2 and specifically described in
said petition be annexed to and made a part of
Sewer District YO. 1 of the Town of 11maronech,
therefore be it ,
WSOLVID, that the resolution heretofore adopted
by this Board on SeptenTroer l6th, 1125p constituting
and establishing Sewer District yo. 2 of the Tow
of "aL,2ronech, be rescinded and revoked, and all
action taken by this Board prior to , or subsequent
to the establishment of said District be declared
null and void and of no effect.
FR911''Othf, Of Lr- justice Boydq seconded by Vr, justice
ns ; 11 was unanimously
RESOLUD, WHEREAS , a petition signed and
acknowledged by owners of real property in
a proposed extension to the present Sewer
District To. 1 of the Town of _Mamaroneck,
representing more than of of the owners
and more than one half in value of the tax-
able real property therein, as apaears by the
last Drecedii-,g --c-'n.hieted assessment roll, as
is provided by Sections 23G and 230-A of the
Tovn Law of the to of ley York, has been
duly filed with this Board, which said petition
describes the proposed extension to Sewer
District Yo. 1 and states the maximum amount
proposed to be expended in the construction
of said proposed Extension to the aforesaid
Sewer System; that opposite the name of each
petitioner appears the assessed valuation of
the real property owned by him or her in
such propused entension to the said Sewer District ,
according to the last preceding assessment roll; and
dJU,7=,LS, there is annexed to and presented with
and Dade a Dart of said petition, a map and plan,
of the proposed extension to the said Sewer District
To. 1, and said Sewer System, with specifications
of dinensione and connections and outlet to the
Sewerage Disposal dorks and Outfall Sewer, which has
been prepared by a competent engineer; and
,dHJL 7R7.LS , said petitioners ask the Town Board to
make an order establishing the Sewer District
described in said Petition and statinZ the amount
proposed to be expended in the construction of said
Sewer Systems; and
WHEREAS, in said petition aslinE for the establishing
OT_ a sewer system the petitioners likewise pray as
provided under Section 239-A that the entire protimn
of the system in said proposed extension designed
ultira-atelY, to serve the entire Proposed extension
to said Sewer District yo� 1 shall be constTucted,
in the first instance , and have described the said
portion or Portions in their Petition and indicated
the cane on the said man and plan annexed to said
petition and have specified the maximum amount
proposed to be expended in the construction of said
Portion or portions of the said system, and said
Petitioners further ask that the Town Board may in-
clude in its order establishing the said Sever
District a direction that the Sewer Comniesicners,
shall construct the Entire portion of the said
system in the said proposed extension designated
in the said Petition until extensions thereto
shall be authorized as Provided by law; and
the Town Board is satisfied, that the peti-
tioners are owners of real property in the proposed
extension and represent more than a majority of the
PloPerty owners in said proposed extension and oun
more titan one-half in value of the taxable real
property therein, and is also satisfied that the real
Property constituted within the proposed extension
is or will be of sufficient value to pay for the
cost of the construction of the Sever System in
said proposed District or entension, according to
the estimated cost thereof as set forth in the
Petition, and is also satisfied that no real property
which will not be substantially benefited by the
proposed Sewer MOM is Included in the proposed
extension to the District and that all provisions
of the law relating to the establis_,uacnt of the
proposed extension to Sewer District Eon 1 have
been complied with;
a=P S. ti-_e `iowr_ Board has determined_ that
all the property, propert., os nErs and inter-
e_-ter: persons ,.; thin the Ero-;osed extension
t_,-_e District are J� :E f�l fled'! by said e_;.tEn®
,ion and the canstructioi; of a SeTTer System
therein, and that all pro]:jeity,, Or "p�r'operty
f3nn7erS 'oenEfitte0. are included thercin, end
thla:'u no_.pi°o"pErty 'Jro-oerty 0?driers or any ijil—cr-
__- esed persons not ^ :_clu.ded ?.n the proposedz ex-
ter_sion grill be b• =-_fitted thereby"; and
d,Ii._•RS3S, said -proposed extension is described
in said petition as follows ,
DI au at a iooint on the southeastcrl - side of the
Eoston .Post Road; ':Ube rE the Sale Boston most Road intersected
'b-T the Y'J e Stc_ly OOUnda r;;% 1i_e Of the tO-�r'n o II—L:L: na.ronecf. G:'hich
b o l<fiL''_.a.r 11ne 1S ..he Easterly boundary 1 ne of the City of Yew
Rochelle , running t 'Encc in a. northerly recdOn cressing the
Said LiO;^;ton hi.ost Road. &..nd aion-- the aforesaid boundary line bs-
tTSeEn th'e C 4y o" i ew Rochelle and the To7n Of lia-mar Onec , to a
-Joint dl_Sta.nt therEfro111 20350 feet , Z:lore Or less (at l4''h' ch oo`n-
sa_d ol,,osed e=e .sion to 3e7.-,'o_o aistr ict 1o. 1 of the To li of
y= nar�neck joins t1 he j_= sEn- southerly bcuncary line of Serer
D _Ll'1c F o. 1 as _-c GC-3,ii u, ed.�y the no.!L ee a.stE rl;`,v' alOno
the aforesaid soutne _ boundary line of Sewer District 170. 1 and
alon` the nor the"riv bou:ndary line of t1^E _right-of-way of the °cu
VOT1f, _...,,' -raven ar d Railroad Coy--,Da.nJ ; 425 feEt to tine point
Of intersection of t;ne east, _Iv bG:?ndary 1--ine of the TC':"n Of
1_.Emar'Cf!ecI,I at said. Joint lath the reSterly boundary line of the
till_&gE OI arCLi.e;_JnL , R'_.._E1 1I„Lnt is 250(, feet , sll0_r, Or 1ESS ,
norti.cri, fro.n he noruherl., side of the Boston Post Road (a. :
'hi U 1fit said -:irOpOSEC. 0i_t C-'tlsi0i L.G c`PEr Dist i 1 •C-. 1 Cbf the
i0'tin of y_ : _ Gi'EC:i ieavcs IT1e a`o-esa? d S011ticr"i bs}oundary line Of
"a 2
,c;TEr _s '-_ict 1`"o. 1 as no v, constituted) z Lnence -southerly from
Sala -_-,oiln"l. a1,_ alon- Line Said Easie r'l� OOunoary' line of t'
_ J
.. am onEr< ;,hiC= 9a 7.C7_ bCU:nd.ary line also t�'].� tuESCEt'ly
'.':oun: aljr line o the 'Till_:a`e Of Lai°chmoint, 2500 _feet$ ilicre or le SSg
t.0 the �� "d.�.G.^1,y side of the ostor Post `Road aforesaid, henc-e
.ol't'fieasterly and: aicn_,: the nor Side of the Boston. _?oSt
-Road, 405 feet, irpre Gr less , to the COr:^.Er for cdi by the inter-
Section Of the said Side of the ` os ton Post ROad
and th1 , ;'Te Stony side of .!'cho Road, as laid out thence southeaster-
Iy, easterly and northeasterly alcng tine boundary line bet-iP een the
V_l iagE Of �c, Ci1L701 L di7d tl'1E 1'OVVn Of '.1onC Cl ,a b'1n1C'[1 kioUn�lary 11'lE
LS ad_JacenL !.0 ..i gcizrally southerly vide of Dean 11a c y. GOO fce4
.102e, Or less, to a 301;11.1 on the boundary nine oc-tU:'een the '7i 11cile �I
of of L°_.a^..mar Cnec ' thence southeasl-E_ly c.IonZ- '
the boi n.("c._)r u inc be btdeen the lTll `?ge Gf isarC PiIlG"f,t c:ind the To of
!a1P.arOIiEC1r; 1633 _lee C , oe Or 1E Ss; to a point c L h e sa.i.d boundary
lik'le "LE=ce: Si:.'fniliEat 4 fe-_t a1Oa._.; t'nE life 3nd1C°o.iteQ on the
annexed iiap entitled 'l—Proposed 7xtEY.sion of Sel"?er District !op 1.
in the ''o-.7n of 1'.amiaroneck, ,'fEstc ester ho linty 2 2T_I. _o- 5 ¢dated October
G ' SEd 1:f l�'2U. A. J. RGGLc Pad S II . , ' „ .12rev a
sOuth'P—_Ster1Y 950 fEEi; to a point for--miiEd bTT tine intersection of the
S ou LhErli bo tn.aar;y 11 i"ne of he of i_a..marcncci;.y which _aic1
oun ca • line is a l so the n�orthe '1y boy c,-ozy 11nE of the City of
Fe-w Rochelle , end indica led c. „Le annexed nap entitled
' r'o_ao sed ?±'xtErs on of Seuaer District 10. 1 of the Town of ?arnaron-
ech, ?estchestEI CoJmty, lr. 7 . , dated October, 19%7 , revised
21, 1928, J. Foote , C. 7. and '3" ; which pG-nt is 1100 feet south-
ca S'•:.e rl of tine point con the sou'�heasterly side of the 3Oston Post
Road, the "Oo _nt or place Of beginning; thence 'P.0'l t'IIVfEStE r1;jT and
along the aforesaid southerly boundary !*the Of the 'i own Of I.-:aiLa=,,ci7-
EclL a.nG_ "11e nor the rly boundary line Of the Cit"�i of "_..;.E V" RO Cii•e 1l_c ;
0.1SLanccc of 100 feet to the point Or place oI lily.is®.
.L of which _ororose Ex tE fiSiOn to SELer District 1'o® 1
is 11.032E S_pEC_flCall,j S1_07.7k and set fGrt.'n on a Certain Pia1C entitle"vl
T±,oposed 7:tcnsion of Sewer District, o. 1, in the To-wn o yaa.ron-
ec="y ', estchcstEe Co. , '. Y® q dated OCtObEry 192"/ , rETIiSEG'. larch
7 1
u_g C;%cf, ._m J . l'OGtc , g.:. �!_'. and 5��.
Therefore be it
R :SCLVED, that the aforesaid -_petition be
approved by this Board; and be it further
R, S0!',7D, that the aforesaid described
propErty and proposed extension be end the
s_.me hereby is establi hed; anne<_ed to , and
made a 'oar's of said dewier District loom 1 of
the To-,;fn Of i'lamaronec];., and be it further
RT',SOL'.n'D, that the rresent Sewer District
_10,. I Of the o,8,n Of Ia:C�arOneck as now con-
- Stitut-ed, together `with the extension thereof
as herein Established, continue to be 1:no,:?n
and designated as "Server, District 1':o® 1 of
the Towzn of _',.'iamarcreck" and that she said
Di--riot :dem 1 and 1,i1E extension thereto as
herein authorized and he:,----by established,
i. e.. , the original Di t_•ict l'o. I and the
extensions thereto , be hereafter bounded and
described as follows -
BP� Ili 'G at a point on the westerly side of Chatsworth
`:venue , 110 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side
Of l[yrtio ,venue and the TestErly side of Chatsworth ,-Venue at
V'Ihi ch the 1nt�rSECtiOn Of the bOUnido ly' lfihES Of the 'Tilla 11E Of
Larchz-1 ont and the TOorn Of' Lamaron.eck converge runn-L g thence
sCUvlerly and all ong Said „resterlJ�side of Chatsworth ;'Venue .fch
is also c--- boundary line of said Ti11aee of Larcln.ont and 10ti�Jn
of .ama.roneck, 125 feet to the northerly boundary line of the
Village of Larchmont, running thence 7:-,Testerly along the northerly
boundary line of the Village of Larc-1- mt . 1;9717 feet tc the point
of intersection of the eastsrl.,y boundary line of the io-:In of
�=amaroneck at said. point :'with the -ueste-rly boundary line of the
Village of Larchmont ; which point is 2 , 500 feet .,:ore or less ,
northerly from the northerly side of the Boston host Road (a 'U ,rahich
point said proposed extension to Se-,,,-erDistric t 1'oa 1 of the Tovrn cf
Hamp-roneck joins the a-foresaid. southerly boundary, linie of :'SEiser'
District 1;Oa 1 as n01'.' coristitutd) y thence SoutnerlP fr07Il Said,.
GOint- and along -he Said easterly boundary liiie Of 'he Town of
at:aar0'f_EOk, GO the _Ies t_rl bou n(9ary Iiine of the Village Of La"rch-
mcnt, which said boundary line lag also thE;festerly boundary line
of the Village of 2500 feet, more or IESS , to the nort'_n- j
Erly side of the Dostdn lost Road aforesaid , thence northeasterly
and along the- northwesterly side of 3=e Boston :Post Road 488 feet,
more or -Less , to the corner foricca by the intersection of the said
nerthwea+?rl;? side Of the Boston .lost toad and the t" sterlT side Of
Scho Road, as laid Gut , thence soli_ti`-easterly easterly and orth-
easterly along "the boundary line be tr'reen the 7i1!age of Larch:IOIIL
and the Town of LCamaroneckg irrhich boundary line is adjacent to the
generally southerly side of Dean "Place , 900 feet, more or less, to
3. point on the boundary line betVecr. the 'Tillage of Larclmiont and the
: o e l �lon the boundary .To an 01 _ _ yg
between the `'Tiila.: 'c of Larchrnon—' and the Tov;Tn of Mamaroneck; 10
feet , moi°e or less , to a, point on -ihe saivoounda-ry lines thence
runminZ west 450 feet along 'he line indicated on the arnEl ed ma,p
_ entitled-11PrOJosed 7—tens—ion Of ;. c—wer District Yo. 1 in he Town Of
8maronecic, jestchester Co. , fir. , dated October, 1927 , revised
larch 21, 1922 , J. Foote , Co Ee and S. 11 ; thence southwesterly
--._ 9500 feet to a point formed by the intersection of 'he southerly
bdunidary line o.P the 'To-,rn of is%a"P.laroneck, F•Thich Said boundary line
iz also the northerly" boundary= line of the City_, of -f7—a '_ ochelie , and
the line indicated. on the anne<.cd- -,a.p entitled-"Proposed Extension
of :31errer District 170. 1 in the To,n,,,n of Hama.roreck, =:estchester Cos ,
1m .r® , dated. October, 1027, revised larch 21, 1928 , J ® _ oote ,
C. 2. and S. which _point is 1100 feet southEaste rly to the Uoln. I
or the southeasterly side of the Boston lost Road. thence niorth-
ti,esterly and along the aforesaid southerly boundary line of the
Town of l..iamaroneck and the northerly boundary line of the City of
Rochelle , a distance 1 1100 feet ; thence northerly along said.
boundary lime between the ''own of Ie`ama-roneck and the City of Tdei
Rochelle , 0,660 feet to a, -_Joint 325 feet '70rth of the northerl-, side
of -`7or'est Lvvenue at rhic ', -oolnt Forest venue intersects the afore-
said boundary line , thence easterly 25 feet and nearly parallel
with said Forest ._venue , thence northeasterly 225 feet to a point
200 feet ea,stFrly of Iinollv:ood T)sive , thence easterly 350 feet
— to a point %which is 150 feet northerly of the northerly side of
Vine -woad, thence northerly, 1504 feet to a point 100 feet north-
s f the northerly side of lard Lane , at a point 250 feet west-
erly of the vrestsrly side of `'iPsaver Street, thence easterly and
-parallel with the northerly side of said Lane and across Weaver
Street at right angles thereto and thence 125 feet easterly thereof,
thence southerly and along the easte"rlyj side of d'ieaver Street as
it vainds and turns and 150 feet easterly thereof to a point approx-
imately 300 feet northerly of the northerly side oI Collins i'-.venue ,
thence northeastcrrly and parallel crith t:_e northerly side of Collins
,'_venue , 600 feet , thence southeasterly to the northerly side of
Collins 3-venue and approximately at right angles thereto , thence
across Collins -';venue to the corner formed by the intersection of
the southerly side of Collins : venue and the z;,esterly side of
Camil Drive , thence along the southerly side of Collins .venue
50 feet, thence easterly and ,southeast:rl_y s.i,d aloe ' t':ie easterly
l7vUnida.'y lines of Lots ''Tos.. „G LO 17 "inc lUSiT2 , in 310ck 2-7, i
Section 2, thence westerly along the division line bet-aeen Lots
fos. 1d and 17 in said block to the easterl„ side of -Highland Road,
thence across Hi'ghla'nd Road, thence southerly and alo: the ,�iesterly
side of Highland Road and in front of Lots ITos. 2!-20 , inclusive .
in Block 9 '- setion C, thence souiiwesterly along the division line
between lots I`cs. 26-27 in said block 9 Section C, 144 feet to
Lot _'0. 20, in said Block, thence along the rear boundary line of
Lot Ho., 23 to Lot -To. 10 in Block_ 9C, SecHon 2 , at tr:,ich point
t _ a
�L�c said p"r000s�o- (tension rejoins the -present nortnerly boundary
line of Seaaer District 1",'o. l of thE Sown of L7a'naroneck as now
established., to a point 150 feet northerly from the easterly side
(northe_i_y at this _ocint) of Rockland _avenue ; thence easterly and
parallel with F,ockland Avenue and 150 feet northerly therefrom,
125 feet, thence southeasterly to the westerly side of Rockland
:':ve:nuz intersecting the sane at a point 125 feet easterly (tool the
corner formed by the intersection of the easterly ,side of illorest
:venue with the westerly side of Roc'-land. _;venue ; thence south-
=asterly and along the easterly side of boundary of the devebp_nents
or sections known as 'Colonial mark` and Larchrnont '�'ardens" .
respectively as shown on the rEspcctive recorded r;a,os of said Ssetim
1 400 feet, to the northerly side of Tittle ?arms Road, 'avnlch point
is 150 feet easterly from 'he corner formed by the intersection of
he northerly side of Little Sbrms Road and the easterly side of
de,rood _'lace ; thence _asterly 200 feet along the port'_ erly side
ofyf:ittle Pa.rms Road if time same were prolonged. thence southeaster�V
and at right angles to said line just described, to the nort'_-rly
side of St0n; Side Drive thence sdutlea.sterly'-200":feet_:crossing
Stony_Side: Drive -and -at'lright angles .to the -northerly side thereof;
thence sovthc"rly 200 "eet, thence southeasterly and to the westerly
s de of G a S �o.ie Read ini,rrsec-6ing the sainE at a yolnt 1215 feet
no"rvherl y fro=m th,- corner formed by the irate i la
inter or tn- �rester�
side of -ray Stone Road and the northerly side of Garden 'Road;
thenoe southeasterly 350 feet , crossin the easturrly side of :ray
Stone Road and the northerly side of Garden Road, intersecting the
s a,id scree '..s at 'oints. 54 feet northerly and 25 .Lee' easterly ,
respectively, froiz the corner fo aed by the intersection of the east®
n hcsideso=rl" a.ndt�tcrig, angles the toaLtncll cside
jus , Of Gar6en
described. J100
feet • thence southeasterly 300 feet crossing Tocky Road Drive at a
right angle to the northerly side thereof; thence sontherlyp and
approximately parallel with Rocky Road Drive , 225 feet; thence east-
erly and crossing Torth amok Road and South 3rook Road, at right
angles thereto , to the southerly side of South Brook Road, at right
angles thereto, to the southerly side of South Brook Road, inter-
secting the latter at a point 25 feet northerly from the inter-
section of the westerly end of South 3rool Road and the easterly end
of MIS Side Drive ; thence 250 feet Easterly to the boundary line
of the Town of namaroneck which is also the easterly boundary line
of the Village of Kamaroneck, intersecting the same at a point 125
feet northerly from the intersection of the said boundary lines
with the northerly side of Harmon Drive , thence southerly and along
the aforesaid boundary line of the Town of Vemaroneck 2nd the easter-
ly boundary line of the Village of Hamaroneckg crossing the right-
of-way of the raw York, Hew Haven L Hartford Railroad and Palmer
Avenue , to a point on the aforesaid boundary lines 175 feet,
southerly from where it crosses the southerly side of Palmer Avenue ,
thence southerly and along the aforesaid boundary line of the Town
of Yamaron2ck and the Village of hamaroneck to a point approximately
100 feet southerly from the southerly side of the Boston Post Road;
thence westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the said
Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly therefrom 1050 feet to a
point 100 feet easterly from the easterly aide of the Hommocks-
roadway, thence southeasterly and Parallel with said Hommocks road-
way and 100 feet easterly therefrom S25 feet, thence southwesterly
and across said Hommocks roadway at right angles to the westerly
side thereof and 100 feet beyond, thence northoasterly and again
parallel wit! the said Hammocks roadvay, and 100 feet westerly
therefrom to a point 100 feet southerly from the southerly side of
said Boston Post Road, tience westerly and a gain -parallel with the
souerly side of the Roston Post Road and 100 feet southerly
therefrom 550 feet; thence cOntinuint: westarly and parallel with the
southerly side of the Boston Post Road and 100 feet southerly there-
____ from 300 feet to the Point of intersection of the said boundary
line of the Town of H�&iaaroneck with the easterly boundary line of
the Village of Larchmont said point being about 100 feet southerly
from the south side of the Boston Post Road, thence northerly and
along said easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchmont and
across the right-Of- ;ay of the Yew York, Yew Hayen and Hartford
Railroad, to the junction of said easterly boundary line of said
Village of Larchmont with the northerly boundary line of said
Village , then westerly, northerly and westerly and along said
northern boundary line of the said Village . of Larchmont , to the
point or place of beginning; and M of which said proposed sewer
District and the extensions thereto is more specifically shown and
set forth on four certain maps entitled, "Town of Yamaronecip West-
cheater COuntwi Yew York, a General Plan Of Pronosed Sewers if,
Certain Districts the Outlet-from which is through District
Larchmont , by L. 7. Win 7tten, C. _® , Yebruary 7th, 1SI6- ; "Town of
lamaronEck, destchsster County, No Y. p A General Plan of Proposed
Sewers in District To. is Section C, by L. 7. Van 7tten, Civil
7%ineEz, December 12th, 1921" ; "Town of lamaronech, A General Plan
Of Proposed Section D, Sewer District TAO.. 1, L� 7. Van Etten, Civil
Engineer; December, 1922" ; 9nd "Sewer District To. 1 of the Town of
Y'a_inaror,ec'I:, Kestchester QUM , Z. Y, , ?!an showing Proposed Extensial
to be hno;Tn as Action 7, April, 1927, l,, 7.Q "UT@,n F.tt__
en, Civil
Engineer" ; "Proposed Entension of Sewer District Yo®. I in the Town of
Tamaroneck, jestchnster County, Yew York, dated October, 1927 ,
revised harch 2105 19281 A. & Mote , Civil Engineer and S. H.
That the aforesaid Proposed 7xtension to said Sewer District ro.
1, of the Town of Hamaroneck, JOAS and abuts upon Sewer District yo.
1, Of the Town of lamanonech, as now established along a part of the
southerly boundary line thereof, further
4 5
FTC Irri' that the Sewer Com-iiissioners of
Selver District --,'a. 1 are hereby directed and
c-1,-j:joowsre d to construct, attain by �)urch a s-e
r�v se in 'he first
or 0-11_111� - I � irsuance
the entire portion of the said securer system
in said propose.'_ extension dcs-' ,;;ne,'Ed ult-J-12-
atC--Iy to serve tie entiie --,ro�Cosed e-�tension
-0 'De-;Te-- District '-o. 1, as described he.-Cam
a ad as designated in the said "petition at a
cost of rot to exceed 1X171,065.00 , Luatil , -_--n-
tensions thereto shall be authorized a-
era by la-,- and it is furt'
RL71 So L-T-71)
that for all 0=-Doses of ta1:atiom
and assessments rlesol-at---Ion and the
Certificate herein authorized to be filed
shall taste effect fir led.iatEly3 and be it
1.-SOLIT.TD, that the afo--Esaid ez-zbension to
Se-%7er District 1,-o® 1 herein authorized and
established shall T-Is,Ca -'-C,, for all ,u---coses
I je --ocgardcd asa -,Dart of the origi-na" 5;; ste;;l,
ne---ctofor,= established, and sI-ali be constructed.
and --:iai7-ta-ined by the C=r-iEsion--2-z of
Se,,ver District !;C. 1 of the of
H,72r,,iaroneck, and the cost of construction thereof
shall be Drovidcd for by t*
a-, issluance an�!. sale
Of E-ond..s in the sa-,,.;ie 1.-,,anqe2 as is Drovidcd
in the Toivn. Law and by Chapter 422 of t-,,. 7,ayrS
of by Chapter of the laws of 101--26 , by
hapte- of the la,,. s ol !928, of the state
of -YeW ( or so much thereof as is ajD�piic-
abic ') for the -oavinent of cost of the OrJ.-g
-inal systeir, w-nich said bonds shall be a Tov:-n
and the and in+erest thereof
Loge v-f 4- uh th- cost of inain erance of such
—1: -7i t
o2 extension-s , shalllLF collects, f r omi
the real Droperty n.Y 4 thin ti-p said District by
6 aforesaid 31'ewc-r Commissioners in the s--nie
.,-aann(, r as tnough ',,he said e-;�:tallsio-ls 01- e-,-�Uension
had formed a "past of the original system, cor-
struc ',Fd in said SE 7E :District -706 1.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 0,30 F.