HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997_06_04 Town Board Regular Minutes TOWN BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING-Wednesday, June 4, 1997- Town Center Court Room- 8:15 PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 7:30 PM into a Work Session to discuss the status of the Revised Solid Waste Law and adjourn into an Executive Session to discuss personnel. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING CONVENE WORK SESSION RECESS WORK SESSION CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION RECESS EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ATTENTION-Location of Exits RECOGNITION-Evan Friedman . PUBLIC HEARING- Amendment to the Town Ethics Law BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Business PRESENTATION-Russian Student Exchange Ecobridge Program AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - 2. Set Public Hearings -Zoning Ordinance Amendment-Retail Food Establishments -Parking Ordinance-PGA Tournament 3. Authorization - Snow Removal Agreement- County of Westchester 4. Authorization - Grant Contract -NY State Health Department 5. Authorization-Building Use Agreement -Larchmont Avenue Church 6. Authorization- Transfer of Court Funds 7. Salary Authorizations-Highway Department -Recreation Department ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Next regularly scheduled meetings - June 18, 1997 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS HELD ON JUNE 4, 1997 AT 8:15 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, 10543 PRESENT: Councilman Paul A. Ryan Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilman Barry Weprin Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Supervisor Price was absent from this meeting because of illness. ALSO PRESENT: Patricia DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Charlene Indelicato, Town Attorney CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board convened into an Executive Session at 7:30 PM in Conference Room A of the Town Center to discuss personnel matters and then convened a work session to discuss the status of the solid waste law. CALL TO ORDER The Regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Acting Supervisor Ryan at 8:30 PM, who pointed out the location of exits. PRESENTATION—Russian Student Exchange Ecobridge Program Coco Jervis and Dan McGuire were attending the meeting and read the following: Dear Community members, We are writing this letter at the suggestion of Mrs. Konon, our Mamaroneck high School Russian teacher, who indicated that concerned environmentalists and the Larchmont/Mamaroneck Community will support us. As you may remember a group of Russian students visited Larchmont in November 1996 to present ecological findings on their watershed They lived for three weeks with families here in our community. Daniel McGuire and I have recently returned from our three-week stay in Saratov Russia, Eco Bridge of CEC international Partners. We lived with Russian families and experience their unique Culture, shared their delicious meals, visited their school(Saratov School No 7), houses of worship, and studied the sad ecological state of their immediate Volga River watershed area We made presentations in both English and Russian languages on Environmental work we had done on the Sheldrake river in the Mamaroneck ILarchmont area and the Long Island Sound watershed We also presented work that we did jointly with our Russian ecological partners on the Yelshanka River(a tributary of the Volga River). The American students performed physical and chemical tests on the water samples, trained our Russian partners to use the chemical test kits we brought from the USA and exposed the Russians to the wealth of information they could find on the Internet. The Russian students'ecological group "The Big Dipper" (Bol'shaya Medvatsa) of School No. 7 in Saratov), Dan and I to join them this July 1997 on a more extensive expedition to explore and test the tributaries of the Volga with the Russian students and teachers. I Dan and I have learned many lessons from our experience in Saratov. An important lesson we deeply understand now, is to be very grateful for the comfortable living we have here. We also have an enhanced awareness and concern for the global environmental problems that affect us all. Saratov, Russia is a very poor city by American standards. In many parts there is no sewage system, bathroom facilities, or garbage disposal But ultimately we are all connected in this world What is bad for Saratov, in their river Volvi, is bad for Larchmont/Mamaroneck and the Long Island Sound The Russian community has not been able to keep up with international environmental standards because of their lack of access to international regulations and information that can be found on the Internet. Our partner school, Saratov school No 7 has 1500 students from grades K- 12 and only one very old-dated computer. Dan and I can make a difference. Computers have been donated to us to bring to Saratov School No 7. Mamaroneck High School is also giving computer software, English and ecological study books. Dan and I will go to Russia on an ecological class expedition and work with the Russian students on advanced chemical testing techniques of their watersheds. We will be able to experience first-hand the global environmental issues that affect all of us. We are appealing to the community to help send us to Saratov this summer. We thank you for your support in advance and we know you will be as proud of the impact we will make representing the Larchmont/Mamaroneck community in Saratov. The Board members all thanked them and wished them luck on their expedition and computer raising activities. PUBLIC HEARINGS—Amendment to the Town's Ethics Law Councilman Ryan explained that the purpose of the amendment is to outline the eligibility requirements for appointment to the Board of Ethics and specify the terms of office of the members, and also to further clarify the requirements for filings made by employees to comply with State law. i Councilman Ryan asked Councilwoman O'Keeffe if she wanted to table the vote until Supervisor Price was present so there would be 5 people voting. Councilwoman O'Keeffe said that wasn't necessary. Councilwoman O'Keeffe stated that some of us were concerned that the makeup of the Board of Ethics could be misconstrued because most of the members were all in one party, and this amendment would specify that there can't be more than 3 members enrolled in the same party. She said that it makes it more flexible and gives the appearance of fairness. Councilman Weprin said that this proposed law was similar to the federal law. He asked Anna Reisman, Chair of the Ethics Board if she was in favor of the amendment. She said she was not. Then Councilwoman O'Keeffe moved to adopt the amended law,which was not seconded. Councilman Ryan said that he did not endorse the change as it allowed for a judgment based on affiliations rather than on qualification, and since it is a civilian board, it should be kept that way. He said that the Town Board members have never made it a practice to look up the party affiliation before making appointments to any Board or Committees; they look at the individuals qualifications; to change that method would ensure politicizing the members by changing the mindset. Councilwoman O'Keeffe said that she would like to make a distinction between the Ethics Board and others like Planning & Zoning,who are not making a judgement against elected or employed staff, the Ethics Board makes a report on its review of matters. Councilman Ryan offered that the Ethics Board limits itself to interpretation of the Town Code, not party. Councilwoman Wittner said that it was difficult to find and keep good volunteers and that this would seem to be more limiting and that she would hesitate to turn anyone away because of the party affiliation. Councilwoman Wittner then asked Mrs. Reisman, Chair of the Board of Ethics what she thought about the amendment. Mrs. Reisman replied that she did not see the necessity for changing the law as it presently stood; the Ethics Board has never encountered any problems and she thought that by mandating the makeup by enrollment or non-enrollment in a political party may have the effect of politicizing it,which is what everyone was trying to avoid. She noted that to her knowledge no one on the Board had ever been aware of each others party affiliation, should the law be amended, they would be forced to know. Following further discussion, on motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Weprin, the hearing was closed. Councilman Ryan, said that he would like to separate the law into two sections and vote on each individually. He then offered a motion of that the law be separated into 2 separate laws, and that each be voted on separately. Councilwoman O'Keeffe made a motion,which was not seconded. Councilman Ryan then withdrew his motion to split the law. Thereafter, on the standing motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, to vote on the law as presented,which she reiterated, seconded by Councilman Weprin,the following vote was taken: On the motion to adopt the amended Ethics Law as originally presented: Ayes: Weprin, O'Keeffe Nays: Wittner, Ryan Absent: Price The vote was split, therefore the amended law was not adopted. Councilman Ryan then asked if the members were in favor of separating the sections into two laws for the next meeting. One section would entail amending Section 17-3 -which provides for three year terms,to be staggered for appointed members,with no more than one member being an elected or appointed Town employee, nor shall there be more than three members enrolled in the same political party. Section 17-611 -which provides that each employee shall file a statement on the form prescribed by the Board of Ethics stating that he/she has read the Code of Ethics and has not knowingly or willingly violated the Code of Ethics. Thereafter, on his motion, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the public hearing date for June 18, 1997 on the amendments to the Ethics Law, and that the amendments be separated into two specific amendments: Section 17-3: Board of Ethics and Section 17-6B: Filing of Statements. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Ryan at 8:55 PM in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Commissioner: Barry Weprin Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner 1. Fire Claims: Commissioner Ryan presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on Councilwoman Wittner's motion, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, it was unanimously: RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. $20.00 Carrot-Top Industries 263.00 Coyne Textiles 130.07 Gull's Inc. 34.96 FireEnd& Croker Corp. 174.00 Nick Condro 750.00 Poland Spring Water 51.84 Redwood Nursery 130.00 Redwood Nursery 78.00 Redwood Nursery 102.00 Redwood Nursery 120.50 Sears 91.41 Staples 249.99 Sunset Printing 688.53 Professional Fire Fighters 220.08 Vallhar Chemical Corp. 100.00 TOTAL $3204.38 2. Fire Reports for the Months of April and May 1997 Commissioner Wittner read the following reports of activities of the Fire Department for the months of April and May: FIRE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF May 1997 NATURE OF CALLS: ORIGIN OF CALLS: GENERAL 18 FIRE PHONE 1 I MINOR 13 TOWN POLICE 10 STILLS 03 LARCHMONT FD. 04 FALSE 05 COUNTY CONTROL 03 OUT OF TOWN 00 911 03 MONTHLY DRILL 01 OTHER 00 TOTAL 32 TOTAL 31 TOTAL NUMBER OF MEN RESPONDING: 330 TOTAL HOURS RESPONDING: 17 HOURS AND 47 MINUTES FIRE REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1997 HOURS RESPONDING: 25 HOURS AND 42 MINUTES NATURE OF CALLS: ORIGIN OF CALLS: GENERAL 24 FIRE PHONE 16 MINOR 16 TOWN POLICE 13 STILLS 00 LARCHMONT FD. 01 FALSE 15 COUNTY CONTROL 01 OUT OF TOWN 01 911 03 MONTHLY DRILL 01 OTHER 04 TOTAL 41 TOTAL 40 TOTAL NUMBER OF MEN RESPONDING: 421 TOTAL HOURS RESPONDING: 25 HOURS AND 42 MINUTES There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the Commission unanimously adjourned at 9:05 PM. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - None 2. Set Public Hearing Dates—Zoning Ordinance Amendment:: Retail Food - Parking Ordinance: PGA Tournament On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the dates for the Public Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding retail food establishments for June 18, 1997; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the public hearing on temporary Parking during the PGA tournament be held on June 18, 1997; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be authorized to publish the notice of said hearings in a newspaper appointed as an official source, and that notice be so posted. 3. Authorization -Snow Removal Agreement The Administrator said that the proposed renewal agreement between the County and the Town provided for snow and ice control on County roads within the Town's unincorporated area. Murray Ave. and Palmer Ave. comprise 1.64 miles of County roads within the Town. The formula for reimbursement is based upon the width of the roadway and also the length of road to be plowed. He said that an incentive is also provided to communities that follow the Best Practice Manual for Road Salt Storage, and since the Town meets this requirement we receive the incentive payment. He said that the agreement will be for a three-year term ending in the year 2000. The rate of reimbursement will be adjusted by the New York-New Jersey CPI with a cap of 2.75% per year. We will receive reimbursement in the amount of$4,643.94 for this past winter and approximately $4750 in the winter of 1997/1998. Subject to the review and comments of the Town Attorney, authorization is requested to execute this agreement. On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the County of Westchester has proposed an Agreement with the Town for Snow and Ice Removal on County roads; and WHEREAS, the said agreement will pay the Town $4750.00 in the year 1997/98, with a provision for an increase of 2.75% based on the New York/New Jersey CPI. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the Snow and Ice Removal with the County of Westchester for a three year term ending in the year 2000; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Administrator to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town. 4. Authorization - Grant Contract- NY State Health Department Mr. Alfieri explained that this proposed agreement between the Town and the State Dept. of Health was to provide funding to the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Corp (VAC). The $2000.00 grant will fund additional equipment to VAC to support their dive rescue team, specifically the funds will be used to purchase a replacement mask and dive suit. He requested authorization to execute this agreement with the Health Dept. On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the State has granted funds to the Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer Ambulance Corp in the amount of $2000.00; and WHEREAS, the said agreement will fund the purchase of mask and dive suit for the Dive Rescue Team; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Administrator to execute said agreement with the New York State Department of Health on behalf of the Town. 5. Resolution - Building Use Agreement - Larchmont Ave. Church The Administrator said that the school district intended to begin repairs and renovations at various school buildings and that the Town was advised that both the Chatsworth Ave. School and Central School would be unavailable for our summer camp programs but that we have been granted some additional space at the Murray Ave. school for our programs. However, additional space was still necessary to accommodate all of our campers. We therefore procured another location and before the Board is the proposed agreement with the Larchmont Ave. Church to use some of their rooms for our pre-school program. He outlined the terms explaining that the Town will pay the church $1,800 for the use of the rooms for six weeks; in addition the Town will pay the church's preschool teachers one day's pay to pack and unpack their classrooms; the church will assume responsibility for opening and closing the building and, will provide custodial'services; a maximum of 65 children will be placed at the church; authorization is requested to execute the agreement. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the agreement with the Larchmont Avenue Church for use as a summer camp as follows: Town will pay the church $1,800 for the use of the rooms for six weeks; in addition the Town will pay the church's preschool teachers one day's pay to pack and unpack their classrooms; the church will assume responsibility for opening and closing the building and, will provide custodial services; RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Administrator to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town. 6. Authorization Transfer of Court Funds The Town Justices by way of memo are requesting a resolution of the Town Board to authorize a transfer of unclaimed funds from the Town Court fund to the Town's general fund. In addition the resolution would authorize the Comptroller to disburse the funds upon direction of the justices. The Administrator said that there are unclaimed bail funds and excess fine payments totaling $10,700. The funds were received in the court more than six years ago and it appears unlikely that they will be claimed. Councilman Ryan asked what would happen if someone came back for their bail at a later time. The Administrator said that a claimant must appear before the court seeking return of the funds, and then the Comptroller would be responsible for payments. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, the Town Board hereby authorizes the Comptroller to accept unclaimed funds from the Town Court; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Comptroller, upon direction of the Town Justices will disburse the funds to appropriate claimants. 7. Salary Authorizations - Highway Department - Recreation Summer-Highway Laborers There was a communication from Paulette Gabbriellini requesting authorization to hire 2 men to work in the highway department for the summer, Daniel Lasser, who worked for the highway dept. last summer, will be paid $7.75 per hour and Donato Colontonio at a rate of$7.50 per hour. Their effective dates are both 6/9/97. Following discussion, on motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the the hiring of Daniel Lasser, at $7.75 per hour; and Donato Colontonio, at $7.50 per hour, as summer laborers for the Highway Department effective June 9, 1997. RECREATION DEPARTMENT RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve payment of salary to the following: HOMMOCKS PLAYGROUND Gail Guarneri Director $3000/season Christopher Warnock Assistant Director $900/season Mark Warm Sports Specialist $3,200/season Connie Flay Arts&Crafts Specialist $2,800/season Gina Tunno Unit Leader $310/week Heather Castellani Unit Leader $288/week Anthony DiFate Unit Leader $288/week Stephanie Cassiero Unit Leader $275/week Ann O'Connor Counselor $273/week Elnorah Boone Counselor $260/week Scott Hagan Counselor $256 week Jaimie Lishke Counselor $256 week Beth Pacewicz Counselor $256 week Richard Rhymaun Counselor $256 week Matt Viggiano Counselor $233 week Adis Ramos Counselor $230 week Vincent Davis Counselor $228 week Bruno Duarte Counselor $226 week Noreen O'Connor Counselor $226 week Catherine Roehr Counselor $226 week Ryan Ferguson Counselor $218 week Scott Forzaglia Counselor $210 week Palak Mahadevia Counselor $195 week Adam Viento Counselor $195 week Heather Gorman Counselor $191 week Chris Byron Counselor $188 week Pranav Shukla Counselor $188 week Peter Braverman Counselor $186 week J.P.Helmrich Counselor $186 week Kendra Langelotti Counselor $186 week David Wagstaff Counselor $175 week Tracey Feldman Counselor $171 week John Loftus Counselor $171 week David Serrano Counselor $171 week Amanda Skeehan Counselor $162 week Michael Fitzpatrick Counselor $158 week Helen Lafferty Counselor $158 week William Roehr Counselor $158 week Ashley Sefecka Junior Counselor $158 week Brian Corwin Junior Counselor $158 week Gabe Goodwin Junior Counselor $158 week Matt DiPietro Junior Counselor $145 week Sean Donahue Junior Counselor $145 week David Farber Junior Counselor $145 week Jonathan Plato Junior Counselor $145 week Jimmy Trezza Junior Counselor $145 week LARCHMONT AVENUE PRE SCHOOL* Debra Cunningham Director $2,900 season Thelma.Corbett Unit Leader $227 week Maria Ellin Unit Leader $202 week Diane Keller Unit Leader $195 week Dawn Warnock Unit Leader $185 week Julia Gacio Counselor $154 week Rose Richards Counselor $154 week Mary Lou Hughes Counselor $144 week Modesty Curzio Counselor $139 week Doris Starr Counselor $137 week Charlene Farrell Counselor $132 week Pam Triano Counselor $136 week Vicky Rossi Counselor $130 week Marie Tischler Counselor $130 week Renee Vetrano Counselor $129 week Danielle Graham Counselor $122 week Rose Baranig Counselor $119 week Jodi Perucci Counselor $114 week Jennifer Hughes Counselor $109 week Peter Demassi Counselor $99 week Frances Millar Counselor $ 99 week David Corbett Counselor $ 95 week Sarah Silver Junior Counselor $ 86 week Bridgett Frey Junior Counselor $ 80 week Mike Hibbard Junior Counselor $ 80 week MUSIC WORKSHOP Marc Tartell Director $3,275 season Emme Kresek Instructor $2,200 season Michael Fraioli Instructor $1,250 season Richard Williams Instructor $1,150 season Katie Kresek Instructor $ 750 season Sara Thibeault Instructor $ 750 season Mark Zizolfo Instructor $ 750 season Danielle Lepre Instructor $ 625 season Kathleen Allen Recreation Assistant $ 450 season Laura Zanko Recreation Assistant $ 300 season Mark Brody Recreation Assistant $ 150 season *Personnel from Larchmont Avenue Pre School will be transferred to Murray Avenue or Monroe Pre Schools as needed. MURRAY AVENUE PRE-SCHOOL Ellen Coughlin Director $3, 000 season Sharon Silver Assistant Director $1,900 season Betty Ceja Assistant Director $2,000 season Bonnie Jackson Unit Leader $ 250 week Linda Blaise Unit Leader $ 202 week Margaret Brown Unit Leader $ 202 week Kathy Offner Unit Leader $ 195 week Joann Rina Counselor $ 155 week Virginia Cherry Counselor $ 144 week Justin Blanco Counselor $ 142 week Tracey Orzo Counselor $ 140 week Deb Peloso Counselor $ 137 week Donna Gitlitz Counselor $ 130 week Donna Larli Counselor $ 130 week Ira Parris Counselor $ 130 week Michelle Schirizo Counselor $ 127 week Carlos Ceja Counselor $ 125 week April Dupree Counselor $ 122 week Tina.Marie Chmelecki Counselor $ 119 week Mike Siragusa Counselor $ 119 week Ann Marie Gilligan Counselor $ 115 week Brian Inns Counselor $ 114 week Jen Slyper Counselor $ 104 week Jill Sears Counselor $ 99 week Anne Marie Trainor Counselor $ 97 week Mary Iarocci Junior Counselor $ 80 week Kayla Mastocciolo Junior Counselor $ 80 week MONROE PRE SCHOOL Terri Quiros Director $3,250 season Edith Turnbull Unit Leader $237 week Jennifer Carchietta Counselor $183 week Jessica Kellogg Counselor $160 week Jill Novich Counselor $155 week Megan Nealon Counselor $150 week Nicole Seraceno Counselor $150 week Jonathan Bell Counselor $135 week Chris Tortorella Counselor $127 week Eric Blanco Counselor $122 week Joe Ancowitz Counselor $119 week Jeff Quiros Junior Counselor $110 week Jennifer Iaross Junior Counselor $ 95 week TENNIS INSTRUCTIONS Jeremy Sharff Instructor $ 15 hour Levi Litman Instructor $ 15 hour Larry Merker Instructor $ 16 hour William Tilson Instructor $ 14 hour Christopher Apo Instructor $ 14 hour ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None SUPERVISOR REPORTS None ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe the meeting was adjourned. 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