HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_07_18 Town Board Minutes 4 0 .
held July 18th, 1928.
In the absence of the Supervisor, the meeting was
called to order by Justice Boyd at 9 .15 P. K..
Present: Justices Boyd, Howell and Leeda
Counsellor Gamble
Clerk Sherman
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was voted to dispense
with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
Mr. A. Levine appeared before the Board on behalf
of the owners of the property on Myrtle Avenue , near Vine Street,
who had heretofore submitted an application for the erection of
a public garage on said property, and requested information as
to the action the :Town Board will eventually take in the dispos-
ition of the application, etc.
After discussing the entire subject with him, he was
advised that the Town Board will undoubtedly have a report to
submit for his consideration at the neat meeting of the Board.
Mr. Carullo , the garbage contractor, appeared before
the Board and took up for discussion various matters in the
garbage contract.
After discussing the entire contract with him, he stated
that the provisions contained therein, were entirely satisfactory.
A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was
received and read, advising that Garritt Schor, Jr. % had resigned
as driver of the ,leaver Street Fire Apparatus, and recommended the
appointment of ilichael Gallagher.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was, upon the recomnend--
ation of Captain Bray,
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Garritt
Schor, Jr. , as driver for the Weaver Street
Fire Apparatus, be and the same hereby is
accepted; and it was further
RESOLVED, that Michael Gallagher, be and
he hereby is appointed to the position
of driver of the weaver Street Fire
Apparatus,- for the probationary period
of three months, commencing July 2nd2
1928, and that his compensation be fixed
at the sum of $125.00 per month for said
A petition from Idr. Harry D. Edwards$ was received and
read, relating to the redemption of certain tax liens on his
property,_ designated as section 69 block 4, lots d, 6, 9 , 109 15
and 16.
The petition was ordered received, placed on file and
referred to Counsel for report and recommendation.
0 e.
Four petitions from the Westchester County Park
Commission were received and read, requesting the cancellation
of certain taxes levied against the County of Westchester on certain
properties acquired prior to the filing of the assessment roll.
he petitions were ordered received,; placed on file and
referred to Counsel for report and recommendation.
Upon the recommendation of Counsel, the following
resolution was presented and upon roll call unanimously adopted:
WHEREASS it appears that the property known
and designated as Lots 117,;118,: 119 and 120
in the 'Addition of the First Subdivision of
Grand Park" in the year 1916 was erroneously
assessed to Patrick Hughes and Thomas J.
Scanlon; and
WHEREAS,, the taxes due thereon in accordance
with said assessment were paid by the said
Patrick Hughes on May 22, 1917; and
r`TFP+REAS, the taxes erroneously assdssed
against Thomas J. Scanlon still appear upon
the books of record open and unpaid and
should therefore be cancelled and stricken
from said Assessment Roll and books of the
Receiver of Taxes,. as these lots were sold
for unpaid taxes in the 1917 sale; therefore
upon the recommendation of the Receiver of
Taxes, upon motion,- duly seconded, it was,
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor, Receiver of
Taxea and Board of Assessors, be and they
hereby are authorized and empowered to
cancel upon the proper books of record, the
assessment on said books of record, now
appearing against said Lots assessed in the
name of Thomas J. Scanlon and to cancel the
sale of said Lots made for unpaid taxes in the
1917 sale and make such other changes in their
books of record as may be necessary to correct
the error hereinabove described so that the
taxes on said Lots for said year may be shown
Upon the recommendation of Counsel, the following
resolution was presented and upon roll call, unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS,_ the 1918 taxes levied by the Town
of Mamaroneck against Lot Nos. 13,. 14 and 13
in Block il, Section & in the amount of 34.08
each were unpaid and were included in the sale
of unpaid taxes held in the year 1919 ; and
tiFIMREAS, thereafter?'June 18, 1919, the taxes
plus penalties and interest thereon were paid
and entered on page 82 of the 1919 cash book
and receipt Yo. 574 for the 1918 State, County
and Town taxes and receipt No. 1754 for the
1918 School takes thereupon issued; and
WEEREAS, through inadvertence these items
were never cancelled in the tax roll and
therefore appear open on the present bock; and
l`=PMAS, the same should have been marlin paid
and cancelled,, therefore, upon the recommendation
of the Receiver of Taxes, it was,_ upon motion,
duly seconded,
IHSOLVED, that the Supervisor and Receiver
of 'Taxes be and they hereby are authorized
and empowered to cancel on their books of
record the unpaid items thereon of 1918
taxes on Lot Nos. 13, 14, and 15, Block 11,
Section 6 in the sum of $4.08 each plus
penalties and interest and to mark the
same paid and to make such ather notations
in their books of record as are necessary
to cancel said items on said books of record.
Upon the recommendation of Counsel, the following
resolutiun was presented and upon rall call, unanimously adopted-
r1IREAS., a claim has been presented to the
Receiver of Taxes by the Westchester Title
and Trust Company in the sum of $35.74 on
account of the duplicate payment made by
said Company of taxes on Lot 28, Block 6:1,
Section 11 being 1928 State, County and Town
taxes on said property, for which said
Company holds a receipt dated April 24& 19289
and which payment was entered on page 54 of
the 1928 cash book; and
"MREAS, on April 30th, 1928, Rouken Glen, Inc. ,
the owner of said property,, again paid said
taxes without knowledge that the same had been paid
by the Westchester Title and Trust Company,
which payment was entered on page 100 of the
1928 cash book; and
-THEREAS, the taxes on said property have been
paid twice, a refund should be made*; therefore,
upon the recommendation of the Receiver of Taxes,
upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the claim of the Westchester
Title and Trust Company in the sum of. 5j;35.74,
representing a duplicate payment of the 1928
State, County, and Town taxes on Lot 28 in
Block Gs Section 1 in the Town of Mamaroneck,
be approved; further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to make payment of
said claim after the same has been duly audited;
and further
RESOLVED,, that the Supervisor and Receiver of
Taxes be and they hereby are authorized and
directed to make the necessary notations in
their books of record covering said duplicate
payment and the refund herein provided to be
Upon motion, duly seconded, the meeting adjourned at
10--30 P. Y.
Ta n Cl�'r°'"erk ..�