HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_06_05 Town Board Regular Minutes FINAL REVISED TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING-Wednesday, June 5, 1996, Town Center Court Room- 8:15 PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 6:45 PM into an Executive Session to discuss personnel. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION RECESS EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ATTENTION -Location of Exits PROCLAMATION-John (Jack) Coughlin PRESENTATION BY CHAIRPERSON ON BEAUTIFICATION DAY BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS I. Fire Claims 2. Other Business TRIBUTE- TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointment-Planning Board -Edmund Papazian- 6/5/96 - 7/2003 2. Ratification- Antenna Lease Agreement -Nextel Corp. and Larchmont/Mamaroneck Joint Sanitation Commission 3. Authorization-Urban County Cooperative Agreement 4. Set Public.Hearing-Local Law on Collection of Delinquent Taxes-June 19, 1996 5. Update-Recreation Projects-Hommocks Pool, Ice Rink and Rollerdome 6. Authorization- Insurance Settlement- Ciana Foran 7. Salary Authorizations-Part Time Custodian -Highway Department- Seasonal Employee -Recreation ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 0 SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Next regularly scheduled meetings-June 19, 1996 - July date to be announced Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONS HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1996 AT 8:15 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CONVENE EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board convened into an Executive Session to discuss personnel and contracts. On motion duly made and seconded the Board adjourned at 8:20 PM to the Court Room to reconvene the regular meeting. PRESENT: Supervisor: Elaine Price Councilman: Paul A. Ryan Councilwoman: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilman: Barry Weprin Councilwoman: Phyllis Wittner ALSO PRESENT: Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Steven M. Silverberg, Town Attorney CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:25 PM. CALL TO ATTENTION- Location of Exits The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:25 PM who pointed out the location of the exits. PROCLAMATION -John (Jack) Coughlin Supervisor Price invited Mr. Coughlin to the podium where she then read the proclamation. (Added at end of the minutes) She thanked him for his work on the Library Board and all the other volunteer work he had done for the community and for his dedication to good causes. PRESENTATION BY CHAIRPERSON ON BEAUTIFICATION DAY - Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn, Chair of the Beautification Committee, introduced Jean Perone, representative to Beautification from the Village of Mamaroneck. Kathy reported that 2700 people had turned out to work on cleanup day, a lot of debris was removed. She thanked everyone who participated adding that the schools have been very involved in this effort. Mrs. O'Flinn said that the planting project had just been completed on the Chatsworth Avenue & Myrtle Boulevard Island and she wanted to thank Shimon and his staff for their help and patience. She said that three trees and 176 plants had been placed there. She noted that this project had been funded through the Beautification Trust Fund, which had been set up a few years ago, and consisted of funds donated by residents. June 5, 1996 Supervisor Price thanked her, and said that the Island looked wonderful as do all the projects the Beautification Committee has sponsored. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:25 PM in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Elaine Price Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Commissioner: Barry Weprin Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner 1. Fire Claims: Commissioner Ryan presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Wittner it was unanimously: RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: OPERATING FUND AAA Emergency Supply Co. 20.00 AAA Emergency Supply Co. 73.50 AT &T Capital 110.18 AT &T Wireless 180.45 Byram Mason Supply 834.10 Cleaning Systems 36.72 Dip In Car Wash 250.00 Cleaning Systems 124.00 D'Agostino Tailors 235.00 Dri-Chem 150.00 Excelsior Garage 1485.26 J &J Barish 99.92 Metrocomm North 2550.00 Metrocomm North 299.35 Nick Condro 1882.00 Poland Spring 58.23 Redwood Nursery 178.00 Signs Plus 239.00 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept 375.00 Valhar Chemical Inc. 374.75 Valhar Chemical Inc. 188.00 $9,743.46 CAPITAL FUND R.G. Brewer, Inc. 382.91 R.G. Brewer, Inc. 523.23 Tartaglione Consultants 1100.00 $2,006.14 GRAND TOTAL $11,749.60 2 June 5, 1996 2. TRIBUTE -TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT Supervisor Price reported that the party that had been held by the fire house on June 1 had turned out wonderfully. They had expected about 100 people, but over 500 had shown up. There had been many good comments on the renovations and the apparatus, it was a great day. She then read the proclamation into the record. (At end of minutes) There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner O'Keeffe, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Commission unanimously adjourned at 8:57 PM. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - Planning Board Supervisor Price entered the name of Edmund Papazian as a nominee for the opening on the Planning Board. She said that he is an attorney who lives in the Town, specializing in Environmental and Chemical Law. She added that the Chair of the Planning Board had enthusiastically endorsed this nomination. Then on her motion, seconded by Councilman Weprin, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby appoint Edmund R. Papazian, One Vine Place, as a member of the Planning Board for a term commencing immediately and expiring July 2003. 2. Ratification -Antenna Lease Agreement The Administrator explained that the Sanitation Commission had been approached by the Nextel Corp. to install antennas on the smoke stack at the Maxwell Ave. facility. The results of the negotiations are described in the documents attached to the lease agreement, which had been provided for the Board's review. Mr. Altieri pointed out that an amendment to the agreement had been made by the Commissioners at their May 30, 1996 meeting which is not reflected in the provided documents. He said that the agreement originally provided for Nextel to install pavement in a section of the Maxwell Ave. Yard, but as an alternative, the Commissioners would prefer to have Nextel apply the funds toward boarding up the broken windows on the incinerator building. Nextel has agreed to this change in the agreement with the condition that the value of the boarding of the windows will be no greater than the value of the paving. He then recommended that the Board ratify the agreement between Nextel and the Commission. Mr. Altieri summarized the lease as follows: Premises -The leased premises are comprised of certain space on top of the incinerator stack and certain land consisting of approximately 300 square feet which will be fenced in and on which the Tenant will place its equipment room. Note -The Commission previously leased the stack to New York SMSA Limited Partnership (SMSA). Pursuant to an agreement between the Commission, SMSA and Nextel, SMSA has (a) released to the Commission the space on top of the stack to be leased to Nextel and (b) consented to Nextel's installation of its antennas and associated equipment on the stack. This agreement also provides that SMSA and Nextel are jointly and severally liable for all repairs to the stack. 3 June 5, 1996 Tenant Installations -Tenant will install 6 antennas on top of the incinerator stack and will construct an equipment room on the premises. The equipment room will hold equipment which is necessary for Tenant's operation of its antennas. A generic list of the equipment is included as Exhibit D to the lease. Term -The initial term will be for a period of 5 years. The initial term will commence upon the execution of the lease. Extension Term -The lease will automatically extend for one additional period of 5 years unless Tenant notifies Landlord otherwise. Tenant has the right to extend the term for two additional periods of 5 years each by giving Landlord 6 months advance written notice. Landlord may either accept or reject Tenant's renewal. Rent- Rent will commence within ninety (90) days after Tenant has obtained all local approvals for its operation (defined as approvals from the Commission, the Town of Mamaroneck and the Village of Larchmont). Annual rental for the term is as follows: Initial term of 5 years -$14,850.00 First 5 year option - $16,345.00 Second 5 year option $17,970.00 Third 5 year option -$19,765.00 Use-Tenant will use the premises as a wireless communications facility. Tenant's equipment room will be unmanned. Tenant's Access to the Premises-Tenant will have non-exclusive access to the premises over a path which is designated on Exhibit C to the lease. Emergency access will be obtained through the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department. Repairs and Maintenance-Landlord's only repair obligation is to maintain the path shown on Exhibit C to the lease in substantially the same condition as exists on the date of the execution of the lease. Alterations Tenant may not increase the number of antennas or alter the appearance of the equipment room without obtaining Landlord' s prior approval which can be withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. Tenant may not change the type of antennas or the type of equipment without obtaining Landlord's prior approval which will not be unreasonably withheld. Tenant has the right to repair or replace the antennas and equipment with like. kind without Landlord' s prior approval (but Tenant to notify Landlord of same). If the incinerator stack becomes unsuitable for Tenant's use, tenant will repair the stack. If the cost of such repairs are not reasonable, Tenant has the right to terminate the lease unless Landlord elects to repair the stack. Assignment-Tenant has the right to assign the lease to its parent company. Landlord's prior written consent is required for any other assignment. Tenant has no right to sublet the premises. Thereafter, on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Antennae Lease Agreement between Nextel Corp and the Larch mont/Mamaroneck Joint Sanitation Commission. 3. Authorization - Urban County Cooperative Agreement Mr. Altieri said that the Town is a member of the Westchester County Urban County Consortium. The consortium, operated by the County government, assumes responsibility for applying for and distributing Federal Community Development Block 4 June 5, 1996 Grant Funds to the towns and villages in the county. Block grant funds have been used in the Town of Mamaroneck for projects such as: the valve at the Larchmont Reservoir, the Hommocks Park Apartments, and the Weaver Street Firehouse. He said that in 1997 a new three-year cycle will begin for the Block Grants and that he had provided the Board members with the form agreement and draft resolution to be considered. The agreement sets forth the conditions for accepting and using Block Grant funds and assures our continued membership in the consortium which provides that only member communities may receive Block Grant funds. He said that later this year we will submit to the Board proposed projects that would be eligible for funding. It is recommended that the Board authorize the execution of this agreement subject to comments of the Town Attorney. . On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Urban County Cooperative Agreement between the Town and the County of Westchester; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town. 4. Set Public Hearing - Local Law on Collection of Delinquent Taxes Mr. Silverberg explained that in order to implement requirements for agreements on payments of delinquent taxes, it would be necessary to amend our law to comply with changes made in the tax collection procedures by the State; we then could move forward with actions, in rem, to collect taxes. The Supervisor asked what in the law would be amended. The Attorney replied that it would authorize the payment of delinquent taxes in installments. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the date for Public Hearing on the local law authorizing payment of delinquent taxes by installment payments, for June 19, 1996; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to publish the legal notice of Public Hearings in an official newspaper of the Town 5. Update on Recreation Projects The Administrator reported on: Hommocks Pool Improvements -The Town has obtained all the required approvals of the Planning Board and Board of Architectural Review. At this time the bid document is being prepared and the bids will be solicited in late June and received in late July. Rollerdome -The in-line skating rink opened on May 15, 1996. To date they have begun their hockey leagues and clinics. The most popular event at this time of year has been the birthday parties. As we move closer to school closings, the public sessions should become more popular. On Friday evenings Rollerdome is offering a teen night with a DJ. The air conditioning has been installed and is operating in the facility. 5 June 5, 1996 Hommocks Ice Rink-The Board will remember that we discussed with the Recreation Commission the construction of two additional locker rooms at the Ice ink. The Hommocks Ice Rink Association has donated $6,800 towards the construction. We are preparing plans and estimates to construct the locker rooms and additional storage at the facility (approx. 1,800 sq. ft.). Our intention is to complete the construction, subject to final approval by the Town Board, by the early part of October. 6. Settlement of Insurance Claim The Administrator requested authorization to pay Coregis Insurance Co. $300. for the settlement of a claim brought against the Town by Ciana Foran. Ms. Foran, on January 20, 1995, fell at the Hommocks Ice Rink and another skater, skated over her hand, lacerating a tendon. Coregis settled the claim for the cost of medical bills, which amounts to$300. On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of$300.00 to Coregis Insurance Company, to fully settle a claim made against the Town by Ciana Foran, for injuries sustained on January 20, 1995 at the Hommocks Ice Rink. 7. Salary Authorizations - Part-time Custodian - Highway Department-Seasonal Employee - Recreation Highway Authorization was requested to hire Ted Repa at $7.50 per hour effective June 3, 1996, as a summer laborer in the Highway Department. Ted will work until the end of August. On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to Ted Repa, at the rate of$7.50 per hour, for his services as a part-time laborer in the Highway Department, effective June 3, 1996. Part-time Custodian-Summer help Authorization was requested to hire Douglas Brown at an hourly rate of$8.00 effective June 10, 1996 as a part time custodian at the Monroe facility. The present custodian/caretaker is leaving at the end of this month, and Doug will work cleaning the facility until a new custodian/caretaker moves into the building at the end of the summer. On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wiftner, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to Douglas Brown, at the rate of$8.00 per hour, for his services as a part-time custodian at the Monroe facility. 6 June 5, 1996 Recreation On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board provided for in the 1996 budget, grants authorization for payment of salary to the following: NAME POSITION WEEKLY SALARY CENTRAL PLAYGROUND Constance Flay Arts $Crafts Specialist $340.00 Gina Tuno Unit Leader $298.00 Heather Castellani Unit Leader $275.00 Anthony DiFate Unit Leader $275.00 Kristin Langelotti Counselor $260.00 Mike Collins Counselor $252.00 Beth Pacewicz Counselor $243.00 Richard Ryman Counselor $243.00 Hollin Chernoff Counselor $241.00 Chris Gallavello Counselor $241.00 Stephanie Cassiero Counselor $238.00 Jamie Lischke Counselor $233.00 Margaret Wolts Counselor $228.00 Billy Byron Counselor $223.00 Michael Puleo Counselor $223.00 Matt Viggiano Counselor $220.00 Jill Novich Counselor $218.00 Rose Ann Tavalacci Counselor $213.00 Jay Lapham Counselor $213.00 Katie O'Connor Counselor $213.00 Noreen O'Connor Counselor $213.00 Catherine Roehr Counselor $213.00 Matt Mulcahy Counselor $208.00 Lindsey Warner Counselor $189.00 Gabe Hindin Counselor $186.00 Scott Forzaglia Counselor $185.00 Rebecca Morrone Counselor $185.00 Taryn Sefecka Counselor $185.00 Heather Gorman Counselor $178.00 Chris Byron Counselor $175.00 Rosalba Serivo Counselor $175.00 Peter Braverman Counselor $173.00 Kendra Langelotti Counselor $173.00 Tracy Feldman Counselor $158.00 John Loftus Counselor $158.00 J.P. Helmrich Counselor $173.00 Rachel Reader Counselor $158.00 Clarke Cooke Junior Counselor $158.00 David Serrano Junior Counselor $158.00 Brian Corwin Junior Counselor $145.00 Gabe Goodwin Junior Counselor $145.00 Helen Lafferty Junior Counselor $145.00 Ashley Sefecka Junior Counselor $145.00 CHATSWORTH PRE SCHOOL Debra Cunningham Director $360.00 Sharon Silver Assistant Director $226.00 Thelma Corbett Unit Leader $217.00 Maria Ellin - Unit Leader $192.00 Dawn Warnock Unit Leader $17$.00 7 June 5, 1996 Diane Keller Arts &Crafts Specialist $185.00 Julia Gacio Counselor $147.00 Rose Richards Counselor $147.00 Desiree Guimares Counselor $140.00 Jeanne Brant Counselor $137.00 Leticia Garcia Counselor $137.00 Marylou Hughes Counselor $137.00 Lynda Leva Counselor $137.00 Modesta Cuzio Counselor $132.00 Mary Lou Petruzzelli Counselor $130.00 Pam Triano Counselor $129.00 Frank Bruno Counselor $125.00 Vicky Rossi Counselor $123.00 Marie Tischler Counselor $123.00 Renee Vetrano Counselor $122.00 Sarah Perucci Counselor $117.00 Danielle Graham Counselor $115.00 liana Silver Counselor $115.00 Rose Baranin Counselor $112.00 Jodi Perucci Counselor $107.00 Jennifer Hughes Counselor $102.00 Susan Squillante Counselor $102.00 Peter DeMasi Counselor $ 92.00 Frances Millar Counselor $ 92.00 Nicole Mazza Counselor $ 90.00 Jill Sears Counselor $ 90.00 John Infelice Counselor $ 95.00 Julie Engle Junior Counselor $ 87.00 Kate Faulkner Junior Counselor $ 87.00 David Corbett Junior Counselor $ 86.00 Apryl Angarano Junior Counselor $ 79.00 Sarah Silver Junior Counselor $ 79.00 MONROE PRE SCHOOL Terri Quiros Director $407.00 Ellen Ferber Unit Leader $289.00 Jennifer Carchietta Counselor $174.00 Iliana Rivas Counselor $165.00 Theresa Halloran Counselor $159.00 Edith Turnbull Counselor $157.00 Amy Carlin Counselor $144.00 Jessica Kellogg Counselor $144.00 Megan Nealon Counselor $141.00 Nicole Saraceno Counselor $141.00 Anne Burke Counselor $122.00 John Carchietta Counselor $122.00 Larry Goldman Counselor $122.00 Chris Tortorella Counselor $118.00 Joey Ancowitz Junior Counselor $110.00 Jeff Quiros Junior Counselor $101.00 MURRAY PRE SCHOOL Ellen Coughlan Director $347.00 Betty Ceja Assistant Director $240.00 Bonnie Jackson Unit Leader $241.00 Linda Blaise Unit Leader $192.00 Margaret Brown Unit Leader $192.00 Kathy Offner Unit Leader $185.00 8 June 5, 1996 V. Cherry Counselor $137.00 Gail Golines Counselor $130.00 Andy Siano Counselor $130.00 Camille Tompkins Counselor $130.00 Debra Peloso Counselor $130.00 Marguerite Rozek Counselor $130.00 Justin Blanco Counselor $125.00 Donna Gitlitz Counselor $123.00 Donna Larli Counselor $123.00 Ira Parris Counselor $123.00 Deborah Sibley Counselor $123.00 Angela Legramandi Counselor $122.00 Michelle Schirizzo Counselor $120.00 Elana Horowitz Counselor $115.00 Carlos Ceja Counselor $112.00 Tina Chmelecki Counselor $112.00 Mike Siragusa Counselor $112.00 Ralph Gurr Counselor $107.00 Brian Innes Counselor $107.00 Kandie Brown Counselor $102.00 Jen Slyper Counselor $ 97.00 Daniels Baldor Counselor $ 95.00 Michelle DiGaetano Counselor $ 95.00 Lauren Tompkins Counselor $ 95.00 Anne Trainor Counselor $ 90.00 Steve Bryant Counselor $ 85.00 Sophia Grewe Counselor $ 85.00 Melissa Rubicco Counselor $ 85.00 FITNESS SPECIALIST Janis Lefcourt $ 20 00/hour Linda Johnson $ 25.00/hour MUSIC SPECIALIST Christine Mooney $ 20.00 1hour Edie Ann Riedy $ 25.00/hour HOMMOCKS POOL NAME POSITION HOURLY SALARY Maria Francella Lifeguard $10.50 Elean Petruzzelli Lifeguard $8.00 Jeff Santorsda Lifeguard $6.25 Danielle Avellino Lifeguard $6.25 Latizia Severino Lifeguard $5.50 Jay Delco Lifeguard $9.00 Christopher Vaughn Lifeguard $8.50 Micah Lissy Lifeguard $8.00 Brian Fay Lifeguard $5.50 Lacia Grant Lifeguard $6.50 Allison Young Lifeguard $5.75 Andrew Philips Lifeguard $5.75 Wilma Deleon Alternate Lifeguard $7.50 Joanne Murphy Alternate Lifeguard $9.00 Rebecca Eller Alternate Lifeguard $7.00 Juliane Knizewski Alternate Lifeguard $9.00 Stacy Andreoli Alternate Lifeguard $8.25 Artie Harris Alternate Lifeguard $5.75 Joseph Farah Alternate Lifeguard $8.00 Patty Lee Alternate Lifeguard $8.50 9 June 5, 1996 Dean Rocchio Alternate Lifeguard $5.75 Lenise Romero Alternate Lifeguard $8.25 Aisling Smyth Alternate Lifeguard $6.50 Heather Waters Alternate Lifeguard $9.00 Nicole Mazza Alternate Lifeguard $5.50 Dan Malutich Alternate Lifeguard $7.75 Tracey Augustine Alternate Lifeguard $6.25 Gene Yeung Alternate Lifeguard $7.50 Danielle Severino Alternate Lifeguard $8.50 Jen Curley Alternate Lifeguard $6.50 Tim Lischke Key Attendant $6.25 Josh Speed Key Attendant $4.75 Brian Sestito Key Attendant $4.75 Ying Li Key Attendant $6.25 Hillary Washington Key Attendant $5.50 Kathryn Branningan Key Attendant $5.50 Aaron Molleghan Alt Key Attendant $5.00 Courtney Harmer Alt Key Attendant $5.25 Ian Wakefield Alt Key Attendant $5.00 Angela Legramandi Alt Key Attendant $6.00 Vanessa Ellin Alt Key Attendant $4.75 David Marks Alt Key Attendant $5.00 Andrew Philips Alt Key Attendant $5.00 David Wagstaff Alt Key Attendant $4.75 Jamie Lischke Alt Key Attendant $6.00 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ernie Odierna said that the annual meeting of the Gardens Lake Association would be held next Thursday at 8:00 PM at the Fire House and he invited everyone to attend. He requested the Town Board give brief reports about their liaison assignments at the Town meetings so that the residents could be kept up to date on happenings at other committee meetings. He questioned the parking arrangements being made for the PGA Tournament, and if the Town could come up with an idea to provide parking, it might raise enough funds to purchase a fire truck. ADDED ITEM Set Dates of Meeting for Summer On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the dates for the regular board meetings during the summer to July 17 and August 21, 1996. 10 June 5, 1996 PROCLAMATIONS -JOHN COUGHLIN TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCLAMATION JOHN M. COUGHLIN WH R AS, The Town of Mamaroneck gratefully acknowledges the outstanding contribution of "Jack" Couglihn to our community; and WHEREAS, We owe the vitality and continued success of the Larchmoni Public Library to the inspiration an d dedication of volunteers such as Jack; and of community and his commitment to �L���, Jack's love ty the Library and our residents has been repeatedly demonstrated.by his professionalism and work et hic d seventeen (]1 7) years as a ont Libra Board; and Trustee . ori a�chm Library � l�E +��, Jack's. `" s+�l; ec v El five manner, and � o 1 helped guide the Library efEect3 wing �° u comple and difficult construction as �y iss'' s::during the expan on and ni Public Lib renovation of the �TH�+ ��, J' ' 's humor, selfless a s, and talents in 41 1 'ation will be 'ssed by the Library Y NOW THEREFORE, RESOLVED, '"� Maine Price, Supervisor of the Town of mnmaroneck and the Town Board members gratefully acknowledge and deeply appreciate Jack's substantial contribution given to the Library and to our community. IN WFN+ SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ' set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 5th day of J une 1996. ) V Au 9__., hkk Ela price, Su or Ryan,C ' Valerie Moore OXceffe, Co——4-4-'n by /bs �-- Harry Wcprin,C nme . �` Phyllis iftner,Councilwoman Aacsfed to hr. Dt. I Patricia A.DiCioccio,Town Clerk 11 June 5, 1996 C ute d7ww -1, 49.96- /fie xecanati�u�tcan o�au�x �ea�s�x C��et Cxaxefiauae/uia�o�ou� CX%axe�eftaixfinzenzta��e�aneaa and atcan to-t�ze�fer,�cc uw�ic�is urnfia��u�ded vn xec�r„tmemax�r�. lime a ku,va die auccew use adcekkwk taa(zy neceaaitc .- 64m olmm4np andAomm aldeciacm makxg as many kve/ aqdwwlgW,671 'ql - c�uG�c f� ana*o. 6tcAW kg w1tcad&and Mmix xvNing vaw�aincea axdy . 'a�zG�auaLaeaaiovra" �, adauiniaG,"�,ztiara and �a�� � a„rdxraiae/„zta. .�a�a� �`, /��uiO�`'� mxz►s�in�!le cXlrixe �e�ha ma�rttQ: ." in&pgX m and , and min mvear&;ng die one and a $ZMagl flea'aeeme�zg� '� ufon and`oat, canceaa-ww made; ` av" `e. alG-.camel me a xeacfea! YIO�a ,:rand"&xc~all d6&c1,W tX0 cah; We&m qeo Am &7WAXqiectcuaa nevex an aa��cated a�lcecG`o�i��ocix vo�'�n�a��ox yet, adql Xave men 4 do 00=�andcxeateda �;�a vtaax and c ama c oaxd G�cc`a/ � gam�� V/.W;n ADJOURNMENT The Supervisor said that she wished to adjourn the meeting in memory of three people who'had died this week: Vincent Grey, husband of Glenna Grey, who had died in a car accident, Larry Slaughter, husband of Sue Slaughter and Peter Doern, a long time community resident and activist. She sent her best wishes to the families. Thereafter, on motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned in their memory at 9:50 PM. Patricia A. DICIOCCIO, Town Clerk C:IMSOFFICEIWIN WORD IMln196MINF106-5-96.last.doc 12