HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_07_11 Town Board Minutes U17TTYS OF TH7 T07Y BO)AIRRI)
ToTn of Mimaroneci, N Y.
told July 11, 122%
In the alsonce of the Supervisor, the meeting waa
called to order by Justice Boyd, at 1013c
Pr ,..,y_' Tustices Boyd2 Collins, Howell and Leeds
Toon Clerk Sherma-,
owunaellor Gamble.
Upon Motion, it Use voted to diSponSE With the reading
of the minutea of meetin, not let ajjrcvsd,
The Clerk staved that d- .?;,a. tz notice duly advertis,�i
the Board should now consider the 7arinus applications End piers,
for building permits Wch had been denied � being in
of tha Zoning Ordinance.
Aftqr reading Of the notice as O.a7ertiVed , alld afte-2
alsv=sing and reading the various cal'plKations and Diane fon
building permits before the Board, it was njon mcticn dul..,
seconded, Wit: animsual-Y,
RESCURD, that gherenE the Ann boara of
the Tove: of Manaroneckg has duly advertised
pursuant to law, a Dublic :S'asctisl' fof t1le
purpose of considering certain apyicationo
the 'e ii stated, made under the Zoning Ordin-
ance of the unincorporated part of the ATI:Yal
of which applic.ations are now
pending; and
1777'AS� the said Town Board ha7ing he ft
said Waring Pnd both yartiez having been
granted the orivilege of slyea- ing for y-z7
in cDrositl& of the granting of certain
awDlications as provided under the said
Zoning Ordinance and aftef one consideration,
therefore be it
RES0177Dg that the Tonn of the To.':_I
Of Malealcnack, sitting jointly an a Board
of 4r :l and as a Toon Board, does hereby
grant the follouinS aDnIQaticra from the
dsoisicn of the Buildin
ACTACM iS helCbY MMOSA and does harehy
consent to the granting of the following
aIrlicaticns sullost in each cass to the
spswific conditions and Safeguards therein
1. Application No, K2 of Caroline Stears for aa addition
to the Drosent garage on east side of Murray Are=e , corner of
3010ccd Mmus § provided that the additiDn to the said garage is
ereated not less than 22 feet from the front lot lins n
ol-d furthas provided that the drainage from said gyrage
i3 1=02tld in a Proyer manner and under the direction of _B %mDissjon.
2. ADDIWati3a no. 1210 of Jsaea J, McCann for th'-
erec"2n " a cne-fsmilY Twsiling and garage an the corner of
RAchille Road and Hnvuemot Drive , provided that the builling is
erented not Uea thwE 29 feet from tha front lot line on Huguenot
31 Application 1215 of John Lanza for the erection
of I one -fafly "lling On& garage on the nortleast coiner o-7-
Kan Eagle Drive an& Vine Road, jrovidEd that the building is
v2eltsd not lesa thnn 20 fset from tie front Ict line on Vine Rood.
� .8
Wn motion duly seconded, it Yes
RES017ED, that "reas this Board has been
reZuastsd to WnSidEr the acZuiring of
additional P702srtY northsoly of tn- P--zant
Station Part to be ussd for Or!-
-Yulloses for the Torn of 1Y1hmarnnev!2
n' �!
il'! the oyinion of this Kara if auna
Qjojejty is to be acQui7ed an cytion Enum,
be. Obtained for the purchase of san, �
THERMORNqu 1T RPS01VID2 jhaj the SuDerhsoe.-
End the Board of pIrk of the
park District XO- & of the Qyn of M,,,,OnZC7''r
be and they hereby are authorized and directer
Q MEW= to !sours W Option in the =e
of Park District M. 1 of 17-je of
Eck from the Hill,id, a
HAWS QvWcyLtj ,- f .
chmss from said KcrjoYation for °L =0
a^ '2'
RYMCQU jurposee all tncEs certain lotsg
Mass CY Parcels Of land rc- C—ed by gaic",
Gam- ti Within the area Quld'ed by the
sastarly aide M rRY 0u ; n the south
by the ncrtherly side of Myrtle A7vnna an, or.
north by the southerly jj, of M, Q , , ,t
3rO2jvtY Owned by the
P' StEr County
g"-- -Y being a triangular t Of
ECUM containing aDprczinntely 5SOC sonara
AMP at a rAos not to enceK $133,006. and.
cOntainin& such other terms old ,Qjtj,Q jc,'
the SUMMG1 an& the z id Board :my deem,-
advizable and few the best Ateieste o! the
To-.�n, of
FURTHT" Rog M�T.7,)� t'�
, —at YroMded sail ortion is
SWUM as "=-.4 authorized, the 02Epwivor
IT-AssinnerE pleased to take sulb
Zation as may be necessary and in their audgmen,,,
jsAvalls old as M!, be
of the State 7FVA25d under the lows
Of new York G obtain such authey-
izatiOn as may be 17�Qvfosd under the Mc esaj�-,.
!&we SO that said 0103n if procured may be
ezErAsed and the purntase T sail groyssQ-
The question being tqnqn am&" the Azege;ine; rs,,j,tja,j
the Sony �O.E aacpted by the folicning +]-s ®
Q221 ME05yy Hgwg
NctEt ' 14 Collins, Leeds.
. vr� Bgyd�
At 70ting! Clerk See rm .ems
Ujon motion, duay Teczmdod, it
whoroam this
B,,,d h,,
consider thE
;00151ty eaztswly
of the
Station Palo
�!E ;6=t
to he Wed for
Park asl6l"o.-
' gurloses
for the Ts�n
Of and
U-S2 in
cDinjcM of
this Board
Irverty is
to ve, acquizel
if auo,-
an aDtion
for As PurVase
of same ,
ant U7alvelT
oh- L t
of A
District NO.
1 Q the Town
Of and_
ndeavor to
arc authorize!
and firected tc,
Secure from Donis,
A Anoynn
and Lawrn":
"Ons" an
in the nal;6 of
110 (^
211) ;y
Park DiAriat No. 1 of the Own A Wamon3cl-
jurahass thz contain lot , 20ce or jance!
of land 25 a 50 a Oat 7ccated at the cnrnee
Armea by the interssotion cf the nesterly Am
of Vine Street ann the 5cathgAy side of Myrtle
BcnlevEyd fronting 50 feet on Vine Street and 27
Apt an Myrt2e We= at thE beet pAce Atainabl-s
=1 containing such other ts nd conditions
as the SuDsovisur ant tht SAA Bcari may d3e:n
advisalle and for the beEt interests of ths
Tz�n of Xamaronec&
F�=R=77! 7T,,SCI7FDj that pyoving! 201 apticn is
secured as hazoin avthcAzsA, the Sugervis=,
andzor Part D=weed to toka SuAn
action an may be nenassnry a- d in' �4-"�dgE.siat
detinablie and as SaY be required nnls� the lave
of the Stals cf New York to obtain such authoriz-
stOn as may Ics required under tne afoTeaah-i
laws zo that said cytion if Docouzaa may be eneraisk'l
12111 the Purchase of said picyorty concluded.
The question being taken Ulan the foragAng rescluticn.
the same was Lacp&d by the following vote -
1-Tas-ars. Howell, Gollins , Leads.
Noss: Mo. Boyf'
Not 7otingi Clark 9hvjua,e
Ulan motion, the meOing Ujournes at ll:ZG P,H,