HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_06_20 Town Board Minutes 259 =TTNG OF T..= TOITIFTI BOARD TO1n'T OF i7 ;ie_RO : K- 271, I. beld J'are 20th, 1928® iilir race brag ti.as mall e':i t4J E1'G.er byY STA;�:;er`-a"s.'�:Py Bix%ton at 9 ¢40 P. s% Present-� Superai or Burton Justices C011-1,11s, Howell and Leeds Town Cler', Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon T:°otiont duty Eeccnded, it was voted to div'Ne7'_Se tT.. +" e rea ... f xT n } of a t .. Jr Ye 'aF, Ih :.hv CTin� O „d3E li?i.1V4" 4". tRLL' Xl�,`� r:"' us Ca li_ Tt ie Cl e.q a? stated t Lla+ "pursuant �� n�i L` C ° ilT, aC5 e 1 f_fi :=^»" the Board -should zlov consider the aop' ica,tion to re-zone 3S Busin°�'w a diet}riCt.._ all that ;' e:Ce of "p.': e Y on the north Test c rier Had"is0`i Avenue and Byron Place , 1mov?n and designated as Section 1, Block 30g Lots 6g ns and _23 k"iitlh'n a, Claua. B rBSidential distri^'t® Af tf'r readin.,T o-f the not:'.-_° as ad ertised, and after discussion and .^.,0 nSi dera"ti Qn g. the f011vw7-ne :L`E SO.L'_Lbla`=`l. T°..'.:.q_ y;;,rac- en-t 7 an t eEa �.� sa:poYx rol'! call unanirnousl;� adag �ed® 1TT+S OLVE-n i, i t�; �� a4 e Zoninr Ordinance of the u-nincol.ora`Wed part of ,he Tovm' of TT;.maroneCk.g 71sst•ches'er County, IT�n v York; "Ar. c_dinaml-e adopted by the To= Board 'f the Town of 1!la:Taroilezck, Eaw Yor*k, at a meeting held on June 2.2sts 1922, by virtue of the power =rested in said Town. Bca.rd under 'he provisions of Chapter J7- the le`a's of 1922 , to establish building ing any public :st-_cests, and require all buildinge hereafter erected to be v7ithin such lines , to regulate and restrict the location of trades and industries and ti--,e location of buildings, designed for Special asesg to regulate and limit the height and bulX'- of buildings hereafter erected and regulate and determine the area of yards, Eaurt S. mad other Oren Spaces surrounding buil.d- is gsg and, to establi..^5h the boundaries of distr_ict5 for the Said ourtioses a-d ';G provide perialtiea for he -vi Olatisn of its pi0"TiaiilnE%, to ;eth_-_ with the Zoning Yap e.! ieh sith the desigrlaticns SY2E`. n thereon acco . ,anizE he aforesaid Ordinance and Mrich is therein declared to be and is madde a part thereof, t,o:-ether ?;it.'n the amenidnents 1aherl=- o and thereof, rE S-peCuive ly , be it further ainerded as fo1la}151St That the aforesaid zoning dap, together with de E.igna` sh C7a'r ' eieor e _d te o as to tran:Sfer::�^. ?Vcciiui to and re-classifz;° as C ' u_ln✓ss diet_r>ct the fall ...in>_ descr'.raecl :ortion of the Town of 7��ilazaaronF l.$. T�T'hich has her 'cloreV been clausi ied as B -residential districts 71_Z- ALL, of the land designated as Seyti'cn lg Blrc?' 8 0,� Lots ,7 an'd 2d , on tiic. north :'Se St come-r of 11adiso Avenu_= and Byrton Ptaea§ ,;it=tin B esi ni de t_ ,. al distriv t, and be it f`Lsrr th.E" R230LVED> that t--is ordi"nsncce shall o,' e effect i=ediately. '2 71 The Clergy; stated that pursuant to notice duly advertis.FQ the Board =..'C2ould now consider the various applications and plans for buildinng..permits which had been denied as being in violation On the ZQr1Yg Ordinance. After reading of the notice as advertised,tised, and after discussing and considering the variOOUS applications and plans for building -permits before the Board , it was upon motion, duly seconded, unanimously _IT OL FDr "TERM; S, the Town Bosse of the Town Of Mamaroneck haz duly advertised pursuant to law, a public meeting for the purpose of considering certain applications therein stated., Lace under the Zoning Ora.= inan'ae of the Unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck, which applications are nv3't': pe ndingjand _ W;'-''ETAS, he said Town Board having ';c.a..d said hearing and both parties raving bee:, gZ"anted th°e rivilege of appearing for or in opposition to the granting of certain applications as ProviG'e uncle.. the said .rt Zoning Ordinance, and Ater 'due consideration, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board rd o the `i'own of Mamaroneck, sitting ,jointly as a Boar. of Appeals and as a Town Boar? does hereby gran.. !. 1° ..C O__Ow1Ylg applications from the decision of the Building Commission, ;f1'1.ict decision is hereby reversed and does hereby consent to the granting of the followinC applications subject in each case to the specific conditions and safeguards there Q2 sta.r(edi 1$ Applicitien #1190 of Roy dwelling and garage on the n that the building is erected the front lot lane. Foley for the erection of a one family arch side of Hillcre'st Avenue , provided not less than is' feet 5 inches from 2 Application 41201 of 11.%bert. Telachoor for the .. erection n of m c a: ideate garags on the south side of Myrtle Blvd. , 565 r ay west f!^" 4c c1cr Street, p3 v` 1dC: ' r t the L=rag'"c i a erected not less than 59 feet from the front lot line, ons foot from the ,:ids lot line and with the distinct understanding that the garalc till not be used now ow hereafter a5 w wommercial Zarage. 3.. Application #1202 of J Lindsey Clark, f� ti, J. is r..-artt,g.. for the erection o - on ford Q'.:Felling and garage on the .forth east aide of Sackett Circle , provided that the building is erected- not 'less than 20 feet from the fTont lot line on Sackett Ci`.rciez Hr. Tilliam Bg. Bannister ?.."ap:eared befooe she Board, representing He `v ra. Donovan and Me Donaldt in connection O._ with their, application for the erection of stores and o, L .tU'oz on the south si de of Vine Street, 50 Pest east Of 1yrtle Avenue , which had heretofore been laid over by this Tc n Board, acting as _ Board of Appeals. After considerable discussion sic 'as had on the application, the sane was laid over for further consideration, 2 7 2 A- commanication from Mr. Wm. E. Schramek was receivec, and read relating to the granting of a permit for the removal of a two family house located at the corner of Vine Street and Myrtle Avenue, The dommunication was ordered raceivedy placed on file and referred to the Clerk. A communication from the Larchmont Gardena Association way received and Toad inviting t`7F Town Board to attend its: next meeting at the Weaver Street 71ra House an June 21st , 1928. The communication was ordered received, placed on file and the invitation accepted, L communication from Mr. Gec. 1. Mulcahy was received and read complaining of the odor arising from the disposal plant in the rear of his property, The communication was ordered received, placed on file and referred to the Sewer Commission for its attention®. A communi3ation from Mr. John F. Kane Was received and read, calling the Board 's attention to the condition of the To Cemetery which abuts at the rear of his projert> The communication was ordered received, placed on file and after discussion2 the matter was referred to the Highway Com- niesionew and Counsellor Gamble. In the matter of the petition presented bythe Society of the Now York Hospital for enempticr. of its property in the Town of Havaroneckg which had been referred to Counsel, the follo7ing resolution was presented and unanimously adopted upon the Teconinerd- ation of Counsel.- WH7RFAS, a petition has been duly presented to this Board by the Society of the New York Hospital, a corporation organized under Charter from King George the Thirlo setting forth that it owns property located within the Town of Mamaronec! described as folio s*. ALE that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate , lying and being in the Town of Mamaroneck, County of Westchester, and State of FeT York, bounded and described as BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Rushmore Avenue , formerly DeLancy Avenue , which point is distant 467. 25 feet aoutheaEter- IT from a point on the northeasterly side of Rushmore Avenue where the same would be inter- sected by a prolongation of the south-easterlY side of Heathcote Avenue as said points, dist- ances and avenues are shown on a certain survey dated January ?1st, 19247 made for and guaranteed to Lawyers ' Title & Trust Company by Ward Carpenter & Cosj White Plains, Z Y�,� Surveyor, and which point of beginning is opposite the southerly side of a ceOin fence shown on Said • llr7eY; running thence northeasterly at right angles to Rushmore Avenue , 255 feet; thence southeasterly, parallel with Rnshmers Avenue , it7a -straight !ins to a point at high water mark, on the shore of Long island Sound; thence in a generally southweaterly direction along said high wator mart, as the same winds and turns , to a point where the said high water mark would be intersected by a prolongation of the northeasterly side of Ruzhmore Avenue ; and running thence northwesterly along said northeasterly side of Rushmore Avenue and the prolongation thereof to the point or place of beginning. TOGETHER, with all the rightj title and =terest of the vendor of in and to the land between high and low water mark and under watellying immediately in front of and adjoining said promises so far as the acme may extend, also any rock or rocks projecting above lo-z -, ter ark or land immediately in front of said oremises which may oro.Qct above 10W W7 a ter mark. TOGETHYR, with all the right, title and interest of the jarty of the firat part of, in and to land lying in Rushmore Avenue in front of and adjoining the above described premises to the center line of said Avenue , as said Rushmore Avenue is now laid out, and to the center line of said Avenue as it would appear if prolonged to the highwater mark of long Island Sound, known on the Ass tent, Hal of the Town of Mamaroneck as Lot Foe. lk and 3B in Block S79 Section 9 , and 7HERTAS , the purposes of said hospital are fully set forth an? deacriled in said petition.and said petition further sets forth that the entire property is exclusively used for the purposes set forth therein and that no rightst profits or income are derived from its operations of any nature whatsoever and no portion of the property is Wased for gain and it is entirela, and exclusively used for the charitable and benevolent purposes of the Society, and -cl..'_rsuant to Subdivision 7 of Section A of the Tax Law of the State of New York, the said property of the said petitioner is entitlec! A ememption, from taxation, it being held and o-,,peratsd in a manner which brings it within the provisions of said Subdivision and Section. Therefore upon motion, duly seconded, be it RTSOLVED, that whereas the yroperty herein- above described of the Society of the New York Hospital, a property being known as Lots Nos. !A and 3B in Block 97, Ssction 9, on the Assessment Hal of the Town of Hamaronech, is, enEmpt from to=aticn under the Drovisionz of the Tax r the State of Few Yo2li it being real property of a corporation organized for the care and healing of the sic'.'.: and for hospital purposes , from which no rents , profits or in- come are derive Q and WHEREAS, said property is so helds therefore be it further R7SO177D, that the Supervisor and the Ward of Assessors be and they hereby are authorizd& empowered and directed to mark the aforesaid described property now owned by the Society of the New York Hospital exempt upon the Assessment Map and Roll of the Town of Namaronechy and be it further RESOLVED, that nothing herein contained sheh e7ey be construed to exempt said property from - tanation when, as and if said property is here- inafter conveyed by the Society of the Fla Yorle Hoslita! on the use under which it is herein- adclared exempt is altered or changed. 7 071, A communication Fire Co. , Was received and Drivers Francis and Gi-lmor from Captain Bray of the WeavEr Street read, advising of the re Sid t ti,ns of F , ttaL�ing effect on June 15th. Ujon motion, duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the resignations of Drivers Francis and Gil mere , sffPcti-,Te a'-'cic 25th, 1928, is hereby accepted. A communication from Captain Bray Of the Weaver Sheet Fire Co�n-fa-ny was received and read, recormending the apDointmznt of Garritt Shore and the re,emplbyment of Clarence Stout to the positions of drivers at the Weaver Street Fire Houses Ulan motion, duly seconded, it vas upon the recommendatia-a of Captain Bray, unanimously RESOLVED . that Garritt Shore , be anal he Nreby is a,ointed to the position, of driver at the Teaver Street Fire House , for the probationary period of three months , commencing June 15th, 1928 . at the salary of $125.00 per month, and be it further RESOLVED, that Clarence Stout be and he is hereby re-appolnt5d to the position of driver at the eaver Street Fire Hove; : commencimZ June 15thy 1228Y at a salary Of 0135-00 Pei' month� Ujon the recommendation of Supervisor Burton, it Was upon motion, duly seconaedt , RESOMM, that Louis Bovine is herebY appoint- ed Serreant of the Town Police Departmert, at a Sala!y of Q2600.& per annum, same to 1 h effect commencing JAY ists 1928. The Su2erviaor brought up the question of eetablishinz n police penkvia fundq and after discussion and conaiderationt the matter was refermel to Course! for a report thereon. Ujon m-otion, the meeting adjourned at 11 A M. AMk--1JA-�T