HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988_05_24 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Village of Larchmont - COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION MINUTES A regular meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on Tuesday, May 24, 1988 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 Wesc Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY. The meeting commenced at 8:05 P.M. Members Present: Robert S. Schoenberger, Chairman Mary Anne Johnson Paul Kean Lawrence Lowy C. Alan Mason • Howard McMichael Phyllis Wittner Richard Young Others Present: Elaine Price, liaison, Town of Mamaroneck Council Cheryl Lewy, liaison, Village of Larchmont Board William Maker, Attorney for Mr. Kluge Edward Hannington, Hannington Engineering Consultants Ellen R. Dunkin Richard Shapiro Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Barbara Cleary, Recording Secretary 9 Woody Lane - Michaeli & Dunkin A zoning variance was requested by Joseph Michaeli and Ellen Dunkin in order to obtain a permit for an existing wood slotted deck, which was originally added without obtaining a permit. Now the owners plan to sell the house and need the permit in order to sell it. Their property is adjacent to the Leatherstocking Trail, a Critical Environmental Area (CEA). However the site is blocked from the trail by a high rock outcrop and drainage is away from the CEA. The Commission reviewed the proposal and had no objections . Mr. Schoenberger requested Claudia Ng to write a letter explaining that CZMC sees no problems or effects. 386 Weaver Street - Nolan An application has been made by Kevin Nolan to replace a rear deck at 386 Weaver Street, which backs up to the West Branch of The Sheldrake River. The old deck was removed because it was about to fall apart. The commission reviewed blueprints for the proposed deck. Ms. Ng informed the Commission that there was very little slope and the area near the river was open ground and showed no signs. of erosion, therefore she did not see any problems with the proposed deck. A motion for approval was granted without conditions. • Ar1(4,-0,-q Correspondence to C7M Commission; 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 (Phone 914-381-o 1 ) CZMC Minutes - 5/24/88 Beach Road - Subdivision request by John W. Kluge William Maker, attorney representing Mr. Kluge, reviewed the situation for the benefit of those who were not present at the last meeting. At the last meeting the Commission was about to disapprove the application on the grounds that it would be inconsistent with the policies of the LWRP and possibly serve to undermine them. Mr. Schoenberger emphasised that the LWRP recommended R-50 Zoning which was adopted by the Town of Mamaroneck'to protect the waterfront. Mr. Maker appreciated the Commission's philosophical dilemna in regard Lc) the R-50 policy. He informed the commission that he had prepared a study to address the concerns of other LWRP issues and asked if they would like to hear it. A long discussion followed. One of the questions addressed was that the zoning board may still gran: a variance even without the approval of the CZMC. Ms. Ng said that once they property is approved as a bui4iable lot, it would not have to undergo site plan review. Phyllis Wittner said any subsequent plans would still have to be reviewed by this board because it is adjacent to a CEA and in the flood zone. Howard McMichael said he was one of the people who proposed R-50 zoning. He felt the Commission could oppose the Kluge sub-division on a philosophical point but not on any other grounds. He noted that Premium Point was very private, the situation was unique and felt the homeowner should be able to have full use of his property. Richard Young inquired whether the effect of an approved extension woul:l be different from the effect of a seperate building. Mary Anne Johnson and Alan Mason responded that they believe R-50 is a good policy which was carefully thought out and do not want to see it undermined. Mr. Maker distributed a Environmental Assessment Form and a document prepared by Bruce Donahue of Environmental Design Consulting. In his study, Mr. Donahue addressed policies 7, 7a, 14 and 44. Edward Hannington of Hannington Engineering Consultants addressed the conmiision on policies 11,14, and 25. Paul Kean made a motion to advise the Town Zoning Board that the Commission reviewed the application as to lot size only, finding it inconsistent with LWPR policies. It should be specified that the Commission has not reviewed any other aspect because there are no concrete plans or proposals. Lawrence Lowy added that the Commission would like to have the opportunity to comment when and if an application for a building permit is made because the property lies in a flood zone and adjacent to the CEA. The motion was approved by the Commission with the exception of Alan Mason and Phyllis Wittner who abstained from the vote. A letter to the effect will be drafted by Mr. Schoenberger and will be ready by June 7, 1988, in time for the next Zoning Board nieetin . Premium Feasibility Study A preliminary report has been drafted by Malcom Pirnie recommending the dredging of Premium River and the stabilization of its bank. The report recommends that it use an area adjacent to Premium Point to dump dredged spoils and create a new wetland habitat. A public meeting will be held June 16 in the Town Courtroom to publicize the findings of the Malcom Pirnie report. The presentation will include a slide show and discussion of the problems, alternatives and costs. -2- CZMC Minutes - 5/24/88 Mr. Schoenberger recommended strongly that all CZMC members should . attend. Phyllis Wittner advised that everyone should read the report which will be available in its final draft by June 2, 1988. Ms. Ng will distribute it. • The Chairman acknowledged the efforts of Phyllis Wittner, Lawrence Lowy, Mary Anne Johnson and Claudia Ng who formed the sub-committee which assisted greatly to this study. • Griffen Avenue - Winston Property There will be a DEC hearing Thursday May 26, 1988 to determine whether the Winston Griffen Property will retain the DEC Wetlands designation. Village of Scarsdale wishes to sell this property to developers to compensate for another property they acquired to use for recreational purposes. Although there is a law suit to show that the will is restrictive, it is poorly worded. The best protection against development of this area is to maintain its State Wetlands status. Mary Anne Johnson and Irma Volk have written several letters in behalf of the CAC. These letters were sent to various conservation groups citing opposition from the CAC and reqesting their assistance. Ms. Ng proposed a statement be written to be presented at the DEC hearing. Robert Komitor Chairman of CAC had told Ms. Ng that he felt it was in the domain of the CZMC to make the statement and he would like to discuss it with Mr. Schoenberger. •Davids Island • Mr. Schoenberger informed the Commission that he made a statement at the Davids Island hearings. His discussion focused on the height of the buildings and the heliport. Elaine Price also attended the hearing and discussed the inconsistency of this project with coastal legislation. Ms. Price informed the Commission that EIS has no studies on the alternatives. Ms. Price said that a coalition of officials from the City of Rye, Village of Mamaroneck, Town of Mamaroneck, Village of Larchmont and the Pelhams had a meeting to discuss their opposition to the project. Mr. Schoenberger suggested that Elaine Price obtain the assistance of Long Island Communities. Ms. Price said these communities were informed but there has been little response. Maryanne Johnson said that CAC had written letter to County CAC's opposing the taking of County Parkland for the project and seeking their assistance. Prewritten letters addressed to the Coast Guard and the Department of State (DOS) were passed around for the members to sign. Ms. Price recommended that letters be written to the Gannett Chain voicing opposition to the project. CAC/CZMC Joint Meeting The joint meeting of the CAC and CZMC was poorly attended. Although it was not very conclusive, it did serve to open the channels of communication between the two commissions. Alan Mason said that each commission came away with a better understanding of each other's responsibilities and ways in which theycan assist one another. Mr. Schoenberger said g joint meetings should be held periodically to minimize duplication of duties and responsibilities. -3- CZMC Minutes - 5/24/88 Other Business Illegal Sewer Connections - Miss Lewy explained that letters have been drafted notifying homeowners in the Village of Larchmont that illegal sewer hook-ups must be corrected and that offending homeowners could be identified by a smoke dectector system. Homeowners are responsible to call Fred Kello to find out the nature of their problem and how it could be rectified. Mr. Schoenberger suggested the possibility of making it condition of buying or selling a house. He also suggested that the Town of Mamaroneck be urged to do the same. Ms. Price, however, noted that there may be some complication to doing it. • Long Island Sound - An Owner's Manual - Mr. Schoenberger reported that residents of the Village of Larchmont received a copy of "Long Island Sound - An Owner's Manual". ' He noted that it was an excellent and informative book and wondered it the Town should consider having one printed. Ms. Lewy informed the commission that the Village of Larchmont did not have to pay for printing or mailing and it was supplied by the Wainwright house. Mr. Schoenberger will write letter requesting this mailing for the Town. Larchmont Village Newsletter - "Facts of Life in Larchmont" newsletter will be going out in a few weeks, if any one has input please advise. Hart Island - Mr. Schoenberger informed the Commission that he received a letter saying that the proposed Hart Island project has been canceled. Larchmont Reservoir Automatic Valve. - Mr. Mason reported that the automatic valve is ready for installation. He is still awaiting a bid from Byram Electric who recommended underground wires from pump station to filter plant. Lanza Electric recommended electric wires above but he felt that the underground alternative would be better. Gardens Lake Dredging Project - Lowering of the reservoir will not begin until July 1, 1988 at the earliest, pending examination by Barbara Dexter (professor at SUNY,Purchase) . Ms. Price said that there are still some problems with DEC in regard to the disposal of the dredged materials. Manor Park - Ms. Ng read a letter from Dorothy Rainier addressed to the Manor Park Society which voiced her objection to the careless actions of gardeners who are destroying some wild flowers. Meeting Announcements: Ms. Ng informed the Commission that Environmental 88 meeting will be held June 6 at 7:30PM at the White Plains Public Library. The State of the Sound conference will be held June 4 from 9AM-3:30PM :at SUNY. Applications were distributed. • Minutes The minutes for April were approved after corrections. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. -4-