HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_04_25 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-6133 MINUTES APRIL 25, 1989 A regular meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission was held on Tuesday, April 25, 1989 in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, New York. The Meeting commenced at 8:05 P.M. Members Present: Phyllis Wittner, Chairman Bruce Allen Elinor Fredston Mary Anne Johnson Lucian Leone Lawrence Lowy C. Alan Mason Robert Schoenberger Shirley Tolley Richard Young OOthers Present: Stephen Altieri, Administrator, Town of Mamaroneck Charles Berstein, Member CAC Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Elaine Price, liaison, Councilwoman, Town of Mamaroneck Rene' Rathschmidt, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes for the meetings of January 24, February 28, and March 28 were approved pending corrections. It was decided that it was not necessary to redistribute the these minutes. REFERRAL Hommocks Ice Rink - Stephen Altieri, Town of Mamaroneck Administrator, reported to the Commission that the Hommocks Ice Rink plans were sent back to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval. The Board will review the plans on May 17. Proposed in ground date for the rink is set for June 1, 1989 with completion scheduled to allow for operation in November. Mr. Altieri reported that the facility is 16 years old and requires new refrigeration equipment. He said the new plan calls for installation of wood treated pilings with asphalt coverings. The pilings will be 27 feet to bedrock. He said the major reason for redesigning of the plans was cost related. Some Q changes included: 1) the building size increasing to 150 feet x 150 feet 2) a one-story building rather than two 3) pre-engineered building instead of tension membrane, 4) color compatible with the surrounding area 4) the Concession stand will serve both the pool and rink. CZMC Minutes - 4/25/89 J ® The plans were reviewed by the Commission and the following comments and concerns were expressed: 1) plans for landscaping were minimal 2) only minor changes to the wetland protection and flooding proposals and 3) roof runoff. Mr. Altieri addressed the CZMC's concerns with the following responses. He stated to the Commission that landscaping will be given more consideration once the main construction is completed. The water runoff will empty into the existing storm drain system. He also reported that natural gas will be piped in via Hommocks Road to eliminate the need for an underground oil storage tank. Mr. Schoenberger felt that the metal building would be unappealing and inappropriate for a park area. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) policy 25 was cited. Mrs. Wittner will draft the letter and attach a copy of the previous CZMC response, dated February 25, 1988. CHAIRMAN REPORTS Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) Annual Report - The CZMC received the 1989 CAC Annual Report. Ms. Wittner noted that the CZMC looks forward to working with the CAC on issues of mutual concern. Polystyrene and Polyvinyl Ban - The letter sent to Diane Keane by the CZMC in regard to banning polystyrene and polyvinyl was discussed and the Chairman notes that Ms. Keane replied and thanked the CZMC for their comments. Ms. Wittner also reported that Ms. Keane has placed it on the Board of Legislators Meeting Agenda set for April 17, 1989. Local Environmental Quality Review (LEQR) - Ms. Wittner reported that the Town Attorney has responded with corrections concerning Critical Environmental Areas (CEA's) as requested by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) . Larchmont Waterfront Zoning - The Chairman notes replies from the following vendors in response to proposal requests in regards to Larchmont Waterfront Zoning. 1) Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. - Malcolm Pirnie will not be submitting because of the time frame and prior commitments. 2) Saccardi & Schiff, Inc. - Also will not be submitting because they have a relationship with Dan Shuster and they do not feel it would be appropriate since they feel that this project is an extension of the LWRP. 3) Frederick P. Clark Associates - Their proposal will be forth coming. 4) Shuster Associates - Ms. Wittner just received the proposal. Ms. Wittner suggested that dates for interviews to discuss proposals should ® be set before the next CZMC meeting since the Village Board is scheduled to meet on May 15, 1989. The date agreed upon by Commission members is May 4th at 8 P.M. -2- CZMC Minutes 4/25/89 Bay Constable Program - Ms. Wittner reminded the CZMC that the Village of Larchmont Board of Trustees will be considering the Bay Constable Program at their meeting on May 1, 1989. Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas (CEHA) Law, Larchmont - Ms. Wittner reported the results of the meeting she had with Fred Kellogg, Village Engineer, on April 17. She stated the CEHA law is basically a permitting process in a mapped area for regulated activities within each described area ( 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8) . Ms. Wittner noted that Mr. Kellogg made some nominal modifications and then transmitted the model law to the Mayor, Board of Trustees, and James Staudt, the Village Attorney, recommending that implementation begin as soon as possible. Municipalities have six months to enact a local law. Recommendation for Town of Mamaroneck to pass a local CEHA law was also discussed. ' Leaf and Large Tree Disposal - Ms. Wittner along with Fred Kellogg visited the site on April 20. Ms. Wittner reported to the Commission that an enormous amount of tree trunks remain, although two containers full of nonacceptable debris have been carted away at the cost of $1,500. There is just $4,500 left in the budget for removing the rest. Mr. Kellogg stated to Ms. Wittner that he would like to see the site cleaned up if only to dissuade further illegal dumping. Leaf Composting, Larchmont - Ms. Wittner will be meeting with Fred Kellogg, Mr. Rodrigues, owner of Tony's Nursery, Mr. Fowler, Village Foreman, C and Mr. Schirmer on April 27 at the Village yard. Proper leaf composting to speed-up decomposition time and ways to deal with the end product will be discussed. Mr. Rodrigues has offered (as a volunteer) to set up a program to deal with the aforementioned topic. He also volunteered to show the Village employees ways to execute the program. 50 Stuyvesant Avenue - Ms. Wittner informed the Commission that a letter had been received from Fred Kellogg regarding oil surfacing at 50 Stuyvesant Avenue. Upon investigation, Ms. Wittner noted that it appears to be the result of an underground oil storage tank of a neighbor which is leaking into the yard. Mamaroneck Harbor Study - Ms. Wittner submitted CZMC's comments to this study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency to Steven Altieri as requested. Elaine Price noted that the Planning Board felt the same as CZMC in that the study does not provide any new information and that it is known that there is a problem with monitoring and enforcement. Premium - Ms. Wittner noted CZMC's appreciation which was given to Mayor Curin, Cheryl Lewy, Fred Kellogg, Frank DeVore, and Carmine DeLuca, for their immediate action which allowed Emergency Environmental Services to place an absorbent boom at the Premium. Also noted was the fact that the boom (a $2,000 item) was included in the tentative budget hearing set for April 17. Ms. Wittner, upon approval of the budget, will contact all concerned parties as well as those who have offered to monitor the boom. Also reported by Ms. Wittner was the results of the meeting she had with Tidal Wetlands Manager, Dominick Ninivaggi, who is now handling the grant which concerns the Premium. She noted that the grant is under technical review. Ms. Wittner -3- CZMC Minutes 4/25/89 r 41:1 also addressed the proposal to have Mr. Hohberg check water quality at the Premium because of the High Tech Car Wash. The cost of his services ($250.00) was voted upon and all members concurred to retain Mr. Hohberg. They felt that he should take a single sample right after a rain and test for oil and other likely pollutants. Mrs. Wittner mentioned that according to Cesare Manfredi of DEC, there are no regulations on car washes. Mrs. Wittner also discussed the results of the meeting she held with CAC member, Michael Scheffler regarding the restoration of the entrance way at the Premium and other conservation areas. The Town Highway crew recently filled some of the potholes with stone. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Erosion & Sediment Control - Robert Young distributed copies of the model ordinance published by the Westchester County Soil and Water Conservation District dated August, 1986, an ordinance adopted by the Town of Rye, and an edition by Malcolm Pirnie. After reviewing all these publications he stated that his recommendation to CZMC would be to adopt these publications including Malcolm Pirnie's suggestions, but only after further consultation with Malcolm Pirnie to confirm that there have been no new developments since 1986. Litter Control - Lucian Leone shared comments and ideas with the Commission. Mr. Leone felt that the packaging industry should be addressed • in regard to designs, etc. He also suggested higher fines and better follow-up enforcement by means of an anti-litter officer. He addressed comments made by other members which dealt with dog waste. The Chairman suggested consulting the LWRP and also the CAC Recycling Committee in order to receive additional input. Mrs. Johnson mentioned that the L.I.F.E. Center has copies of an old article written by John DeSalvo discussing the litter problem. Mrs. Tolley reported that a recycling meeting was recently held by the League of Women Voters and L.I.F.E. Mrs. Price remarked that the Town is considering deputizing weekend enforcement officers. OLD/NEW BUSINESS Nonpoint Source Pollution - Westchester County Soil and Water Conservation District has asked the local municipalities CZMC's and CAC's to identify stressed waterbodies and streams. Small Lake Management - Mary Anne Johnson informed the Commission that a workshop on small lake management will be presented by Teatown in Ossining on May 6. Water Week - Ms. Ng reported that New York State has designated May 1-7 as water week. She also noted that the focus this year will be on nonpoint pollution sources. Historic Preservation - Ms. Wittner reported that she is looking into the • topic with regard to the LWRP. -4- CZMC Minutes 4/25/89 0 Pollutant Control - Ms. Wittner reported the results of the meeting she had with Cesare Manfredi of the DEC. Addressed were the topics of car washes, gas stations, and auto body repair shops. Also noted as a point of fact was that silt traps which separate oil do not require a DEC permit, whereas, a oil separator is a treatment unit for pollutants and does require DEC approval and a permit to build. It was clarified that any seller of oil must take back used oil, including department stores. Gary Trachtman, the Town Consultant Engineer, has provided the CZMC with guidelines for oil separation, which will be sent to all members. Mr. Manfredi explained that swimming pools are overseen by the Health Department. Pool water should be held for 10 days before discharging into Long Island Sound to eliminate excess chlorine. Also noted was that backwash from a filter to a sanitary sewer line is illegal. 30 Park Avenue - Mary Anne Johnson reported that an archeologist along with one of his students surveyed the site with shovels and a sifting trap. She said they had expressed a great deal of interest since the site is located near the Mill Pond and the well at Manor Park. They will submit a report on their findings. Reservoir Valve - C. Alan Mason discussed the findings from the frequent monitoring of the Reservoir's new automated valve. He stated that interesting patterns have been developing. The automated valve is geared to maintain levels within 2/10 - 3/10 of an inch. It appears that at night, the valve need only be open 18-19 degrees (90 degrees being fully open) to maintain its level. However, during the day, the valve must be at 25 degrees Q to maintain the level. Mr. Mason told the Commission that research of these patterns will be forthcoming and he will keep CZMC posted of his findings. Meeting Adjourned: 10:15 P.M. C -5-