HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_09_22 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-7845 CZMC MINUTES - DRAFT September 22, 1998 A regular meeting of the Costal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on September 22, 1998 in Conference Room "A", 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lili Andrews, Co-Chairwoman William H. Bailey Madelaine Berg Marc S. Godick Ruth Gyure Dr. C. Alan Mason Howard McMichael Nancy Seligson, Co-Chairwoman REGRETS: Bernard Kaplan Richard Ward Eileen Weingarten OTHERS PRESENT: James W. Athey, Jr. Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Coordinator Christopher Knopp Builder/Property Owner- 28 Bonnie Way Daniel S. Natchez Representing 217 Hommocks Road Jack Pisco Builder/Property Owner - 44 Marbourne Drive Phyllis Wittner Town of Mamaroneck Liaison 1. Approval of Minutes: - The minutes from 8/25/98 were unanimously approved with corrections from members on a motion by H. McMichael seconded by M. Berg. 2. Consistency Referrals: Proposed Reconfiguration of Docking Assembly with Dredging 217 Hommocks Road, Block 417 Lot 1 Requested by:NYS Department of State,Division of Coastal Resources CZ 0998M.WPD CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.1 %J Printed on Recycled Paper - Daniel Natchez stated that the residence at 217 Hommocks Road has an existing docking facility and the resident, Mr. Eric Rosenfeld, wishes to reconfigure the dock so that it faces the incoming waves. The way the dock is currently situated puts it and any docked boats at an increased risk of sustaining damage from wave action. Mr. Natchez stated that the project will involve dredging. There will be approximately one thousand (1000) cubic yards of material removed. The substrate has been tested and is considered to be clean and has been approved for unconfined disposal as clean material at the WLIS III disposal site. - The Commission inquired if the proposed docking facility would be the same size as the existing docking facility. - D. Natchez stated that the proposed floating dock will be larger than the existing and there will be a new fixed pier attachment of approximately twelve (12) square feet that will be installed using piles. The new floating dock will be approximately eight by forty feet (8'x40'). - The Commission asked how long the project will take to complete and what the proposed dredging depth will be. - Mr. Natchez stated that the project should be completed in a few months. He stated that the dredging will take less than a week and the actual installation of the dock will take about three days. The building of the dock will occur off-site and will take approximately six (6) weeks to complete. Mr. Natchez stated that six (6) feet is the desired dredging depth. - After a brief discussion the CZMC agreed that this project will neither be consistent nor inconsistent with the policies set forth in the Town of Mamaroneck - Village of Larchmont Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). A letter will be sent to the referring agency stating such. A copy of this letter will be sent to Mr. Daniel Natchez. Application to Construct a New Single Family Residence 44 Marbourne Drive, Block 330 Lot 350.3 Requested by:Town of Mamaroneck Director of Building - N. Seligson stated that she and J. Athey visited the site on 9/16 and made observations consistent with the Tree Preservation Commission statement of findings regarding tree removals on this lot. Additionally she noted that the adjacent undeveloped lots have a substantial amount of debris (rock blasted from the lot across the street) and a seasonally wet depression between these undeveloped lots and a neighboring developed lot. - J. Athey stated that this lot is one of three connected undeveloped properties, all owned by Jack Pisco. Upon completion of this house, Mr. Pisco is proposing to develop the remaining two CZ 0998M.WPD CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.2 - The Commission stated that all three lots and the effects of developing these lots should be evaluated cumulatively. - Jack Pisco stated that 44 Marbourne is one lot of four that he purchased on Marbourne Drive. He built and sold a house on one of the lots (53 Marbourne Drive) and plans to build single family houses on each of the remaining three. Mr. Pisco stated that as indicated on the approved drainage plans, all roof leaders will be directed to drywells and a trench drain at the base of the driveway will also be directed to a drywell. J. Pisco also noted that he intends to file for the next two houses jointly so that all drainage, utility, etc. issues can be addressed together. - The Commission inquired about the topography of the area. - J. Athey stated that although this lot is fairly level throughout with a slightly lower elevation at the northern end, it is at a lower elevation than all of the adjacent lots. - The Commission asked how deep the perk test holes were dug in comparison to the proposed depth of the drywells. - J. Pisco stated that the perk test holes were dug to a depth of two feet and the drywell depths will be approximately six (6) feet. - The Commission inquired if there are any bedrock out croppings on the site and how the existing trees and vegetation are situated on the property. - J. Athey stated that along the western property line there is a steep ascent toward the neighboring properties with signs of bedrock. Mr. Athey continued by stating that a majority of the trees and vegetation are situated on the northern portion of the property. The southern portion of the lot contains very few trees and the vegetation consists mainly of grass. Most of the willow trees and phragmities mentioned in the Tree Preservation Commission statement of findings are located along Marbourne Drive. The ferns are few and scattered throughout the northern section of the lot. - The Commission asked if any space at the northern end of the lot will be left unlandscaped and naturally vegetated. - Mr. Pisco stated that the northern end of the property will be part of the proposed lawn. - A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that the proposed single family residence at 44 Marbourne Drive will neither be consistent nor inconsistent with the policies set forth in the Town of Mamaroneck - Village of Larchmont LWRP, however the CZMC made the two following comments 1) the CZMC strongly agrees with the findings of the Town of Mamaroneck Tree Preservation Commission regarding tree removals and replacements on this property and 2) the Commission is concerned about the possibility of future water problems on the site due to its low-lying topography in relation to adjacent properties and its apparent wet nature. A letter will be sent to the referring agency stating such. A copy of this letter will be sent to Mr. Jack Pisco. CZ 0998M.wrn CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.3 - A letter will also be sent to Ronald Carpaneto, the Town of Mamaroneck Director of Building, requesting that when either one or both of the remaining two lots are being considered for development, regardless of ownership, both lots will be presented to the Commission simultaneously so the CZMC can better evaluate the cumulative impacts of the two lots as a whole. This will allow the CZMC to more effectively address its concerns. A copy of this letter will be sent to Mr. Jack Pisco. SECOND REVIEW (first review at 8/25 meeting) Freshwater Wetlands and Water Courses Permit Application to Construct a New Single Family Residence 28 Bonnie Way, Block 104 Lot 52.1 Requested by:Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board - Christopher Knopp stated that he intends to construct a single family residence on the currently undeveloped property at 28 Bonnie Way. Mr. Knopp also stated that he has not yet addressed the requests of the CZMC discussed at its August 25th meeting (Mr. Knopp did not attend this meeting), however his engineer now has the September 3, 1998 correspondence addressed to Ronald Carpaneto listing these requests and his engineer will handle these concerns appropriately. The requests discussed at the August 25th meeting consisted of the following. 1) delineation of all wetlands on and adjacent to the site 2) confirmation of the accuracy of all previous percolation tests 3) adequacy of the proposed drainage structures 4) borings and documentation of the water table 5) proposed landscaping - Mr. Knopp asked the Commission how the confirmation of accuracy of previous percolation tests should be performed. - A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that confirmation of accuracy of previous percolation tests is not necessary, however the CZMC would like to know if these calculations will be effective after the site is altered. - C. Knopp stated that he will discuss this matter with his engineer. - The Commission commented that there is a wetland behind the property and a tributary to the Sheldrake River runs through the rear of the property. The CZMC also noted that as part of the subdivision approval, there is a drainage easement that cuts across the front of the property - After a brief discussion, the Commission agreed that the information accompanying this referral is insufficient to determine consistency with the LWRP at this time and this matter should be subject for review at the next meeting of the CZMC. The Commission would also like to revise its previous list of requested information to read as follows: 1) delineation of all wetlands on and adjacent to the site CZ_0998M.WPD CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.4 2) proof of the effectiveness of the proposed drainage structures/proof that existing calculations will remain accurate after the site has been altered 3) proposed landscaping plan A letter will be sent to the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board listing these requests to inform them that the CZMC requires additional time and information to make a determination of consistency with the LWRP. A copy of this letter will be sent to Christopher Knopp. Renovations to Village of Larchmont Village Hall Requested by: The Village of Larchmont - After reviewing the proposed renovation plans and discussing the matter, the CZMC agreed that the proposed project will neither be consistent nor inconsistent with the policies set forth in the Town of Mamaroneck - Village of Larchmont LWRP. A letter will be sent to the Village of Larchmont Board of Trustees stating such. 3. Discussion of Mamaroneck Harbor Dredging Project: - N. Seligson stated that the Town has received a public notice from the Army Corp of Engineers regarding the proposed dredging of Mamaroneck Harbor. Daniel Natchez, who is involved with the project, agreed to give an overview to the Commission. - Mr. Natchez stated that the dredging of Mamaroneck Harbor is a "demonstration project" on how harbors should be dredged. The federal government will be dredging the federal portion of the harbor and marinas, yacht clubs and individual property owners will be dredging their portions. In all there will be 22 projects simultaneously taking place which when combined will be removing around 260,000 cubic yards of material. All 22 projects will dredge the harbor to a relatively uniform depth. D. Natchez stated that a total of 14 agencies are involved with reviewing this project including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries, Army Corp of Engineers, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, NYS Department of State and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation. - The Commission asked where is/are the proposed disposal site(s). - Mr. Natchez stated that it has yet to be determined, however the most probable sites are central Long Island Sound out from New Haven, CT and WLIS III. Before the disposal sites can be determined, the results from an EPA environmental assessment on bioaccumulation must be reviewed. Mr. Natchez stated that mercury, PAHs and cadmium are among the most common pollutants that have been discovered. - A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that a CZMC letter of consistency is not necessary for this project. CZ 0998M.WPD CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.5 4. Discussion of Mamaroneck-Larchmont Coastal Assessment Form (CAF) - Due to a lack of time, discussion of the Mamaroneck-Larchmont CAF will be postponed. The Commission will discuss this matter at its October 27th meeting. 5. Chairpersons' Reports: - N. Seligson stated that she and M. Godick visited 2107 Palmer Avenue, the referral discussed at the last CZMC meeting regarding a proposed addition to an existing auto repair shop/gasoline service station, and noted several items of concern. A letter was sent to Syrette Dym, Chairperson of the Village of Larchmont Planning Commission, stating these concerns. J. Athey stated that he will send a copy of this letter to all members in the October meeting's information packet. - N. Seligson stated that Steve Coleman's proposal for working on the Town of Mamaroneck's revised wetlands law will be subject for approval at the next Town Board meeting. S. Coleman will be able to begin work soon after Town Board approval and the project will take three to four months to complete. - N. Seligson stated that on 9/16 she and J. Athey visited the Ben-Simon property at 103 Griffen Avenue and the site was in deplorable condition. J. Athey stated that without any approval whatsoever, the contractor built a bridge across the Sheldrake River using two 14" corrugated steel pipes, sand bags, rock and dirt. Additionally, most of the silt fencing around the site had been trampled and removed. There was a substantial amount of dirt, rock and other debris from the tree removals that had fallen into the river. Mr. Athey stated that he issued a maintenance inspection notice requiring 1) the silt fencing to be completely re-installed before the end of the day, 2)the bridge to be removed by the end of the week and 3) the stream and all areas between the silt fencing and the stream must be cleaned and remain clean or a violation and a stop work order would be issued . The silt fencing was re-installed before the end of the day and the bridge has been since been removed. - N. Seligson stated that she and James Athey visited Rocky Hollow, the proposed subdivision formerly known as Laurel Manor, and noticed a large pile of dirt without erosion protection. J. Athey stated that this pile of dirt originally began as soil storage for the Westchester County Joint Waterworks when they were extending the water main for Coventry Court and Rocky Hollow. The contractor for Rocky Hollow began gradually adding to this pile, without approval, and there now exists an enormous landing near the entrance to the property. The contractor has been notified that he is in violation of the Town Code and has been warned that if any further dumping, or other activities requiring permitting, takes place on the property without proper approval, he will be penalized as per Town Code. A silt fence has since been installed down slope from the existing dirt. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. The next scheduled CZMC meeting will be held on October 27, 1998. CZ Q998M.WPD CZMC-9/22/98 Pg.6 TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT To: All Interested Parties From: James W. Athey Jr., Environmental Coordinator Date: September 25, 1998 RE: Town of Mamaroneck 1998 Summer Conservation Crew The Summer of 1998 is behind us now and another Summer Conservation Crew has completed their eight weeks of hard labor on the trails throughout our conservation areas. I'm proud to announce that I couldn't be more pleased with the job they have done. This year's crew demonstrated a genuine sense of concern and dedication to our valuable natural areas and were instrumental in coming up with ways to enhance our trails. After just one walk through the improved areas, I think you'll agree that we definitely had some hard workers this year. The Conservation Crew performed trail maintenance and made improvements on the following areas: Larchmont Reservoir • Sheldrake River Trails • The Leatherstocking Trail • Hommocks Conservation Area • Premium River Conservation Area The list of tasks included the following: Pick up and dispose of trash and debris • Cut back overgrowth on all trails • Replace boards on catwalks and bridges (as needed) • Outline trails with logs where available • Spread wood chips on selected areas In addition to the above tasks, the Conservation Crew made many improvements throughout the conservation areas. These improvements include the following: Larchmont Reservoir Although the crew worked throughout the entire reservoir area, a majority of the efforts this year were focused on the trails north of the reservoir(the Dennis Drive Trail). Log stairs were built on several paths leading down to the water's edge to ease access and lessen soil disturbance from foot traffic, which in turn should also help to reduce the amount of soil that erodes into the reservoir during rain events (well, from the immediate area anyway). We also noticed that edges of the trail were eroding away in several areas. These areas were built up through the use of stabilizing measures (logs and sticks) and the addition of dirt. Additionally, we built a new catwalk on this side of the reservoir along what is sometimes referred to as "the boy scout trail". This was definitely one of the high points of the summer. Everybody enjoyed building this catwalk and we were very proud of the end result. © Sheldrake River Trails. The crew did a substantial amount of work throughout all of the Sheldrake River Trails including building up the eroding edges of the trail in many locations and setting water bars along many sections of trail where signs of erosion was apparent; dirt was also trucked in to fill in some of the eroded areas. For those of you not familiar with the term "water bar", water bars are logs set into the ground at an angle along the trail to divert water into vegetated areas and to prevent water from running down the trail, picking up velocity and eroding the soil. The crew also refurbished some existing log stairs and built new ones where needed. The largest/most impressive new set of stairs are on the trail which ascends the small hill closest to the Stratford Road entrance (near the Leatherstocking). Also, along the Leatherstocking portion of the Sheldrake Trails, the crew repaired a stone bridge where much of the sides had collapsed and fallen into the stream. I eatherstocking Trail On the Leatherstocking Trail, the crew rebuilt some logs stairs between Old White Plains Road and Country Road and new log stairs were installed between Fenimore Road and Country Road. The latter was heavily eroded; both sites required the addition of dirt. Several chronically muddy sections of the trail were altered to allow for better drainage and to make the trail more easily passable. The two most noticeable of these areas are located 1) about 1/4 mile east of Avon Road and 2) about 1/4 mile east of Winged Foot Drive. Both of these sites required the addition of dirt. At Avon Road the dirt was also used to cover some tree roots on the trail that were exposed as result of soil compaction and erosion. Water bars were also placed along many sections of the Leatherstocking Trail. Hommocks Conservation Area The crew rebuilt some log stairs at the Hommocks Conservation Area and spent some time cutting back shrubs, vines and small trees that were growing in the meadow. Consider this an official invitation to visit and enjoy our conservation areas. We are very fortunate to have these areas so close to home and easily accessible. If you have difficulties finding any of the conservation areas, the Town Conservation Department can supply you with directions and trail maps. I have already started compiling a work list for next year's Summer Conservation Crew. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any comments or suggestions regarding maintenance or improvements you believe should be included on next year's list. Town of Mamaroneck Conservation Department 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Tel:(914) 381-7845 Fax:(914) 381-7809