HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992_10_27 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont © COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION �� TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-6133 APPROVED MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 1992 A regular meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on Tuesday, October 27, 1992 in Conference Roan A at the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:04 p.m. Members Present: Angel J. Martin, Chairman Elinor Fredston C. Alan Mason t;> * ��® Howard McMichael, Jr. ,. Richard J. Ward Q�nji 1992 Phyllis Wittner PAl%c lA A Dic ro�,,�,� ccio Richard A. Young �iAi�+,�;,u�f K N.) Others Present: Dolores A. Battalia, Stein & Battalia, Attorney for 3-5 Byron Place, Professional Dental Building O Richard T. Brand, General Manager, Westchester Gas Operations, Con Edison Michael A. Buffa, Manager, Gas Construction Operations, Con Edison Sigrid Davis, Observer Lawrence Gordon, Architect for 3-5 Byron Place Dennis Lynch, Manager, Construction and Administration Group, Con Edison Mark Mustacato, Architect, R.M.G. Associates for 5 Prince Willows Lane Julius Silverstein, Developer for 5 Prince Willows Lane Su dahl , Craig, DDS, and Claire; Owners, of 3-5 Byron Place Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator Ellen Morse, Recorder NEW MEMBER The meeting began with Chairman Martin welcoming the newest CZMC member, Richard A. Ward an appointee fran the Village of Larchmont. CON EDISON CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES/BMP'S (BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES) Con Edison is a regular applicant to New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for funding. NYSERDA must notify areas with Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs of the proposed actions. As a result of this routine consistency referral, Mrs. Wittner, on behalf of CZMC, sent a letter to Con Edison stating CZMC's concerns regarding sane of their practices seen on Palmer Avenue. At Chairman Martin's request, Mr. Brand appeared with two other Con Edison representatives to discuss these concerns. CZMC Minutes October 27, 1992 Page 2 Chairman Martin asked Mr. Brand what kind of conditions are placed in Con Edison's contracts with contractors relating to BMP's, e.g., avoiding soil from entering the storm drains. Mr. Brand replied that there are general terms and conditions and they do not get that specific. Mr. Lynch stated that when contractors do work for Con Edison, Con Edison has an inspector on site who decides, for example, that if there's poor soil which is being removed, clean fill will be brought in. Also, if there are wet conditions and mud is removed fran a hole, it would not be put back for many reasons. Most of their jobs take from 2 to 3 days except for infrastructure work (the replacement of gas mains which was recently done on Palmer Ave.) which can take 1 to 2 weeks. Mrs. Wittner explained that there were 4 foot mounds of dirt piled up for blocks on end. In the event of rain this dirt would have washed into the drains and out into L.I. Sound. Chairman Martin informed the Con Edison representatives that the catch basins in the streets ultimately go into the L.I. Sound. It was discussed how Con Edison might improve their BMP's by putting in hay bales at the gutters between where they pump out and the catch basins. Also, when trenching in vegetated areas, install a silt screen between the job area and the nearest downstream water body. These suggestions would have to be made mandatory for Q enforcement. Mr. Brand then requested getting a copy of the new law and Westchester County's BMP's. Chairman Martin concluded by stating that he will send Mr. Brand a letter including some suggestions, confirming tonight's discussions, and referencing the Towns Erosion Law and the County's BMP's. He will also send him a copy of the Town's new Erosion Law. Mr. Brand replied that he will get back to CZMC with Con Edison's changes. REFERRALS A. Professional Dental Building, 3-5 Byron Place - Dolores Battalia, representing Dr. & Mrs. Sundahl, owners of 3-5 Byron Place, explained that this property is located across fran the Clock Tower Building. The house on this property has been demolished and a 3,500 sq. ft. building will be erected. The only variance needed is for parking. This site requires 18 parking spaces and there will be 10 spaces provided. Application must be made to the Town for 3 additional spaces. Their application to the Zoning Board will be based on 10 parking spaces rather than 18. Mrs. Battalia stated that they have offered use of the parking lot to the Town if they want to use it for overnight permit parking as there is a shortage of parking in the area. Mr. Gordon then showed the plans. Chairman Martin questioned the sizing of the infiltration gallery located in the back of the parking lot where storm water is collected with the intention being that it will infiltrate into the ground. Mr. Gordon replied that their engineer has CZMC Minutes October 27, 1992 Page 3 contacted Malcolm Pirnie who has verified their calculations. These calculations are now being reviewed by the Planning Board. Chairman Martin mentioned another concern about the catch basin and oil separator where the storm water enters. Any oil floating in the separator would be absorbed onto absorbing pads but maintenance such as changing the pads needs to be done. Mrs. Wittner said CZMC's recommendation to the Planning Board might be for the owner to provide certification to the Town Building Inspector that it has been cleaned at least once a year. In answer to Dr. Mason's question on percolation of the soil, Mr. Gordon stated that testing is being done. There are presently no trees on the site but Mr. Gordon stated that they plan to do a lot of planting. Chairman Martin will prepare a letter. B. Subdivision at 5 Prince Willows Lane - This property is located off Old White Plains Road. This is a single house that was formerly two lots on the original subdivision. As there was only one house, it was merged into one lot and now it is being subdivided again. The house will be demolished and two houses will be built. Chairman Martin looked at the site and gave his © concerns. One concern is about the drainage from the site which goes down into Doris Road and Prince Willows Lane and drains down the hill into Saxon Woods and ends in the Mamaroneck River Reservoir which is a Class A water body. There is a concern that whatever activities are done on the site (earth moving, demolition, etc.) would not cause a lot of sediment and soil to run off into the catch basin and into the Reservoir. Mr. Mustocato stated that the existing asphalt driveway will be kept through all the construction work and staked hay bales will be installed down the slope from the excavated areas. They plan to remove three trees for which they do not need a separate tree review. Dr. Mason's concern is the sloping of the site shown on the contour map which goes from 173-175 feet on one side up to 181 feet on the other. In same spots there is a 3 or 4 foot change in height over a span of less than 40 feet. He suggests that CZMC recommend that they stake bales all along the border of Doris Road and Prince Willows Lane to provide debris containment. Chairman Martin concluded by stating CZMC will incorporate in his letter a lot of the applicant's commitments plus the commitment to enclose the down slope perimeters with hay bales. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of September 22, 1992 had several changes made. Motion to adopt the minutes was made by Mrs. Fredston and seconded by Mr. Young. C • • CZMC Minutes October 27, 1992 Page 4 CHAIRMAN REPORTS A. Liaison Assignments - Ms. Ng will distribute a copy of the following new assignments to the Commission members: For the Town of Mamaroneck: Town Council will be shared by Chairman Martin and Phyllis Wittner; Board of Architectural Review by Howard M,c iichael; Planning Board will be shared by Richard Metzner and Richard Young; Zoning Board remains with C. Alan Mason. For the Village of Larctmont: Village Board of Trustees will be shared by Chairman Martin and Phyllis Wittner; Board of Architectural Review by Richard Metzner; Parks and Trees by Richard Coico; Planning Commission by Elinor Fredston; Zoning Board of Appeals by Mary Feldtmose. Other agencies: Conservation Advisory Commission by Richard Ward; City of New Rochelle by Phyllis Wittner; Village of Mamaroneck Harbor Commission by Howard McMichael; and floater - C. Alan Mason. The list of members will also be corrected as to term dates. MEMBERS REPORTS �. Phyllis Wittner - Premium Conservation Area - Congresswoman Nita Lowey was present for the plague dedication at the entranceway and Mrs. Wittner discussed the dredging project with her. Mrs. Wittner will have more information on the dredging project for the next meeting. Phyllis Wittner - L.I. Sound Regional Coastal Management Program Announcement - On October 20 at the Rye Town Beach Pavilion, Phyllis Wittner attended the press conference along with Congresswoman Nita Lowey, Lt. Governor Stan Lundine and Secretary of State Gail Shaffer and others. One discussion was that the State is thinking about consolidating same of the policies. Phyllis Wittner - Town Board Meeting - At the October 21 meeting, the Town passed the Surface Water, Erosion and Sediment Control legislation. They also accepted the SEIS prepared by Ferrindino and Associates and it is ready for distribution. The public hearing for the golf course properties is December 9 and the comment period closes on December 21. Mr. Martin, Dr. Mason and Mr. Metzner will review one copy. Mrs. Wittner will try to obtain another copy and share it with Mr. Ward. Mr. Young will obtain a copy for the Bonnie Briar Neighborhood Association. Phyllis Wittner - PPPA and LIFE Center - Mrs. Wittner gave thanks to Mary Anne Johnson for this seventh annual event held on October 25. Steve Coleman gave a slide presentation on birds and there was also a 7:15 a.m. bird walk which Chairman Martin participated in. Elinor Fredston - Planning Board - Nothing on their agenda to report. As a result of a newspaper article about a Rye County-owned pipe that is being replaced, Mrs. Fredston mentioned the long-standing problem with the County-owned pipe on Cedar Island. She has tried unsuccessfully for years CZMC Minutes October 27, 1992 Page 5 to get the Village to look at this pipe which is a sanitary overflow as a result of storms when the pump house is full. Mrs. Fredston would like them to extend the pipe further out into the Sound. Mrs. Wittner suggested contacting Legislator George Latimer who would then probably contact the County Public Works Department and have them inspect the site. Chairman Martin concluded by stating that he will send a letter to Legislator George Latimer explaining the situation. Mrs. Fredston will prepare the draft with all the facts. Mr. McMichael noted that in the Village of Mamaroneck the sewage overflow pipe is right by the harbor seawall. C. Alan Mason - County Environmental Management Council Meeting - At this meeting one item mentioned was New York City's attempt to restrict development around the water supply sources. The County EMC will not take a position against the County's opposition. Chairman Martin asked Dr. Mason if he had a copy of a report done by the County Reservoir Keeper on the conditions of water quality. Dr. Mason will obtain a copy fran the Friends of the Reservoir. Richard Young - Erosion and Sediment Control Law - He will call Larcnt Village Mayor Cheryl Lewy to get an agenda on what the Village wants to accomplish, and he will report back to CZMC. ANNOUNCEMENTS Claudia Ng announced a free seminar sponsored by the Hudson River Foundation, Rutgers University, Monmouth College, SUNY-Stony Brook and New Jersey Sea Grant on Fisheries and Environmental Quality in the New York and New Jersey area. It will be held on November 7 at SUNY-Stony Brook, N.Y. and on November 21 at Monmouth College, Monmouth, New Jersey. NEXT MEETING: November 24, 1992. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 0