HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_05_26 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION t_It TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 = 914-381-7845 CZMC MINUTES May 26, 1998 A regular meeting of the Costal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on May 26, 1998 in Conference Room "A", 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:07 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lili Andrews, Co-Chairwoman William H. Bailey Madelaine Berg Marc S. Godick Ruth Gyure Dr. C. Alan Mason Nancy Seligson, Co-Chairwoman Richard Ward Eileen Weingarten REGRETS: Bernard Kaplan Howard McMichael OTHERS PRESENT: James W. Athey, Jr. Environmental Coordinator, TOM Henry Meltzer Architect representing Beechmont Bus Service, Inc. Phyllis Wittner Liaison, TOM 1. Approval of Minutes: - The minutes from 3/24/98 and 4/28/98 were approved by the Commission. CZ_0598M.WPD CZMC-5/26/98 Pg.1 Its tail Printed on Recycled Paper 2. Consistency Referral: Requesting of a Variance to Construct a 2 Story Addition to an Existing 1 Story Building Beechmont Bus Service, Inc. 24 Valley Place, Block 131 Lot 36 Requested by:Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals - H. Meltzer stated that there is an existing building on the site that is currently being used for bus maintenance by Beechmont Bus Service. The building was recently purchased by Beechmont Bus Service and because state regulations require a certain amount of space for maintaining the buses (an amount greater than currently exists on the site), they would like to add an addition to the building. The area where the addition is being proposed is currently an asphalt surface used as a parking area for buses. The addition will allow enough space to maintain two additional buses with a staircase leading up to a second floor where office space will be created. Mr. Meltzer stated that there is an existing waste oil storage tank and a recently replaced underground storage tank for diesel. - The Commission stated that the area where the addition is being proposed is a compacted rubble/broken macadam type surface in very poor condition. The Commission inquired if pits or hydraulic lifts are being proposed for the new work bays. - Mr. Meltzer answered "no" and continued by stating that some type of floor jacks are to be installed and drilling may be required. - The Commission stated that this area has a relatively high water table, which may not necessarily hinder drilling or construction on this site, however it must be taken into consideration. The Commission also asked what types of supports are proposed for the second floor. - H. Meltzer stated that they will not be using any columns for support, they are planning to span the structure with steel beams. - The Commission noted that behind this property is a slight drop in elevation down towards a large asphalt area which appears to be a storage area for thruway equipment. The Commission asked what types of chemicals are to be used at the facility (degreasing compounds, etc.). - Mr. Meltzer stated that whatever chemicals are typically found at an automotive maintenance facility will also be found at this facility. - The Commission inquired about the existing vs. proposed capacities of the waste oil tank, the diesel underground storage tank and oil/water separators on site and existing vs. proposed maintenance schedules for all of the above. The Commission also requested information regarding the circumstances for removal and replacement of the diesel underground storage tank and any reports generated in the process. CZ_0598M.WPD CZMC-5/26/98 Pg.2 - Mr. Meltzer stated that he did not have any information on these tanks or oil/water separators, however he could obtain them. - The Commission stated that the plans indicate an oil/water separator for the garage, but there do not appear to be any drainage devices for the outside-asphalt area. The Commission requested any pertinent existing and proposed drainage information and actual site elevations, as opposed to the arbitrary elevations on the site plan. - The Commission inquired if any buses will be stored on this site. - Mr. Meltzer stated that the only buses that will be on this site will be in the garages, Beechmont Bus Service utilizes several other sites for bus parking/storage in the near vicinity. - The Commission asked if any environmental reports had been written for the property. - Mr. Meltzer stated that he was unaware of any. - The Commission stated that because of insufficient information accompanying the application package, a review extension of this matter should be requested of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals and additional information must be submitted by the applicant in order to determine consistency with the LWRP. - The significant areas of environmental concern which may affect consistency with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) and must be addressed are the following: • Vehicle Engine and Undercarriage Wastewater Management; • Exterior Bus Wastewater Management; • Overall Facility Stormwater Management; • Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management; and • Storage Tank Management 3. Discussion of Mamaroneck-Larchmont Coastal Assessment Form: - The Commission suggested creating some sort of guidance document to assist applicants and referring agencies with the Mamaroneck-Larchmont Coastal Assessment Form and in determining what types of actions require CZMC review. - After discussing the proposed Mamaroneck-Larchmont Coastal Assessment Form, members of the Commission noted several changes to be made by J. Athey and resubmitted for approval at the next CZMC meeting. CZ_0598M.WPD CZMC-5/26/98 Pg.3 4. Discussion of Proposed Freshwater and Tidal Wetlands Law: (160 - The Commission agreed that a consultant should be hired to review and refine the proposed freshwater and tidal wetlands law. The Commission also agreed that the consultant should be involved with the wetlands mapping project. 5. Members' Reports: - P. Wittner announced that New Rochelle has been circulating its proposed LWRP and Harbor Management Plan and public comments are due by June 9th. 6. Chairpersons' Reports: - N. Seligson announced that because the Village of Larchmont does not have a surface water, erosion and sedimentation control law, Joe Morgan (the Village Engineer) has created an erosion and sediment control memo that is to accompany every application for building in the VOL. - N. Seligson stated that she has received a memo from Syrette Dym, Chair of the VOL Planning Commission, requesting input concerning the expansion of Villa Maria Restaurant. The memo was addressed to "all interested parties". Villa Maria is proposing 111100 to expand the restaurant into the Village right of way. She added that the owner of Villa Maria owns the land that the Village right of way is on. This expansion will leave six (6) feet of sidewalk. After a brief discussion, the CZMC decided that this proposed expansion will neither advance nor hinder the policies set forth in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (the LWRP) and accordingly is neither consistent nor inconsistent therewith. - N. Seligson stated that Larchmont Yacht Club may soon be renovating its second and third floors and in the process will create an indoor fire escape. As a result, they will have to extend the building outward to enclose the fire escape. She added that the area where the building would be extended is already an impervious surface. She continued by stating that if Larchmont Yacht Club decides to perform this renovation, it will be referred to the CZMC. - N. Seligson stated that two weeks prior to this meeting, a Con Edison substation shut off for three (3) minutes which turned off the electricity at the Mamaroneck sewage treatment plant. The facility is supposed to have 24 hour employee surveillance, however no one was there at the time. The back-up generator did not function and as a result, the plant flooded damaging the pumps and chlorinators that perform secondary treatment. The plant was functioning only at primary treatment for a substantial amount of time. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. The next scheduled CZMC meeting will be held on June 23, 1998. CZ_0598M.WPD CZMC-5/26/98 Pg.4