HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998_06_23 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 fi 914-381-7845 CZMC MINUTES June 23, 1998 A regular meeting of the Costal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on June 23, 1998 in Conference Room "A", 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lili Andrews, Co-Chairwoman William H. Bailey Madelaine Berg Marc S. Godick Bernard Kaplan Dr. C. Alan Mason Nancy Seligson, Co-Chairwoman Richard Ward Eileen Weingarten REGRETS: Ruth Gyure Howard McMichael OTHERS PRESENT: James W. Athey, Jr. Environmental Coordinator, TOM Ned Benton Liaison, VOL Henry Meltzer Architect representing Beechmont Bus Service, Inc. Phyllis Wittner Liaison, TOM 1. Approval of Minutes: - The minutes from 5/26/97 were approved with corrections from members on a motion by M. Berg, seconded by W. Bailey. CZ_0698M.WPD CZMC-6/23/98 Pg.1 Ats fin: Printed on Recycled Paper 2. Consistency Referral: SECOND REVIEW Requesting a Variance to Construct a 2nd Story Addition to an Existing 1 Story Building Beechmont Bus Service, Inc. 24 Valley Place, Block 131 Lot 36 Requested by: Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals - H. Meltzer distributed a packet of information to each of the CZMC members containing responses to the letter dated June 16, 1998 in which the CZMC requested additional information of the applicant before a decision could be rendered. Mr. Meltzer noted that he had a revised version of the Full Environmental Assessment Form for CZMC review it. Mr. Meltzer stated that there will be no exterior washing of busses on the premises and the wastewater that is generated during engine and undercarriage washing is directed to a sub-grade pit, as stated in the June 16th letter; however, the pit is not plugged and the waste water is not pumped into 55 gallon drums for off-site disposal as previously communicated to members of the CZMC. He continued by stating that property owner is unsure whether the pit drains to the stormwater or sanitary sewer system. - The Commission stated that if this wastewater is discharging directly into the storm sewer system, either a permit or a notice of approval may be required from the County and/or the State. - H. Meltzer stated that he checked with people from both, the County and the State, and he was given the impression that permitting/approval was not necessary. - The Commission stated that Beechmont bus should obtain letters from the County and the State stating that this type of discharge will not require approval/permitting. - H. Meltzer, further addressing the concerns listed in the June 16th letter, stated that waste oil and used tires are removed from the facility on a monthly basis. He also has complete records on the removal/replacement of the diesel underground storage tanks and the removal/disposal of contaminated soil and the revised plans include placement of curbing around the site, a trench drain across the entrance and an oil water separator to which all storm water will be directed. - The Commission inquired where and how many oil/water separators will be placed on the facility and what areas will drain to which separators. - H. Meltzer stated that there are two additional oil/water separators proposed for the facility, one will receive water/fluids from the interior of the proposed facility and the other will accept all water/fluids generated on the facility's exterior. Mr. Meltzer stated that they are in the process of retaining an engineer to design the system. - The Commission requested detailed information on the existing oil/water separator including its design and capacity and proof, from a licensed engineer, that it does and CZ_0698M.WPD CZMC-6/23/98 Pg.2 will continue to function sufficiently. - Mr. Meltzer volunteered to have this matter heard at the next CZMC meeting so that he may assemble additional information to more adequately address the CZMC's concerns. - The Commission agreed that this matter should be more thoroughly addressed in order to assure consistency with the LWRP. - The Commission requested the following additional information regarding this referral, for review at the July 28, 1998 meeting of the CZMC: • what type of oil/water separators are currently being used on the site,what areas drain to them, where do they drain(sanitary sewer,storm sewer or other),what are their current maintenance schedules and how effective are they(please include pertinent calculations) • what type of oil/water separators are proposed for the site,what areas will drain to them,where will they drain(sanitary sewer, storm sewer or other),what are the proposed maintenance schedules and how effective will they be (please include pertinent calculations) • how and where will proposed site conditions direct runoff,where will runoff from the roof be directed,where is the undercarriage washing pit drainage directed,is it sealed(If so,how?), how is it maintained and what is the maintenance schedule (if any changes are proposed for this structure,please describe existing versus proposed conditions) • provide specifications for any underground storage tanks on the site(heating oil tanks included), other than the recently replaced diesel tank 3. Discussion of Mamaroneck-Larchmont Coastal Assessment Form: - N. Benton distributed a version of a Coastal Assessment Form, created by him, for the Commission to review. Mr. Benton stated that he created this form to be used as an educational tool to make people aware of the potential environmental impacts of their projects and measures that may be undertaken to mitigate these impacts. He continued by stating that he would like this form to help facilitate an expedited and less complicated review process for small projects that may not necessarily warrant a CZMC review. - The Commission stated that it is in favor of the educational component of the form, however the form should be a little stronger if it is to be truly effective. - N. Benton stated that perhaps the CZMC could create standard checklists of mitigative measures for different types of small projects in order to limit CZMC review to larger more complicated projects. - The Commission stated that a method of quantifying disturbances to identify "small" versus "large" projects could be provided in the form. This could be achieved through a few simple calculations and answering a few questions (surface area or linear footage disturbance, change in ground permeability, redirection of runoff, etc.). However, the Commission continued by stating that if too many discretionary-type questions are left to the applicant or building inspector in determining what projects should be reviewed by the CZMC, then consistency with the LWRP may be compromised. It is the CZMC's job to advise projects and determine consistency with the LWRP and if discretion is left with others to CZ o69sM.WPD CZMC-6/23/98 Pg.3 decide which projects may invoke the policies of the LWRP and warrant CZMC review, then the CZMC would not effectively be doing its job. - N. Benton stated that certain types of projects warrant CZMC review because of their scale and nature while other projects do not. He stated that those projects that are questionable or are of a very minor nature could go through some type of screening process (possibly through use of the CAF) and instead of a full CZMC review, they could have a standard checklist of guidelines to follow and could be accompanied by educational materials. - A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that the form needs more revision and the CZMC should specifically outline guidelines for types of projects that do nc t warrant CZMC review. William Bailey volunteered to review the form(s) and begin a detailed list of these projects for review at the July 28th meeting of the CZMC. 4. Discussion of Proposed Freshwater and Tidal Wetlands Law: - N. Seligson announced that she, P. Wittner and J. Athey met with Steve Coleman, a wetlands inspector for the Town of New Castle and an environmental consultant, regarding the proposed Freshwater and Tidal Wetlands Law and wetlands map revision. She stated that they had requested, on behalf of the CZMC, assistance in reviewing and assembling the same. Sometime within the next month S. Coleman will be submitting a proposal for review. 5. Members' Reports: - N. Benton announced that development of the CZMC web site has begun. The site currently has a section on the history of the Commission, a section listing and explaining the policies of the Commission, a section describing the consistency review process and a section with links to other sites that contain mitigative measures for environmental impacts. Mr. Benton stated that all of the CZMC policies along with descriptions have been scanned into a digital format. He submitted a print out of these policies and samples of the web page to the CZMC for proof reading and comments. 6. Chairpersons' Reports: - N. Seligson announced that the Village of Larchmont is depending on the CZMC for comments on the New Rochelle LWRP. She stated that although the official public commenting period is over they will still accept comments. - N.Seligson stated that she has received a letter from Robert Schonberger, an original member of the CZMC, regarding an application to the NYS Department of Parks from the Village of Larchmont. Mr. Shonenberg stated that the application, which involves an extension of Flint Park, contains several misrepresentations. N. Seligson stated that she has not had a chance to review this application. She also stated that although it is CZ_0698M.WPD CZMC-6/23/98 Pg.4 merely in the proposal stage, the CZMC should be aware of this matter. - N. Seligson stated that she received a request from Joe Morgan, the Village of Larchmont Engineer, to review and comment on a driveway expansion at 1 Park Avenue. She and J. Athey visited the site and noticed the proposed area of expansion is minimal, there is an existing cement walkway running through the center of the expansion area and the soil on either side of the walkway is heavily compacted from vehicles already being parked in the space. After a brief discussion the Commission agreed that the driveway expansion will neither advance nor hinder the policies set forth in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan (the LWRP) and accordingly is neither consistent nor inconsistent therewith. Although it was decided that this action will not invoke any policies of the LWRP, the Commission always encourages the use of surfaces more permeable than asphalt (i.e. paving stones, etc.). A letter will be sent to Joe Morgan stating the CZMC's opinion on this matter. The meeting was adjourned at 10:16 p.m. The next scheduled CZMC meeting will be held on July 28, 1998. Cz oh9sM.WPD CZMC-6/23/98 Pg.5