HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991_11_26 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes APPROVED TownCOASTALZ of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont 0 ONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-7845 MINUTES NOVEMBER 26, 1991 A regular meeting of the C'r,astal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on Tuesday, November 26, 1991 in the Senior Center of the Town Center, 740 • West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. Members Present: Phyllis Wittner, Chairperson �rnE Richard Coico Angel Martin 30 1992 C. Alan Mason PATRIC!A A.D!C!OCC10 Howard M± ichael TOWN CLERK Richard Metzner P�:a'a�ROtlEC1( Richard A. Young Others Present: Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator David F. Panno Ellen Morse, Recorder *me Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses Application of 32 Bonnie Way - Because CZMC was not planning to meet in December, Ms. Ng brought this matter before the CZMC at this time to accommodate incoming applicants. Mrs. Wittner, however, felt that CZMC should not review applications until officially referred by the Planning Board Mrs. Wittner wrote Sanford Bell, Chairman of the Planning Board, stating that she would hold a December meeting if requested. Mi . Wittner then read her memo addressed to the Planning Board to the Commission members. Ms. Ng commented that this is an addition to a house. Mrs. Wittner added that this is next to a critical environmental area and will have to be looked at carefully. She asked that everyone visit the site before the next mooting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes: The minutes of October 22 were approved after a correction on page 3. Mrs. Wittner commented that Ms. Ng advised that 32 Bonnie Way is now considered a 'Type 2 Action. CHAIRMAN'S REPORLb A. Correspondences - Incoming: 1. 11/15/91 - Cora Rust, Chairperson of the Town of Mamaroneck Human Rights Commission, RE: Invitation fioiu the Town of Mamaroneck and the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck to attend the Third Annual Martin Luther King Award on January 15, 1992 at the Emelin Theater. They're inviting CZMC to nominate individuals or organizations for the award. 11% 4 Printed on Recycled Paper CZMC Minutc November 26, 1991 Page 2 Correspondences - Outgoing: None Correspondences - Copies: The first two matters pertain to the Premium Marsh Restoration. 1. 11/6/91 - NYS DOS to Stephen Altieri, RE: Premium Marsh Restora- tion - Project received State consistency approval with a stipula- tion that no dredging will be done from April 1 to September 30 in order to avoid a negative impact upon fish nurseries in feeding areas and shellfish spawning. They recommend monitoring the results of the project to provide data relating to the preservation of the tidal wetland and the benefits derived from it. The question came up of who will pay for this monitoring. Mrs. Wittner stated that since it is not in the Grant's budget, possibly the Premium River Pinebrook Preservation Association would pay for monitoring. 2. 11/6/91 - Stephen Altieri to the Supervisor and Town Board, RE: recommendation to reject a $629,110 dredging bid on the Premium Project. This was the only bid which came back and was frvin Harbor Clean Corp. of Norwalk, CT. This bid had the stipulation that the Town provide capping material. Mrs. Wittner explained that there is a 5:1 capping requirement for the dredge material (five parts clean material to one part sediment) . If the con- tractor has to supply the capping material and barge it over to the site, it will cost an additional $566,000. This bid had to be rejected because of the high cost. Another problem is that the Town does not have U.S. Army Corte of Engineer permits for the application, and each agency involved in the project has put another constraint on it. One of the latest constraints is being placed by the National Marine Fisheries because it stated that winter flounder will pnssibly be laying eggs in the L.I. Sound in the barge area. Mrs. Wittner thinks the Marine Fisheries might recommend that dredging be done between October 1 and January 25. A revised bid was advertised deleting the construction of a temporary dam and adding that the contractor must provide the capping material and hauling. Two bids came in, one for $750,000 and the other for $550,000 with the capping material. Mrs. Wittner stated that 28,000 yards of capping material are needed. Mr. McMichael spoke about the problems of getting capping material and haw it's expected to get worse in the future. In summarizing the problems, Mrs. Wittner noted that an additional $80,000 might have to be added. Malcolm Pirnie engineering fees for survey work and various testing could be approximately $150,000. Also, if there is still no Corte permit and dredging does not begin by December, the project will have to be postponed until 1992-1993. Mr. McMichael suggested CZMC Minutes November 26, 1991 Page 3 contacting John McMahon of Bruce & Johnson, one of Brewer's marinas, to see if they would allow us to do their dredging for free in exchange for the clean sediment. 3. 11/15/91 - Stephen Altieri to Richard Coico, RE: entrance to the Premium Conservation area - Mr. Coico related the events of a recent flood leaving many people's homes and, particularly, Pryer Manor Road under water. Previously, the Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) had a pudo-berm built - about a 1' high area of mulch and wood chips surrounded by telephone poles. The flood moved the poles which then blocked the road. Mr. Coico phoned Ms. Ng and also wrote a letter to Mr. Altieri who informed him that CAC would look into the matter. Members of CAC went to the site Sat. , November 23, 1991. Originally, CAC wrote the Highway Dept. and stated they wanted telephone poles installed vertically with no mention of wood chips. They will now submit another memo asking the Highway Dept. to remove everything and install cut telephone poles every 6', put plant- ings on the side and erect a sign off Dillon Road stating that it is a conservation area. B. Other Items: 1. Naturalist Consultant - Dr. C. Alan Mason, Shirley Tolley, and Mrs. Wittner met on November 13. Chairperson Perez of CAC who did not attend was told CAC would be kept posted. The plan of action is to have an enlarged subcommittee go out for a site visit with Steve Coleman which will consist of Shirley Tolley, C. Alan Mason, Claudia Ng, Martha Kaufman - a naturalist and head of LIFE Center, Mary Ann Johnson, and, possibly, Irma yolk. They will walk part of Bonnie Briar, possibly the Reser- voir, and evaluate Mr. Coleman's approach to the overall situa- tion. As agreed at the last meeting, Mr. Coleman will be paid for this visit. Becaus the preliminary budget has cut CZMC's consultant line back to $4,000, Mrs. Wittner feels it is still passible to work with a consultant but in one area only per year. Dr. Mason mentioned that Friends of the Reservoir and the Board would be interested in the services of a consultant, and if they were satisfied with Mr. Coleman they would contribute to the hiring cost. Mrs. Wittner feels a flat-rate basis of payment would be the easiest method for separating the expenses. CAC Chairperson Perez reported to Mrs. Wittner that CAC only wants to spend its consultant budget on Bonnie Briar and does not want to join CZMC in doing anything more. The site visit has been set for Monday, December 2 at 9:30 a.m. starting at the Lardhmont Reservoir Potting Shed. CZMC Minutes November 26, 1991 Page 4 2. Waterway Protection Signs - There is a correction in the Sound- keeper signs which are going to be put up at Pine Brook/Premium River and East Creek by the Village of Iarchmont. Because the signs said to contact the Soundkeeper with an 800 telephone number, the Village felt this would be endorsing a nonprofit organization. The Village Board has instead agreed to pay for the signs and delete references to the Soundkeeper. One sign will say: "This River flows to the Sound" and the other, "This Creek flows to the Sound". Both will say "Don't Dump" with the fish stencil. Placement of the sign for the Premium will be on Post Road by Tony's Nursery, and the sign for Fast Creek will be on Birch Lane. 3. Erosion and Sediment Control - Mrs. Wittner spoke to Gary Trachtman who said he is unable to work on the draft of the legislation right now. Mrs. Wittner called Elaine Price to ^M want could be done to move this project along, but she has not heard back from Councilwoman Price. Mr. Young commented that during the last session held with Mr. Jakubowski (Jake) of the Building Dept. and Mr. Trachtman, there were not many changes to be made, and that CZMC had made the suggested revisions. Mrs. Wittner asked Ms. Ng to get a copy of the draft from the files to check on the status of the evaluation. Mrs. Wittner asked the Commission members who are engineers if they could evaluate the technical points in order to move the project along, and if they knew of anyone else who could help. MEMBERS' REPORIb Mr. Howard McMichael, Jr. - Re: Chapter 210 which deals with waterfront management in the Village of Mamaroneck. The public hearing has been put off until January or later. This is a local law dealing with floats, speed limits, pollution, etc. Since this was never approved by the State, the Harbor Commission is reviewing and updating it to try to get it approved by the State. The C'nastal Zone Commission in the Village of Mamaroneck is going through their updating in conjunction with the Harbor Commission. Dr. Richard Coico - Nothing new to report. Mr. Angel Martin - Since Mr. Martin missed the last CAC meeting, he asked Ms. Ng to bring CZMC up to date. Ms. Ng stated that CAC would like to use the services of the naturalist, Mr. Coleman, but did not want to dedicate the whole funding toward him. CAC's various projects right now include working on the newsletter articles and storm drain stenciling - which Mrs. Cavalieri is heading. The Tawn of Mamaroneck approved the project and has chosen to use blue paint. CZMC Minutes November 26, 1991 Page 5 Mr. Richard Young - There was no Planning Board Meeting this month. Regarding the DiForio property: they will have a full environmental study done. They also need one variance to have a driveway moved. Dr. C. Alan Mason - Re: Larchmont Reservoir - The Friends of the Reservoir are still pursuing the Village of Larchmont to install sewer lines fruit the Reservoir property out to Weaver Street. At present there is just a septic system which leaches into the Sheldrake just below the lower lake. If a sewer line goes in, Dr. Mason feels the engineer for Mr. DiForio should consider UqP of it. Mr. Richard Metzner - Of the three projects before the Board of Architectural Review, there was nothing to report. Mr. Metzner commented that Lamboiytiini plans to have a showroom only with some landscaping. He did not attend the last meeting. REFERRAL FROM SUPERVISOR RE: EMC WATER QUALITY REVIEW Mrs. Wittner distributed copies of the Westchester County EMC document and asked for comments. A few minor changes were discussed and noted. (Supervisor's referral of October 10, 1991.) LWRP UPDATE Mrs. Wittner told the Commission that she has reorganized the update according to Mr. Metzner's suggestion and finds the document much easier to follow now. She handed out copies of the draft for Part VII of the LWRP Update. Revisions and changes were discussed and made. Mrs. Wittner will finalize and distribute copies of the changes in December to the Commission members. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR'S REPORTS Ms. Ng reported on the proposed His boar. She was told there is money in this year's and next year's budget for it, and Town Administrator, Steve Altieri, said to proceed. Ms. Ng is to contact Jack Taylor, the consultant, to work out the final details. As for the problem with debris in the East Creek, CAC contacted the Town and asked that it be cleaned up. The Town said they will not be able to get to it until next summer. This needs to be coordinated with the Village of Larchr ont. It was reported that the boom by Vine St. has been removed, and the boom in Pine Brook is loose. NEXT MEETING - January 28, 1992 Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.