HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991_04_30 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes �(/ s APPROVED ( ,c Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont C COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-6133 MINUTES APRIL 30, 1991 A regular meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on April 30, 1991, in Conference Room A of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting commenced at 8:05 P.M. Members Present: Phyllis Wittner, Chairman Lawrence Lowy Angel Martin C. Alan Mason Howard McMichael Richard Metzner Richard Young Mary Feldtmose 4:) Others Present: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Carl Pierleoni, Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club Bill Robb, Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Club Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator & recorder MAXWELL AVENUE TRANSFER STATION Stephen Altieri, the Town Administrator, updated the CZMC on plans to improve the Town's transfer station, located at the end of Maxwell Avenue. First, he gave a brief summary of its history, as follows: 1938 - Formed Joint Sanitation Commission, by act of State legislature. 1973 - Changed from incineration to transportation to Croton landfill. 1979 - Resource Recovery Facility; County arranges regional transfer stations, but none available for Sound shore communities. 1985 - Town and Larchmont entered into contract with County to haul. Term of Inter-Municipal Agreement (IMA) : year 2007. 1988 - County asked Town to consider being a regional transfer station. Board said no; however, did agree to consider including the Village of Mamaroneck. The Village of Mamaroneck would increase the amount of garbage handled from 13,500 to 26,000 tons per year. A total of 159 trips would be made into the yard each day, including Town Highway vehicles. Fourteen transfer trailer trips per day are projected (versus 8 trips/day occuring now) . CZMC Minutes April 30, 1991 Page 2 Mr. Altieri does not think routing of Mamaroneck Village garbage trucks would be a problem, because they already pass through the Town and Larchmont to get to the Mount Vernon Transfer Station. Apparently, various routes are used so as not to concentrate vehichles on any one street. Mr. Altieri noted that the County is doing the studies for compliance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) regulations (Part 360) . The Town will hire consultants to conduct the Environmental Quality Review. The County will invest $2 million for capital improvements, which will be leased to the Joint Sanitation Commission. The incinerator building will be demolished and a new building with an indoor hopper will be erected. It will have aluminum siding in earthtone colors. Additional paving will be needed to accomodate backed-up vehicles. However, the recycling center would be left intact. The construction schedule has not yet been determined; the facility may or may not remain open during construction. The building will house an above ground fuel tank that will sit in a "pan" with an alarm in case of leakage. Any leachate would drain to heavy duty floor drains which will have two trap systems plus oil separators in areas most prone to possible leaks. These drains will feed into an improved sanitary sewer system leading to the New Rochelle Sewage Treatment Plant. The Joint Sanitation Commission will be responsible for operation and minor maintenance. Increased labor costs will be reimbursed by the County. Also noted: DEC regulations forbid overnight storage of garbage; the floor must be washed down every day. Residential drop-offs of refuse will be allowed, but may be done a little differently, because the Town would be responsible for screening the contents. No industrial or hazardous waste would be allowed. AMENDMENTS TO TOWN ZONING ORDINANCE AND URBAN RENEWAL PLAN The CZMC received the Negative Declaration for same on April 20. Mr. Altieri also gave an update on the proposed zoning and urban renewal plan amendments. Sixty units are proposed for affordable housing using the former Larchmont Motel. The Town Board will hold a public hearing on these amendments at its next meeting on May 8. A traffic study was done by Shuster Associates using Elkan Road, near Central School, as a comparison. The traffic increase was determined as insignificant. It was also noted that Business use (current zoning) produces more traffic/trips then the proposed zoning. He noted that the Planning Board preferred more parking--from 1.25 to 1.5 spaces/unit. The proposed changes will undergo a separate site plan review. The Town Board is currently waiting for possible grants. HORSESHOE HARBOR YACHT CLUB The chairman noted that this referral is not required, but is for CZMC's informal advice. Mr. Pierleoni explained their request to rebuild the boat house which had recently burned down. Only the chimney and fireplace remains • • CZMC Minutes April 30. 1991 • • Page 3 • from the building, which was built around 1880. The docks and ramps escaped • the fire. The Club wishes to reconstruct the house as close to the original design as possible. The only differences will be the roof, which will be • pitched instead of flat, and that it will sit a little higher due to the need to reconstruct the masonry foundation. Mrs. Wittner noted that they may have • to go for a tidal wetlands permit from NYS DEC, but not the Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas review, because (1) it is not in effect yet and (2) • reconstruction for damages unrelated to coastal forces, such as a fire, is exempt. Mr. Pierleoni and Mr. Robb noted that the first floor, which lies 10 feet above the mean high water line, never flooded. They do have sanitary sewer service. CZMC instructed them to apply for the tidal wetlands permit. The Chairman will draft CZMC's comments to the Larchmont Building Inspector • and copy Mr. Pierleoni. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 26, 1991 meeting were approved after a correction on • page 2. • SUBDIVISION, 707 WEAVER STREET, DIFORIO RESIDENCE • Dr. Mason read his draft of CZMC's opinions with regard to last month's referral. Mrs. Wittner reported for Mrs. Tolley that a request for a detention system should be noted in the letter. The CZMC approved the letter • to be sent to the Town Planning Board. • CHAIRMAN REPORTS • A. CORRESPONDENCES • INCOMING: • 1. April 1991 - Receipt of Larchmont Village Board appointments by Mayor Curnin. Cheryl Lewy has been reappointed as the CZMC liaison. 2. Larchmont/Mamaroneck Memorial Day Parade will be held on May 26. Everyone is asked to participate. (Pertinent data read to CZMC) • 3. Shirley Tolley to Larchmont Mayor Miriam Curnin & Supervisor Caroline • Silverstone - 4/3/91 re: Lobbying in Albany and urging State legislators to reject the Governor's budget proposal to transfer the • Coastal Management Program funds out of the Department of State. • 4. In response to PW's memo of March 19 to Supervisor Silverstone re: Tree Planting on Boston Post Road - a response from Town Councilwoman Kathleen O'Flinn dated April 12 informing us that she had met with Elaine Price and the Town Administrator and concluded that the Town CZMC Minutes April 30, 1991 Page 4 could not plant trees on the western stretch of Boston Post Road because they are working on the Boston Post Road from Hommocks toRock Ridge Road as a first phase of an over $8,000 planting project. Also noted by the Chairman was a follow-up to her March 19 memo to the Town Administrator re: Town ownership of certain lands. Mr. Altieri advised: Van Guilder Street - The Town does own this street. The embankment erosion problem will be addressed this summer by the Town's Highway Department. OUTGOING: 1. April 5, 1991 Shirley Tolley to Town Supervisor Silverstone re: Westchester County Planning Board Development Policy Sub-Comm's goals and plans. Mrs. Tolley urged the County to advocate intermunicipal procedures for Critical Environmental Areas, intermunicipal Best Management Practices, and county acquisition of open spaces as buffers like New York City does for its watershed areas. 2. Arthur Glowka, Long Island Sound Taskforce (LIST) Chairman, is preparing an inventory of wetlands restoration projects on the Sound and requested information on the Premium Dredging Project. Mrs. Wittner replied that plans have not been finalized at this point, and sent him a copy of the feasibility study for his information. Mr. Glowka responded that he will keep the information in the LIST library. COPIES: 1. Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. Re: Premium March Restoration Project to: a. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) , April 11 & April 17 - Dredge material is classified as nonhazardous industrial waste. There is no practicable alternative to LIS dumping - analytical results included. b. NYS DEC, April 22 & 27 - RE: SPDES permit; discussing design to handle decant water from barge. 2. ACOE Public Notice - Lists changes on permitting process. Of note, they are changing their policy on bank stabilization to advocate vegetative methods. B. OTHER MATTERS 1. Town Board Meeting April 17 - Councilwoman Kathleen O'Flinn - working on getting the Town designated as a Tree City. This requires an Arbor Day observance, a Tree Board, Tree Ordinance, a short and long term work plan and the expenditure of $2.00 per capita. The Town already has 99% of requirements in place. CZMC Minutes April 30, 1991 Page 5 2. Lorenzen Park update from Richard Coico - Fencing was completed by Tony's Nursery ahead of schedule. Some plantings will be donated by the Larchmont Nursery and Tony's Nursery. The Village of Larchmont clean up efforts are coming along nicely. Landscaping will be done soon. Fence will be fixed so it can be closed at night. 3. Manor Park Society - letter soliciting membership to the Beach received by residents of Larchmont 10538 postal area. MEMBERS' REPORTS/MINUTE Ford Dealership - Natural Screening for the homes was requested, but the dealership put up a chain link fence. Land Use and Water Quality Conference - Mrs. Johnson reported that this conference, which was sponsored by the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, had lots of good information. Erosion and Sediment Control - Mr. Young reported that he had met on April 10 with Gary Trachtman, the Town's Engineering Consultant, William Jakubowski, the Town Building Inspector, Ms. Ng and Mrs. Wittner to do a final review of the draft ordinance. Many revisions were still made, including reincorporating the surface water control provisions. Ms. Ng was asked to report on the CAC's meeting with an environmental enforcement officer from Yorktown. She explained that a retired p police officer that was now on their CAC was hired to help out with inspections. With a camcorder, he was able to document many erosion and sediment control violations and even won some important lawsuits against developers. Larchmont Planning Commission - Mrs. Feldtmose reported that parking issues were being discussed as well as renovations on the Larchmont Yacht Club. Docks - Mrs. Wittner informed the Commission that another application for a long floating dock was being made in Spanish Cove. Mr. McMichael said that a 75-foot yacht was going into previously approved dock in the Delancy Cove (Village of Mamaroneck) . LWRP Update - It was decided that the project needs a cut-off date. Also, it was going into too many different directions. Needs to be more matter-of-fact and focused. NEW OR OTHER BUSINESS Announcements: 1. Larchmont League of Women Voters is holding its annual meeting on May 8 at 9:15 a.m. at the home of Sandy Constabile. Gail Shaffer will be the keynote speaker. • CZMC Minutes April 30 1991 Page 6 1 4(:) 2. West Meets East Conference, sponsored by Scenic Hudson, is on June 6. 3. Form letter from Lt. Governor Stan Lundine says that the Governor's Taskforce expects to make draft recommendations at the State Coastal Conference on June 10 & 11. The Chairman plans to attend, and encouraged others to do so as well. 4. Household Chemical Cleanup Day - Westchester County is sponsoring three dates and places in 1991 as follows: 1. May 18 at the Peekskill Sewage Treatment Plant 2. July 13 at the Westchester County Fire Training Center 3 . October 5 at Playland Amusement Park NEXT MEETING - May 28, 1991 Adjourned: 10 P.M.