HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999_09_28 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-7845 CZMC MINUTES September 28, 1999 A regular meeting of the Costal Zone Management Commission (CZMC)was held on September 28, 1999 in the Town Court Room, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:08 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lili Andrews William H. Bailey Madelaine Berg, Chairperson Marc S. Godick Bernard Kaplan Dr. C. Alan Mason Howard McMichael Nancy Seligson REGRETS: Eileen Weingarten OTHERS PRESENT: James W. Athey, Jr. Town of Mamaroneck Environmental Coordinator Kenneth Bialo Village of Larchmont Liaison Stephen Coleman Wetlands Consultant to CZMC Elizabeth Cooney Observer Catherine Wachs EMC Representative, Observer Phyllis Wittner Town of Mamaroneck Liaison 1. Approval of Minutes: - The minutes from 8/24/99 were approved on a motion from N. Seligson, seconded by C.A. Mason. 2. Consistency Referrals: Flint Park Improvements: Itt Construction of a Tidal Gate/Elimination of Tidal Influence on East Creek Referred by: Town of Mamaroneck and Village of Larchmont Engineering Departments CZ_0999M.WPD CZMC-9/28/99 Pg.1 t J Printed on Recycled Paper - After a brief discussion the Commission agreed that the proposed project will promote the following policies of the LWRP: POLICY 7 Significant coastal fish and wildlife habitats,as identified on the coastal area map, shall be protected,preserved, and,where practical,restored so as to maintain their viability as habitats. POLICY 7A The following locally important habitats designated as critical environmental areas: 1) The Hommocks salt marsh complex including the East Creek area; 2) The Larchmont Reservoir-Sheldrake-Leatherstocking Freshwater Wetland Complex; 3) The Premium Salt Marsh Complex shall be protected,preserved,and,where practicable,restored,so as to maintain their viability as habitats. POLICY 17 Whenever possible,use non-structural measures to minimize damage to natural resources and property from flooding and erosion. Such measures shall include: 1)the setback of buildings and structures; 2)the planting of vegetation and the installation of sand fencing and drainage systems; 3)the reshaping of bluffs;4)the floodproofing of buildings or their elevation above base flood level. POT JCY 7 5 Protect,restore and enhance natural and manmade resources which are not identified as being of statewide significance,but which contribute to the scenic quality of the coastal area. POLICY 37 Best management practices will be utilized to minimize the nonpoint discharge of excess nutrients,organics and eroded soils into coastal waters. POLICY 44 Preserve and protect tidal and freshwater wetlands and preserve the benefits derived from these areas. POLICY 44A Restore tidal and freshwater wetlands already damaged by erosion. siltation. and pollution. The CZMC offered its support to the proposed project, however recommended that a monitoring program be implemented to assess the progress and effectiveness of the project. The CZMC agreed to recommend that turbidity, salinity and dissolved oxygen should be monitored for a minimum of three years. 3. Discussion of Town of Mamaroneck Wetlands Map with Stephen Coleman - S. Coleman presented a draft wetlands map for the Town of Mamaroneck. Mr. Coleman explained his methods for compiling the wetlands map and stated that he has intentions of meeting with J. Athey to more thoroughly review the displayed wetlands and any areas that may contain wetlands which are not shown on the map. C CZ 0999M.WPD CZMC-9/28/99 Pg.2 O - A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that after Mr. Athey's and Mr. Coleman's review and approval of the map, a final copy should be prepared. - Another discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that following Mr. Coleman's discussion of the Wetlands Law with the Town Attorney, the law, including all current revisions, will be sent to the Village of Larchmont for their review and discussion. 4. Members' Reports - N. Seligson stated that the storm sewer overflow facility that is proposed for construction in the Village of Larchmont will be located under the basketball courts in Flint Park. Design of the facility must begin by November 1, 1999 and construction must begin by April 1, 2000 according to the consent order. 5. Chairperson's Report - M. Berg stated that Paul Ryan has referred a copy of a Village of Mamaroneck resolution regarding amendments to the Ocean Dumping Act for CZMC review. The resolution opposes the Ambro Amendment and other amendments to the Ocean Dumping Act. A discussion ensued and the Commission agreed that because of the complex nature of this issue, a memo should be sent to Paul Ryan requesting an extension for review of this matter so the CZMC may research and review this subject further. - M. Berg stated that the EPA and the ACOE are holding Long Island Sound Dredge Material Workshops in New York and Connecticut in early October if anyone is interested. - M. Berg announced that J. Athey and the Summer Conservation Crew have recently completed a new bridge/boardwalk at the end of Bonnie Way. Mr. Athey stated that the boardwalk was constructed to make the access point safer. There have been numerous complaints from the surrounding residents regarding persons having slipped and fallen on this section of trail. This boardwalk provides safe and easy access to the Leatherstocking Trail from Bonnie Way. The next scheduled CZMC meeting will be held on October 26. 1999. CZ 0999M.WPD CZMC-9/28/99 Pg.3