HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_04_04 Town Board Minutes 203 at 9 P. M. 1`77TIFG OF :^ TO',_J'1T BO_'_RD X-,�,,27 07 'r® Y. held April Ath, 192& The meeting was called to order by Sugerviscr Burtor. Present : Suiervisor Burt= Justices Collins , Howell and Leeds, Tour. Clerk Sherman counsellor Gamble Upon motion, duly seconded, it gas 70ted to AiSpenSe with the reading of the minutes of meetinEs not y The Supervisor stated that the order of business was the opening of the bids for the sale of the Town of Hanaroneck, T. Y7-. 09 , 900. 00 Weaver Street , Part 1, Hilo way improvement Bonds of the Town of Hawaronsek, Yen York, pursuant to notice duly published , and upon motion, duly Date ant seconded, the Clerk 7as requested zo read the nozice of sale of said bonds and upon motion, duly made and seconded, the same oas apDro7ed, It was thereupon regularly moved and seconded that the, Clark open the bids receiveds The Clerk then Droueeded to open four bids recei7ed In resDonsE to said notice , each of which bids was accompanied by a certified check in the amount of $1,00.00 as requimEd by said noticeh The following were the bids received: 71 _-=, OF 3-I=R PKATTIF, mAT7 07 TFT. The 7stmor Corporation 179.01 1 5c GeorZo 3e Gibbons & Cn. , Tnv 90. 33 050 Sherwood A Herrifisid Inc . 357.5'' 4. 5C T---,.-.-t Cc pa o-' Loro'=_,,-_­_t none 0 All Thereupon Judge Collins offered for adoption the follc7- inZ resoluticn which oas dnly seconded by judge Howell. R36OLVED , that Shernow & Merrifield, Inc. 1.vinZ bid 1101. 11 , amounting to the sun of 07.57 at t- 10% OverEst , aid LCCPUW,_ intsieat tc tt? late of Lelivery for the 18, SCC, 00 , Uea7sr Street, Part 1, Highway 7sDoovcrEnt Bonds of the Town of Namaronach, 1�n Y, , pursuant to re2oluticns of this Boa aao-,otse on Haich 21st, 2928, ant in accord- anna with the YoVes of Sala made and pub- lished according to law, said bit bsinZ the hoot bid received for thzIur3hasE of said bonds and complies with the terma and con- dil.ions of said notice of sale, said bonds are hereby ayarded to Sherwood & Merrifial% Inc. , uVose bin is hereby accepts?; and it is farths-2 =S=T,D� that the Supervisor and Town Cler-,T be and they hereby are authorized ant empowered to execute said bonds and Upon their execution the Supervisor is authorized and directed to deliver the same upon reneint of the amount bid therefor, plus interest to the date of delivery; and it is further A9,1 5 Id =C1=5 that the Suoezvisor and To�n Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to sign and ezecute such documents as may be necessary ana yroDer; and it is further- RESCI;717D. that the Tnwn Clerk be and he hersby is authorized and directed tc return to the unsucedssful bidders their respective obec0s The Ineaticn of the alcytion of the foregoing resolutiins was duly jut to a vote Jith the foilowing result - Aye S 1 5 Foes : none The Clark presented a request OrQr of Red Men, permission to use the Street Fire House on the evening of Air on behalf of the lmyrcved auditcr2ur of the WEavar, il l2th, N29 UjnD notion, duly seconled, it was RESOLVED , that yeYmAss0n is hereby granted to the improved Order of Red Hen, use of the Auditorium of the leaver Street Fire House , for the evening of April l2th, 1922� A 2om-unication from Hr. R. Y. Page was received and read es requting on behalf of the LarchmDnt District Boy Scouts to use the auditorium of the 7eaver Street Fire House on Friday evening , April 2Cth , 1923. The communication was ordered rec-0yed and placed on file. Ujon motion, duly seconded, it was =01,77D, that permission is hereby granted to the Larchmont District Boy Scouts , use of the auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House on the e7ening of April 20th, 1926. A communication together with a report of bus operations in the Non of Hamaroneck was received from the County Transrortatian Qmyan> The same was read and ordered placed on fila� A from the Division of Archives and History, on the conlition of the records in recommending therein, the ourchasE State Delartment of Education, ,as 7ecai7ed and read, rejortin�s the Toun Clerk 's Office , and of fire proof equi2raent. The oo--nerl-inication was ordered received and Elaced on filz� Upon mction, duly seconled, it was 779=77D, that a commLztse be appointed for the purjose of investigating and reporting back to this Board in connection with the ousstizn of eecuring additional filing equippent G1 safes for the Town Clerk 's Office , = ru-- ecravenEsd by the State Dejart=0 The Supervisor thereupon appointed the following committee - Justices Collins , Howell and Town Clerk Sherman, 207 c--' ("or(Ir fspicne-i � of SC-.:cj 1 and/cr the To-,-,,r, of v I' f t 7o-t a_n ;,''1-: c -� t be to l°e tl-E� ling fo:' a, of e,--- r th� -, I wn, e 'n Town --f ,,I u-1c,on loti��r­l :,Jul-Y it, 7 a r)r V'' a-I a-n a j�1Y.1 p r d a t S e ue i2 C o=i °_=.o q u e�t i t,h cG a1-2 c f C e +i f i a E _f 1 nd eb, 't e a_- SS t'i stun o 5-5 G 0 0 c, Cc, e t.'n@ c0 cj _Z -F,- + o,1 1-c s t a s 41 n j_ iC f _-Ta 1�a t h e Bo.a r: sh cl ;1,, 1: L"L c I, __ e sa,1 c f C e 1"1?_.. e Tncae'o t= �_�s 'n sa, a,­o-,1 , , th t - U- -.n i. - .,--a c.c n tv 3t _c ul(. be e---e c ut 5 d ,^,-Y the _3 o d c C c=J on 7-c,c.1 -Ino tibn u-I y =ond e d - 77, S O'� z 5 t'_ u t C o vua;�e I 'c2 and he h,-=r d7-2,7 'iracted to -ur --, 'T i.- --c,,,Tr_ecti-.n -.r_ztln the r s u a C t,-,r +l-'e Bo&,� of S,4�,,7- coy:2-z!I :.,�.10„„^_c:_N Tt. is x1C 1c C Cl a'n'd --eav aa the ;h, TO --one'l-Im"Icti-li-, of a2_rt-,in ho-a e il n t'. at o Bu_] d i--,IZ C,��de I) the -3 oal _ U-o e g --ng r-t- cl c au -.-.ic u-d 7c e il c olrn c-t,-l'-c-n. e n t of th Ba Idin C c-ft a i cl o io e r a c,n s a s B-c, 16 1 z G c F o -'Gam 1vII -c c c)n c j- n L ll,a_ cf r c n t s uo e r 71, E ion J f o e'_”' -n 2 co trucj _Ly L 11 ITP 17 T) t' b—1, 0 th� ns�c or a-'a' t i . n j-,:. n.,- an L n t t o t h—_ 131 1' '--n, Cod'C ­n(' -' J-,� �+J ,:,Ie hol- r --f the T 7, "!Fp r-h- 77 0, di n an c e L d, 'b, the Li_ ZE I he c V e r_ -T s n a i 7,4 7 f th­ 7 M­a­ot r e_r e C 0n , c or. - and i-S!D tion of a' and t C,r + -2-1-ovia'- th” "I t o=l-_F, i �,,-n d' cf E, B-ilc 'n,� II'l-, I o o 4 e 1 0 e n+ 'h a"-(:I e s-fid 1,r e c i7c)e t, e a I 4 E -l.._ S r 's t to T.--- as 'h(. 7za 7 eems -i ' "d e c-f fo the —c-oe- t 11--lo2e cl-f-icears tc -bp '7no-In a El- a ,I)e=iSing -77h-D 1'. - ; � I d of th- Tc,.-.r-,,i o--,- and -,,�ho --ha I I e-- -c-lelic e.,,,:ia 'ie he _jo s�:e s�edl o f s,--f mrt e-10 h:Lt '-71 th I OC-e a",L 'ilC - 1- 71 J.. 1-- C n Such s-o.Le T 4 1 ti_.1:,j E"71C r, 1=117?e n 5 11 De f 1,7-E a y! T e--t i c n 5-a. A en.^ ineeT is 'riereby . :)=ance o-- al- -e.-f-,71ne� r--op-sa-ai2-Y .Ic en,l-ire s-rict e�-fcrc-rrent of thi-� Code = the of th ��-a-17 ha-7e such -goviel-- hi= b,,- shall h f u h e n-c Tu.Liee -a s in-z y b 1-C., cl -a-j c n f, "Dy ilae 'n 1 Dc,il 1 d i n c-f th-- p,-,ovil�-'lotai. OZ ' i= S Gr--.-Jranc a , 7 -&,'-c of ot _r=,e di at c Cle- P 5-c-T,VT uthc24 z ed the afore eaad uIllc T? leii v. a-co2 ,a,--o�e to to a anc- he he j:,eby i2 7�cst azid --i:,-bl-i -h the Cccie Tht Ogle rl- 1-r e ss-e-ri z a e- f-r Cir, B,l,11�J.yng C of--c-n*L s s i on re c o=c n,d i-rz the a-o-oo int�aeri t c f T-o t on P. S"- -- -v- s ng 2 Frig in e e s, cw 1�0� t -.7 EL s U-, o z o n , 1-, C loe a�rid J P-. M the 0 7 1 E I C, S the , � - I - -TD, of cc -1-�e- s:," R SOL71 m n a IJrr -L c c 'Cl e I':i