HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_03_23 Town Board Minutes 191 3 i�.,Ld ?ryarcll ^�_`llg 1Jw4'.s Tn :^_Eat1 __ -;,as calea v0 oY ci vJ li Je l"'4T1 SC' p'.i i 0i Present . suljj__"visor Bt.-rtm T..stices Collins , Howell --rid Lee:.s T C l�rk SI?e__= T'_":E Board! Y e u :E'fo+r he „' ose. of a., �)Oin ;i lnm Ins Ct=r arad i ,7 g-n-a �Z O y ?lace l'. . o. aanc cr_' he _1 1 _isli TLpoL, iacu_or, duly seconi'ad, t e foll_. .._n_ _sclutic _ -. a:. _rose- +ed 'for B.Jo-pion RE.SOL11E'TJ. ti-at j'JUrsuant to the y'irovisions of section X10 f "he ELectli C_. Lair: the fc!Lol.Ying 1 aiTied ersons lbe o -id the y lce r_eby ar° ap_�ointed I;7. ctors of .7i•lection to serve im, 'l're districts hereinafter named r h m 10 t.�.� "Erm of uiG years, to wit, FTECTIOIT DISTRICT ITO. l Tees '.7. Yarle 17-ic-ha.el Rocco ITirl i accio 7iola r : r:,-r 7=CTIONT DISTRICT_ ITCH 2 Eliet. :T. He ',sler The--l&e F . 112.11 aims Cho rle S C act. ,,,l,+c 'Amthcn;y' Pirene E'"L'CT?OIT DISTRICT TO. 3 Harrison H. Bal ou John F. Kane . Tr �+' ^ntllc Sy. Ii"w. TI ' 1c,c.':.°_ l, T, 1alG: Z^,CTT_OTT DiS=CT ir0.. g TG1"ii.'S H> I:'lU1`;:aj? y T10 lfrs. P.OGert Blnrger TLEOTIOIT DISTRICT FO. 5 Ge rZe H. Zc Cle land Laura TTa ire T. TTartino Grace L Shea EIE.CTIC T DISTRICT TO. 6 -- Lecv F Tilliazas lliarc S. Palmer Tchn C Fo_rar F der 'r C?a?a ELECTTOIT DISTRICT ITC. T. L. Danner Dorothea Lee To,Sr-r•]-,ine V. Tim,a Elsie R-ul.en 717=01T DISTRICT ITC. 2 �a a t+r ll l,c Keand 7 ,a Ti = '.. C. K. _.ey_l , ,_t ^,i Caroline Ve r. Er!�'CTI02T DTSTB_CT LdOe 9 Green DCrC`t�1;�° HOtSf2.].'� Rut=_ s_"CZ? Hugh Cail.ler Jane G,. Stokes ELECTION DISTRICT O.. IC Dennis JP Bohan Frances F. Faurot Julia ?r„ Brennan l!ar r E, Hannon The uesti on of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was cut to w vote i t1 the r o?1 o i7 j result - Ayes : Noe 0 Ulan motion, duly seconded, the following resolu- tion was presented for adoption-, RESOLVEDg that purnuua,nt to the provisions of section 56 of the Election law- the premises hereinafter named, be and hereby are designated as the places where the meetings, the registration of voters and election and primaries shall he held during the year 1928. E'DFUTICY DISTRICT NO. l Fare House of the Volunteer Hose Company, T'!o.arc eck Avenuej Havaronech, YE:. York.. T7TtTT?F DIS Ems!-u!�. DISTRICT STRICT NO. .. Pios_li 's Garage , No. 340 Y=aroneoh Ave. , 11amarcnTohy l,eri= York.® - T'1'CTICY DISTRICT T,;Oe Z Town Ha.?_, PWOSPiOt _z , nue , Mamaroneck! Yew York, ti'DE'CTION DISTRICT FC. c Central School -'._n ez, northerly side of Boston Post _ nit } : near Rockland A','eL,nE , Ramarcne ak, Tie.. York. ELECTION DISTRICT 1,,O. T First floor, Weaver Street Fire House , Streetp Ha a.roneck, YeT. York,. (unincorp- orated Dart of the Tow_ of 1:_ :,G.rv'_C uir ELECTION DISTRICT NO. C Second floor, Fire House, corner of "'dg cod Road and Weaver Street, Hl.-,.na® 'oneck, '_Ter York, d part of the Town of He aronechN ELECTICY DISTRICT YQ 7 Brokaw Building, A Chatsworth k an eg westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue between Addison Street and Post. Road Larchmon tp Ne'V'� York. ELECTICY DISTRICT NO. 8 Larchmont Atni-etic- Club , south Bide of Boston Post Road, Larchmont , Yew- ELECT= DISTRICT NO. 2 Larchmont !Hotcr aalearoom, 68 Boston Post Road, between Larchmont and Beach Avenue , Larchmout, New York. ELECTION BETRICT X0. 10 155 Boston Post Road, near Dean Place , (formerly Hurnhylz Hotel). The question of the adoption of th 2egoing reaclu- tion was Dut to a vote with the following result : Ayes: 5 Foes : 0 Justice Collins then offered for adoption the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and hereby authorized and emnowered to cause tc be published in the Daily Times of Mamaron- eck, Yew York and the Larchmont Times of Larchmont , Yew York, a notice of the Sprin,-gy Primary Election in accordance with the provisions of the Election Law during the week of the Saturday preceding the holding of such Spring Primary Election descyihing in such notice the oolling places heretofore designated by this Bo rd and that the cost of such pub h w icati3n sall be made a Ton charge., The question of the adoption of the foregainE resolution zas; put to a vote with the following result'. Ayes : 5 Toes : 0 Upon motion, the meeting adjourned it S P. Hg Tonn Clerk