HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949_11_23 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF I AL:ARONECK, HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM AT 11 EDGEWOOD AVENUE , LARCHMONT , N. Y . , ON NOVEMBER 23rd , 1949. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8 o'clock P. M. PRESENT: George D. Burchell, Chairman Charles F. Mink Cornelius J. Quinn Arthur E. Wullschleger ABSENT: Jeremiah C. Waterman The minutes of the previous meeting , held October 26th, 1949, were approved as presented. The Chairman said he wished to take this opportunity to welcome to the Board a new member , Mr. Arthur F. Wullschleger. The Clerk was instructed to record the fact that the application of William H. Dolan, which had originally been before the Board at its meeting held October 26th , 1949, had been withdrawn without preju- dice , by written notice dated November 1st , 1949. The first application before the Board was that of Mr. Thomas Scappaticci . for modification of Article III , Section 9 of the ; Zoning Ordinance , to permit the erection of a private dwelling 30 feet back from Holly Place and 11 feet back from Crest Avenue, in connection with premises on the north side of Holly Place , on the northwest corner of Holly Place and Crest Avenue , known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 223 , Parcel 239. Mr. Ralph M. Blook, 725 Fenimore Road , Mamaroneck, represented the applicant. The Clerk presented the affidavit of publication of the notice of this hearing. No one appeared in opposition. After consideration, Mr. Burchell stated that the applicant would be notified of the Board 's decision. • ******** The next application before the Board was that of Mr. William R. Geary for modification of Article III, Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance , to permit the location of a building 11.04 feet from the street line in connection with premises on the south side of Byron Lane , 115.65 feet from Weaver Street, known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 121, Parcel 636. Mr. Geary appeared in his own behalf and submitted sketches and a map. The Clerk stated that the application had been duly advertised. Mr. Geary stated that the house had been erected in approximately 1900 and he submitted written consents from the surrounding neighbors. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. Geary was informed that he would be notified of the Board's deci- sion. ************* The third application before the Board was that of Milton W.Hoffman for modification of Article III, Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the addition of a powder room and closet on the front of the existing building to be less than 30 feet from Glen Road , in connec- tion with premises on the south side of Glen Road at the corner of North Chatsworth Avenue , known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 114, Parcel 492. The Clerk stated that the application had been duly published. Mr. Hoffman appeared in behalf of the application and submitted sketches and blue prints. Mrs. Jemima Huppi , 57 Glen Road , Larchmont, appeared and stated that she did not know whether the addition would increase the sale value of the house. Mr. John Huppi appeared. The house was built in 1923 according to Mr. Hoffman. Mr. Umberto Mestron, 117 North Chatsworth Avenue and Mr. Sidney A. Weiss , 110 North Chatsworth Avenue , appeared in behalf of the application. Mr. Hoffman was informed that he would be notified of the Board 's decision. ************** The last application before the Board was that of Gaetano Guglielmo for modification of Article II , Section 7 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a 2-car garage on premises on the west side of Williams Place , 18.5 feet west from Williams Place with a side set-back from Williams Place of 18.5 feet , known on the Tax Assess- ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 130 , Parcel 561. Mr. Guglielmo appeared in his own behalf and submitted plans of ,the existing dwelling showing the proposed garage. The Clerk stated the application had been duly published. No noe appeared in opposition. Mr. Guglielmo was informed that he would be notified of the Board's **************** decision. 13 1 The Board now went into executive session and considered first the application of Mr. Guglielmo. It was finally decided to put this application over until the next regular meeting of the Board, to give Mr. Guglielmo an opportunity to make some changes in his plan. ************ After discussion and consideration, the following resolution was duly moved and seconded: WHEREAS , Milton N. Hoffman has taken an appeal from a decision of the Building Inspector , denying his application fora permit to construct the addition of a powder room and closet on the front of the existing building less than 30 feet from Glen Road at the corner of North Chatsworth Avenue , known on the Tax Assessment Map as Block 114, Parcel 492; and WHEREAS , the said appeal is predicated upon the grounds of unnecessary hardship and practical difficulty in complying with the strict provisions of the Ordinance and it appears to the Board , under all the circumstances , that it would be an unnecessary hard- ship to require the applicant to comply with the Ordinance in res- pect to the set-back provision in view of improved appearance of the building to result from the proposed variance , and in view of the further fact that the extension as proposed will occupy substantially the same area heretofore used by the applicant , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the appeal of the said Milton N. Hoffman be and the same hereby is allowed and the decision of the Building Inspector reversed to the extent of permitting the applicant to con- struct the addition to the said building as herein applied for as shown on the plan and specifica- tions filed in connection with this application, provided the said proposed alteration shall not extend further than 4. 5 feet from the present building as shown in the said plan and speci- fications. A vote taken upon this resulted as follows: AYES: Mr. Burchell Mr. Mink Mr. Quinn Mr. V;ullschleger NOES: None ********* After further discussion and consideration, the following resolu- tion was duly moved and seconded: WHEREAS , William R. Geary has taken an appeal from a decision of the Building Inspector denying his application to permit the location of a building 11.04 feet from the street line in connection with the premises on the south side of Byron Lane , 115.65 feet from Weaver Street, known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 121, Parcel 636; and WHEREAS , the said appeal is predicated upon the grounds of unnecessary hardship and practical difficulty in complying witht the strict provisions of the Ordinance , and it appears to the Board , under all the circumstances , that it would be an unnecessary hardship to require the applicant to comply with the provisions of the Ordinance in respect to the 30 foot set back requirement, in view of the fact that the said building existed in its present location long prior to the said street and since the said variance would not be detrimental to the public welfare , safety or health , NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the appeal of the said William R. Geary be and the same hereby is allowed and the deci- sion of the Building Inspector reversed to the extent of permitting the location of the said build- ing to have a lesser set back than 30 feet , to wit , 11.04 feet from the said street line as shown on the plot plan filed in connection with the applica- tion, provided that the applicant comply in all other respects with the zoning Ordinance and Build- ing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck. A vote taken on this resulted as follows: AYES: Mr. Burchell Mr. Quinn Mr. Mink Mr. Wullschleger NOES: None The Board now considered the application of Mr. Thomas Scappaticci and after discussion, it was decided to put this application over to give Mr. Scappaticci an opportunity to submit a new plot plan. The Board was generally of the opinion that they would grant him some vari- ance from the required set-back on Crest Avenue but it was felt that the 11 foot set back asked for by Mr. Scappaticci , would bring the house too far out of line with the house next to it. There was some discussion of a 15 foot set back. There being no further business to come before the meeting, it ad- journed at 9:45 P. M. retar us