HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965_09_22 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
Mr. Topping, acting as Chairman in the absence
of Mr. Bierman, called the meeting to order at
8:05 p.m.
Present: Mr. Richard Eggers
Mr. Henry E. Mullick
Mr. Price H. Topping
Mr. E. Robert Wassman
Absent: Mr. Sydney D. Bierman
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa
Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of August 25, 1965
were presented, and on motion duly made and
seconded, approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the
secretary presented for the record the affidavit
of publication of the Notice of the Hearing.
APPLICATION NO. 1 - Case 223
Application of William Petruzzo for modification
of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations in an R-15 Residential Dis-
trict of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the
construction of a one-family dwelling having a
street frontage of 25 feet rather than the re-
quired street frontage of a minimum of 50 feet
as required for lots under Article IV, Section
445 of the Zoning Ordinance, and a rear yard of
15 feet rather than the required 25 feet, on pre-
mises located at 4 Country Road, Town, and known
as Block 320, Parcel 574 on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, on the grounds of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Mr. Jerome Rosenthal, Attorney
225 Westchester Avenue
Portchester, New York
Mr. William Petruzzo
531 Center Avenue
Mamaroneck, New York
In opposition: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jenisch
2 Country Road
Mr. Lawrence Johnson
10 Country Road
Mr. Douglas Smith
2 Country Lane
Mr. Charles Seelenfreund
12 Country Road
Mr. Walter Sullivan
26 Country Road
Mr. T. R. Francis'
r.., 17 Country Road
Mrs. George French
6 Country Road
Mr. David Easton
4 Lancia Lane
Communications: Mr. Lawrence Aurbach
32 Country Road
Mr. Lawrence Johnson
10 Country Road
Mr. Rosenthal noted that this application had been de-
ferred from August 25, 1965, at which time the Chairman
had requested the applicant to produce a survey and
other documents pertinent to this case.
Mr. Rosenthal submitted the original contract dated
June 18, 1965, a survey prepared by Thomas J. McEvoy
dated June 26•, 1959 and copies of the assessment map.
These documents were ordered received and filed for
the record.
In pleading his case, Mr. Rosenthal stated that there
were 20 different properties in this area that do not
meet the frontage requirements of the present zoning
ordinance, and submitted a list of same which was filed
for the record. He added, that the subject property was
subdivided prior to the adoption of the Zoning
Regulations of June 29, 1959, at which time there
were no frontage requirements. He further stated
in referring to the rear setback area, that the
topographical survey shows a steep incline which
makes it impossible to build the proposed dwelling
on any location except where it is shown on the
plans submitted to this Board.
At this time, Mr. Johnson requested an aopportunity
to view the plans and was invited with the rest of
the neighbors in opposition to come forward and
examine said plans.
Mrs. French and Mr. Jenisch, adjoining property
owners on each side of the applicant's land, were
concerned in regard to the approach to their drive-
ways if Mr. Petruzzo were to build, as this would
block their garages.
Mr. Johnson requested that this case be postponed
in order that he might contact a lawyer and interest-
ed neighbors who might be willing to purchase said
property. Mr. Johnson was assured by Mr. Topping
that only the applicant had the right to request a
The Chairman announced receipt of a letter from
Lawrence Auerbach voicing opposition. This letter
was ordered received and filed for the record.
Following some further discussion in which residents
vigorously objected to this application on the grounds
that it would lower their property values, the Chair-
man announced a 10 minute recess.
Following this recess, a vote was taken on this appli-
cation which resulted as follows:
Commissioner Topping - Aye
Commissioner Mullick - Aye
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
The application was therefore granted and the following
resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, William Petruzzo has submitted an
application for a building permit to the
Building Inspector to allow the construction
of a one family dwelling having a street front-
-, age of 25 ft. rather than the required 50 ft.
and a rear yard of 15 feet rather than the re-
quired 25 ft. , together with plans; and
e^ WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with Article
IV, Section 445 and Article IV, Section 410
of the Zoning Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, William Petruzzo has submitted to
this Board an application for a variance on
the grounds of practical difficulty and/or
unnecessary hardship for the following reasons:
1. That the appellant has no control
over the existing lot size and irreg-
ular shape of.the land.
2. That extreme rock ledge condition
exists and the topography is very hilly.
3. That this property was subdivided
prior to the Zoning Regulations of June
29, 1959, at which time there were no
frontage requirements.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and
heard all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board finds the following:
(a) That there are special circumstances
and conditions applying to the land and/or
building for which a variance is sought,
which circumstances and/0r conditions are
peculiar to such land. and/or building and
do not apply generally to the land/or build-
ings in the district, and which circumstances
and conditions have not resulted from any acts
of the applicant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circumstances and/or
conditions are as follows:
1. This property was subdivided prior to
the adoption of the Zoning Regulations
of June 29, 1959, at which time there
were no frontage requirements.
2. The -appellant has no control over
(:2 the existing lot size and irregular
shape of the land.
3. Extreme rock ledge condition exists
(:2and the topography is very hilly.
(c) That the granting of this variance will
be in harmony with the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance and will not be in-
jurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is granted to the
applicant and that Article IV, Section 445 and Article
IV, Section 410 of the Zoning Ordinance be varied and
modified so as to allow the construction of a one-
family dwelling having a street frontage of 25 ft.
rather than the required 50 and a rear yard of 15
ft. rather than the required 25 ft. on premises
located at 4 Country,Road, Town, and known as
Block 320, Parcel 574 on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck, in strict confmrmance with
the plans filed with this application, provided
that the applicant complies in all other respects
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Rules
and Regulations of the Zoning Board where a variance
C is granted, the applicant shall obtain a building
permit within three months of the filing of this
resolution with the Town Clerk. A building permit
shall be void if construction is not started within
six months and completed within two years of said
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed with
the Town Clerk as provided in Section 267 of the
Town Law.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting, it was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Le Esta E. Davis, Secretary