The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:12 p.m. .
PRESENT: Sydney D. Bierman, Chairman
Robert B. White
E. Robert Wassman
ABSENT: Henry E. Mullick
Richard Eggers
ALSO PRESENT: William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of April 22, 1964 were approved, as corrected,
on motion duly made and seconded.
The Chairman announced that since there were only three Board members
present a unanimous vote would be necessary to grant any variance , therefore,
if any person present wished to postpone his application he might do so. Since
neither party, or their representative wished to postpone to the following.
4:r meeting, etc. , the Chairman proceeded with the meeting.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the secretary presented the
affidavit of publication of the notice of the hearing in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on May 19, 1964.
The Chairman requested the secretary to read the first application.
Application of Edward X. Mulderrig for modification of Article IV, Section
410, Schedule of Residence District Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of Mamaroneck, so as to allow the construction of a second story addition
over the existing dwelling, having a minimum front set-back of 23-feet, a mini-
mum rear yard of 20-feet, and a minimum side yard of 3.75-feet in a R-6 Residence
District which requires a minimum front set-back of 30-feet, a minimum rear yard
of 25-feet, and a minimum side yard of 8-feet on the premises located at 78 Hill-
crest Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 123 , Parcel 398 on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
For Appellant: Peter Moore, Architect
124 Murray Avenue
Larchmont, New York
Edward X. Mulderrig
78 Hillcrest Avenue
Larchmont, New York
C. James Brenner
207 Weaver Street
Larchmont, New York
In Opposition: None
Communications: None
Mr. Moore, representing the applicant , appeared and submitted plans for the
proposed second story addition to the present dwelling. He stated the applicant
had called on him after having made a contract with a "home improvement" con-
tractor. The contractor made a preliminary building application and was rejected
by the Building Inspector. The applicant never proceeded with applying for a
variance at this time. He later called on Mr. Moore who made certain changes on
the plan and proceeded to apply for a variance.
Mr. Moore presented a survey of the property and photographs of the present
house in the event some of the Commissioners were unable to view the site, etc.
These were received and filed for the record.
Mr. Bierman asked who owned lots 61 and 62 to which Mr. Mulderrig replied
he did and also lot 63. He purchased the entire parcel in 1961 and has held in
his name ever since. It was further established that the prior owner had held
this property three years prior to Mr. Mulderrig's ownership.
Mr. White questioned what type of room was in the back portion of the present
dwelling and Mr. Mulderrig explained this was a kitchenette and bathroom.
Mr. Bierman asked the applicant if he understood that lots 62 and 63 alone
did not constitute a building lot and the applicant replied that he was aware of
Mr. Bierman then asked the applicant why this addition was necessary and Mr.
Mulderrig explained that he needed the additional space for his growing family,
now including four children, and had only two bedrooms at present. The second
story would provide four bedrooms and a bath. He had chosen to build up, instead
of out, because of the much lower cost and preferred to add rather than to seek
larger quarters also because of financial limitations. Also he likes the neigh-
borhood and his family is very happy there .
Mr. Bierman asked what the estimated cost in going out was as against going
up and Mr. Mulderrig replied $7,000.00 to $8,000.00 and $5,000.00 respectively.
Mr. White asked if there was a basement under the existing house and if
there was an intention to change the foundation line. Mr. Mulderrig replied no
to both questions. It was also determined that the addition would not extend
beyond the present foundation lines. In addition the dwelling is on a 7500 square
foot plot in an R-6 zone requiring 6000 square feet and a two-family use is per-
mitted in this zone .
After some further discussion, Mr. Bierman asked that the record show that
the applicant has moved to amend his application so that he requests the variance
to allow the construction of a second story in accordance with plans dated May 2,
1964 by Peter Moore, R. A. , now on file in the office of the Building Department
with respect to a presently non-conforming one family dwelling structure now hav-
ing a side yard of 7-feet, more or less, and a front set back of 16.3-feet, in-
stead of the greater side yard, rear yard and front set back now required by the
Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Moore also pointed out that the property to the east of the dwelling is
Town property and is the side that has the non-conforming side yard.
Mr. Bierman asked the Building Inspector if there were no set back violations,
as presently existing, would a two story be permitted and Mr. Paonessa replied yes.
A discussion followed as to whether the second story increased the extent of
non-conformity arising out of the less-than-minimum setbacks, and what Section of
the Zoning Ordinance should have applied in making the denial. No conclusion was
The Chairman then asked if anyone was present either in favor of or in
opposition to the variance requested.
Mr. C. James Brenner appeared and stated he was in favor of the application.
He felt this would represent an improvement to the neighborhood and would not be
out of line with other houses in the vicinity.
On learning that no one else wished to speak further on this application, it
was announced by the Chairman that on motion by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Wass-
man, and unanimously carried, the Board voted to defer it's decision and further
consideration of this application to the next meeting to be held June 24, 1964,
at the same time and place, with no further publication required.
The Chairman requested the secretary to read the second application.
Application of Emilia Ferrari for modification of Article IV, Section 410,
Schedule of Residence District Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town
of Mamaroneck, so as to permit a 20.5-foot by 8-foot addition to the existing
dwelling in an R-6 Residence District having a minimum rear yard of 7-feet rather
than the required minimum 25-foot rear yard on the premises located at 4 Baldwin
Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 126,
Parcel 427 on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
For Appellant: Frederick Hatem, Attorney
20 Redfield Street
Rye, New York
In Opposition: None
Communications: None
Mr. Hatem, representing the applicant, appeared and submitted plans for the
proposed addition. He stated that the basis of this application was to allow the
enlargement of a vestibule presently 6' x 5' into one measuring 20.5' x 8' . The
reason being that the present vestibule is in need of repair due to water leakage.
Since this repair to the present vestibule is necessary, the applicant proposed
to do a complete job and enlarge at the same time.
Mr. Bierman pointed out to Mr. Hatem that Miss Ferrari had previously made
a similar application, and withdrawn when it was brought out that the house
accomodated tenants constituting non-conforming two family use. Mr. Hatem said
he was under the impression that this violation had been taken care of by remov-
ing the owner's cooking facilities.
After further discussion,it was disclosed that the Building Inspector had
served notice of violation to Mrs. Ferrari, following the previous hearing in
Aul;ust , and that this was vacated when the gas range was removed from the tenant 's
quarters since the premises no longer provided complete housekeeping facilities
as defined in the ordinance .
Mr. Ratem stated that he was under the impression that since this was
taken care of, this would not be a point in discussion. Mr. Bierman stated this
was incorrect and at the last hearing in August, Mrs. Ferrari was told she was
in violation and was advised to bring an attorney with her at the next meeting,
however she withdrew her application on September 16, 1963.
Mr. Bierman and Mr. White pointed out that when a variance is being sought
there must be more than mere technical compliance. Mr. White stated he was not
convinced that the usage of the house as a two family house had actually been
corrected, etc. Mr. Bierman pointed out that the Board was concerned about
two families dwelling as one family unit and if Mrs. Ferrari wished to use this
as a two family dwelling, she should not come before the Board and try to say
this is a one family dwelling.
Mr. Hatem again stated he was under the impression that by removing the gas
range, etc. everything was in order. He did admit that Mrs. Ferrari did make
her home on these premises and that a second family, which pays rent to her, also
lives there .
Mr. White noted that he did not question the good faith of the applicant,
who apparently discovered she had bought a two family house in a one family
zone after making payment for it.
Mr. Bierman pointed out that as far as the proposed extension was concerned,
it seemed to him that an expert roofer, etc. could correct without going into all
these major improvements that had been proposed. The building was probably
altered without plans being filed and if plans different than those laid out in
the Building Department, it would seem there would be another violation, etc.
In addition, Mr. Bierman pointed out to Mr. Hatem that he did not have
first hand information since his client was not present to answer any of these
questions with respect to nature of occupancy, etc. Mr. Hatem agreed. Mr. Bier-
man also stated that the attorney apparently made personal assumptions and the
Chairman felt he should definitely have Mrs. Ferrari present for first hand in-
formation. The attorney said he understood this.
Mr. Bierman said he had spoken to Mrs. Ferrari on Sunday, May 24, 1964, and
particularly asked her to be present at this meeting with counsel, and since she
was not, the Boardiwould be willing to postpone the hearing to another meeting.
Mr. Hatem agreed this was agreeable and requested that the date be set for the
July 22, 1964 meeting, since Mrs. Ferrari would be in Europe on June 24, 1964,
and the Board members agreed to this.
The Chairman requested that all building records and records pertaining to
previous variance applications be available at the July 22nd meeting. In addi-
tion, he suggested Mr. Hatem review these records and be prepared to answer any
questions, etc.
There being no further business to come before this meeting it was adjourned
at 10:25 p.m. .