HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965_05_26 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
The Chairman called the meeting to order
at 8:25 p.m.
Present: Mr. Sydney D. Bierman, Chairman
Mr. Richard Eggers
Mr. Henry E. Mullick
Mr. Price H. Topping
Mr. E. Robert Wassman
Absent: None
Also Present: Mr. William Paonessa
Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of April 28, 1965
were approved as corrected, on motion duly
made and seconded.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and
the secretary presented for the record the
affidavit of publication of the Notice of
the Hearing.
The Chairman then requested the secretary
to read the first application.
APPLICATION NO. 1 - Case 216
Application of Harold J. and Joan M. Sauer
for modification of Article IV, Section
421.4, Walls and Fences of the Zoning
Ordinance so as to allow the erection of
45 L.F. of 6' high solid wood fence along
the rear portion of the westerly side line,
on the premises located at 191 Weaver St. ,
Larchmont, N.Y. and known on the Tas Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
124, Parcel 502, on the grounds of practical
difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Harold J. Sauer
191 Weaver St.
Larchmont, N.Y.
In opposition: None
Communications: None
Mr. Sauer stated he desired a 6' fence along the rear
portion of the westerly side line of his property due
to the fact that his home is on a very busy corner
where traffic stops for a light and motorists throw
refuse on the small strip of adjacent property. He
further stated the stopped motorists stare into his
garden and barbecue area preventing any privacy.
Mr. Bierman questioned whether the applicant was
aware that he could erect a 4' fence without the
need for a variance. Mr. Sauer replied that due
to the elevation of the land he would require a
6' fence to insure the privacy he needed.
The Chairman stated that if the applicant felt that
the adjacent property was not being maintained that
he should apply to the proper authority. He also
questioned Mr. Sauer whether he had contacted the
owner of this vacant property and whether he had
considered planting any shrubbery at the property
line. Mr. Sauer replied affirmatively to both
At this time, Mr. Bierman announced a 5 minute recess.
Following the recess, a vote was taken on the appli-
cation which resulted as follows:
Commissioner Bierman - Naye
Commissioner Eggers - Naye
Commissioner Mullick - Naye
Commissioner Tooping - Naye
Commissioner Wassman - Naye
The application was therefore denied and the following
resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Harold J. and Joan M. Sauer have sub-
mitted an application for a building permit to
the building inspector for the erection of 45
L.F. of 6' high wooden fence along the rear
portion of the Westerly side line of premises
located at 191 Weaver St. and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 124, Parcel 502; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to
issue such permit on the ground that erection
of such fence violated Article IV, Section 421.4
of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, Harold J. and Joan M. Sauer have appealed
to this Board for modification of the Building In-
spector's decision pursuant to Article IV, Section
421.4 of the. Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the
erection of said fence; and
WHEREAS, the Board finds that no facts exist suf•-
ficient to justify the erection of 45 L.F. of 6'
high fence as requested,
RESOLVED, that the above application for a build-
ing permit to erect 45 L.F. of fence be denied.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed with
the Town Clerk in accordance with Section 267 of
1 the Town Law.
The secretary then read the next application and the Chair-
man announced that Commissioner Eggers would abstain from
casting a vote on this application.
APPLICATION NO. 2 - Case 217
Application of Arturo Mancini for modification of Article
IV, Section 410, Schedule of Regulations for Non-Residential
Districts, so as to allow the construction of a second story
addition to the present garage to be used for business offices
having an existing building coverage of 82%, gross floor area
of 125% in relation to lot area, a rear yard of 5' ; rather
than the required maximum building coverage of 25% maximum
floor area in relation to percent of lot area of 50%, allow-
able minimum rear yard of 25 feet, ,on the premises located
at 1 Vine Street, Larchmont, N.Y. and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 126, Parcel 730
on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Mr. Arturo Mancini
Mr. Arturo Mancini, Jr.
Mr. Raymond Mancini
Mr. Victor Mancini
Mr. Robert Garlock, Attorney
Mr. Peter Moore, Architect
In opposition: Mr. Anthony Librandi
Mr. Peter Perciasepe
Mr. Salvatore Zavaglia
Mr. Sohn Gironda
Mr. Frank Claps=
Mr. Carmine Perciasepe
Mr. Vincent Ciardullo
Communications: None
Mr. Garlock, representing Mr. Mancini emphasized again,
as he had done at the March meeting when the hearing
was adjourned for two months at his request, that the
garage is a proper use and the proposed offices are a
proper use of the property within present zoning. Mr.
Garlock further stated that the revision of the original
proposal consisted in planning for a second floor which
would not entirely cover the roof of the existing build-
ing and for redesigned exterior. The latter, it was
conceded by some of the objectors to the proposal, would
improve the general appearance of the garage. Renderings
of the remodeled building were prepared and exhibited by
Peter Moore, Architect.
Mr. Garlock stressed that the garage and service station
operation have suffered considerable economic hardbhip
as a result of municipal action - The rerouting of traffic
at the railroad station since the advent of the Thruway.
The following figures showing a decline in gasoline sales
from an average of 22,500 gallons per month to 16,000
and in storage income from $950.00 to $410.00, which had
been presented previously, were herewith resubmitted for
the record as follows:
From the "Original Book of Entry"
Page 82 - Average gasoline sales 1954 - 1955
22,000 gallons per month
Page 66 - 1964 - Highest - 18,834 gallons
Lowest - February 1965 - 15,087
Average - Approx. 16,500
Page 74 - 1960 - Highest - 17,729 gallons
Lowest - 15,649 "
Average - 16,000 "
1961 - Highest - 18,435 gallons
Lowest - 13,034 "
Average - 15,000 "
Page 83 - Revenues from parking
1955 - Average income - $950.00
Highest $969.00
Page 67 - Rental Income - 1964 - $495.00
1964 high - $610.00
dropped to $522.00
At the present time gross income is $410 per month.
Mr. Bierman asked whether any claim was filed for loss resulting
from the construction of the Thruway. Mr. Garlock replied there
was not.
A petition opposing the application signed by 42 members of the
Myrtle Blvd. Association was reaffirmed by Vincent Ciardullo.
Asked to examine the revised plans and rendering, he again con-
firmed his association's opposition on the ground of additional
traffic and parking problems.
Mr. Garlock stated that according to Victor Mancini, parking
would be provided in the garage which can handle as many as
65 cars on an attended basis. Mr. Garlock brought out that
more than 40 spaces are available each day at noon in the ad-
jacent town-operated metered parking lot, but residents of the
area disagreed and pointed to existing excessive parking on
Vine Street and other nearby streets.
At the Chairman's request letters of opposition received from
the Garden Club of Larchmont and the Recreation Commission of
the Town of Mamaroneck previously presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed, were resubmitted for the record. The ob-
jections presented by Mr. Garlock and Commissioner Wassman
also noted that the second hearing was readvertised yet neither
the Garden Club nor the Recreation Commission resubmitted their
opposing views.
Eugene Agnessanto of 83 Myrtle Bled. wanted to know if granting
the application would set a precedent for other businesses in
similar circumstances and Mr. Bierman explained that each appli-
cation is dealt with on the basis of its own pertinent facts.
Chief Librandi said he owns a parcel closest to the garage
separated only by the Town parking lot, and has a contract to
sell it but the potential purchaser objects to the proposed
variance. He also stated that as fire chief he was concerned
about tenants above a garage where gasoline and other flammables
are stored. He further objected to increased floor area and to
the parking problem which would not be solved by attended park-
ing. When storage was used to capacity, Mr. Librandi said there
would be as many as 6 cars put out on the street to get one out
and they sometimes stayed on the street.
Mr. Garlock remarked that all construction would of course comply
with all requirements of the building code including those con-
cerned with fire safety.
Answering a question about the safety of children using
nearby parks, Arthur Mancini, Jr. pointed out that the
park in front of the garage is entirely fenced in and con-
cerning traffic, Victor Mancini reported a five week count
of cars passing Depot Way and Vine Street during non-com-
muter hours to average 45 a day.
At this time, the Chairman announced a 10 minute recess.
Following the recess, a vote was taken on the application
which resulted as follows:
Commissioner Bierman - Naye
Commissioner Mullick - Naye
Commissioner Topping - Naye
Commissioner Wassman - Naye
Commissioner Eggers - Abstaining
The application was therefor denied and the following reso-
lution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Arturo Mancini has submitted an appli-
cation for a building permit to the Building In-
spector for the construction of a second story
addition to the present garage to be used for
business offices, together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to
issue such permit on the ground that the plans
submitted failed to comply with Article IV, Sec-
tion 410, Schedule of permitted uses in "B" Busi-
ness Districts; and
WHEREAS, Arturo Mancini has submitted to this
Board an application for variance on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hard:-
ship for the following reasons:
1. The construction of the New England
Thruway, the relocation of the railroad
station and the closing of Depot Way, have
had a serious economic impact upon Appell-
ant's building.
2. Appellant is faced with a practical
difficulty since the lands surrouding his
building have been preempted by other govern-
ment agencies_-for the purpose of a parking lot,
and the Appellant is hhus unable to expand his
land holdings.
3. The proposed alteration will in no way change
the character of the neighborhood; that his build-
ing is open to light and air in all directions 6or
substantial distances.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and also
viewed the property and has heard all persons in-
terested in this application after publication of a
notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board denies the application upon
the following grounds:
1. That there are no special circumstances or
conditions applying to the land for which the
variance is sought which circumstances or condi-
tions are peculiar to such land and which do not
apply generally to land in the district.
2. That the facts and circumstances claimed by
the applicant to entitle him to the variance are
not such as would deprive him of the reasonable
use of the land and that the granting of the
variance is not necessary for the reasonable
use of the land.
3. That the granting of the variance would not
be in harmony with the general purposes and in-
tent of this Ordinance and would be injurious to
the neighborhood and detrimental to the public,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed with the
Town Clerk in accofdance with Section 267 of the Town
There being no further business to bome before this meeting,
it was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
C .
Le Esta E. Davis, Secretary