HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966_07_27 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Eggers, the act-
ing Chairman at 8:05 p. m.
Present: Mr. Richard F. Eggers, Acting Chairman
Mr. E. Robert Wassman
Mr. Henry Mullick
Mr. Price H. Topping
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of June 22, 1966, were
presented and on motion duly made and seconded,
approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Sec-
retary presented for the record the affidavit of
publication of the notice of hearing.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
first application which had been held over from
last month's meeting.
Application of Edward A. Lashins for modification
of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-20 Residential Dis-
trict of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the
construction of a new screened porch at the rear
of the existing dwelling on a lot having a rear
yard of 21 feet instead of the required 40 feet on
the premises located at 5 Bruce Road and known on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 346, Parcel 325, on the grounds of practi-
cal difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Lashins appeared before the Board and stated
his main reason for wanting to construct this screen-
ed porch was that it would make a covered passageway
from the house to the garage and due to his wife's
health would offer protection from the bad weather.
The Board pointed out to Mr. Lashins that a canvas
awning would serve the same purpose but the appli-
i 1
cant felt an awning was not practical.
It was also pointed out by the Board that this is
the third time this variance has been applied for.
Previous to the purchase of this house by Mr. Lashins,
the builder had applied and in July 1965 Mr. Lashins
came before the Board. The applicant claimed he
was not aware of this situation when he purchased
the property and as yet has not moved into the house.
He said he had spoken to some of the neighbors who
were in favor of this screened porch and they thought
it would "dress up" the property.
A vote was taken on the application and the result
was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Nay
Commissioner Wassman - Nay
Commissioner Mullick - Nay
Commissioner Topping - Nay
The application was therefore denied and the follow-
ing resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Edward A. Lashins has submitted
an application to the Building Inspector
for a building permit for the construction
of a screened porch at the rear of the
existing dwelling together with plans;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, with particular reference to Article
IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-20 Residen-
tial District of the Zoning Ordinance which
requires a minimum rear yard of 40' on the
premises located at 5 Bruce Road and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 346, Parcel 325; and
WHEREAS, Edward A. Lashins has submitted
to this Board an application for a variance
on the ground of practical difficulty and/
or unnecessary hardship for the following
1. Due to the irregular shape
of the land, the design and room
location which presently exists,
construction of the porch behind
the garage appears to be the only
logical location that is both func-
tional and does not affect the
overall architectural design.
2. That this will also create
a covered passage from the gar-
age to the house.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and also viewed the property and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board denied the appli-
cation upon the following grounds:
1. That there are no special
circumstances or conditions ap-
plying to the land for which the
variance is sought, which circum-
stances or conditions are peculiar
to such land and which do not ap-
ply generally to land in the dis-
2. That the facts and circum-
stances claimed by the applicant
to entitle him to the variance
are not such as would deprive
him of the reasonable use of the
land and that the granting of
the variance is not necessary
for the reasonable use of the
3. That the granting of the var-
iance would not be in harmony
with the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance and would
be injurious to the neighborhood
and detrimental to the public
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk in accordance
with Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
second application.
,... Application of Francis J. Stock for modification
°e.. of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-10 Residential Dis-
trict, of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the
construction of a porch to the front of the exist-
ing dwelling having a front set back of 25 feet in-
stead of the required 30 feet, on the premises lo-
cated at 700 Forest Avenue and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 107, Par-
cel 697, on the grounds of practical difficulty and/
or unnecessary hardship.
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Mr. Francis J. Stock, applicant
Mr. Anthony J. Schneible
272 Murray Ave. , Larchmont
Communications: Letter of approval signed by:
Mr. Anthony Schneible
272 Murray Ave. , Larchmont
Mr. James Arena
411 Weaver St. , Larchmont
Mr. Kyoko Suzuki
274 Murray Ave. , Larchmont
Lawrence & Gail Kelly
409 Weaver St. , Larchmont
Mr. Stock stated that the house was built in 1926
prior to the Zoning regulations and that there is
already an existing patio which had been built
prior to his purchase of the house 14 years ago.
The patio is built on a rock cropping and cannot
be moved. Since the house has no dining room Mr.
Stock wants to use this porch for dining.
After a short discussion a vote was taken on the
application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Mullick - Aye
Commissioner Topping - Nay
The application was therefore granted and the follow-
ing resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Francis J. Stock has submitted an
application to the Building Inspector for
a building permit for the construction of
a porch to the front of the existing dwell-
ing together with plans; and
�,.. WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, with particular reference to Article
IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-10 Residential
District of the Zoning Ordinance which pro-
vides for a front set back of 30 feet on
the premises located at 700 Forest Avenue
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 107, Parcel
697, and
WHEREAS, Francis J. Stock has submitted
to this Board an application on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
hardship for the following reason:
To allow the construction of an
enclosed porch having a front
set back of 25 feet instead of
30 feet from Forest Avenue.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and also viewed the property and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land/or building for
which a variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions
are peculiar to such land and/
or buildings and do not apply
generally to the land and/or
buildings in the district, and
which circumstances and condi-
tions have not resulted from any
acts of the applicant subsequent
to the date of the Zoning Regula-
tions appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/or conditions are as
1. Addition will be
built over an existing
raised terrace.
2. Addition will pro-
vide a dining area where
none had existed before.
3. That said circum-
stances and/or condi-
dons• are such that
the particular appli-
cation of the Ordinance
with respect to Article
IV, Section 410 would
deprive the applicant
of the reasonable use
of such land and/or
building and that for
these reasons the grant-
ing of the variance is
necessary for the re-
asonable use of the
land and/or building
and that the variance
as granted by this
Board is the minimum
adjustment that will
accomplish this purpose.
(c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony with
the general purposes and intent
of this Ordinance and will not
be injurious to the neighborhood
or otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV, Section 410 be varied and modified so
as to allow the construction of a porch
to the front of the existing dwelling,
having a front set back of 25 feet instead
of the required 30 feet on the premises
located at 700 Forest Avenue and known on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mam-
aroneck as Block 107, Parcel 697, in strict
conformance with the plans filed with this
application and amended, provided that the
applicant complies in all other respects
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Board where a variance is granted, the ap-
licant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. A build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and coin-
pleted within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the third
Application of Charles Revson for modification of
Article IV, Section 424.1, Dwellings in House Trailers,
of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow temporary liv-
ing quarters to be maintained in the existing House
Trailer while additions and alterations are being
made to the main dwelling in an R-30 Residential Dis-
trict, on the premises located at Premium Point Road
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 509, Parcel 86, on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The following persons were heard:
Mr. Elliot Saltzman, Architect
41 West 56th Street, New York, N. Y. 10019
Mr. Irving Botwin, Executive Assistant to
Mr. Revson
666 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York
Mr. Saltzman presented to the Board a copy of the
proposed building and plumbing plans and stated that
once construction is started on the addition and al-
terations to the Revson dwelling, he estimates it
will take about a year to complete.
The permit is now being held up until the Health De-
partment approves the plumbing. It will be necess-
ary to install a new sanitary field, a septic system
and possibly a small sewage plant because of the
amount of bathrooms required by Mr. Revson.
Following further discussion about the length of time
it would be necessary to occupy the trailer as living
quarters a short recess was taken. When the Board
returned they advised that the trailer would have
to be removed from the property by March 1, 1967 and
with the approval of the applicant the application
should be amended accordingly.
A vote was taken on the amended application and the
result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Mullick - Aye
Commissioner Topping - Nay
The amended application was therefore granted and
the following resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Charles Revson has submitted an
application for a permit to the Building
Inspector so as to allow temporary living
quarters to be maintained in a house trailer
located at Premium Point Road and known on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamar-
oneck as Block 509, Parcel 86, together with
plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the ground that the
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck
with particular reference to Section 424.1
of said Ordinance prohibits house trailers
in all districts; and
WHEREAS, Charles Revson has submitted to
this Board an application for the extension
of an expired variance on the ground of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
hardship for the following reason:
1. To allow the house trailer
to be occupied by the children
of Mr. Revson until such time
as the addition and alterations
to the dwelling would allow the
removal of the trailer from the
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and also viewed the property and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board finds the follow-
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the building for which
this variance is sought.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/or conditions are
as follows:
(1) Occupancy of the
existing house trailer
is necessary so as to
accommodate members of
the applicant's immed-
7 DC
fate family while final
plans and permits are
obtained to proceed
with a proposed addition
and alteration to the
main dwelling.
(2) That said circum-
stanes and/or condi-
tions are such that
the particular appli-
cation of the Ordinance
with respect to Section
424.1 would deprive the
applicant of the use of
such temporary living
quarters and that for
these reasons the grant-
ing of this variance is
desirable. The variance
as granted by the Board
is the minimum adjust-
ment that will accom-
plish this purpose; and
it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant until March 1, 1967,
when by its terms it shall expire and become
null and void; and that Article IV, Section
424.1 is hereby varied and modified so as
to allow temporary living quarters to be
maintained in a house trailer, 17-feet by
55-feet, on the premises located at Premium
Point Road and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 509,
Parcel 86, in strict conformance with the
plans filed with application and amended,
provided that the applicant complies in
all other respects with the Zoning Ordinance
and Building Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
fourth application.
Application of Edward J. McDonnell for modification
of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-7.5 Residential Dis-
` trict of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow an
addition at the rear of the dwelling having a side
yard of 8.25 feet instead of the required 10 feet,
on the premises located at 22 Harrison Drive and
,,.., known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mam-
aroneck as Block 502, Parcel 134, on the grounds of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
In the absence of Mr. McDonnell who was out of town,
his brother-in-law, Mr. Paul Gerard of 8 Whitehall
Road, Eastchester, New York represented him.
Mr. Gerard stated that Mr. McDonnell's family con-
sisted of six members and at present there was no
dining room in the house only a small enclosed sun
porch at the rear of the house. If this addition
is permitted the present kitchen will become a din-
ing area and a kitchen will be built at the rear of
the house.
If it is necessary for Mr. McDonnell to keep within
the ten feet side yard minimum the existing sun porch
would have to be destroyed. The rear lot line is
within the regulations.
There was no opposition to this application. A vote
was taken and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Mullick - Aye
�✓ Commissioner Topping - Aye
The application was therefore granted and the follow-
ing resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Edward J. McDonnell has submitted
an application to the Building Inspector
for a building permit for the construction
of an addition at the rear of the existing
dwelling together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mam-
aroneck, with particular reference to Ar-
ticle IV, Section 410, Schedule of Resi-
dence District Regulations for an R-7.5
Residential District of the Zoning Ordi-
nance which provides for a side yard of
10 feet on the premises located at 22
Harrison Drive and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 502, Parcel 134, and
WHEREAS, Edward M. McDonnell has submitted
to this Board an application on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
hardship for the following reason:
To allow the construction of
an addition to the rear of the
dwelling having a side yard of
8.25 feet instead of the required
10 feet.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and also viewed the property and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the appli-
cation on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land/or building for
which a variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions
are peculiar to such land and/or
buildings and do not apply gen-
erally to the land and/or build-
ings in the district, and which
circumstances and conditions
have not resulted from any acts
(:: of the applicant subsequent to
the date of the Zoning Regula-
tions appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/or conditions are
as follows:
1. Due to the fact
that it would be nec-
essary to destroy exixt-
ing sun porch if the
ten feet side yard min-
imum was to be maintained.
2. Addition will provide
an extra room.
3. That said circum-
stances and/or condi-
tions are such that
the particular appli-
cation of the Ordinance
with respect to Article
IV, Section 410 would
,�► deprive the applicant
of the reasonable use
of such land and/or
building and that for
these reasons the grant-
ing of the variance is
1 � q
necessary for the re-
asonable use of the
land and/or building •
and that the variance
as granted by this
Board is the minimum
adjustment that will
accomplish this pur-
(c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony with
the general purposes and intent
of this Ordinance and will not
be injurious to the neighborhood
or otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV, Section 410 be varied and modified so
as to allow the construction of an addition
to the rear of the existing dwelling, hav-
ing a side yard of 8.25 feet instead of
the required 10 feet on the premises lo-
cated at 22 Harrison Drive and known on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mam-
aroneck as Block 502, Parcel 134, in strict
conformance with the plans filed with this
application and amended, provided that the
applicant complies in all other respects
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Board where a variance is granted, the
applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. A build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
fifth application.
Application of Edward Clarke for modification of
Article IV, Section 421.4, Walls and Fences, of
the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the installa-
tion of 24 lineal feet of 6 foot high wooden fence
along the northerly and easterly sides of an exist-
ing terrace at the rear of the dwelling, on the
premises located at 67 Rockland Avenue and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 223, Parcel 552, on the grounds of practi-
cal difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Mr. Edward Clarke, applicant
In opposition: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis
69 Rockland Ave. ,Larchmont
Communications:Letter of approval from
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert C. Osnos,
2 Crest Ave. , Larchmont
Mr. Clarke stated that he was desirous of erecting
this fence for privacy in his back yard. At present
if they want to entertain at a "cook-out" they are
forced to use the front yard which does not allow
for privacy.
Mr. Clarke claims the garage at 69 Rockland Avenue
is on his property line with the roof overhanging
his property and it is necessary to have a 6' fence
to hide the unsightly condition of this garage.
He, also, stated that when the garage window is open-
ed it projects on to his property. It was pointed
out that legal steps could be taken to have the gar-
age roof overhang and window overhang removed.
A letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Osnos approv-
ing Mr. Clarke's plan to erect a six foot fence which
they felt would enhance the value of the property as
well as improve the view from their property.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davis of 69 Rockland. Avenue, who
are the owners of the property on which the garage
in question is located stated that the garage is
entirely on their property and that the window has
not been opened for over a year. They objected to
the fact that Mr. Clarke had not consulted them at
all about putting up a fence and that such a fence
would make it impossible for them to clean the leaves
in the Fall from the gutter and between the fence
and the garage. The Board asked if it would be pos-
sible to put up a fence that could be taken down
once a year for the purpose of cleaning the leaves
at a time convenient to Mr. Davis. Mr. Clarke agreed
that this could be done.
After a short recess a vote was taken on the appli-
cation and the result follows:
1 9 (
Commissioner Eggers - Nay
Commissioner Wassman - Nay
Commissioner Mullick - Nay
Commissioner Topping - Nay
The application was therefore denied and the follow-
ing resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Edward Clarke has submitted an
application to the Building Inspector for
a building permit for the erection of 24
lineal feet of 6 foot high wooden fence
along the northerly and easterly sides of
an existing terrace at the rear of the
dwelling, on the premises located at 67
Rockland Avenue and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
223, Parcel 552; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the ground that
erection of said fence would violate Article
IV, Section 421.4 Fences and Walls of the
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck;
WHEREAS, Edward Clarke has appealed to this
Board for modification of the Building In-
spector's decision pursuant to Article IV,
Section 421.4, Fences and Walls of the Zon-
ing Ordinance so as to allow the erection
of said fence, and
WHEREAS, the Board finds no facts exist
sufficient to justify the erection of 24
lineal feet of 6' high wooden fence as
RESOLVED, that the above application for
a building permit to erect 24 lineal feet
of 6' high wooden fence be denied.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk in accordance
with Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
sixth application.
Application of Mrs. Herman M. Spitzer for modifica-
tion of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Resi-
dence District Regulations for an R-10 Residential
District of the Zoning Ordinance so as to allow the
construction of a porch over an existing terrace hav-
ing a minimum side yard of 8 feet instead of the re-
`'` quired 10 feet, on the premises located at 21 South
Drive, Rouken Glen, and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 108, Parcel
415, on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or
unnecessary hardship.
Mrs. Spitzer stated that the terrace is already on
the house and that the porch will not extend beyond
the building as it already exists.
Because of Mr, Spitzer's illness the Doctor has in-
sisted he have a place to relax and rest where it
is shaded but still in the fresh air.
There was no opposition to this application. A vote
was taken and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Mullick - Aye
Commissioner Topping - Aye
The application was therefore granted and the follow-
ing resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mrs. Herman M. Spitzer has sub-
; mitted an application for a building per-
mit for the construction of a porch over
an existing terrace together with plans;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamar-
oneck, with particular reference to Article
IV, Section 410, Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-10 Residen-
tial District of the Zoning Ordinance which
provides for a minimum side yard of 10 feet
on the premises located at 21 South Drive,
Rouken Glen and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
108, Parcel 415, and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Herman M. Spitzer has sub-
mitted to this Board an application on
the ground of practical difficulty and/
or unnecessary hardship for the following
To allow the construction of a
porch over an existing terrace
having a minimum side yard of
8 feet instead of the required
10 feet.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans
and also viewed the property and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land/or building for
which a variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions
are peculiar to such land and/or
buildings and do not apply gen-
erally to the land and/or build-
ings in the district, and which
circumstances and conditions have
not resulted from any acts of
the applicant subsequent to the
date of the Zoning Regulations
appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/or conditions are
as follows:
1. That porch will
not extend beyond the
building line as it
already exists.
2. That said circum-
stances and/or condi-
tions are such that
the particular appli-
cation of the Ordinance
with respect to Article
IV, Section 410 would
deprive the applicant
of the reasonable use
of such land and/or
building and that for
these reasons the grant-
ing of the variance is
necessary for the reason-
able use of such land
and/or building and that
the variance as granted
by this Board is the
minimum adjustment that
will accomplish this
(c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony
with the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance and
will not be injurious to the
neighborhood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public welfare;
and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article IV,
Section 410 be varied and modified so as to
allow the construction of a porch over an
existing terrace having a minimum side yard
of 8 feet instead of the required 10 feet,
on, the premises located at 21 South Drive,
Rouken Glen, and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
108, Parcel 415, in strict conformance
with the plans filed with this application
and amended, provided that the application
complies in all other respects with the
Zoning Ordinance and Building Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Board where a variance is granted, the
applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. A build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman requested the Secretary to read the
seventh application.
Application of Gaetano Protano, Jr. for modification
of Article IV, Section 410, Schedule of Regulations
for an R-10 Residential District, of the Zoning Or-
dinance so as to allow the construction of a one
family dwelling on a lot having a depth of 85 feet
and a rear yard of 15 feet instead of the required
depth of 100 feet and minimum rear yard of 25 feet,
on the premises located at 198 Hickory Grove Drive
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 214, part of Parcel 545, on the
grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
The following persons were heard:
In favor: Donald S. Mazin, Esq. ,
Attorney for applicant
22 Boston Post Road, Larchmont
Mr. Guy Protano, Jr.
Protano Lane, Mamaroneck
In opposition: Mr. Lazar Leventhal
199 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. Edwin Hoffman
184 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
B. Jeannette Morrell
185 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. John. C. Smith
187 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. Harold Loewenheim
167 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. Arthur E. Gasparini
189 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mrs. George Peters
195 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. Carl Heller
194 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mrs. Frank Perciasepe
196 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Communication: Letter of opposition from
Mr. Richard Sarkisian
191 Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont
Mr. Mazin presented a petition for Mr. Protano to
build a one family contemporary home on the property,
in question and an amended site plan showing a new
location for the proposed dwelling which did not re-
quire a variance for the rear yard with the request
that his application be amended accordingly.
He stated that the premises were purchased on or about
November 1960 for $5,000. and due to the peculiar
size and shape of the lot and the rocky terrain the
applicant cannot make use of the land. Mr. Protano
has tried to purchase a piece of the land immediately
to the rear of his property but was not able to do
so and though he has tried to sell the lot in ques-
tion at a price less than what he paid there were
no buyers,. The applicant has been paying $374.74
for school and Town taxes on the property.
It was pointed out that Mr. Protano had sold a piece
of the parcel on which a one family dwelling was con-
structed. The proposed dwelling would sell for approx-
imately $40,000. to $50,000. and a house of this type
would not downgrade the neighborhood.
After some discussion Mr. Topping brought up the point
that the application was made by Mr. Gaetano Protano,
Jr. , V. P. and technically the application should
have been filed in the name of the corporation, the
owner of the property. The Board decided that it
would not make its decision until Mr. Johnston, the
Town Attorney advised as to whether or not the appli-
cation is in order.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting it was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
Rita A. Joh 'on, Secretary