The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m.
PRESENT: Sydney D. Bierman, Chairman
E. Robert Wassman
Henry E. Mullick
ABSENT: Richard Eggers
Price H. Topping
ALSO PRESENT: William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of December 23, 1964 were approved as corrected
on motion duly made and seconded.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the secretary presented the
affidavit of publication of the notice of the hearing in the official newspaper
of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on January 21, 1965.
The Chairman announced that since only three members of the Board are pre-
sent this evening, any application presented would have to have unanimous approv-
al, and therefore if any applicant wished to have his case adjourned to the next
meeting on February 24, 1965, he could do so merely for the asking. He further
explained that if the applicant wished to present his case this evening and it
was denied, he could not return to this Board for a rehearing.
Mr. Sheehan requested that his application be deferred to the February meet-
ing and Mr. Bierman stated that the application would be republished at the Zon-
ing Board's expense because of lack of attendance of two members of the Zoning
Board. Mr. Bierman instructed the secretary that notification of adjoining prop-
erty owners would be unnecessary.
Application No. 1 - Case 200
Mr. William S. Brill, Attorney for Ciro La Barbera presented an amended
application supplementing the application dated November 5, 1964, in which the
applicant claims that a modification of Article IV, Section 410 of the Zoning
Ordinance should permit the construction of a 60 foot extension to the rear of
the existing structure so as to have overall dimensions of 100 feet in depth by
40 feet in width, together with an extension of the present use of the plot for
a depth up to within 100 feet of the rear property line on Hartung Street for
the reasons stated therein.
For Appellant: William S. Brill
7 Woodland Avenue
Larchmont, N.Y.
In Opposition: Mr. & Mrs. Frank Umbrino
33 Hartung Street
Larchmont, N.Y.
Communications: Mrs. Corina Argenta
38 Hartung Street
Larchmont, N.Y.
Mr. Bierman questioned Mr. Paonessa as to whether the figures and percentages
stated in the amended application were correct and verified.
Mr. Paonessa replied that he had not checked the new computations.
Mr. Brill then asked if the jurisdictional question had been resolved with
the Town Attorney.
Mr. Bierman read a communication from Mr. James J. Johnston, Town Attorney,
dated January 22, 1965, stating that it was his opinion that the exclusive juris-
diction for the hearing and determination of this application lay with the Zoning
Board of Appeals. This letter was received and filed for the record.
Mr. Bierman further stated that with all due respect to the opinion of the
learned Town Attorney, James Johnston, it is my own opinion that this application
indicates extension of a use which is specifically permitted and therefore, regard-
less of Zoning Board resolution, the applicant should seek permission of the Town
The Town Attorney's opinion, read by the Chairman, was that the application
fell under that section of the ordinance which deals with properties lying in two
or more districts.
Mr. Bierman expressed the view that the applicant must in fact qualify before
two boards: the Zoning Board under the provisions for properties in two districts
and the Town Council under the section requiring that special permits must be grant-
ed by that body.
Mr. Brill then inquired about the possible improvement of Van Gilder Street
and was advised by Mr. Bierman that due to the Supervisor's departure on vacation,
discussion of this matter was being held in abeyance pending the Supervisor's re-
Mr. Bierman asked if applicant had any final plans to submit and incorporate
with proposals.
Mr. Brill showed the Board a direct scale drawing showing hemlock screen -
5 foot buffer between new line and business side, together with a list of the
additional improvements the applicant would perform if granted a variance, which
was received and filed for the record.
The Chairman asked if the structure was the same in appearance as presented
at the last meeting.
Mr. Brill replied that there was no change in structure.
Mr. Bierman then read a communication presented to him by Mrs. Carmen Argenta,
38 Hartung Street, under date of January 21, 1965, objecting to the application
which was received and filed for the record.
The Chairman then declared a 15 minute recess.
Whereupon, following the recess, and some further discussion, a vote was taken
resulting as follows and the following resolution was therefor declared duly adopted:
Commissioner Bierman Naye
Commissioner Wassman Nays
Commissioner Mullick Naye
WHEREAS, Ciro LaBarbera, d/b/a Minit Car Wash, has submitted an application for a
building permit to the Building Inspector for the construction of a 40' x 60' add-
ition to the rear of the existing building at 434 Boston Post Road together with
plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to issue such permit on the ground that
plans submitted have failed to comply with Article IV, Section 410 - Schedule of
Regulations for Non-residential districts, which requires a minimum rear yard of
25 feet (plan shows a rear yard of 4.31 ft.) , a minimum side yard of 4 feet (plan
shows a side yard of 3.02 ft.) and a building coverage of 30.7% instead of the re-
quired allowed maximum of 25%. Also Article III, Section 340 (lots in two or more
districts) will not comply with Item #2 which said extension will come within 100
ft. of Van Gilder St. (Which is unimproved) ; and
WHEREAS, Ciro LaBarbera has bubmitted to this Board an amended application for
variance on the ground of practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship for the
following reason:
1. The present structure is entirely inadequate to accomodate normal expan-
sion of his business and requires installation of modern and additional
equipment so as to give proper and faster service to his customers and
particularly installation of drying apparatus inside the proposed addi-
tion to the present structure so that cars can be properly serviced and
dried instead of outside the building where rinse waters freeze up in
cold weather, etc.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and also viewed the property and has
heard all persons interested in this application after publication of a notice
RESOLVED, that this Board denied the application upon the following grounds:
1. That there are no special circumstances or conditions applying
to the land for which the variance is sought which circumstances
or conditions are peculiar to such land and which do not apply
generally to land in the district.
2. That the facts and circumstances claimed by the applicant to en-
title him to the variance are not such as would deprive him of
the reasonable use of the land and that the granting of the var-
iance is not necessary for the reasonable use of the land.
3. That the granting of the variance would not be in harmony with
the general purposes and intent of this Ordinance and would be
injurious to the neighborhood and detrimental to the public
FURTHER RESQLVED, that this decision be filed with the Town Clerk in accordance
with Section 267 of the Town Law.
The secretary then read the next application.
Application of Erich W. Ulbrich for modification of Zoning Board Resolution
dated February 26, 1964, so as to allow the alteration of a carport to be main-
tained as a residential garage and laundry room rather than the requirement that
it comply with the Variance granted by the Zoning Board Resolution dated February
26, 1964 for a one (1) family dwelling to be in strict accord with approved plans
and conditions of the resolution, on the premises located at 242 Palmer Avenue,
Larchmont, N.Y. and known on the Tax Assessment Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 407, Parcel 373, on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
For Appellant: Erich W. Ulbrich
242 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, N.Y.
Anton Schramm
129 Palmer Avenue
Larchmont, N.Y.
Communications: None
Opposition: None
Mr. Bierman inquired at this time why Mr. Ulbrich had proceded with the con-
struction and completion of this structure without any authority from either this
Board or the Building Inspector?
Mr. Ulbrich replied that it occurEed due to his ignorance of the law and had
to take action quickly with the advent of cold weather
Mr. Bierman questioned when the applicant purchased the dwelling.
Mr. Ulbrich replied that he had bought the property in 1964 and had the house
built by Anton Schram, according to the Zoning Board specifications. A variance
had been granted last February for building on the substandard lot, far smaller
than required because he had ownership prior to the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance
and therefore a constitutional right to relief.
Mr. Bierman asked if Mr. Ulbrich knew about the variance when he bought the
house and if he had seen the plans, examined the property and taken deed before
the house was finished?
Mr. Ulbrich answered affirmatively to the above questions.
Mr. Bierman then asked the applicant if he knew of the requirement for a decor-
ative open block wall on the side of the carport facing the neighbor to the East and
further explained that the variance granted for the property permitted the construct-
ion of a small building and thats what applicant bought - a small building with a
Mr. Ulbrich explained that heating ducts and water pipes were located under
the ceiling of the carport and these would have frozen unless the area were en-
closed. These facts made it an emergency.
Mr. Wassman disagreed, replying that the front bathroom serviced by these
pipes could have been shut off and ducts are part of a hot air system.
The Chairman asked why Mr. Schramm had not applied for an emergency permit.
Mr. Schramm replied that he was not aware that the alteration was in violation
of the variance and explained that when Mr. Ulbrich moved in and could not find a
place for a laundry, he called the architect who made suggestions that Mr. Ulbrich
did not approve of.
Mr. James Renson of the Elkan Park Association stated that he was present as
an observer and could not speak for the entire membership but that he knew most
of the nearby neighbors, specifically Robert Powell and J. B. Finneran were in
favor of having the carport enclosed on the west side since it would add value
to adjoining properties. He further stated that although there are 10 residents
whose properties back up to Mr. Ulbrichs house, they do not see the east wall.
Mr. Bierman requested Mr. Renson to furnish a statement from the Elkan Park
Mr. Ulbrich reported that the present owner of the house to the east is in
favor of the enclosure and Mr. Bierman asked that he either produce an appropriate
statement from his neighbor at the next meeting or have him present.
After further discussion, the Chairman stated that this application would be
deferred to the next meeting and that meanwhile Mr. Ulbrich is in violation of the
Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Bierman further stated that no further publication would be
There being no further business to come before this meeting, it was adjourned
at 10:20 p.m.
Le Esta E. Davis, Secretary